The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, March 24, 1950, Image 10

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V' , ' ' T ^~ 5 '‘tV .WANT ADS " it tte nut* i u*f S.<C.3Uril A Im. Inc., 622 Jaad, !y ' For U* FOR SALE—Two food used re frigerator*. Price reasonable. Clarkson Supply Co. 1109 Broad BipP - . |LcM| ;v St Phone Sij^ljrCa': 80c FOR SALE—Virginia bunch seed peanuts and land plaster. Le- land CbAuin, 1302 Broad St e 224-W. Phone u oi. n* 7®-9 Ip it * y. f t . . -vs 1: ', Sr’ if FOR SALE—Coker's 11-WUt cot ton seed. First year from breed er. Germination 90 and above. Call Clement Shiver, 000-W-l. 78tfc ■■ mmdjfi t\ i i ■ ■!■ ..i i fm —■ — ■■'—■■1111 1 "* FOR SALE-t-Three bedroom brick house, two baths, hot air fur nace, dry furnace. Priced 12,000 under actual cost. McCorkle Realty A Ins. Co., 1111 Lyttle- ton St Phene 385. 79-80c SPECIAL—Garbage Cans, 55 ^al- lons capgig. wM* painted, Whiti: St ng with Extra Products, fitted lids, $1.00 1000 Mill 42tfc FOR SALE—Rock Wool immla- Call 956. Pine Tree Build- tion. ing. lltfc FOR SALE—Five-room house on Lyttleton; five room house on Highland and six room house on Highland Avenue. Priced to sell McCorkle Realty A Ins. Co., 1111 Lyttleton St Phone 385. 79-80c SPECIAL, SPECIAL—Combina tion 110-gal. tank with four foot stand $25.00. Single and double oil drum stands; long lasting and weather proofed in stock. Whiting Products, 1000 Mill St. 52tfc FOR SALE — Du Pont paints, piaster, sheet rock end mil types of building materials and lum ber. Camden Builders' Supply Co. Utfc j *$-{:■ WE ROW HAVE a good stock of Kraft Master Paint $1.98 cat D. C. Dixon Bargain House. Na 2. 939 Broad Street' 48th USED FURNITURE SALE—Some just like new. Electric stoves, washing machines, bedroom Suits, refrigerators. Everything to furnish the entire house. We also sell new and used house trailers. Why pay rent when you can own your own home on And if wheels. you dont like dv. - Mir your, neighbors, you can move. Beatrice Sperr Sales Co., Across from Ogbums Trailer Court formerly Millers Variety Store. 75tfc j t ■~r~ FOR SALE—One 6-foot meat dis play case, one electric meat saw, one meat grinder, one pair scales, one cash register, one meat block, one new 16-case electric Coca-Cola box. This equipment is as good as new. Ben Ammons, Lugoff, SrC.“ / 78-80p q&iAat+f CAMDEN OFFICE SUPPLY, Inc. 1119 Broad St Fhetie 600 FOR SALE—Four-room house and bath, on nice large tat on ived road, near city. Real la te Sales A Ins. Inc., 622 Do- Kilb St Phone 324. 80c FOR SALE-Set of cultivators, planters and distributors for John Deere H tractor, in good condition. Reasonable. John Watkins, General Delivc Cassatt S. C. - , - - ■ : ^ -■ FOR SALE — Modern 5-room house and 30 acres of land, 10 miles from Camden. Priced to sell. See H. D. Stevens, Route 1, Lugoff. ‘ 80p FOR SALE—121- acre farm, good houses and barns, priced at $4,500. Real Estate Sales A Ins. Inc., 622 DeKalb St Phone 324. 80c 7u Coses Show increase In Stale Althooxh the inqypre epidemic appears to have passed Ms peak in Camden, the maltsr ef eness la the state appear to he ma the ta- The bureau of vital stattoties la Columbia, reported that the ber of eaaaa showed a bea cook or WANTED-Small furnished apartment Close in. G. A. mond. Phone 57. WANTED—Job in private Can give reference. Call 951 in shuck of 100 WANTED—White corn or shelled. Prefer lot bushels and above. H. G. Carri- aon, Jr- or O. M. Brown at Phone 801-W-A 78F2tc FOR SALE—One six room house, with bath' and lot located 1 1-2 miles Nortn of City, on High way No. 1., If interested write J. B. Ray, 54 East Surrey Drive, Dorchester Terrace,> Naval Base, S. C. ■ ■ 73-8tp FOR SALE — Nice established business at reasonable price, in S ood location. R»?al Estate Sales c Ins. Inc., 622 DeKalb St. Phone 324. i. 80c I' fo: DR 1 ■ula ted, —•Six room house, in- equipped with Vene tian blinds, ana hot water heat er. In desirable neighborhood. If interested cafll 371-M, J. D. Rabon. 78-80c FOR SALE-^475 acres or beauti ful building lots of 40 acres each, facing Highway 34, which is paved, timber and stream. Phone* and electricity avail able, 6 miles west of Camden, near Du Pont p9ast. Apply Chronicle. ‘ 80-8Ip FOR SALE—Six-room house and bath on lot 190x260, paved road, priced at $3,600. Real Es tate Sales A Ins. Ine, 622 De Kalb St Phone 324. 00c ATTENTION FARMERS — This equipment in good condition and reasonably priced: 1 John Deere 7 ft. tractor mower; 1 John Deere tractor wagon; 1 grain drill; 1 John Dome 10- inch Hammermill with screens; 1 mule drawn disc-harrow; about IVfc miles of hog wire • fence with cedar posts. Central Carolina Co., Inc. Phone 1246. • 80-81c •v PIANO needs tuning, call ham. Phone356-W your piano L. T. Bran- after 5 p. m. LEE SHEET METAL A ROOF ING CO- Roofs, gutters and down spouts. For estimates call Pine Tree Building , Phone 956. NEEDED—High chairs and other usable children's items tor the Children's Home. Call 442-W. 70Ftfc SANDING and FINISHING of now or old floors a specialty. Any color de sired. We also instaU Bruce Block flooring^ We go anywhere. Phene day 611-J or 1044-Wj night 1074-W. 66T-Fc DRIVE TO -~7 ’•r holders! F. Wall. •."ISeboerd mSber U. N. ^ _ F N. R. •fieodak. Grant Dr. A W. F. Sowell, John C. , , SowdL. Wert, D. G. Hinson, Dr. C. A. wS: *. wSTifotdteta B. C J. Shannon, IV, John . James D. f Mrs. J. R. Dr. Georg B. Pitts,. Jr, Har- ‘ — Sav- Td the Defendants Above Named You are hereby summoned and required to answer toe complaint in ihis action, of Which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve s copy of your answer to the said complaint upon toe subeeribers at their offices to the Building, Camden, South A wtthto twenty days er the service hereot exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fafl to answer toe complaint within, the time aforesaid, the to this action will apply Court tor the rdief de in toe complaint A Woodcock Villc frtta, M. L. _ Pitts, Wiflis Sheom, Edwin P. Guy and A. Plaintiffs Attorneys. Camden, S. C.. March 13, 1950. For Rant 1 FOR RENT — Partly furnished apartment. Three rooms and a bath. Call 684-R. 79-80c FOR RENT—4-room unfurnished FOR RENT — Two unfurnished rooms, private bath and en trance. Lights and water fur nished. Apply 07 E. Hampton FOR RENT—4-room unfurnished apartment downstairs, water and lights furnished. Private bath. 209 Haile St $40.00 month. Call H. Stoney Moore, 305-W. 79tfc oupg. FORMAL RE-OP EKING— * (Contoaswd From Page Ono) store; H. B. Par bee, WhiteviBe, N. C, store manager; H. M. LecSk- ie, Lumberton, N. C, store man ager; R. s. Merritt Hartsvflte none manager; W. C. Smith, Ben- nettsville. and G. R. Gear, Co lumbia. Also assistant store man agers Fortaon of Newberry and FT D. Tucker of Columbia. ' Rose’s store is this year cele brating its 15th year in Camden. Its remodeling will mean a larger variety of merchandise,^an In crease to the number of employes, and a much larger volume of five-room running FOR RENT-One good house with lights and water, ten must east of Cam den, near church and school. J. B. Watkins, Route 2, Box 118, Camden, S. C 79-80p FOR RENT—6-room house, lo cated at 1011 Market St. Price $60 per month. McCorkle Realty A Ins. Co, 1111 Lyttleton St. Phone 385. 79-80c m(/m s/i/ms • $1 OR MORE OPENS ' AN INSURED SAVINGS ACCbUNT . • EACH ACCOUNT IS FEDERALLY ° INSURED UP TO $5,000 ' • LIBERAL DIVIDENDS • SEND POSTAL CARD FOR MORE INFORMATION FOR RENT—5-room house, 1008 Mill street Camden. Contact R. J. Smith, Box 407, Great Falls, S. C. Phone 1435, Great Falls. 78-80p L FOR RENT - Newly renovated cottage, four rbdma and bath, 2 bedrooms, equipped with cir culating oil heaters, electric range, hot water heater and Venetian blinds. Available now, - Appl^ 1214 Lyttleton St Ph< Su fm MILLER'S For Umb«r First Federal Savings & Loan Ass'n. 125 West DeKalb Stxeai PHONE 463 I vM I ' ■ I' . i . h f . MORRELL PRIDE-PICNICS .HALF OR WHOLE LB. THICK FAT BACK L >._. 2 lbs. IVORY — DUZ — OXYDOL — RINSO SOAP - POWDERS — Lg. Box \ / J / f ■3 t r. w. i. * ctfil "" : H !■ . .. . IVORY SOAP — - Lg. Sis* — 2 for SNOWDRIFT CRISCO - SPRY 3 Lbs. 77c PURE LARD SWIFTS BROOKFIELD BUTTER 4 lbs, LOUISE C. By J. Lane Woodcock. To the Defendants, LOT WILLIAM and JAMES CLEM ONS: Takd notice that the original Summons, of which the foregoing is a copy, together With the origi nal Complaint therein, was filed in the office of toe Clerk of Court for Kershaw County on the 14th day tif March, 1950, toe obfeet and ef which is the msrn Bn J. Lane CARD * THAHKS ~ The fpmil* Of the late P.-F. Hilton acknowledge with grate ful appreciation, the xnany ktod- pathy shown us during the Btoeai and death of our husband and father. Your kindnmi end gym- -««»fr~‘ hel p 1J l ? L M ,S* our sorrow and bereavemem. sue Mis. D. F. Hilton and family SUMMONS State of South Carolina, County of Kershaw. In the Court of Common CLYDE B. BOYKIN, vs. NEDA CROSS Defendant. To toe Defendant Abpve You are hereby summoned and required to answer the Complaint in this action, the original of which was filed to the office ef the Clerk of Court for Kershaw County on March 20th, 1950, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said Complaint on the sub scriber at his office to Camden, South Carolina, within twenty (20) days after the service here of, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time fWtiCR Off ™ Corpovott of thb M i totoid te* toe same \rtth tohSL'H Stototo&mthSogj to aaeui* a corporate*. jafeSB ^mital to, at leasttt* r Thousand (tlO.OOQom^ and to be empowaS , usual powers of buSl lions, together aiiftSjS ers to engage in the a* end sale of steam and end including the ritfg sell and deal in real aS,_ property and to do all otto! incidental or' convenimi performance of thesefuL- HDJRY savagx^ ; March 23, 1950. In Prints Lb. 72c XLXska PINE SALMON * —*— Peter Pan — Tall Can JU4 DANDY GRITS 1 h, , 5 Lb*. DIXIE CRYSTAL SUGAR FRUITS AND VEGETABLES YELLOW 'L ONIONS..— 1J lbs. Ik U. S. NO. 1 - V POTATOES ««».? 39t GREEN TOP (AtROIS...i 2 Mb. 15c SUNKIST 5 LBS. Sweet Mixed PICKLE. Stuffed OLIVES LARGE 7%-oe. Dukes MAY0NAI5E or RELISH LOG CABIN.SYRUP 12-oa. Battik LEMONS -.j.. Mod. ike.. doz. 33c TOMATO PASTE...... - u-WjgP» ^ \ ■■ ■ . -■ ■ ~c | ^ ■ .. 1 . ..... -■ _ I-ml Cab Camden tt -heir-. // Wher« Quality and Sarvice Meet" - . L f. ...... _ ,. v •. Ji Shop ■ k i / 'V; 1 RHONE 2S2 t . ' % ‘ ri ».» S i lit * /hR Tit V if 47*. r ill CITY LAUNDRY & CANDEN DRY CLEANERS - ——— are proud to have secured announce the services^ of L. Britton man years experience / of in j~ Exacting Personalized * Laundry and Dry Cleaning . Service. OLDEST — LARGEST — BIST PHONE 17 ‘ ; i r. ■ I I I • I* ■ thi me scientific Niw CROSLEY WORKS AVER •|VI9 YOU UiW SPACi. MORE SPACE — M rt Me 'commence tetter »> >w f\ * ; v ^ i sJ. £> iJ LOW PRICI • - MetMO-ll m sme eou* eentmtei ACU~ Up to 23% mon qpw;, in Hms in, ttbinat. Nearij TA USE— the floor... »now^riii$eplmtic«WYei: \snopm CUARTO THE HOOR! . JBM You C«. Own On* olTfcM* Fb* IW per wmR NO J WATTS AUTO -if Of Kalb La v .O c i ; 4' »i ■ •» lb! J'..., .. f i