The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, July 30, 1948, Image 1

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" "v ■ % ■ ' L wei CAMDEN. SOUTH CAROLUU^ FMOffY. JULY SIL IMS NvmlMr 20 Hof&nw -Aiid Itofl Recotmmeoded To >yenipr By Veterans L-rjon B. #ilHanw» of CuBodwi; frames €. Hoffman, ISrS dam, 'and Lee H. Bethune, have been ■mLded to Gavernor J. Strom Thutmond. for appoints ^members of the Kerahaw County Selective Service itoadminister^hTne^--^ ^ of tli««/thrw wrtlj jgreedyflpo® by th# J. K Post/W the Amerkan the veteraM r Jure been forwarded “«“■ *=»■ i^^thune, a oolonel on ifor's staff who was aik- , Oovernor to forward the atioitf by Teterana or* )B thl* county. » to caAler Of the ‘ National,BaiikofJO^* iTwo" ^ rir Rsthnne. and Mr. HoCfBiao Company * dam on ^ * riTor. All threa «a well 5^ and are fek to be Jly HittW tor the * CwWch they haye Camden’s Proposed Gommunity Cmiter ^ew Administeatioa To Take Charge Of City’s Go^jminenf On Monday been OoYornor to exi)ecb^ to , appotntmenta ih^y and ^1 probably wianlae at spare to put the aelec- ilnery In oipera- ItfW.. Jtolb^Te-Serrice Director Lewia B. Herahey in WaMiington said on Tu®«day^f thla week that men will be drafted by age groups, with toen 25 di^n tbrougb 22 taken firat in th«\initlal eii months of the program, k waa Indicated clear ly toat aHbooah men of thia age bracket would Nbe* taken fliwt.'the bulk of the (hwoes would come erentuaHy from the 1# through 21 age gronpa. The date for tite beginning of the draft haa not Wn net but h waa aald In Waahln^ thla week that It probably would be ahortly after October 1 Regiatration of all men through 25 beglna Auguat 20 and ^Unuea through SeptMubw , ulizens Asked OM. nm. ^ K „ , ‘«»7«»"p« -■-» 10 iiortail Use reglatar, tnelndlng yeterana, unlaaal they are on actlye duty in the armed aarykot. Here is a sketch drawn by Architect ^Iph Little of t^e Commanity Center which it is proposed to erect on the pounds of the Camden Grammar School ydth the permis sion of the board of trustees. The center would serve as a home for the Teen-age Club and. at tilie same time would be available on other nights for the use of the people of the city. iNgnroposed to erect the center part of the building with some of the funds allott^ the City of Camden from the county-wids recreation fund. If and when the , money can be raised the two wings at the eids will be added. The recreation commission isbwould be pleased to accept any donations towards ^e constnietion of the building. Cross Meet ^oss a Services War Douds To Badi First Aid In City And fety Wvicet general will be held on Fri lly 80 at 5 o’clock at ^quarters of the Ker- [l^uiity Chapter of-the [Of Gly Water |s«9ply b Low And Reqiiiost b Made That Watering Lawns And Cardans And Washing Gars Be Stopped Committee Gives Gov. Thurmond Hearty A^ovsl I Request has been made of Pre^idee Oath Based Upomlthe people of Camden that CimsHfuHon For AH Vot-r®® ^mendoim de- , ^ . tmand now being made on ere In County To Takal water supply of the city lOectiom Day that certain rMtristions be . I rigidly observed, including! XeiA«w County ’J*"'"!! eratic Executive Committee I unanimously endorsed enior J. Strom Thurmond for^? cky water JU Preddent at a call mee ’ Alt Orchid /# Given Chronicle By Columbia Pa^er After quotirtf frwwi o loeal * aery in laat wa«l(*a tssua e# Tha Camden Chreniale rugerd ^ ins the eerumlee awwpy. the Celumbia Reeerd aaW (n ite Wedneaday aftarnedS ksu*: aheva note wm repertp ad in the Canwlan ChfOnklaS and we'd Itka to aay hdb that the pete eity paper aiOfNa te ua the baat wosfcly piper wa*ve aaeh In tha tSM. Ih eevarage, makeer aiul eSI- terlal content, Ka eupSHeHty In Ite fiae aaama atMeus. Sath faad weHc, wa thinit, •SOuldn't (and won't) pigs "" raeofnltlen.'* County Campa^ Will Come To A Qos^ Next Week Fonr MeetmgSi Including 1 Hany Changes Planned Csuidat is adheduled to go under the commission-city toMOiw^ form of gowenunent Monday morning when Henry SaTsgt, Jr» mil be sworn'in as Mayqr And Joe E. commisBionerB. Retiring Mayor Francis Nolan McCorkle said Thursday that he was gtting to offer to turn the reins of the city government over to the jMayor and CommiBsionen Satuntay night It is thoi however that they will w te over. ay night ait until Monday Tki law proeldu^ tost the new fom at goranunaiit ibould become affeuttve Ausuat 1 bat thla hap- m to tall oe Sunday, hence the uelay until Monday. It la expected that the new coun- U will take OTer quietly aa no fanfare haa been arranged In een- nectlon with the tnauguraL One ot the tlrat atepc of the new council la expected to take wttl ba to formally eleet Jack Tallok o2 Knoxville, Tenn., and Spartanburg, aa city manager. Mr. Tallent wm not, bowerer, be able to report until September 1 at which time he will hare ebnqSeted an admhi- iatratlra aurrey for tha city goT* eromaut of St Petarabnrg. Pla. The new council la expected to bring many ehangee In the «lty goTernment, coma of which were outlined at a forum .ooodacted at the Camden Aotary Club aome weaka bedt For Wook-44ut Om To] « Bo At Honaitogo MUl wade depart- nwmt aaid that as aoon aa the new Red Cross oil held last Saturdky montillgfiMB«k raw watar line now being ‘ tte eonaty court SS'-Jl a*-e» MiM m* oBoMSlir^lSi SS S5"jSi^ on street on.Frii . July 80 4i at which 'WlTBaSl JT'2d atPOaih to widSh tvoiyi The department atatea ’that It jil safety services i person who votes in tbSf*‘'<^rea that the work of inauiiins frepresentative, of the! primary this year must sub-i completed area, wUl be scri^. All who rcgMer SiSSS wu eipal speaker. I week under the mw e|^i-|uHw«d early in <lm year for de |Rx win dtocuM plaim for) ment period ordered by IN|d-ih*ery in iby; Oontract for the the safety aearvkes injersl JudgS Waring alit> Wmlt!^**** April, and the ind Kerabaw county. | subecribe to tJie echeduled to begin In May lliir putting on a that aid anS completed before tho period of I Till also be dtocuated. , uae begmi. nppolnted by Tha pipe waa not deHretad nntfl fmairman L. O. ‘ ‘ ' itatirese from tha var- csBd'edacatkmal qr«anka>‘l the city and cooUty; ."Ido Funder^k la as)the end of JtUy ad tha shortage nent, the county ^ ?Sf?— ainca whan k baa bean puah- ent, mortlola^ hoa4*®*“5****®** •• • seeHftod woter^ed with all pouMUa vtfw. • «IR. muruumBm, aei out 1* the conaUtathm of Righters M •.«» Oirtlli. tor tw. w««: m «» R* ia« I hiY» rwMM I. >«k.« ToHave Dinner Town and County.... eQmtfhat To Umg A quartet from the Mflgeereat Baptist dturdh «2 st^'al Uie eyetttng toW*MrM''the Viroi Baptist church at 2 ». m-. on Sunday. The kav.'O. F. Mont gomery. the pastor, will preadi eRed Cross Moeliag The regular monthly maattog of Kershaw county chapter of the American Bad. Croas waa held at headquarters on July 22. Mrs, Catherine CleTekad, general fkld repreaentatlTe of the Southeastern, area, attended and talked ou, the Junior Red Croas and tha uafoty The Ksishsw county c«m- paigii, which thus tkr has been very quits and with vary Uttla intwast being dis played by the voters, wiU come to a close next week when four meetings ai echeduled. Tha four aaatings ara aa fol- tor J«r; tt.rrci.1 over the sble. to sad ttvad for thu past 4 *» huaadiate vkiaity chases and Uda wfl he| la the meeting. On Next llnnsday tok poMlng fTtelnet; tlet 1 or write any sootioB of Si Lngofr dtlsens are ptennhig a big Cominisaon iductFornm m Meeting eOff Of Club Rolls County Chalrnum L. O. Fmider- burk annouacee tliat tha namas of all paraoos.undar tl yaars of ago who enroUed for the primary h^ been removed by order of tho county Damocraitk exaostlva com- asHteo. oottoiltatkm of the state of SunthlSktoa RSihte dtener at Gna Ward's Oaroitna; or hare paMjny prosortyictoi Thursday night to which tex ns ohnrgod and thn naMont eflovorybody who te fea sympathy with [tha WMoanad vnlno atcaads SSOO. ithe Statea Rights moremont hoad- *1 do further swoar that Fhave)ad hy Oovemor Thurmond as a ean- jnorer bean oenvkted of the ci1me8)dliate for PreiMent te Indtod. )«>f bendonr. junpan. obtetning soodol the dtaner wUl be hdd at. 2 lor teOMr mate preta«Ma,iundock and a $2.00 plate win be robbery. brlhwy.IaofTed for 12-00. J. K. Lee te acting commander of tholednltarr, bisamy, wlfebonttiig.jaa diairmoii. Odk post of the bmniihnuw bi^aottni. reeqlriiw eteteal Ur. Leo said that a group was mnounoea (had at thtegMidiA brendi ef -tnmt with firudn-l talldag la a store at Logoff dbout aoattly meeting of thMlMit latent, fomteailoa, eodoaw.|«ka ®**«r**^ “«t Monday onreotag alhnoat. aesaalt with te(«t to rav-lpoee of raising ftrnda tor the Thu^ >citr affairs swUl be ooa-lteh. mteesgaeatfoe. terbsv- imood prosMentlar campaign A •‘^**&*****‘ J aoismnty awearl ^wied of Mayor Savagel nmft 1 am a nmnii dl aooad mted.!^ ^ •***'• the cooven- ’“’'’Mrs Joe a MeXala)imi| ti^ig i ^a not suwotted aad|**^f®- ^ mMm 2w at —MU. I “Are you talking ahom ralaiag -f db Bwmr fothAl for the Thurmond for Pr^ T 40 fWtttr aoismaiy campaignr ba asked. Oa bw ling toM that they wera, he readhed In hte poekot, pulled out a $20 bUl Rev. K. U BpeU, pa^ of ^ LgtUaton Street Methodist fhu^. to now on his vacation sad thera wUl bo BO preachlac next Sunday. On tha foUowiag Sun day, Aagaat 2 tha Rav. J. L. lln, of Columbia OoUtgo, wU preadi. Sunday school servteea wlil be held as usaal thla Sunday. ‘kresh. will be along the Uaei -t 4^ |to conducted some wedhpl^uwrt t „ Itte Camden Rotary CMb] urg^tyoae ftl) '•^^changbi which arel “ readted thp ago [•ttondance it. ,o^)aa&ortty 4o aggetaf iwe paM ma^J^ )e9an to have oharge of Uto oa-|*^,_ aobaoBt badha Chis wook. Bo aS-), ^^ « patatod OapL R. B David aai| ^ 1 vraat to ooatrlbtoe to was John Slaaoy, Aiigaot t at 10 a. m. Flaa Ctoove, Augaat S at 4 p. m. Camdon, Awguat 4 at 4 p. m., at eeurt henna. 'eiimge w**w «atwit TwI Another forym le planned on ' next Monday night at the regu- tar monthly mooting of the J. Urey Belk poet of the AmOri- han Lefloa. The reUrlng membere of dty coaaeU are besides Mayor MoOor- kle. Aldermen J. B. McKain, the only old member of oonnefl to serve In the n4w admlnlstraUdn; P. R. Ungston, T. L. Myers, R, A. Mndite, A. 3. Btdn and D. J. Creed. Mr. Savage, who te to be Mayor, la a prominent attorney and buai- neae bmui of tha olty, a member of the law firm of Savaga and Mnrion. Mr. MoXain te a weU known tnooranea man and Mr. Karadi^hae loagwbooa actlvo la buolaoM and civic.affi^ and te proprietor of the FashM Shop, BtotabUshment of ooauato slbn-clty manager form of govom- moat was voted by tho poo^ of Camdon at a speetal elootkm hoM OB Taqtoay. AprU 1& Bethnne Liquor OppweJBjC^ Tss T« Agk Tkst remk net B* Grstetod Approximatsty 20 pssjj from Bdthune sppgsrsd for« SUtd Tax Cottimiasioo Kivduiw OouDty Fair WiD Be ^OeL 11-16 4' Um Is Oi Aim lifids Vsr Biggsit Fskr YiRHgM Tbs DFSlitium list for HsibIu I last Friday to protyst the ^ Itablishmeiit fgl'MiSIlUMs 4;2i p. m." “ ■ "• jfor permistios The (temden meeilag If a special on# there having bSSB *>e^ae of with the commisrioa. felrSrfhn^n «bwohto of foe town waa i*!2 iuffloteat poUee pretoetloa was oTtelnally achednled for StSSlm have each a atore D S'* a?Ae^a^JJJ^5*4t,^ *'f®l '*'*• *■ ■•t the flret attempt that LSliJlLS ^ ^ haa been made to wtaMteh saoh Ptot bto tkae for foe eWseas ®^,®?y^lbave been able to keep one out and -^Sl?*"*®**waa oaproaeed lam FHSay voting aa-|teat tbte pmrmlt, toOb wtadd ba dw noaueod. Tbaoe wfll be foaad dse-intS vroam wm mw T}rt °»»-| tl» MBUMM I. tto w . said to b» overwhelmlagly agataat K » aongbt perfeapa lartorlthe CToi^j^gpeet the cembdated* tha last Vraefc of foe stuinsl Heif^w cooity tsk, of s ityfoNT lliLsSLrtiJ fltla be the Ikir It of foe etore. Youth b Killed In Accident Oil Fort Jatkson Road Strange (Eject In SkybSeenRy Gimden Ren^nta The Church of the Aaceuaiou M Hagood wm aorve a barbaeneimp- ner at KUorbe MSI Po&d <» AWM 4 U « .rdort for tha beuoflt of Wf*" tng mads on tho ohurch bulWHiy. A oordial invitation to exteuted to tha peopio of Caaidon to bo praa- aut ^ •Lei Is Len—d _ T Lea Myora aanounaud ^ weoit that tha. b)t Jtot etot |7$,00t garaga and oervtee ofW that ha te oonattuottog (fteaaa fora to pag* >•». Creed’s Entered; ^t$50e |M Dewey J. Otoad, «a| ^ enterod Monday n|g| Mr. Croad ■JJ®* nutrition < by foe caai-l l3i !SJ ^ bmgter. Tito g ai _ fote to Tha amtten JiJfe JanCmt FmmUk DDT RIM flBB IhRRiR siy'iy ;^|A11 Gatbaie Cans In Citr Will Be ^yei iFosibais m ia.||M rtW iriU sitfsyed le Od pQ’ Wgher qafoUty then evtr Mvors. ^tha fate te manaiid and one- toSad by tho Korfoaw County Dam fonuau. 3, K Want te site J. U' Qrowtqrd la Tha euaeuMva ^ ^tooS-nf foo C. fooOartey. J. B. ~erSteVt PbwuO, j, i,. Tailor, T. K Wtm and J. B. Me- Oulri «o- Tha foir vfol bo Ufonad Maainr tl at • «. m. foTfona poopla to enter ouhfoila. Tha xasaa open to tha pnbtte at S pTm ^ oofolMta wSI bq raatoiud lator *• Ttaaday eytlit flow !? fowugh Wedito^, O^ir it wm ba •foeoi Dny nr fob foir. The afn- ,totloaal camqiiiten'bi msm M ’foa atvangiuiiBte bf..-»#ool Pdy - f Arfojr llokiit M A WmtaiBM, A 0. irbyss. D. fo [clndJag foo liter of The Oaamonll^jjjjjj* •jj® Oa ... IcaureBlete, saw tha aqraterloas laht) *P. d^Pte^ AlC^roM^OolamMayQQiii waalln foa aktea about 2:40 MoBfoiy|w« ba nfoittted frao Steal fisi killed aad several othera iBjmrediBiiht. foe tame atebt li waa fW|M* te. ural info, wbon a plekap' truek and aa utojported naan In Anguata. On.. Qraen-|nffl bn oolllded at a highway lntenaMthm)vma, DaavUla. Va., Charlottes M. DiF on the OaaMteadfort JackooB high- C. aad many ofoar pmoto. 1^* foa teat dfo wm he w^ near Bteaey Friday aitoniooB. Tha Ubfoet aeemad too large forl9?*”.*Aeui Dfg ntyn nU tote ■^mle Allen Grouch, son of Mr. e sMtoor. The editor of The Ch«m-|«witeJobm ^ pnSil wffl be end Mre Brneet Creech, Ltaosiniiele wea atandtag in foa Droed ®wajntU npen. street, Coolumbte. waa foe vlcfon.] mraat sMa of foa post omoe whani rtUm are bfofo fffotod Sir^efo- He te aald to have been riding onihO got n glimpaa of It. R appoerodl?M”ti^S»*|SM teftt fooui $TI for foe seat of the pfekap wffo enlto him ea fooegb H waa fomnd)**^ Sov uncle and aunt. Mr. aad Mrelfoa ether etde of tho Hat Bafttet fAi for Jtoeph N, Crouch aad foo.trlp waa]ehai«lL fboofou. Thtefoat on roirto from Ootombte to Camden) Bvory one who toi<wtad aeofag)";^ **. . where Mr. Cronch waa amployed byjit aald.that tt appaarod to foam telb*.^tea bo^ fote ygr. the Camdea Heating aad Phimbfaig|be tafilng when they saw It 1. Twto pyteea, fob hfoMl UtmM Company. Credence te lout te foe beMefjtov bifovlM • Ai a aMeroad near Wloaep, e earlthat It might have been a teateorltef ttern Pi to drtvea by John Workman. nogTc.lpy tho tect that it was raportea caato Into foo highway and dtractly Men la so nmny ditfereat pteoea.^ tote the path ci the Grouch plck-|sbont foa aaaae fona. Among Oam-ISf" Ufo In foa coOtelm that followqi.|4«g^geoplo who raported a^Mng lt|^ ^ tim It-yqarwid OoluntefoFMfo uras|im Mr and Mrs. H. H. Dooaar.|J^^ Oottyu apt Tfoai Oot^ hmod. (Mra. .D. C. Mlkter. fVsd Atoordtiig to toVaatigatiBg of-lud FolSobmaa Pahaon. floors, Workman rtehaad ha atop- Tuaalt In foare I 7': -.-'V m ^ t- I ^ is;i for PraaMaat wag by W. A Qagfoart. of tha pod bofora he the atdeway on fob and Mrs. Cronch bfuteod while ufoer aegiA Lonia raoeived Intjten font foe fofhntltwna Anegramna taadad foe pat on a C«€ton Begtunlno i,’.35|itrsst dsptrtMrt saWIWto *• . lit wss aaaosMced this .wssk by Aosln Umssn, pnsidaw “- of tfas CsmdsnUniiiot Chwi^ of ComMrM. who ^ I tiist the city emploTtes ksd PDeed to do the sprsylng lif the JsyCees fig«fM||t|he DOT. To Open In Cetaify a ^ „ ojTssr—.... ION IN FNieg “'S^*£21' of the older to open now ta foe noun- L Boykta, Jr., had a boll on My •- W. L MUm it bi en my gallead. of .Dnr boaght by foe JayCeea to foe aty haU and foe said font foe fltea, laaefoi breed to II Rtokinnoffaetto liDt wmhn.sinfbd Bold Boarino On «“ «; IVeiP IVoforer DBm ,Oouaty Agant W. C. MaCar- ^ tey has baan netifted font a b taring la to be held by Army iBuroettth Now In Operation Infogearu at 11 efoleok Thuru- lf^4rws% day ntemiiNk Augufo • fo ssiJSspaftiTiffSiSi wOTMOIIIWpMp ^ODKM IMMip vSpW toafo: Iftn W. U PafoMote^ [Mra. Shalby TrMaMte. foMMag for Lab' Alma Roalar, fovlll Miu. D. W. Maya and Dhvte, ftaPirfo A WMHapm. ert uuhibit: Mbn to Mrs. Ester MahaSey said Wed-I aaaday font for the first tlma bnto) M and profearioual aaie.,jaow] hava opportaaRy of fofo^fofonfolvMagatoat ^ua^ orodRl of CaaMoa. lac., the punager. now te to la tmmk Fiderai Ceurt Henaa lambla wKh' praaosHlaa of a hulit wfiefo ^plto , •MM' iM' up and Qaaton fotn beef typa ontDo; la X. tiw MMt; 1. L «d|w ,«s W..C. iucwMr.jnA jHrt.Ml Bere^omr \At IMhcamV^minli ^ DOWN ON TNVIIAH 8. C. Clyhani. wlitebii list fo-| tebfob fonfo A ^ ram F ■ ,,»atoi^pfv, iiHl 1'wSTte