The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, October 12, 1917, Image 4

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THE CAMDEN CHRONICLE 4j II. I>. Nile* and ( \ rubltHhera. K. N. M? I>?w?'W . S IMihllHltftl ??vory Friday at 11OU No. Itrou.l Sti'iint, ami uutexuU ut tUo ilvn p??wt?as kwoimI Hush mall mat tvr I?rl?*4* |M-r annum Camden. S. <.. September 5, 1917 ten PAGES THIS WEEK \.-v.t "a* t Ih-iv a "iihiiim'i w Ih'ii SV1 ,v v,, r. u >nakr"< a* 'Imim-' I }n 11sk(* ji!>I |?ii^! .? !ii i\\ !? I \ ri n man has a l? <>1 ti111? *ii. 'mi H>> ^'vv mmrifil "in - '? 'v* j il?. ...niai<?' i<> f \|?i*?ns tli.ii Tin* |ii?*?-i' "f """ u haw- t? ? a ? I I - Ilia I sv..mmmis skirl .nv i,. !>?? f i <>in f..... r.? -i\ m. Ii.-m l??nc if. I | I',I I I ll|.'>> III 1 lUl. I. II 1 I . .1 l\\'? 11' - ' ? I "* ''I -HI' ,l"' < 'itiik 1**11 ?M.rra n.ais.- has t.. . u |.m kid to rapn< 11.> I r |;,| | >i i <I? m?-11 t -t"|. " i lli"" ? ,hh-I i \ " sx . 'II " " l,,? ,l"" 11,,-| ?? |, .11.? 111 Ml I Iiri.iKi'f \\ hirh f I; I 111 >T I'l'iMI li.illlfl Willi II? -..lire ll* lllt'V nil' ...iii.I well !.<? i. ? f ? ? r i <?. I I" as 1'ln* ii?' ., f ti,.- I la in \ a ril Hin i It n| ? ,?. I "I II,,. | .1 \ ?.r I li.' Ha r11 \ .ir> I 11 ||..ii \i'H I oil l? I'.aU.T, S.-i irlai'.V <>l Will', w* iiv IJ n * L.M1.--I "I ill.- <it\ i>f i * 11; Siiluiilax la?t. Mr >?' ! \ic\M-i! I I <MM> v..|.|i. r- ;|1 r.'ini|. <;iv?-iti- | An i'\. ha Iil'i' ?a.\ - 111; 11 ill.' a n it< .imi('<' ! in.-ut <>f :i >lu.rlau.- - I I l?'<?k>j in < ? <? i*111111 \ i-> Iil?.? 1 > I.? link.' .i I"i of | >1". I I ! I *1" III Ml I :l I ?l> 'II if fit'1 Iuh.)1m.\ s t.f llli^ . ?? "11111 f> \i c\. 11:1 11 _r ? ? -I \ - " \ l.'ll- . I' " '111 I 11 *" It till' III"1 Wi'UHMI lltli-ll 1 "It II11 i 11 Lf f' K>< I .lull,. ;|,c in.mi will 1: i r t i anninir *om.' I. 11 r). i.i i i v W'f'\f I;? r ?. ?? I Imt.' jiii.I til. . I < I \ 11:1 V ?' "In- l|'l t'll .nil' ".MM n>r. i i | hi-, lif.-n | ?(?? i(m tv.v I I I.: I f ill.1 ? rii Hi. Mi I T ,i ki- | ..r ? "lit - -I' :i'' i I j ? ?! in. 'I f I hail ? if in i! 11"ii . l"l j Well. <!' 11 it ? \ i'\ i r li'.a t? ..ii r j nil1 ,.ii ih> \ ? in !? .i \ < 111111' l '? Ii vi' iwr ' ..ii ..r i? I \ : : - ..f in- I V.l.-ra t < !m i-riinn lit ] , , . . ~? I ? . . I I.. |. 111.! i- 11 It:U ' ?!: I I. I "f |!ll , V '.\ I ? ' ? I :.!?'/? >11 - I I ! !!?!?' <1 , I ? ' . . j . ? j ,| I . .1 -(III '111'.-. < ?' ' i |. .? . ? , ' i . , ,f |l |i | 1 It I- .11 II I : III-?;. X, . ; T 'I ?!t .1 ' I ' III. I ' ? . 1 - i. II .. ! I I . . ? I ! I ? ' .; . i ? :? I i ' i " \ |'.iI ?? (.' 11. f .} 1 V ' ' .1 ' 1 < ???*. . ' . .1 ? II-'- t !? - I I..\\. \. t . . , . - :,. . v - ilf .MM1 ? M I ? " \. i i if? 'i! ? _ !"? ! ... ? : I'M I i ? . v . I i t ? f ">? ill! !i I ,I 1 ... 11 ? i I ? I > ..i? 1 in.i11> i'IIht in??.j11.? \\ ! I < a '_'!'I'I ? W ill. ill'1 -.'j III 11 ?! . ' .1 ik>- 11Mil arc )?!' :i*i*.| u :Mi *'!?? i>: ? ? -(.*?? : . 1111?? 11 -_T wln'iii an- -i i'j. | >a ft '?!" It," \..|.r-. of 1 In uipi.'it * *. ?? 11 ? \ II 11111 ?? i. I I. i a M. (Mil vo? laixburu. tin* Ceriuaii ujIii Wor Id Argentine, finds hitn*elf in a phkle of a tlx, It wus refuted thai he had H?m1 Argentina ami taken iKiHKa^o on a Spanish steamer 11 r 11 1hI? emitter* arc holding? "I1 Spanish strain crs in houMi of it''" .Joseph l???vy, of I'llt-sburK. ?Iihwh a senteixe of two years in the Atlanta federaI |m-ii for )iit)m rsoiiathitf a soli of Se? retai l I >anlels The ymjIlK man sueeoeded in olitaniini; money by this ruse and mIho Kalinsl admit ta ikv to i lit* New \oik nai.i >aiM \ It I Mai lawier. farmer. iner i 11 it i ? i and business man of l<, in a statement >;i\ en to llu* ihi'ss Moii ? lav -lulivs tluil he will he in the rifee for (In- | nllcil Stairs senate hi 1MJV ('oloiii'l I Mai math- llu* rare for tin* seuat.e several (cars ajio. It was 1'its* enough to u'i'l I he Kaiser out uf thiiM' Chieas^o sjwilerM, (?lit il is another and altogether itlf ferent matter i<> Ket liiin out of the Ueojjraphy" sjiys-y>4iii e\rhallKe. Kill when \oiir I nt'le Sa mini ?ets through with 11 i 111 lie will lie hii k \ to ln> in the dictionary |{i'l m'i'h'ii ta 11 ve Sain .1 N'iehols, of S | mi r f a i) I it i rir. will lie anions the Ainei ii'iin i oiiL'ressiiieii who will leave on Oi'IhIm i' 'J I fin a trip to (lie Hawaiian Islands Tii ese islands iHfupy a sfra leirie |iositioii and it is the wish of these people that Ameriea know their needs from a military standpoint From the irlowihtf aeeouiita siime pa|i4-r^ pnlilish of the wonders that Iio11 led fluid Ili um's ahont. we might lie led to believe that all the Cerman people need to elnili^e their viewpoint ami to'make them behave like eiviliz ? ??I folks is :i liberal dose of 'ranlae niiiu' and evening.- Aiken Stand I tob" I ? r i \ t ? r. that elYer veseeii I. bail weiirhi. who at one time wrote insurance Inre for tin1 Carolina <\isualti I'n.. I'll' who is now Auditor for that eimi|iiiii is :i visitor in Cam ? I ? ii this week P.ob says he is all i ? ii keiI iiml primed for the eauipaimi ? ? f I!? I s lie I.. ill I I hree a II 11oi|;|ei?? i candidates for tlie ulliee of K;i i! !'? 1.111 < '? ? in inis.sinner I'll I eeoinilielida I i"li if the State I So: i ii I i I* I'irdoiis. Coi era or Manning has d* . ided ii"' inleri'i'i'i' wi'li the eii 11 t e i.f Ma' Im > l'almei. a neu'ro . ,.i v |. i; .a 11>,? 111 ? i j-t 11? j- i.f Ser_'! II II I ' ; 11 K ' i I: ? >1 'he i >ra n^i'l HI r?' police l'.-ri < M.i' Li') is s( liediiieil to be eleo :i.-. ii i j ,ii ;li.* State penitentiary i'ri 1 ? i i \ , ' lli>' f I 'r iissi.i .i ri .' w i \ s *~r r \\ .i' I ' isj1111 s* TiTTTi .111? I in in . ! 11' i. ? i1; 11 ?' ..: I si) i j i. .ii ; i r <' i! * i ? a , i 1 ? ?as.- ? ? . f* ?' I ! n ? I :i i I i \ i < :? -s The 1 1 . 'in.' i < ?' i :i-s w ? !*i? ii:ii11!:.i I?: ta! I 'i' i .i i . fe : t,i _ ,. t r.? t ? t ? ' ? ? !e led ' ? \ is re i ;. .f ' '? ' i*?!I I' I i Ii* s i , . 1 ii. ? !? ? - ?!' Nap**1 11 ? i in> ?! ? : ? ?!' ' : k i! - ll ?? 11 *:i ?! i i s i jeei ? s s f 11 j u,ir ? f ? 11 - j 11* s j I . 11 ' i i: the winter ? 1'.' M " 1 ?? ? row :: > i i n ?? ^Imui il his...; t ' o; : f \.| p. i . ,| | i.i t. . a he.I II t i f I] t Aiin riean woman of in> aeqn.i ntai;< *? ! :. 1111 sa i>i 11 in t lie hoped war V olild j i*i ?; r while his fa t her was a Iii ?? hut. if ? of lie wmild "stai r a war tin nm i ineiit lie eanie to the throije. From Cerard's I Years i:i Cermaii.i VISIT THE State Fair And Your Boy at Camp Jackson FAIR WEEK October 22nd-26th, 1917 Football Games by Soldier Teams Wednesday and Saturday at Fair Grounds Carol ina-Clemson Classic Thursday. Military Minstrel on Grounds Each Night. Cavalry Drilling a Daily Feature. Free Acts and Midway. Good Horse Racing Again This Year. Splendid Exhibits of Livestock and Agricultural Products. KVKNINji (iOWN8 \r<tpt The IC4*i^n Of Simplicity?Ml lady'ii Slipper Follow* Suit. Now York, < K*tol>or I).- The question 11 f (?'v tuning I ho "to bo or not to I?f" of the tllK*OlloU\ HOOIIJN t?? have heon tltH'hh'il. The optimist lc spirit Amerh-a ha* prevailed. and \\ liil** I her*' is not the saint* ffortfeous <lis I > I it > as in tin* past. evening riot hen air worn, am! raivl.i U'autiful ones at tiiat Tin* 1'irslilrnt of the ('niI?>?I Statns |mii<l 11 \ islt to Now York not loiitf ii>io. ami. togi'llmr with .Mrs W'l! son, pass**'! an ovoiiIiik at one of tin most rnjoyahlo play* of tho ?mmsoii (>f omii'Mf. ilif Iioiim* was wltlt'l> fii tlmsinsti? it was soino time hrforr ilif play roiiM Im'kIii, ami ovoii thru the aiitliomi' paid moro attention to Hit- oltlflal l><>\ party than to tin* pla.\ Mrs NY 11 Hon was vory simply dressed. Init alio Ntfinotl intensely interested in hustle iIivksom on tho stage ami tltr oostiinioH Ht'iittoroil everywhere over tho hoime. ? Ma u i \ \ ictory (in Kmpin* Line*. I'i-i iiriv,|iii>. indeed. ;irc I In* ?? 111 j ?:?? j iiii-Nt-N rtlfi ll <1 l'\ I .Mm..II Tin- Hi. ? i .lie hi liii* -hum' \\ ? 'i i< lerf ii I tint- jiit-i i rolo|x t 21; I't I ?; l \ ? > alway* ImtIi I'll \' ??t"! I ? ? ] ilxtiijli ;i i rill"* Mibdued. S.-iii" ! :i re 11i11 in Hie I"!i? k. >i|U:i it ??r i ? 'Mini I ill fj-ntlS. 11 ; I 11 "11L' -iceves of full" ! . i i-ry -11 ? ft i in'*- " "f tin' sanic ?"? i atil.' 1 I i I ? "'I' thl' it\'l" K'V: '"In* \\:ii?i I! ,il i- <u! -traiuht .. io-> j"hr?n\ .'" one's I riiiiinintr-? <>i --very iir | i i<"f "tie's ?fr?- S;ij? |? i that are ><>.I furm ar?' vcr\ j>laiii. it. till. Tin* l<'riL' vamp i> still with heels do Hi it *?< 'fill to ht' ijuite mi l::^i as for merly. fur l hex too. have 1 ???< r "hoovcd" Satin, the same color as !h. dress, is the first choice. A rhine*t n? buckle placed hiell ?>n the sli|>;? - is very fa shi? ma I tie. Then tint1 of 'ht* latest ideas in slipjier ?1?Hi?ra t i< ? is a tiny how of satin, a single Imw of ribbon a quarter of an inch wide. perhaps. .Many of tht- fall brides have chosen thin ft>r their wedding slippers. It elves the foot the lone, narrow efl'e, ? that is so distinctive. slippers of brocade, of metal cloth, nr >.f oomhina tions nf plain an<I figured materials arc worn only on the most foi*mal oc casions. Indeed. the all-black or a'l whlte slipi>er is always appropria'e ami in eood taste. Stockings mnst, of course, yiafrh the costume and the sli pper. r.u-ht men were convicted nt Knid, <>klah"uni. charged with draft resist ing The maximum jh? nm !ty for the i?tTcn>e i> six years imprisonment and a fine ?'f S.j.fmrt ??r both. I'll.- it.a. k iguana t?f < "alifornia. of whi' li rl;e scientific nann- K ctenosau .i-aiifhur in allusion to * u? comblike .?n~* of sinfif". alone tlie back ^"in t!iir Mn'.i:iii,K' ' sprine-taib-1. " is allied t" iin- rine failed iguana but unUke the, i^iana Its fl-?-h i? hijr.i'v i'v ' e.'lned (iK.KMAN f'KKWN Ml'TINY hiii|Mior Ordcrn 4Hk? Out of Kfvtii Mutineers KxeruUxi. Amsterdam. ?Kt. 10. Mutiny auuuitf ilu' 111*wn <?f four haitlcshipH <>f the (ikTiiwtit HtM'i litis occurred at Wilhidnnv haven. "in' nf ihese huttlcsldps wa? the West i'h it-it whose captain wan 1111??w i? o\ i ?ilnmid ami drowned The < i i? \\ x lauded Murines refused to tire op i lu lu w hereupon Mildicis sur loiinded ilie sailors, who surrendered. A 111111i11\ is t?? lut\i* oc curred "ii iIk* liermiiu warship Xurn* Iter*. w lllell Hili ill sell. Tile U1CU seized I In* otticers and proceeded lu itic liin'i tiiu <?f Niu'rta) wiili the in ifiitioii <>f liaxiiiK tlu* xtiip interned. Tli*- Niiriilirry was overtaken h.\ de >1 ro\cr? and foi^Hsl to surrender. KiiilH-nu W illiam went lo WilhelniR Iin\?Mi iiml ordered that one out of i ? \ e r.\ seven hi lit iueers In* shot, J'han ? cllor Michiieli* protected vs i11 i^tli?* re sult t lint <? 111\ three ivi'ti' shot. Heavy sentences were imposed on tin* others. As Viewed in Washington. i Washington, Oct. I". Few ?I i s patches since the war began have (created mure interest at the navy de I |>aitinciit than today's reports from I Amsterdam telling of a revolt in tin* jiicrinan inn). Olllcers unhesltatingly j ilci iand that tin* story, so far not j ?oiiiircni'l in official reports. was one | of the most encouraging signs of the I tear for the allies. Thc\ |iointeil out, I that. while i lie allied | towers have I im.ic.I i ? ? j???}11cdI\ in their recent of I licial statements that the morale of the (icrmaii troops was declining there ; has I teen not hint: to suggest that the | iron discipline of the liernian military | s\ -tem had lost it< hold over the tight | in.' machines in the -lightest degree. The <|c. lining moriile on the west 1 | t'-in I font, it was --aid. has shown it self iii tin* feel tie character of recent < oiinfcrattacks. The revolt in the navy, these otliceis -.iid. wjjv ,i more serious matter for '?ei'in.iii) The soldiers uenerally have I:' t her 11 - III ?jeet I'd to the lilltter of t ila.\ after day. month after month j ; T!'j'\ insisted that if there is discon I 'V?:i anion- the sailors with their con dition. it lulls' i? ? 11 irreatcr in the . i n 11 > . \s one p.??sj|i|t. explanation ,.f the t:a\\ revolt. t lie \ pointed out that 1 e\< r sjn,-,. ?111 ? 111; i line warfare was j started 11* the licrinati" the Mriti-h have adopted I lie consistent policy of siipjires^in^ information lo t!i<? fate of s ? 11?n i a riii'-s vrnt to the hottoui hy their I,:|'s The ????!!?>* Was adopted ;|s :i , '! e I -:,e;-.-| method of hrcakin:: down Ihe 'morale uf the submarine crews. ? rev. s for the it bonis .ire under *' 1 'o '.!? dratted f i'ojm 'he iii-'h sea* I ("?|i |'| \( Kl) IM)KI{ ( IIMKdl, Regulations To Me Prescribed For \t l.f,is| I went.\ (MiMinodit it's. \V ' -; _ : < ; '1 \ i r! 11:1: ? a . i , : ( o|,oimii t by Ilt?' A:i:< : . . ? . ;!' j.i- ? r 11111!? *r or< ' . 't ' IT 1 Till- !'<? ?! i a - r:: j .r ?.-?* ? ???! I'-i.i-'hl l!: ?' ? : ? t. .. I la \ v i ?' . -1. i? .[|! \\" 1 ? 1 i ; w j | - - i1 i-\<-? M) i\ i- ? m'iIit r??? j?iir sing ? 11.. ? !:t.iT:ilf.i< ' uiv! - ami ? ii?>*. . ? ?! t,.r- .?(' mhiii' ft11? ?!.-? 111? -11f;i! I". <..N j uti'l'T li< i ii-i' !???<! rii-l !<>!)< <i? j ? ^i_rii?i T<? prevent uii ivas>?11.11?'.?* | ? r?.*it ^ I ; | ami t.i x]h'chI:iI :? >ii ami linn rding. j i Kc_'ii a! i>>iis will !??? proscribed for ? | i.ark'-i'^. <"!'l ^tora-'i' limit's, mil?*!-. > a : ?v'-\ al<>r<. grain ?1?':i I - i (?!?> ami w i.??:?'<:?!?? dealers and r?*T.i ilers j <|i>iii'_' a i- ft' more tli;!ii .<I<MM1<1O ; t tl I) 11 :l 1) \ ill t 111* < '?!!l!llOilitS<>?- ho ; name I "The prime (iiji |mi^.? <>f (in* fin*) :ir?- j iniiii-! rn tion." I he announcement >aid.( "i< ti> protect iMo patriot against tin' slacker in business It has generally j lii'i-ii recognized that I In- enormousj oldigat n?n imposed on I ho American! people to feed i>nr soldiers at tin* front j ami tin' allies creates a disturbing fae-i for in trade which allows opportunity to :i few to impose burdens upon the mailt ami that it i> of vital national important thiii such control should ho exerted as will remedy so far as may he. tin- economic disturbance^ incident to the war." Will ITa white man from Spartanburg who has horn contlnod in the death-house at the State penitenti ary died from natural causes Tuesday. His case was under ajr|>o?l to the Supremo Court and a now trial had l>oen granted him. Ho was convicted of killing a man and given a life sen tence. Then he killed a ? hain gang guard and it was for this killing ho was sentenced r<> death A seventh story and To room** are to l>e added !?> rho Jofforson Hotel at Columbia. There will ho .10 rooms in the seventh story, and 10 more In the ball room which ?? to have j>ortable partitions. The city of ftendintr. I'a . has estab lished a municipal piggery whore citi zens may ra w a pig on< h by buying a pig and tlmn providing f<wd for if. Is your barn a cotton warehouse? WHEN you store a ton of old style cottonseed hull# you give space to almost 500 pounds of lint and all the extra bulk that the lint causcs. When you store a ton of . J MA** RUCtt^YF W W CQTTON3CCD 9 ? V HULLS \ LINTVK48 you give space to 2000 pounds of real roughage, free from lint, compact, concentrated, solid. Buckeye Hulls save half your storage space or enable you to carry twice as much roughage. Other Advantages 2000 pounds of roughage valuo Better assimilation of other food. to the ton?riot 1500. No trash or dust. Priced much less per ton. Sacked?easy to handle. Every pound goes farthef. Mix well with other forage. Mr. John Wicker, Format, Miaa., a ay a: that his first experience in feeding Buckeye Hulls was unsatisfactory as he fed them improperly. He now soaks the hulls over night, then feeds them and has very satisfactory results. Mr. Wicker states that these hulls are more economical than the old style hulls and thinks that they go almost twice as far as the old style hulls at a considerably less cost to begin with. To secure the best results and to develop the ensilage odor, wet the hullt thoroughly twelve houra before feeding. It is easy to do this by wetting them down night and morning (or the next^feeding. If ?t any linw this cannot be done, wet down at least thirty minutes. If you prefer to feed the hulls dry, use only half as much by bulk at of old style hulU. Book of Mixed Feeds Free Gives the rifcht formula for every combination of feeds used in the South. Tells how much to feed for maintenance, for milk, for fat tening, for work. Describes Buckeye Hulls and gives directions for using them properly. Send for your copy to the nearest mill. DePt. k The Buckeye Cotton Oil Co. o,Pt. k Atlanta Birmingham Greenwood Little Rock MtmpkU Auruata Charlotte Jachaon Macon Stlma I (\il. \\\ (!. Smith. State warehouse I commissioner reports that there is now j being received in the various State w ;irehouses from MM) to l.<MK) hales of j cotton each day. It is notaMe that.tiio ; ^niiill fanner in very much greater ' numbers than ever before is storing cot toll. The Ixmn .Must Succeed. We hum make this loan a success. We ran make it a success. The fail i ure "f a single issue of <iovei'iimeiit bonds would be worse for America ?t-fttt+i?a? rtprrn fhc~field?of bat :ie. We ?11;i-1 never ler that happen. \ few da\s m.l'o | read the follow ing tnanifesto issm-d in Herlin by the l.ojiifne of <ierinali .Municipalities; If money talks, the I'resident of) the I iiitei) States may learn by Oc j Is. when the ^n-b^eriptiou Lists that the eeho of the new war fund _'ivtn li\ the (ierman p<s>ph* will have drowiieil out completely the ei;inior ..f unending protests to which his r?]. \ to the I'ope has uiven stim ulus" uv meet that challenge by a subscription t<> our Second Liberty l/oan on the L'Tth day of October, nine days after the dose of the fJer rnan loan, which will make clear to the lierinau military il<*spotism that America marshals not alone her b? soldiers upon the Held, her inviaj Navy u]H>ii the high seas, her iw tries throughout the length and bw of this land, l>nt as well her tuna resources, and that ahe Is detenu! to use them all without stint awl irardless of sacrifice to vindicate Ai ican rights, out raged too frHjoq hy (Jennan infamies.?From Secret McAdoo'A s|K>(H-h before the Ameri Hankers' Association September 1 m 7. FINAL DISCHARGE NnTlr-e is hereby iriv cii fliai ??n.*lm from this date. ?>u Monday. X>>v? 5th. 15*17. I will liiake to thf I'roti Court of Kershaw County my j return as Administrator of the ?t (?f Charles II. Ilornsby. deceased.! on the Millie date I will apply to -uid (Vuirt f'?r a final disrhara?' a< Administ rat or. .IKSSK T. ih?SS. Camden. S. ('., (w*tol?er 4th. 19b. Mst Certificate. This is to certify that certificate O'J. thr?H? shares of series No. 1 of Camden Hullding and I/>an Asa* tion, of Camden. S. C., dated <Vt 1910, has been lost, and that if publication of this notice required ffj her of times I will apply for anc* certificate of said shares. \V. A. CLARK Camden, S. C., Oct. ?'*. 101". YOU KNOW THE BANK BUT DOES the bank know you? are often jisked is such and such a person 18 r?,iab,e' ?r entit,ed ^ credit. If you are a.depositor thC bank knows ^0ur worth and can give you a rating Otherwise a bank is often compelled to withhold > latin# purely through lack of information rel ative to your financial status. hank account is your best endorsement. ltstawp^j you as a man of affairs. Loan & Savings Bankj OF CAMDEN, S. C.