The Camden chronicle. (Camden, S.C.) 1888-1981, September 14, 1917, Image 8

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TO FIT THE BOY LORD SALTIMORLfci CLOTNfLS FOR SCHOOL It is a mistaken idea that just anything in the line of clothing will do for your boys school year. One substantial suit will outwear two poor ones. We sell the substantial kind. Especially does your boy need a strong durable suit for school wear. He should have good clothing, for rags destroy his self respect. WE HAVE made special provision for the boys, and have a line of clothing, hats and shoes that cannot be surpassed. You will be pleased and the boy will be happy if you outfit him here. Economical and satisfy ing. LORD BALTIMORE CLOTHES _ Baruch-N ettles Co. CAMDEN, SOUTH CAROLINA TIIOMAS i: WATSON Ills Stran^v Cuiwr and its Lamentable Conclusion. .Iii-i I if \ ? ii n I t lie lilt le town of Tlh 'in I - .? sij. in a iiiiiijiiiIi>'enI. "iii fashioned j Southern home. t hero live- ;i m:in I whose vrry name should. I?> ;il! riulit*. l'i' I'l.izinu hriirhtly mi tli** halK of' 11 inc. Toda \ tin- 111 :l II i> in I !??? < 11 ? | ?l 11? of i de-pair burdcnod willi \\ in'?i 111 u'\ t ii i L.'iii-?li:il'!i' tin- hitler fruit of remorse ; 111< I 1.1 Mill:.' tin* die;;- of trrief. | To him. as il were. "WIn'ii u'r<? w s i-siinc. ilic.x came noi : ?dnjjle >pie<. ' Bin in luiiii Mime." Horn willi ;iii innate j??i?|?* which lashed his :imliit Ion like I lie whip ! of M task ifvaster and spurn it- him on' .ml on to heights wliirh I In ? iivcrairoj country youth would not dare i>> scale. ? ihis mail pultivafed himself. develop <??1 his tn Ion Is. ami made bine elf a > man anion;' men. Mr bnaine as ^rouil a lawyer, in at ; |ca?d ono pa rtli'illar branch of tho pro ? fi>wjiin. ihen* was in Ceorfrla Mr ?>\ 11iI?iII qualifies of statesman ship seldom Mi'ii in those shallow I inics. Willi hi*, pi n ho employed. "Choice words ami measured phrase j aho\e the fradi "(if ordinary men" Mis essa\s rank with those of La nib and Macaulay. His histories .no rlie ablest ever written in 111i- count ry ? his "Story of I'ranei'" l?ein;f a ' lassie and his "Na poleon" the most comprehensive one v.dunie stud.N of the most famous man of history His "JefTersonian" and "Jack-ou" hi-. "Mexico" hi- "The IIo honzoilei n?." e\en his "Roman Catholic Hieraehr\are works which prove him an hit? ? i i? -.-i 1 wrl'i>r- of the hisrh est order. His ediI'M in I'Xprevsiun burns with the lire nf i Marat and the powerful eloquence <>f Mranii "r may soothe like TTt7> l?-ii<l?*r nentTenrss "I .1 w "IDilh. 1llv . In- is even v?? I, with )ln> 11 ? I ? ? e\< c|tf i< >11 of Judge SjMH'r, most orator iii tile South ('i i i:iin it i-. lie in w it limit a peer in ilii^ stale a- ;i j ? I i t i??: 11 -tump spea krr *1 et t hi> m.i ii has I'. ill. mi. fallen. fallen I'ji I leu. I'ailen f*r?>111 tlic liiijli rotate. Ami weltering in hi- own Mood." |^o\\c\<i- it may In- <;i i 11 tli,-it ? Twa- ho (.miiimii'- arm* that felled Twas Iii- own thai -triK-k I In* Mow." I'odiiv. instead of I><*i11it honored hy his people. an inspiration to tin* voulli of i lie land. In'-; name the proud l?o?>t of hi? roimt rymeii. he is despised hy deeent-i hinking citizens. practically proscribed hy his government. a pariah anions patriots. \\'hili* others loss gifted hut niori' devoted to democracy arc giving their iniM?|ti>h services to their nation, this man i- sowing the seeds of sedition. Mis writings are denied the mails, and a prostMaition for jin offense akin to treason lianas heavy, heavy over the head. ? From the Americas. < la . Times Kecorder. largest War Tax in History. Washington. Sept. 10.?1The war tax hill?the largest single taxation measure in American history?was passed tonight hy the Senate. It pro vides for a levy -somewhat under $2, 400.000.000 as compared with the $l.N({7.X70,ooo proposal in the hill as it passed the House May 'J.*'., The vote was 00 to 1. Senators Borah, (fioima. La Pol lotto and \orris heing recorded in f?p|>osit1on. Had Fler Fixed. "My tirst wife said if I married again she'd dig her way out of the grave and haunt me!" "Hut you did marry again." Yes. hut 1 huried her face ilown. her dig."?The Tatler. SCHOOL STATIONERY Tablets, I {lank Books, Ink*, Pencils, Pens, Krasers, Hook Straps. Pencil Iloxea. School-Companion >. Ink Wells. Pencil Sharpeners, Cray ons. Drawing Tablets. Mucilage. Past*. Kulers, Pen Staffs, Pencil Clips. Pen Hacks. Stamp Pads. Stamp Pad Ink. Typewriter Ribbon. Can supply most of your wants in ihe stationery line, at prices that arc right. * Delivery From S A T?? s |? y( W. Robin Zemp's Drug Store Telephone 30. Health Precaution 'I ii i i i i i <? - t ?* . : ? ' # The comen sense way is to keep the health right. y And the way'to keep good health is to eat pure food/ Impure or inferior foods are a menace to health, juid should never be allowed on your table. OUR GROCERIES WILL STAND THE TEST We can't advertise cheap groceries now. The cheap article is just the thing you don't want. Hut we ca?~furnish you the best in all staple and fancy groceries. And our prices are v ry reasonable when you know the excellence of our goo Is "1 111 ? ii H i 1 Bruce's Pure Food Store ? > PHONE 66 A rcgimeut of 21,000 negro steve dores for foreign service bus been au thorize! by tlif war department to meet the demand for experienced men to handle war supplies for the Amer en it force in France. Recruiting of ficers, especially those in southern sea port cities. have l>cen instructed to seek men for the regiment. An ef fort Is being made to got exemption from I raft for negroes of draft age J who would prefer hard work behind j the lines t<> duty in Hie trenches. The | I army also wants negro eooks and will I i give good pay t<> even inexperienced ! linen if they have capacity and are j ! willing to learn. Six negro soldiers of the 24th in i fa lit ry. who clashed with the civil po- ' ! lice and th(> troops sent to subdue i them at Waco. Texas, on the night of : j July 20. were found guilty of vlla- ' tIj>n of the 0,'lrd article of war before i the general court martial "held recent j ty at Camp .Mai-Arthur, Waco. Five i <>f the men were sentencel to (live i years at hard labor In the T'nited ' State* penitentiary at Leavenworth. Kan. The sixth man received ten years. All were sentenced to toe (lis honorably discharged from the service and to forfeit all pay and allowances due or to become due while in con finement under service. A Horrible Example. "Willie." said Ibe mother sorrowful ly. "every time yon arc naughty I get Knottier gray hair." "iiir!" >aid Willie: "you must ha\c been ;.i terror. Look at firandpa." Life. r.>]p'v ||..t l'.!a-t lb' 11ei's make a big rcdueiio i in \oiir coal bill -sec heir- advertisement and guarantee. \ ?','iuipaign to leriit't women for farm w??rk lias Keen >t;irtcd by the Nat ioi .il l eague fur Women's Service in en m| ei..: i? ?:i w it h the department ? ?t' | ii...r at Washington. Artificial Camphor Produced. Artificial camphor has been pro dined. It is now made from pine tree turpentine, Hut the ? hemist has not yet succeeded in synt hesixing gutta percha. This commodity yearly be comes scarcer. Enormous quantities are required for various purposes, notably the covering of submarine cables and the making of golf balls. A fortune awaits the man who can make artificial gutta percha at a price that will permit it to compete with the Juice of the Dlchopls gutta. Dragon's Bones Found in China. The earth, under the probes of ex plorers, is still yielding up prehistoric secrets and strange revelations of past ages. In China, the bones of what it is thought to have been a species of Adragon" have been unearthed. One large specimen measured GO feet, and near it were the fossilized remains of a number of smaller ones. Interest in this discovery was very widespread and keen, as all true Chinamen like to say that they have "seen a dragon," even if only a fossil. Getting the New*.. "Why do you encourage that inces sant talker. Mrs. Gaddy. to come here?" "Well, I save that much on subscrip tion to a dally newspaper." Strong Hint. "Have you an extensive plant In your town to Interest an enterprising stranger?" "Yes. we have. There'* the town remetery." REALTY TRANSFERS As Shown by Books in Office of County Auditor. It I. I Ink ex to John T. Stevens and |(' l? Jones 127 acres $2,00" ; I. A Wlttkowsky Master to J. Hughes ('<K?per tt 'seres $7" K (' Johnson. Jr.. to J. !'. ("rocker ami Henry Savage I b>t Mill St. | $'.VSk Jaine l?ean to Mack Chai>el Church 1 acre $10n. .1 E Elliott to T.. C. Hough 2T?fl acres *7.V) John Mitchell to Jexse Mitchell 50 ?cre-j $400. One of tho iiuwit vacuum bottles can l>e taken entirely apart for cleans ing. Wants?For Sale WANTED?A cook. Apply to Mrs. Ijt'slic Zenip, 1512 Fair Street, WANTED?Second hand Ford roadster must lie la good condition. Apply to Chronicle olllce. Cole's Hot Blast Heaters make a hi>c reduction in your coal hill?see their advertisement and guarantee. WANTED?The public to know that I have moved my cotton seed scales from rear of \V. It. Watklns store to cotton platform of W. If. Ilalle where 1 will be glad to have ui.v friends call on m<\ I pay top market prices for cotton seed. John Whitakcr, Camden, S. ('. 22-24-pd. I FOR SALE?Woodstock Typewriter, practically new. Mrs. H. L. Wat kins. 22tf. 'i BOARDERS WANTED?I Vo young men or young couple can obtain hoard In private home. Apply to "Hoard" ca-re_uf Chronicle. 22. . FOR KENT?Six horse farm?nil of it or a part of it?seven miles from , Camdon. Six room house and ten- i aue houses, known as A. L. Barnes; phi'-e. Apply to Mrs. M. A. Barnes. ] Camden. S. C.. Rfd ?. 21-23-pd. braender tires and tubes! UiwrrtnUHHl ftiul Adjusted GEO. t MTTLE r o* ***** on u <50O<t Til,t> ?1' TuW Wt| llaVr a l*rlw That No <^hi? Towh -- unirilAl : Wo Uav?? uk near ? i?uiv Kuui ml tuh.1 KK1> T4JBK HI IW _ ;ix:u? it *800; *w ao*3 14 J ?* oa? YH\",ar?iol on thono hbuKht Ul? advum** All m\ stock. MRS. J. A. WATSON, at Mrs. D, I), Pa I rish's will specialise on l>egiu ners lu Anisic. Apply for toruiH. Telephone No. Htt. 22-pd. FOR RENT?Seven room eottage on North Broad Street. Ex<<oUeut gnr (U'm and large lot, Ai?ply to Miss Mattle Oerald, Camden, S. O. 22tf. WANTED?A live wide awake man to Hell sewing machines and collect, mon ey. For iwrtieulars write Singer Sewing Machine Co., C. A. ltlanton, Mgr.. Kn infer, S. C. 3tl. FOR SALE?One 70 saw Pratt gin. feeder and condenser in good sec ond hand condition. One Bobs press, needing some repair. Price for the outfit $100.00. L. W. Boy kin, Boykln, S. C. FOK RENT?Furnished rooms. Ap ply to Mrs. Thomas I/Bllg, 413 L?au reus Streef, Camden, H. C. 21-tf. OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING-?Cast ings of all kinds a specialty. ' W. (>. Hay's Oarage, /Camden, S. C. 21-4-pd. FOR RENT ?Four furnished rooms suitahle-?for light housekeeping. Ap ply to 1212 North Broad St. * JUST RECEIVED?,'{,000 bushels Tex as Ue<l Rust Proof seed oat?. Free from till grass seeds. Workman OroceryCo. 21-tf. DOUBLE YOUR TIRE MILEAGE? Tires have gone up ajrain. We have in stock "Inter Ixx*k" inner liners to fit most sizes. These are about ' one third the cost of new tires. W. O. Hay's Oarage, Camden, S.. C. 22-25-pd. GOODYEAR TIRES?We are agents for the celebrated "Goodyear" cord and wrapi>ed tread tires. This is the only tire that is wrapped tread. Kershaw Motor Co.. Camden. S. C. 21-25. JI18T RECEIVED?tVerlfKH IIb Full Pall Dairy F*ed, \u[ Horse and Mule Feed, \fw Flour and Virginia Oai?. Won (Jrwery Co. TIW58! TIRES!?See nTb^L your tiros. We sell Fink and JJ States and have a projKXiitioQ will /Interest you. \v. o, Hiy?* >aKe. TIMBER FOR KALE~i^ :ux>,0<>0 feet long leaf plaef foot short leaf pine. .1. \y kins, Luoknow, S. C. 19.3 TIRES f TIRKS!?See us before I your tires. We. sell Fink and States ami have a proiKjaltlon will Interest you. W. o. Hayyl ' rage, 19-2C WANTED?Old false teeth; don't i tor if broken. I pay $2 te $?, set. Send by parcel post and coivo eheek by return mall Tori. 40.1 N. Wolfe St. 1 Baltii "? Md. 19-22-pd. TEACHERS RANTED-<l) town and country schools $75 $100; (2) ladles combining and common school, unprece ?demand; (3) grade and high Can place all qualified teachers any the nbove. Special enr Southern Teachers' Agency, Ida, S. C. 20-23 LO$T?Iii January 1917 from Bethune one white hound bitch eilow head and curs, with bi. spot on one hip or flank, rati shaggy. Answers to name 3f~ Any - information will be lltx rewarded. It. <!. Haines, Cent ? S. C. N 19-26-pd>,| -J FOR RENT?Storeroom No. 1204 Bp St. Has two rooius in rear, to, 1200 Oth Ave. llroad. ROOMS TO RENT?Suitable for housekeeping. Apply to 1206 Oth emte, BroaO Street, Camden, S.C. ATTENTION! FARMERS we; HAVE FOR SALE: 1000 BUSHELS FANCY RECLEANED RUST PROOF OATS AT $1.25 500 BUSHELS FANCY RUST PROOF OATS AT $1.00 50 BUSHELS FANCY FULGHUM OATS AT $1.50 4 150 BUSHELS FANCY SEED WHEAT AT $2.75 n iwniffa *? Samples can be found at Loan & Savings Bank. ? All above home raised. i Consolidated Farms Co.| Camden, South Carolina r > ? * v.