Cheraw chronicle. (Cheraw, S.C.) 1896-2005, March 24, 1910, Image 1

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f ? __ ? ___?-? , "'Tls Not in Mortals to Command Suocjsf, tut We'll do More. We'll Deserve It." VOL 14. CHERAW. CHESTERFIELD CpUINTY. S. C. MARCH 24, 1910. M. 21 .) * CHESTERFIELD MEDICAL SOCIETY MEETS. Enthusiastic Meeting of Chesterfield Doctors Held in Cheraw Last Thursday.?Address by Dr. Chis. W. Koliock, of Charleston. The Chesterfield Medical So ci.-iy lit-ld its annual meeting in the rooms of the Chiquola Club last Thursday. The meeting was very enthusiastic and subjects of : vital impo 'lance to the profession were discussed. 1 i)r. Chas. \V. Koliock, of Charleston, was present and ad- 1 dressed the meeting. ' The following officers were ' elected: ' President, Dr. T. E. Lucas, of ' Chesterfield. ! Viee-Pre '.dent, Dr. L. E. Bull, 1 of Cheraw. ^ Sec. <fc Treas., Dr. I. R. Wagner, of Chesterfield. Drs. I K. Wagner and E. A. McClell.ui were chosen as delegates t-> attend the meetiug of 1 the South Carolina Medical Associate n which meets in Laurens next mouth. ( ? ? i Tribute of Respect. , At our anniversary meeting on ' St. David's Day, we missed one ' of our members, Mrs. Pendleton, v im line hopn p.alled from this eartlil.v life Jo a higher and larger ( one. ' Coming to us a stranger only a few years ago, she had endeared I * . herself to us by her beautiful 1 chci'aQter and by her faithful- 1 wuoss Una iT^vocion. "i ndagil un-', 1 assuming, she was always ready j1 to help iu every good work. Es-l! pecially was she helpful in the Sunday school. She was truly 1 faithful in all good works and has ! left us an example which we shall 1 not soon forget. We hereby express our appre- 1 ciation ??f her, our sorrow at her J loss, and our sympathy for the family. Resolved, that a page in our minutes be devoted to her mem_ ? - " 1 MAO/ilntiAno ^ Oi y, it "I icoi'iuiiuuo i be sent to her family and also th it they bo sent to the county papers for publication. Mrs. W. R. Godfrey, Mrs. M. W. Duvail, , Committee , OF MIDDLE I; ? r?ii I AUfc I1 Need Lytlfa E. Pinkham's 1 Vegetable Compound ' i i. .\ro.?"Vwo year.-. acfO I was ui'ali!.-;???i ;?-.v kind of work and ' only \\<*ijjlu ! . . ...i !/. .My trouble i * " ; .5 kick to the V.: it women 1 |y <" p< et nature | La : ritij? on them .he Chancre of Life, v^. ? % 1 i + : bottle oi F ^ - ; j E. JPStiktem's >/ jv\- re table Com- '< \r f L ouud and it made i liiiuehbetter, Lad I have continrfWT*f d. ii? r~e. I am , I /: / ' / j very grateful to you I j r the croud health i lam now e: joying."? JMrs. Sakaii } *' > I M'lA'JA J . Hi O. HI vv v, iirooktiehl, M?>. ; The C\i .!.:: ! 1/fe istlio most criti- 1 f:i] j.i'ii. :i t ' > < > n*s existence, and neglect < ? i !. tlaic invites disease and pain. Worm :i < rywl.oro f . '"1(1 rcmonber ihat ti. -:v is no other rum-ny known ) medicine thai will so sueces-mily ::vy women through this trying period as Lydia E. Piukham's Vegetal-ie < < ,iiul, made from native roots ami her Its. For ft") years i? has been curing tvoir. -n fr< ni t...* worst forms of female ills?i::.1'..Munition. ulceration, displace tie" tigroid tumors, irregularities, j'ej: pains, backache, and nervous pio.stratiou. If you would like special advice about your ease write a eontidenfial letter to Mrs. I'inkliam, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice is i'rec a:: I alv'.'.y; helpful. DON'T BE BALD. Almost Any One May Secure a Splendid Growth of Hair. You can easily find out for your self if your hair needs nourishment; if it is thinning, gettiug dry, harsh aud brittle, or splitling at the ends. You simply have to pull a hair from the top of your head and closely exam iue its root. It the bulb is plump and rosy it is all right; if it is white and shrunken your hair is diseased aud needs nourishment. We have a remedy for your hairtroubles that cannot be surpass ed. It has a record of growing hair and curing baldness in 93 )ut of 100 cases where used according to directions for a reasonable length of time. It will veil grow hair on bald heads if the scalp is not glazed and shiny. That may seem like a strong statement; it is, and we mean it to he, and no one should doubt it until they have put our claims to in actual test.. We are so sure that Rexall "93'' Flair Tonic will completely eradicate dandruff, prevent baldness, stimulate the scalp and hair roots, stop falling hair and grow new hair, that we personally give >ur po'.itivo guarantee to refund every peuny paid us for Rexall '93" Hair Tonic in every instance where it does not do as we claim pr fails to give eutire satisfaction to the user. Rexall "93"'Hair Tonic is as pleasant to use as clear spring water. It is perfumed with a pleasant odcr, and does not grease or gum the l-wii'. We few.-e t iu two sizes, prices 50 ceuts md $1.00. We urge you to try Rexall '"93" Hair Touio on our recomraendatiou and with our guarantee back of it. You cer Laiuly take no risk. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies n Cheraw only at our store, the Rexall Store, J. T. Ladd, -I. SOCIABILITY RUN. From Augusta to Pineliurst, Via Columbia, Camden and Cheraw. President Whaley of the Auto mobile Association of Columbia will appoint a special committee withiu the next few days which will confer with automobilists of :he towns in the lower stretch of ilie Capital highway relative to :he proposed "sociability run" from Augusta to Pinehurst. As announced, the run will be neld on April 18 and 19. Reports from Augusta are to the effect that a large number of cars will ae entered from that city. The Augusta motorists and those from the towns betweeu this city tnd Augusta will leave on the morning of April 18, and arrive in Columbia during the afternoon. Together with the Columbia automobilists the party will proceed to Camden for the night and thence to Pinehust via Cheraw on April 19. The automobile association of Columbia has taken on new life and an effort is going to be made to secure the name for member>hip of every owuer in the city. The future of the Capital high.vay depends larg-'ly upon the local association. There are nearly 2T>h automobiles in Columbia ;uid the association has a mem bership of only 98. The matter of a state organization of the American Automobile Association has been left with the board of governors of the Columbi.i club. When the Camden association has been organized S -nth Carolina will be eligible to liter the national association. ? ) The State. PEARY SNUBBED BY CONGRESS No Reward Unless He Furnishes Polar Proofs Washington, March 9.?By a practically unanimous vote the sub-committee of the house naval committee today decided against bestowing any reward upon Com-j raander Robert E. Peary until he had furnished further pro >fs that he discovered the North Pole. I "I confess that I am exceed-1 ingly skeptical about Mr. Peary's ever having discovered the pole," declared Mr. Macon today before the committee. Mr. Macon said he wanted to direct attention to one "discrepancy in Mr. Peary's story." This was the speed which the explorer declared he made from the time Captain Bartlett left him until he reached the pole. Mr. Peary said that for five days he made 20.4 miles per day, but Mr. Macon said this appeared very singular in view of the fact that the Peary , party had made but 9.06 miles per day up to ?he time Bartlett left. ONLY A NEGRO WITNESS. During this part of his journey, Mr. Macon said, "no white ( man was with him as i witness, his only companions being his 1 negro valet and four Eskimos. "He claims to have made an av- ( erageof 44 miles per day on his | way baclt from the pole to Bart H BANK OF Guara your Dep Capital Stockholders liability. Surplus Total resources over If yovi weLnt &.bsc your 0LCCount with ui J3he Bank 1 Establish CKera.v lett's camp, and 28.6 miles per day from Bartlett's camp to Cape Columbia. i "The greatest speed he made before Bartlett left him was 9.06 miles por day; so Peary must have made nearly three < times as great speed after Bartlett left him as he did before, in order to reach the pole." Mr Macon declared that Mr. Peary's own statements showed that he equaled this speed but | twice during the entire journey to the pole. The first day he started from land he made 26 : miles, and on another day made 29 miles in 14 hours of forced march, "which Mr. Peary has told us was about the limit of human endurance." Mr- Macon quoted Lieutenant Shackelton, General Greely and others to show that "10 to 12 miles per day, or slightly more, perhaps, is considered the limit of human endurance traveling over polar seas NO PROOF NO HONORS. "Iam absolutely opposed to; c ingress granting any award toj Commander Peary unless his; proofs are made public," declared Representative Roberts of Massachusettes, a member of the sub-committee. "No doubt Senator Tillman Refrains at Home Only Two Days*-lie and His Wife Enter a Sanitarium al Atlanta. Atlauta, Ga., Mitch 21?After a stay of two d;|ys at t h e i r home in Trenton,j8. C., United States Senator Benjamin R. Tillman and Mi*. Tillman ar rived in this city list Dight. The Senator was drive i immediately to a local sanitarilin, where he will remain until \\i has fully recovered from his lvcent illness. Phir?ir?in no a t I L?? annitn.ri 11 m after an examination said that the Senator's con?lion was very much improved, aid that he ODly came here to take Le "rest cure" after which it is e. Reeled he will be fully recovered ?< * -*i? DEATH OF MR<; HERBERT. Mother of Well Mown Methodist Ministers pissed Away. Mrs. Thomas GfHerbert, widow of the late Jfev." Thomas G. Herbert, and mtsi> highly esteemed lady in th< 'ifcate, died at her home in Lei grille Monday. She was the moth r of Rev. Walter I. Herbert. o? Charleston, at one time pastor,. 0 jthe Cberaw Meththodist chtt|fcr and Rev. C. C. Herbert, of OfraiJid Rev. J. G. Herbert. Ajn'ljtifree of her sons are preachjB tlldmembers of the South Caflb*)Ooofereuce. She was also a tdgfl^pf Mrs. S. E. Caston, of ou^Bfc chJIvT .r\tees osit with 50,000 SO, 000 6p,000 $1610,000 $40(0,000 i >lute security keep s. of Chera.w, ied 11887. v, S. C. the members of the committee wouldn't be able to tell anything about Mr. Pear.v's records even if they were submitted to us, for we are not scientists, but at least the country would be given a chance to know why we were honoring him. "There is nothing whatever before us to show that Mr. fenry bas discovered the pole, further than the statements of certain gentlemen that he did. Could the members of this committee go in to the house and support any bill which they presented when they had no facts to back it up? We would be in a ridiculous attitude." .. -i.. How Good News Spreads "I am 70 years old and travel most of the time,'' writes l?. F. TiiIhmii. <if Elisabeth. K\*. ''Kv* ervwhore 1 g<> 1 recommend Electric Bitters, because I owe niv exec; lent health and vitality to tlmm They effect a cure every time." They never fail to tone the stomach, regulate the kidneys and bowels, stimulate thf liver, invigorates the nerves and purify the blood. They work wonders for weak, run-down men ami women, restoring strength, vigor and health that's a daily jov. Try them. Only 50c. Satisfaction is positively guaranteed by Theo. E,J Wannamaker. I i; Rev. Carroll Lectures in Cheraw. Rev. Richard Carroll, the em t inent colored divine, of Columbia, delivered two lectures in our city Sunday under the auspices of the Pee Dee Union Baptist chnrch. In the afternoon he lectured to the white people in the town hall. A large number of Oheraw's representative citizens and quite a uumberof ladies were present, all of whom enjoyed his talk very much. In the evening he addressed the colored people in the Pee Dee Union Baptist church. Rev. Carroll is a very flueut speaker and is very entertaining, [lis object in lecturing over the country is a worthy one, and he should receive the support of all our people. Mm Morgan Forms Auto Combine. Detroit. Mich., March 9.?A deal of immeuse importance in the automobile world and one which promises to add much to Detroit's iudustrial advancement was closed in New York by which the eutire plant and stock holdings of the E-M-F Company were transferred to J. P. Morgan & Oo. The price paid was $6,000,000, it is said. J. P. Book, vice-president of the E. M. F. Company, says that that property alone will ultimate ly be capitalized at from $30, 000,000 to $50,000,000. "It is truo that the stockholders of the E-M-F Company have sold to Mr. Morgan," said VicePresident Book. ?<f.? _ Ford-Robeson. The following invitation has been issued: Capt Thomas Ford requests the honor of your presence at the marriage of his daughter, Mar-i tha Selena to Mr. Thomas DeWitt J Pobeson, Wednesday afternoon, April sixth, nineteen hundred. and ten, at two thirty o'clock, j Prince George Winyah church, Georgetown, South Carolina. r?| J Farrand Pit Everett Pis | Stein way 1 Victor Tall Edison Ph w We are here t We have t See our stock < everything fi I1 weeks we will a< 2,0( and some very fi | | Come see an and hear the Vic | It is our i TILLM/ 1SECOND | Reliance Life Ins of Pittsb JAMES H. RE Assets $2,976,383.34 More money behind each other company in the United ! LARGE or LARGER. Som? accumulation of dividends eqi 20 payment life policy is p annual premium payments. > the Reliance Life guarantees policy, equal to more than accumulate at 3 1-2 per cent. On ?10,000 policy, 20 pa} $347.60. Guaranteed accunn Guaranteed cash value end policy $13?380.40. If divide urns annually, 541.50 is tl dividend guaranteed. Comp policy you now have or write policy you would like. Reliai none. Men of ability wanted j liberal commission contract opportunity. R. A. ROUSE, ( CHERA1 Bible Society Meets. The Cheraw Bible Society, an auxiliary branch of the National Bible Society, held its annual meeting last Sunday night in the Baptist church. The annual serraou was preached by Rev. Marvin Auld, pastor of the Methodist church. After the sermon the Minutes of the last meeting was read and approved and the reports of the retiring officers were received, after which a committee was appointed and a canvass Qf the congregation made for members. Right here it may be well to give some idea of the objects, I &c., of this society. It is nonde-j ' nouinational and is organized for the purpose of raising funds to supply Bibles to those not able to buy them. Through the efforts of this society the Bible has been translated juto several languages and has been distributed in many couutries. Depositories mos and Organs inos Pianos sing Machines onographs hat do you think pf this lir o please the people that he very best goods that -' 'r^llrSn/v MnoViin OI V lC'lUI 1 itl&UJg iTiaviiiu rom $10.00 to $125.00. id to this line )0 Edison Reo ne Everett Pianos cl examine our goods?talk trola, also ask to hear Evar pleasure * rv a iTTrvn \JN-DAVlLto STREET CHER [ MnwaHBonaBa iurance Company, urgh, Pa. :ED, President. Liabilities $1,239,609 individual policy than in any States. Our dividends are as i companies estimate that the jal four premiums and that a >aid for with a sum equal to 16 Why take an estimation when you an amount, on a 30 pay 5 1-2 premiums, if allowed to mient life, age 30, premium llation of dividends $1,927.16. 20 years $7,007 10 or paid up nds are used to reduce premile first and $173.10 is the 19tto >are these figures with the for information regarding any ice Life policies are second t? to write life insurance on or straight salary. Golden jeneral Agent, IV, s. c. have been established all over the country where bibles are kept and there a person can get a nicel.y printed and bound bible at a very, very cheap price, and if not able to pay for it the depositary is instructed to give a copy free. Auxiliary societies are to j be found all over the civilized world. These societies meet once a year. The annual dues are only 25 cents and thess dues are always supplemented by a voluntary contribution. All mon-, i iea collected &a dues and hv nrjrt. . ..A j tribution are senb to the head : office of the society in New York. The officers of the Cheraw auxiliary elected last Sunday night are: president, Dr. L. H. Shuck; vice president, Rev. Margin Au Id; secretary-treasury, R. |T. Caston; depositary, J. T. 1 Ladd. The next meeting of the Cheraw auxiliary will be held in the Methodist church. = il le? we live among. i money can buy. j es and Records, [n the next few ords I ; it over with us is Williams sing. ON CO. AW, S. C. 11II