Cheraw chronicle. (Cheraw, S.C.) 1896-2005, March 17, 1910, Image 1

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" 'Ti? Not In Mortals to Command Success, but We'll do More. We'll Deserve it." TOL 14. CHERAW. CHESTERFIELD COUNTY. S. C. MARCH 17, l?10. NO. 30 STATE CAMPAIGN ALREADY BEGUN. 'V4* Cindidatei Arc Ahrud ir. the Laid, Talking to Voters. Columbia, Mareh 10.?Oampaifrnia; in earnest has already been oemmenced by soma of the candidates, this being eleotian year ia Soath Carolina, end the party machinery Trill aoon begin to more in preparation for the Democratic primaries, which, in thir state settle all contests for office, from Uiited States Senator down to ceroner. The pre liminary meetings will be those - ? a.1 -J *. .t.U. iLn mnnntrr VI HIV przjvir:\ii t'jHUi, imo wuiu.I and slate eoaventions and the e'ate executive cemmiktee. Om April 39 tke precinat clubs will Black their efflcers, choose delegates to the county oonvenlion and name a member of the county executive eommitteo. On May 3 khe coanky convention will naeok in kha several county teaks. These convenkious will aachelecka county chairman, a member of kha stake executive committee and delegates to the State Democratic convention Oa May 18 kha State execu ktve cemmlkkaa will meek in Columbia. Its work will be largely routine. The only years in which kha convention is important are those of presidential elections. The stake democratic sxecutlve committee, whioh bandies machinery of khe parky, will meek at khe eall of Chairman Wilie Jones, to arrange for the primaries, the , _ fie** nn fhn lyr ond on September II. The committee will also fix the sehedule ior toe campaign moukiu^a. There will be no campaign for the United States Senator unless Senator Tillman should resign or some other eontingesoy of that sorb should arise in which case the governor would appoint a senator to serve until the meeting of the General Assembly and the scatter for the remainder of the term weuld be chosen in the primary this summer the choice of the primary being merely ratified by the legislature. This was done when Senator Barle died in 1597. The state sampaign proper opens usually about Jnne 15 and lasts until about August 15. linn flfcK PHYSICIAN APPROVES Taking Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound SabattuR, Maine.?"You told me to take -Lydia 1J. l'inklmm's Vegetable f" * v : f(]omooiind and ^Liver* Pills before . child-birth, and we are all surprised to 'Wp see how much good mS ^ ^liU did. My physi Y I cinn said 4 \\ ithout l|||A fe!|i: doubt it was the 1 Compound- that 0 ^ P e d you-' I thank you for your 7f! I U r ;\ kindness in advising \' \ \\ X\ me aR(* P've 70u *ui' ' \ v. % \\ Inermission to use my name in your testimonials."?Mrs. II. W. Mitchell, Box 3, Sabattus, Me. Another Woman Helped. Graniteville, Vt. ? "I was passing throughthet'hangeof Life andsuffereu from nervousness and other annoying symptoms. Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetal)^ Compound restored my health and strength, and proved worth mountains of gold to me. For the sake ot other suffering women I am willing you r? 11 1 4 c li m V7 ? T%f FS. Charles Barclay, IM\D., Graniteville, Vt. Women who are passing through this critical period or w ho are suffering from any of those distressing ills peculiar to their sex should not los 5 sight of the fact that for thirty years Lydia E. linkham's Vegetable Compound, which is made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills. In almost every community you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. TilE RUN TO PINCHURST. Leonard Tufts and Frank Weldon Going Over the Route. ^ The Columbia State of Sunday has the following: Leonard Tufts, presidont of the Capitol Highway association, who has been in Columbia in the t interest of that organisation, left v yesterday morning for Savannah. ? He was accompanied by Secre- i tary Frank Weldon, of the assoil ? M A tn i?na tha I m *Y\ A. Olfll/lUU . AU^USInt won uurj iiuiiic- Q diate destiuatieu from Columbia, i and it was proposed to speud tbe night there. c The ran from Columbia to u Piiehurst, N, 0., is causing much intere?t, although tho date f, has Dot yet been decided upon, f The Columbia Automobile As^a- a ciatioD at a meeting next week v will consider many phases of tLe proposed run. 1, a FREE IP IT FAILS. 8 1 Your Moner Back if You are Not ^ Satisfied with tho Medicine We e Recommend. We are so positive that our c remedy will permanently relive v constipation, no matter how chronic it may be, that we offer to furnish the medieine at our a expense should it fail to produce o satisfactory results. \ It is worse than useless to at tempt to care constipation with cathartic drugs. Laxatives or cathartics do much harm. They cause a reaction, irritate and weaken the bowels and tend to - . . ? . make constipation more chronic. Besides, their use becomes a habit that is dangerous. Constipation is caused by a weakness of the nerves and muscles of the large intestine or descending colon. To expect permanent relief yon must therefore tone up and stronghen these orgaus and restore them to their healthier acti/ity. The diseovery of the active principle of our remedy Involved the labor of the world's greatest research chemists As an active agent it possesses the active qualities of the best known intestinal tonics. ?s well as being particularly pleasant and prompt in its results. We want you to try Rexall Orderlies on our recommendation. They are exceedingly pleasant to take, being eaten like candy, and are ideal for children, delicate persons and old folks, as well as ^ for the robust. They act directly on the nerves and muscles of the bowels. They apparently have a neutral action on other associate orgaus or glands. They do not purge, cause excessive looseness nor create any incoti- ^ venience whatever. They may be taken at auv lime, dav or C night. Tliey will positively re- s lieve chronic or habitual constipa- ^ ti<>n, if not of surgical variety, and the myriads of associate or dependent chronic ailments, if ^ taken with regularity for a rea- s sonable length of time. The.v i< come in two sizes of packages; 12 e tablets, 10 cents; 30 tablets, 23 cents. Sold in Cheraw only at oar store, the Kexall Store, J. T. Ladd. , li II Early .Tlorning* Eire. ^ About 9.30 Tuesdav morning ii the tiro alarm rang out on the air t: and immediately Cheraw's "fire s lighters'' were awake to the sit- b uation and away to fight tlio tire. It was found to be only a small t blaze, caused by a defective Hue. e on the top of the ofiice of the ' Pe r Deo News'' ofiice. Fortunate in-1 a deed was it that the fire was dis ii covered as soon as it was othei - ( r wise it might have resulted in a t bad tire, as it was very little |( damage was done. c Reciving Liquor drastic Decision of the Court < Klugh Presiding. Hotel Ke rel Containing 12 Quarts ef pose Was Shown. A case of special interest hei he State, was tried at Bishopv s. James R. Dsrant. Mr. Du lotel, and was tried on the ohi c liquors. Lee county voted out the dis] f November went under the o 909. The oyidence showed that on eivad bj freight a barrel cont: ior. There the State rested. The Judge charged the jar auce, and if they believed it w; endaut guilty. ids jsry ver, nd the defendant w?i sentenc rorks, or a floe of $200. The defendant was indicts ?ged to hare besn%done on Dec nd waa given a like sentence o uspended until further order The Act of 1539, under whicl y prohibits the receiving of liq rera and laymen have argued t d, and that to warrant a convi< ras received for an unlawful p It will be noted in the above harged with receiving it for i vas mads to prove such purpoi Therefore this eonviction me hat the Act means just what eive, keep or store liquors for s if this law provides a reme rdering whiskey. All that is ict. 4 TTD A *Ti HTmAl BHIWvi G\iar your D Capital - T ,ckholdera liability. | * Surplus _ Total resources over. If you wB^nt oJ your OLCcount with T5he Establ: Chert lew Building and New Busine for Cheraw. The contract has beeu let 1 I r. J. R. Harrell for the erectii f a Large store building oOx set, on his vacant lot next to tl uilding occupied by Mr. A. . Ward. The Cheraw Door lash Co. have the contract ai : o r k will bo commenc* n tht building at once. Tl; uilding is to be built in mode: tyle and with all tho couve inces for tho conduct of a mo m down to the minute depai leut store. A long leape for tl uilding has already beou slgm y parties who are thorough imiliar with department sto methods and this assures to tl eople of Cheraw and surroun ag country that in a very sho ime they will have right here tore equal to any of its kind ie found anywhere. Such a store as this is som hing that Cheraw has long nee d aud we nope wneu 11 ge eady for business to sec le ml less packages of goods coi 112 by express from the dopai n e n t stores of Columb i.arlt st' 11, Uii'hmond, Kaleiy }harloite, New York and olli :ities. - is Made a Crime. if Sessions at Bishopville, Judge ^ eper Pined $200 for "iecivinjj" BarWhiskey, Though Nc Unlawful Purs -e and no doubt of general interest to ^ ille last week. This wa$ the State * rant is the proprietor Of the Durunt 1 irgo of "unlawfully re<:,eiTing alcohol- d . f I pensary last August, and on the 15th operation of the Prohibition Act of the 20th of Decembejr Durant re- 0 lining twentj-flve quarts of rye liqTh? d*f*n?o offered jo testimony. y that the indictment stated an ofas proved, they shoulct find the dej promptly found a verdict of guilty, ed to four months r** the public ^ d on anotner similar charge, al mber 27. He at once >leaded guilty n that charge, which, however, was a of the Court. i this indictment was Brought, plainaor for any purpose, Jut many law;hat such a meaning was not lntendction it must be shown that the stuff urpose. } c aase that the defendant was not is unlawful purpose, and no attempt se. . i I ans that it Is judical!*7 determined r it says, and that it is r.nlawful to lean j purpose. It, therefore, looks dy against the much ti.lked of evil of nesessary are juries |uat will con- i 1 t Ke j ' i s Qcntees tr eposit with j $ 50,000 ; 50,000 . 60,000 $160,000 $400,000 bsolute security keep I us. t of Cher aw, [shed 1887. \w, S. C, | is Going Upl f|?| MJI) :: ja |j| j iis << Passenger? Everybody has to do bis n 10 6haro toward the elevation of his fcln low men. t Elevator Man-I'm sure I've done mine I've been runulnz this elevator / rt. ten years. a llG Cruel and Unusual. ^ ?(| Mrs.Ncwbride?Booboo! Henry threw a biscuit at me, una ibat I made myself b too! j fl re Mother?The monster! ITo might | |)0 hnr? killed you!?United Presbyterian. Hardly. rt Hewitt? You should make bay while ; , a i the sun shines. Jewett?I can't if I stick to my busi- ! 1? ness of making umbrellas.i Coughs that Han^On. ts I C'Hiplifl that start in tho fall ami lian?4 "it until arc surei '' i t i <>iililod breeders unless clmekcd, m* i and cured, bronchitis, |Miernohia, j ? ' - i : .K., I II- ] mill l"< MIMI 111 |M I* mi iii?- !?;*' HUM II ja 1 r< Hiilt. Knlny's 11 >1 ey and Tar ri J >toj?h thy cough, tin* hard ' I :e.iriling and healh and soothe.01 t!i inllan;? 1 air pasjsagi s. Refuse J substitutes. Sold bjj all druggists. j THE SILVER SERVICE 'o Be Given The Battleship South South Carolina. The fire thousand dollar silver erTice which the people of South Carolina will shortly present to hs new battleship which bears ho name of the state will soon be lelivered from the makers in few York. On^ punch bowl, seven gallons. One pleautean for punch bowl. Tweuty-four cups, half pint iach. r\ i. uuc i?uic. One center-piece. One water pitcher, three quarts. One tray for pitcher. One tea set, five pieces and cettlr. One tray for tea set. Two fruit dishes. Two roast dishes, oae with well ?nd one without. One fish dish. One saled dish. Two bonbon dishes. Two compotiers. Two vegetable dishes, withcovirs. Two entire dishes. One humidor cigar box, to be uade of native cedar and trimnei in silver and to contain thiry cigars. On one of the largest pieces vill be the wards, "Presented by ,be State Soath Carolina to the Jnited States Battleship South Carolina," and below this, "Milions for defense but not one cent or tribute." On the larger pieces will be enjr?Hgi flfcaaaWfafe r^tfthlp vents, in the history of the tale, snch as Sergeant Jasper epla^ing the llag at Fort Moulrio, General Marion invit-iug the British officer todianer and Mrs. dotte destroying her home, and 9 Important Watch This space Next Week Read n order that you may understan lay of March 1910 give one $85.0i me who reads this advertisemen our bid and mail it to day, or coi o pay for it, write the amount or Vt 12 o'clock on the 2Gth day of 3 lolding the highest bid will then ?his i9 no gamble. A fair propoi ho organ goes to the highest bid Should you get the Organ tlx $>5.00) on any L'iano we sell. R . cent except the one who is the 1 our bid. We are the exclusive dealers re the leading talking machines IMPORTANT Watch this space Next Week TILLMA SECOND STREET Reliance Life Insui of Pittsbui JAMES H. REEI Assets $2,976,383.34 More money behind each inc other company in the United Sta LARGE or LARGER. Some c accumulation of dividends equal 20 payment life policy is paic annual premium payments. Wh the Reliance Life guarantees yo policy, equal to more than 5 accumulate at 3 1-2 per cent. On #10,000 policy, 20 paymi 6347.60. Guaranteed accumulal Guaranteed cash value end 2( policy $13,380.40. If dividend urns annually, #41.50 is the dividend guaranteed. Compari policy you now have or write fo policy you would like. Reliance none. Men of ability wanted t liberal commission contract c opportunity. R. A. ROUSE, G< CHERAW, several officors who took part in the Revolutionary war, among them: Gen. Sumter, Gen. Marion, Geo. Moultrie, Col. William th Washington, Gen. Morgan, Gen. M Pickens, and Commander Iu- th , gram. Bi All Ihe pieces will be attract- th ively decorated with representa- P* tions of native plants and flowers, te such as palmetto, magnolia, Jasamine, cotton and rice. The battleship South Carolina is ia one entirely worthji^feiMM^MkLSa 1 prckui name given to it. Of the tic dreaduivtfbt it is one of the re largest fighting machines afloat. ^ It has a capacity of 21,GOO tons andGarries several hundred men and niuety commissioned ofliI cers. pr AUCT Farrand Organs ?< All who have used Farrand Orgs musical instrument and to those wl there is nothing quite sot 8?od, no, 1 -A- Til-- -f An f n 4 it. xiiu many icuiuicio i the Farrand Company make them < extra large bellows are easy to pu evenly through the valves, assuriug prove this we invite you to listen 1 others. We challenge comparison. Read Read id more thoroughally just what the F; f) Organ to the highest bidder. This t will have a chance to get this organ no and examine the organ here at ou ) a sheet of paper sign your name to i -larch all bids will be opened by thre( be awarded the $85.00 organ upon tl sition to all, It makes no differei der regardless of amount bid. ?n decide you wanted Piano we i emember you only pay the amount b lighest bidder and that one receives 1 fY?i? ilia T?ilionn Qn/1 riofni- Tlmsn I 11/1 llig UllIOWU UliU V IV. b<'l x uvuv in the world, and wo invite you to you to come and hear these machines at your convenience. Machiues at our store from ?15.00 to $125.00. THE VICTROJ, A Come and hear it LN-DAVIDS ranee Company, gh, Pa. ), President. Llabilltiis Jl,7?.<5? lividual policy than in any tes. Our dividends are ri :ompanies estimate that ths four premiums aod that t 1 for v/ith a sum e^ual to # y take an estimation when u an amount, on a 20 pay 1-2 premiums, if allowed to ent life, age 30, premium tion of dividends $1,927.18. ~ _ 1 j years a>/,uu/iu or paiu ay s are used to reduce prentffirst and 5173.10 is the 39ft e these figures with tto r information regarding any i Life policies are second b o write life insurance* ei )r straight salary. Goldta sneral Agent, . s. c. Annual Easter Egg Runt. The annual Easter egg hant by e Ladies Aid Society of Hit ethodist Church will be held im e woods in rear of Mre. 3. 3. ull's residence, at 3 o'cleek on e evening of March 21th. The iblic generally is invited to atnd. Kef reshmonta will alio he rved. This annual Easter egg heal an occasion looked forward to n and grown-ups and the oao is year promises to eclipse any t held and there is no doubt it there will be a large erewd esent. B o py t H I ? Farrand 1 Pianos ms know of their valie as ft ho have jet to boy, wo say, lothinp that will compsr? with hat are owned exclnsiroly by eminent over all others. Tho mp and supply the air mor# a gcod pure sweet ton#. To to the Farrand then listen to Carefully arrand is, we will on the 26th is how it will be done. Every at their own p-ice. Make out r store, decide what you want same and seal iu plain envelope. 3 disinterested men. The odo he payment of the bid price, ice to us if you $3.00 or $85.00, ,vill give you fall price of Organ id, and remember, no one pays the Organ. Come today or mail IMPORTANT Watch this space Next Week ON CO. CHERAW, S. C.