Cheraw chronicle. (Cheraw, S.C.) 1896-2005, January 28, 1909, Image 3

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Afl iDlICli PUBLISHED' U For Benefit of Women who j Suffer from Female Ills ! Minnr?polia. Minn.?"I was a great * whwwt trym winwB uvuutw voioo | MBQMK] caused a weakness m and .broken down * condition the system. 1 read so much of what Lydia Q Pinkham's Veg. etable Compound " had done for other d suffering women I t felt sure it would / help me. and I must eay ^ did help me q wonderfully. My e ^ BHEKVCSHI pains all left me, I e pew Stronger, and within three months t I was a perfectly well woman. *1 want this letter made public to I * Shew the benefit women may derive morn Lydia E. Pinkham's vegetable Compound."? Mr sTjomr G. Mold an, . U5 Second 8t, North, Minneapolis, Thousands of unsolicited and genuine testimonials like the above prove Be efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham's veeetable Compound, which is made Bielaaively from roots and herbs. . Women who suffer from those disL toeeelng ills peculiar to' their sex should >>> eel Lose sight of these facts or doubt ?' Ke ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Tegetable Compound to restore their Ifraa want special advice write to.Mrs. Finkbam, at Lynn, Mass. * fltowllltreatyourletterasstrictly wsld?otial. For BO years she \ |M qpen helping sick women in |Ua way, free ok charge. Don't ' 1 peltate ? write at onbe. < t Short Llvod Genius. I Ipsss Jacob?*, known to the world j as lacti Van Leyden, painter and en- \ gsftver, when he had barely reached to uinth year made some engravings r ' after his own designs, at twelve paintad his well known "Bt Hubert" and at ] fanrtoen gave out an engraving repre- , siting the killing of the monk Ser- < ftos by% Mohammed. At thirty-nine he , was deed with a remarkable record of j enlevement behind him, a life unfortaastwy wherein the promise of his | youth was by no means fulfilled.?Ar- * gonaut I THE GREAT I FO I COUGHS* i DR. HI GUARANTEED I Croup, Whooping Cough, I Quinsy, Hoarseness, Henru Weakness of the Lu B all dlseas I THROAT, LUNQ8 I PREVENTS P B Eleven years ago Dr. King's New B me of a severe and dangerous thro fl been a well man ever since.?0.0. F B PWIOK BOO mmmamammm soli anb buar Sold by J. ' ^ - ' rsprese????s? PTfeMMtien ji Law in Tennepee. L< Qw*v#U, fibu., Aft il?6v?r tfce M asm oi Governor Patterson both ^ tsaean ot the learUleture yesterday illMd the eenat# Mil number 1, jBdflh prohtblte the aale of lntoxie&t- _ fey UgdoSe within 4 miles ot a school .. Mae in Tennaneon. ?nd if In effect a A State-wide prohibition mot It Is afttoftfe Apr 1. 1?0S. She sole In the senate, which . aiO? at 1:48 p. m., stood 20 to 18, the ^ Whs ee on original passage. The ^ Apse anted at 8:40 p. m., the vote ^ ilMilf 61 to 86, the original vote Asfa Saving bean 62 to 87. In each ^ Was Ad postage was effected a osmblnatlou of repubUcaj) afad ^tata-wide" democratic strength. h A Slip and a Slipper. n 'Hebud, dear," said the housekeep- c> or to the gneedleat member of the famKf <rrar which aha kept a stern, strict ?TA "would you like some nice plum ,? Ha #o* taar" _ ~ *^aa, please P* shqnted the expectant * aid the housekeeper. "I was I n fdnf to giro yon some to^put on your v load, hut 1're gone and lrwat the key to J* ? pantry!" " don't need the key!" exclaimed u eager Richard. , "T can reach down c thaeuf h the window and open tho door n fMo the Inside!" ? "Quite ao," replied tho housekeeper. I ^ "That*s just what I wanted to know. Mv go gnd stay In your room till |> father comes homer' B E Ipl iVft/f tod TOO will feel better In \W M make jrou feel jaet right. **Ni 1J# Mrengthena the Stotnech, I Wei S# Blood, doe* it* work thoroughly S grlpei. weaken! or alckena? Inei . wronger and better. f Better Than Pills Take Nl Tablet a for Indigettlon the, tallow Complexion, LWer Com pi Breptloni. Chilli, Malaria, Billooenet I InectWe Eidnejra and all trouble! arlaiaf loytffatera of t*3Clfftohl?ea, m 0 ftrt?kyw(Ttey ottoiM fifty-three i9Mbbmb> nho wmnT working on a dmiaitne < tunnel at a wooden crib attk aMU half frofe shore, flw crily waa uaedln the construcoa of a ttunnel eoaneotln* with the y?tfc<#4e> shore otfthe dtj at 8evenIt ,la knowfa that nine-1 I f4t? wdrtnun were employed in ro*f>. an? the connecting tunnel I the tip* at the enajogton, which tarted. the tkta and blew or drove ma h*o the waW. The weMt of the destroying ele- ( Mote ^wae bagua^oo unexpectedly and IpjihUfc y?# of dead and injur1 h#i^fi*oh rriftaess that the ooorJStmyfam ? <*5* W. Jjmkaon Vxppafcytend the feeOtters have been hefele tp\flHre at anything like a rx? ' I FoAwi Who escaped the fury of the | ' MAM. or Mm toy waters otf the lake. JJWshep of Capital Consecrated. -MdAstonf Ma. M??Historic Trlnr notcptaat Afelscepal church, one i the oVAeat afl| moot fkmous rell (kmc cdiflOM of ttnashlacton, was the icene today of Che oonsacratton of a lew bishop- of the national capital, rhe incoming bishop is the Rev. Allied Harding, successor to the late < Mafeop iattarlee and formerly rector 1 rf At Paul's dhuroh in this city. randsnburft Trial Today. J New Turk, Ma. M.?In the criminal lliiM o the supreme court the trial 1 51 BpoogMna RrtiMenbuJM. the literary scant Hiynl of glt&d larceny in , 8m rtwst Mins Ub uaiwikii with She salt to Am wr Times of a pita arta Murpcrtiq* to be writ ' Mm by dmei Awikii, waa begun. Cotton Selling Treely. Jackson, Ga., Jan. 28.?{During the last few days there has bean a good Mai of cotton sold in Jaokson, more than at any time since the eaaeon opened. Now that the staple is sellEh# round what the farmers call a "dime" a pound, they seem willing enough to dlspoee of the staple. EST CURE I *? COLDS I ING'S I * CURE FOR I Z Bronchitis, La Qrippo, I " Krhage of the Lungs, I rU ings, Asthma and I or ca ui w AND CHEST in NEUMONIA t" ef ??_____ hj Discovery permanently cored ei at and long; trouble, and I've ss loyd, Merchant, Kershaw, S. C. tb ai AND 8I.OO si ANTEEB BY r. Ladd. c< it ? Anniversary cereDnrcca at Atlanta H Atlanta, Jan. 80.?The one hundred ^ Ml Baoond aaalvereary of the birth rj, ! Robert Bdirard Lee wm fittingly n Aebmted in AUantg yesterday, the p tiool children, the Daughters of the n oafeietacy, and the local carope of t< be rsberajst taking a leading part in ti to exertion The prtneigal exerdees m the city CJ Are beM at the state capttol, in the ? ?U of the boose of representatives, i fit 10 o'clock la the afternoon, under g ie anopleos, cd the Atlanta chapter# n I the Daughters of the Confederacy ii ad Mleast* camp, No. 160, United h onfederate Veteran*. n ii Rollipg Up Berks' Majority. Q "The finest political speech I ever ,, eard," said a Pittsburg man, "was n lade by a German farmer up In Berks n 5unty, Pa. j, "There was a meeting In a country ;hoolhouse, and after the speeches a ?adlng German was called on for a aw remarks. He said: 'Fellow cltl- " ens, we haf hert d* chin music, yes! rnd d' time has now come ven ve p lust all git togedder und undo that a lch ye half not dlt?all git togedder " nd roll up such a Democrat Ig majory In Berks coundy that It vlll roll ? nd roll undll It rolls all ofer Berks 8 oundy, all ofer d' state of Pennsylva- * In, all ofer d' United States, vlll roll cross d' ocjan und vlll roll up to r> lueen Victoria vhore she Is sitting on r er throne, und she vlll say, "Good 11 raclous, vot a Democratlg majority 1] lerks coundy dlt roll up!" ' "?Saturday 8 Ivenlng Post. 1 KiHId; i, take an Nl Tablet, ( the morning. They will VtRt # ITU RE'S REMEDY" \1 f I Kidney* and pnrifiea the lli and pleaaantly, yet it never WW arlably making the uaet (eel ^ For Liver Ills. \ , Sick Headache, Loa* of Appe- 1 _ alnt. Skin Diaeaaca, Plaplea and It, Rhenaetitm, Torpid Liver or m I Item the digettlve orgeat. 1 ^ v, Ont \ ! WP&ty Tablet 1 J iMI!rlr ovukncr. " >J < 'herawp S. C. 1 A Gentleman ! From s ti tii Mississippi x Thomas A. Wis* J ^Novelised From tho Floy by Frodorlek R. Toombs bl Copyright, 1900, by Thomas A. Wis*. A| hi Continued from page 1J r' "Yes, mine. Them noble legislators ^ that cast 'em was an' is mine, mine. <" ^ ? I tell you. Jest h ^ C like I had 'era in hi jmirKj*-* LvTj my pocket, an' *3 'ft that's where 1 ?' ^Wv'lW. jT' mostly carrv 'em. v? 8?as vr?n'^Bi At'ii?i j/ K? strayln' aroun* A r^L I careless-like." fl fYT^mly / "Youdidn't have ftp ' j jf to vote those men A 7 fjl for me. I told P I ?7j y?u at *be capl- A I / SW '/ to1 tbat 1 Tv,ouW o: I j ?jglfy If I not make you or b W Til '// anybody else any b Jyi[ //A promises. You A \ voted them for Ul ( f\* roe of your own m ri accord. That's my C! y answer." in "Them noble Iculxla At this polut the si tors was mine." gentlemen of the county present wlicu Sanders entered and who had no desire to witness further the unpleasant episode rose to 'J leave, In spite of the urgent request of ~ Colonel Langdon that they remain, ti The only one reluctant to go was Den- tl con Amos Small wood, who, coming to f( the plantation to seek employment for h his son, had not been denied of his de- ]' siro to join the assemblage of his ft neighbors. 4 j, Last to move toward the door, he Btopped In front of Sanders, stretched n his flvo feet-throe inches of stature on ft tiptoe and shook a withered (1st in the 1) boss* firmly set, determined face. V "Infamous!" shrieked the deacon, p "You're a monster! You're unrlght- f, eous! You should have belonged to the j. nolltlenl mnelltne nf fntnllno <">r Pnn. tills Pilate!" "Never beard tell o' them," muttered ^ Sanders, deeply puzzled. "Guess they was never in Mississippi in my time." g His accompanying gesture of per- t plexity caused the deacon to hasten his I exit. Tripping over the leg of a chair, he fell headlong into the arms of the watchful Jackson, who received the deacon's blessing for "uplifting the ^ righteous in the hour of their fall." Relieved at the departure of the witnesses, Sanders showed Increased ng- * gresslveness. "To bo sure, seuntor, c you were careful not to personally 1 promlso me anything for my support at the election, as you say," the leader i sneered, "but you had Jim Stevens to t make promises for you, which was t smooth, absolute an' artistic smooth"? "Stop, sir!" Langdon furiously shout- < e<k "You forget, sir, that your lnslnu- i ation 1s an insult to a man elected seu- t ator from Mississippi, an Insult to my ? state and to my friend Senator Ste- < vens, who I know would make you no y promises for me, for he had not my < authority." "Certainly you're a senator, hut < wftat'n n unnmr nnrtm*? ret m tw li r. -Colonel Langdon, a senator is .a . bu an who holds out for his own pocket 1 i much as* us fellows that make him ill stand for. When we don't get our ghtful share, he's through." With a sudden start, as though to ^J ring at Sanders' throat, Langdon, T 1th compressed lips and eyes blhzg, grasped the edge of the table 1th a grip that threatened to rend ba le polished boards. With intensest In; fort ho slowly regained control of ha imself. His fury had actually weak- m( led him. His knees shook, and ho j^i ink weakly into a chair. When he ug nally spoko his voice was strained id laborious. "Sanders, you and I, . r, must never meet again because I J", light not succeed again in keeping my ands off you. What would my old hp imrades of the Third Mississippi say bu ' they saw mo sitting hero and you ru lere with a whole body, sir, after 'hat you have said? They would not ko elieve their eyes, thank God, sir. hey -would nil go over to Stunrt City nd buy new eyeglasses, sir." A sus- f lcious moisture appeared on the coloel's cheeks which he could not dry 'ni K> quickly to escape Sanders' observn- be on. "But I had to let you stay, sir, beause you, the solo accuser, nre the 'a nly one who cnn tell me what I must *ni now." kj "What do you want to know?" asked ^ andcrs, who had realized his great listake In losing his temper, In talk- ^ ag as openly and as violently as he ad and In dragging the name of Sentor Stevens into the controversy. lie i pa aust try to keep Stevens from hearing fu f this day's blunder, for Jim Stevens w] new as well as he, didn't he, that the HJl aan who loses his temper, like the V aan who talks too much, Is of no use ( f i politics. y,K "I want to know how j*ou formed (^r our opinion of political matters?of Ci enators. Is it possible, sir, that you til iave actual knowledge of actnnl hnp- W' icnlngs that give you the right to talk 8 you have? I want to know if I oust feel shame, feel disgrace, sir, to ie a senator from Mississippi, that 8? tate, sir, that the Almighty himself, fi ir, would choose to live In If he came m o earth." st "There, there, senator, don't take too n, eriously what I have said," Sanders oplled In reassuring tone, havings?utIned his course of action. "I lost my lead because you wouldn't promise me ' oinething I needed?that appointnicnt . or Ilagley. What I said about senaors an' such was all wild words? a lothln' In 'em. Why, how could there gl A Horrible Hold-up. b ni About. ten years ago my ?rother was "held-up" in his m pork, health and happiness by rhat was believed to be hopeless Consumption," writes W. R. 01 jipscomb, of Washington, N". C. ** 'lie took all kinds of .remedies ? . . . . - i -i.. ni tint treatment) ironi several uocor3, hut found no hehp till ho ised Dr. King's New Discovory md was wholly cured by six ti lottles. He is a well man to-day." it's quick to relieve and the surest n< sure for weak or sore lungs, It lemorrhages, doughs and Colds, ti Ironchitis, LaGrippo, Asthma ii md all Bronohial affections. 60c ti tnd $1,00. Trial bottle free- ir Guaranteed by Theo. K. Wann- c< naker. ' 8, -AjSjLvf v 1 % % v. *"** ' "Ob, don't nib it tin too.hard.seiiafcor. ou may need my help 'some day, but | )u*li have to deliver the goodp before- L "I'm goin', but fere's a. tip. doBttg lame me for fighttn' you. Fee KQtJmx jht to Uve. I'm a human bolo', 'anM iimaos are pretty much the same aUF rer tbe world, all except you?you're F lly half natural. The rent of yoa "fitt After Sanders' departure the colettfl ] it at bis table, bis bead /resting lafcS^t and, the events of the/day Is brain bewilderingly. 1-j "The battles of peace *are worse t&ifrlfl ay Beauregard ever led me into," he' r lurmured. "Fighting to conquer one- j ;lf is harder tha^ turning the left \\\ auk of the Eighth Illinois in sn ?%?- y lading flre." ? "p But tbo new senator from Mississippi V*j Id not know that for him the wsrs oif Sjj eace bad only just begun, that pCf- ^ aps bis owu flesh and blood and I f the wife and mother who had gone- ? eforo would turn traitor to his colors- 4 1 the very thickest of the fray. X if This intensely interesting story of lOvs^ S ltd intrigue in Washington political lo will be continued in next week's Iirouidc. This story alone is worth, ^ iore than the price of a whole-yeOTY J lbscription. v > g MM If your Stomach, heart or kidrv ey? are weak, try at least, a feWr oses only of Dr. Shoop'sRestorvo ive. In five or ten days only, " he eroeult will surprise you, A *> 3\v cents will cover the cost. Aud ' ere is why help comes so quickly, >r. Slioop dosen't drug the Stom- } ch, nor stimulate the Heart, or . Sidneys. Dr. Shoop's Restortive goes directly to the weak , nd failing nerves. Eeach organ as its own controlling nerve; Hien these nerves fail, the deending organs must of necessity alter. This plain, yet vital , ruth, clearly tells why Dr. i Hump's Restoyativo is so unWer-" ally successful. Its sufceess is fading druggists everywher ot~ ive it universal preference. A ( est will Hiirely tell. Sold byjl ,add's Drug Store Some Golf Featc. One of tho earliest nchlevments of r. E. Laldlay, tho famous English < golfer, was to send a ball over the rrnnd stand on the Musselburgh race | lourse. He was at Loretto at the time, I ind the feat was one much envied. The accomplishment of more extraorlinary feats than this Is jtfuly authenicated. A golf ball has SJn lifted .4 ifnr Rf nilna' nnfhn/1t*n1 Ive P/1lnKn?Mk ' t " ^ VUVUVU1UI 1U liUIUUUI^U. An American golfer wagered that he ?ould drive a ball over four and a half ' nlles of streets ln-Fittsburg In 166 ^ strokes. He won his bot, for he took mly 110 strokes. It is stated that he fl lid $500 worth of damage, which I vorks oat at about $4.25 worth at ev- 1 try stroke. . .. ",r'{ * ,] A ball JjSs been driven off the face * it ^ vab:^ . wlthoiit^damage to ^11 t it Is n<rt^l/?^n?JOD M. A. p. WM President Helps Orphans . 1 Hundreds of orphans have been pi Iped by the President of The * I dust rial and Orphan's Home at "j icon, Ga., who writes: "We ^ ve used Electric Bitters in this J stitution for nine years. It m s proved a most excellent.^ Klicine for Stomach, ^fciver and tl dney troubles. Wo regard it cl one of tlio best family medi- m les on earth." It invigorates rf o vital organs, purifies the nl iod, aids digestion, creates nfl petite. To strengthen and I ild up thin, pale, weak children J n-down people it has no equal. st- for female complaints. Only J c at. T1 100. 15. Wannar.iaker<' Poachers and tho Tweed Salmon. j rho Tweed has tho distinction of be- J 5 at once tho most poached and the 8 st protected river In the United v Ingdom. This seems like a paradox, , it It Is, of course, explained by the s et that, the fish being worth poach- ' g, the greater the energy displayed ' the guardians the greater will be e ingenuity employed by organized I mds of marauders.?Fry's English j ngazinc. t Maii3T little lives have boon q ved I>3' Foley's Honey and Tar, r coughs, colds, croiip aim Mr looping cough. It is the only jj fo remedy for infants and chil- J en its it contains no opiates or y. li , . i? it.i itAnf in /1 i* 11 rra ft ?*/J -4 11?-? nm auu ? en liko Foley's Honey and Tar, jj ireful mothers keep a bottle iu> | e house Refuse substitutes, i . G. O'Neal. 'I Exact Information. , "I bad always thought the public .1 srvnnts of my own city wero the 1 esliest on earth," says a New York J an, "but a recent experience In Kan- 1 is City has led to a revision of that I [>tlon. 1 "One afternoon I dashed Into a rail- if ay station of that town with Just j alf a minute to buy my ticket and 8 iter a train for Chicago. 1 dashed J irobgli the flrst gate and, pointing to 1 certain train, nsked hurriedly of the ft itemnn: I "'Is that my train?' iM " 'Well, I don't know,' rdplled he, K 1th exasperating deliberation. 'M%y- W e it Is, but the cars hnvc the com- g ui.? e? ii.uuc vii iiiiriu. ? iiuruer s. "That Professor Smartfellow fooled ie badly." 1 "IIow?" "lie told rue ethnology was the scb. ico of the races, and when I went to ie library and asked for a book on hnology there wasn't n word from rst to last on how to pick winners." Always have Kennedy's Lnxa-W' vo Cough Syrup handy, especial' for the children. It tastes?! early as good as maple sugar. jft* i cures the cold by gently aiov-fr lg the bowels through its Lpfra- r' ve principle, and at the inmef'' me it is soothing for throats ritation, thereby stopping thJ nigh. Tnore is nothing ris goodpj * old by all druggists. f ? s. *;*% 1- ' " 'jf _. kuHuh^ wjF^m KrW K*^\- ,' jBL?|W | PERUVb I! Sole In S A Gentle Hint. RA lady who suffered from a nelghJfa'B fowls that overran and spoiled K>r garden politely asked her neighbor 1 Vernl times to keep his pets at fme, but no attention was paid to Sr.grievance. Flnnly she hit upon nn Sgenloua method of protecting herBlf.She4 prepared grains of corn by Kjng to them with n strong tlirend Shall cards hearing the words, "Please lep your chickens nt home," and dlsjsbtrated the grains about lier flower The chickens came to feast as jual and greedily swallowed the corn, *wt preceivlng the thread until the Vrd was against their beaks. Then Bey could neither swallow the card Br rid themselves of the swallowed Srn. Twenty or thirty of the maraud o ,>yu iiuuil', ueunng nit* polite re- ? Seat to their culpable owner, who, , Suck with the method of the hint, Somptly cut the threads and cooped < fowls.?Bombay Times. ( k drinkers' Logic. ^ Men drink," said a temperance lec- * ^kr, "because they are happy, be- 4 they are sad, because they are j^^varm, because they are too cold. 4 Vtbere any logic in that? i * Swben I sec men drinking I think of j , *^kis little boy, at play with his j 4 IflBct and shovel in the sand, sud- ' ? ily ran to the edge of nu advancing 1 ? ^My>and. scooping up a handful of and foam, drank It greed! ^^m^BriHkrln k ^^^^^^^^PBoes?' said he. 'There's - Making It Last. ^Hpoung man was lately lcuviug his j ??Fs house after a visit when, flndB? It was beginning .to rain, be caught Ban umbrella that was snugly placed Brcoraer and was proceeding to open e?. j^kenthe old lady, who for tiie tirst + |, h)^ Wnev'er shall! I've had thqt um^Pn twenty-three years, and. it has Pyer l>een wet yet/ and I am sure It Ban't be wetted now!"?London Expy__. . ' BT Dead, Many Hurt by Ex?.'?slon. ppittaburg, Pa., Jan. 26.?-While Su Irfu tendon t J. O. Logan and a party invest igatln ^BHB^^Hfc the Merchants' Boswell last night, a Jiv HPnosion occurred which lias aJ- am fwy cost tho life of one mnn on'l T 11 ty result in the death of a dozen it,. Sre. iiii^ A. street that runs i::> a hill i.! I'oiMm the so steep that It Is built In step*. '? i igon trnfllc being Impossible on no Bt .Of the grade. ^ K/jfoup positively stopped in. -JO onc Innfcee, with l)r. Shoop's Croup jji,, emedy. Ono test alone will reel Ujely prove this truth. X<> the biting, no distress. A safe mid corl iOasing syrup??>0e. Sold by hob Eidd'y Drug Store. "What Is the size of your ,,rS? rliai en's handkerchiefs*/" asks <*nc shop- "> ir. Izinj "They are Just the same size as the ns y nnll wnn'o krt?w11'AP/.ldn#a ? * *? */!.-? ?% "* ? *** *MV*? O *v_ iuvin, umutiiu, Will Elaina the ntTrtble sales person. "The WOr ? of the man doesn't make any dif- time rence In-lils hnndkorchlcf."?Jml^e. youi V-. Auditor's Notice. ^ The Auditor's Oflleo will he opened for to assessment of IV sonnI property "I |u .Tun. 2nd 11)00 to Feb. 201 h. 1909. at t Iwill bo lu the Auditor's ofliee .Tan. 2, "C 1,15,10.25,20. 50. nnd I-Vhv 1st. cam 1 15th; 15th, 10th. 17th, 18th 10th w!;;1 fn 20tli and nt tl?o following places on Ete^nnmed:. ?j las. Ar'Wntsoii'sThnrsdny. Jan. 7t h, m irnc Cnsh's Depot, Thursday. .Inn. 14th, (W>. dlsr Catarrh, Moinlny . Jan. 18th, 1009. In Jefferson, Tuesday nnd Wednesday, tren mi lOth nnd 201 h. " m|p hross Bonds Church, Thursday. Ian. jilt. Cropfhan, Friday, Jan. 22nd. 1909 Itnby, Saturday Jan. 25rd, 1000. Ci McRee. Tuesday, Jan 20th, 14)00. tlio Mfddendorf. Wednesday, Jan 27|h. Crit fOO. else pdotn's, Mill. Thursday, Jan 28th, nni 109. Cheraw. Tuesday, Wednesday. Tluirsty and Friday Feb. 2nd. 8rd, 4th mnl for h; In Dudley. Monday, 8th. 1000. The Plain", Tuesday, Felt 9th 1909 blet Papolaud, Wednesday and Thursday, ns n.1. intl. nml 114 1. Ilornaboro, Friday 12th, 1000. ... All mule citizens bet \vi?<-n tlmo^e of21 * ' id GO years are deemed taxable polls cri< Rjepfc Confederate Veterans and those nro lit) ore maimed or for other are rosea rtre incapable* of earning a sap- con art. There will be f?0 per cent penalty yal rldod to taxes on property subject to Tin ixca and not. returned for assessment m,1( a or before Fob. 20 th 1000. Everyody except ladies will be required to 0X0 iflke tlietr own returns and must ap- ^1 uar before the Auditor and make same wll pforo 20th of February 1000 as there ofti 'ill be no return blanks left with any Dpi no or handed out for the year 1000. 1 nvforced to adopt this plan for the rotation of the Sheriff and myself. .TAR. R. .TOWERS, .1 \ Auditor Cheaterifleld County Inn DARLY RISERS ? The famous little pills, \.-i ^Thel ?$sr m GUAN< iporters, < SURE CURE KS2E For All Diseases, of STOMACH, & Liver 8 Kidneys it Will Cure Any Cas< Not Be3 %V %V %V |' ME. "fi We sell the kind of ) It's the same to us if you < f o the chi dren or telephor } We are now located in tl ?5 Second street, just a few s Let us have your order tot H. A. E j /VVVTTTTTVTTT The New YE wt~ we realize it is up to us to ti .t and that it must be of the t e very best of everything inl fisamUll kinds of MeatsrFre Our phone number is 21. "Try us for pre E. M. E It you have nice beef cattle t Don't Get A Divorce. V Western judge gran ted a t orco on account of ill-temper r 1 bad breath. I)r. King's Now 1 0 Tills would have proventod 1 Tin y cureConstipation, cans- " ; bad breath and Liver Troiil*" h 1 ill-temper, dispel f'\, ' al lisb head aches, conquer ch,llB* i at Thoo. K Wanu**'"1 Snubbing . ^"ob. 11 ismin, the Gas- a 1 * and barber, tl c treated a ^ srnob ,to be, s,nub" P< K he desr,od- Jas,nln had been ni ithi"' hi' P?tMns the benefit of cj poorand had afterward been es- cj i*? inuui|?uui luuiTuamuu u? ins i. Next morning while he was still e<l some one knocked at the door, n vulgar nabob entered and In- fc ed himself without invitation in a w r- hi ly dear Jasmin," said he patrou;ly, "I am a banker, a millionaire. ou know. I wish you to shave rue j c 1 your own hand. Piease set to I k at once, for I nm pressed for i ?. You can ask what you like for ; m r trouble." R< 'ardon me, sir," said Jasmin, with j e. "I shave for pay at home j Vhat do you say?" t is true. sir. I shave for pay only tome." c?i Joine, come! You are Jesting. I 11 aot bo put off. Make your charge .Ti it you like, but shave me." P* tgain I say, sir, it is impossible." nl low impossible? Isn't It your ^ lo?" t is, but at this moment I am not ?osed to exercise it." ' i spite of renewed bribes and en- F ties Jasmin remained firm, and the It lonalre went away unshaved. [[' t,l Cricket Fighting. -p rlckct fighting, a national sport In Celestial Kingdom. Is odd to see. 01 kots are trained. They are exer- 01 d and dieted, and dally, before a M cli, smaller, weaker crickets are op- j* ed to them that they may work out Jd themselves good lighting systems, p matches the betting Is very high. > Chinese, who are tremendous gam- \\ *s, often lose fortunes over crickets, \\ American millionaires lose fortunes Oi r race horses. A good cricket fight M ! last half an hour. The opposing ^ kots, each In a tube like a box stall, p dropped a r'n~ with a wall p und It about six Inches high. A |{ ibntaut to win must throw bis rl- ,|, over this wall clean out of the ring. , .1 iy bells are rung by the seconds. ] ! ?se bells have a peculiar timbre and ! lte the crickets to a very frenzy of iting. A cricket with a goo<l record j |, I sell for $3 or $10. while champions 1 p [?n fetch $30.?New Orleans Times- i ji mocrnt The Good Fet Men. ^ ones?You never hear of a fat crlm1, do you? Hones?Certainly not. ? ak how difficult It would be for a J ut person to stoop to anything low! Kansas City Independent. v \ test Crops I Were Those U Which Was IVrite for J he P a corpo ;harlestc: LECTRSCI ick Relief and Core for Head- I | ache. Backache, Dizziness, I Indigestion, Malaria, etc. H ifCiisiri s of KIDNEY or BL rond the Reach of M Sold by W. G. O'Neal. A A' A A A ?l?d? Jl ?*i ms | f meat that gives pleasure, f :ome yourself or send one |? le your order, j* le new building on North {? teps from the Totyn Hall. { dnv nnH pvptv Hou ?j ...... - -* T >.j. r<r IURCH i-' * f? TTTTTTTtVTTV<? Market? S. urnish you with something to iest and that is why we carry he line of Groceries, VegetaSh and Cured. ' ttipt service." >udley, Mgr., The New Market. o sell see me before selling. An Annoying Error. That was a very ai>*?*v'nff tj*poP'apliical error that <~?-'Pt ,nto the pa>ers the other da" celllnjc how* a promnent socletv 'l!,n had hoen held up by llghwp"*'011 nn(* "robbed of his watch [n<1 .ilier vegetables." The editor biy jiiio out with an explanation th-r [ st word was not vegetable" bios.?Judge. ? "TTii Pied Piper." A New* York normal school cxamina-11 on had among Its questions, "W hat is j ie educational value of 'The Tied Ti-! I ?r of nnmclln?' " A would be teacher ! L iswered, " 'The Pled Piper' teaches' llldren to be kind to animals, espeally rats."?New York Times. The Inky Shower. "A girl gave her intended a defecMvo < mntaln pen for his birthday. Some [ oeks later the young man said to ar: " 'My dear, do you remember that : >untuin pen you gave me?' " 'Yes,' she said. "'Well, said the young man, 'do you ilnd making mo a suit of overalls to > with it?' "?Exchange. Tax Notice. The tax books will be open for the ille? tion of taxes from tin' loth of Oct. )08 to Dee. Hist 1008. Also from 1 st 1 umnry to 1 nth Mnreh 1000 and a unify of 1 per cent will be added to I unpaid taxes .lan 1st 100'.). 2 per nt 1st of February 1000 and o per nt 1st of March 1000. TAX LEVY For State 5 % mills or Ordinary County 4 % mills it on Railroad Ronds 2 mills aunty Road 1 % mills [institutional School 11 mills otal 1"?'i mills Spis-ial School Tux. Iiernw (Irnded School 2 mills i /s i..,i c..i. o...wm I if ...aiu 11 I <1 *\ \ll iUII'M II I'WiiUP /| luinn iir'iiirjr <1 nulls nuitfe Hill 4 mills hosierfield II mills hesterfield Seliool IIoikIh II mills inker II mills liilol) 4 mills 'nmli'e Hill II mills 'hileOnk 2 mills ro.-'h IIdmiIh ...2 mills ItCronlinu 2 mills e\v IIopo 2 mills ult.v 2 mills ive Forks 4 mills IniiiH 2 mills one 11 il] 2 mills rfferson 2 mills effepsou S' liool Bonds I mills ,onp: Brunch 4 mills liddcudor ,i..% '? mills IrBee 2 mills 'nion 4 mills lay Springs 2 mills (t ar Creek 2 mills tethesdn 2 mills 'atriek Jt mills al met to It mills nniper Creek Jt mills Vallaco fl mills Commutation ltond Pax in $1.00 and uist bo paid on or boforw Jannafy at. W. A. T)oorIOB"*, County TroaHiiror. Sopt 15th. *.. ast Season I .. i ?^-' - , i ?; M loano I roofs / j| RATION I L A H U i "J ^ ?J, G. C. I B iff ill I The best ionic, Ovrut've Medicine fop th^se ?!Es? eases. 59c. Gucranio^d V ADDER DISEASE edicine DR. J. E. PUNDERBURK, Dentist. Office opposite Evans Yellow Store, over Wultero' Ctuih (Jrijccry Store. Snnihil office hours from 3 to 5.30 p 111., otherwise by engagement. Office phone 13S. Hesidence 85. STEVENSON & MATHESON. ATTOItXKYS-AT-LAW I'raetiee in all Courts of Chesterfield iiikI surrounding counties and in United Stales Court. One of tlie firm will be at Cheutnrfleld very Moiidu v. ~ 1 Office of County Superintendent of Education. | The County Superintendent of Education jfives notice tlint his office will be ojmmi every Saturday and the first Monday of each month. Kennedy's Cough Syrup Relieves Colds by working them out of the system through a copious and ' healthy action of the bowels. ?ne Relieves coughs by cleaet, chost mucous membranes of tv' and bronchial tub?cto ^ test* "As gVo-pie Sugur" rLAdreu Like Its For BACKACHE-WEAK KIDNEYS Trj leWitt's Kidney ind Bladder Pllle-Suriisd Stfe iOLD BY T. E. WANNAMAKER. KILL the COUGH and cure the i.uwc8 w,th Dr. King's Hew Discovery FOR C82SI18 ,JSSfc. AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES.! 2 GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY! ^ORJMONEY KEFUftTDEI^ DHINO Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic constipation by restoring the natural action of the stomach, liver and bowels. tSefuoo substitutes. Prloe BOo. Sold by W. G. O'Neal Weak Women To rreak and ailing women, there is at least oop way to help. But with that war, two treatment* must bo combined. One it local, one It conftltoi tional. but both are Important, both essential. Dr. Shoop's Night Cure it the Local. Dr. Shoop't Restorative, the Constitutional. The iormor?Dr. Shoop't Nig' t Cures-is a topical mucous membrane ruppotitory remedy, while Dr. Shoop't Restorative It wholly an Internal treat ment. Tho Restorative reaches throughout tha entire system. seeking the repair of all nerr* all tissue, and all blood ailments. The "Night Cure", at Its name ImpBtt, dots At work whilo you sleep. It soothes tore and interned mucous surfaces, heals local weaknesses and discharges, whilo the Restorative, eases swrmg excitement, gives renewed vigor and aaMtion, builds up wasted tissues, bringing about mewed Strength, vigor, and energy, lake Dr. Whoop's Restorative?Tablets or Liquid?*4 a genital Semis So the system. For positive loaal help, use as well Dr. tShoop's Night Cure LAUD'S DRUG STORE.