The Clinton chronicle. (Clinton, S.C.) 1901-current, January 07, 1954, Image 14

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Pa£e Six THE CU|\TON CHRONICLE Thursday. January 7, 1954 a. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL NEWS OF JOANNA KBS CECIL O’DELL. Correspondent and Representative Mack Brown, Mrs. Pat Bowers, Mfs Francis Goodlin, Mrs. J. B. Hart, <■ Mrs. Alec Crawford, Mrs. Milton ! Waits and Miss Linda Waits of Greenwood and Mrs. G. N. Foy. Woman's Club To Meet ' ^[jon^hunnan relation' was shown. Rev The Joanna Woman’s club. Will hold their first meeting of the new year tonight (Thursday) at 7 o’clock in the. club rooms. A special pro gram has been planned by the pro gram Chairman, Mrs. Buren Lown, at which time colored scenic slides jaiSesrCVI itch ell led a worship period at midnight. Those preparing and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thomas and for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. White t The receiving line was composed daughter, Sue, Messrs. E. L. and and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. "Weaver. | of the hostesses, Miss Bozard, Mrs. Edwin Thomas visited J. L. Lan- Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Delaney and Helen Bozard, Mrs. Richard Cash _ ford who is seriously ill in Green- family spent the past-holidays in of Cowpens, Miss Dorothy Goldson centering around Switzerland and ville. - Jacksonville, Fla. ! of Columbia and Mrs.. James von - Mrs. W. E, Adams of Columbia Friends^ extend congratulations j ^ 0 ^ en - celebrated her birthday on January, fo Mr. and Mrs. John Ross on De-j The honoree w’as goWned in a 4th cember 28 on their 49th wedding mint green velvet dress with a j Mr. and Mrs, Johnny Vaughn anniversary. waist corsage of white carnations, and Mildred w’ere Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Humphries ' * < f Mr. and Mrs. Biljl Longshore in and children attended a birthday 1 Birth Announcements .4~ r>^Knvw QuriHux/ nt tVin. Germany will be shown. These slides are the' property of Mrs. down's sister, Mrs. J. *F. Harps of Havre de Grace,^Maryland, who re turned recently from Germany. All members are urged to attend. Mr. Smith and Mrs. Marvin Smith nf New Year's Greetings A "New Year’s Eve party for Inter file Bush River sfectibn. a inner in Nev, berry Sunday at tho >.Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilliam of home of Mr. and Mrs Charlie Whitmire visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Sr Humphries, honoring the former. N ew berry announe the birth of a tpediate and Young People of the Holt Sunday. 1 • , ^ r . an . d M . rs _ y 1V !: r daughter, born January 4 at Joinna Joanna Baptist church was held on .Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester’ l,n i famlly of C °; arri ^ a p 5 ®*' Memorial hospital. . Thursday evening, December 31. The Longshore on Thursday were the uidav^guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grey- . Weavm . Intermediates were entertained at TomnlP- T-Sgt. and Mrs. Marion "Weaver ‘he home of Mrs. Frank Reeder from Unrwu Albany, Ga., announce the birth ^.JO-lOtOO P. M. and the Young Peo- of a son, Alan David on December pie were entertained at the home of day guests of the LongshoresKwere vV“" o.'u* '"r-wiio’ r^rlT nf 20 at Turner Ai.r Force Base hospi- Miss (Joann Tompkins. The groups day guests of the Longshoresl-yere w". . , ,, r . i- ’ p ; ' k " f 20 at Turner Aif "Force Base hospi- Miss (Joann Ton Mrs. Houston Long and grbndchil- * *• a l , ‘ . 1 ‘ ‘ c j ,•!< Mrs. Weaver will be remem- Assembled in the recreation room of dren, Billy and Marv Susan ^§ong ar ^ “ ‘ ais „ , friends as Miss the chyrch at 10:00 where hot dogs, c^ Newberry. . Mr. ,and Mrs. Buford W’eir were A. B. Clarkson of New’berry. Louise White of Joanna. Messrs. John Ross and Elmer , Bennett were Saturday visitors in -F 1 a ' sU ^ > P C - r . - u . e,> ^ ^ Greenville. Mike Cooley ac- _ companied them home after a stay ' With Th* Sick of a w'eek in Burlington, N. C. _ . , , „ „ , n u • Mr. and Mrs. Claude Warren and Friend s of Perry Swygert will be children of Charleston were New ^ t0 ifarn he is confined to his Year holiday guests of the'latter’s home with flu. cokes, and chips were served. A film serving the food and helping with the entertainment were Mrs. Frank Reeder, Mrs. J. B. Johnson, Mrs. Fei*- rell Long, Mrs. Carson Nabors, Mrs. Cyril Abrams, Mrs. Mac Duncgn, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stroud. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thompson an nounce the birth of a son, Joseph •Lynn, on December 15 in Green wood. Mrs. Thompson i$ the for mer Miss Betty Padgett of this city. On Sunday evening, January 3, after the evening worship service, a group of intermediates and young people of the church met at the home of Mrs. Frank Reeder for Youth Fellowship. Roger Poore led the games. Refreshments of sand wiches, potato chips, candy, and soft drinks were served by Nfrs. Reeder, assisted by Mrs. Earl Ar^ thur. TbRelitve Misery of 666 0* TMim-MMI MST“““ THOMPSON Why Suffer Neuritis? A very good question indeed, and may I repeat, why suflfer neuritis? You do not have ]to suffer the excrujciating paiviful condition because it can be cor rected at the Hart Chiropractic Clinic located at 205 Church St., Laurens, S. C. Call 225Q1 or go by the Hart Clinic and arrange for a con sultation and find out how you can correct the cause of neuri tis." This consultation Costs you nothing and you are under no obligation whatsoever. Remember you do riot ItaVe to suffer neuritis. You may ob tain relief and complete^ recov ery at the Hart Chiropractic Clinic in Laurens, S. C. sister, Mrs. Joe Johnson and'Mr. Johnson. Mrs. Hermie Woods of Newberry I On December 30, Baby Roger Dale Isbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Isbell qf Kinards, was admitted to spent • the week-end with her,** 1 ® local hospital for treatment, daughter, Mrs. Perry Lee Swygert, . d317165 Smith is a paaent a., and Mr. Swygert. ’ ** 16 ^ oca l hospital. On January 22. T. L. Summers ^, C . or ^ en ?, r Taylo , r ’ S0 P 61 Mr. .and will celebrate his birthday. Mrs. B W. Taylor of Clinton la a Mr. and Mrs. Andy Gosnell were «J° anna Memorial hosr- jo.ned bv the latter’s brother, Leon- Pi* a ^ ' . . trd Fuller and Mrs. Fuller of Spar- ^ Mrs - LlZ716 Bo SS s - mother of Mif. tanburg, and Mrs. Daisey Smith of Carlton Wehunt is a patient at Jo- Anderson and "spent the past two Memorial hospital for ,trea.-| weks in Beach, Calif. The 1 * 11671 ?- . 4 group visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miss Ruth Hunnicutt of Clinton, Smith and other relatives. * ^underwent surgery Monday. Mrs. Perry Swygert and Perry rfiends of Mrs. L. J. Brock wnl Lee Swygeit attended the funeral re £ret to learn she is confined to ol Mrs, Lena''Wertz in Saluda on h 01 " borne with flu. Monday. .S. A. Mode is a patient-at the Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lowman Sr, Veterans hospital in Columbia and Miss Betty Ann Lowman ac-j _ _ ~ ’T, „ (ompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. F. j Ever-Ready Class To Meet “ Lov'man, Jr, and son, Ronnie, of Members of the Ladies Ever- Grecnwood attended a family gath- Ready class of Epworth church will ering of the Bauknight family at have their quarterly business meet- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hank ing Tuesday evening at 7 o’clock in Chapman at Chapin on Sunday. the assembly room. • Mrs. Lester Little Sue O’Dell spent the week- Longshore will present the devo- end in Newberry with her aunt and Hon and meditation thought. Fol- uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Holson- lowing, the meeting, a social hour Lack. • will be enjdyed " with each one Pvt. Donnie Weaver of Fort Lee. bringing a ccnered dish for refresh- Va.. has returned to camp at Bruns- ments. wick, N. J., after spending a fur- lough with his parent, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Bozard Honored J T. Weaver. Miss Mildred Bozard, January <hildren were Sunday dinner guests ter, Mrs. Bernard Nabors were the of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Holsonbaek gracious hostesses. The lovely home of Newberry. ‘ „ was decorated throughout for this Mrs. S. A. Mode and children are enjoyable occasion. Formal ar- ypending several days in Columbia, langements of white mums, gladioli with relatives. 'and fern in crystal containers were} Mr. and Mrs. James Lovelace, used at points of vantage. The re-! Mrs. Colie Gruber and small daugh- fieshrrftnt table was beautiful ini ter, Patty, have returned from a white. Flanking the large floral; two week’s stay in Largo, Fla., with, centerpiece were low silver candle-] Mr. and Mrs. Danny Hqpvard. * holders with tall Journing tapers. Mr. and Mrs. Preston White and Punch, individual /wedding cakes family spent the week-end in Al bany, Ga., with T.-Sgt and Mrs. and salted nuts were served. Assisting in the courtesies of en- Marion Weaver. Mrs. Weaver andj tertaining were Miss Ruth Hair, chlidren, Deborrah and Allen Dav-;Mrs. Robert Wren, Mrs. Elvin Ab :d, accompanied her parents home rams, Mrs. Harold Murphy, Mrs. Don't buy blind! J ft •for* yaw tp+nd another dollar for auto insurance compare Allstate’s low rates and other advantages. Over two million car owners are getting exactly the better value you expect from the company founded by Sears. Allstate has an unusually high percentage of • renewals—the best proof of good service and customer satisfaction. You Sip’t buy better—why pay more? r .~ Phone or visit vour Allstate Agent today ... JOHN L. MIMNAUGH, Agent 108 E. Walnut St — Phone 8«9-J You’re in'good hands with . Austjite Bhinsuranci company by Soars An IWnoii contention founded by Soon, SoobOck and Co. with auett and tiotuMMo* ditUnct and nopdTot* from tho potent company. On Monday, Rev. Perry W. Tur- bride-elect, was delightfully enter-J r er and John Ross y-isited S. A. tamed with a tea on Saturday af-1" Mode, a patient at the Veterans hos- ternoon at the lovely Waits home -f-iial in Columbia. tn tha rftUimhLft-cIrpfrnvnIlp nigh-[ . Mr. and Mrs. C. R. O’Dell and way. Mrs. W. K. Waits and daugh-1 SAL'S C/PW $/2P on 3 LUXURYWLONS ORDER MW'A PAIR ‘N A SPARE . . . DOUBLES THE WEAR! Jut mail the roapon from any bag of ColoniaPa fine coffees and f 1.00 and you’ll receive three (“Pair-’N-A-Spare”) 60-fange, 15-denier Diana firat quality, foil-fashioned Nylon Hosiery. Yon may order as many as yon like! Just be sure to enclose coupon from ahy of these"eoffces with each “Pair-’N- A-Soare” order. r t\ Mild end Mellow SUVEB LABEL E&OCAR' UM -A bag Qyc regucar OR DRIP Rich Full Bodied GOLD LABEL REGULAR OR DRIP MB BAG 9L Coffee with Chicory HOTEL AND Crowe A Blackwell %. Frozen RESTAURANT Bland -90« Vacuum-Packed MONTI CELLO COFFEE \ ■-. ;> .<■ .V i ORANGE JUICE COUPON IN tVHRY BAG Of COLONIAL'S QUALITY-CONTROLLED COfFEES! C StKote* LUTER’S WHOLE OR HALF 6 TO 8 LBSi AVG. WEIGHT Redgate Alaskan PINK SALMON PICNIC? TALL CAN v. Luter’s Cedar Farm Brand — Tray-Packed Sliced BACON BEDCATE GOLDEN CSIBAM GO BN REDGATE EARLY JUNE PEAS REDGATE CUT GREEN SOVT-WEVE TOILET TISSUE 2 2 2 2 NO? 303 CANS NO. 303 CANS NO. 303 CANS ROUS TRIANGLE LONG THIN Spaghetti 8-OZ. PKG 25c 25c 29< 27c 10« DELICIOUS SERVED WITH BACON SLICED BEEF LIVER LI Vj IDEAL FOR SPAGHETTI OR ««nj u ALL MEAT-NO RONE (Nt WASTE JIFFT STEAKS GORTON’S CELLO-WRAPPED FLOUNDER FILLET t .... .... c IA LA' 29c 25« 89« 57c . SJIV-JK-TAPE SHEET VALUES DAN RIVER OR MOHAWK DAN RIVER OR MOHAWK Double Bed Sheet* Single Bed Sheet* Save $1.88 Save $1.48 Ho. 147. Sin SlxlOS*. 2 to ankage. Regatoi SS.78 vaMe. No. 246. Sin 72x108’ 2 to pockage. Regolai $6.38 valae. - Coidea Tope* fljd QA with IlCy'ta Coidea Tapaa —---j' Heavy Western Budget Beef LB. UCK ROAST 39«-| srst » 49 /r BREAST I THIGHS Natur-Tender Choice Fryer Pieces: LB. LI. PURE VEGETABLE SPRY SHORTENING tin’ 89 r>*SHWASHING IS EASIER WITH BREEZE MES , u. 79« 75* 65 29 c c LGE. PKG. CS NATURAL OR SWEETENED ORANGE JUICE CS CRUSHED HAWAIIAN Pineapple CARNATION EVAPORATED ENWCHK MILK 3 46-OL. can NO. 2 CAN TAU CANS 30c 29 27c 40c yellcRi V, S. /Vo, I—fancy Globa ONIONS S5 r-T' I Redgate, with Tomato Sauce PORK & BEANS UB. CAN*s- FANCY SWEET JUICY FLORIDA ORANGES LARGE CRISP TENDER, PASCAL CELERY U. S. NO. 1 WHITE POTATOES EXTRA LARGE CRISP HEADS ^ LETTUCE "'M 5 29< 2. stu!s 25* 10 “°'29 2 HEADS . 29« Plenty Free PaHdng W. Pitts St. s Clinton, S. C. \ - V . v . V F \ ' * <■ g X So