The Clinton chronicle. (Clinton, S.C.) 1901-current, September 04, 1919, Image 7
^ IF people would only take care of their stom- ^
j achs what a lot less troble there would be in 4
4 this world. 2
p Let us offer you relief from the unpleasant p
^ results. * 4
4 We Have a Dypepsia Cure That We Guaran- 4
' - t-u ——
i . . s
Q It will save you untold suffering and misery 5
4 to try it. A
the guest r.f >Tiss Erurme Young,
has returned to her home in Spar
Mr. ]t. 24. Hafner of Chester
spent Thursday with Mr. L. B. Dil
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boozer and
little Elizabeth have returned from
a two weeks’ visit to relatives in
Newberry. \
Carlton Winn spent the past
week-end in Cross Hill.
Miss Lucy Ooggans, of Green-
wood, who has been visiting her
auntr- Mre. Agnefr Anderson, 4efU4Jhajdie Lanford^
and Fuulinc Marion
Lancaster, have been the guests of
Misses Helen Bailey and May Ow
Miss Gladys Sheppard of Green
wood is visiting Mrs. Irvin Cole
Mr. and Mrs.«Dave Little of Ma
rion, N. C., and Mrs. Emma Glenn
are the guests of Mrs. Jennie
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. F. Giles spent
Saturday in Greenwood.
Mrs. D. C. Bishop and children
are spending this week with Mrs.
! SMI ■
A Timely Lesson
The death of Andrew Carnegie last week .natur
ally has centered the attention of the world upon
his life. It was a notably successful life. He
started as a poor weaver’s son and amassed an a-
mazingly large fortune that enabled him to pose as
the most liberal philanthropthropist in the while
history of the vyprld, Thrift .was the foundation of
his success. He himself attributes his success to
having accumulated through his habit of saving the
initial capital with which he began doing things.
He advised others to follow his example. Take
his advice. Live within your earnings and reguar-
ly bank the surplus so that thereby you can accum
ulate a little capital with which to do things.
There is no substitute for thrift in the fight for suc
M. $. Bailey & Son
“Clinton’s Oldest Bank”
last Sunday for Cross Hill.
Miss Helen Sumerel is on a two
weeks’visit to her sister, Mrs. Irene
Todd on North Broad St.
Miss Annie Bailey is in town, the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Rosa Lit
Messrs. R. II. Hatton and Reece
Young have returned from a week’s
stay at Hendersonville.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bailey and
Mr. W. C. Bailey spent the week
end in Hendersonville and Ashe
Mr. W. A. Moorehead and little
son returned yesterday from a trip
to Hendersonville and Waynes-
Mrs. 'R. E. Jones and Miss
Agatha Davis retunned Friday
from a ten days’ stay in Hender
Miss Julia Owens, who has been
in Washington for several months,
is now 4 at home and has accepted a
position with the Dixie Flour and
Grain Co.
Mr. Horatio Hughes has been
spending several days in Clinton.
Mr. Anthony Dick of Fountain
inn spcnt Friday ill Clinton. -
Mrs. R. E. Sims of Chester was
the guest of Mrs. Lee Young on
Mrs. E. W. Ferguson is spending
some time in Brevard.
Mrs. Maggie Jones, who has been
visiting relatives in Chester and
York, returned oo Friday to Clin-
t >n.
Mrs. J. 1. Copeland, and Miss
es Nan and Marion Copeland, who
have been spending the past month
in Montreat, returned on Friday.
Miss Mary King, who has been
spending her vacation at home, has
returned to Washington.-
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bryson are
spending some time in the moun
Mrs. Frank Kellers and children,
who have been spending several
weeks in the mountains, returned
(m-Thnrsdav. :—*-—-
i p • I,') ^ "
ji ' L
W Some people dislike to enter the
S! doors of a bank because they
1 Think
p P s
Miss Ray Prather has been visit
ing friends in Crass Keys.
Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Woodworth
and Miss Betty Woodworth have
returned from 4 stay of two
* . ■
months in Greenwood.
Mrs. Field and children of Flor
ence who have been the guests of
Mrs. B. II. Boyd for-several days,
returned on Thursday to their
Mrs. L A. Barrow and children
left on Friday for their new home
in Columbia.
Miss Bern Bailey, who has been
spending several weeks in Waynes-
ville. has returned.
Rev. and Mrs. Edward Long are
spending two weeks in North Caro
lina. j-
1, ,1 in„n-,m-i—**■'*—
Mi.-s Sue Esther Pitts, who has
been the guest of Miss Louise Pitts,
left on Saturday for her home in
Mm. Eh Stone of P n ion spent
Friday with Mrs. Clayte Bliley.
Mr. Lonnie McMillan has return
ed from a stay-in-Arkansas.
Mrs. Neal Turner, who has been
the guest of her mother, Mrs. Nan
nie Finney, returned on Saturday
to her home in Elberton, Ga.
Mrs. W. S. Bean and Mrs. Both-
well Graham and children are visit
ing relatives in Spartanburg.
Mrs. J. A. Bailey and Miss Alden
Bailey have returned from a
month’s stay in Montreat.
Mr. Pet Adair has gone to Tocoa,
Ga., to buy furniture.
Mrs. Clyde Lankford spent Sun
day in Cross Keys.
Messrs. W. C. Flanagan, P. W.
Wilson and T. B. Hay arrived on
Monday to begin Itheir foot-ball
Miss Maymc Leake is visiting rel
atives in Union.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Robertson,
Mrs. Lucius MeSwain, Mrs. Agnes
Kern, Mrs. John Little. Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. Daniel, Mrs. Charlie
» ‘
Wallace, Miss Lafayette Johnson,
Miss Myrtle Norman, Mrs. A, B.
Galloway, Mrs. John Madden, Mrs.
Lurie McNeil and Mr. and Mrs.
John Ferguson attended the mis
sionary union held last week in
Cross Hill.
Coach R. W. Johnson of Milwau
kee, has arrived and is now coach
ing the foot-ball team.
Mrs. Lucius MeSwain and chil
dren left on Wednesday for their
new home in Columbia.
Mr. Bill Dunlap and Miss Sarah
Dunlap of Rock Hill are visiting
Mr. C. W. Stone spent Thursday
in Greenville.
Mr. .Sam Kern spent the past
week in Abbeville.
Misses Gertrude and Emma Hipp
have been spending a few days in
Greenville tnis week.
Mrs. J. II. Phinney and Miss
Rebecca Lake of Laurens have
been the guests during the week
of Mrs. J. R. Copeland.
Miss Lena Gary of Goldville has
been spending a few days with Miss
Ethel Davidson.
Mrs. John Copeland has return
ed from a visit to relatives at Un
Mrs. Chandler, Misses Gertrude
Chandler and Annie Lou- Norman
and Mr. Clark Copeland spent the
week-end in Hendersonville.
Mr. A. C. Daniel spent Tuesday
in Columbia. •
—Mr. Clayton of Central has been
the guest of Mr. George Copeland
for a. few days this week.
Miss Maude Sumerel has return
ed from a month’s visit to Mrs.
Jule McGregor of Ruby. She was.
accompanied home bjr Mrs. Jule
'McGregor and children.
Miss Lila Clark of Laurens has
accepted a position with “The
Fair Racket.’’
Mr. Douglas Pearson, Mias Lo-
rono Pearson and Miss Mary Sue
Bobo from Woodruff, are visiting
Misses Ruth and Clauda Bobo.
Mrs. Mary Bobo of Cross Keys is
visiting Mrs. Clair Cooper and Mrs.
Mary Prather.
Mr. J. B. Wilder spent the week
end at home with his family.
Mrs. F. E. Carter and grand
daughter, Frances Ford, of Atlan
ta. are visiting Air. Percy Carter.
Misses Nettie and Lena Gary
spent the week-end with Miss Susie
Misses Nell and Ada Dillard
spent last week with Miss Dorothy
Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Young of
Anderson were in town on Monday.
Airs. Homer Henry aaid Alisses
Agnes and Mary Henry and Airs.
John Henry spent Monday in
The Alother’s Club will meet
with Mrs. Crawford Clapp on
Thursday afternoon at five-thirty
\ •
Number 99 or 100
“Good Things to Eat*
, * -.
Simpson Groceiy Go.
Phone 99 and 100 Clinton, S. C.
Ini'- If
^17 Jl
v ^
Use Our
A \ ^
Keep your complexion clear and your hair
glossy by giving them proper care. We have the
washes, shampoos and tonics you need—all free
from harmful ingredients; also face powders—
perfumes, fine toilet soaps and other toilet necess
ities. -
/•'. Our quality is high—our prices low—and
> We are CarefuTDruggists.
The Aluagrove Drug Store at Union Station
Telephone Number 400
Is the Policy of This Store
Brightness of Disposition.
Brightness of Appearance.
Brightness Despite Obstacles.
: Service With Pleasure is the
Motto. N o matter when o r
where—we strive to please.
King’s Cash Grocery
W. G. KING, Manager.