The Clinton chronicle. (Clinton, S.C.) 1901-current, February 13, 1919, Image 11

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19 19 $1450DEO VERED i ■ - s j - • Ellis Motor Company DISTRIBUTORS Clinton, South Carolina • RAILROAD WORKERS EXPRESS WISHES Four Great Railroad Brotherhoods Want GoTernment Ownership of Roads. Says Profit Sharing Wonld Make Efficiency. Washington, Feb. 8.—Railroad la bor interests today proposed govern ment ownership and private operation by one large corporation, co-operative ly organized and sharing profits with employes, as their solution of the rail road problem. Testifying before the senate_inter^. ■sfaTercoirtmerce committee on behalf of the four leading trainmen’s brother hoods and other- employes’ organiza tions, Glenn E. Plumb, of Chicago, recommended that the government ac quire all railroad property at a price fairly representina-^ne physical valua tion. and entusr fhe operation to r corporation to be directed jointly by employes, officers and the government Earnings would be divided equallv among employes and the government and rates would automatically be re duced when profits amounted to more, than a fixed rate. . ■*' This plan, it was argued, would pro-* V*sr:. You Just Try —— , Get-yeur organs of di- NR For Tha t Indigestion ^fesflori, assimilation and elimination working in harmony and watch your trouble disappear. NR does it or money back. •w One Day’s Test Proves NR Best Tho stomach only partly digests the rood we eat. The process linishef tn the intestines where the food - mixed with bile from the liver. It must be plain to any sensible per- or. who realizes thin, that the ■ te-nach, liver and bowels must work ;i harntony if .digestive troubles -re to bo avoided or overcome, This fact also explains why juf'erers from indigestion, also i n"er more dr less from head- acr.ea, biliousness and constipa- tloa. . __ I’ you are ono of the many tm«_ fcr'tunate poisons who cannot eat without suffering afterward, if yon arc constipated, have bluetts rpelis, headaches, coated tongue, bad breath, variable appetite, are nervous, lo in.',' energy and feel your health slipping away, take this advice ard get a box of Nature’s Remedy (NR Tablets) right today and start taking it. Give it a trial for £t week or two ond just see how much better vou feel. See how quickly your sluggish bowels—will become as Regular aa clock work, how your coated tongue clears up and your good, old-time ap petite returns. See how splendidly your food will digest and how your energy, “pep” and “ginger” revive. Just try it. _ You take no risk whatever for k/ A Nature’s Remedy (XR Tahlota)... -to only 25u~g~box. enough to last tWenty-flvo days, and it must help and benefit you to „ your entire satisfaction, or money, returned. Five, Trillion boxes aro used every y-pr,—ono million NR Tablets aro taken by ailing people every day— that’s the host proof of its merits. Nature’s Remedy to the best and s: fest thing you can take for bilious ness, constipation, indigestion and similar complaints. It is sold, guar- . nhteed , and recommended by you* druggist. per.. Jinan ci; vide of income to security owners, promote efficiency of operation through sharing profits, remove railroad operation from partisan politics, eomnose fr^nflietc tween federal and state authorities, keep rates at a minimum, eliminate complications in rate scheduels .and provide a means of making comjnuni- ties benefiting by extensions pay for them. The corporation 'would be sub ject to regulation by the interstate commerce commission, which would retain Its present regulating powers. The brotherhoods objected to the railway executives’ proposal for cstab- elected in this mjanner: ohe-thlrd to he elected by the classified employes below the grade of appointed officials; one-third >hy the apointed officials and employes; the final third being ap pointed by the president of the' United States. „, k , * With one-half of the profits going to the government and the other half to the corporation to be distributed among employee, Mr, Plumb said, the men would be actuated by a desire to promote efficiency and economy as a means of Increasing profit. - - -Suefe-a-schcnrr;' 0 he "wou render to the , public all of the bene fits of unified operation. It would eliminate al Ithe costs of competltior, -iwithout losing any of the benefits of competition. - - “This' would remove the operation of the railprads from politics^ Gov eminent officials could not ' possibly have - 'anything to say about Ihe er * plbymen-t of mien or officials of th l roads. ..They would-have riSthing t say a?? to construction .or extension of new lin&ir. - ' ' . * -“The government would have no power to exact from the public a re- uirn which was more adequate for service and the public would*nol necA / » • , __ r j •;o be protjfeoted, against high 'rfttes and divrsiom • of ports to private Iptoreotfw llshing a secretary of transportation, saying this would constitute “regu lating the people in the interests of capital.’’ They also protested aghinst the railroad administration’s order forbidding railway employes taking part in politics, arguing that the so lution of the railway problem is a political issue and that employes are entitled to- participate. Mr. Plumb suggested organization of “an operating corporation where op erating ability constituted its sole cap ital.” “A certain agreed percentage of the net results of operation should belong to this corpration,” he said. “The stock of the corporation should be held in trust for the benefit of the employes. The corporation would be administered by a board of directors, who, we suggest tentatively, should be “You could pfovidp. that whenever the actual amount of net revenue paid to the ( government exceeded 5’ per cent' of the’ gfoss operating ‘.revenue, the Interstate Commerce- Commission shodld thereupon- adjust the scale of rates in such manner os to absorb t* 5 per cent, thereby producing an equiv alent of a 5 per-cen^' reduction in fates.*'’. *■ . ’ BIG BO} T D ISSUE FOR GREENWOOD/ Bill to hi*, introduced for $#00,000 Issue for Building Good JSopulju — Greenwood; Feb. T-—A bill providing for the" issuance of $(>00,©00 i-h bonds, the proceeds of which wiH be used for. building permanent roads in Greeh- wood county amt another providing-_for. the establishment of a highway-com mission in the cbunly has beeiv-prc-' pared by Senator £>. <U;. McGJVee .and will he intrdduced ifi the General As/ ’ ' * -v X ' scmbly this week. Rftnrqpentative Paul B. Elljs iwiil introduce the meas-*. ure in the House. ' ■- The tionds will bear- interest at a rate mot exceeding r> per cent ’to be' paid semi-anniraTly, on July 1st and January 1st. A sinking fund of 000 is also provided for.— u - t -. The Quinine That Do^s Not-Af’fey't The Head -U- Colda, Cause Grip and Influenza LAXATIVE BRQMO QUININE Tablets remove the by anyone without caueiriknervousnejeor ringing cabse. There ia only one “ Bromo Quiaiae. E. W. to \he head. E.W.CJROVE'S •J*natsgeo«box. 30c. GROVES ’iiggature on the box. 30c. Because of its tonic ant) taxative effect, LAXA TIVE EROtyO QUININE (Tablets) can be taken T- V k 0 HOE m lOL non HOE [C HOE m IOC IOC dIIczioeiz)! Price Announcement .A T # ~ # - # - # C-——- i —. # 1 s * V The policy of the Ford Motor Company to sell its cars for the lowest possible price, consistent with depen- dable quality, is too well known to require comment. Therefore, because of present conditions, there can be no „ , I 4 _ _ o ' ^ change in the prices on Ford cars. Runabout Touring Car- Coupe Sedan • Truck Chassis $500 $525' •$650 • $775. ■ $550 ' These prices F. 0. B. Detroit. ■ -V ‘ - *-< -r \\ - vj n i Dealer •< Clinton, South Carolina ■ •’ T- non IOE §id 3QIZZX US ion 3d IOE X i o li cm oezd | ft IOE 3 o 1