Fort Mill times. (Fort Mill, S.C.) 1892-current, December 21, 1922, Image 4

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mi* tj - ve&mez jR NEWS ABOUT TOWN. MIsb Martha Dyches is at homa tor ^the Christmas holidays from Anderson college. Tw0 Fort Mill citizens who are confined *o their homes with influenza are E S. Parks and S. A. Lee. Mrs. P. B. Speed and her little son . of Abbeville are guests in the home of Mrs. Speed's parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Ott. Charles B. Elliott,. Esq., of Columbia was a guest one day last week at the home of his brother, Dr. J. B. Elliott, in Fort Mill. Capt. and Mrs. E. W. Springs left Monday afternoon for Sprinbtield, (Mass., where they will spend the Christmas holidays with relatives. Miss E'ulow Mussey is spending the /* kwlaimno l\r*lMa i?u of hoi* Knmn a vui lonuao uvuuuj o ab ??v? uvauv * * ter attending school at Mitchell college, Statesville, N. C., during the (all term. Due to the continuous rains of the last ten days and the consequent bad condition of the public roads of this . Boction, the Christmas trade of Fort iMill merchants up to this morning had not been as brisk as they had expected. Miss Florence Boyd of Montevallo, Ala., is expected to come to Fort Mill | tomorrow afternoon to spend the Christmas holidays with her mother, Mrs. Mamie Boyd, and her sisters,Mrs. S L. Meacham, Mrs. J. E. Jones and Miss Julia Boyd. Christmas day is not a holiday for the carriers on R. F. D. routes and the country patrons of the Fort Mill postoflice will therefore have their mail delivered to them as usual on next Monday. At the postoflice in (Fort Mill, however, Sunday hours will be observed Christmas day. Students of the Pineville high school this week issued the first number of a school paper which they have been planning for some time. "The Pine Burr" is the name selected for the paper, which 1b a creditable publication, in the opinion of a nuinbor of Fort Mill citizens who have seen it. Forty or more pupils of the intermediate department of St. John's 'Methodist Sunday school will give a religious pageant, "Christmas Lights," at the church next Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The pageant will ropresent events outlined in the Old Testament from the creation to New Testamont times and many Biblical characters will be represented. ' The Rev. J.'A. White, who several years ago was pastor of St. John's Methodist church, Fort Mill, is a candidate for chaplain of the State house of representatives. Mr. White is now pastor of the Methodist church at College Place, Columbia suburh. The duties of the chaplain are to open each day with prayer the proceedings Of the house. At the 1921-32 sessions of the General Assembly, the Rev. R L. Keaton, pastor of St. John's, was chaplain of the house. * > ?? ? v !! Fif < ? I FLORIDA 65C F ij Other Choice Fru mas He CULP BR PHONE - - ? - -j j?"** " " '",l* * II : = IFI It's Dru{ It's Pate It's a Pr It's Toil* It's Rubl it 8 ffigh L 'A Christmas entertainment for the Fort Mill Baptist Sunday school will be given In the church Monday aftertern oom at 3:30 o'clock, at which a special program, consisting of recitations and songs, will feature the enttetainment. The Sunday school also will have a special program at its regular exercises next Sunday morning in celebration of the birth of 'Christ. Power of Weekly Press. Some people think the only influential newspapers in the country ore the big city dailies. The Democratic National committee does not agree with these people, and in a statement folowing the recent election giveB much of the credit for the party's success to the weekly press. "It may well be doubted,1' says the committee's statement, "if any other form of publication is so thoroughly read and so well digested as the weekly newspapers, and certainly no other publications have more SiOr ccrely at heart the welfare of their respective communities. As a rule their characteristics are a rugged honesty, high courage, clear and plain speaking, and, with few exceptions, they accurately and fairly reflect public sentiment within the radius of cneir circulation. The future of America will always be secure as long as the country press remains true to its record and its traditions." If you haven't bought enough German marks to laBt you through the winter, they are very cheap now. When a politician says he is on the fence on the prohibition question, ho means he is on the other side. The new third party might, attract mcro attention if it were not for tho suspicion that its bank account is not very large. EIGHT FOOT SHOW CASE for sale cheap to quick buyer; brand new; in good condition. Apply to "Show Case," care The Times. THOMAS* GREAT CHRISTMAS Sale on Dry Goods, Gent's Furnishings, Shoes and Toys all this week. Don't fail to attend the" b.g Shoe J-'ale now going on at Massey's. 20 tc 60 per cent discount to CASH custom. <. CHARLESTON WAKEFIELD CAHL'AGE PIxAXTS now ready for delivery. Strong, healthy plajits. $1.50 thousand; 500 for 75c. A. II. Helms, R. 1, Osceola, S. C. dI4 Santa Claus has arrived and as in tHe past 50 years made headquarters ?? Massey's, where you will find b? autiful gilts that last at lowest pi ices. HEAD TIIE TIMES EVERY WEEK FOR HOME NEWS it <E l| ORANGES i* 'ECK 0 <I it for the Christ- j; >lidays. ; 1 l, * * OTHERS i NO. 15. v ? . *' <? ? ? > nt Medicines, escriotion. m. ? ?9 it Articles, !>er Goods, t Prices. i Want, g found in a First iig Store?get it at RUG STORE Ph, G., Manager 'X ' ~ To the young To the sad ar <| To the happ'y To every bod| We wish? I v _? \ A MERRY C I; THE CAS PHO 11 S. A. LEE and T. I . 7 4^. 4 > ^ 4 iN* 4* + ^ i 4 \ A_. O. JC GOODTH! Growrii1!*, Markcl, Country Produce. I'lionc Fourteen. JJs your ? if you' are not safe is j better not allow late in it. vS , 1^9 THE SAVINGS BAI A GOOD BANK .._ ; I ,jjHJ8B5^^??B3DnOflB8nBBSBSflB^B5B ! Weak I 1 Back B I Mrt. Mildred Pipkin, of I R. P. D. 8, Columbia, Tenn., I aye "My experience with || Cardui has covered a number of j years. Nineteen years ago ... I I got down with weak back. 1 I was run-down and so weak and I nervous 1 bad to stay in bed. I I read o! CARDUIj The Woman's Tonic 8 I and seat for it 1 took bnly ode Bi I bottle at that time, and it helped II I me; seemed to strengthen and Dy I build me right up. So that Is HI 11 bow I first knew of Car&td. | II After that... when 1 began to ! 11 gst weak and 'no account*, 1 HI | sent right for Cardtd, and It S3 | never tailed to help me." I| If yea are weak and suffering I I from womanly ailments, Caidui I 1 may be Jot what yon need, i I Take Cmdui. It has helped H I thni?mis, aad ongbt to help | H 'r<At an druggists* and dealers', IB * "i i r Neither*can yon blutf all the people all the time. . F ' : ?* ' : j < i and old, id sorrowing, 1 r and gay, . | y .everywhere, | :hristmas | H STORE 1 NE 8 \ F. LYTLE, Mgrs. * %* <?> ? <# .> <? - * $ ?* $ )1STES INGS TO EAT tSafe safe sure that your oroof. you had oua/f iv uuuumu r* r* MK OF FORT MILL TO BANK ON ?mmm?m???ye????? i i n ! "A F: I_L? n i 111c juu WAS THE OWNER'S VERDICT when he first looked at his newly painted car. SINCE THEN we have done many good jobs and are hoping to do more. We use the BEST and most enduring Paints, Oils, Varnishes, applied by Skilled Painters who are masters of their craft, and return your old car looking like a NEW ONE. JOfflSOlTS PAISSoP MAS. A. JOHNSON, Manager. Auto Painters. Body and Top Buildere ROCK HILL, S. C. rWeak, Ailing WOMEN - || should tikfl CARDUI fl Tlx Woman's "Torte B Sold EverywW* Bl 9 m ' *\ O > ' ' 15122? > > i As the ol ? an end, we * ! press our sii ation of the 1 good will of this commi] so generous year now c close. We wish ry Christina; New year. First Nati Operated Under the i I United State m ip=?-? I FRUITJ rA\i JLJL ^1 FOR THE B. C. Ft Our Motto: Q1 * > . A .. * I ? W. G. : [ GENERAL MERCHANDISE J i 1 Ijueuuqunri'crs Here yon wDI find many prett Girls and Boys too numerous for yourelf. We hare a nice line of SHOES Vy Hamilton.Brown Shoe Conij Vompany. When In need of SH think we can save yon money We carry nearly everything yon dlse Store. We solicit your tri la our aim to meet all competltl 1 Price* en FALL and WINTER 2 LT REDUCED.. We cordially I I Inspect onr stock. I w. a <tt>MtWH?t>te?see?e<t?o JOB PR AT THE TIMES OF FORT MILL 1923 ii ll ij Id year nears wish to ex1 rprp annrA^i riendship and pi | the people of inity given us >lv during the Irawing to a v * for all a mer- I , I 'M sand a happy . ' v 1 i ional Bank Strict Supervision of the (. s Government ' I ??? ????. _ ...?m mm ? J . Sf,,. -Sff* I " > j ( 2 \TT Tfr*ci 1 5,1 } [DIES HOLIDAY 'RGUSON JICK SERVICE ' ! v-:V -V : i * y s- 2 ; n ! J I "v a 1 "j .u ?** *+*V# LOWRY | k MILLINERY, Pinenlle, IC. I for Santa Claus j and attractive TOYS tr the | to mention here. Come aid see I manufactured and cmarinteed | >any and Geo rare O. Witt Shoe f IOCS, let or sell yon some. We | l will find In a General Mer*han. ide and will try to please yoi. It < \0WU MILLINERY have been GREAT* o InTlte yon to come to see at and < I < LOWRY INTIIMQ E ICE - - PHONK1J2 South Carolina