Fort Mill times. (Fort Mill, S.C.) 1892-current, September 22, 1921, Image 1

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rv - *sSy 1 Established 1891. BIO LIQUOR SEIZURE. gr* Large Quantity Foor.d on Place of Willard 0 Bailee The home of Willard O. Bailes, f Fort Mill township farmer, who a few years ago gained notoriety extending over both the Carolines as "the marrying squire"(he was a notary public), entertained for a short time Monday after uoon a party whose aspect was quite different to that of the Uretna Green parties of former days when officers from Mecklenburg county and Fort Mill visited his place and captured a large quantity of bottled-in-bond whiskey hidden in a corn crib, just across the line in North Carolina. According to the South Carolina officers the seizure amounted to 140 quarts, but the Charlotte papers of Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning had heard of only 5t> quarts being captured by the raiding party. For the rather unique reason that Bailes'home is in South Carolina and the barn and other outbuildings on the place are in North Carolina, the raid was participated in by officers from both States. After searching the residence and barn, the officers discovered the .whiskey carefully hidden under a pile of oats in the corn crib. The crib being on the Nortlr Carolina side of the line. till* wtliul'liv lllxPlifnl'ii ' II 1i> till' officers from that State. Hailes was not at home when the officers visited his place and I up to this morning no word had been received in Fort Mill of his arrest. He is said to have been in Fort Mill Monday. Magistrate Haile of Fort Mill is of the opinion that since the whiskey was captured in North Carolina and Bailes livej^ in South Carolina and is said to have been in this State when the raid was made, complications alight be avoided by leaving his apprehension to the federal authorities. No warrant for Bailes' arrest has Inton issued in South Carolina, so far as The ^ I Times is able to learn. The officers participating in the raid were: Rural Officers Brown and Johnston of Mecklenburg county and V. 1). Potts, policeman. and .J. F. Lee. special eonstable, of Fort Mill. Sheriff Fred Quinn of York county state to The Times Tuesday afternoon that his office had huil its eye on Bailes* place for Home tiiiit* and that he was not surprised to hear of the seizure of liquor there. Henry N. Patterson Dead. The Pleasant Valley soot ion of Lancaster county lost a pood citizen last Friday afternoon when Henry N. Patterson died at his home in that community. Mr. Patterson had been in declining health for several months and it had been known for some time that he could not survive the illness which had been gradually wearing away his strength, lie was fill years old and hail spent al! his life in the Pleasant Valley community. He was a successful farmer and in his younger years was in the mercantile business, out of which, in connection with hif farming interests, lie had accumulated a comfortable competence. He was a member of Harrison Methodist church, of which he was also an officer. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon and interment was in Harrison churchyard. Mr. Patterson is survived by his widow and the following children: W.Fred Pat terson. H. N. Patterson. Mrs. Bnlah Pettus and Miss Ruth Patterson of Pleasant Valley. Mrs. Kffie By rum of High Point. N. C? and Mrs. Grace Hensley of Columbia. Interest in Religious Meeting. Much interest is being shown in Rock Hill in the Gypsy Smith meeting to he held in that city early in October. Cottage prayerj, meetings are being held twice a s. week and many are attending. A JP large tent has been secured for the meeting and this will be located on a lot near the center of the city. The meeting will last lor threqr weeks and the members of all churches in the city are behind the movement for a great I rHE B I HEFLIN / .xJlNO PEOPLE^ Alabama Senator Would Oive States War Material. Senatbr J. ThomaK lleflin of Alabama is 0110 of the finest figures in the public life of America ami lie has won a high place in tin* history of the American senate, where he labors faithfully ami well for the common people, says Senator Tom Watson's Columbia (Ga.) Sentinel. The senate passed the good roads legislation, an appropriation of 75 million dollars to be distributed among the States. The bill contains a clause authorizing the secretary of war to ! turn over to the road authorities ^ of the several States-all surplus war material not needed for the purposes of the war department. I'nder the clause a vast supply of 1.:.. ? 1 . intuitiiivi \ 01 aiiuosi every descript ion will lie delivered to the road authorities of the States aiul in this way the government will render the people a great serviee. The luanufaeturers of road uiaehiiiery have already reeeived pay for this surplus material and the govi rninent is putting it to no use whatever. Thousands and millions of dollars worth of fine machinery will go to waste if tt is not turned over to the Statgs and used by the States in making hctter highways for the traveling puldie. Tlie inanufaeturers ?lo not favor delivering this property to the Slates, because the inanufaeturers would be glad to sell new u aehinerv to the States and rob . Item as they have robbed the 1'niled States when selling this surplus material. An effort was made to eliminate section S id' the Towuseiid bill and but for the good work of Senator lleflin the profiteering inanufaeturers would have won. In his speech Senator lleflin might have told of the policy adopted by the war department in reference to millions of dollars worth of auto trucks. autumn iMics. tractors, ambulances, motoreyeles and spare parts for each, destroyed m France by the American army beeause the inanulaetur. rs objected to any reshipment of this property. If this property bad been returned to this country it would have been in competition with the stocks "of manufacturers, therefore the necessity for ils dcst met ion. It is alleged that the war department had a secret agreement or understanding witn tlie manufacturers that this property would not be returned to this country after the armistice. In view of the fact that the war department paid millions of dollars to eorporations for jroods never i delivered to the army, it is not surprising to leant that a secret trade was made with reference to war material in France. REV. W. W. DANIEL DEAD. Former Fort Mill Pastor Passes Awav at Kin<rnt.r?? Tin* Kev. \Y. \Y. 1 >?i11i<*I. I). D.. pastor in 1 SSf> of tli?? fort Mill circuit and since then for several years president of Columbia college. died suddenly at Ids home in i\iiijrstree at midnight Monday. Dr Daniel had been -in declining I e.iltli for several months, hut A'j.s aide Monday morning attend the opening exercises of the K ingxtree pnhlie seliool. Dr. Daniel was a leading; minister of the Methodist church ill South Carolina. At the time of his death he was pastT?r of the Kings I !*??? Method tsi church and was b'J vonrs old. Dr. Daniel was admitted to tin* Methodist conference to preach in 188:1. Since that time he had he.-n pastor of a larpe number of the important churches of the denomination in this State and was president of Columbia collepe from 1899 to 191t>, rcsipninp the presidency duriup the later year because of declining health. A number of members of the White and Nims families of Fort ^lill township Saturday joined other members of the families livinp in North Carolina for a pict nic at Lakewood, near Charlotte. # ) V 'ORT ] / ~ FORT MILL, 8. C., THUE8I NEWS OF YORK COUNTY. Current Items of Interest From the Yorkville Enquirer. "September," observed a Yorkville man, "is the month of snakes and typhoid fever. It is a mean old month any way you take it. But speaking of snakes, I've run across two black snakes in tile road in the past three weeks." The outlook is that more farmers of the Clover community are going to sow wheat this fall than lias been the case for a number of yours. Seed wheat is very much in demand ami the few farmers of this section who have seed wheat for sale are having no rouble disposing of it. " Well," saiil a prominent physician the other afternoon, "1 haven't collected anything scarce. Iv in the past two years and 1 am making it a rule to carry my books with me on my rounds now. Lots of people are selling cotton, you know. It is bringing a good price ami there's no reason why they ! should not pay me at least a part of what they owe me. 1 collected ! $140 in old accounts last Satur- j day and I have several thousand , dollars out that 1 am going to1 get if cotton stays around lit) cents." "What in the world made the Vork county commissioners ever | agree to build a bridge over the j i atawha at the 'Blister' Boyd | site is more than 1 am able to understand." said K. N. Miller, well known Bethel township man who J v\ as mining aoout tlii' poposeil n,w bridge tli?- other ilay. "The ' bridge is so locutcd that it will lie ot" little value to York county people." Mr. Miller went on to say. "anil it is going to cost a lot of money to huilil a road reaching to it. I visited the bridge site for the first time a few days ago and I tell you 1 believe that people are going to be disappointed." Mr. Miler said that work on the bridge had not yet im en started. More than 300 bales of new clop cotton were sold on the Clover market during the past week. All sorts of business telt vit and local tradesmen had the busiest week they have had in a long, long while. The general policy seems' to lie to sell new cotton and hold on to the old cotton Lots of dcb.s were paid in Clover the past week and a good 1 deal of money that Mmiaiued over ? . i. .... i ? * - 1 urn mi- Mjur 01 couon at11?i seen was spent for clothing ami shoes ami other articles. Cotton in the Clover section is opening fast ami ' people living on the farms are ! losing no time in gathering it as1 fast as possible. Clover titer- 1 chants, arc getting in their fall stocks ami everybody is looking forward to a season of good lmsmess. .1. S. liricc. Ksq., is now in the I sixth week of his very serious ill| iless at his home in Yorkville. lie continues to make progress, at least to tin- extent that every day in which tlier is no market* I . backset the outlook is more hope- , i fill. Unt it is not fair to say that ( Mr. Hrice's condition is no longer i serious. There are still periods I of annoying temperature ami days on which his lungs arc not I so e.ear as on other days. Hut , In tools that In* is (;oiiio to get | will: lu* knows that his friends an- prayiujr for him and lie be( lit'ves that their prayers are having uitleh to do with the resist 1 aiH'e lie has been able to offer to the disease. All alon<; lie has been patient and eheerful mid lie : eontinues in just that frame of : luind and spirit, lie does not tulk iiiueli. however, even to Mrs. I'rii e. because as yet he cannot speak more than a very few words except at the expense of painful exertion. It is not praetiuible to predict the course of his illness, but it is hardly probable that he will be able to be up and about for several weeks Mr. and Mrs. \V. B. Ardrey have returned to h ort Mill following a visit they recently paid in Decatur. (!a.. to the family of the late Alexander Mack. M. I)., who was a brother of Mrs. ArI drey. Mill >AY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1921. DOG AT AUCTION. Unusual Sale to Take Place in Fort Mill Saturday. A novel aucti' Me is advertised on the bul'.v board at the loeal post office to take pluce in Fort Mill Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock in front of the store of h. A. Harris & Co.. when a hound belonging; to a citizen of the upper section of the town is knocked do\*n to the highest bidder to satisfy "damages and mainteI13I1II*** il 1*1 ?? * " .! 1 flu 1^?' I ?? iuvuii * in(; i u int." | sale is to be conducted under the j [direction of Magistrate J. R. Haile. whose constable. J. H. Patterson. will be the auctioneer. Robert Burrage was the owner of two Belgian hares which he kept in a warren at his home in the village of milll No. 1 of the Fort Mill Manufacturing company. One night about three weeks ago a dog broke into the warren and killed the rabbits. Ooticlud- j in?? that the dog would return the ; following night in search of oth- | er rabbits to kill. Burrage set a steel trap to try to catch the canine. Sure enough the dog <li<l come back to the warren the following night as Burrage had eoneluded it would, and sure enough, also, ihe steel trap did the job planned for it. as the yelping of the dog disclosed. Burrage located the owner of i the dog and demanded $1 dania- | ges for the death of the rabbits. The owner of the dog refused to pay the dollar, saving he did not think the rabbits worth so mucn. Burrage held out for the dollar, however, and in addition said | he would not only hold the dog and nroceed legally to try to eol leet the amount, but would put in another bill for maintenance of j Hir dog until it could he sold by j tl?c local magistrate. Neither the claim for damages nor the threat of a bill for maintenance moved I the owner of the dog. He was oh- | durate. Hence the prospect of the first auction sale of a dog ever witnessed in Fort Mill. Erwin-Smith Wedding. A marriage of interest to many friepds and relatives of the young couple in York and Mecklenburg ( ( unties took place at the home of Mrs. Dovic Krwin in Fort Mill last Wednesday evening when her daughter. Miss Juanita. became the bride of Mason Smith, a prosperous young farmer whose home is in Mecklenburg county ; a few miles from Fort Mill. The ceremony was performed by the Rev* ,1. W. 11. Dyches, pastor of the Fort Mill Baptist church and was witnesesd by only a few relatives and close friends of the j families. The wedding march : was played by Miss Klina Brad(",....I 'Pi. i i : , - ' mini. i tie nihit' in a popular < young woman and the good wish- | <?s of her many friends follow | her to her new homo, llor fathor | was the lale Robert M. Erwin, a loading citizen of this section a score of years ago. Meets Next at Flint HillFlint Hill Baptist church, in the upper section of Fort Mill township, will entertain next Sep- ' temhcr the annual meeting of the York Baptist association, whose f?:M session was held at the First Baptist church in Rock Hill last Wednesday and Thursday. At the ltoek llill meeting .1. F. Boyd of F'ort Mill township wase reelected moderator with \V. A. McAfee of York vice moderator, -I. I). Smith of York clerk and K. B. -loh list on of Rock Hill treas: urer. The meet in); in Rock Hill was well attended and the reports showed the Baptists are steadily progressing in their work in the county. Mrs. Mamie Boyd is visiting her daughter, Mrs. -I. .1. Stewart, in Mount Holly. N. ('. .In liti's: .lot of "f Sluiitiw, ? Y ?, w? *, w V tv? w? MUlliltV, ^ HIUII county, was a recent guest of his sister. Mrs. O. L. Culp. Dr. A. Ij. Ott returned to Fort Mill a few days ago from a visit to friends in <'olumhia and IvidgeHMjf. Harry M. Rradford returned this week to Charleston, where he will resume his studies at the Medical College of South Carolina. , ( i Time; MODERN TEXAS CITY. San Antonio Still Retains Spanish Twang, However. San Antonio. Texas, scene of the latest destructive flood in the United States, is the subject of the following bulletin issued by the National Geographic society: "San Antonio is an intimate mixture of old Spain and Mexico and the hustling, bustling America of today," says the bulletin. "It began its life in 171H as a tiny Spanish military settlement, 'El Presidio de San Antonio de H??vnr " Itui *i... i..: ? ? ..... ..... niv ivimiifi\ name officially lost most of its trimmings when the town bdUHtn" an American tommiuiity, ami to many who have known it best?including O. llenry?it has taken on the unofficial cognomen. *Sanontone.' "A hundred years ago San Antonio was almost entirely Spanish and Mexican. Fifty years ago it could be considered only half American. Then the railroads came to quicken its life, the rich 'caw country' round about was developed and a few far-sighted business men woke up to the fact that it was situated without competitors in the very center of a territory that would need unmeasured supplies. Since that time Sail Antonio has grown its forest of skyscrapers and foctory chimneys like scores of its fellow American cities. Approaching the 200.(HK) murk, and with a greater population than that during the winter tourist season, it leads all other cities in Texas. . though it is closely approached by Dallas and Houston. An observer set down suddenly in Commerce or Texas street inigh easily imagine himself in Syracuse. Atlanta. Memphis. Dayton or any one of a dozen other cities of similar size. "As it has grown San Antonio .his him iiioni oi us exotic iiavor. but touches of old Spain and Mexico arc still to be found if one searches for them. A few of the narrow, winding streets of the old days are left with sidewalks op which two pedestrians can hardly pass. Iron barred windows are to he seen behind which coy semiritas have stood as Spanish or Mexican youths 'played the bear.' Urated doors and gates in yard-thick walls of the mission days hint as mystery. Those who like the peppery dishes of Latin America may find them of a quality not equaled outside the City of Mexico and a few of the larger cities of the southern republic. "And in the center of the town, strolling down ordinary business streets, one comes suddenly upon the historic Alamo, the 'Thermopylae of America.' There in Texas' war for independence from Mexico. 170 American frontiersmen held off for 10 days a Mexican army of ti.OOO until the last defender was killed. 1* is a battered old huildinir raised hy the hands of Francis-1 rail monks 20d years ago as an outpost of the Christian religion' among the Indians. because of the part it played in their war] for illdepeiidenec it is a saered shrine to all Texans. "A string of four other mis-I xionx extending for la or 20 miles j down the San Antonio river rep- ' resented, with the Alamo and the Presidio and the village of San Antonio, all that there was of civilization in that part of T?xas , 200 years ago. Automobile buses , now whisk tourists over the. 'mission loop' and they elumhnr ] over the eruiubling walls uud , halt to read over tin liquid Spanish names -Purisiina. Coneepeion. t ' * 1 .iosc. .-sail r rancisco <ic in Ivspuda, and San Juan Capist ratio. "San Antonio's 1 it11** river has always addi'd a picturesque ( touch to the city. Throughout the husincKS district the hanks of i the wall-confined stream have heen parked, and groups pause constantly on the many little bridges to admire the sloping, close-cropped lawns set with flower beds and shaded by tall, deep green clumps of banana t rees.'' Cotton: Twenty cents today. |r 5. $1.50 Per Tear. IN NEW QUARTERS. "The Times" Now in Building Erected for Its Use. The Fort Mill Times is now oc cupying the new building on the west side ot i.'onfetlerute streii winch, toilowing numerous dv luys. n\ us ntusheit u lew tla\ s ago. i ne blinding is next door to tinPuimetto hotel, u short distance oil .Main street, and apparently is much better adapted to the use to Which it is to tie pu. uiuu utt\ ot the oilier rooms or buildings occupied by tile paper < III l-lll.r i w mv ears i-XlSU'lllf. I p lO I- ago. W lu ll 1 lie limes uioveu into nit1 mimimg u.i i laioorue si root wiueii u useu lu. iu years, the paper was prinieo oil a? Iiaiul pre** ami louiitl one small room large enough 10 wee. Us needs. 1 hen a eyumler pres. was mstalleil lor lue newspaper ami more rooui w as neeessaiw. lieu l lie limes decided lo pu. hi a lynoiype ami oilier eipup iiieiu-iiie lioor sjiaee oi I Ins bumi nig oil I laihorne si reel iii lurn proN I'll loo 11 nil I eel ami llie oliici was moved lo the Siewnri building iii llie rear oi llie posioinee oil l oiifoderaie si reel early in itiliO. In a iillinoer of respeels tile Stewart building pro\etl uu St.iistaetory as a home lor llie paper. llenee I he ereelion ol llie minding l lie I'lines is now occupying. I'uolieation of the Fort .Mill i uuos was begun l>y the present publisher, \vlu? was tkion a buy lb yours om. in thill. There was little reason for establishing the paper other than to give the publisher a job. For the greater pari of the time since I SSI# I The l imes has been published by l?. sV. Bradford, who. during the ?ast three or lour years of his eonneetiou with the paper, pub ushed it only for sentimental reasons and as an advertisement for the town. The paper never lias been a money-maker. The Fort Mill correspondent of The State sends that paper the following news item relative to the removal of The Times to us new home: "The Fort Mill Times, the loeal newspaper, will be issued this week troni its new home on the West side of Confederate street, a building specially erected for its use and admirably adaptctd for its purposes. Since the interests of the paper were acquired several years ago by W. K. Bradford, many improvements have been made in the appearance and matter contained in the weekly issues and in the equipment of the plant. For many years a patent outside* was used, hut the paper has heeu all home print tor several years and the matter is unusually {rood and lull of com muuity interest. Mr. Itradford contemplates carrying a stock of stationery in connection with his joh printing plant.*' Cooper Pleases Charlotte. Speakinjr editorially of the visit Monday of (iovernor Koht. A. t 'ooper to ('harlotte and the speech he made at the "Made-ill< arolinas Kxposition,'* The Observer of Tuesday said: "'I hey arc reporting it to The Observer that (iovernor Cooper of South Carolina made the best speech of the series so far during" the life it) the exposition and reports in the local columns indicate that lie measured up to the occasion in handsome style. The Seutli Carolina exccul ive made an excellent impression here and from lIk* warmth of liis reception ho must have felt as if ho wore anions the people who are entitled to vote for him. "(Jovornor <'coper's visit was decidedly olio of tho most interesting events of the exposition anil tin* people of ('harlotto were glad of tho opportunity to do him honor. Coming into a hotter knowledge of the qualificat ioiis of the South Carolina executive, and being familiar with those of their own chief executive. Unpeople of Charlotte have come into an appreciation of the manifest fact that for once both of these two brug Southern commonwealths are ably and equitably governed." ^