Fort Mill times. (Fort Mill, S.C.) 1892-current, July 18, 1900, Image 4

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~ &x tafn^ant Cause of Nervous Trouble* 2 If the average woman tried all the to look us pleasant at her hus1>uj?<1 :vi she does at the photographer, she would die of nervous prostration la two weeks. KITS .leniianently cured. No fits or noreous.sfosr first day'n use of Dr. KUne'a Groat N??rv?? Kostoreir.S^ trial bottle and troatisofreo Dr. a. If- Ki.ixe. Ltd.. 931 Arch St. Phila, Pa It's usvor so hot but that it can't bo still fccttor. Mrs. Wlnslnw's Soothing Syrup forclilldren trothiit^ softens tho kuimn. reduceslutlnnmmtAOii-jtilays p.iln. cures wind colic,-5c. a hot lie. Ffwv'f*Cure cannot bo too highly snokon of wscure. .1. \V. G'Hkik^. its." Third N.? Minneapolis, Miun., Jan. U.19UU. Albert Hurch, West Toledo. Ohio, saya: 'Hull's Catarrh Cure saved my life.*' Writo Slim fur juirticulars. Sold by Druggists, 75e. A Kensington man chafes under the name of I. O. Ewe. lc )fc?9 ion is a bad companion. Got rid of it by chewing a bur of .\dama' re pain Tutti 1'ruttl after each ti eai. Blobbs-?"What makes you think Or. {tniercnre is a quack?" Slobs?"Oh, Just because he always wears duck trousers.** i.?dieM Cull Wear Stioew dr.s Rise smaller after using Allen's FootT'I/La*#" /a notvilitr f<?r t lit* fiiMt It rnuL'ttu Hcrht or n*vr shoes easy. Cures swollen, hot, ?WHUi>vr. uelilng feet, ingrowing nulls, orrwunvi tranlous.At ail drugglstsand shoe tores, "irK*. Trlul package I'RKE by mail. AdiSi'OMAIlea K Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Blobhs ?"1 hoar the practice of tipping wallers is on the decline." Slobbs ?'Nonsense! Wlio ever heard of a "Waiter declining u tip?" Some fellows make a rye face every time tbey take a drink. TIip Hv-kI Prescription ForClillls mi'i la a bottle of Giiovk's Tasteless mii.:.Tovic. It la simple iron and quluiuo iu a d*sn?le>M form. pay. 1'rice25c. It isn't only the prodigal son who the fatted calf. Jast look at the t&verjge ballet dancer. OYARIAN TROUBLES. XyrliA K? T*l uk linm'* Vrgrtaliln Componnc (;tiro. Tliom t,.m 1 f ' I)k*n Mjts. Pinkiiam:?I write to tell yon or tlx* (food Lydia B. Pink- | ham's Vegetable Compound has done me. I was siek in bed about five weeks. The ripfht side of my abdomen pained uv- and was so swollen and sore that. 1 could not walk. The doe tor tohl my hus- l>q|f band I would havo to fjLjp' . undergo an operation. p*Sp This i refused to <lo i until 1 hiul (riven your 'Pj^Vfc,N mediuine&trial. liefore I had taken A/ wj oo<! bottle the well inj- 1 | ipjji to disap- ? cSJ 7 / V pear I eon- v* I / I | tinned to use '- (_/// V. Hit* tnrf/iirtin- ? ? \ f/ I ' uutil tin- swelling ~ij 1 P \ ?-<u entirely gone. Ijl 1 1 \ Win n the doctor w *sp??A earai" he was very AfyrW ? tniii'h surprised to see roe so mttcli better." Mh*. Maiiy Smith. Arlington, lows. Df \u M its I'inkham:?1 was.sick for *woyears with fulling of the womb, and in >1 annual ion of i he ova rits and bladder. I was bloated very badly. My left limb would siiell so I eould not step on my foot. I liad such bearing down pains I could not straighten up or walk across the r\K?J? and such shooting pains would ?jv? through me that I thought I eould not stand i1~ My mother got me a bottle of livdia K. Finkham's Vegetable Compound and tolil me to try it.* I took six bottles and now. 1 hanks to your wonderful nie Urine. I am a well woman." ? Miul fell-six Hivyax. Otisville. Mich. 2&>Wl CHINA DINNER SET JRJ6 For aOc. .. "dmi'toii. SOOO SETS 8laW n '1" KMT of Hlil-T ki:m KS hknl) tkn CKNTS in 2c xUniim fur Information. U. S. China Company, IVp't ??Y" AKRON, Ohio. AGENTS WANTED I'.ir (>*!?' Magnificent Twrntlslh Cnitlirjr ) oil.-.i i,ml World. Largest and most iM-nuilful Maj> publication ever pr'nt* I on one sheet. ll shows alt the recent cllautrew Prico K?w. Kxcluslve territory. Itiu Pttovir TO Hai.kkukn. A1s>. the finest line of 8? vmfut, quii-k selling C'hakts, Statk Mats q>i Kamilt ever issued. Write for terms nl dnutan Sltowlng What our salesmen are IlODOiNS I'uiLisuiNO CO.. Atlanta, tia. k Const 1; You cannot possibly less you have at least HH the bowels each day. pj case, the poisonous pr |yS to the system, causing nausea, vomiting, dyspi IAyer's arc a gentle laxative, every member of the fa time will produce one g the day following. 25 cents a box. Avftr's Pills l?avi? Mi^HMKE?|r3R?v!'~* * ' ..V"' ' *' v "*'*'' DEFECTIVE SIGHT. I 4 i1 ?^ Warning to Those Who Need Glasses and Will Not Use Tbem. Th? thro? defects of eyesight which aro most commoiily encountered in otherwise healthy persons, and which cx?n be more or less perfectly overI come by means of glasses, are nearsightedness, far-sightedness ami astigmatism. These are all important, for [ besides the discomfort and annoyance I of imperfect sight, the involuntary efforts which the sufferer makes to see I better strain tin? eyes, and not only injure them, but also give rise, through reflex action, to headaches and various nervous disturbances. Near-sightedness, short-sightedness, or myopia as it is variously called, is a condition of the eyeball? usually a lengthening In consequence of which the rays of light are brought to a focus in front of tin' retina, and so the , object is blurred. This condition may exist from birth, but is isqally the result of too much and too early use of the eyes, as lu the case of students, engravers, women who do line sewing, and so forth. i Thus we may say that putting children 1 to work at some of the kindergarten exercises, such as perforating and drawing, is in a double sense a shortsighted procedure. Many near sighted people refuse to wear glasses, preferring to deprive themselves of sight for everything beyond tlie nose rather than to injure their personal appearance, as they think. This is another short-sighted j policy, for besides losing much of the I joy of existence, which comes from seeing the l>c:iutiful things about ami above lis, such persons are very liable to suffer from intlaimuation of the j eyes, produced by constant strain. A less common defect is long or far- ; sightedncss, or bypernietropia. This is j the opposite of myopia, the eyeball being flattened or shortened, and the rays of light consequently not coming to a focus by the time they reach the ' retina. i In tliis case, the eye often corrects ; the defect more or less successfully t by making the crystalline lens more : convex; but it docs this at the expense of the sufferer's nervous force, and so we often find tired and congested eyes, headaches, indigestion, and even scri- I oils nervous affections. The effort to correct the vision is entirely involuntary. and can be overcome only by the litttiug of suitable convex glasses. The third and most common defect , is astigmatism. In this condition there is some irregularity of the surface of i the eye or of the lens, by means of ; which the image as it reaches the retina is distorted. Untreated astigina lism Is a frcqnont cause of headache and other nervous disturbances. The only relief is the won nap of glasses. ; at least while rending. writing, or whenever near objects are looked at.? Youth's Gompanion. t'lrates oi tbe Philippines. v. j The Moros are horn pirates. The sea seems more their home than the land. | They fairly revel in the water, for wherever possible they build their houses in the sea. raising them on piles sunk In the shoal waters of the eoast. i This mode of building has been followed in all the Philippine Islands, the houses, even if miles from the sea. he- : lug huilt on piles. It seems to suggest a time when the Malays were waterdwellers. In truth, a backward glance through time shows us the Malay sea ! rovers setting out in their war-prows to j conquer the multitude of islands in the South seas and haunting the roasts so j as to he fiviilv i.. ii. - l again at a moment's notice. ".Some men are so plausible," says ' the Mnnuyunk Philosopher, "that they can make yon think they are doing you j a favor by borrowing your money." ? To Cure a < old In One l>ay. Take Laxative Rromo Quinine All druggists refund ibe money if it fails to euro. E. \V. Grove's signature on each box. 25c. No. Maude, dear, when a vessel sinks it would scarcely be worth while to ask a barber to razor. We refund 10o for everv pack age of Putnam Fadki.kss Dyk that fails to give satisfaction. Monroe Drug Co., Uoionville, Mo. Hold by all druggists. floated arguments ovor the best way to keep cool are in order. Ho. 22. p&tion. a ' enjoy good health un- pH one free movement of fo-1 When this is not the p; j oducts arc absorbed in- 8^ headache, biliousness, 688 2psia, indigestion. 5 Pills || , suitable for any and mily. One pill at bed ;ood, natural movement ||j-S All druggiiM. I my family great good. They are Rfr j ?r?* i\ nothing m tl to them for ?Mrs. Julia Brown, St. Louis, fiWjj I TO WORK ON STATE PRISON! Heating Arrangements to be Provided at Once. At last the main building of tha South Carolina penitentiary is to be remodeled and put In proper shape. Its condition from a sanitary and humane standpoint has been sueh for some time as to make some improvements an absolute necessity. In the last annual report the board of directors who saw and realized the hardships the inmates were being subjected to called the attention of the legislature to the existing condition of affairs, asserting I) hi < tk K. 1 li'.l t it v <lo. mantled that something be done forth- ' with. The b ai d pointed out that there was no ventilation for the summer and absolutely no means of heating the stone cells even in the bitterest cold weather. The people were, shocked at the state of affairs depleted, but in some way the bill appropriating the money for the work got sidetracked and failed to pass. Then the board of directors were troubled. Financially they asked the opinion of the attorney i general as to their legal right to use the profits of the 'Institution to have 1 Bellinger promptly rendered an opinion in which he held that the profits could be so used. The board then uegan to cast about for plans and specifications, looking to'the entire remodeling of the main building on the west side. i They got Mr. A. W. Todd of Charleston. an experienced architect, to prepare the plans and specifications after careful examination of the existing building, and at the meeting a short rfivno *1 atc\ ilotnrntitwul to oull f/>r Iti/lu for the work. They have now called | for sealed proposals "for remodeling, j heating and ventilating the stone eell ; building" of the penitentiary in ae- j cdrdance with these plans and speeill- i cations. Ilids are to bo reeeived up to | noon on Tuesday, the 24tli insL. and contraetors must state in their bids the time at which the work will be completed. The successful bidder will be required to give bond in double the amount of the bid. to be. approved by the board, for the faithful performance | of the contract. The plans and specifications may be j seeji by contractors at the nmrc of the a superintendent of the pen" ntiary in Columbia and at the olhee of Architect Todd in Charleston. It is the earnest desire of the direct- ( ors to get the work under way at the earliest possible moment and have it ^ completed before the coming of cold j weather. ? ti Fire In Greenville. I ? Greenville. Special.?The meat and y grain warehouse of Uriggs & Co.. was gutted by fire early Friday morning and the refrigerator and storage rooms with their contents were ruined. The J origin of the fire is a mystery. Only i the quick and careful work of the fire department saved the wareroom and the Mountain City roller mill nearby. ! which is the biggest roller mill in tho State. The fire started about It a. m. j and soon the building was in a big blaze. The refrigerator containing lots of ice and bacon, and the storage room which holds hundreds of cans of lard and bushels of corn and grain, were all burned beyond salvage. The stock was fully covered by insurance but there is a loss on the building of $500 above insurance. Smallpox at Kershaw. Senator rtlalrely has written Governor McSweeney an earnest letter in regard to the smallpox near Kershaw, , Incict in .r t lv O I li.i t!t.n A -I ? nip, I iiui uiv oian- im.llll -Cllll [III expert there immediately as there are now several other eases. It seems that the State hoard instructed a local physician to look after the case reported at Kershaw some time ago and the steps taken are deemed insufficient. ? Brevities. The rioters who desecrated St. Joseph's Church. In Paris, during the Dreyfus trial, will he released on Sat- ! urda.v. Bastille day. Seventy-seven deaths occurred in the British Sepoy furies at Kobat, India. in six days. The Havana Summer Normal School ipened Thursday. A Cotton Pest. Mr. L. T>. I^andrum of Batesburg. writes the Governor as follows: Dear Sir: There is some kind of a pest that has attacked the cotton in this section and in a few days will destroy a large section of the cotton, in fact, it is spreading all over the country. The botanist at Clemson lias seen such specimens of the infected cotton and 'lie suggested the use of .sulphur, but this does not kill or stop the progress of the soourge. So. at the request of a number of prominent farmers. I request you to have the botanist of Clemson to visit this section and see if he cannot devise a means to heln us. To Secure a Portrait. The Southern Christian Advocate contains this paragraph of intenst: 1 1 "The Columbia college girls in and 1 about Johnston have determined to place in the college by tic opening in 3 September ajife-slze portrait, pastel or crayon, of Mr. John It Shuler, who gave $1,000 there during the recen: district con-gerenie to the eollr.*e. This 1 announcement was to have hern made t during the recent commencement but f In the rush it was overlooked. *5;" Hit) MALAR GKiLLSJ The Best Prescri; Tasteless C The Fnrmnln I? P'r^irilv I So That the Peopl What They < Imitators do not a knowing that you won cine if you knew what contains Iron and Qui proportions and is in a Iron acts as a tonic wh the malaria out of the druggist will tell you Original and that all c less" chill tonics are ir of other chill tonics j superior to all others in not experimenting whei superiority and excelle established. Grove's is 1 throughout the entire United States. No Cur* MKlMCAIi DKPAIiTMKNT. Tulane University of Louisiana t- a<1vnntn,'es for pructlfiil inntru>'tlou, both n am|il<-labornto-les innl abundant h< -j ttn! tutorials nro tmrqiiallnd. Kip. nod-as given t? So groat Charity 114 in j j 11 it 1 with tK>? beds and 0(?(i patientsnniiually. r*.-i 1 tnsiribtlon it Ivpii dnlly at the bedside of tlo> st<-k. Th? next ssslon begins Novem ber I at, IMUO. For eatab'guo ml information, address 1'kok s k i'iiaii.i.k. I !?.. Iikan. I'. O Drawer-til. Now Orleans. I .a. '' ' I CASCARET6 are Absolutely harmless, a CARETS promptly, effectively and peimanci but correct anv and every form of irregularit good. Never sicken, weaken or gripe. Wt i ncvTC; AufcN 1D SkSjSSS son ? ounty. Hon in i hnrlesion. 1,1:19 in Metri|>lii* One 111:0 ni sell# Bo In one week 94.00 to per (lay suio. in niiHworlnK slate your . xprrlcnco, If hii>*. T. L- /NICHOLS CO., S 012-024 Aust. il Itiitlilinir. Atlanta, "I T'aderowskl carried o(T with him neary S' when In* returned home at ho close of liis recent tour of the cotmr.v. This may Is* put down among the j lair-raisiug exploits of the period. STm FEVER. ption Is Grove's Ihill Tonic. Printed on Every Bottle# e May Know Just Taking. idvertise their formula Id not buy their mediit contained. Grove's nine put up in correct l Tasteless form. The die the Quinine drives system. Any reliable i that Grove's is the )ther so-called "Taste nitations. An analysis shows that Grove's is every respect. You arc i you take Grove's?its nee having long been Lhe only Chill Cure sold malarial sections of the e, No Pay. Price, 50c rEO. E. NISSHN & CO., Lightest draft, most ua (lUUIl V durable and finest finish. Do not take one claimed to he as good. If not sold in your town, write us for prices. wiwroN-sii.Ki, r. Southern Uuntai foiifof DKNTAI. DEPARTMENT At I it nt i? t'ol of l'ti? ?ami Stiri;iMiii? Ol.DKST ? OI.I.KCK IN STATK Foiirti'untll All II >1 it I Session open* Oct. ? ; olosoa April ItOlli. Tluw '(iiitniiipiitilDK the bt .Uy of Dentistry hIkiiiM write for cu. tiloptm Addri&s S. XV. KOSTKR, Drnn, 111 in tin I l<l i nc, Atlanta, t.a iCkr that dreadful fi tiful sunny sou and kill only t kept thorough! disinfected the liver is dead, ffiiSwV JlM I are h?ll half MJ L body is unclear jii victim of yellow ^ If you wa J*/ scourge, keep - whether yello\ I 11 |j BJj-. ance or not, jr^lMPP laxative, that v tib* A** anc* healthy, an 1 protected again Wt^T\7 eases. It's Ca save you. Tak< ski??55" find that all infc PREVENTED iNDY CATHAR1 purely vegetable compoun<1. No mercurial or othr ltlv cure every disoider of the Stomach, Liver and I y* ol the bowls, including di.urhoM and dysentry. ite for booklet and free sample. Address STERLI nidlhldcv nf.w DtscorrnT: gjf d tw B Vl) V ouick r?11.'' .nil cilri-s ?jrat law liook of te?tin?onia > ant! I (> <lu va' troatiuant I, nr. Dr. H. u. OREENB BOMB. Be* B. Atlanta. Ga ATTENTION is facilitated If you mention thin paper when writing advtti Users. So. 2 9 MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VA. Tt?e Sixty-Third N?iml<in will Cnnanionfc Orlobrr J, 1 OoO. Medical Qraded Course Four Years, $05.00 F'er Session. l>ontal (traded Course Thiee Years. $6,100 I'er Session i'harntacsudcal Cour-e Two Years, $00 Oo f'e- Session. Ko (xtrna. For further parti) uiars address ? litciNTopiii it To!nphi.\!(,.'q. i?., Uiku, UltU.tlOMD, VA. 1 \ . 1 \ i \ We sPEciAL^ontrads WITH THE LARGEST AND MOST RE8PONBIULE MANUFACTURERS OF MACHINERY AND MILL SUPPLIES, AND ARE PREPARED TO OFFER TOU SPECIAL ADVANTAGES, OUR FACILITIES ARE SECOND TO NONE. Complete Ginning Equipments omplete Power Equipments A SPECIALTY W. H. GIBBES & CO., COLUMBIA, - S. C. Smith (*n mllno > *? ? - * , nuniis atir nit* own .?rir otruw lirii'k Machinery. : having foim1ki) a connection o::o:: with ::o::o THE ELLIOTT ! GIN REPAIR WORKS II am now prepared to repair and rebuild Cotton Olns a* thoroughly an the manufacturers. T6i? branch of the business be under the personal supersslslou 01 itir. w. j. itlmott, 1 who ha? had fourteen years of practical experience | in building ">e KI.I.Id! UIN. and who Is well t known to most gin users in this state HaV Now is the Time ! Orinc Your Gin* Before You Need Them I Complete Otnnlng Systems, equipped with tho most perfect Pneumatic Elevating and Distributing Svstems on the market. Sixty-eight complete outfits In use In this State, and every one of thein giving | absolute saturation. Highest tirade Engines, Hollers. Saw Mills, Cora Mills, Hrick Machines. Wood Working Machinery, Haws, Pulleys, etc. WK OKFRK: (jtlelc Dellvorjr. l?w Prices and Reasonable Terms. V. C. BADHAM, 1116 Main St rni lIMItl* c r A WORLD without MUSIC ORGANS $35.00 UP. PIANOS $175.00 UP. i#*' Wrlic for Catalogue uikI 'IVrui*. A?I?I IM. A. MALONE, Columbia, S. C. fcSi, M&SWHfcRE Ll ELSETATLS. nest Cough Syrup. 'l'anton Uood. Use Let in tlmo. Sold by dfiQuints. H ^H53BI22aS?$SaB32Hgi H A n T 7 JAU1V end that threatens the beauth every summer can attack hose whose bodies are not y cleaned out, purified and year round. One whose whose bowels and stomach decayed food, whose whole 1 inside, is a quick and ready jack. nt to be safe against the in good health all summer, v jack puts in an appeared clean inside! Use a mild / ill make your bowels strone id keep them pure and clean, st any and all epidemic disscarets, that will keep and i them regularly and you will :ctious diseases are absolutely ouc. ALL DRUGGISTS ;r mineral pill-poison in CASCARBTS. CASntcstines. They r.ot only cure constipation, Pleasant, palatable, potent. Taste good, do NG REMEDY CO.. CHICAGO or NEW YORK. 4C8 Saw Mills SI29 TO S923.00 With Improved Hope and Belt Feed. SAM'S. ril.KS nml TEETH In Stork. Engines, Boilers and Machinery All Kinds ami Repairs for saioo. Sliuft I UK. I'nlloys, I'.r 111 u . 1 nj rotors, rip.,, V uln't hikI Fittings. ' LOMBARD IRON WORKS S SUPPLY CO.. Al'GCSTA. C.A Thompson's Ey? Waisr i i I