Fort Mill times. (Fort Mill, S.C.) 1892-current, March 21, 1900, Image 3

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m I j f ,(_.<? .vitl-ANuE. |>iii,?. !% "t* O ilherr J lor the Perusal ?f itfeo l{coder.'. Mr/ Fu 1 wood is Reriously hodie of her daughter,! Ii. Harris, ei. Win. 33room, whose homo vf iii the upper mill, died yesterdnutrfierttoon of pnoumonia. ILykiii Watson, who is now in 1 heJnilfe-r business in Charlotte, Bp ' Sunday with friends in this pin . < JW. McKlhnnny hns decided ? no. > be a ennnidate for re-elec- ' tioi.o tlie ollicc of magistrate this 1 yen Te weaving dcpnrtmement of 1 thetppor null was closed yester- 1 daynorning, caused by the scarcity f filling. . I all subsequent issues of The i TiSfc a directory of the churches in >is and contiguous com muni- ' tiewill be published. fW O Smythe hns been tus- ! , n severe cns?_ of grippe | foinore than n week. He is some , beer to.dr.v, however. , he Timt.s fee's greatly indebted i t tohipt. S. E. White for the inter- ( es le has our efforts to | ag^n establish Ine paper. 'rs. W. 1*. Moore left last Tues- t morning for her home in North i Ci.olina. after a month's visit to ; h< mother. Mrs. A. B. Bradford. i Irs. W. E. Whitesell and chil- I din have moved to Spray, N. C.. 1 tobe with Mr. Whitesell. who is I etployod in a mill at that place. ' ?he manv friends of Miss Annie ' Clp, of Pineville. will bo plensed ' tolonrn that she in now eonvnles- 1 cut, after a severe attack of tyjoid fever. W. M. Phillips and E. S. Parks [ h ve moVed from Fort Mill to R?ck Hill. Both had ?een cm- * jibjTHj in the upper mill for a r nimtfbr of years. 1 Pv L. J. Massey returned from the Northern markets a few days nyo, I whither he had been to purchase i spraig and Hummer iroods foi*his 1 nuwautile establishment. t * 'A representative of Clark A ! Campion, the New York commission ifterchants who dispose of nil [ the ginghams made by the Fort k Mill ManufacturingOompany, was in town a day or two ago. 1 As pretty a pair of mules ns have been seen on the streets of 4 this town for a long time were sold t by J. W. McElhaney one day last j week. One of tho mules was . bought by a Charlotte man. " J JfEx-Senator Quay exclaimed on \ rcpemocratic success in b8(J2, " Isn't ] it awful." The same may he ex , claimed now hy anyone trying to t trnvel our public roads. Even , country and plantation roads are J t preferable. y Unr ISortli Carolina neighbors ' ir? Providenco township are not j ' going crazy on cotton. They say present prices aro illusive; and if j people don't mind they will sell t cotton for 5 cents after it has cost t 7 cents to raise it. \ Hon. D. E. Finley hns the ( thnnks of The Times for a copy of ' the Congressional Record which ' we are receiving daily. Our dis- ^ trict has never been represented ( in Congress by a more efficient or ' accommodating man than Mr. Fin- ' ley- | j Saturday night four young j Trhite boys whose parents live in ^ his place were arrested by a town nfficor on the c.tinrfre of ifninliliiur They satisfactorily adjusted their References with the town, how- * 'ver, and were released within the h lour. ' , ^ The Southern Railway Com- t jnny is to erect a water tank of ( >0,000 gallons capacity about 100 eet north of the depot in this place within a month. Thirty years ngo there was a water tank near the site on which it is pro- v posed to erect this one. 1 The fonts of hotly type which \ are being used in setting The J Times are shy of capital letters, so we would say to those gcnjtleinen wlios names are not immediately preceded by the usual "Mr." that r. no discourtesy is meant. This shortcoming in the paper will be J1 overcome within a fortnight. ' ii A great many people in this c] r>lnc*? wilt hear wifli refrret />f fix* .. I"" ^ T " "" 'I dcntli of Mrs. B. Dorinn, which t; occurred at the home of her hua- ; v baud in Charlotte Inst Friday t morning. Mr. and Mrs. Dorian ; s were well known in Fort Mill, . the former having for a long time ' H conducted a grocery store here. 8 Mrs. Dorian was the mother of t; : seven Hinall children, tho young- s H est of whom is a babe of two t weeks. She was a daughter of | H Cnpt. Jns. M. Harvey, who served with distinction as an officer in y the Sixth South Carolina Regi- | . ,s nient.C.S. A. Mrs. Dorian united ,, B herself with the Cntholic, Church ,| shortly after her marriage to Mr. a . Dorian, whd'ia a membe r of that church and a native of ]r laud. n B9IH9B k n Hoituniciit i t bu itid- ?t. In Fort Mill's historic park iiuiel >f virtue and patriotism has al *e?dy been commemorated by en iariim marble. liui still anothei uonuineitt is to b.? erected therein Japt. S. E. White nud Mr. !. M Spratt, appreciative aud enterpriser citizens, have determined tc :onimeuiorate the faithful and ia-t ni)4 friendship of the Catawba In bans toward the white people oi this county. The contract for tlu erection of the monument has beer iwarded a Chester sculptor, ami the ceremony of tin vailing it will probably take place in connection ivitli theannuul memorial exercises >f the local camp of Confederal reterans in May. The monument kvill be erected on suitable eleva ions. just to the roar of the Confederate Soldiers' -Monument, will '->e about 10 feet in height, and luruiounted by a figure of an lulian with drawn liow and arrow On one side of the die wil be ^presented in relief a buffalo in lis wild independence; on the obverse side a representation oi primitive lift- in the forests; and )n the o her two sides inseriptiom :onunetnorativo of the Catawbus leroisin and good faith. The motive which prompts the section of this monument will bt ippreciated by all the white citizens of our county, as well as by lie remnant of a once powerful ribe of red men, who live about t" liiles southwest of Fort Mill >n he west bank of Catawba River It is Imped that a large number ol joth white and red men will lit present at the unveiling of tlu nonument. Mr. \\\ F. Spratt spent last Thursday night away from home Tliives took advantage of his absence to break in his smoke house md steal $25 worth of choice neats. Invitations have boon sent to i few friends of liio family nnnoune ng the marriage of Miss liessh [laile and Mr. l'?. C. Ferguson tliit'veiling at 8 o'clock. The cere nony will be porformod by Kev Dr. J. II. Thornwell at the homt >f the young lady's mother ii ^prattville. The service of tho local tele Mione oxcluingo has been consid rably improved recently. Mist Mary Young is now employ- d it cemral office and tho manager it o bo congratulated on securing lie services of such a polite and iccomniodating young lady. Admiral Dewey and wife paseocl hrough Fort Mill at 11.30 o'clock Monday morning bound 'f >r Susannah, where there is a Dcwoj celebration in progress. The ndniral is not considered nil immortelle by citizens of this place, at vas evinced bv the sninll enov<l hat went to the depot with the lope of seeing him. The trust cob of the Gold TI ill Vcademy are anxious to have Senitor Tillman attend the closinp ?xercises of their school, which vill he held during the latter part >f April. State Superintendent if Education Floyd has accepted m invitation to be present and vill deliver an educational address in the evening of April 27. A. B. Kearsey, who has been n the employ of the Southern Railway as night telegraph opera or at this place for some time, ins resigned and left yesterday or Raleigh, N. IX, where he will iccept a position with the Sea Hoard Air Line. During his ihort stay in our midst Mr. Keariey made a great many friends unong the young men of the town, vho will hear with regret of his leparture. Qold Hill Nugget*. for The Timks. There was a meeting of the 'oters of the 2<>th school district ast Saturday to decide whether hey would hold an election to 'lite Ji unniMfli (iiv ?1..........1 w < v*i?i vka lil' lunriVAn o be used for school purposes. Che meeting was very well atended. The vote resulted in 27 o 12 in favor of the election. ?hey decided to vote on a throe aill levy. The election will be teld on the 21st of this month. It s the duty of every voter of this listrict to come out to the election nd vote. If lie is in favor of the ax it. is his duty to come out and ote for it. If he is opposed to ho tax he should come out and ay so. If you want better teachrs and longer school tonus and etter schools in general, then you hould como out and vote for the ax. If you are satisfied with the chools you now have and think hoy are too good and also think hat your children are already too rell educated or tluu the present chools will educate theui too well, hen you can come nut ami vote jfoinst the tax. A man can not o a better thing f >r his child, ftcr having given h";::i moral inlitution, than to g v? him a comlou-oeose. l radical educ.ii inn SHBHS^Jgpvy - *v f " " You can not. do this for nothing. \ Tho Gold Hili Oicheslra is - no longer a doubtful thing. It now consists of Kl members, all : of whom have thc.r instruments. . They are doing very well and can . make a little music already. Some new members have been added to > the cornet band also. This is a - very musical in i^hb >rhood. The school at Gold Hill is in a F flourishing condition, and we are beginning to look forward to comi mencemunt exercises. I Quite a number of books have I hnmi . l-i 1 . . ?. .. v.v??<v\i i<? iin* uurary oy i different persons. Wo take this >! opportunity of thanking all who have donated books, and will also say that we are still receiving books and if you have any you can give we will be verpghul to 1 got them. [ _ - ^ PI- n;-ant Valley Pleasant Valley is said fl B garden spot of Lancaster BBPJ^ and you know it makes IT great J impression of happiness upon the people to think that they live in i such a fertile community. At any rate, there seems to be some kind of attraction to draw back those who have been away for many years. Mr. Leroy Kimbrell, who has been living in Fort Mill for a , number of years, has returned to Pleasont Valley, and we are glad to have him with us again. His 1 return shows that Pleasant Valley is moving onward llev, Mr. Steele, pastor of Waxhaw church, preached for us last Sunday, our pastor being away. To-morrow evening there will be a public debate at Pleasant t: Hill Academy. The question to \ 1 ? * ' * " . of discussed is, " Kosolved, That it is better to educate the girls 5 than it is to educate the boys." ' All are invited to be present. Tho farmers in this section ex, pected to do a great deal of work this week, but the inclement , weather forced them to discon. tinue operations. Wheat is grow. ing nicely, but oats have been badly damaged by the cold. The j farmers think, however, that they ( will grow after a while. The pupils and teachers of our school are invited to be present at the closing exercises of Miss White's school in Bolair Friday [ night. J. W. P. > ^ r j Plneville Pencilings. | For The Times. PixkvilTjE, N. C.,r March, *20.?Rev, John Wilborue, of High Point, N. (\. ' was here last Friday on a visit to his ; sister, Mrs. E. O. Cunningham. Mrs. W. L. Fisher and Mr. Will Smith are sick, hut both are now convalescent. Mr. Malcolm Howie, of Rock Ilill, . s|)eiit Sunday with his uncle, O. W. Kason, of this place. | We are to have an entertainment to' ' morrow night at the residence of Mrs. ! Ella Parks. Music will he furnisned by the Pineville string hand, assisted , by Mrs. J. J. Morrow at the piano. All ' are anticipating an enjoyable time. Cur honorable board of aldermen met r recently and passed an ordinance | whereby any company may have the iiin-riy, ami are specially invited, to * to come to oar town and lmild a factory, machine shop, or other industrial [ plant, and be exempt of all taxation | for a period of four years. Now, it seems that when such a liberal induce1 niont is held out, that the various companies should respond, and if they do we ! will soon have a city. Farmers are hauling out fertilizers 1 galore these, days. A. W. T.* NOTICE.?There will be a special meeting of the Jefferson Davis Memorial Association in the town hall Sat1 urday afternoon. A full attendance is l requested.. TOWN ORDINANCE. Ordinance against loafing near and around railroad depot or juuipingon ' [ or off trains while in motion. SEC. 1. lie it ordained by the InI temlant and Wardens of the town of Fort Mill in Council assembled: That hereafter it shall be unlawful for any minor under the age of seventeen years to loiter, loaf, or play on the deimt grounds*uf the Southern Railway Co. in the town of Fort Mill, or u}>on any of the public streets at a point within tifty yards of said depot grounds. Sec. 2. Hereafter it shall be unlaw* i r.. ir? - - mi tor any [ii'rsim or (torso lis to jump on or off of any train within the incorporate limits of the town of Kurt Mill while said train shall he in motion. Sue. All violations of this ordinance shall he punished by a line not exceeding three dollars or by imprisonment not. exceeding ten days, at the discretion of the. Iiitendant. All ordinances, or (tarts of ordinances, conflicting with this ordinance, are hereby renealed. Uatilied this 5th day of March, l'.MH). K. F. GUIEK, Iutoudaut. J. M. Spkatt, Clerk. HANI) BROS, immmi ROOK KILL, IX 0. dbpot ijkih r. IN ME ?iORi AM. And Moses said unto Aaron, "Take a ]x>t and put ao outer full of niannn therein and lay it up before the I.ord to be kepi for your generations." So we, brethren of Catawba Iswlge No. 5inscribe " to come up as a sweet memorial" the name of one Jamks A. Withkrs, faithful and true to the creed ol our heaven-chartered order. Jamks i A. With Kits, (tone from among us to worship in the Celestial Lodge above. He has left a rich heritage to his children's children in hist Jodly walk. Christian example, and upright integrity in every relation of life. May we, too, I follow in his footsteps, where he fol- i lowed close to the Master, that, like him, be ready, 'tho' the summons come in a (lash of noonday sun. " In a whisper Cod's power is made known." | While we mourn with unfeigned sorrow this loss, yet we bow in holy submission to the eternal decree of the Supreme Architect of the Universe. Just as winter's circle was complete and springtide stood ready to greet the awakening of earth's store of sweets, on tlu 2nd day of March, 1SHM), we laid his body down to sleep, his soul we ?ivn ^aekto Clod to keep till tho resurrection ^^^^^^woot ln> thy slumber till Tie bid t hoe arise To hail Him in triumph descending the i skies," Deep in our hearts are his virtues writ, ami to the he reave* I family we tenderourdeepest sympathy, commending them to tho care and love of Iliiu "who wept with those who weep." 11. V. ALEXANDER, M. W. (JRItttr, L. A. HARRIS, Committee. March 20, l'.KHi. FORT MILL PIIONK EXCHANGE. S. L. MEACHAM, Puoi?kiktoh. Ratks: Residences, ?1 per month; bus- I incss houses, per mouth. SUllSCKIItKltS? Ardrey, W B, residence . . 1<> Ardrey, J W, residence . . 17 ; .vioxanuor, l)r il b', rosidouco . IS ,, ? otlieo . .38 Bailev, U T, residoneo . . . 3D P.oik. T H, store . . 8 Put lor, Robt, residence . .24 Charlotte and points north . . 10 Gousart, J residence . . . 32 Gulp, Druo, rosidonoo . . .34 Gulp's moat market . . . ID Fort Mill Timks office . . 26 j Fort Mill Manufacturing tk> . 2-A Fulp, Mrs Lucy, rosidouoo . . 2D Grigg, Dr M \V, otlico . .42 ,, ,, rosidonoo . . 13 ; Gilligau, James, rosidonoo . .30 Grior, R F. rosidouco . . . 36 ; Gossett, .1 F, rosidonoo . . . 45 Harris, LA, rosidonoo . . 44-11 j Hougland's livery stable . . 25 Hughes & Young, storo . . .12 Jones, A O, storo . . . .14 1 Rennet t, J M, residence . . .41 Kimbroll & Go, store . . .7 Kirkpatrick, I)r T S, residence 21 ; Ligon, L 10, rosidonoo . . 44-A j j Meachani's drug storo . . .43 ,, Dr T11, residence . 5 ! Millfort Mill Co . .31; Maekoy, .1 T, rosidouco . . 11 j Moaehain, \V 11, rosidouco . .28 Maok, Iiov J 11, resilience . .15 McElhanay's livery stable . . 28 Public 'phono, Millfort Mill . 6 i Public 'phono, Fort Mill Mfg Co . 0 Pograni & Co, store . . 2-B . Rock Hill and points south , . 40 Spratt Machine Co . . . . 1-A Spratt, ,T M, residence . . . 1-11 Spratt, \V E, rosidonoo . . . l-C o i ? tuiunirrn ivilliwuy . . , . 2 | , Havings Bunk . . . . 22 i Smythe's moat markot . . . 27 | Smythe, Ira (i, residenco . . 25 t Thoruwell, Rov .T II. residence . I ' Whito, Capt S E, residence . . 20 1 Young, A A, rosidouoo . . . 22 Youug, Mrs Lenoru, residence . 27 M.W. GUilGG, Real Estate Agent, If you have any projiorty to sell, I will | try and And you a purchaser. If you j want to buy any pro|jerty, I will try and find it for you. If you have any projiorty to lot, come place it on my free list. If you want to rent any , property, come and see what I have ' listed. All business matters guarded with confidence, and no charges are made unless 1 affect a transaction, and then a very small per cent. Spratt Machine Go. Brick, Lumber, Laths, Lime, Shinpies. Hllll/ilno Q,innll?? mrtA H?? n ? ^m|/|'iivo| uuu iiuuoc i-'ittings of all kinds. Contractors and builders. Estimates on all work furnished promptly. R. F. GRIER, I DKALKU IN MATS, SMOES, PANTS, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, DRESS GOODS, HARDWARE, TINWARE, GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, QROCERIES, ETC., AMU THI!" BliST I.IN*; OF POCKET AM) TABLE CUTLEKY IN TOWN. I TffDlIF CBDHTn nnnnr H iviiw iMMlllb bUUlli. M Never before have you seen such beautiful goods at such LOW PRICES. HHH Cotton is up, and the prices of some few goods are up, but most of our prices H are lower than ever. We have some special bargains to offer In Mens' and Childrens' Clothing, at about half price. It Is out of our regular line, but we struck a lot of sample I suits so cheap that we could not let them pass. When It comes to Dress fl| Goods, Shoes, and Mens' and Boys' Hats, all we ask you to do Is to see the H goods?the prices will do the rest. You may expect good news from our U ntlllnery Department In the near future. H Respectfully, Sp L. J. MASSEY. J| HEADQUARTERS ^ House-furnishing Grocds, J Furniture, Buggies, and Stoves. H The Rock hill Furniture ^Company wishes you to know that^they have bought out the entire stocks of C. S. Hay and C. L. Wroton|andi have com- ( I blned both, making the Largest, Finest, and Best-selected Stock of I FURNI TURE ever shown in Rock Hill, and that they are;selllng better goods Bj for the money than you can get in Charlotte. Our selection of suites is rich enough forj.the rlchjand cheap enough for the poorest. We want your trade one and all and we are[wllllug to pay(forlt, giving Better Values for your cash than you can get elsewhere, and offering to save , you at least 10 per cent on Charlotte prices; >nd If we .sell you a*nlce^bill|of a goods we will refund your expenses Incoming to see us. Yours foribuslness on a fair-dealing basis. HOCK II IRE FURNITURE CO. I C. L. WROTON, General Manager. HUGHES & YOUNG. IIMIiUTT?'DIMM?I1 Not everyone yet knows | J that we have been constantly adding to our stock, and that we ure now carrying a full line of Shoes, Hats, Dry Hoods, Notions, Hents' Furnishings, Trunks, Pants, and all kinds of Farmers' Supplies. ^ We have Just received a car- '%$ load of very best Virginia 1 White Corn and 100 barrel* of best Flour, bought before I n (he small advance in price. I Every week adds new cns/ , turners to our already large list. If you do not know us, J / cooie and get acquainted. / V ; & HUGHES & YOUNG. ^