The field. (Conway, S.C.) 1903-1958, October 02, 1924, Image 3

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" ' : v.; '"V. -v ' "?V. ?. > w-- <* 7, ?. ' v; w > \ '? f ^ / * ? m ' ' *4 ti'* - <?ppp? - HORSE RACING AT STATE FAIR ? V v ' ? *\ \ FOUR DAYS OF RACING BEGIN NfNG ON OCTOBER 21. GOOD ^ ' MATERIAL 1N~ PROSPECT ' ? v . t * Columbia.?Four ?days of lAc.ina will be a leading amusement"feature of the South Carolina; state faij-' in Columbia, according to D. D. "Wit C9V$r, raCe secretary of the fair as' a apeiation here. , " * Beginning Tuesday,; October 21. the second dky-ef the fair, the races >"will be conducted for the anxusement " and entertainment of the crowds that are expected to attend. >Good material for the horse rades is -if . . prespeet. it it Bald. ?^ /.. Secretary W,itcover has issued the following statement ~ &i cortdttions that will goverfi the races: _ "Rules of the Union Trotting bsbo% ,^a c.ation,to govern witfi exceptions. ' . . ' .Five per~cEftt~ entrance* fee will accompany nominations. Entries close . October 21. except early closing eyents which close SeptemDer 1, noon. All entrance money adtjed' to" purses. ' No deduction -for money winners. *\ Five horses to-^enterr-four toJ start. > , . - "Mile heats,, three heat plan. * U . A ?' ? "No horse can win more than one money^Halrness purses divided 50, " * ' 25, and. 15 per cent. Hobbles allowed. ,. 1 Colored drivers barred. Any number Of KWses may be started from rfne stable. Right reserved to change the order of prpgram, to declare off -r^?any~0f a|I classes not filling satisfactorily, and to reject any entry. UsuaJ -" weather clause will prevail. ' \ "Entry fee to closed classes $80, to be paid as follows l_ $10 to acconlpany nomination and balance t6 be . "jpattTbn October 21. If these* clasps do not fill will, make up other classic - to suit horses on ground. "No entry will be accepted unless w I accompanied with check for first pay. \ . ment with $10 with entry." The program follows: ^ an Tuesday, Qctobed 21 2:16 trot, purse, $300. ' ' r 2:17 P*c<. PVr8e? $300, Pony race. ? * - _ w*v XUggP^day. October zx2:22 trot, stake (closed September 1 ' 1), pUrse, $600. ^ ~ 2:09 pace, purse, $300. ; *?. ; 2:'l2 trot, purse, $300. 1 . . . "Pony . race. - * i-, ' y" r Thursday, October 23 " ' 21LU |!)&d^ Sbpteiiiber . 2:26 pace, purse, $300. 5* " '! Pony, race. . X ' *' ^ Friday, October 24 _ 2:13 pace, purse, $800.. " 2:25 trot, purse, $300. X. ^ ' Extra race, consola tion or class race to be made during week of fair. v' V K Pony race, : X 'XX: &. is liiS ^ 1*1 ttMBHMMH|| 0B^ B III fln I f^iljpif^ IBK Ift III |jL|U^0r9<ip^?{ I gg i ' . - . f-TT^--./ J,. .- ., -?? , - when cle/ and press - ^^Sifffvi' *j %v - v ; : 2fs-'r . . ; A' . f - y ' - . ... ? . ; ' ? -7 - - ? " t V ^ ^ ~ , < {' A ? I y A"J -J;?- J fT Y ( v I ^ 17 Fqurth Ave. ^ i f ? ^V-v?. ' ; -. ' ' > * ** 1. : a " ? . ? : v - "s ' J '* ^ , ?- a L 4 ' : -Thrifty Tips : ! FOR THE HOME I i (By*Mb* Flo)* ? * .Baked Apples: When baking apl. Pies they should be baked in a hot y oven and frequently basted?with " i syrup. * ' ? * White Clothes: White clothes of. any kind that have turned yellow f should be put in the boiler, half full I of" water to which . a haridfjul oi salt " and .Washing "a. o d a I have been added. Let water come | to a boil and keep ~ simmering- for t 'about three hours.-Rinse the clothes _ In plenty of cold-water and hang in i. the sun to dry. When they have dried r "they writt-be perfectly white. ? . *' " ? . j-, . ' Custard: A custard that curdles in , cooking can be made smooth by placihg over cold water and beating with n no'tr.hnufur !" . ! * ?Windows: Windows1 will ht? very = L bright Jf? a lump of starch is -diskolv-I' " ed in the wat-eT with' which they are I. ; be washed. m': , Fruit Tart: Mix a little cornstarch , with the sugar when making a fruit tart before adding the fruit. This will make the juice thick and will prevent its boittrrg e*er.'??- . . Furniture: When polishing furniture rub the same way as the grain, j The furniture, will; . polish much 1 brighter and quicker.- " ' 1 . Lemon: Before squeezing, the juice j out of a lemon, warm it well in the ; oven. You will-get twice -as much i juice from it* ; Linen: Jt a teaspoonful of salt is added to a basin of starch, the ljnen will have a gloss equal td new. ;r y ?. - - ? ^ Scissors: To sharperr-scissors cut a ; piece of sandpaper to pieces. This ^ will Kharnen them vprv nieelv. t ? /. , Brass: .Embossed brass, can be cleaned very .successfully by making a mixture of pne ounce of oxalic acid juhd one pint-bf-eo?t water. Apply, the { ^.trixture t|o . the brass with^ a soft ' brush and polish' witfl chamois. , . Pniafl Paint and rutt spots may he J parj of 3 acid with two parts of cream of tartar. Allow to remain -on the spots for Ave minutes. Then wash ou\ in clear water. ^Porcelain.: Bathtubs ajMT wash bowls are very eastly cleaned by rubbine with a niece flannel wet with kerosene oil. Wash with boiling wfi-;' ter to which some wishing soda1i^*??. been dissolved, 'then dry thoroughly. QjHpies: A colored dress or waist : that is faded may be m^de - pure white by washing in cream of tartar. Dolls: To mehd a doll that haa-beOn" broken, bind tightly with strips of adhesive plaster. -It. will hold the broken parts firm for a long time. Candies:' Candles will bvapn better and more "slowly if stored* in. a dry place six or seven weeks before they are to be used. . r^r [ "V ' >. _ / -- r- ? < .*? '7' ' " V ' 111 * " T>ye: Before washing cotton stockings put a hbndful qf common salt in "the washing water. This will sefthe * i n 'our suit looks iettec, lasts long>r> and gives youneater satisf ac* f ^ ion ' >* LE I i ilwaysiook as if hey were wearing ^' t ne^^Htt; bot titey are iot: Their, Tyson, the cleaner3Q.YOU? ' 5 ON, ^ SR & PRESSER / - f 'Phone J<22 . r ^ ~ "r--; ' ' ' X.* V--- -S^r ' v y^V-Sjii *'w?'~v~ i- , v* ' * - Vv ; - A 'Ai':r< 1-.' * i : . _ > , , ,. . \ ' *?.. v -S :" f~ :li :>S ;' THE FIELD, CONWAY, *. C (KTOI LITTLE HELPS v- -f ' * ??? > * ? , /BeO! ^WOMAN'S EXCHANGE Vdoei If you have a piratical idea, or * coui * iH.frte ftt*w th*aw4ry that may be * 'aire helpful to others in their house .* j ular hold work. Send'it in. The Field * iAgr will publish it ands sign your * * name to it,si you are willing:-, * y>; ' * *' * e*e i jr Pocket on Inner Side of Apron strj, If sew the pockets of y'our sew aprons or^ the underside you will find j or 8 this to be a great improvement over a w right-side poe4eets. -^T!)is prevent* iy a them'from, being caught on kitchen -vjn doors," pump handles, etc. Miss J. b- *net * Vo Clean Lamp Burners >7 If you have an old toothbrushHhat has serveiTIts" purpose,-sffve it to use ^ in. cleaning camp burners and wicks. t^e It wilL clean out the little air holse bi to-5 .he burner much better and make the caTr .vicks more even than a .cloth, Mrs ^aj H. B. ' ' : *1 " "' ; v " poui : A Roach Exterminator , the . If yoii are bothered with, roaches >2^2$ fhout the house and have hot beejQ; s ibhj to- (jet rid of them, mix together ?(jual parts q? .cayennet and borax and ^ ^ Sprinkle in the^enfested places..The ^ roaches will entirely disappear. Thi? exterminator is perfectly harmless''to * humans.?Mrs J. M. D. ~~ vran Uses for Vinegar * . ty-c, ITgg vinegar instead of water in mixing plaster of Paris. The mixture -a ?] will be like putty and will not dry ? for 20 or 30 minutes. A little vinegar-? yy idded to the water in which eggs are ^ y >o'ached will keep the white from ?n j ;preading. Wrap cheese in a cloth YoUI moistened, with vinegar and wrap the. ,uljs jutside with paper. This Will prevent ,to r nold forming.?Mrs J. B. D. sjx , -'T'*r * ' '? ~ pjeg When Hanging Pictures *.{ ,he .. By hammering nails downward into 1. plaster wall ' they will support in veight better if the plaster Jaecojte? flour ipmewhat loosened th^n if the 8nails graci verr .hamtnered ] straight into the COrn vail. ' ^ \ *, s? i star ??*- ? v it al TRY SOME FRESH RECIPES _ ain< No matter how far removed from tlwt ;he coast jrou may live it is possible jf it row to purchase fish in g frssh state, .nad With refrigerator cars and fflit fioui freight they are carried to. the mo?t iniana, pdlHU in h dAy M IWO', flfld 1 swash?t-wSpS" oh?? ft luTiii uiUUmil 11UI11 LIU Hblill. ipm to /out family to eat more fish. It's an wat< uctremely, healthy food. .and Baked Flounder Clean the. fish >ut. rarefully. Prepare a marainade a?* fing 'ollows: Mix", . 1 tablespoon lemon 3d < juice, A. scant, teadpoon Worchester- are thir'e sauce and 1-2 teaspoon of onion won juice for each 2. pounds of-fish. Let If t thik fish . 'stand in this.'mixtufc?jfor_ est minutes. Serve with butter inju >auce* and WBilecTpotato balls. ^cra Codfish Balls__Orte cup picked-*pv- clea ?r codfish, 2 cups.thinjy slfced,*aw spo< ootatoes, pour boilin# .water over wat rmiVpd tintil nntatoes are rlat lone (not ^ overdone) about ^ 10. tnei minutes. "Strain quite dry, shafce well kne ?dd a little pepper, 1-2 teaspoon but- iani "MTj and 1 egg. Beat all together well, * etand until cold and shape on a tabte- P poon; then drdp Into, hot^at until a P tood brown. ^Prepare .just, before ilav 4sing. (They are splendid for break- useJ *aat). . .. /ou Drawn. Butter Sauce^_(Excellent ;he with boiled flshl-^Melt 1-4 cu$ eif frui butter In a saucepan. Add 1-2 cup of dour and stir until Well blendid,'but gra not ^Browned. Add 2. cfips. hot water fact gradually, stirring, constantly -nntil of-j smooth and creamy." Add 1-2 jteaspoipn :nu< safl^l-8 teaspoon pepper, And 2 tapler' .acd< spoons butter, and stit- until Well han blehdid. ' 'j Planked Shad-^-Clearv the, fish pnd aplitdewtitlra "hack. - TTuTnm?oak ?1 plank thoroughly With salud^iT. ^Jbajy CM) he fish on.-it, brush over thoroughly At with salad oil and dredge with" , salt' can and peppe* Bake about 25 minutes pie tn a hot oven, basting frequently Wttli" dar molted butter.- Decorate % with duchr. wjtl ai^se potatoes, asparagus tips, radish tea rosea, jptc7 ... , .. . V like Broiled Fish?_Bone the fish and cer, remove the head and - tail. Wipe dry any and sprinkle with -.salt and ; pepper. Place in a greased broiler and broil the flesh aide, first.. Then torn and "? broil tne otrer- 8ine uniu Drown, win When wall done turn out on a hot van platter, skin side dowm Season with ?be salt, pepper, and batter, or spread ory WithJeitaoahntiar( * ? *. ' Baked Mackefel?Clean-and split T * uiackefcel. JPlaed ft on a baking pan F and dredge with salt, pepper, and col< sifted flotur; "Dot with bits of batter and add hot milk- to barely cover. Bake shout 26 minute* in a moderate: ^ 7j r# ( * ".! I. ?ni Effi .for Winter oaa Vrhe Chinese' ore said to preserve taoj egg* by burying them in earth. At sto) the end of a year'they are dug up, drill and by the Oriental epiepre are higr v ~v >; -$i?; . - - ' - . ?V' ? V . 4,9% ."1 > ? ,: T; *'v~ . jmim. n j' > ' 8Bfc52l' * i _!> . ' . ' < T / 4 *' ' '* /-** ' * *a - ii - - * ' h V , . . * r FOR WORM * * - ' < < " . i ned delicious. That idea somehow lo i not; appeal to people of - this n? ltry. But the water glass method' fe ady enjoys some degree-mf pop- gi ity here, a?id the Department of iculture recommends it highly. he . - fr* ,x se For the Laundry Bag ch istead of using/'a tape or draw- 1 ngs in the top of a laundry bag, the top together except fdr fivfc- nf ix "inches in the center, and insert v* ire coat hanger. The bag is quick- T1 nd easily adjusted and the hanger ^ not bend with weight of the con- .*** -- - . | cr To Remote Stain -. OTl eep a small blqck of magnesia in ^ jewing machine drawer to apply if stains, ft .will absorb the oil* mid CU , ' . ? be^jrushed out when dry. A blood n may be Temoved instantly by ring a few dropa^pf peroxide on opot, then applying^ftm magnesia ^ liss F. L. . a X: - " , Make a Tea-Tray pretty tea. tray can be made out cr in old oblong " or oval - picture" m ne! Put a piece of flowered ere- m le qnder the glass and screw a ~11 handle into each . end of the ne. Enamel or stain it some pret- lir olor and you will have a trav that ire "housekeeper would appreciate as sp hristmas gift. Miss M. M. rettier and Betted Apple Sauce henever you l>ave opened enough ?0 our canned fruit that half a doziars have accumulated, sort over; winter apples_?lor buy a box of > t and make enough, apple sauce eflll the jars. Try adding about gh cranberries to each quart of apIt improves both the color and eai flavor__Mrs E. E. W. .V < j* Economical Cake Flour v . stead .of buying, expensive cake _ make your own by using a good j" le of wheat flour' combined with starch. Sift one cup of ; cornch with three cups of flour. Sift 11 five times and keep it in a con- 1 qr* holding about 25 pounds. It is lys* ready ^hen. The cakes made t will be just as light as those r e from the^ expensive" prepared C. , ** ... _ !L j Caie uf Small Wuuinls j- r* er to make su*e that all/the dirt " foreign substance are washed ? Do not touch a wound with your er (unless it has first WKn wash,- ^ :lean), as our han<is,^?t no time, surgicaiiy .ciean. wrap up me rrrti with a clean gauze bandage, his is not at hand,jj?e the cleanthing procurable. The'ntakethe red person to 9 doctor. Small itches and cuts may be washed n with bori^ acid water (two teams to-a glass o? vfrater) or iodine 7 er (four or five jdrops in a ))ajf a U is of .water.) Protect all skinned es with dean gauze, after the-^ Bt- hw^e" been washed " to' remove" J and dirt from "the injury,' . . * r^lure an "ordinary 10-cent ftom . gocure an ord i n att* /: 10-cent flour jS e. You'll And it onfe of the most g rul and time-saving .tatucies in r. kitchen. Use ' it for removing skim and rfeeds from all kinds of " ts, for butters, for straining to- i i ;oes for catsup, . for straining \ \ vy H you get lumps in it__in [ you eon'use it every day instead ;\ a sieve. The handle makes it sc h easier to hold and the work is j Draplished' without soiling the 1 d?<. ? . .r-r-i 2 -*?[?- ' / v j Empty Cocoa Cans hese erhpty cans sugge sted" tea j nisters to one lover of old people0 i Christmas time she decorated tht j s ,with oil colors, serine .with aim- j Japanese designs, some with 2 k fterat effect. She Qtted each onr i h the recipient's favorite brgnd ol ! ahd ^wrapped it in A. Christmas, i fashion. A prettey cup and, sau, or a teapot, might* be added by body who copies .the idea. - ' y- To clean Brushes iip the bristles in strong amntonfa er and evefy hit of gi^ase will iahV Be careful not \to submerge " back itself if it is of wood or iv- < . Rinse and 'dry in the sunJand air. 1 0 Keep Flannel FroirtrShrinking | 1 water and let it .soak for half an 1 ir, then wash in the usual manner. ] * ' MAKK YOUR^MINCE HEAT _ f you "keep on hand a jar of horrted? mincemeat It will wean delR.1, quickly-made pies-all during the Iday season. If wall packed in a ae,crock or crass jars, mincemeat I keep a-jonc time. In fact, the hty seasoned variety is better the .? .? v , ... ?L_ N?' .. ' -rS ' ' ' *7 N /> ' V ? ' A . . - tfZ' ? / ' * V. k- * "" ;v *3 iN'SWORK N nger it stand*. Meat is not always ?es*ary for this pie filling for -difrent fruits may be used "and also "een tomatorn if you have them. Quick Mincasisaf . One and oneill cups of chopped apples, 1*4 cup eded, chopped raisins, 1-4 ^cup' topped cranberries,J-4 cup currants, tablespoon shredded tfitron, 1-4 cup tortening, 1-4 teaspoon each of cinimon, mace, salt, cloves, 1-4 cup negar, and 1-2 cup black coffee, iiis mincemeat neecl no! be coqked.! ix together and let stand 3 hours fore using, so that the- spices blend oroughly. Then fK.ur ? pie ust .and cover. This is sufficient for teTarge pie. \ Mincemeat f*bur. cups choppel cooked^ 2 cups ch DppeU suetv- 8 tps chopped apples, 1 cup brown igar, 2 cups molasses, 1 cup jelly, 1 >und seeded raisins, 1 pound shred-1 sd citron, 2 tablespoons salt, (T table *>on eactt or cinnamon ana mace, rd 1 teaspoon of poppar. Mix and ok slbwly for 2_hours, stirring frelently. Pack in glass jars or stortp ocks^ and seal welL If the minceeat get&^djT a little black coffee ay be addeatcinvoisten. Ink: Ink may be removed front a len tablecloth- by steeping the^cloth imediately after the ink has hfcen illed in boiling milk. o " Only good farm land can produce od income., ~ ' ' o. ' ( No Worms In a Healthy Child U1 children troubled with Worm* have an un althy color, which Indicates poor blood, and at a e. there is more or lets stomach disturbance, nvz a TASTELESS Chill TONIC given regularly two or three weeks will enrich the-Mood. inu_ >ve tbC dlgeeUon. and act as a General StrengthLog Tonic to the whole system.'- Nature will then row off or dispel the Wonns.-aod'the Child will be perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c per bottle o ______ SAVEMONEY ON if OUR FALL SUIT To close out pur suits quick, we nake the following reductions: I35.0& suits at * $21.50 530.00 suits at $17.50 535.00 suits at ^ $14.95 570 00 units nt $ 9.99 .. mehewk^H 1 I '1- I - 1 I , ' I ?I * " I M r , . YOU. HAVE a I L ? Bo appetite. Indiseetion, Wtad # on Stomaoh, atek Headache. - ran .down," yda will find II Tutt's Pills || what yon need. They tone the weak II atoaaach, and-tuUd ?p thd ayataa. ' . w 1 ; -SPiles Cured In 6 to 14 Diyti "666" aJ prescription for Malaria, hilla . and/ Fever, Dengue.or ilious Fever. It kill*' the arms. ; . oooooooooooopoooooooooooe W-V * 4>ained \\] Ten Pounds I . Mrs. Georgo S. Hunter, of j CohirabuB, Ga., says she suf- i fered severely with female j ; troubles. 1' ' "I had to go to J>ed and < - stay sometimes two weeks at '] | 1 a time," says Mrs: Hunter. , ' . "I could not work. My ... < were irregular and I got veiy ] thiin. I went from 126 pounds <|! down to less than jOO. My_ < motherhad been a user of OA Dilll I UHMJUI The Woman's Tonic | and she knew what a good ! 1 medicine tt wttfor this troub- "] C le, to she. told me to get , i ?ume end take it 1 sent to the store after it and before. [ * had taken the first bottle i i up I began to improve. My f ten months. Cardu? acted as i 'a fine tonic.. . I am well now. 1 pound*-/^! doi pot trouble me ] ? my ^, . are quite WRulai^l 1 \ know that Cardui will help I ! from I ! ' I ooobb?b55oU T - v 7* ~ ' ' **' ? ? ,* ,??.?:? ? v '..:???-? .' "~r- "y ' i . ' I VT? - . %- * "v . ' I? f. ' ' ?> ' .. <?:y.) * ~?rr*-:*." ' * ' - * . ".* '' s - * ' ' J.' W ' " ' ./X; V . ' ' " ' ' <, ' * I SB PK "If Yomr Pain b There, What Yon Need b a Good . Tonic For the Kidneys" m f * "the kidney? are the scavengers and , they work day and night In sepaKit- ,, ' -v ing and the poisons from the bipod. ' Their signal* of distress are easily -recognised apd inclpde such symptoms as lumbago, backache, depres. sions, drowsiness, irritability, headaches, dizziness, rheumatic twinges, s, dropsy. . People are realizing more and more >\ ^ ! every day that the kidheys, just as J- *u- Ti i n?*H to he flushed uv inc uunvi?, ? occasionally. The kidneys are an ;elimmative organ and are constantly *- '^working/ s,eparating2Jhe p of sons , ^ from the blood. under this continual and perpetual action they* ate i apt to congest, and then trouble sorts. Uric acid pack* up into the system, causing rheumatism, neuralgia, dropsy and many other serioua disturbances. # It means that you are a victim of uric acid poisoning. Then ask your druggist for Anuric (anti 7r uric acid) and ydu will very soon be- .. ' . come one of hundreds who have been _ helped by ; thia powerful enemy to suHcacid. [\ DrvssfcJJierce manufactures Anuric (kidney-bkekache) tablets and you can obtain atrial pkg. by enclosing 10c and addressings Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, BuffaloJ^^j^Y.. DR. CARL. L. BUSBE?>^r - ' (Dentist) . . / / ?'J" . X-Ray Equipment. Offices oveir ^Conway National Bank, telephone 140. : o , ' _1 MARION'A. WRIf.HT _ Attorney-at-Law Offices in Splyey Building > '. CONWAY, 5. C. ? ??? ' . " ' 11 . 1"V * ' ; 9 O. Habitual Constipation Cured t , in 14 to 21 Daya ? "LAK-FTJS WITH PEPSIN" is a speciallyprepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for tj abituat Constipation. It relieve* promptly add should be taken regularly for ^4 to ,>1 duvt to induce regular action. It Stimulates and giiilmi i Vary PiaaaaaLUa Taka ftQra n?~ nntir'Ty ' ' i Beard this good'pne },- - 'p> Myrandi Good-bye for a minute* \r "tastus. I'se goin' to de drug Btore '?or a bottle of toilet water.-"" Rastus What "fbr you all want x>ilet water fo'v woman. -You don^ smell nuff* like t>ne already. DR. J.'T? Rutledge \ ^ (Dentist)^ . / " X-Ray Equipment, v Office * over Conway Hardvare~Store. Office forpially . occupied by Dr. W/_E. Mc- . v 3ord. ; / ' . ?, -o ? i '. DR. C. S; DIET?v -7 . Dentist. - ' .v'' Offices Over New'Lj\ U. tsldgr* r CONWAY. aL C. ^ {.. ? o \ ^ PR. J. K. STALVEY*\. i" Physician and Surgeon Offices Over Piatt's Pharmacy: : : CONWAY. S. C. ' o w * A. C. GREEN ^ Expert Piano Tuning ' .. -X-, Repairing * V Work Guaranteed , v : Phohe 36-A. 4-17-6m. - " , o??i?v ROBT. Bt SCARBOROUGH; ;-r?f Attorney and Counselor at Law r . Offices in Scarborough Bidgv r/tnwav Q C ?"-JI ?? I 4- T-sk) . ' ENOCH S. t BAKER 1 \ttorney And Coufcseler-irt-Lavr v Of Aces in Taylpr Building . . Conway, S. Ct; y \ I }. K. Ford - '**" '.? W.' X. Jteggs ^ ford* 4t suoqy . Attdrneys-at-Law / Offices at >. Conway, 3. . a'Ad Loriiri^ [ J_ --r?-y'**T * "1 " HORRY COUNTY TRUST CO. Mafirrath, MbSl _ : l_. teal Estate Loans. Bonds, -^'v teal Estate. Insurance, ?:??-o ;,- 5 * W. M. COU>FlNCH / 7 T,ir?pr>ood Embalmer and , FUNERAL DIRECTOR <*"7 Herse Service on short notice. at Kingston ifefrnlturc Co. . >. - Residence Phone 3A-c s ' \ Conw*y,&C. yj . -V f. li10 ?,.4, - . - > ' ^ ' " * * . ? ' V> , . ' >' !' * 'j ' --' - I . 'v * ~ '- .V^ ' - ". ...