The Dillon herald. (Dillon, S.C.) 1894-????, May 05, 1910, Image 1

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The Dillon Herald * ESTABLISHED IN 1805. DILLON, SOl'TII CAROLINA. THURSDAY, MAY 5, HMO- VOL. 16. NO. U. D. BOONE MEMORIAL 1 T Dedicated Near Spencer, N. G, With Impressive Ceremonies . f u Ut ADDRESS BY JUDGE PRITCHARD ? ci * of Six or Eight Thousand People Came in From Many Sections of the Country f*1 bi to Honor Memory of Daniel Boone, y, "the Great Backwoodsman." P1 ii Spencer. Special.?The first meiu- nf o-rial in honor of Daniel Boone. the <?;, noted pioneer, was lield at Boone's ri* Cave, Davidson county, near Spencer Saturday. The crowd, which was es- ut timuted at front six thousand to eight ][ thousand people, came fripn Winston- ot Saleuj. Greensboro, liigh Point, Hex- in ington, Salisbury. Charlotte. Ashe- pi ville, and from counties adjoining ia Rowan and Diviilsuti and some from ru other States. , Under the uspices of the Daniel Boone Memoriaj Association, charter- ^ | oil !,y the (ieneral Assembly of North f|, Carolina in l!IO!?. .Judge Prilchard j,j I spoke in splendid style, captivating jtl the immense crowd of listeners, lie j, I was introduced by ex-Congressman -John S. Henderson, id' Salisbury, who p | also made a brief speech. Judge !o Prili-hard's address which was dc- j,j I eidedly scholarly was an elaborate discourse upon the life of Boone, his ^ work as a pioneer in North Carolina. and the northwest, making special i mention of his connection with the lo State of Franklin at one time a part (, sit' Tennessee as opposed to the fed- j oral government. Representative f | Robert N. Page, of tli" sixtli district. -delivered a historical address of much | interest giving many facts in connection with the work of Boone, his exI perieuce in Nortli Carolina and what J11 lie ?Ii<I. Col. A. II. Boydeii. of S;?Ii ? !(l | bury, spoke in behalf of Rowan eonn1y. tliankin-r the ladies of llie D. A. R., i many of wliom were presenl. for llieir interest in the celebration. Mr. .1. R. I MeCrarv. of l.exinuton. -one of the . leading workers in liie memorial asso- 111 I rial ion. acted a< master of ceremonies. The monument is a Inure marble 81 k shaft, erected to the memory of l'oune I'' as a donation I'rout Rowan eitizeus. cc I The memorial i- a otie-Mory. double ni roomed, loy ! r.'.et are. wiiii clay cliim- a I ney. and shelter, an exact replica of ? the homestead built b\ Bonne about "! ^ 17.V>. Housed within it are luitneroiis ^ precious relics, smlt as "tuts, hnntinjr dt f knives, powder Imrns. and articles of c;i a clothing worn by the pioneer, as well ot "v . a.- cookinji ntensiU used by his family. I'i aj The sitrnilicauce <d" the selection of ft the dale for the dedication lies in the hi fact that April .10 is the IftOtli anui- pi versarv of the depart tire of the Boone .a family from Bucks county. I'eunsyl- f|, vuuiu. for their new home oil the ^ banks of the Yadkin river and the tp 3^ 141st anniversary of the departure ot w *1 Daniel Boone from North Carolina for hi Keutueky. a .ail It is a little known fact that not Sl si) ......... ...:i - i . ' m . ,?aiii iniiT-n ?nu\. " OKI tloppO eeilieJjau tery, near Moeksville. Davit* county, .? V*| repose (lie remains of Daniel Boone's la father and mother. The grave of a Squire Boone is marked by a simple r? ! headstone, wliieli has been enclosed ?p ! in a steel cage, to save it from relic (p hunters, which hears this literal in3ej -script ion: jjB "Squire Boone departed this life in, thay sixty-ninth year of life. jSR in thay year of our Lord J7ti">. p* Oeneary thay 2d." Charley,ton Girl Mysteriously Shot. 111 Charleston. S. Special.?Miss pv Margaret Musgrave. 22 years old. is w -dead and Clarence K. (iriinshawe. a ^ -conductor on the Southern Railway. 4; rjB is seriously wounded as the result of (.(1 a mysterious shooting on a lonely j(, gjft causeway Thursday night. The young a| jM man and the girl were out walking gt together. fjn* Savannah Jury Indicts Packers. ^ Savannah, <Special.?As a re- (l pML suit of the i-i, iion which has rJ ^ "been carried on h\ the federal jury .. BWt liere for several days into the prices of meat*^' ?~?<VvHiinnh and the cause n.' fi? for th*7 "idincut was returned ,..! against t .he big packing coiiWn -oems and * men. local managers ' of three of the houses, as in-' I," HIV <ltviduals. 1' Hv Fortifications for Panama Canal. a Washington, Special.? In a nies- P1 PW, 9Bge uceompn ii< ti In a detailed re- r<1 fc~ h port from Hie bcpcrlment, I'res- ?* aden! Tail N.r:m!.i\ - lit to eon- ri< gre** in I unreal i<"i r.'_.irilii._r ! lie nrc- 111 T ?es.sity i'cr immediately beginning tlie n,_ Fortification of t':e Panama canal in M frlr order to iiave i? npleled by 1015. the Alnte spI lor liiiir-!.iinr the ionat ruction of Hie r..,.al. T!. reports Ul [ljM& accompanying the message do not give exact b.cafior* t.f tlie proposed! (|, 1 JB fortifications, I ut it i-i < xpected Hint ( this en n not !? I..i t j -' I until in{onnatior has been obtained rcgurdin? Mt r" Ik 4l?e "atalns and availability of ccr- al [I Jl lain parcels of iamb" (.|, U1E NEWS MINUTELY TOLD "hs Heart of Happenings CarveJ From the Whole Country. Invest ipit ion of lue fast in? fad, bicli lias won innnv advocates reintly at Lake Forest university, liicago. revealed tlie* fact that one the ?irl students lias been cxist? without food for live days and at four of the men students have en starving: themselves for a week, null? women students adopted the active of starving; in the belief ihat would improve their health, in order to settle the moot question ' I ? ? ?iiiMiier jews. Armenians and mans may successfully apply for lizensl.ip in the Cuitcd States tlie >mn>ittee on Immigration and Natalization favorably reported to the ouse a bill by Representative llaves California, providing that nothing the statutes shall be eonstrned to event ' Asiatics who are Arinontis. Syrians and .lews from becoming itnralized citizens.'' The lone prisoner in the .Jay conn. Lnd., jail. Ira \V. Porter, possibly ill be set free in a few days, allough he is charged with murdering s wife, for the reason that opinion the neighboring county of llan>lph. where the alleged murder was unmitted, is divided as to whether is worth while for the county to go the expense of a second trial of s case. With the determination of breaking ) the e\il of sending obsence matr through the I'nited States mails ?st masler-t Jeneral Hitchcock is serusly considering tin* advisability of iggesting that hereafter all treaties j ade with foreign powers shall con- i in provisions for the extradition of i iose found guilty of the otTense. Three youths, each less than lib ars old, were taken to the Federal ison at Atlanta. (Ja.. from Covingn, Ky.. to s?rve sentence of a year iposed by the I'nited States l)isiet Court for a fraudulent hanking heme which they conducted in the llle mountain town id' (Jit. Ky. A iiirlli was sentenced to four months jail. After tliev bad danced 19 hours j id :M minutes, breaking all known j rosicbiilcan I'lulm*. I.U..1....I.- .. m(est in which four Sail Jose. Cal., en were 1 lit* only survivors out of lisi of 12 entrants, was stopped the poliee. Women relayed with le contestants. Although the plan had heen un r ooiisiderution for some time, it line as a surprise when about Jfj the 1.21 K) eonviets at the Western puitentiary. at Pittsburg, appeared >r the Sunday dinner dressed in neat ark suits instead of the regulation risen stripes. Thirty-six divorees were granted in le Itihb eounty. (ieorgia, Superior ?urt in two hoijrs. Only four of ir suits were filed by negroes. One il'e was sued for drinking her liusuul's whiskey. One man who sued woman for a divoree, was himself led by another woman. William Kendall, near Williams>rt. Md.. has a eat that, besides iking eare of five kittens, is raising rat. She seems as fond id' the young it as she is of her own olfspring. lie rat suekles at the eat just as le kittens do. An epitome of the relation hot ween an ami his animal eompanion, the ?g. is found in the following want < t. which appeared in a Ney York i per the other day: "I want a , aekorjaek bulldog, qualified to be) y pal." One of the most daring burglaries1 HI' iuipi%nt ouliu^l ??? XT-.?. 1- ' ? jm i|'v!nuai in i otk * 11 y i as committed in the office of I lie 1 altimorc and Ohio Railroad al No. ] >4 liroadway. The big safe in llio liter of the main room was drilled, s combination lock was opened, and 1 the money tind ticqcts were olen. i Fleas and ticks which carry the 1 oeky Mountain spotted fever, tnhcr- i ilosi* v'ciims, the hookworm and lep- I ns organisms may thrive wi.thont ' ie further light of Government pub- J it v if Secretary MaeYeagb's recoui- * endation for a $.">0.0(10 appropriate fails of approval by Congress. ' lie trodhle springs from the ex- ( instion of the printing arid binding * md for the Marine Hospital and 1 iblic Health Service. 1). II. R. Green. of Terrell. Tex., 'osidcnt of the Texas Midland Railad. and son of Mi?. Hetty Green, Nrt\v York, and who recently anmitced in St. I amis !Imt he had not ......:...i i.. ( iic . .!?..< i.i ?-i? i in- < (Mini 11::<i 110 \voan who v.? .111i accept him except for s ironcj, admitted I hi* receipt of >0 litters from women asking his tti'l in tr.airin-'o during the last two ceks. A judgment of ftl.ToO was sriven in v litidfcepoil. Coii'i., Supt iior Court Mi's. f?ia i{o? lev. who sued Mrs. . Holland Foroes, wife of the acrolut, for alleged alienation of the feet ion of her husband. Fro eat, a lauflYur for Mrs. Forbes. r" i . Af Pany. I.u.. Krnest Maxie, a wealthy cotton planter. killed his second iiuiii within n month, an overseer named James '"lannairan. Maxie's youn?; and extremely attractive wife was the cause in each ease. Karly in March youiiir John IViton. a neighbor. was killed. John Hall. aire.I fifty, and A Ida TTorsman. aired fourteen, who eloped from Sanford. I tel.. were arrested near the find's home. They were on their way back to ask fonriveness from the jrirl's parents. San Autonia. Tex., secret service agents have in their possession a considerable number of counterfeit I'nited Stales $."? gold pieces, believed iii nave been made in .Mexico. Kightci n of a class of girl freshincii of tin* California Normal school arc suffering from ptomaine poisoning caused by eating: baked beans at a midnight barbecue. Without l be aid of classes. Mrs. Amelia Ann Fulton, aged M4 years, of Oak wood. Mil., lias liuisncd piecing and quilting her forty-fourth bed comfort, all done within the past few *ears. Government Pursues Gamblers. New York. Special. Follow iug the raiding Saturday of two alleged bucket shops. to the accompaniment of arrests and the cut line of wires, a new 11<lit has been given to the government crusade by the statement of federal inspectors that oilier arrets are to follow and that several prominent brokers not yet named are the real object of attack. G3orgia Convicts Strike. Reidsville. Special. This county faces one of the nio>i peculiar strikes it has ever known. Thirty convicts, most of them serving life terms for murder, and all of them serving sentences of *J0 years each, have agreed that they will not work and their leaders state they will die before they will do any kind of work for the county or State. Several of the prisoners are while men. Date Cold Storage Meat. Washington. Special.?Senator lleyburn, chairman ol' the Senate Committee 011 Manufactures, which is conducting hearings on the Lodge bill to regulate cold storage, suggested that the hill he amended so as to require all stored meats to be stamped with the date the animal was killed. the dale stored and the date removed from storage. Inadiana Mare Like Women. Roanoke. Ya., Special.?George liver, a horse dealer, and for years a driver of horses on the harness eiretiits all over the country, received a genuine shock Thursday, when a handsome mare, which he purchased several days ago in Indianapolis, arrived here, and was found to be wearing a false tail. When the groom took down the mare's tail a big wad of blonde hair dropped to the ground. Twenty-one other horses came in the same lot, but nunc of them wore a ' rat." Encouraging Crop Ncwb. Wilmington. X. ('.. Special.?T.oeal wholesale merchants and cotton seed nil mill interests are advised from this section of the North Carolina and upper South Carolina cotton district that very little, if any, damage resulted to the crop by reason of the ?old wave. Mueh of the acreage iu this district is either planted or the plants are not yet above ground. Danville Wet by Ten Votes. Danville. Ya.. Special.?Danville voted wet by a majority of ten votes in a total of l.l.Vt cast, after i vigorously fot:;rhl contest. Seven ^eara ago Danville voted against the 3f?en saloon, and since that time three Additional (lootions have been held, iie result alternating each time. While within one hundred votes of the total registration were polled, the lection passed oil' without disorder if any kind. The women and children irerc not in < videnec at the polls. Negro Highwaymen in New Orleans. New Orleans. Special.?After successfully holding up and rohhiug the crews and passengers of street ears on several occasions a gang of negroes disguised as white men were rounded up by the New Orleans police on the outskirts of the city early T.....I... i_ : I ."> juc3?i?\. in it running iiiiinc wihi the officers one of tli?> noirrocs was fatally wounded. To throw oft' all suspieion as to their color the netrro highwaymen wore white kid gloves and masks thai completely covered their faces. You never gel any higher, moralizes the Chicago Tribune, than the thing* you put on top tu your lite. # POSTAL TELEGRAPH |1 * !l Will Increase Pay of Operators ; on June 1, 1910 SOME LARGE AND SOME SMALL J li Length of Service, Ability of the Op- ^ i erator. and Importance of the Oihce ^ Will Determine the Per Cent In- 11 chease?From 5 to 25 Per Cent. n P New York. Special.?Tl?e Postal a Telegraph ( able Compauv aimuiinees tliat 0:1 June 1 ii will make subst&n- ii tial inerease^ in tin* wages of its tel- f egraph operators in all (lie important I olliees of its system. These otliees are ti to be elassilieil aeeordiug to their com- (I parative impot tanee. The inereaso p will lie selective ami will run from 0 s and in some eases as high as 2"? per rent. Careful examination ami full o inquiry win lie insult' sis in tin merit a n of each individual operator, ability to n be the lirsi requisite, year?, of ex per- d ience, and other special lituess will d count in each man's fsworatid all sill |j be graded accordingly. I Mighty Elephants Run Away. e Danville. III.. Special.?Several per- n sons were injured and much pro- a perty was damaged Thursday liy nine q elephants tliut stampeded just after they had been unloaded from si ear 3 alter si vera I hours' ride from Chicago. A large bull elephant made a 1 break for liberty, bowling over the t keeper and escaping. The animal c was followed by seven other bulls, (] which ran bellowing through the t streets and across ticlds. Later, while a the entire fo'.ve ol' trainers and keep- l ers were engaged in the unusual i sport of hunting elephants in auto- i mobiles, si female elepluinl escaped, t More than DM) homes were damaged to some extent by the elephants, but a the total loss will probably not ex- u ceeil *1U,U00. ' a c Indiana Nominates Kern For Senate. > Indianapolis. I ml.. Special.?The 3 Indiana Democratic convention Thurs- t day adopted ("Inventor Marshall's pro- / position that it should endorse to next li year's Legislature a eamlidate for the |. United Slates Senate and named John \V. Kern, who was the party's eandidate for Vice I'resident in IH08. The opposition to the plan of en- y dorsing a candidate wanted a State a primary to select a senatorial nomi- ii nee. They made a grim light, under y the leadership of 'fhontas Taggart, |formerly chairman of the Democratic t national committee and himself a )| candidate lor liit* nomination for Sen- '| ator, lint defeated. il joined heartily / in a shouted acclamation of Kern as ; the party's eaiulidale. .1 Will Be a Grand Welcome. s New York. Special. ?'The reception li eonniiittee in charge of the welcome home of Theodore Roosevelt in dime v is swamped with applications from ii organizations in many parts of the o country which want to take part in ^ the parades and other feature# of the o celebrat ion. Lawyer Lands in Federal Job. Washington. Special. ? President o Taft has sent to the Senate the nomi- \ nation of Carl Rtiscli. of Montana, to o be United Stales district judge in d that State. Mr. Rtiseh has been act- o iag as assistant counsel for Secre- a tary of the#lnterior Halliuger before o the Balliiiger-Pinchot invesigating commit tee. Ashley Not Guilty of Peonage. / Greenville. S. ('., Special.?In the f United Slates court Thursday after- a noon Joshua W. Ashley was acquitted of the charge of peonage. The * jnrv returned the verdict after thirty * minutes deliberation. This is the see- 0 end trial of the ease, the first result- a ing in a mistrial one year ago. I1 Mississippi Baby a Murderer. I Magnolia. Miss., Special.? Manuel Bates, seven years old. showed absolutely no sign of emotion when the police made him confess that he had t shot and killed his little cousin, 'n Haunu Bales, and had hidden her ? body in I lie hushes. Manuel and his little cousin had * quarreled over their shares of a piece c of pie. j' Another Capitol Grafter Guilty. Harrishur'.;. I'a., Special.?Capitol architect Joseph M. Huston was Fri- | day convicted of conspiracy in falsely certifying to a padded bill for desks for the Slate cnpi.ol after a mat oi almost lour weeks, and by a jury which deliberated almost twenty- ( six hours. The trial is the third of a series ( resulting front lite exposure of frauds , in furnishing the new State enpitol, ; and Huston is the fifth of seventeen [ met*, indicted oil eh urges of conspiracy , to chcut and defraud the State to he t lO^vieted. I i I ? i JNCLE SAM PAYS INDiANS light hundred "Braves" Dra>* $76,000?More Coming. Ashexillc. N. Spi?iaJ.?Kiirh U (id red "braves" of tin- I'hernkei eserx alien near Whiitiei. I In- -Mate incd up in a 11*i\ siinwo'*m ?>r londav in reerixe tnun >-i<eeia igent Frank Kx-iiku. nt * i:?- (hero re Itniian seimnl, ilie seiind iuMaJl lent nt the -Ileal led "Umbel lonev." same In in:: a par! ol flu roeeeds of tin* -ale of laud ktiwst s tlie l.ove Traet. 'I'llis payment is a |.?ailiu! -e?.le* tent of Imi!; pe idiiis: elaiins dm rntn t lie "?tx riiieent t* I lie < lieruket udians. The di-l rilmi it n ainouniec 11 $70,Ob'- and I here remains $400,' (JO I o lie di-l ibiited I I Is week. Thost resent Monday reeoived .v per ?apiti IIil IT ??l T4+,#. Tin' I'laiiiis now l???iiiir s?*;iled grov lit of tin- site of tin- I mil.ui landi by ilio government about tin li-bllc of tbc last century when it un crlook to nio\o tin- Chcrokees to In iaii territory. Among those who ile ivered a<l<lresse- wa> Mrs. Bolvi oi'kwnoil of Washington. If tli< anions woman lawyer. Sin* c am ion d tlm Indians about sending tlii'i iioney away for "tiro wat or. * * Sli id vised therr. to bank their money am lualify as votor> ot' the community. Valuable Cargo Tossed From Shif 11 n? li Town. St. Marys. Sicily Is amis. .By ('aide. I lie ialiabitants n ho rooky Sieilly islands will tor '\*er remember this a> tin? greates lay in their hitsory. The Allanti rnnsporl liner M intielialia. which ra ishori? here. disgorged part of he 7.(KJO tons of valuable cargo. east ng it upon the waters all clay Ion o lie mlbored up bv those win* care 0 take the trouble. Huge rases containing aittonudiile mil pianolas followed one anotlie iver the side, striking the water wit 1 great splash. Sewing iiiaeliines am lucks went with them, while Miclii an furniture floated everywhert .1 any hales of cigarettes covered th ace of the water ami ton- of cliea| American novels drilled to the near iy shore of Brylior, where they wen tiled like seaweed. Big Fraud in Alabama. Mobile. Ala.. Special. Itctails o I'ililt is alleged to lie one of the big 'est frauds uncart lied in the Soull n years were made public Moiulav tith the siiiniltaneoiis arrest, on war ants charging -onspiiac v to defraur lie government, of Jesse II. am aniel II. Sin eve. at San Antonio 'ex.: A C. Shrove at Tn^kaloosa lla.; if. T. Siireve. James K ^'rcve, lilliavd Slirevc. (Jeorge II. Shreve olin Joliuson and William Franklin t Montgomery ami Sam fopclaml al lootlshorn. Ala. Johnson and Frank' in are negroes. The men arrested an- charged wit! ithhohling from the Federal referee* ii bankruptcy for this district assets I* the City Jewelry Company ol lontgoinery. Ala., w ilfully knowini t their whereabouts at t lie time. "Nothing Doing"?Not a Thing. Liverpool. Ik ('able. ?The creditor1' tlie Alabama cotton linn of Kni-jln 'anccy & Co.. are enlisting tlie ait f Liverpool hanks in obtaining re ress from American hanl.s. because f losses snsla ned lliroiejh v. Iiat are lleged to hate heen unsatisfied hilli f lading. Treasure in Old Stove. Newark. New Jersey. Special.? liter she had sold an old stove or .'10 eenls. Miss Norah Sullixan sjed 70 years, of Newark. N. J. earned that it was really wort I 000. A package whieh droppec rom the stove iinnotieed by the pur haser. was pieked up by two boyi nd found to contain t">0 $10 golc lieees. nvestigate Notorious "3d Degree.' Washington. Speeial. -The Senate 'ommittee on Judiciary voted Monday o conduct a thorough exainioatior nto what is known as "third de tpp'' mot ImhIs of extort ill'; oonfes ions from persons charged will rime; also the practice of employing tersons in the espionage of jurors. Railroads Awful Record. Washing! ?i!i. H. Special.?A nri*'' increase in I lie nnmher of eas laities on Anierieaii railroads ii hown hv the report for the tpiartei nded Deceniher .'?1, as com turctl with the corresponding tpiartei ii tin- |iri;v ?iti> wur. nmuiin la nod l>_> tin* Interstate ('omnicrri 'oimmasioii shows mi inereii<? in Itv lumber of persons hilled of :*01. ant 11 the number injured of o.tMo. ai red with 1 be eorrespondinj juarler of 190H. The total nunihei if person* hilled was 1,099 and tin ota1 uumher injuVed 22,491. . ,1 11 f'tiTiiiii lilHOPlMI mill ! I HELPS THE EDITOR. Messages Froirf Kings and Presidents to Publishers. J PRESS' "TREMENDOUS POWER." 1 The A. deviated Press and the Aineri1 can Newspaper Publishers' Associatiou Banquet Together- A dft, the Humorist, Makes Notable Address. Nov ik. Speeia. \*i interesting feature >' 1 ix joint listii<|lift 'J* New 1 York I'iiurMiax i*\of The Assoeiuted l're? and I he American New >pa|.'f* 1 1 ?' Assnenitiori was the ? < ceipt in the hau'|iiel "iitm ' at tin- VV:j.!d"t-i' A?lonn diii'iav "lie ^ proirres- >' tic dinner nf "?an* twenty-live ?>r liiirtv eaiiicu rains ot* ? congratulation trout all parts of llie i \ world. The-e ine->a>re?- were sent", by I crowned heads, presidents of re' publics. {' line ministers and promi5 I neni st.iie-nteii from the four corners ?| of tin- '.'I'iIh1 urn) expressed tin- s<"| ers' \ iew> ni' the Amerienn pres> Follow iny: i- from Mr. Woosevelt : " "'The Ainerieu.ri l'res>: 4 " Itrnssel-. Aprl '28. R "I send \o?it m\ In-art \ regard*. If is uirM'ri'->ar\ to sa\ anything r about i In- enormous power of tin* e pres... Tin- v\ -.->< t-xi-ri-i-CN whereof is not only an essential for tin- nation hut an es-a-nt iarl to the perpetuity of the press i'M-lr. With host wishes ' to those upon whom rr-is the heavy responsihilit\ of that Iremetif dons power arejht. I am. .-iiieerely J vours. t ' I I111'tlxHiK UOOSKVKI.T.** 0 j Georue Ade ?h-|i?-\eril a brief a-.lH | dress on "lle|pne_r tin- Kditor." Mr. 1 Ade said: "Tin- A. I*. i> a -treat in-t it at ion. ~ My out-of-town assignment was usu l ally fiiven to me in the followim* words: Semi in a vrood story, tin- A. it Iwill eov < r tlie I net f * Kverv man who ha> not tried, it n thinks that lie ran ?- Iii a newspaper, d writ< a eonhe opera ami inamure a hotel. I still heliex e that I know a ' lot a lint it the hotel business. e '' K\<-r\buoy wants !< help the ediA tor. Not as re-_-ar.js elu*aper woodpnlp or ktepiuu down the pay-roll hut u witli sm-irestions lor lillitnr up the paper. Most people still Imlieve that every newspaper must hustle to iref enough eopv to seperale tin- ndver r I I ISOIIienl S. "The I'l'st newspaper Willi wlii?-Ii I i was ? ;?!>:? < 'i i-vi n Thurs, dii v t'r< lit ;i room over ;i hardware si<ill*. "I*li?- tin-.- ' ! <>\il war won* I slili ii??>l?|fi*i ;iu. I mlinna *> 1" <>< I ?-u|i:i> i"H w;i- i> -1 il :< ?. Nearly every , man was ^ ?fi?ir^ as In- shot. ami some , ?. T l Inn: a i il-.-ai "lit-lit' r. < hir , dllii'i' ci| ;i) *!.r-1 I ? ?ni ? i-1 "il "I a Wasli, itiirloM lurid ia I not -power job i press. a pi'ivii: -I towel ami a few t font- < ?' type- mostly it a lies. All, IiiiI we 11;i11 an editor! "The old-time Cililor. the one we* i all read about who stumped his in? ?li\iiluali l\ en very issue of his , paper ami I'liiln't liotlier ahout the ? press-v.oi k. ilo \m remember what" 5 lie railed a man if he didr. *1 rare Hincli for him? lie didn't enll him a niollyeoddle or an insnruent or a malefaelor or an undesirable. He , said thai tin man was a |??dfii>on. a t hell-hound. a pusilaiiiiiioiis liar, an unj militated horse-thie.. a jaekal. a marplot. a rail ill", a ivpiile. a viper, a s ear and a v. help. Here are a lot of j. valuable expressive words that ar? g yraduallx beiuj: eliminated from our vocabulary because die editors of today. steeped in eommorcialism. have abandoned the methods of William F. Storey and aceepted the leadcr, ship of Kdward W. Bok. "Also (lie newspapers of today are criticized because they are kind to j the hicr advertiser. I think tiewsI papers are somewhat tinder the domination of the hijr advertiser. In faet , the hi? advertiser has syot them so j worked tip that many of thetn want to run him for a third term. "I read not lent* ai;o that down in Brown county. Indiana, the front room of the eounty poor-house, a larpe. cheerful apartment with southern exposure and plants in the win' dows is occupied by a man who for i many years conducted a newspaper that pleased every hotly. On the other hand, it's hard to he successful without disappoititiuir some of your best 1 friends. So if you can't please all I your critics do tin- next best thins* and please your subscribers." Millionaire Killed in Folding Bed. ^ Now York. Special.? Henry Wellington Smitli. millionaire paper tnauufaeturer. of Mass.. ami dolegat* to tlie Republican National t'onvoaiion >f 1SSO. was crushed to deatli Wednesday night in a folding bed. With him in the hoarding house at ,, the time was an elderly woman, who was slightly injured, and who baa j snhseonently disappeared, leaving l>o) hind a ease of mystery. She vu ? i known at the boarding house as his * ! wife, hut investigation showed thai [ I Mra. Smith had not left her home ia ljC*' '