The Dillon herald. (Dillon, S.C.) 1894-????, September 16, 1909, Image 4

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, The Dillon Herald. PII&LtSIIED EVERY THURSDAY. a. B. JORDAN Editor. M 'ASCRIPTION. $1.50 PER YEAR Kutervd l the putlollice at Dillon. 8. a* - '>* ititti i matter Dillon. S. C.. Srplcmbtr 16 1909. C<?ok and Peary have discovered that the north pole is not long enough to reach the persimmon. The north pole will come in mighty well for the Jones' and Smiths' when they have their family reunions. Mr. Bryan says he believes Peary and <Y>ok are Democrats? probably because they are disagreeing over nothing. Scientists say the north pole wobbles around in a space of 30 feet and a 30-foot circle ought to b- large enough for two. If it is true that pal'agra is caused by eating meal made from west orn corn me iarmers ot tins section ai\ immune from the disease. It seems there is nothing the Pee Dee section won't produce in abundance. Right here in Dillon we have only 3,000 inhabitants, but nevertheless nearly 1,0001 children were enrolled in the public schools last year. Away back in the early nine. . ties the slogan of the dispensary crowd was "we'll turn the rascals out." Some graft trials now on in Columbia would indicate that they have been doing their best to carry out the promise. Which is the l^eal Man? Immediately upon his return to civilization Peaty Hashed the following message to the world: "Good morning. Delayed by gale. Don't let Cook story worry you. Have him nailed." When shown the message Dr. Cook said: "As I said last night when I heard of Commander Peary's success, if he says he has been to the pole I believe him." The two messages contrast so strongly that it is easv to pass judgment upon the characters of two men, and while The Herald wonld not essay to say which is the re^l discoverer of the pole, still it is inclined to pass the honors over to Dr. Cook. Peaiy makes a vicious thrust at his rival, but Dr. Cook shows the bigness of his hear and mind by the mildmi nnered and magnanimous way in which he receives it. Peary has hurt his cause badly and the vituperation and innuendoes he has heaped upon and hurled at Dr. Cook will come back on him with telling force when the real "show uown comes. Four Bales to the Acre? Some t^n years ago an intelligent and progressive farmer announced that he was making two bales of cotton to the acre and his friends promptly replied that his| statement ought to be backed by an affidavit. Since then there have been as many as three bales made the acre and now a North Carolina farmer comes out boldly and claims he is making four bales to the acre. In the absence of any proof to rthe contrary we must accept the statement as true, but we would believe it quicker if this farmer also had backed his statement by an affidavit. In the face of these facts it appears that the cotton industry has unlimited possibilities. If the production per acre can be increased from .two to four l>ales < in ten years there is every reason w. "rjriyi.JV 'f'1 VIH1.!*' * to believe tnat it can be increase from four to eight in the ne: ten years. Eight bales to tl acre does not look as unrenso able as did four bales ten yea ago, and in the absence of ar legislation limiting a farmer to certain number of bales per ac there is no telling where it wi end. We give as our authority f< the following the Raleig (N. C.) Progressive Farmer, ar give notice right here that we a sume no responsibilitv wbatev for any of the statements contai ed therein: "Mr. R. J. Wentz, of Goo Creek township, who raised tv bales of cotton per here last yea is more anxious to grow more p aeie than is the average man wl is growing a third of a bale on ; acre. Mr* Wentz went last we* to Wake county for no other pu pose than to confer with Mr. V A. Simpkins, who is making foi bales an acre on his farm, foi miles southeast of Raleigh. M o: 1? _ - 1 . ... mm onupiuns nas two acres wtuch m Wentz says will make four bal per acre and fifty acres fro which two bales an acre will 1 gathered. Mr. Simpkins selec the seed from the finest stalks ( his two acre "brag patch" wi which to plant that patch ne season and then with the remai ing seed from the "brag patch he plants his 50-acre field. H cotton is short jointed, the join being but about an inch long, tv bolls to each joint, and Mr. Wen says that sighting down limb is just like a trough betwei the bolls. The first limbs are < the ground and lie between tl rows more like vines than limb The rows are eight feet apart ai the limbs are lapping in the mi dies. Stable manure, broadcas is the fertilizer used by Mr. Sim kins, and Mr. Wentz states th ho has. found that to be the be fertilizer ever put under eottoi Commercial fertilizer is also ust at planting time and as top dres ing. Of course olmvino Jc Every day a great manv peop drive out to see the four-bale p< acre patch. Mr. Wentzsays th< he is well pleased with his tri] and that to see a crop of cotto growing that will yield four halt per acre is worth what it costs t travel 150 miles. Mr. Wen) comes back with his stakes set fc four bales an' acre. He plante Simpkins' seed on his four aci "brag patch" this year and no withstanding the drouth whic has injure d the crop he will g< ten bales from that patch and 1 says that he would have mad twelve bales or more on it had not been for dry weather." Special Column NOTIONS * Wc have in this departmc anything: you wish. We a Agents for The An.erican Ladi l^Furniturt Sg ' 3 pc Room Suits 9 3 " Parlor Suits 19 5 " Parlor Suits SB Bed Lounge W Bed Springs s9E Matressess H Side Boards E Chairs Rocking Chairs IB Dining Tables B Center Tables 1 In fact anything in t If as the cheapest Give as a call before I; W.O.BF :d Taloring Company. Your suits xt I made to order, 3e j E. L, Moore & Co. It will pay you to make your rs purchasing headquarters at Wm. ly Brick's. a re We sell the famous Selz shoe, a ... shoe that makes your feet glad. Wm. Brick. or h, Found.?A purse containing id a small amount of money. Owner s_ can get same by identifying the er purse and paying for this adverer tisement. n See the beautiful Tailor made se Suits for Women at E. L. Moore & Company's. r? We^have the agency for staner ard patters prices 10 and 15ets. 10 Beats all the paterns on the inarin ket. We take subscriptions for the designer at 50cts., per year this month only. Wm. Brick. y Come to see us, we have the nr largest line Ranges, Stoves, and Lir every thing in the Hardware line several Cars all kinds Furniture. We sell the people. r* Dillon Hardware. Co es . m Kahn Brothers' Agent will be tx; here Sept. 27th, with a full line ,ts of Men's Tailor Made suit samples. E L- Moore & Co. >n _ lu Hrand Fall opening at Wm. xt Brick's, n.. Don't forget next week, come . to our Store, and see the greatest 1S line of Malleable Ranges ever 'ts shown in the south, vo Dillon Hardware. Co., tz ~ We have bought the Bankrupt ?c w 11 : _ oiu?_r. ui r ctm-y virotcncs ui mc -n Gaitley Tolar Campany, and are >n closing them out at cost. lie E. L. Moore & Co. ,s- New styles in ladies voile skirts id and shirt waists at Wra. Brick. ^ Don't fail to attend the Mil'* linery Opening of E. L. Moore & p- Company. Sept 28th and 29th. Latest styles ladies, men- and st youth suits arc shown extensiven ly at Wm. Brick. ;d See the South Bend Ind., girl and man Demonstrating the greatl1, est malleable Range made will 1? be at our store next week Sept. ?r 20th. to 25th. Every body come. at Dillon Hdw. Co.. ">> Wanted?To lease for a term 'n of years or buy outright a small ;s three or four horse farm near Dil0 Ion. Apply at The Herald ' office. :z ... . >r GO?FLY keeps flies off Horses d and Cattle. 25c and 50c. At all drug stores. e School Desks.?We represent .jj the largest manufacturers of school desks in the United States. L>t We are agents for the famous ie ''Nonoise" desks, pouular everv le where \v:th teachers because they are wairanted to make no noise in opening and closing. If you need anything in the school desk line let us quote you prices before you buy. We can give you the best desk made and save you sotr 2 money. Sample desk can he seen at our store. We are agents also for maps, charts, blackboards, and] nt in fact anything needed for the re school roomies! HERALD BOOK STORE. : Bargains. I $15.00 75.00 B $15.00 B $35.00 50.00 B $7.00 20.00 B $2.50 5.00 B $2.50 10.00 B $15.00 35.00 B 50? up pp 90^ up P| $25.00 35.00 jtt $1.25 500a jfi he furniture lin? a? rk^an BB I purchasing. spec tf ally I (ACY, AGT. I NOTICE. Is hereby given that the Fall Term of the Court of General Sessions for Marion County will convene at Mar.on on Monday October 4th., 1909 at 10 o'clock a. m D. F. Miles, C- C. G. S. 7>//Q7iaS^ For old or young, good looking or ugly, rich or poor. Work promptly executed. Satisfaction guaranteed. R. B. McLean. Next door to Post office. !Let Us Fut this Week, and of Remember, Next , Week An Expert Demons! next week. Come mation." You wil DILLOl \ Don't you think you ha ] range long enough? VV jj sure you will decide tha The Man of the Hon Is the man wit money, for he is ready f< * emergencies, and hisinte have always been iden with a bank'from the tin first opened a Savings Act lip to the present. Would YOU like to follow in his s Come in and we will show the way The Bank of Dillo Dillon, S. C. Beautiful Range in Pvnonn + Vm wuu . JL i. v^0V/llt 1UU TT 11/11 ( Kitchen Utensils, I '-v. rator from South Behd, v , and you will hear soi I also be served with Hot V HARDWj ve put up with that oid cast it hen you see The South Bend t you have. You want the be; THE ? STANDARD DORSET FA: IK FOUNDATION OF A PERFECT FITTlTv iONED WITH Genuine reenlat WH Security RUBBER EU HOSE SURPOI 1. DU DILLON, S. ur-~ HACKER MFG. CO. fl ??? Successor* to & h the Gbo. 8. Hackkr & Son. 9 teps? WE MANUFACTURE 4 ' you Doors, J 'n limns a 4 and Gab j Doors and Windows. | rij WE DEAL IN { ! Glass, Sash Cord and Weights .fl Your Home Next ^ a Valuable Set ^ rREE. . 1 We Shall I | Expect ) to See You I fill be at our store all lie "Inside Range InforBiscuits and Coffee. | 4 RE CO. I on cook stove, or poor steel I Malleable Range we are H st and you deserve to have it. & By 0F P sh,on ~&r i tG GOWN. | WH ALEBONE. M 99 H TTON ~ 3TERS jgj NBA P | j 4 *v"flHH ^ *.