The dispatch-news. [volume] (Lexington, S.C.) 1919-2001, December 17, 1919, PART II 8 PAGES, Image 11

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' - ? ? , MIDDL1-: BL/VCR CEKKK NEW8. ' ? - fi The yhfealth. of our community Javery good at this writing with the exception, of cold ands and coughs. Rev. Mr. Johnson preached a very impressive- sermon at Pond Branch Sunday evening from, these words: "Pear not for they that be with us are more than they "that be with thenu" which are found in the 6th Chapter of 2nd. Kings. Mrs. Nezzie" Crout and children worshipped at Pond Branch last Sunday evening. Mr. E. F. Rish und family visited his aunt, Mrs. I* A. Howard last Sundav. v - f Aunt Sara Ann Bouknlght visited at Mr. Rufus Hallman's last Sunday. Mr. David Kyzer, of dear Barry S. O. has moved in our midst. Ho having bought the E. F. Bouknlght place. Mr. Alonzo Rish is preparing to n*ove from the Pond Branch section to near Pelion, where he will* make r. ' i ' x'--: his future home, there's room, for one ntore. l' Mr. C. E. Lewis has been playing monkey the past week, he has beep climbing telephone poles. Mr. Edward Taylor now occupies the Lewie Rlkard house, where he will remain until his house i3 completed. Mr. ML M. Howard, is now a member of the farmers union. He rode the "goat" last Friday night. The farmers local union of Pond Holliday Toys, D< STANLEY'S ( COLUME Get what you want tod desired is gone. Fine Silverware, Cuttley, Fanay Crockery, and m Christmas trade. Get a sweetheart, child or frien | for yourself. : Practical Loi Handsome and u and make a Meri through. F< What could be more ap Devices: A Percolator, ! time and work saving UJ i set of fine Table or Kitch appeal to those seeking tl Foi j_j PiihIIM /y TM/\v>n U1CLU1C V^Uillllg llUIid, sors, School Lunch Sets, < UNIVERSAL Carving | i with edges that stay shai and Motor Lunch Sets. 1 We have Chri j. of Christ] I I-0* I 1533 Main St. Branch held its regulaa^rft'Aeting last Thursday night and elo<$e&; delegates to the county unloh- and glected officers for the ensuing year. Dec. 15, 1919. ' 'P ' t'* r* " ' LIKE MANY LETTERS FROM OLD FRIENDS. ... it-., . > The Dispatch-News is in .receipt of the following letter from pr. M. . P. Martin of Denton, Texas, a former Dexingtonian who has made good* in his adopted home: "I inclose check for $2 to pay my subscription, i am an old Lexington I boy ahd although it has been 25 years since I located in Texas,I still enjoy the Dispatch. It is not only like a letter from home, but letters from many of my old friends?-thfere. ? "About live weeks age fctM* published a short sketch of CdTi:1^ jpaughmun, champion cotton grower<q?athe world. I wanted tc have our loeoliipaper publish buj my janitor ^dJ^Woyed' the paper before I could hand it ?o the editor. If you have' any extra copies containing this article will you kindly mall me',one. Stamps inclosed for same." PIaAY AT LONG BRANCH. Tuesday night, December the 23d, at 7:30 P. M. a play will be given at Dong Branch school, .near Brookland, entitled 'The Real Thing After All," in w^ich there are nine young women and seven, gentlemen. ' This is a new I Goods, oils, &c., ;hina hall, HA, S: C. * ., [ay before the very thing , * V' Cut Glass, Fancy China, lany new goods forthe present for your wife, d and something useful ' MS* wmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmtk I Christinas "ick Bi seful presents whid y Christmas last >r the Housewil ipropriate than one of the ms Bread Maker, Food Chop} ci UVERSAL Home Needs, a I en cutlery? Universal Amer le last word in table service. the Young Worn Chafing Dishes, Tourists, I etc. For The Man Sets in various sizes and pj PnrrAMri D/viil L p, xva^Kji o, vacuum jjui/i/iet Whether you spend^l.OO or . stmas Gifts that will mas last 365 days ei ick Broth 'Phone 498 play, . and very appropriate for Just* before Christmas. Everyone "Will enjoy it. : A small admission will be, charged, the proceeds to go for the benefit of the school. Xet everybody comc.iind enjoy the "Christmas SplrIt**' % , * Bring your Job Printing to tho Dispatch-Nows office, i. - A SAFE TREATMENT FOR CROUP ' Thooaadi off children die way bud >nU)li fint bid rcotdr.ud the**'is no safer or surer treatment rrm|?dHftnffhti tipnppAy MpqEsesJDr %7T..irfi. SM.VE on ia^xi for emergency \ com*. Doctor* \ nod uv race r?- I ^^ B Si SHOES and JSUPPERS *' Tin: KIXD THAT WEARS EASY ANI> CONGEST Wc are always prepared to serve our Lexington friends from a large stock of dependable Shoes for every kind of wear, in all leathers and sizes.. The "Family Shoe Store of Colum-J bia." Farmers' Medium and Heavy Work Shoes a Specialty. E. P. & F. A. DAVIS 1710 Main St. COLUMBIA, S. O. . . . ' -J- - 3 . ' a "Am' i Gifts at *OS. h bring pleasure the whole year Fe my Universal Electrical % or one of the other jeautiful Casserole or a ican-Sheffield Plate will tan rons, Embroidery Scisitterns, Pocket Knives [ s, Carafes, Lurch Kits >200.00, i; make the joy ich year. ers Columbia, S. C. I I.?; ; = TiminTiirniiiinwnMMni?Tii>ii?iui Why not give USEFI CLOAKS * 'waists skirts * SILK UXDERWEiR GLOVES [\ HANDKERCHIEFS neckwcear ' i For Christm Nuts, Raisins, Cranberries, Apples, Oranges, ( I > kinds, and all of the ? | Caughman-K h LEXINGTON I ^ . I ' :? SMn Colombia's M< APPAREL 1619 Mais St., Cob ANOTHER BIG C Columbia's fines Tailored C Now Half Foi The entire stock of exclusive pla Suits must be closed out before ( Suit modes by America's foremos cost and less. $50. Suits, now $60. Suits, now $75. Suits, now $90. Suits, now w t $ 100. Suits, now $ 1 50. Suits, now $200. Suits, now $250. Suits, now , ; V . v - ?t> Come this week fo these" unusual '. ' .X '2 . Sale Prices Cash Alterations Exl I ^ - / a n i . LtlRlS i M A5 ^Si| lance by looking through 1 i. ' 1 stock. . ->v.. ' ? GESTIONS . PORHDI > \ fc. * ' * ' FV>r husband, father, brother yOu tflll be sure to find sojnething Jhere that will give joy. SUITS ... ' TIES " _ SHIRTS t COIJUbRS i SHOES ' IIA.TR GLOVES - ' FOR THE LITTLE ONES. r * * ? ? } ^ Good warm clothing makes a most sensible gift. Let us show you how far your money will really go if you will come and let us help you select - something. < ; SUITS SHOES GLOVES CAPS > : SWEATERS ' I _ ' ?f ? ias Dinner ! Candies of all kinds, Canned Goods of all Reason's Goodies. [aminer Co. . S.C . I . c : tit Modem ^ SHOP imbia, S. C. + x? ;UT IN PRICES .. - i1* .* . 1 showing of i oat Suits mer Prices < , in tailored and fur trimmed [JhriRtmas. Charming Coat j it designers on sale now at $25.00 $30.00 $37.50 $45.00 $50.00 $75.00 - $100.00 - $125.00 i - - . (<>11/1 5 tir? r your choice of Suit values " ; % . . .. . .. >i?-. - \ - t IV , - tia ; No Approval or C 0*I>. r> . f. t mz1- . ' r->v r, At ?-;?_< rs .1- . 4 ' A "* ' 0 ' FOR' f I You can find them in abun< \ our variet * *' ** . A FEW SUG ' ' * .f: ' FORTHEHO.ME. li _ Xothjng: nicer than a piece of good t^'r furniture. For instance: .? RTK36 4 ART SQUARES ROCKERS ' DRESSES CHI FFERO BBS . BUFFETS CHINA CLOSETS, etc. - \ FOR; WIFE OR DAUGHTER. < i Wearing Apparel makes an ideal Christmas present for wife or daughter. We can show you comething that "3 will please. COATS ,