The Manning times. (Manning, Clarendon County, S.C.) 1884-current, June 21, 1922, Section One Pages 1 to 8, Image 1

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Section OneSetoOn Pages to 8 Pa8 VQL. XLII MANNING, S. C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1922, ECONOMY NOTE SOUNDED BY STATE CANDIDATES First Gun of State Campaign Fired at Columbia With Chief Inter est in Governor's Race VOTERS APPLAUD WOMEN Harold U. Eubanks Launches Vigor ous Attack on Attorney General Wolfe About Boundary Question Columbia, June 20.-Accelerating the many divergent theories of gov ernment which have prevailed throughout the State during the past half-year, the opening of the cam paign today demonstrated that the major candidates in the race were actuated with a desire of economy. Cole L. Blease, former Governor of the State of South Carolina, who is offering hi sservices for Chief Execu tive of the State; Senator Geo. K. Laney, of Chesterfield; Thomas G. McLeod, of Bishopvilie; John T. Dun can, of Columbia, and William C. ..Coleman, of Union, all were in a tune to the cry of economy. There were perhaps 800 people in attendance at the meeting when it began. When it ended there were twenty-three peo ple' present. The beginning of the campaign marked a new epoch in the history of the State, with two well known women in the race for State Superin tendent of Education. These two wo men are Mrs. Bessie Rogers Drake, of Bennettsville, and Mrs. E. Barton Wallace, of Columbia. Both- of these cAndidates are experienced in public .shool work and made excellent ap peals to the Richland county voters for their suffrage in the August pri mary. Mrs. Drake is an alumane of Win throp College at Rock Hill, and has the, tUnreserved support of the Win thrbp daughters. She is prominent ly connected with - the educational forces of Marlboro county. Mrs. Wallace, a teacher of many years experience, served as an en tertainer in France during the war, and, upon her return to this county U became aligned with the government camp schools, where she had charge of 1,700 soldiers in teaching them the fundamentals of education. Cole L. Blease, former Governor of the State for two terms, again seeking the nomination for the gub ernatorial office. Mr. Blease was the -nrst, speaker at the meeting today, .,and read from a manuscript a p)at for mfree from the former invectives which he so successfully used in the previous campaigns. In practically every county of the State lined up with Blease in the race that is receiv ing the most attention from the press and the people in the State are: ,Thomas G. McLeod, who made the campaign twelve years ago and was defeated; Geo K. Laney, for twenty r .years a representative in the General fAsembly from -- Chesterfield county; Coleman, successful businessman of Union; J. J. Cantey, planter and businessman of Sumnierton, and John T. Duncan, whose attacks on the so call-'d "Ring" and "System" are made each campaign year. Aside from the interest that is be ring manifested in the race for Gov ,ornor and'for Superintendent of Edu cation only a nominal amount of en thusiasm is apparent in the contest= r'for the other offices. A striking fact in connection with the campaign thin year is that only one State office is uncontested. State Treasurer Sam T. Carter is the only candidate that has no opposition. Two youth'ul candidates made their annourement s Monday and file-] their pledges for the race at the last minute. Thi' (2 two young aspirants are Harold U. Eubanks, aged twenty jhree, andl D. NI. Winter, a few years elder. Both nre gradluates of the *niversity o' Soth Carolina. Mr. Winter has a rved his county in the ~gislature for the 'ast four years. As soon as l:r. subanks was ac cordled the privilege of the floor to day he launched an attack on the &dministration of the incumbent, Samuel L. Wolfe, who has anno'unced for reelection, but who stated this morning that he would not make the canvass of the State. Charges 'fbrought against Mr. Wolfe by Eu banks wvere to the effect that the At torney General had for personal glory ~uddied the waters in regardl to the el nwn dispute between the States of Georgia and South Carolina relative to the boundary line dispute and that the Attorney General had ?legraphed messages from Washing ton after the hearing on the question 'y the Supreme Court that had been misleading andl were erroneous. Mr. Eubanks also called attention to the records of the office, which revealed -that the State of South Carolina had been forced to employ counsel to the extent of $9,000 (luring one single year of the adm'inistration of the in cumbent. The platform the candidates for 9Gyernor of the State center around a iosslble solution of the question of tax redluction, Increasing the edl ucational facilities for the youth of the State, a more rigid enforcement of law and more liberal appropria tl ns for caring for the Confederate terans. F'ormer Governor .Blease soundled hew keynote of the tax reduction problem when he stated that he Vas In- favor of abolishing the State x Commission, equal distribution oY taxes on the high and humble classes of citizenry, increasing the retwes of revenue and by a one m ~free school tax place an edu lOld v N GREAT EVENYS --HE SUMME cation within the reatch of every boy and girl in every nook and cor ner of the State. Thomas G. McLeod, in pleading for the advancement of the cause of education, stated that the great est an ievement of his life was not the financial success that had been attained in his business and on his farm, but the visible results that had crowded his efforts for rural school consolidation in his home district. Eleventh-Hour Candidates Eleventh-hogr candidates have rath er complicated the situation for those who, until this morning, had no op position. Political aspirants came to day from various parts of the State. One shudders to think what might have happened to the aspirations and ambitions of some of these had their trains been late or had they suffered more than one or two blowouts on the way. In point of fact, Sam T. Car ter, State Treasurer, is the one State officer who did not draw an opponent, a 1 worthy tribute to a worthy and faithful official of the State govern ment. There was also one withdrawal, Paul Moore, of Columbia, quit the race for State Superitnendent of Education. In this race, however, are left six candidates, including two women, the first of the female sex to offer for State offices, Mrs. Bessie Rogers Drake of Marlboro, and Mrs. Martha Wailace, of Colum bia. For Lieutenant Governor two new candidates entered the political arena, E. B. Jackson, of Wagner, and Dr. E. C. L. Adams, of Columbia. Two candidates for Attorney General also announced, Harold Eu banks and D. M. Winters, both of Columbia. For comptroller general, T. Hagood Gooding, of Hampton, announced and two new candidates for Governor filed pledges, J. J. Cantey, of Summerton, and William Coleman, of Union. 1. S. Hutto, of Dorchester, J. J. Mclahon, of Columbia, and W. F. Stevenson, of Cheraw, filed their pledges. The complete list of candidates na compiled after the clock struck the noon hour 'today, is as. follows: Pr ((overnor For Govei nor: Cole L. BH'ase, J. 1. ''antey, W\m. Coleman, John T. uncan, Geo. K. ILa ney, 'Thor.ins G. I!Lod. iFmr Lieutenant Governor: E. C. L. A'4damis, E. M. Jackson, Jan..s K. (Owens. For Congress For Congress: First Dist' et-W. Iurner L;oig:i, L. S. Hutto and J. D). Mlorrison. Th ird dlistr'iet: S. '1. Sherard andl "redI II. l'ominick an~d E. F. Mc Cravy. Fourth district: J. J. McSwain. Fifth dlistrict: W. F. Stevenson. Sixth dlistrict: W. R. Barringer, A . H. Gasqiue, Jerome TI. Pate arid P. HI. Stoll. Seventh dlistrict. A. J. Betheca, H. P. Fulmer, andl J. J1. McMahon. Other State Otlicers Superintendent of Education: Mrs. Bessie Rodgers rake, .J. HI. Hope, 0. ID. Seay, C. II. Seigler, J. HI. Swearingen, Mrs. Martha Wallace. Adjutant General: Trhos. B. Mar shall and R.E. Cralig.Catr Attorney General: Harold Eu banks, D. HI. Winter and S. M. Wolfe. Commissioner of Agriculture, Com nmerce and Industries: B. Harria andl George W. Wightman. Secretary of State: W. Banks Dove and Jas. C. Dozier. Comptroller General: Walter E. Duncan and T. Hagood Goodling. Solicitor Third Circuit: Solicitor-Frank A. McLeod andl John G. Dinkins. Flfth'Circuit: A. F. Spigner. Twelfth Circuit: C. W. Muldrow and L. M. Gasque. The big gun of the~ campaign was fired Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock at Columbia. Married last Wednesday in King str-eo, Mr. Joe F. Broekinton and Miss. Beulah Williais of Manning. The' couple will make their home in King Friends Meet A NO R ISIT TO GRANDMA'S. THE FRECKLE FACED BOY It seems to me that every boy, Who has a freckled face, Possesses charm, an added joy, And most endearinv grace. I walk along the street, each day -And hear the newsies call; Unmindful of the words they say But scs'nning each and all. Until from out the surging crowd, I see a childish form, Surmounted by a head endowed With freckled features ' Norm. With legs of tan and arms of brown And eyes of baby blue, A shock of red, as if to crown A face so frank and true. And then those spots on cheek and neck Make their resistless claim A fortune for each tiny speck I'd wear them without shame. Why should ry choice take such caprice, When, doubtless, other boys Are just as good and clean and nice And do not make more noise? I know a laddie, far away, Who's very dear to me; his face is freckled, just that way And he's my boy, you see. -Herbert Russell. Newport News, Va., Oct. 20, 1921. CAROLINA COMPANY BUYS STEEL VESSEL Washington, June 20.-Pur'chase by the Carolina Company of the steel steamer "Pinellas" Irom the Shipping Board was consummated this evening. The news was confirmed by President J. M. Whitsitt, of the Carolina Com pany, who was present when the final papers were signed. The Pinellas, President Whitsitt, said, is the first steamship to be owned by the company, whose ships have been operated under lease. She will be renamed "Carolina," in hon or of the first ocean-going vessel ever huilt in the Carolinas, and also intestimony of the fact that the company's purpose is particularly to develop the commerce and mer' chant marine of the Carolinas. It is hoped by the Carolina Com pany that this fine steamship which was p~urchasedl today wvill be the beginning of a substantial fleet un der thle same owner'ship. It is axio mtii that,the possession of regular andl well 'established oversea ser~v ice from the Carolina 'ports, operated in the interest o fthose ports by a management which is on the spot, is b~oundl to secure better rates for the tradle and to increase the demand for Carolina prodlucts andl manu factures by direct conmunica tion with foreign markets. CRAIG HOME ATTACKED Belfast, Jutne 20.-Shots were fired early today in the vicinity of Stormont Castle, which was pur chased by the Ulster government as the official residence of Sir James Craig, the premier, who with his wife took up his residence there for the first time last evening. Offcials wvere reticent regarding the firing, buit belief was ,expressed in otber quarters that an' attack on the castle was contemplated but was frustrated by the police guards. It dleveloped later that the attack on the premier's hoine was more serious than at first reported. Sev. eral bullets struck the building where Sir James and Lady Crai;, were sleeping. gamn AT 19HAT 46ERief :rCAK. lop! -VO~le -.r KENTUCKY S'EAKIER TO STEAK HERE I have just received a telegram stating shat a prominent speak er from Kentucky will speak in Man ning, June the 29th at 3:30 p. m. The same speaker will be at Turbeville at 3:30 on the 13th. We will later an nounce through the press just who the speaker is to be, but the people of Clarendon may rest assured that these meetings will be worth attend ing. The address will be on the Co operative Marketing of Tobacco. We consider the following the best evidence that we have seen of the sue: cess of the Burley Association: Danville, Ky., June 10.--Group eight' of The Kentucky Bankers' As sociation, in sesison Friday at Crab Orchard, endorsed the work of the Burleyq Co-operative Marketing As sociation and adopted the following resolution: "That we approve the method of co-operation known as the California plan and extend to the ollicers and di rectors of the Burley Co-operative Marketing Associution our thanks for the masterful way in which its af fairs have been managed. We believe in the extension of the plan to other commodities than to bacco, and pledge our continued sup port and co-operation to the farmers and tobacco growers in this district." W. R. Gray, County A gent. APPROVED BY PRESIl)EN'' Washington, June 20.-President Harding tonight gave formal ap prove to plane ( f Republican lead ers in the Hlour" to bring the ad ministration suisidy bill to a vote at this sessi:n ilimediately after the tariff' bill has been !-nt to con ference by the House. The Pre';ident's position was stated in a letter to Representative Mondell, of Wyoming, the Repub lican l :tder, which emhoided also detailed arguments advanced by Mr. II rding before enactment of the mE :sure at the present sesison. Pubic interest will not admit of a postponenment of decision on the policy to the next Congress or the approaching short session, the Pres ident said, but adlvantatge wvill re sult in a delay of a short time while House members, particunlarly many of whom are nowv away from Wash ington, consult their constituents. The subsidy bill, he dleclared, is needed to get the government's ship holdings into private hands and into economic usage, if for nothing else, and this question held "not to b~e prejudiced by the ol and wvorn-out cry against subsidy." "It does not become us to go ont paying shlipping tolls to the wvorldl." the President said further, "wvhen our righteous purposes in trade are better promoted by serving our selves in making our tenders in the marts of the world." TIhe exact time fixed for voting on the measure, the President said in dleclatring his agreement wvith H-ouse leaders, is "approximately such time as House members wvill be called in active attendance to send the bill to conference. POLJITICA 1L ORGANIZA TION Raleigh, N. C., June 20.-Repre sentatives of sixteen standard rail road crafts laid the foundation here today for .labor's State-wide politi cal organization in North Carolina and after a four-hour dliscusslon adjourned to meet in a general convention to be held in September or October when the permanent or ganization will bo npefected. RADIO SEARCHIJGHT MAY BE BOON TO VESSELS AT SEA Marconi, Wireless Wizard, Announ ces Invention Capable of Flash ing Guiding Beams Nearly Hundred Miles New York, June 20.-Senator Gug lielmo Marconi, wonder man of wire less, tonight announced the invention of what might be termed a radio searchlight, by means of which radio waves, which can be reflected like light waves, may be sent in a given direction in a beam, instead of being scattered to all points of the com pass. The famous Italian said he be lieved this invention could be ulti ized in such a manner as to rid the sea of some of its terrors, for with a revolving reflector, the transmit ter would constitute a radio light house, capable of flashing guiding beams nearly a hundred miles. Addressing a joint. meeting of the Institute of Radio engineers and the A merican Institute of Electrical En gineers on his latest. discoveries, the inventor said of the proposed radio lighthouse: "By means of the revolving beam of electrical radiation, it is possi ble for ships, when within a certain distance. to ascertain in thick weath er, the bearing and position of the lighthouse. "It seems to me that it should be possible to design apparatus by means of which a ship could radiate or project a divergent beam of the short wave rays in any desired di ection. which rays, if coming across a meta!lic object, such as another steamer, would be reflected back to a receiver on the sending ship and thereby immediately reveal the pres ence and hearing of the other ship in fog or thick weather. One further greater advantage of such an ar rangement would be that it would be able to give warning of the presence and bearing of ships, even should these ships he unprovided with iny kind of radio." Marconi's radio searchlight bears little resemblance to the battleship searchlight. It is rather a special ar rangement of wires on towers or masts. During his lecture Marconi exhibited pictures of reflectors, re sembling the weird apparatus pie tured in imaginary tales of the cen quest of the world by nmartians. Through the use of these reflectors at both ends, clear speech was exchang ed) during experiments over a dis tance of ninety-nine miles, between London and Birmingham, he announ ced, establishing a record in long (iis tance radio transmission and recep tion with short waves. IIOLI FUNERA , OF ,A'l'I JUDGE Cheraw, June 2.-The funeral of .udge Edward Melver, who died in )ar lingtoni yesterd:iy w nile holdint court, was he'd in St. David's Church ! at 5 o'clock this afternoon, the Rev. A. S. ''homas, of St. Michael's Church Charleston, until lately rector of St. David's co 1hietiii the services. 'Ti'e church was filled with Jt .dye Mclv' is friends, the bars of CIisitr field, MaIla o r; '", : D:rlington coun ties attending in a body. There were delegations from Dill ion, Florence and other pla.c:-:. ': hynims were sung by the con bined choirs of town and the double male quartet, the hit ter singine "(ood-Night," which .Judge Melver helped to sing over many a grave when he was a moember of theQ quarmtet. Therme wvere fority-flour honori aryv pall bearers, prominent cit izenis of this and oither' owns. The act ive pallbea rers wer iiS. G. G;odlfrey, 1'. 11. D)uvall, W. 10. Duvall, S. P. 1 uvall, .Jr., C. K. Waddill, E. W. Dunvall, 11. WV. Wannamaker and Wilson Me Creight. .Judge Mel ver wvas educated in Cheraw andl thme Uiiiversity of Mary' Iland(, receiving the dlegree of bache lor of laws from the latter. He was ad~mitted to the bar in 1881, but served ais secriet ary to Congressman 1Ilemphill befoire he took~ up the practice of law. lie was local at torney for both the Seaboard and Coast, Line railroads, vice president and di rector of the First National Bank and director of the Bank of Cherawv, colonel on the staff of Goy ernor ,John Peter Richardson and a member of the Masonic fraternity. In 1902 and ini 190-I he was elected to the General Assemhly without op position. In 1918 he wvas elected judge of the Fourth circuit and re-elected in 1922. Judge Mclver representeod the highest type of a gentleman. Of' gentle and refined manners and most lovable characier, he was be loved by all who kne whim. So just and upright was he in his own dleal ings with his fellowvmen that even in his practice lie would not take a case that was at all shady. His dleath is a distinct loss to this com munity. Among those attending the funeral were Associate Justice Watts and Judgen Shinn. RAILROAD STRIKE Disaster Likely to Follow Walkout, Hooper RITES UNION IEADElRS Declares There Is No Ground For the "Fierce Asault" on Board Chicago, June 20.-Disaster for the striking railway unions and un fortunate results for their member ship was predicted to follow' the threatened walkout on which a strike vote is now being taken by nine rail road organizations, in a letter from Ben W. Iiocper, chairman of the rail road labor board, to the union leaders today. Answering a letter from the union chiefs which declhred the executives would authorize a strike if the em ployes demanded it, Chairman IHoop er made categorical reply to the 'fierce assaults" on the board for which he declared there was no ground. "With the degree of friendly inter est that I feel in these organizations and with the recognition I accord to their great service to the member ship, I am hopeful that they will not adopt a course that will surely prove hisastrons to organizations and un fortunate to the men composing them,' wrote Mir. Hlooper. Regrets Step "It. is regrettable that such a step is contemplated at a time when the country is .iust entering upon an era of more stable industrial conditions, and that gives promise l of an enlarged degree of prosperity to railway employes." Although (hairman Ilooper said in the letter which was addressed to B. M. Jewell, president of the railway employes' department of the American Federation of Labor, thait he felt no reply was reqtuired to the unions' strike avowal, he expressed ''It willingness to go beyond the strict limits of my oflicial authority in the imterest of railway peace." HIe said he felt it his duty to reely because the threatened strike, "ceon tains such possibilities of less and detriment" to the strikers. The chairman added that a strike vote should not he taken on any misun derstanding of the action or atti tude of the hoard, buit declared the union chief's letter maniifr'sted ''t strikingly distorted conception of what the hoard has done and why it did it." SIX TOlURISTS KILLE) IN AUTO Macon, Ga., .June 20.-Siv tourists riding in an automobile from Fort. Lauderdale, Florida, to Nic(holasvilI'., Ky., were killed here at 1 o'clock this afternoon, when a Central of Georgia )itssenger train crashed into the ve hiele. Mirs. Lovenia Cox, the only one in the party who was not intltantly killed, told oflicers just. b tore she" died that. her httsband is lIowaid Cox, :hent she sail Was a priniter inl Moundsville, Wei t Va. The others have not. been ide'ntified. I.etters in tlit possession of the Viet imi were .N(;ressed to Mrs. (ox, . ovenit Ta 'r, I.. A. Taylor '.1 . i ' ylor. N. A. Powers, fJr., whit overates :a li0tle store at. the seen, of :h ea - ch-lett, and who was the first ' -:ach t ic n, ;eeked automobile, v. " \lIrS I. ttia (Cox gave him "'.' ic llowingi tiameiis of the victims, aill bein'' from \ic'lhi-vill-, Kentucky: T ' htdl .1. 1' Tl'ylor, .lira. J. 1'. Telv ' war. 'ox, infant a ghtv t' a sot of J.. 1 aye'r, and I n untidtltifiedt b)ody of :: -mo bte ttievted to be' a ,nember 'f th- T -;lor Ifamiel. .lr's. ('ox staidl ler r< ' , dlied hat 'it' was the daughe r t '. P' T1here wverte thtree meitn in t he partty, two wtomten andie a little' t hyb adthe trtain, whicht was behtind sonuthtwarid fromt At lantta. The cr'ash occurredh a t the cross5inig ait Lora ne, twelve iles from this cityv. (Columi~iai, .Iune 20.-.lames \aer Caripeter, .Jtr., 5 yeats old, wasit drtow ned at a fUmmer r''eort gr'oiunds child strtayced frtom the ctustod'; of' his myeatr-ohel sistetr into water a fewv feet frim nti a o at ading. Tlhe body was r'ecoerted. intferment will he at'llIamto let, N. C. A Sunday school pitenie was bintg hldt when the accident 0' 7',' IN('IIES Oi1 ICAIN Floencette, .lunte 20.--Near ly steven atnd one-hal it'inches of r'ain Iims fatb len her'e ini the twenty-ft'our-htourt per'iodt, begitnnitng with the heavy ritin Sun day ttight. antd tnin - 'wit' Ithe ( dlownpour inlst night. Accotrdintg to 1 tt' offic'iatl mealsur'teent. oCf t' go'' niight. was four and onte-sixteenthI in ehes, while ont Sutnday night ift wa three atnd it quarter' incwhes. St reets werte flooded last niighit itntd about 200 telephones Put out oCf 'ommtiisison. Roads itnd bridges thi'oughout the county were batdly damagede, somec of the bridges being swept awaty. Many fieldIs were still uinder water at. a late hourt today. Crops have sufferedl ma ter'ially from the heavy rains. The 13. Y. P. U's. enjoyed a lovely box party Friday night at the home of Mt's. F. 0. Richarclson