The herald and news. (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, December 29, 1922, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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PURELY PERSONAL The Movements of Many People, Nc'.vberrians and 1 Hose Who Visit Newberry Mr. R. C. Boylestor. v,-..s taken sjddenly ill at Mayes drug; store on Christnm.; day. bat is improving: a. the home of his father-in-law. Mr. J. R. Davidson, we are pleased to say. Mr. Humbei M. -\ul! spent a few days last woek with the home folk. He has gone to X \v York u ia';e :t short course in the I'notype fa.iory and will be here for sc.T.e three weeks cr more. The btcl woarher of last week was followed on Friday with the beauti4 fnl sun-nine which remained with u until Wednesday when the rains cr.nvagain. Sunshine ar.d shadow must: follow one another, or a: least they do. There has been considerable sickness in 'the city the past few days, and it seems to be in the shape ci colds or flu as they call it now, bul no very serious cases. City Treasurer Chapman says the taxes due .he eizy have been paic pretty well, az least VO per cent having been paid before the time wji ou:. The time for paying Stat*.4 anc county la:; w. hout penalty expires o: the last day of the year. Mr. Will KinarJ of Prosperity sa\: he is goinjr to put up a roller fioui 'mill in rnat town and will bj rei-ui: for the next wheat crop. Mr. Rufas M. Wer.s who has be^i ^ "^'as 4 farming :or ou; .. for several years and who is cne oi the best farmers in the country ha.moved to his own place on the Whit mire road. Mr. \V. C. Waidro? the Trinity section takes -VI/. Werts place. Mr S. B. McCariey who has beer with Mr. J. A. Bur.on . for severa years on his farm near Little Rive] and who is 3 fine farmer has movec to Summer Bros, place near town. Mr. >1. J. Miller, secretary of th'c state sinking fund cominit-sion, \va: . in Newberry on Wednesday to adjusl - w-i+v, fountv sunerin a iiic % . ,-tendent of education. three weeks a^o the negro school house i: the Si. Lukes district was burned Mr. Miller makes it a rule to visit ir pettron IV' scene- of the fire and h. ani the* count" superintendent of eu ' " ucation drove uown abou: noon Wednesday. There is r.o doubt that i; was a total and the insurance will be paid promptly. The roads and even the highway: are in pretty ba:i conditions since the rains have set in. Next ^Monday is the nr<i of the nev year and also salesuay. There arc several tracts of land advertised foi sale. Mr. John B. Mayes is not only ih< mar. with a store of a .hoasant things but he is the man who grow: fine chickens and has a fine carder i with a thousand things good to ea" in his garden at all seasons of th< year, such as tomatoes and celerj -and cabbage and what not. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Coats of Rich mond. Va., are visiting his Aothe; and sister st Helena. The Siate it noting the visit of Mi*. Coats says ftt learned the printer's trade on ib.i State newspaper. That "s not en:ire ly correct. He began tiie :ratie. n we mistalf? nor. in the office of th; Voice of the People, .> paper printec at Newberry and edited by Mr. F. V Capers now in the government print ing %ir. Washington. \vlr. Coat probably learned the linotype in The State office. At any rate he a g > all round printer and we are pleaseto know that he is making geod :: Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. G. \Y. Haraian'of Savannah spant a ft-w days : he pas week in Xewbevry v:sit incr hot* ^""other. Mrs G. W. Pearson. M:>\ TIar man i> ?>. lioo'yp? <joerat-.>v \vh. kavn od the ' i.a The Herald and New. ollicr so!sv* years a:;a ^>od on< she is. She >ays she c:?ivt quit wjri and is still ranninjr a mac-hire In Savan ah. Maj. ?. F. J. Caldwell of Xewbern is spending the Christmas holidays ir Columbia and is staying at the Jeff orson hotel. The State. The Woman'.' Missionary soeivt% of the First Baptist church will ob. serve their We"k <>? Prayer :he second week in January, bcjrinrinsr Monday J nr.. St h. *ns:e:i,: of the fir:' week a? S *$t -tattd. Mr. J. S. Pinku.>hv>u liie tobacci t'Ji 'J * . **- * trr : tt - v>-r tm-c^ jm mx w i r f ~W v ^ "V man v vc- .lit :! in C:ir.*;.>ion mv . day wiii l i- ... . r. :v:\ i in N -\v:.h r:'> y ;h;- . . i.\ . opk\ He aiarrir . a .- J:. W .V!i! Tha : nut- .:< : . ;n< v. and v noi aa<i oui" * unstniits v y . i ..u .j.'v .1 ! _ am U i;k-r k :! !as. week a v . relatives :n ( naj:-:.'.'. M: 'iVQ. and .Mis.Il; i u'U<o \V./>n s;-^ni a few tic:y Tu."-. \\ VJiidoll. The play, "Th.' <. yr:.-N.aa - G:;r.i.'n," vhU*j w.i u> h::w been enU'.I last. F: : ;ay at tin* Channvli** .-. iUK-i ..!! : p. >!::lc ; Friday aiirhl, Oi'l'l 'l1 .' .* 'J ai * :.( - S* .. lu.ili :um. admission 1<) and 20 ;v"i:T>.w dry was ;v?>" ;;:>;;<?<! accoaat of flu /. i MiSi Vera Derrick and Messrs.' v'aidwei! and Eugene Derrick nv.tor"d n- While H.n k a::.; Ctduaibla iv "t c * :ho week :-.<r .. sh- vVt t-> :V aliVC^. . i .'i. *J ? triC .v 11 v."! * L S . ' Greenville V/ontan\- i\>ile.-i*e :t.v M a cs Elizabeth and Margaret Kinara, 1 r<J: ;h i. Miidreu i'e: ry, Kuaa - Sanders, Marie Sebum pert and M&oel Julie:-. M.* Caroline \v vt .i >u' > .. !. Converse. >. ho an; for the iioiuiay.*. I .Miss Coiie B lease 01 Anacr>j:i i i ollege, accompanied bj a class mate. is s'?c nriiii^ t'.'i: i.'l:i * . .r.ns \\ ..a a- -uiiie.. s Mi,--. Mat'Je Lou Stone of l\ u-L - " 1 ' wnt'.i.iv \I < I o\ i L" ii:.i *.4 is. V-, .Ul ll.Vl.4V.if ^ f to HC. Rsv. *V. *\V. M.-Moir:s who ha.-' ucc-i on .1 :sii to relanves i.-'iu ^ irier.iis ill \ewOerry, will leave :>i a few day.- . or his home in Yves; \ .1r j' Alis-j Mary Forehand, wno h;:> :cvn . employed by the American bales company for the few month:?, has ' returned 10 her home i:i Bartow. Ga. ! Youns R/oer: Lan<rforc! son/oi . Mr.-. Stan ill ore, met with ;t ! very painful and near tragic ..cri dent Christmas d: y when a glass tie. i:> which had been placed a Ihrh.\ e3 fire erajker, burs:, a piece of the gria.--- ilyir/ into hi eye ar i cuttivr ! the ball. He received p".>:;r,)t atten>' tion but i: is feared he will lose the ; sigh; of the injured eye. : BERGDOLL TRYING TO ENTER COUNTRY lis DISGUISE San rranoisco, Dee .2:). Fea^ral , laments at all th? principal ports of , the Pacif:;-. coast were warned Monday tha: Grover Cleveland Der^doll." million :ire drafi do rl^or, iniirht be i. trying to sneak into the country i the graib >? >. ssi'or. bu. apparent*;: Boigdoti did not pick Christmas da" ; to arrive. Beradc'.l. v<>:v -filch wr.n.etf bv t;ie !> 4 r? ni ana the American Le,^ir.n. left Germany some time ago or a eGrmaii ship headed for one of the Pacific pons, according .:o a "tip" relayed rh!.- country. * had net learned whether H-.t'StJoII was ^uooored 'u> be | h (faded "Ti'V San Pora! ;rd. San DiV;:o. or no-'sibly ?o:v.v o:h>r , . nortt. Benr: >11 escaped from a military /^Ui-.rd in Philadelphia, hi.-; bomr, 'n * May. 1920. He ~l d to Germany. ^ where he remained in preference to ] I serving hi- five-year sentence in thi.' i court.*;- for desertion. . 0C7AVUS R. COHEN IS :! NAMED SPECIAL JUDGE * I I ('". In: (*. Dev.. :Vi. 0<;:vu.. R. v of ?.Ion:k*s Co mi1*' op A C ^ c ( (; * jjgrs 20. pointed a special ju !rre by (!: vcrv! j Ihr.w v to hold court of *e eral ?< : slons i ii Orange bur.: county, bcgin': the- ::;-von.i Monday in January. The ' ite Frank D. Gary wn c.l tn rr'o-id^ ;it that term. T j * 4 ^"v I j ! l :WW "It: ': v " | f i 1 ' v W.vv :.. ir>:. 2 j b S^dvi^ . v-;| , j ."c ' i .> .1 j ' " i ' - i > > . * I ' " ' . j .j bUiSCi OE WficKS tO. A :T OF VE':s:; lJu V . W: :. { . . h 0 : ; V i < :y : V _ . 'C.-ih' lu:-. U-: Hi l ji-w Adant.i. Dec. iis. A nuirriaice : . V . . . . ":ie. } :> n- . >. .1 -> J.;: ii ii.'.. vtv 1. 1v.; h.t:* v A lant-u December 23. :;t kijiK at t!:: homo of the oMciathr* minist'-r, . 'J'liL. /rii-v.1:' *.'] I '."J: a ."I. Atlsnfcu Ca. C' " ~.L'3 71 1JGU:LT > V r<. I wo yava . < : ;! i <. . v. .. - r.jnih") > * husv!ars su-pcfts eo.afsssed today aecorc"it by x la .. '' ' acid '. wear: _ . : \v ,*; -.i * ( * I U'" (>Tr.i'i> V; ; < '.i . > . ii.. - . at"! .* after the men who gave theii >vd\- .n< Fran!-: Mn" arai .; \V':\- iv.'Xi'v hr.d roll-.-<< .-[alien ::: Pav'-: R:r\ 1 a recci\:s i;!" arrested two emeiais; j HAI/3 COLUMN , ' ua<i-M andi!-;r :m*v they v , - . ' , ft* <r vc!i -V- - ::i<:rucno i* :i; a zivhased. ; Th?c :s I tir/so. ." ly si<- i?\ J;:r jry 3c*-:?ol 1 cache:*; V. 1 Pea >11 1 \ V. ;> (i r - ' ' : :! J.voir': "r? . See lire N >.cs. ! _ r' 7 I 5:*n * New Vra." r>rcet:n~ c.<rc:,. j ;n:.roI-Jrry careen papor, I r:" n: ] > :'.!! sheets, i } 3vit'"r pa~2r. tiuit cooil " j ! . :rv env^lo"'-*. D.nvl:- <i &:<t. 1 | C? 1 ,.Q3r ni i ke n ce N w "j ear g; fts p F.O\v! i1 '."C'VsC j f >m I Oj it'. TT.,1 k >h-\ j 4... U. i.ichCTI-i E";TAT7. NOTICE . VI oorsaiv- ihi::;; ihe ^tat.e of Jas. ?. Wilson, decea? c.!. \y~' h'.Tcbv loti*'""'* '. . i~.1 t..' ?-:?r *. duly wt-'T"!, v'ih ;vi? v.- i :* signed. and those" Indcbtsyi to said -s /.ill p ! ;> .* naynvii' !:!:< I W. M. W1I.SOX. ,\ 'v.:. . j Pealr. S. C. Xt.vbf.ry. S. f. ! r o.iiV r.o > \ ^ " r ^ OF > \ ? ^ 7? ^7 Tf ~ ' ' PRiOr LxT Y < J* Mrs. Hr-.'.ia F. *"0intelly n '. J An* !>:'? place or. i.iitlo l:'v; r i;i v 7 1 -iV/iship. Newberry county. S. C. v.: 1 t.; : i o'ci^ti: .-... la: !T>. I v.* :1 re!! ro highest bl^ulw-r "he f:;I J iov : " I'Si a:;! j . it.""j he:id of mak -. I head of cattle, cows End calves 1 , A , , , , K.' gl)CHl :.'i\. i : ") i u.vhoi.s Cov. i\as. : >00 tunnies fjddv".". Z bushels i-uv cor v.. K:' r - : . I ; pcanu: 1 i..-i; r v-.'t:: . Will be *o!ii to satisfy mori^agt :!v. .1 hy l>a\ ' i'o." : y c#.v. yc :* i'l :i . 1 J-.' mule al-jv: 11 wa:.- al I _ mult* will 1/0 mo: jriveri by J. E. Kitchen. ; drL^ser. v;:ishstm'.!. : Dressmaker ssvriii0" machine. . " , o i ; f " \ : Cn-h. A. L. A*III K. Exov. i. :. * J*i l' K,. I I i ^ * 3 m 1 r *? * ,4 .EtfS fl ? - .4 * t L >t> Ti> I', i- Au V - - -j- V* > k n anticipation o uunec^sary r.oiz "*c. a vhe cai-!" hourj ot the N; y \ c u*'s cay, such a j: S tooting, os. r. .n^ drums, etc., tisc pub'ic i: urgent oci.yjsc ' "V gr-?r.. r:':rr?ocr o' cr *. j S.-C. McCARLEY, i 1 o; * c' i . I' . ": . . > ' ": I ' " * " : ,. . I yt . ... f n. H. : VYc : - ;r El o art r: :! !Money : > J-nil On ve ; far: i rV X-^ I.oVry.' S^ui : : o^dc to i ' V" r t " ? r .11..' 1 Uh:\ ''"-j.- Spccici . itl: ( iuct cho i : ... ... -I . v 'J \2- / IC'Ktl ' - .. : J ' i > i - * t j ' r-tf vfl-5 a ' ' * - > ?." 0; :rl v.- r -i-" v V.. . . I 1 :M-tf v . . . * , V" . . > . - - V ' C. ill - \ .. I. f !)! 1 s ' " .TUi i - ^ . ' : . *>.. -a.,- - : 1 I 1 " _ '! v.* I * CSHef & Weeks Co. I *2-1-If j [ V. !;N " !l>\* ' V, S' i' " ..t i I i ' * *~S~ J" i * :i - " i b -: i lit J , / i '* TOJ? " " *\0 r ' r , rj 7 !:!!:! . iH . tOV -,. iljlf Sif^e-e Tha k:~ 'litis ' h::; . - io yc "I :!' f i"rTv ' ? i .! -j pi.-7 >*> ; -vr J T' * j:!;1! II|l| au-w I ' i : &L- I . : -* V . : 'T~ S: ' . ,V, I i kfs^rj* fell' i i -; xC c : .'.A \ j N $3 -.N A? /fI 1 St<^ -7 V; A ; r'^ v.-.* * 25iVV' V i L 1 rrr > * i : 1 ! 'r? .v.,'-:' * ' . - " i Ik ,r* CiU il\^H ' --' - i j *".' feg 0 j w ' ' _ i I ] fv/Krl uKUwiv IK; yfii/D BALLOON GIRL j ! f, I * f' Y"* ' f ' * * ? . . r: ^ r-": * s * *; - : -a is J masmm * f 1 . . . " * . ' t * i n * * . n . i * , V... ^ O r ^ /** - ' r w/^. ' . 2 '. v, V/ucri those fr:ca< y, SikaH* Cid r ^ _ a T ,, ;1 v . . ', . : c ^^ - i X' - ' * S" ; # i "" G. E^G^QMER T ' * "7 C *T 7 f^ " * ' glasses' fitted r,v:-;:cn Lcnsei Dir^c;:tc.S 7 7 - *< ~ ; ) ' :i m .-. ' , ; i < ' Qnl'osr: oii'ir:;*'* ? E" 7 - v" - ^ tV~\ , t foor txc. -Vn.~ ~r.-* oiQS rv-F.5 ; GLASSES FIiij 33 t %\ . . . :j k'S r ..*/ - l v; i. -1 ^ V. . <2.v. r w* - - - .'I 5!! , , 11 '' '** ft -r< '"I. d . t. - V v !i. r. ; ~ ^ ifv ' f ^" *"> " i i > ii;S .... ,y _ ,' ~ ""r.s ' . .v * G ._> ^ v- .. .J v..y -J . ' V-" , ** : " T* -';-v. ' -vl *\r-' ' ' *. . j . . * "): ' , < v.\>'5 J' ' ' A b- . .: v.- , :: " ; { s -V H .<* : '3 gf &M && fi \ mi I 1 >v m V, . & ,- : <&. gJjgf' %/.. '7 , 1 r* t: <0^ v-! v ' | ! v - m iPi^.% i lM jr*i \^:S , v A' v- ' ' ;;;j 3S| ^ ' & : ::: f K;v- O" ; : i V...-i v..,\ : , riQL m -u? r\> ;,-1 : n * .:*'-r . ,-. \. } - :> ' . " % feg .. , .:. a M r/t//A!AIIf rc "' *Junitw iiti SI g/Ai'/yn/ ' ).-* ~ r / .-'' .. U'-" . V - ' . **" ^ *' ' I r ..t /. v_ .. . *. v*-?w :o';:cr 1 5 i , : . v:' i !' >;: ' * i ' ' ' : >F Di> ' ' J ' v A J G.N I! . i '. ' i". 1 : -r:, 1 . an') : : j : ' : ' ' . i : . ' " . ; . : 1 '". . . : ' ' v ) 4 i . . : i i ,N,: i . .I,.' ! > . !. . ' I!. i .. : r . ! '* 1"' day : w? ~ kar%t- i . c. ! i receiver notice < i .. . 1 . . . ' . .. i : ; :i. "i <' , : - , :;> * v- or'ifV ' *t !' " . t J. ({ .. It . i aciio: * I ' cf .'u ' : i !Z < ; - " i :i ' :::t' . ' - : >: j cf goththo ' s lot Newber ' . . Sou*.:. : rc II ;ii: tV.; t.1 1 j ' . -vfynod hzQ duly quaiifisd as ' : v and hss fi! d his bond ; / ,a< ' v.! f: z:\'.a order, h bond has .bcc-n duly approved, : _ pu!red by i:. v. . is iur.!v. " ~iv?n that she' ' ''' cd as > : I?-, -jiv-v:' la*. i ::: " < f . . k?. cx : t.; r- i.o.j.i i: -> properties K > : > lirj :. ; Pr :: :1 rorapany, . 'v a a-- :.;or: .-/ U farther giv'c-;i rj ail tc ' 'V Lac . vi,:'T>o:*i'.vlo)-. .. *v'.a ,*. . ' \i -V-.V r -J corpw^icins feidi^^siras ojf-asy description wSatsostfer against . said corporation, to i\l y the same -. .v\.c\ v; wirh 2 igned Saoeivsr on ot b> ' ths 12th dsv cf jacnsiy. 1923. rslso "'v.;: Co any .:a i r.i! v lirn.-, accrpor: ions jn tho s:* ] 'i'-irec:! ('orap'.r.y. :-rr. a ...j ti-.'orc. ait'!, -.hat thoy * e .'.ire.! : mrac yrr.'rr < : su.-h - * ; iJt&ttey;.' 1923. ' . , :/ .-i-n-:':! a; lie re iver oi' eo: j ci(.itOn. ri; \ v:; - a* ]> "j r ee ,:.c cf"Tfie Parcel! Company, a * ;. lien.. :2-'>2-4t I taw i II.:V ' itist rcccivcd csrfc'd oi i I ' j.-.t ..e."..T'.'V".' : j xv-Mv ;! ( ::v!r;;td of BI.VJ ' . \ I . S '*> . i ' . ' J. V. . W. . . . . VV . V . ... Have ;; I:;;- j of A lilt '' I Columbia Sup . C23 West Ccrvais Street .. j .i *x L zisfciit.-:ij v(' : /f"; II %sMm !j * ;: * *"* r j h. v ""fv r * * *. -/ ; W .. </ 4 ( . V ^ - v < .3 3 11 express enr masks and a: \ .. - i 1 t b ' . iuil! * CkiiW .10 UBv -w< COJ-it i I &3sW> GTUPn ' - r.' , 3 tiUi v ..a. Vi.. MV l t^ui . W ; - ? .-,.-v ; * 7- i I IS * r e\ T " "' -V' ' .iill t.w' w 1 i 7 s - , " m0w i ear [o vTS - s" i ftrv^in-. . *ssffHJ i: :!.ztc& r-l-i'd !.iC2il I : h f i i a&T/sf 1 '! k& ) 'v ! , C." 3 3^0 is . ' Furniture and r i i r1 . ^ p . ^ou.-;^c.:r, ^or.scscn ou i 12!7 ST. : : i . i ^ liBfl , ' I / I ' 1 ^ Q t -L- --< ^ . * i Lei ers far 'every seed. 0 : p: e sicck, nought in 1 1 * " i - J 4 Cit-d to ikoiv you cur Ledgers ,- 1 .' 1 % \ % ' N a - r . ^ r /.> t.~ ' * ft V & ^ . . . v> v vw "w w( . 'a> iuL \ r f 1 ^ ? HP 1 ro/ .. ^ 3 ai ci 3 uoes 3 * A V - 'V T\ > y M 1 v-_^ i_ -i- '. / " #" -". r; V"- ; ~ i 5? Vw O* " - *J Oen^!:ne FcrJ carts < { pwf -^ V J JTK :-Juj: . . v-^- Ji &V A. { T 1^1 O "J ^ rl il 3 h L* a M 5 ^ i itU * ^ W 0 loOG )I:'in St. ' Xew.^erry, S. C. "3crv:ce That Satisfies"' FKONE 405 i 1 - it I" I V' >ply Company E Columbia* S. C. J\ ^ >; :cef *; ye?r we wish to tpi'eck:::::: aur paircns T-J <r -> ? -' r ~ TVfi rr, <*. */ > rfl nU : . ;.:J; uc.cijila^v tiicjr 7 T* 4* ' ^ rr/j r /^rr mAcf - v - l>t l iilUcl C^7C w'J 'v Ct. C bu v;ki?ss id may the j . and ty-tive 1 : : v rosperity. -m. * >?*. r> AM $ MJN ' i* ikas/ V * C I I 'r?* :' f' ' J. V ^ v/C v.. v* O w -J* I .ar.d Sincere '.": j *:::.c.-.t PHONE 47