The herald and news. (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, August 29, 1922, Image 1

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I SS?8?[ . ftgM| ^ VOLUME LVlil, NUMBER 68. NEWBERRY, S. C? TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, XC22. ' TWICE A WEEK, ?2.00 A JTEAR PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS PROSPEROUS PROSPERITY Prosperity, Aug. 28.?The Cokesbury district institute met with the Wight man and Zion Methodist churches at ti ? Prosperiay church on Monday and Tuesday. The key note address was made Monday evening by Rev. W. L. Mulliken of Pelzer. In addition to the routine matter on Tuesday, the institute had the pleasure of listening to two addresses by Dr. John G. Clinkscalcs of Wofford college. On Tuesday evening the closins address was made by James E. Ellis cf Columbia. About To young people were delegates to this institute. Foremost among the social attentions given the Cokesbury district institute was the reception given Monday evening at the Methodist parsonage by the Rev. and Mrs. J. I>. Griffin. The guests were received cn the lawn which had been transformed into a woodland scene. An improvised well, covered with vines, and surrounded with rustic seats was the main attraction, as each guest eagerly awaited their turn to drink from the "spring of youth." A num" ^uvn* en ber 01 gee to^euici gain.., joyed, among which was the secret hand-shake and kidnapping. On Tuesday the institute was entertained royally with a picnic dinner on the church lawn. Again in the late afternoon the guests were given an automobile ride around Prosperity and landed at Saluda river where they gathered for a social hour. The cars were festive in their decorations of yellow and white, the- league colors. Dr. J. W. Carson ,;f Newberry will begin a series of services Thursday * ' * Ml *..^4 at the A. R. Pi churcn vvnicn win j^m, through Sabbath. Services.' will be held twice daily, at 4 and 8:15 p. m. Public cordially invited. Miss Sarah Amick and Sammie D. Beam were married Sunday afternoon in Newberry. The bride is a young school girl of sixteen summers, being the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Amick. Mr. Beam holds a position with Summer Bros. Co. cf NewK'rry. The Prosperity high and graded school opens September 4th with the following corps of teachers: Prof. E. 0. Counts, superintendent; Misses | Willie Mae Wise, Mary Lanzford. and Moss Fellers, nigii scnooi teeners; Misses Susie Langford, Clara Brown and Grace Sease, grammar school; Mrs. J. D. Quattlebaum, primary department, and Prof. JSC. Pool of Newberry, agricultural teaehir. The public is cordially invited to attend the opening exercises to be held at school auditorium Monday morning at 9 o'clock. The William Lester chapter, U. D. I C. will be entertained Friday after1 noon at 4:30 with Miss Blanche K P ler as hostess. The family of Johr. F. Taylor had a pleasant reunion at the home of Mr..and Mrs. Pierce Bowers near Prosperity Wednesday, August 23rd. The bountiful picnic dinrRrr was spread under the beautiful o'.i oak trees. After dinner Rev. J. A. Mc\ Keown in his usual happy manner, made a short talk. Including a few ' friends, the family and the family connections, there were 110 persons present. Mr. and Mrs. J. C Taylor of Batesburg were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wise. Mr. and Mrs. W. L Mills and Mr-. Hattie Barnes will spend this week in Spartanburg. Iia B. Nates of Columbia was heme for the wjeek-end. A social meeting of the missionary society of Grace church will be hi Id Thursday afternoon at ."? o'clock, at the home of Mrs. P. C. Singley. Ail the ladies of Grace churen an\ urged to be present. The James 1). Nance C. of C. v/i.i meet Saturday afternoon at 5 o clock with little Miss Mary f.ittlejohn. ?vlKiltii Wheeler is visit'ng in Winnsboro. Mr. and .Mrs. Sam Cannon of Columbia are spendin-r a few days with Mrs. M. If. Boozer. Mr. and Mrs. T. 1). Copcland of Clinton were wet k-emi gae-"s of Miss Clara Brewn. Mrs. Lulu Me'-eh .i!1.. Messrs. Robert Merchant ami K. K. Wi.-.e of < lumbia spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wise. W. P. B. Harmon and C. M Har mun spent several days last week in Greenwood ; Hey ward Singley N spending a few days in Columbia. Miss Ruth Hunter has-as her guest Miss Helen Sease of Clemso.M Collego. i G. D. Brown, Jr., spent the weekend iii Columbia. Mrs. (J. Y. Hunter and daughter, Miss Myra, left Friday for Hendersonviile. Miss Viola Rankin has returned from Saluda. L. J. Fellers has been to Vv'inns boro and Mrs. Kellers and children returned home with him. Mr. and Mrs. \Y. C. Barnes are leaving: todav for a visit, to relatives f in Spartanburg. ! Miss Nannie Simpson has returned from Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cairo and Mrs. J. W. Balientine cf Columbia were guests Thursday of Mrs. Roy Kohn. Rev. J. D. Griffin is holding a series of meetings at Great Falls. Mrs. Mack Addison of Xe\\t;erry and Miss Emma of Columbia are- visiting their brother, John A. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Wessinger left Monday for Pisgah Forest, X. ('. Mrs. Clyde Ward and little Misses Mary and Martha Ward of Alcolu are guests of Mrs. J. "Sidney Wheeler. Mrs. Mary Sit:; spent the past week in Columbia, the guest of Mrs. Harry 0)instead. Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Shealy of Gainesville, Fin., arrived Thursday on a visit to relatives here. Mrs. H. H. Rikard of Xewberrv spent Wednesday wuh her mother, Mrs. Nancy Wheeler. Mrs. Dove], her daughter Miss Mi riam, and Junius Dovei oi', Fla., have been visiting >Ir3. J. C. Singley. J. E. Buck h;is relumed to Virginia after visiting his sistei. .Mr.. L. A. Black. Mrs. Ella Julian and Mrs. Miiggie Bowles oi' Greenwood spent several days last week with Miss Edna Fellers. D. B. Miller of Columbia :s visiL I : LLl> , -?I . o*' Major Allen Lester of U. S. A. is visiting his mother, Mrs. Rosa Le:> ter. Mrs. J. C. Schumpert re::/nes ho/.;:* today from Reno, Va., and Eailimore, Md. blisses Julia, Rosalyn and Sarah Quattiebaum spent last week 'n Columbia with their aunt, .Mrs. G. Caughman. Mrs. Johnnie Hipp of Charl :Ue has been visiting relatives near here. Mis.-es Rebecca Harmon and Nancy Young were week-end guests ci "YTra .T K I lirn nf '"(linmhi:!. Mr. and Mrs. David Lorick of Irmo spsnt Wednesday with Mrs. J. D. Lorick. Ethel Saner Is spending a few :davs in Spartanburg. Mrs. Laura Wise spent last week in Batesburg. Miss Dominiek of Neeoc-s is visitin; her aunt, Mrs. Etta Brooks. Kev. and Mrs. George Bearder. left last Tuesday for Toms Brook, Va., after having spent the summer with Dr. and M/s. 1?. i.. Luther. Misses Mary and Susie Langford spent the week-end in Bmnittsville. r?Irs. Joe Lvons of Columbia Is vis king her brother here. Mis.- Martha Hitrmon has returned from Spartanburg. Miss iJernice Xeigkr oi Orangeburg is visiting Miss Nannie Lee Young. M'ss Young \/iil return home with her for :i few days. \Y. 1'. lilanton and family return Wednesday to their home in Orangeburg after spending the month with Mr. A. A. Nates. Mr. and Mrs. .J. I). Hunt. Mr. :md Mrs. Cai Beckman spent Sunday in Columbia with Mrs. Sam Spem-e. Miss Krin Taylor i>f l>;:-.*hman Chapel was the w?*?. k-end guest of Mrs. Luis Dominivk. M:C( org" Howard Sturnes of Columbia visiting Mrs. A. K. hi:>ling. .it- i o: >;i l-u/oa > ;?( j;?ii1;jt a while wi'h relative s h'-:v.'; RcoJr Club On ia ' i " '.if your.'\.r loo'r. club met in j'.iini ho>"( >. with ??1 i- >t's Sarah ("i-oaser ai:?i Ka*h'-rlr;;- Fa: : at the jj*?iji' of the* former i'i troi t. There \v< .f foar taL't * .;*ranged lor rook. Att**r \> uh- a course of ice cream \va_ serve J. CITY OF CHAPPELLS INVADED ( BY NEWBERRY BOOSTERS t * <r A Big Welcome Extended by Citizens c of Chappelis?Ties c: Friendship t Are Cemencrd On !::st Thaivday aftc*? mij;e v tiis*1 twenty-five ;;ut>:nobiIe:- Ion i* d r , T with merchants, bus ness men anu ? women of Newberry invaded the t city of Chappeils f./i* the of v getting lx.-tt.-r actiaa-nted with t'.v- t people of trial <1 1111.> ci.y. >< trip had been arranged i:i advance h and had been termed a "get te;. *t.i- . er" meet:::;-', '- a: before L ended it i' was termed a "st'.ck to^iner'' meet- I ing. 1 Never in the history . f Newberry r county has a 'Troup <;f v.-;: ?: > b. .a ii welcomed into another o> iimuni.y as t the Newberry vi^iiors were welearned : in Chappeils. As :he ?!..::? (i a van entered the stive is of Cha::|?e:h> j a most beautiful sight iilu: lined their i eyes, for on c ve. y building the colors \ of <>1:1 glory i](;attd in the breezes and in the business there v-ere I two large signs thai cau.h" ihe eye c of every one, one l>?. i?i "W v!{\;me?* i and the other "Cooperation.' What more eoui.l be said lhal would mean t more than these two word.:? T~, cap the climax of this wel.-orne <rree:in.c the citizens of Chnppe'is ant! sur- c rounding: communities we-re lined up i on both sides <>f :ii street an ! the \ smile on their f_ccs could mean, noth- ( ing more than wei/ome. , After the Newberr. - ,oi-ievs had 1 alighted from their cars ih y were given time t'> shake hands with their J .. j- ... i friends and mane new :r:v"!".s i.v- fore the program for '..He al\c rn? on ( started. Even should, the program I not been carried out the rhort time 1 spent in shaking ha;id:; \v?-uM h ;v 1 been enoupi to com??;: 'he irtM.Ishi? 1 of the two cities for ag.'S, but the 1 program had been anaiigtd i\r<l cv- * ery one was in a happy frame of * mind to near and receive the goo:l 1 things th::t were in "lore for them. 1 r\ , . r* i t Rev. r ellijjrcv/ The first speaker on program was Rev. G. R. Pettigiw.*, a who i ieved a-v.l honored by very >*-ir:z-.'n of Chappeils, as well as citizens from ' u i.'/ / Pf?l.!ii-r"t?vv . . i VJ I'KUIV- V. V?,? ?V . delivered the welcome arHre?>, and < truly when he ha I f:ni.-h?.*d cv-ry ' lilt that they were welcome in ('hap- f P'-;Is. In the course if Rev. Pctti, < gr.-w a address he stiteri tnat the cit- ^ ir'.t-i'.:- of Ohajneih; had %v.iir:*rl for 5 this hour for y.-ars?the h.;ur when ( the citizen.- cf Xi'-.vbvrrc would come to Chappells on a mission of frien Iship and better understanding. R.'\\ \\ t;.:jrr<?w drew a pic ture c f Chap- ^ pells before the state be "an to ;ukl , highways, leading on up to the fict 'r that there is new a highway all the wav from Column'a t> Chapp/ils J> , < running tnrcuirn tne t ;untv sea'.. .Newberry, anu one irom uiftmv n;*,running through Greenwood to Sa, , . .. . ... i liiua r.ver, wmen in time w.ll oe con- 4 netted with the highway from Xewberry. The speaker declared that the hour had come?Newberry has come to C'happells to create a better friend ship and that they were a!l happy over the .occasion, and a resui: of th:.- hour, Chfipnells an i Xe wherry would be cemented together as never ' before. 1 Col. W. H. Hunt Speaks At the conclusion o; .*ic\. IVtt!pfi'ew's addrrsu he introduce*! Col. W. ' JI. Hunt of Xevvberry. Col. Hunt was ' the pr<ncipai speaker icr tne X'c.v: : iy (;-'h-^:tl:o;i and in respon. to the introductory remarks Cc!. Hunt immediately jjained attentio!! ?;t" the hearer- by that he was as much a . .s as :s X v.* berry ! aci in years t.> ! the many happy time:? Ik* had in i Chappelis. ('? ;. Hunt is always equal < to any occasion, but I. scenv.d that I in a vay Ii-. v. iVtt:<:: . jfot the upper-hand on Col. Hunt, as in R-.-v. J't iti':rew\- a-!'! - h" had grasped the meaning of the visit :in i answer< ! ; *! a v.iy the fi*i; ;; I?!iijj . f ; h:;:?pc!V ! v? r b doubt !. . u < the course cf <'oi. Hunt'. addiv/s he d ou the i' h:;t now. as never before, che city of Chappelis and 1 \?-wherry : ! join hand< in every movement that me int the progress of the i ou:ity. . v; tie- fact that : the county i< and that it h:>uI ! 1 i;av - ill-:' if . i .' !( d cooperation of ] c\\ . y uuv >.f ht i' < ' I : :: v;?r. lorccfu! J1!..;:?! n - pointed out the duneor ot the fa.lurc to cooperate. <. i )no of these dangers he said was the :":ail order houses and (-'.ig to other cities o;t si vie of '/e ounty to do baying. K urged iirst hat citizens < f vha:i;)e!ls buy evr.. thing th<-\ c i in C .".upeiis. but th eoui i a.:. bay what they war.t>: in :.;ey huy it in ia. Little .\i >antain, Prosperity, Cowberry or V. hitnnre. The speakr pointed out that in these diys of arid transportation a!! of owns were just a "step" from each >ti.< r, and that we should not oivy iuy what ac need in these towns, but hoiilti visit thc-m often on trips of riendship that we may Ik-come beter acquainted, staling that when we >ecame better acquainted we would : >t. want to patronize mail order iouscs and cities outside of the couny. Col. Hunt ^concluded his address iy making an illustration of the wonlerful progress-Newberry county h:i.> :ude during tire past few years, .slatng that this .progress is due to th3 vonderfu] cooperation of its citizens tnd an earnest appeal was made by lim that the Citizens of the county :ontinue this &>irit of cooperation md that with?:: a short time Newberry county jwould be one of the rreatest counties in the country. Many Others Speak At the conclusion of Col. Hunt's iddress Rev. Pettlgrew introduced >ther visitors, all of whom delivered ery short addresses?Z. F. Wright, J. i\ .McDaniel, J. M. Davis, W. ii. Wallace, Neal W. Workman and M. L. Connelly. The very pleasant afternoon program was brought to a close by more emarks by Rev. Pettigrew who aguin jxpressed tht gladness of the Chap M'ils citizens that Newberry had at ast done what they had wanted her ,o do for years?come to them on a mission of friendship. There was no i:.-h by the visitors to leave, for uf:er the program had ended many of hem lingered and made friends of .hose who were late in getting to the pelting and it was with much regret hat many of them had to leave, for n the rhort time sp^nt in Chappells he friendship had become cemented :ogether in a manner that it was hard .0 part from them, but then this is mnmr Si M. l'ir> la.C- v .;;t to ChiT) 4WI n0 w; v... - _ Hi'.;?\vc arc going often, for the :>c.:i p.'ople of Chappelis said that .he "latch string*' had been taken iov. n an i their doors were now wide >pen to Xewberrv, and of course, we enow Chappells means just wh:.t thi-y ay. Come to see us, citizens <>f Chappells, for we're coming to see ;ou again very soon. Other Trips Planned Tie trip to Chappells wai pianred 3y the retail trade committee of the Newberry chamber of commerce. Fhi> committee has launched a carnlaign to tret better acquainted with itiztns in other towns of the couny. Other towns will be visited in ihe very near future. Possibly the next trip will be made to Whitmire, :.':3n they will ;v to Pomaria, Little Mountain, Prosperity an'! other )laces. (Jet ready for us, Whitmire, ive're coming! Mersrs. W. Pope Davis and R. M. Gausi y soon* ::;;t week in Newberry :i:i(i adjacent territory in the inter ?sl of the; Provident lafe and Accident Insurance company which t:i:*y represent, with S-mth Carolina headquarter. in Columbia. Mr. Davis, ivho i5 a v.\ ,: known form ?r Newberr'an. i 1??. ati-d i:i Cclun in. while M iiy ih" road many :?f the V.'h'ie we have a goat! many < ! ".v! in:urii?:: {? ia our com*..ho aem t > .;t? <!o;:r; wc.i at basim -ti ! these new iva-n ap) ared to l:*ht all r.giit with t.ho:<e oiiiiiij;:' i.: contact with them <1 U'i:.*c r ! rief sojourn h?*re. A xentb-man never finds it neeesary to tell thai he is one. Xo, v ver imar the ice man ump! ; iiftabout hoi weatht r. Men talk of thing-- they want to my. i>y th<- \v:ty. <iii!n't omt-h'ilv r.*:y '.a' ! :i'u lh::t tii ; 'o p:":;-ccu'.c tin* w:ir pr > it < ( ) -? Bad luci, .in bothers thuic who iO liOi \Vvil'V (jVcl' it. I PROGRAM OF EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING Of the Woman's Missionary Union of Reedy River Association to Be Held at Whitmire Thursday August 31 10:30 A. M. Devotional?W. M. iWatchword Phii. 4:! :J. Welcome?Response. Introduction of . isitors ar.d new pastors' wives. Roll ciiii of W. M. S. and V .W. A. -?one or two minutes. Response on some feature (>:' work. Recognition of A-l societies and mission study graduates. Report of mission study superintendent. Report of superintendent, Supt, Y. \V. A. and G. A., and treasurer. Message from vice president cf division. 1 ) M'llion acrostic. Report of committee- on Christlar K aeation, Training s/hool, am ."Jurprar^t fund, an i Literature. Mis:-' ilanecu.-. Appointment of committees or lime and place, am! resolutions liiei-tio.n, cf N'omin .tin/ committee C ollect'on Adjournment. Dinner. Second Session?2 P. M. Devotional. W. M. U. Watch wort 102 5, II Cor. 0:S. Roll Ci.ll of G. A.. R. A. an l Sun oeaiiiS. une or iwo iniuuut: i Recognition cf A-l bunas an< those with Mission Study ceriificat< holders. Report of R. A. superintendent. Report of Sunbeam superintend ent. Demonstration by local band. V.. A. Work?St-te Supt. it. A. .Mis? Azile Wofford. Report of committees on persona service and hospital. Policy for 1922, 1923. Report of committees on orphan u?rc3 and ; ?cd ministers.Obitua-y report. Report of committees on time am place and resolutions R'.p~rt of nominating crmimitl'e. Ckiinj: cievoticnil. Third Session?3 P. Wi. Devotional- -I'.tv. li. 1). ?.,vi th. Special music. Our mission.;?State, Home an< T? r\ vft I cr n ''The Need of i'ne World'' demon stralion by io::al G. A. Address?Lura C'leimnL, mis sionary to China. Special music. Bcnedicti; n. Dealh of Mrs. Ruff Mrs. Elizabeth Ruff, wife of Col David A. RuJF, died at their home i: the St. Philip's community on Sun day nircnig at '1:30 o'clock, after : 24 hours' illnc:.- of paralysis an< ptomaine poisoning, and \v..s burie< St. Philip's church on Monda; morning at 1j o'clock, service by tin Rev. S. P. Kocn, the foliowl:itc actin V-as pailhearers: Messrs. Ed Stone Ht :ny Rin-< r, L. P. Shealy, T. W Stone, Johnnie Ka'facrc, (J. E. Stone V. L. Gallman and Sim C'cok. Mrs Ruff was 75 years old and besides he hr.rband, who is 82 years old am blind, she is .-m vived by two ch'i Mr. I). P. RulT and Mrs. F. A Gallman, and tho following' step children: Messrs. J. L? A. P., 0. H. CJciwell and Loam ma Ruff, and Mvs Hampton Sease, all of Xewberr; \ r r i r f d county, anu .urs. waiter loiiij ot ra !uda county, besides one brother, Mr Uenjaroin Ma!facre. WEST END DEFEATS JOHNSTON AND PELZEF West End won two mo:v ^air.e Friday \n:1 Saturday. On Frida; H.r'brook an:! ('< i.:nan had a pitch ?attic with Lefty having th< cJo-v. Fhhlinz by Cromer and iliil: and hi:.:in:r by Crocks and won the features. On Sanrday V?\-?t End went t< Pelz:-r for hon;e coming day and wo: l! to !, ! j ri:i;: i; . before r.ver (>0( people. Werts and Simpson had . regular battl*.- and both .^ot sens't t!?sna! rur;::t?rt. Hitting and'n. f uvnt 1 > Halbro.k wh:) p'-iy cd last ?rnnio v.-'th us, he- r." f ;: . ! ;: . r.- . K'sii: r' homo run gave Wi ill*. :: only run whii Werts .i-i./i.. j 'ihorv.a- aft>-r he h:;; aii.! aa 1 L?cv.'er/; double scored Halbiuok after hii double I Werts .struck out 12, Simpson 5. Wests gut ' > men in succession, also | three in the tenth. j Friday's gan:< : R H E Johnston .000 100 020?3 4 1 West End ....002 001 20x?5 7 3 J Coleman and Herlong; Halbrook an.I Oliver. i Saturday's game: R H E West End 000 001 000 1?2 8 1 ' Pelzer .... 000 100 000 0?1 6 0 Simpson and Vaughn; Werts and , Oliver. West Kn<i plays Laurens nere Saturday, September 2 at 4 p. m. This is a good club so you may expect a good game. This gives us 35 won and 14 lost, 1 tied. Card cf Thanks i .My family joins me In expressing i sincere thanks to the good people of Newberry for the kindness extended i me during the time of my suffering 1 from severe burns sustained several ; days ago. The assistance from these | kind people and the thought of havi | ing so many true and sincere friends . have mi;do it easier for me to bear . the severe pains caused by the burns. Under the skillful hands of Dr. Dunn ! and Dr. Wicker I am recovering from ! my painful injuries, and I hope soon 1 to be restored to health again. Again - * * i- ??i T j manning you, Kirm irienua, 1 am, -( Very gratefully yours, .; Caleb D. Bushardt. l| ?.I". David B. Worts has returned , from a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Robin Cox, in Donaldsville, Ga. He . tame back by way of Orangeburg, after an absence of two weeks from his old home and friends. There will be a game of baseoall , ot the Mollohon ball park Wednesday afternoon at 5 o'clock, between the Mollohon nine and the sTrofilf Laurens nine. One man paid $2 in recorder's , court Saturday for parking his car 1 too close to a hvdrant. \ Recorder Chapman had four per sons before him Monday on the charge of rock throwing. He sentenced them to pay a fine of $10 each or else to serve 20 days. That seem1 ed pretty steep for throwing rocks, c-ven if the parties were colored; but - the recorder let Joe Wilson off on the payment of $2, and the rest got - c:T bv each paying ?1, the rest bein.? Addy Wilson, Eldred Wilson and K.)i)i rt Hares. There i.? a law against the running of cows at !:rge, but there are lots of unprotected calves seen at large ev1 cry day. N'cw we are not saying th's - "of our own motion." 1 Miss Maggie Belle Perry of An1 tho.'iy, Flu., visiting Mrs. A. C. Thomy asson, Jr., left Sunday for Peak. Mrs. S. H. McLean and daughter, Miss Mary Elizabeth McLean, and two little sons are visiting friends an 1 i"*:ativcs in Newberry.?The rftate, 27th. ' Rev. an;! Mr;. Earl V. Babb spent a few days in the city this week, being on the w^y home from a visit to the mountains and to relatives in the Rabun section. Mr. Babb is pastor ' of the Fir.-t Baptist church at Newberry. He expressed* himself as ''feeling fine"' as a result of his vacation. Those who know E. V., also know that he feels fine and is optimistic even when a vacation is but a memory.? Laurensvil'e Herald. 25. Mrs. Ruby Holloway Thorpe and little :o:i, FJc!\v:ir<i, Jr., of Aiken are s v'sitin?: her mother, Mrs. T. W. Hol>' !o\vay. - I'nrler the headline, "To We 1 in ; r? V"--v pleasant announcement in Monday's State caught cur i-ye. and which will be of interest to > ?o many people of South Carolina, is ) a> f'l'low?: "Mr. and Mrs. Robert ) w?*5f-o' /(ivp announced the /-? f 1 ll crri f pr. AT i eg - Mary Day Wright, to Albert Chris" topbcr (larliirrion cf Balboa, Canal - Zone, the marriage to t ike nlac-e in - Oc:(i!)i'r." Mrs. I). I. Haiini of Silverstrcet, i motored to Greenville with her cou -in. Mr. H. 0. Long, to visit her bro ther, Mr. George 0. Long. 1 ENTERTAINMENT AT FAIRVIEW SCHOOL SATURDAY NIGHT The School Improvement associa-, tion of Fairview school will ^give an entertai iment at the school house on Saturday night, September 2nd, at 8 o'clock. This entertainment will consist of a "Mock Wedding1," presented by the ladies of the community in which these ladies will represent all i the characters at a real wedding, j This act should prove very enter I taining to all. ! In addition to the "Mock Wedding" the children will present a play 'entitled "Powder Your Nose." Original performances will be carried out by some of the young people of the community. Everybody is invited to be present. I FAMILY REUNION KIBLER FAMILY NEXT FRIDAY The family of the late J. D. A. Kibler will hold a family reunion next Friday at the picnic grounds at Little Mountain. The editor has a special invitation to be present and being a strong advocate of these family reunions and a friend of all the children of the late Mr. Gus Kibler he will make a desperate effort to attend this family gathering and enjoy the day with them. | MISSIONARY INSTITUTE AT SMYRNA SEPTEMBER 15 The members of Smyrna church are expecting the Presbyterians to assemble at the church on the 15th of September at 10 o'clock. The occasion is the meeting of the Missioni ary institute. The object is inspiration and service. Prominent speakers will oe present. Bring your friends is the message of the members of the institute and also bring a helpful suggestion which will be ??hdlv received. A full program will be published later. Evans-Aull ' The following: announcement has been received in Newberry: Mrs. James Hart Evans announces the marriage of her daughter, Mary Hart, to Mr. William Barre Aull, on Thursday, the twenty-fourth of August, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-two, Knoxville,, Tennessee. Aat home after September eighth, Clemson College, S. C. Dr. Archie Watson of Greenville and Dr. J. E. Watson of Anderson were in Newberry Sunday in consultation with Dr. J. M. Kibler over the condition of their sister-in-law, Mrs. G. W. Watson, who continues very I ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. Clarence F. Werts, where she is visiting. come to Newberry from the hospital in Columbia. Mr. Watson coming here upon hearing of the desperate condition of his wife. John SwittenMrg of The, Herald and News city delivery force fell while swinging Monday and broke his a..n between the elbow and wrist. It was a most serious break, the fractured ibone protruding through the flesh. Drs. Thos. H. Pope and Keiffer Wicker attended the suffering boy. Tiie fire at about 9 o'clock Sunday night was from a defective flue in a tenant house near the Standard Oil tank, among a row of houses belonging to Mr. Jno. H. Wicker. The negro's household goods were about ! saved, but the house was practically lost, flames having made too great a headway at the start. The fire company did hard work and saved near by houses, one house having twice , caught and being in danger of destruction. SfHW'v v' Mrs. J. M. hinard was elected chairman of the state-wide committee on emblems at the meeting of the Woman's auxiliary in conjunction with the American legion at Tlor enc-e last week, and Mrs. L. W. Floyd was elected National Executive committee-woman to the convention in New Orleans in October. Wo mov ny eaa T r*Arra in o " V * V. X OVV UVUgV *11 ? * wilderness, but his opponents think they have him on the W3y to the tall timbers. ii