The herald and news. (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, July 17, 1917, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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PUKELT PERSONAL * ^ ' SJoTem^its of aflny P**pl?t 5ewkerrians, and Tfco*e YTk? VMt 3Sr. W. H. Andereon of Greenwood % visiting his brothers in Newberry. J?r. and .Mrs. C. B. Spinks returned Saturday from Florence. Miss Luia Lominick of Pomaria spent a few days here last week wita .ier cousin, Mrs. P. B. Asbill. miss .naigaiei jeie: <JJL usie 10 ~?is2ting her schoolmate, Miss Grace "Wiibur. v s. George Flanagan and little son ttrt visiting frinds in .Newberry.? Clinton Chronicle, 12th. Miss Nora McKellar is in Newberry spending some time with friends.? Greenwood Index, 12th. Dr. J. P. Puckett was called to ' dewberry yesterday on account of : 21je serious illness of his brother.? Anderson Mail, 12th. Messrs. Earle and Glenn Bullock of the National Guard have returned to Greenwood from spending the weekrtmi In Newberry. Miss Mildred At>rams y>f Newberry Trifll arrive in the city today to visit Misses iiuth and Lucile Wilkerson.? . Greenwood Index, 14th. Miss Amelia Hudgens, who has been r tik^-'guest Miss Majories % Ropp for - several days, has returned to her homo is Newberry.?-Gray Court cor. G-reenNTi31e News. j ? .air. James uamaru aih reium una week to Charlotte to resume his du'ties with the Southern Bell Telephone tjompany, having recovered from his .yecent illness. Miss Lizzie Xeel, as principal, and ^Jiss Annie Halfacre, as assistant teacher, have accepted these positions in the Johnstone academy school to wiich they were recently elected. '.Mrs. Rub^JShealy and children have gone for a^three weeks' stay with r friends In podges and Newberry ? * Trenton cEdgefield Chrronicle, :12th. \ Miss Anna Harms made a short vis?it to friends here Tuesday, en route -to Newberry, where she will visit her brother, Dr. Henry Harms.?Johnston cor. Edgefield Chronicle, 12th. Miss Isabelle Y/icker, after spending some time here, left on Tuesday -znorning for a visit to relatives in :Newberry, S. C.?Beaufort Gazett?, \ 13th. Mrs. El H. Bowman, Miss Woodie jBowman, little Miss Ella and Emory TBowinan are spending the summer at 3frs. Bowman's former home, Cedar town, Ga. Mr. Gordon Leslie has returned to "Newberry. He has been connectcd the Acme Film company at 'Brims wick. Ga., making moving pictures. {J&rdon says, after all there |5<ik/?i*ce like old Newberry. Prof/S.'J. Derrick, Dr. Geo. B. Croy def, Dr. J. H. Harms, Dr. V. Y. Booz?. sr a3hi others will be among the . speakers ^at the Newberry-Summer-? ! -x f.V,? 97fK * ?83111 yeaiiiuu ai uciiuai vrii wv ? uv f instant. "Miss^KaOieTine Garlington presided "Sit the pipe organ at Central Methor* -dist' dhnrcli Sunday, in the absence of - ilie organist, Miss Mazie Dominick, ^ who was unable to be present on acc *x>ant of the illness of her brother, .Mr. J. Claude Dominick. Mr. X J. Cashin of Augusta was in "Xpwhftrrv Friday. He bought $85 ^wwtli of White .Swiss Mundane pig eons from Mr. Henry H. Kinard. He same here to buy pigeons. Newberry :5s known abroad for many things, and *ts a good place to leave your cash-in. Dr. J. Henry Harms was one of the speakers last Friday at the annual reunion of Newberry and Summerland colleges, which was held at St. Matthews Lutheran church, near Cres ton. Mrs. R. L. Tarrant and children of "Newberry have been visiting Mr. and TMrs. S. J. Kilgore. Mrs. S. B. Jones aand Misses Marion and Frances Jone3 Newberry are che guests of Mrs. 1H. Arthur Copelanri.?Clinton Chronicle, 12th. i Miss Edith Barnettv and Elmer Griffith have returned from a visit to ~Miss Ruth ^fcoore in Newberry. Miss ^Moore accompanied them home and will spend several weeks liere --with relatives and friends.?Greenwood Index, 14th. Summer & Hemphill, architects, iiave ibeen chosen architects for two Jail buildings which will be erected .at once, one at Laurens and the at Newberry. The Newberry bulldog will cost 1^0,000 and the one at. "Lanrens $40,000.?Greenwood Journal. Mrs. Chrissie MoWhirter has returned after a month's stay with her daughter, Mrs. Samuel Lipscomb, at "New Brunskwick, N. J. Mrs. Mc "WHirter was accompamea nome oy "Miss Lipscomb, who will spend the remainder of the summer here.? .'Jonesville cor. Spartanburg Herald. Miss Roslyn Summer of Pomaria -will discuss "Missions in the Sunday 'School," and the Rev. S. C. Ballentins Thrill lead In the singing at the annaal J (Sunday normal of the Southern sooi Terence of the Lutheran synod of | South Carolina at Orangeburg Tuesj day and Wednesday. j Acting Jftrst Sergeant A. C. Jonos, of ; of the Coast artillery company of | the Coast Artillery company of Spar! tanburg, spent from Saturday to Sunj day in Newberry with his sister, Mrs. ; W. C. Schenck. Tfie rormer nome friends of Sergeant Jones were glad : to see him. | Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wilds of Ridgej way are spending several days with i their son, Mr. W. E. Wilds, Jr., at the | Newberry hotel. Mr. Wilds, Sr., says he is very much impressed with Newj berry. He likes the city and thinks | his son has a fine place here to do | his work as telegraph operator at the j western umuu uiuuc. j Dr. J. C. Sease of Little Mountain and Dr. C. A. Pinner of Peak, graduj ates of the South Carolina Medical j coilege, class of '17, have been grant| ed licenses to practice medicine and : surgery in this State. They are . among others who stood the examinaj tion before the State board of mediI cal examiners last June. i I Mr. A. H. Dickert has returned from Atlanta, where he went to have his eyes examined for treatment, from which he derived benefit. His son, Mr. E. S. Dickert, who accompanied i him to Atlanta, took a trip to Coweta, Ga. Some of the boys over there wanted to know if he ever saw a Coweta calf. It was not a new get | off, but up to that time Mr. Dickert I "hod r>omr COAT) a C.nWfitiL 0.2.1 f. j llau WWM W. WW -- I Homer Wheeler and Boyce Mills, from the Prosperity High school; j Luther Crumpton, St. Phillips; Rich| ard Hipp and Ernest Kinard, Pomaria; | Furman Sterling, Rush River, and ! Jno. B. Leitzsey, Silverstreet, took the j examination Friday for the two va! cant four-year scholarships Clemson college. Roy Cromer, from the Zion school, took the examination for the teacher scholarship, University of South Carolina. Dr. J. A. B. Sscherer was in the city a short while last Friday with Dr. Cromer. He is well remembered here as a former president of Newberry college. He is president of the Throop Polytechnic institute, Pasadena, Cal. Dr. Scherer is a member of the council of national defense in Washington and his visit to South Carolina is in the interest of the patriotic work that * ' 1 A~ Otola is ?>emg aone uere iu yuu uuc on a war footing. VARIOUS AND ALL ABOUT. .Mr. Jackson Abrams is filling the place of janitor at the etmrt house until one is appointed. Miss Sara Davis wiif return today from a pleasantly extended visit ta relatives in Hendersonville. Mr. and Mrs. Brown Wilson of I Great Falls ape visiting her son, Mr. Wv A. Wherry. Mr. P. F. Baxter and family motored to Clinton Sunday, visiting the families of Messrs. Simpson and Denson. Dr. W. E. Pelham, Sr., returned Saturday night from Macon, Ga., after a visit there to Mrs. Pelham, who is visiting relatives in that city. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Coates of Rich? ? V?Ar on^ mond, 'va., are vreums u? JLUVlu^i u>uu sister, Mrs. Coates and Mrs. Davis at Helera. The W. C. T. U. will ^eet with Mrs. Mary Wright Tues-. ifternoon at 5:30. For riding his wheel on the sidewalk David Hayes had to pay his little one dollar bill, by order of the recorder Monday. National Guardsman Emmett Counts came from Greenwood to spend the w-ppV-p.nd with his parents, Mr. and I Mrs. M. A* Counts. Mr. James T. Crews, chief of the Laurens fire department, paid a fine tribute to Brown Franklin, a well known negro, who was a celebrated fire fighter.?Exchange. Dr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Kinard, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kinard and daughter, Miss Louise, motored from Ninety Six Simdav and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Clary. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Epting went to the Greenville, hospital last week and both underwent operation for the removal of their tonsils, and are doing well. This paragrapher would almost as soon serve as judge at a baby show as on an exemption board, frantically shrieks the Greenville Piedmont, to which we agree. Mrs. Lina Burn went to Columbia last Thursday to see her son, Ben, i who Is a member of the National J Guard. She was accompanied by her ' niece, Miss Ltna Melton. | While Mr J. W. Bannister was at his work in the Newberry cotton mill one day last week he had some fing-j ers injured in the machinery, the tip j of one finger "being cut off. I Quarterly conference will be held at Central Methodist church Sunday morning after the 11 o'clock sermon/ 1 i J which will be preached by Presiding Elder Herbert. ; The Dacusville singing convention, which met with Mount Carmel kibt first Sunday aitarnoou. was asuces.5. ? Kasley Progress. They can have singing conventions everywhere ex I cept in Aewoerry." Seventeen apples in a cluster like i I a bunch of graces eauie in Friday from Mary Burton, colored, near Garys. Of course the 'apples were | small, but they were considerably : larger than grapes. Miss Mamie Annie Kinari returned to her home at Ninety Six Monday alter spending two weeks in Newberry with Mrs. J. H. Clary. She was ac[ companied by her grandmother, Mrs. . P. G. Strother. | - There are some opera house going | people we are thinking of who will j be just dying to see "The Undying ; Flame," as portrayed by Madame PeI trova, which will be preseated Tuesi day. , You will go to see "America?That's j All," at the opera house 'Wednesday. i Bet it will be a good picture. We i _ ... _ j wish those fellows who aunt we say too much about pictures will just kindj ly pass by this notice. Only go to , see the picture, that's all. 1 Out of *87,000 men to De selected ; for the First National army, 10,081 will be called from South Carolina. Of the State's number, .Mewberry's quota is 311. This county is credited : with 97, leaving 214 to be selected. i Lieutenant Prank W. Cha pman has returned to Washington to resume his j duties in the engineering corps now ' doing construction work for the government near that city. He paid a brief week-end visit here to Mr:;. Chapman and other relatives. j ; Mr. and Mra. W. M. Dorroh, Mis 9 I Nina Maude Cliappell and Miss Har: riett Adams motored to Columbia Sunday to visit Sergt. Jack Cliappell of the National Guard on the eve of his .departure from that city with the regiment. Back fire damaged Mr. Oscar Pet! erson's new Ford car to the extent of j $15 or $20 Sunday morning. It hap I pened near the Baptist church at j preaching hour. The blaze shot up 1 high and fast hut Mr. Peterson, after hard work succeeded in puttting it out I ; Those who go Tuesday will see a story of Egypt and the Spinxes, "with all the alluring, witching mystery oC that fascinating country," as depicted j by Ogla Petrova, the celebrated Ru3-! sian actress of international . fame, j !???. _ OT??,a'> ,1,9 c Tx.'^ir?r? anid ! ? 1 lie UUUJiLLg r iOLuc 10 Ci 1. ? | i mysterious story. I i - | j Our Monthly, in its Jily number, acknowledges the donatio i of ^ bar-! rel of flour from Mr. J. A- Burton of | Newberry, to the Thornwell orphanage, ^nd $15.42 from Aveloigh Sunday school for the support fund, witn j j $1.75 from Smyrna 'Sunday school. , Miss Mary Paschal returied on Mon| day to her home at Mt. Oarmel, A:b| beville county, after a pleasant visit ! to relatives in iNewDerry ana iuauning. She was accompanied by her j cousin. Miss Kathleen Hayes, who will spend the two week* of her vacation at Mt. Carmel. Another treat is in store for those who go to the opera hous.e Thursday. All who saw "George Bebun, the fam! ous character actor as th* Italian ice man in "His Sweetheart," and as the old French piano teac'ier in "The ! Bond Between," will want to see him ' in "The Marcellini Millions," the story of an Italian trucH gardener who cMTyMonltr finria himself possessor Of OUVlUVlAi^r : millions, and whose wife, much to his disgust, insists that he live up to them. The Spartanburg Herald of Sunday ' prints a cut of "The Southern Rail' way employes who got together In Spartanburg," and in the list of those ' present at the "Get Together" meeting in that city on the 8th instant we jsee: E. U. Livingston, agent, Old i Town; C. W. Sawyer, agent, Pomaria; T,. Amick. mimper. Pomaria; T. S Lefler, agent, Newberry: P. L. Lang-1 ford, agent, Prosperity; J. F. Ed-1 mimds, agent, Blair; C. IB. Pitts, section foreman, Chappells; W. S. Spearman, agent, Chappells, a:id D. J. DeHart, agent, Silverstreet. j Are you going to the Normal? Dr. j J. Henry Harms asks this question i 'through the Lutheran Church Visitor.! He 15'eaiiS the gce&t South Carolina Sunday school Normal, August 11-17, : at Newberry college, as ie says. He I asks another question "Will you . be a Ncrmalite this year?" And he adds: "If you knew the good things that have been planned y<>u would cer- j tainly plan to attend." Every year I new names are added to the list of "Normalites." (That's Dr. Harms' word.) .Among the members of the I faculty will be Prof. S. J. Derrick, Miss Sadie Goggans and Miss Mayme Swittenberg; "and Mrs. E. C. Cronk, " -L-ll? ?? J Ann*aa<i rtf ?+?r?V "Wiiose tain-H aiiu vuujomi never fail to quicken anci inspire," to use the language of Dr. Harms. There will be a picnic at New-bsrry I Fill near Mr. B. M. Saber's old hom-a.' Thursday. July 19th. Everybody in| vited. I Ask Your self These Questions! "Whea You Are Disabled or Sick. Will your income stop? Will your grocer .quit sending the bill the first of the month? Tifiii *: ?? 1? i '? '? ' i win muss ue xutruer ior your lam1 "y * j Who will pay your rent? Who will pay your doctor bills? fWlll your family expense increase? Who will keep your home together? If you cannot spare a few dollars , now for insurance, how will you get j along when your income stops? j | Do you want to let the North Amer- j j ican look after these matters for you? i If you do?Insure today! Tomor-i i rnvv ma.v ho tnn latp' FWilavc ar<> c?T ? I | ways costly! $25 weekly will look 1 "mighty good when you have beej i j disauled by accident or sickness." JULIUS B. BOOZER, i General Agent, North American In- i | surance Co. Endorsed by F. H. McMarter, in-' surance Commissioner of South Caro- j ; lina. Geo. W. Kinard, Prospertiy,? > ! agent. W. A. Counts, Little Mountain, agent. i Agents wanted. i Ad.vt. j ! I SfKUlAJL NOTICES I I I 1 'WANTED?3000 ot more laborers and j ' carpenters for work in construct- j | ing Government CANTONMENT | ! near Columbia, S. C. Quartern for! \ boarding and sleeping men right od ( | the grounds. Don't wait to write j Knf r*r\nt a DlAr^fir r\C ninwl* I wuu cvuit. x I^LXLJ KJL IU1 ^ ~ [ erybody and good wages. Be pa-1 : triotic and dp your bit. Lets train | the boys before they're sent to the | front.. Take receipt for railroad fare, which, we will refund to you i after you have worked a week; HARD AW AI CONTRACTING 0. I Columbia, ?L C. 7-17-tf ; ' , , i i ! I will sell at public auction in the i town of Prosperity on. the 25th day of July, 1917, (Saturday) one dark bay mare, sound and good family animal. Terms cash. B. B. HARE. 7-18-ltp ' , ,, I, I I , m Lookout Mountain Seed Irish Potatoes. We are expecting a shipment the middle of the w^ek. Book your orders. Johnson McCrackiit, Co. ! 7-17?tf . . i ; " 1 For Sale?Porto Rico Molasses by Jofcason McGraclan Co. i 7-13-t t ' , -! Pressing (Plab?Will also do- repairing. | Work guaranteed. Prices reason. able. Mrs. J. H. Odgen,. 802 0 Neall St., Newberry. 7-10-tf ; . i Stop, Look, Listen?We are roadv to grind your Jorn and Wheat.' Have for sale, corn meal wheat bran,; middling, whole wheat flour and I | fine flour. We want your grinding.! Farmers Oil Mill, 7-3-9t J. H. Wicker, Mgr. j np no frnn whil D f"h Q i l/ain^ ,?uui ovxap ia vu * ?jl?j v vuw ; price is high. Langford <fc BuzhardL' 8-26-8tp i := BBBHBnHHBHBinBI lCHE *\r (Overhead Valve Engine \ Fuel Consumption excepti BUY NOW AND Touring Car. I Roadster Touring Car Roadster Either of the following will shi I A. P. Ooleman, ChappeJ Jas. D. Quattlebaum, Prosp< If your eyes trouble you i see us. P. C. JEANS & CO. Exclusive Opticians and Jewelers See or Write Us for Selection Package Of anything in the line of Presents for Weddings, Personal Gifts, or Own Use. SINGLE DIAMONDS OR FANCY DIAMOND JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, STERiTtin mi iTrn n# tnn * *vm LIMj 31LVC.K, U/i bLAto & AK1 (jUUite Jewelry of the newer patterns, both in plain,and fancy jewelry. We Onlyr*Handle> Solid and Genuine Goods and compete with all mail order houses. Orders filled at once. TRY US SYLVAN BROS_ 1 !_ _ O ^ v>Diumoia,.>^ V/. rnone 1U4& Cor, Main ami Hampton Sta. Make This Business :i Every Man, W ~ v i : ! 4 Who has a Saving: Strong State Ban There must be a r< ; Start a Savings Ac a little bit to it eac and a year from n many ?ood reason i Exchans 'The Bank oi vhich gives Maximum Power tonally low, Cantilever Spring; SAVE $85 UNTIL AU< F. O. B. Fa F. O. B. Fa After August 1st, 1917 F. O. B. Fa F. O. B. Fa rrr/\?/in fi 1 />or JV\ yuu lUi? Yvuuutfliui v,ai. .Is, S. C. R. H. And. ; Setzler Company. Pomaria, S. C., srity, vS. C. Distributor for New / ' .. Opera House 1 PROGRAMME j j Tuesday, Jalv 17. Paramo mi t Pictures Present* W MADAME FKT.KOYA ?in? *THE UNDYING FLAME.*' # Five Reels. Also the 11th Episode of "THE CRIMSON STAIN MYSTERY.* Wednesday, Jaly IS. Tr.angle lectures- Present JACK DEYEREAUl ?in? "AMERICAN?THATS ALL." , Five Reels. Also a TRIANGLE C03TEDY. I Thursday, Jaiy 19. Paramount Pictures Present GEORGE BERAX ?in? *TH? JIARCELLINI MILLIONS.* Five Reels Morosco. For Cotton Weigher, Pomaria. . To the Voters of The Pomaria Cot to*. r Weighers Association: I hereby offer myself' for reelection to the officc of Cotton: Weigher, for this association and pledge myself to serve you to the best of say* abtffty if re-elected; J. E. COUNTSi Bids I^Vited. We invite bids until July 21, 1917, for one and two ton trucks without top or body. Right reserved to r*- ^ ject any or all bids. J. C. SAMPLE, ' 7-13-3t Supervisor. Bank Your 5 Home. oman or Odd 5 ' r ;\ i Account with this ? i e ? .i k is proua or iu easoo. count to-day, add h week, or moath ow you will have s to be proud too. re Bank S f the People" n Electrically Equipped 3 Cell Willard Storage Auto-Lite Starter Bendrix Drive Conneticut Ignition Full Two Unit System NONE BETTER MADE with Minimum Weigh* I jij 5, makes riding very easy UUST 1st, 1917 I ctory, $550 I ^ ctory. $535 ctory, $635 ctoryj $620 < erson, Newberry, S. C f -