The herald and news. (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, December 08, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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SALSDAY YESTERDAY. A Large Crowd in Town-Number 01 Master's Sales and Several Private sales. There was a large crowd in town yesterday for salesday and the mer chants did a good busincss. A number of sales were made by the Master and several private sales were made. MASTHR'S SALES. The following sales were made by the Master: National Bank of Newberry vs. Ducket et al. i 15 acres and inter est in 145 acres. to Lewis Duckett for $755 Werts et al vs. Werts et al. (Dave Werts place), 198 acres. to Mrs. M. C Werts for $1,375-. Wheeler vs Bruce. house and lot in Town of Prosperity. to D H1. Wheeler for $125 John C Wilson, judge of Pro hate, vs. T. F. Harmon et al.. tract No. i of 45 acres to Geo. S. Mower for 1S15: tract No 2 of 45 acres to Geo. S. Mower for $965; tract No. 3 to Bob D;ck Williams for $665 tract No. . of 44 1 1o acres to Gea. S. Mower for $450: tract No. 5 of 5: 28- ov acre to Geo. S. Mower for 4 ; o; tract No . (of 50 13- 1oo acres t) Geo. S. Mower for $6oo; tract No. 7 of 4' 3 ioacres to Thos. M \Werts for $455. Wicker vs. Pazan, house and lot in Towii of NwberrV, to Tlios. V. Wicker for 555 PR\1I\'AIT); SAI.);S. Among the private sales inade was the following: Estate of j. B(.#:ahan, deceased, W. F-. Sunh,..r a1iting agent, j66 acres ill No. i i. to R. P. Crouer for KNIGHTS OF P1YTIIAS. The Annual loll Cad to be Ield in the Armory roniglit --Will be a Very Pleasant Occasion. The animal roll call of the Knights of v.'-th will take place minid pleant sUIuindiigs in the armtry tloiuiht, beginning pronmpt ly at v . Jalne-; Dunhar will fur1 111sh th .erslunents. nlliongh sail. 1,ical Knights A. J. Bowers, W. II Innt an1d 0 B. M.,aver will each havc s,mething to av . Also Grand hV.Cei, l; e t and Past1,1 (' -h.i lld 1) C. Nearh a ! !e local 1K mcghts with their \.ives or sweethearts u l) bele-n :ini an enjoyable t imte for' all is ant icip ate. A ttending Conference. Th Rev. >. 11 Z/.inunerniuni, of (3 ntral Nth i-.; uhe Re.v ('.. . \ hvaniflU, \"ei-. ealSre \lto dist.'land t hi Rc . l)st. Pit. Hyd,o t V Ne'.wr:i I it i, are. attend(1ingii~ giegaatl ii vne rnce in Geren twi) e ti:,u ts te( ' e The R.but,\. .\tl~rtZianunetia * lipd o n Nc avci at weesonan peahedghr (i)oniit i.unday. 11. HeIr1 a ote orved te New NI i. r rnt hasr me n wilt flren o oncia:l and iner'e aecon. wl-andIlastone uargdwk wic THB MAYOR'S WURT. Three Gamblers Fined $10.00 Each-Usual Number of Saturday Drunks and Disorderlies. There were three gamblers and the usual number of Saturday drunks and disorderlies before Mayor E.rhardt yesterday morn ing. Simon Thoupson, Jordan Sain ders and Ed. Harris, all negroes, were finedSto,oo each for gambling. The three w%ere caught gambling on Saturday night in Sam Harris' shoe shop. in Graveltown. by Policeman Koon and Constable Perry. Con stable Perry also seized a small quantity of liquor fromi Harris The following other cases were disposed of: Mary Meims, colored, t drunk, $3 oo; J(shn Cannon, fight ing. $3.00; Elliott Worthy, drunk, 33.oo W. H. Day, white. charged with cursing and using abusive language, failed to appear and his bonld of 52.50 was forfeited and a rega rest ordered t V VARIOUS AND ALL ABOUT. b Mr. A. C. Jones is in the city. V Several of the city churches were closed on Sunday and the Lutheran t church was crowded both at the v 111o1 ning and evening services. The o evening service was the regular d ionthlv college night service and c an appropriate sermon was preached 8 bY the p-,stor. c The Bachelor Maids will meet thii afternooni at 4 o'clock with Miss t Myrtle Schu'mpert. Mr. -. Sai Cannon, who is a working for the Columbia Record, w:ts in Newberry on Saturday. C Ilhe work of cemniting the side- t walks was recommenced yesterda.v I moning after being suspended for il severa ;i tysoi account of bad weath . 1r. s: Con-st able Puti v welit to Greei ville \vesterday, to attend the hicarin p in the BabhA dispensary case. Mr Perry wa,, one of the constables who liclped in making the big haul. The Rev S C. Ballentine, of a White Rock, secretary of the South r Carolina Synod, was in Newlierry yesterday. r Thi Draylon Rutherford Chapter C Ih ugiters of the Confederacy will i nc--t with Mrs. W. H1. Carwile at ' 3 o'clock thIi s afternoon , inst ead lf wvith~ Mrs J;H. A. Burtoni, ats e Supritenen of Fduicationi I' S. Werts will begin hiis visits to the schzools ofi the county todayv and tint il thle visits are cozmpleted will be ini hiis ofliee 0on1y on Monda1fys andI Satura days. The Aid1( Societ y of the First BIapu-t el:urchi will have a sales window oW~t Christmnas articles and fanevc nieedie work ini thle store of II. F~ Todd & Co. The indow w ih be openeiLd oni Saiturd ay miornz ing. D)cembe)r ::th1. litTOR OF ST. LUKE'S. Ashhurnhmi, Ontario, Testifies to the Good Qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remecdy. c IAshbalurnami, Ont.., April 18, 1903. -- I t hinka~ it is only right that I should tell you what a wonder ful elfl'vet. Chamber lai's Cou(gh~ Heedy has prodluced. The day i beore' li5ter1 I was so distrse with a cold and cough that I did not think to be abale to takec any duties the net day, z' as mys voice was almzost (lhokedtt by th)e coughj~. The samie (lay I rece ived '(a orde frm you for a bottle of youri ouighi llemedC(y. I at once prto-I eurtd a it~ smole btot tie, and took~ aot. thr ee adoses of I thle medicine. To my: g rteat reliet 11wh cough and cotl hadiX coin pa eIly dhisappear'ed and I was able to wechI th ree t.imes on~ D ay. I tno tat I this r'apid( and1 ell'ective cure was duae to youra C'ouigh I emedyv. I miake' this testimonial witnouut.Folicita tion, being thank fuCl to4 hav'e fountd such a God-sent remediy. l0. A. 1 ,ANuvi-:i.ivr, M. A., lRector oif St. I1uke's Church. To Chamberlain Medicine Co. Th'is r'emiedy is for sale by Smith D)rug Co , Newvberry, S. C. Prosperity' Drg Co. Prosper, S. d. A MYSTERIOUSCHAR.AC[ER. legro Was Caught Riding the Rods-He Can't Give Any Connected Ac count of Eltmself. When the Southern's afternoon >assenger train going towards Co umbia arrived in Newberry on 'unday a negro who jumped from tnder the train where he had been iding the rods and attempted to! un was arrested by Policeman 3edenbaugh. The negro was locked ip and yesterday morning was entenced to pay a fine of $3 00 or o serve 15 days for loitering around rains. The negro is sotnewlat of a mys erious character, and has failed so ar to give any connected account if himself. He says he was -at empting to go from Greenwood to xadsden, below Columbia, where te was working oil the railroad and vben lie reached Newberry lie ran ecause he saw so many white peo. Ile and was afraid they would laugh t himi when they saw him riding herods. He knows nobody in Green 7ood, where lie says lie was born ut knows some people in Gadsden rhere lie says he was reared. The negro answers very closely > the description of an escaped con ict for vhotn a reward of $50-00 is ffered by the Penitentiary. The escription is of Joe Flynn, who es aped fron theSutter county chain ang on A ugust 7, 1903, 21 years Id, 5 ft., 9Y:, inches high, black air, eyes and complexion, scar be NCCII eyes, scar inside right shin, ar on stoniach. scar1 on left elbow. 'he negro has the vaiious %cars ex eAIy as described and answers the escription in ever)' part:cular ex ,q)t that lie is only 5 ft., 8112 inches Ill. He gives his name as Jim Iar i; and savs he has never been i the lower part of the State. hie escaped convict mentiloned is tid to claim Gcorgetown as his oMie. and the negio under arrest Is a brogue very closely resembling lat. of the low country negroes. Special Rates Via Southern. The Southern Railway company nnounces the following special ates: 13 75 to Greenville, S C. , and A1rn, account of the Soutn C r lina Annuial Conference M. E. 'hurch, South, December 8th- 1 5th. 'iekets on sale Dec. 7, 8, 9, 1, i 1, vith filnal limit December 16th. .7 4 to Charleston S. C. , and etuirni, account of Annual Comn innication M. XW. Grand Lodge incienit Free Masons, D)ec. 8th 9th. 'ickets on sale D)ec. 7, 8. with rin .1 1imit D)cecmber I 1th. $2.25 to Cohnnbiiia S. C., and1 re urn, account of annual meet ing Jahnetto) A. M. E. Zion Con;: - )ecembecr 9th- 5th. TPie'. a, on ale Dec. 8, 9, roth, with .it )ecemiber i 5th. For tickets and furtheir inifor nlation, applly to, S. H. McLean, Agent. ,etter to Shiockley Bros., Newvberry, S. C. Dear Sir: Let's~ talk it right out be ore folks; there'; nothing to hide1 in our business or ours; if' there is, we'dl et.ter hide ourselves. We are in tradeo to make money; so re you. Wc make it by saving our ustomer's money; so do0 you. Our ob oct, in trade, is to save your custom es1' w''od from irotting and( iron1 and( teel and1( tin from rusting; yours the We work for thousands of pr'operty wneors; you for a few. Weo can (10 01me things that you can't (10; we have he facilities. You can (10 some things hat we can t; you are there. Let us vork together; he faithful to) one an ther. We can serve our customers etter by wvorinig together and >being aithful to one-another Your (dollar', put inito our paint, wiltl ainit more feet than in any otheir way; md1 the pint will last longer. This ayes you money, and1( saves your' eus-. omiers' money. That's all there is ini ur' whole business. Yours truly, F. WN. Dl-:Vol. & Co., Newv York. P. S. -Thle Newherr'iy HIard(ware Co., WX. TI. T arrant will move into the tore no0w occupied by Edunardl choltz on the 1st of Taunetr. IF NOT DISPOSED OF BEFOE, I will sell at public outcry, at the Court House, at Newberry, S. C., during the legal hours of sale, on Monday, saleday in December being 7th day, the follow ing described real estate of J. B. Graham, deceased: 166 acres located in lownship No. 11 and bounded by lands jf R. P. Cromer, G. J. Wilson, Colon Graham and others. Terms, one-half cash, balance in one and two years, with interest from date, secured by bond of purchaser and mort- ] gage of premises with privilege to purchaser to pay all in cash. ror further information as to land ap, 'y to the undersigned. W. F. SUBER, Acting as agent. Get the Best For the Asking. When you order a sack of patent flour from your grocer, do not tell him to send you "a sack of good flour", but tell him to send you a sack of "Clifton," because "Clifton" is the best patent. Every sack is sold with this guarantee, and if it does not prove as represented, your money will be refunded. "Clifton" is an all-round flour, and is as good for cake and pastry as light rolls and bis cuit. T. J. H AYs. The most complete line of * Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds, Clocks, Silverware, and Spectacles * eve.- seen in Newberry, at i o my store. Come in and see I * the prettiest store in town. * * Yours very truly, * J. GUY DANIELS. Teacher Wanted. T HlE TRUSTEES OF TABER nacle School will meet at the school house at about Christmas to elect a teacher for this school year. Applications are solicited. Salar.y $30 per month. Address JNO. G. MILLER, Ch'm., Kinards, S. C. Notice. A LL PARTIES ARE HEREBY NO - tifted that tax executions will be ssued against all property upon lhich bown taxes wil' not have been paid by hec 10th day of December. This notice s positive and final. JNO. W. EARHARDT, Mayor. rHos. 0. STMWART, JR., Clerk. allace Plantation. IVE MILES FROM WHITMIRES, 1918 Acres of good cotton land, on Enoree River, good pasture land. May be bought cheap and on easy terms. Apply to E. H. AULL, Newberry, S. C. Christmas Holiday Rates, TIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY, The Southern Railway will sell Christ mas Holiday Excursion Tickets hetween all points south of the Potomac and Ohio rivers and east of the Mississippi iver, including St. Lu'iis, Mo., for one and( one-third first class standard one wvay fares, plus 25 cents for the ruund trip (minimum rate 50 cents). Tickets will be sold December 23-241 25-30-31, 1903, and January 1st, 1904, with final limit January 4th, 190. 'They wvill also sell upon presentation and surrender of certificates signed by Superintendents, Principals or Presi dtents of' the various institutions, De cemnbu.- 1G to 22, 1903 inclusive, with Iina,l limit. .b:mauary 8th, 1904, to teach era and students of schools1 andl colleges. Interiine tickets will be sold at Cou poni stations onily. A pply to any agent of the Southerr, Railwvay, or Robert W. Hunt, W. H-. Tayloe, Div. Pass. A gt., Asst. Gen. Pass Agt. Charleston, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Get th zest! Subscribe to andl The bes~t county nwspaper)C The best general and State newspaper. All the telegraph, State and gener:0 newvs you can readl. Keep up with the news of the world, the nation, the State and your county. Get the twvo for a song - only Two D)ol lar's for a year's subscription to both 'TH E SEMi-WEaK IY Naws AND CoURIER. You know all about T1he IHerald and News. The Semi--Weekly News and Cour ier, pub)lished( at Charleston, S. C. , is the most complete andl best general semi weekly you can get. It publishes 16 pages a we.ek, or 1041 issues a year. Gives all the telegraphic and State news, general and special stories. Pubscribe no to the Two for Two DoLLATns through The Herald and News by snardal arranrgament. TIE 0OTTON MARUT. Vhat the Fleecy Staple Was Bringing Yesterday. Afternoon in the Various Portions of the County. . Newberry. (Corrected by Nat Gist.) %ood Middling ........ .12 15 trict Middling ....... 12 diddling . ....... 11 88 1-2 Market Steady. Prosperity. Corrected by J. J. and A. G. Wise.) zood Middling ........ 12 25 Chappells. (Corrected by John R. Scurry.) zood Middling. . . . . ... . .11 50 Pomaria. (Corrected by Aull, Hentz V Co.) ,ood Middling . . . . . . 12 12 1-2 Little Mountain. (Corrected by J. B. Lathan.) ,ood Middling...... . . 12 Kinards. (Corrected by Smith Bros.) 'ood Middling ........ 12 15 SPECIAL NOTICES. 1E EMOVAL SALE.-On the first of A) January I will move my stock of Yoods to the stand now occupied by 2'duard Scholtz. And in order to re Iice stock will sell goods at prices never heard of before. Come at once and take advantage of the sale. W. T. TARRANT. 1 OR SA LE --The 6-room cottage, with outbuildings, 8 acres of im proved farming land and nice young orchard and vinevard, I mile form N ew berry College, will be sold first Monday in January unless sold before atprivate sale. For ternis etc., apply to Dit. D. L. Eoozian, Newberry. or Di. J. W. Booz!n, Columbia. OTICE-1 have moved my saw mill N 'on Mrs. Ida N. Boozer's place near New Chapel Church, and am prepared to furnish on short notic ', long and short leaf pine lumber-heart or sap at reasonable prices. Any one in need of first-class lumber will do well to get my prices before placing their orders. H. 0. LONG, Silver Street, S. C. UNTER & SANER are running a saw mill about one mile from city )n road to Lindsay's bridge, and are prepared to fill all orders for lumber. / ONEY TO LEND--l am author M .ized to negotiate loans on real estate mortgages running 3 to 5 years. A pply to J ohnst one & Welch. Gi-o. B. CiaoMEN. Pianos Tuned. -10 MY CUSTOMEHS IN AND . near Newherry: I wish to state Lhat I will be in Newherry about 10th Lo 20th of December, and anyone wish ing Piano tuned will please leave order at Mr. Eduard Scholtz' Store, and I will attend to it as soon as I come. R. 11. McCRACKEN. ALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-Sixty Acres adjoining in morporate limits of Newberry. High state of cultivation. One hundred and forty acres one and a half miles from town. Good creek and river bottom, fine meadows on both tracts. For in formation apply to G. M. B. EPTING. or E. 11. AULL. WA ANTED-Faithful person to VVtravel for well established house in a few counties, calling on re tail merchants and agents. Local ter ritory. Salary $20.00 per week with expenses additional, all p)ayable in cash each week. Money for expenses5 ad vanced. Position permanent. Busi ness successful and rushing. Standard House, 330 Dearborn St., Chicago. F9ORR RNT-- ix Room Cottage on 'College street, in front of College campus. Apply to Mns. M. E. LAKE. WELLS BORED-Although I have 'b oredl twvo thousand wvells in Newvberr y county I am still in the busi ness. Parties desiring my services may leave orders at my office over W I. T1arrant's store I. A. McDowl.:LL Newberry, S. C. -, ANUFACTUTRER wants reliable -mn to deliver :md~ 1>ct; horse andl wagon, and( $150 depo:it essary; $21 a wveek- and expes; termanent. Franklin, Box '78, Ph l-iL, P6. ii: R ESTAURANT- Fancy Groceries Mr. John J. Eargle who has bought out the grocery store of C. W. Douglas will also continue the restaurant at the same place an.) you can secure a good, meal cheap. I-I also has a good line of fancy andl stap)le groceries at pri1ces that are reasonab tle. First Cost Not the Cheapest. I The firs.t cost of an article dloes not necessarily determine its cheapness. ~ For instance, a sack of ''Clifton'' flour mayi cos yo a lit tIe more than other so-called p)atent flours, but it will he chemaper to you in the endl. Why? Be' cause it will ntot only make more bread to the sack, but will take less lard and sodla to make it. Order a sack of ''Clif ton'' and make a test for yoursel'. Itk wil! prove the t.rut.h of this statement T. J. HAYS. ' D o you want one of the prett,iest an' most st ylish Hants in town this seas~on if so you mu.s' have it madle by the Thle Riserlilillery Our prices are the lowest and styles the newest that can be foun ~ the city.I