The herald and news. (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, December 04, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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WHO'LL INHERIT CLEVELAND VOTE? Speculation Upon Consequence of Ex President's Statement-Never was any Likelihood of His Candidacy. A dispatch from Washington says that the only interest excited it Congressional and politi-al circles there over Mr. Cleveland's ltter of -declination is as to the questien, t< whom will the so-called Cleveland strength be now thrown. Politicians informed on the ritua tion have long known that the talk about Mr. Cleveland's candidacy was for one purpose alone-tc arouse the interest of the Easterr Democrats, and the conservatives of the West, in a Democratic candi date. Since 1896 many of these Democrats have associated them selves entirely with the Republi cans, until the conteniplation of Republican policies has become, with them, a habit of mind, and from that to the casting of a vote for a Republican candidate was a logical transition. So to get these men back into a train of thought, the objective of which was a Democratic candidate for President, the party managers have been talking Cleveland. It is not to be denied that the name has been something with which to con jure. Mr. Cleveland lent himself tc the plan until the passage of time brought him face to lace wlth a 'show down." The question now is to whom will the Cleveland strength go? St. Clair McKelway would make Judge Parker of New York the legatee. He may be able to divert the Cleve land sentiment in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania to Judge Parker, but politicians say that he can not so easily swing the South, and New Englanders say there is Olney to be taken into account. Southern Democrats say that if Judge Parker comes into the con vention under escort of the Cleve land sentiment and the old Cleve land crowd, it will be a distinci drawback to him so far as the co . peration of the Southern delegatp is concerned. And yet, these sani men, in the very next breath ad mit that any candidate who is unan imously supported by New York and has a chance of carrying the Empire State, will be acceptable tc the South. Ofecourse, the plan which Mr. McKelway suggests would requirc the sanction of Tammany Leadei Murphy-, to make it effective. Ii Tammany backs Judge Parker, and there are no revolts of other factiom~ of Democrats in the State, it is uin deniable, politicians say, that Judgc Parker will be a formidable candhi date and the prestige of TPannnany'. support migh t go far u ith the South erners toward neutralizing the tingc of Cleveland ismi which might cling to hijm. Now that the Cleveland boom lhas served its purpose, andl the arouisedl Democratic sentimnent, like hive of swarmiing bees, is ready tc "light'' there are several lively tonm toms inviting the cluster. Theyv are Mr. Gornman of Maryland; Judge Parker of Newv York; Judge Gray of D)elaware; Mr. Olney' of Mas sachuset ts;and a well filled pad dlock of ''dark horses'' from the WVest. William Rk. Hearst wvill not absorb~ any of the Cleveland streingth, it is said. Hie is not seeking it. His ;game licy' ini another dlirection and ~his recrnits do not breathe thle same 1tm osphere as5 the sage of Prince >nl. Tom11 L. Johnson is <iownl and it. Larter H arrison has not been sctussedl outside of Cook county. T'he bestj udgmnent of D)emocrat ic 'iticians is that Judge Gray and ge Parker will fight it out lbe. an thienm and that the survivor tackle Mr. Gormnan, and then ~renl battle will com,mnc. I. Order 1 REDUCE e And to effect a dis: we offer our entire chandise at geatly items will' be sold consists of High Gi Cook Stoves, FL everything usuallN general store. Coi to spend one dollai and we will save y4 We have an espe stock of Crockery ; almost your own p during December. AUL, POMARIA, - P. S. Pprsons in and settle. Hands' EXCELSIOR KI OF UNIl FIFTY families or about T' ters, Loopers and Finishers, good wages at .:ny and all ol which is nice and easy, an higher than paid by any oth< We have young men and $25.00 to $35 each ple mont] Apply to J. H. GAl. Have Ye 'Linen C ATE1 The Newborry Steam Launid: the very latest Collar and( Cu ovr resp)ect. WVe give the If We cannot please Y your patronage. We d lbecauise we leave all tl Newberry, but becaus You Get Be And Bei We would be pleased our machinery in opei Phone 116 and have wagt L. B. UR STOCKl of El B solution on January I st "'i stock of general mer- e1 reduced prices. Many L below cost. This stock -ade Buggies, Wagons, to irniture, Clothing and c< found in a first-class be ,ne to see us if you want r or one hundred dollars >u money. cially large and varied A ind Glassware to go at rice. Come to our store'. :NTZ Zco :OUTH CAROLINA. debted will please call -~ $1 Wanted. 2 3Y MITTING MILLS )N, S. O. NO HIUNDRED Toppers, Knit ages from 11 to 35, to make p the work offered by us, all of d the prices we pay are much 'r hosiery mill in the South. young ladies who make from 1. JLT, Treas. and Mgr. ur Soiled! leansed [OME -y Comupany has insRtalled onof f Ironorsi. It is up) to daltO inl latest gloss or domes~tic linish. ou then we do not want 1o not want your supportJ aie money you pay us in e ~tter Seruice ter Work to have you call and see -ation. mn callefor Your Soiled Linen ] Aull. S.. J. WC A GLANCE at your almanac w nter days are near at hand. We war iply prepared to make you comfortal rery department full of exceptional vt Men's Overcoats in Black, Blue, Gra account of the good material, correct egant line of Suits for Gents and Boy use. Fancy Shawls and Fasciniators LANKETS, COMFORT DIRECT FROM from the lom ddle mens profits. We guarantee to every pair of Blankets or Buggy Rol n show you the best assortment in Ne Jnderwear. -1 FU LL- LIN E Wright Sanitary L match, guaranteed all wrol. Ladies' >mplete line Cotton Underwear. Th< st mills at old prices. FULL LIN E Children's Heavy Yours for Winter 0. J. ) WJI This is n( but is simp buy your z the C We have placed in our v >ntains. TWENTY E We wili give t Key to this lBox Free .00 or over. Two (2) Keys witi ev er. Three (3) Keys with every pair Only 1lR EE Keys will open this b< t you may try your Key. The first Key to unlock the box The second Key to unlock the bo) The third Key to unilock the box t No Key will be tried unless the tag is have a key. We (10 not know vwhicl vertise in this paper whien all tile l mr so everybody will have an e<ial cl wlDon't lose the Tag-The Kcy is We have the largest selection, the be, lish shoes that are manuf.'ictured of I ease everybody. KLET THE FAIR AND SQU wagars, Smoksing T @hewing T The Best Brand: ....ALSC Full Line of STATIO] Beautiful a ime, - Cemer Terra Cotta Pipe, Roof ii Car Lots, S1 Jarolina Portland Cement Co 10TEN. 'ill renind you that the cold it to remind you that we are >le at the least possible cost. lues. We are showing a line y and Brown that are wonders shapes and very low prices. s. Ladies' Wraps and Furs to in many colors and designs. S,BUGGY ROBES, ns to our customers, saving all save you from 15 to 25 per cent )cs you buy from us, and we wberry. Underwear. nlerwear-Shirts and Drawers Wool Vests, white and gray. very best productions of the Schoo! Stockings. Comforts, 00t no1 Me, & ,' Qg'' ) gambling scheme, ly an inducement to )HOES from us for A S H1. /indow a box which >OL LA RS. Witi every pair of Shoes sold at cry pair of Shoes sold at $2 .oo or of Shoes sold at $i.oo or over. x. Whenl Keys have all given takes TEN DOLLAIRS. takes SIN DOLL1AIRS. akes FOUR DOLLARS. attached. No employe allowed key opens tlie box. We shall eys are taken and set a day and lance to try his Keys. worthless wvithout it. A quality, the most durable and eaLther an(I Iron, at prices which 2bacco, abacco, ay be Found at NERY, nd Up-to-Date. it, -Plaster, 3g Paper. ma I Lots. Write, .. - -Charleston. S. C.