The herald and news. (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, November 10, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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DBMOCRATS PEAR HANNA. It Is Their Opinion That Roosevelt Will Be Much Easier To Beat Than Senator Hanna. A dispatch from Washington, discissiig the next presidential Camtlpaigl in connection with the recent elections, says that the only fear the Denocrats have is that the Republicans may fail to nomli nate Mr Roosevelt. Democrats are ahnost unlanimiouls inl the opinion that President Roosevelt will be much easier to beat than Senator Ilanna, who hIs suddenly loomed ill) oil the political horizen, as tihl result of his recent victory over Tom johnsonl inl Ohio. I)emnocrats, as a rule, expressed their entire satisfaction at the suc eceSS of Senatfir I lanna inl owerthrow ing Johnsonisml in Ohio0, but they d( not r1lish I tie idc'I of his becml Ing thle C'e;deti lmldidate of the Republicanl party instead oif NIr. Roosevelt. Republicanl ConigressnIf 1 are not as enthiuisiastic ver NIr. Roosevelt today as they were during the last Congi es. Most of thei inl a per funletorv ima1tIler declare that lie has priacticIlly ImIlilated himself, and it might be embarrassing to the party to turn him down nlow. It -is noticeable that Vestern Re Publicals, who arc Supposed to be the most ardent supporters of Mr. Roosevelt, arc very cautious in ex p:es'ing their prcerence_ betWeenl the President and Senator IIanna. [111; Ifl)-10CPATIC OUTLOOK. A Georgia iepresentative )isciusses Pres idcW I and The lecent I:lueins. 'I1k- ( .idi 1i - i vs ti:t Ih'.rese lia: - tieI ,aj~thiiiin Ii :i t c c%n of ti:' It.( f ) ital, ti NI.t'vl:lll, andl ( in. J. S. llack. of Illinois, as the IemosL: ic l iPresidultial ticket have iel ass cei :j tedl witli Sell -Aim, ("outi:ll1 ill Congress for Ill ally yCars :11nd I believe lhe is capable of leading Il' I)eIocrats to victory I)eNt year. I le is a 1lat tm al and till ostentatiotns' lea It r, aini lie will colliMil Iliovbe streilgth ill the d tn iltftil St t -; i I:11i anV 111:111 we cant sllggest IIi i ricellt viCt(orv inl N r vialmid, wlitch fillowed li s able andh effective :eiiiaigiling, lhas weln i i11 ita ily llewx slippor tters all over thle coun tryv. I Ie was prev io usily strong in the Southierni States, but since hiis well- ex presser .1lud timenchy crit icistu of' MIr Ro' sceeIt's ohjeec t ioniable race policy lie is regarded ae stanin mg h. adl and shoulders above aniy other I)-otiecrat who has beeni mienitionied in conniect ion wvith thle P residlener. I believe Senuatore Gotrmnm is th favorite of a large inaijoriity ofl thle Demuocratic party ando I also biciexe that he should haeas his Iuniiiimni ate the stronig est WVestern I)emuocraut in sitg,ht. ( en Black has once been elected G ov ernor of Illiniois. .le is now comn muantder of thle (Grantd A rmiy of thle Republic, :uid he has anu unim p)eachale recordl as a soldier and a statesnuua. Gormani and Black, iinimy judgmti, would be a strong ticket."' Mr. I,ivinigston wvenit ou to say ha t lhe result in New York will stimunnlate thle I )emiocrat ic palrt y in every oIlher State to get together and stubmoit to ptarty organiizationi ad discipl inte. It also shows that New York eit y , und~er niormial coni ditionis, is a dlemiocratie city. It in ight be ol advantage to have a New Vork mant at the head of the ticket, providing lie is well kniown and( htas the confidlence of the peo pIe and can give assutrance that the will not be seriously interfered with. "In other words," continued Mr. Livingston, "we want a man who is and has always been a Democrat. He should have experie1ice in national affairs, and be able to guide his party with courage and at the same time show his opponents that he can be trusted to administer the affairs of the nation fearlessly along liberal and patriotic lines." Mr. Livingston added that "one of the greatest blessings to the Democratic party last Wednesday was the politilal- burial of Tom Johnson and his undenocraticisns in Ohio. While it generallyi makes me hot to see a Democratic ticket heaten, in this instance I bel-eve the I)emocratic part y is better off in the e-timation of conservative anId practical people throughout the CounItry because of Tom Johin su's defeat. We coul4i not afford to stand for all the wild ideas of lon Johnson, and his defeat shows the country that the Democratic party is 110t 11ade u1p of 1ell of the Toin Johnson stripe." There is a general feeling among )enmocratic Congressmen that the party wi!l be thoroughly organized d(lring this session of Congress. and party discipline will receive more attention in the deliberations of the minority than ever before. Consumption Salt pork is a famous old fashioned remedy for con !411m1ption. " F'at plenty of pork," wa. th_ udvice to the ConsM ti MVC aIdI 100 Sall p(w]rk i, go()(l if a man can, .:nab it. The idea behidll'1 it is that Iit is the food the conillmptive ..eeds Ilost. Scott'Fmulsion isthiem-od ern metlol ) feeding fat to the conflsum ptiv. Pork is too rOUghi for :.i Stomachs. Scott's ."nul Jon is thdms plpare.1 fr CI t digestijjn. Feeding 1im1 fat in this way, wh ibI i o"tCn the only way, is hal P the battle, but Scott's Emutlsion (does more than that. 'There is some thing abotut the combination of cod liver olil and hypophos phites in Scott's E'mutlsion that puts new life into the weak parts andt. has a special action on the diseased lungs. -sent free upo req ccuest. He~ Iur Ihi h picture In th .a,ia d.ihl is on the m.r.p;.er. ,, l0 ottle of i'6' 1t:u .,u x p . uy. SSCOTT & BOWNE3, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. Soc. andi $i; all druggists. Real Estate for Sale. I AVE IN IIANDP TIlE FOLLOW ing detscribed p)roperty for sale on t ermns that will enable persons desiring homes to sec!uro same: Severt tract s in No. 2 Tiownship, con taimig resp)ect.ively 17.33, 211. 13, 19)8.50, 192.75, 14'2.21), 217 and 186 acres. 'These are choice lots, highly productive, we'll wooded arnd wateredl, with plenty of t he best pastuire land ont each place. T1here are iwo goodl dw'ellIing houses and several tenant houses, barns, cribs andl stables oni two( of them, good wvell or sprmg water ini plety. Also one hansom rsidenuce in t,he townt of Newberry, admirably cons4tructed'( wit.h modterl imno ov('ments, desirably locatedI on one of ou r main thorough fares, and in one of the most. desirable sections of our town. In connection wvith this place the'e are several handsome buiIling lots which we will dispose of at an early dat.o. F"or prices arnd terms app;>ly to F. W. HIG(GINS, Real E'state Agent, Now borrv. S. C. I have had occasion to use your ack.Draught Stock, and Poultry Medi. no and am pleased to say that I never used anything for stock that gave half as good satisfaction. I hcartily recom. mend It to all owners of stock. .. B. BELStER. St. Louis. Mo Sick stock or ponltry should not eat cheap stock food any more thin sick persons should i!xpect to be cared ")v food. When vour stock and poultry are sick give*thoii ined 3 I n I on t st iff t heit with worth lesstok f 'b. i nloaI the bowels and r up t1.o torpid Liver and the asun.a,l wdil b l. if it l., possi ble to ei.r, i!. 1i nkk-l aact Stock an.X Prt:! ry '!.i cino unicads the bumi and Sirs up the torpid liver. It e,r . .,ry u)ady of stock if taken .in i . nmr -i r- a -,s cali of Bhaek-l ( o : 111try Medicine" a :- p:. r itvif teh timesC34Ver. H .. - o s , j a re more i "i gain flCh. Snd iens lay ]nOm' It solvcs the iroblim of i.%tt; r::4 as mut i blood, fesh aln 'rgy as potsil e out o the sinallest aMolirt of food con sumed. Buyacanlfromnyour dealer. S 'ATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBER?RY--IN COMMON PLEAS. Jno. C. Wilson, Judge of Probate of Newberry County, and as public guardian of Thomas M. Werts and Margaret E. Werts, Plaintiff, against Thomas F. Harmon, in his own right, ald as executor of the will of Cora I>. larm1on. deceased, et al., Defend ants. I' virtue of an olrder of the Court I. I wl.-1 1! at public outcry, at No..brryC(ourt House, S. C., onl the ,ir\t M,nday in Decelber, A. 1). 1t, 'i f,llW.Ving tracts of hmid situated in li (,Ounty and Stat afOreSaid, near thu town of Newberrv lying on the pub ie road to the Steel bridge on Saluda r.iv and on u sh river-they being subdivided tracts of three hundred and thirty acres and eleven-hundredths of an acre of the tract of land which is bounded by the said public road leading to the steel bridge, Mary 1V. Harmon, and Bush River, fo wit: No. 1. ',ontaining forty-five acres, more or less, bounded by said public road. estate of G. G. DeWalt, tracts No. 2 and No. 6. No. 2. Containing forty-five acres, more or less, bounded by said tract. No. 1, estate of G. G. DeWalt, tracts No. 3 and No. 5. No. 3. Containing forty-seven and fifty one-hundredths acres, bounded by said tract No. 2, estate of G. G. De Walt, Mary E. Ilarmon and tract No. I. No. .1. Containing forty-four and ninety-hutndredths of an acre, botnde by said tract No. 3, Mary EK. H armon, lush iver andl traict No. 5~ No. 5. Containing fi fty-otne and twenty-eight-hundredthsv acres, bound ied by tract No. 4, Hush river, tract No. 6, and tract No. 2. No. 6. Containing fifty and thirteen hundredths acres, bounded by tract NO. 5, Bush river, tracts No. 7 and No. I. No. 71. Containing forty-six and three hundredths acres, bounded by tract No. 6, Bush river, the said pubilic roadl leading to the steel bridge and tract No. 1. Th'ere is also allowed, wvhich wvill ap pear on the subdivided tracts, a roadl or right of way of twent.y feet wide, leading to the said pulilc road, which right of way separates tracts No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 from tracts No. 7, No. 6, No. 5 and No. 4. Terms of Sale: One-third of the purchase money to he paid in cash; the bal ance on a credit of one andl two years, in equal annual installments, the credit p)ortion to h)e secuired by bond of the puurchatser and a mortgage of the Ilnds, respectively, w ithi interest from dlay of salIe. Purchaser to pay for papers. T1he pl ats are nowv on file in the MIas ter's office aind can he seen before (lay of sale and wvill be exhibited on (lay of sale. The above lands are very valtiable. HlomeC-seekers will doC wvell in calling on the Master to see about same before day of sale. HI. H1. RIKA RD, Mast er's Office, Master. Nov. 2, 1903. E otice of Final Settle ment and Discharge, and call for Creditors rFOAKE NOTICE 'TAT I WILL -1. make a fihial settlement On the esitat e of Frances A. Wise, dec'd, in the P'rob)ate Court for Newt erry county, on Monday, 16th November, 19C3, andl immiediately thereafter appJly for a final dlescharge, as aidmiinistrator of said estate. Creditors of saidI estate are hiereb)y reqjuired to present their de mTand1s, duly attested on or before said date. M. L. STRA USS, Adm'r of Franeen A. Wise, dec'd1 tIogi~ OutSa1es Going out of business by January 1, 1904. I offer my stock of JEWELRY. WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, TABLE CUTLERY, and FANCY GOODS, at NEW - YORK - COST - PRICE. EDUARD SCHOLTZ JEWELER. Get the Best! Subscribe to The Newberw' ilerdlId aud News and The Sell-Weekly News and Courier. The best county newspaper The best general and State newspaper. All the telegraph, State and general news you can read. Keep up with the news of the world, the nation, the State and your county. Get the two for a song - only Two Dol lars for a year's subscription to both THE SEMI-WEEKLY HERALD AND NEWS. and THE SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS AND COURIER. You know all about The Herald and News. The Semi-WeeklyNews and Cour ier, published at Charleston, S. C., is the most completo and best general semi weekly you can get. It publishes 16 pages a week, or 104 issues a year. Gives all the telegraphic and State news, general and special stories. Pubscribe no to the TWO for Two DOLLARS through The Herald and News REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SLD MONEY TO LOAN On Easy Terms AND For Long Periods. A few more Shares of the first series 8treck hme Lon al Tnist Co. May be secured. Apply to Mi. 3~. A.TTT.,, Sec'y and Treas., Newberry, S. C. Harness and Saddlery T he argest and most corn plete assortment in the State. Everything kept in an Up to-date Harness Es tablish ment. DAVIS & 00. 15l7 MainSt , Columbia, S C. TJUST ARRIVED at S. B. Joh~es' )Fresh Nabisco, Athena, Cham pagne and Festino Wafers. FULL LINE of Canned Meats, I anedl Vegetables and Canned Fish at S. B. Jones'. ''pIN. MONEY'' and a complete hn fHeinz's Pickles i glass at S. B. .Jones'. OLIVES, Sauces, and all kinds of .JCondiments at S. B. .Jones'. H uyler's Lowney's and Baker's Cocoa, Spices, and Flavoring Extracts At S. B. Jones'. Dried Fruit: ICalifornia Apricots, Prunes, Peaches and Raisins, At S. B. Jone' b@RPBE Opium Whiskey and All Drug HabIts Cured Without Pain at Your Home. THE BEST OF SANATORIAM FA CILITIES IF DESIRED. If you are addicted to these habits you think you will quit it. You wont; you can't unaided; but you can be cured and restored to % our fot tiler health and vigor without pain or the loss of an hour frot your business at a noderate cost The tnedicine builds up your health, testores your nervous systen to its. normal cc't (ition; you feel like a different person from the beginning of treatment, LE-\V ING OFF TIlV OIATES AFTER THE FIRST DOSE. You will soon be satisfied inl your own inid that you will be cired Mr. '. NI Brown, of DeQueen, Ark., savs: "Over seven years ago I w.-s cured of opiuiu habit by your imedicine, aid have Continued in the very best of health Since". Dr W. M. Tuistall, of I,oviigston, Va , says: ' I ail glad to sav that I firmly believe that I am entirely aid permna neintlv cured of the Drink Habit, as I have never even so much as wanted a drink in any form since I took your eradicator, r.ow eighteeni months ago. It f was the host dollar I ever invested. Mrs. Virginia Townsend, of Shreve port, La , writes: "No more opium I have taken no other remedy than youts and I mnake no mistake when I say that my health is better now than it ever was it my life, and I owe it to you and your remedy. It has been twelve years since I was cured by your treatmen." For full particulars address, Dr. B. M. Woolley, 301 Lowndes Bldg., Atlanta, Ga., who will send you his book on these diseases FREE Millinery! M illinery!! New and Up to-date Mlillinery can be bought of us at prices lower thanl any' place in ' Newberry. Another big lot of Hats to select from. We can sell yot 'Ti'111111ed 11ats at prices to suit (Ou m11o)(1e. Ak to s,e the WHITE CAT Pompadour Comb. Just the thing for the Gainsborough Hat. ShoesT ShoesT We have a good line of solid leather Shoes for Men, Women and Childr i at Prices Right. Come to see ts before you )ty. 11 Ill 1 IIIV l1h , The Right Price store Suniuner Bros. Block, Near Depot. LIME-N CEMENT We have just received a car each of AND AND Get our Prices before buying. Newberry Hardware Compny.,