The herald and news. (Newberry S.C.) 1903-1937, October 20, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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SAILED OVBR SAN FRANCISCO. Dr. Greth Directs His Flying Machine Two Hours. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. I8. Dr. August Greth,'who for a ye past has been working on an , ship, to-day surprised the resideV of San -Francisco, by sailing ov their heads for two hours, directi his machine almost at will and < monstrating that in many essentii he has solved the problem of aer navigation. Dr. Greth had pi viously tested his air ship by ma ing ascensions with the balloon he ,captive by a long rope, but 'tod was the first time he had gone sk ward free. IRAIN BREAKS SPEED RECORDS Special on Ilinols Central Makes F Time to New Orleans. Chicago Record-Herald. New Orleans, Oct. 15.-Neal xoo general passenger agents fr( all parts of the country, who E rived here tonight on a special Il nois Central train to attend t forty eighth annual convention the American Association of G< eral Passenger and Ticket Agen which will be held at the . Charles Hote' to-morrow, wC treated to a recod-breaking ri< which they will long remember. The run was the most remarkal in the history of Southern railroa -189 miles were made in 187 mi utes i05 miles in 90 minutes, incl ing stops, and 396 miles in 402 1 ntes, exclusive of stops. At tin and for short distances of one m and under the speed indicator in t observation car registered 94 miles per hour. According to cent speed tests made by the Pen sylvania Railroad this is within s tenths of a mile of being as fast it is possible to run a modern p, senger train. The train was composed of < gine, buffet, library car, diner, f standard Pullmans and an obseri tion car. The total weight of 1 train was about 351 tons, or i, io ooo pounds. The passenger agents' convi tion will last three days, duri which business and pleasure will mingled. Cleveland and St. Lo ard bidding for the next convi tion. NMORP HIlNI Opium Whiskey an p All Drug Habits Cured Without Pain Your Home. THE BEST OF SANATORIAM I CILITIES IF DESIRED. If you are addicted to these habits think you wvill quit it,. You wont; can't unaided; but you can be cured restored to y'our fornier health and vi without pain or the loss of an hour fr your business at a nioderate cost. 'i miedicinie builds up your health, restc your nervous system to its normal c dition; you feel like a dlifferent per frotu the beginning of treattuent, LE~ ING OFF THE OPIATES AFT. TIHlE FIRST DOSE. You will soon satisfied ini your own miud that you be cured. Mr. TF. M. Brown, of D)eQueen, At says: "Over seven years ago I was en 1 of opium habit by your miedicinie, have coniiitued ini the very biest of hied since." D)r. WV. M\. Tu'nstall, of I1.ov'ingstoni, says: "I amt glad to sa' that I Ii ri bielieve that I amt enotirely and per niently enred of thie Trink iIabit, a have. neCver evl sO liiel Ia s wvaiitet dritin 111 ally i11i Sillee I t(,ok y was the i-st doll ar i eve-rin vestedi. ItTrs. Y'jrj?i ilia '1 tiselld, of Sh:rr p)ort, T,a., w rites: "No inocre opiniin nIve taheni tic other re tneduy t han yC and I make no mnistah e wheni I say I mhy health is better nocw tIhan it ever in mhy life, and I owe it to you and y remtedly. It ha', been twelve yeats si I was curedl by your treatment."' For full particulars address, D)r. B. Woolley, 301 Lowndes Bldg., Atlat Ga., who will send you his book on tl' DUSPUTED OVJ3R TILLMAN. ror A Fisticuff at Wagener's in Which One of the Participants is Seriously Injured. ar News and Courier. tir Wagener's Aiken County. Octo its ber 17.-On1 Saturday, October C er 1o, this town was disturbed by a S 3g fisticuff between J. E. Busbee p e. and Motte Gunter. Rumor says ,Is the men began to dispute as to the F ial result of the trial of J. H. Tillman, e. but yor correspondent is reliably k- informed that they had an old ld grudge against each other, and, of Ay course, the row was easily brought y. on. The result was that Motte f( Gunter, of New Brookland, Lexiug- w ton County, severely beat J. iR. d Busbee, of this place. The blow a about the head produced a slight c ast concussion of the brain and the re a sult is that Busbee is still uncon- a scions. However. the visiting 1 physicians, Drs. Etheridge and it Whitlock, state that his condition is not serious. Lr- Cause of Lockjaw. P Ii- Lockjaw, or tetanus, is cansed by a lie bacillus or germ which exists plentifully in street dirt. It is inactive so long of as exposed to the air, but when carried . n- beneath the skin as in the wounds caused by percussion caps or by rusty ts, nails, and when the air is excluded the ,t. germ is roused to activity and produces the most virulent poison known. These re germs may be destroyed and all dan le, ger of lockjaw avoided by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely as soon as the injur.y is received. Pain Balm )le is an antiseptic and causes cuts, bruises and like injuries to heal without mat ds uration and in one third the time re nquired by the usual treatment. It is for sale by W. E. Pelham & Son, New d- berry, S. C., and Prosperity Drug Co. in Prosperity, S. C. Watches, Clocks, Silver and Plate Ware," ,e 11- Cut Glass and Table Ware 0 ~_ SUITABLE FOR $s Wedding and Birthday Presents Key winding Watches ve Changed to Stem 7a- W inders. 2,- p ul Eduard Scholtz, nga be Jeweler and Optician. b 3 !n CURSE d n OF DTVIL TRUNKBNNUSS CURED TO STAY CURED BY dWHITE RIBBON REMEDY.~ I anouceto the world that I havej8 an absolute cure for drunkenness in e White Ribbpn Remedy, based on thous ands of cures made of the most obsti nate cases. In a majority of cases White Ribbon Remedy was given sec- - tretly in tea, coffee or food, without the patient's knowledge. By degrees the patient gets a distaste for intoxicants 'and finally leaves off altogether. It is ~A wonderful. Many a hard drinker has I thus been reclaimed and restored to hisj family and friends. White Ribbon roul Remedy is easily given by following 'Oi the simple directions. It is tasteless, I rodorless, and perfectly safe to give or White Ribbon Remedy wvill cure or c re destroy the diseased appetite for all rsalcoho lie drinks, whether the p)atient is na confirmed inebriate, a "tippller, 'so cial drinker or drunkard. Impossible for any one to have an appetite for al R) coholic liquors after using White Rib bon Remed(y. It restores a victim to normal health, giving him or her k. steady neives, anid a dleter'minetion to resist temtto.Builds up the will lii Indorsed and Sold by Members of a Woman's Christi nperance Union. ., Mr's. Antna Mioore, P ress. Super iin lvily edenit of' the Woman's Chit intin Tiemi I; ileranlce Uuniion,. 1 os~ Anigeles, Ca:lf or I nm, slates: 'I have testedl White lHib a hion kiemedy )! onC ver binh~ ate drun11k- 1 wrl ardis, ,kmd the cures; have' been ny. Ij White Ribbo)n liemdy, anid advise any ve*- woman to gi ve it ho any relathive su ffer-j I ing fr'om) druliinennes.' n0oI Sold ini every drug store, 50e and .$1. hat Trial package free by writing or' call- I a~s ing on Mr's. A. M. Townsend (for years rsecretary of a Woman'A Christian To'ra ice perance Union), 218 Tremont St., Bbs toil, Mass. Special agents in t, NEWBERRY, S. C., of Newberry, S. C. 3x-saniused. isee, apital - - - $50,000 urplus - - 19,500 aid Stockholders since organization 21,000 aid Depositors in Savings depart ment since or ganization - - $9,200 A man working by the dhy is paid ir the time he puts in at work, but Ien that man saves a dollar for his ay's labor it works for hiu nights, i well as days; never liys off o ac. )unt of bad weather and never gets ok, but goes right on earning him i income. It's a nice thing to work >r money, but it's much nicer t< aive money working for you. Try -open a savings aCCOUn1t with ut Ad get some money working for you [ake a deposit in the Savings de artment today and let it begin to ork for yon. Interest computed al per cent January 1 and July 1 of tch year. Cheap Tickets TO THlE West, Northwest AND CALIFORNIA Washington, Oregon, Nebraska, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Colo rado, Utab, New Mexico, and Arizona. . . . . . . . . ickets on sale from Sept. 15 to Nov. 20 THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD ffers choice of routes. Free Reclin ig Chair Cars. No transfers. Fas me. Double track. or full information, Circulars, Rate and Tickets apply to FRED D MILLER, Trav. Pass. Agt., Ill. Central I. R., Atlanta, Ga. ofice of Filial 8ottlclllellt aud1 Dischara OTICE IS HERRBY GIVE? that I will make a final settlemen n the estate of Thomas II. Wedamnar minor, in the Probate Court for New erry County, S. C., on Friday, th Dth day of October, A. D., 1903, at 1 'clock in the forenoon, and will imme iately thereafter apply for letters dis issory. EUSTATIA A. LIVINGSTON, Guardian of said minor. Sept. 26, 1903. (ilghts of Pythias CASTLE HALL. gewberry ILodg-e No. I'7 ITATED CONVENTIONS OF TIl SLodge wvill be held onl tile 2nd an th Tuesday nights of each month a .00. Visiting i(nights cordially we :>med. THOS. E. EPTI NG. K. of R. and S. Crotwell Hotel Building. 1HIEUM ATISN s what one of our custom irs told us a few days ag4 Lfter using two bottles o >ur ubv Nerve and Bone Liniment It penetrates withou larm, remoVes soreness ~elaxes inflamation, Swell ngs and lameness, healin urely and quickly. HaV t always on hand read; or accidents. It costs bu wenty-fiVe cents and ma; ~ave you many dollars. Low I -: VIA The Nashville, Ch St. Louis Ry., at ern and Atia The Scenic Bati To the North, North. Best Equipped Trains, E Quickest Time. For rat( etc., or any information, JNO. E. S/ Traveling No. I North Pryor St., Opposite Union Depot. Tere' $ re S In wearing Laundry W< the very latest style, We keep abreast wit every department. We constantly keep oui thing new that will impr< sli htest degree. We now produce a qua that done by the largest tories in the world. If we are not serving yc package this week. We guarantee to pleasi L. B. Main S Telephone 116. .LIME&E AND CEMENTA We have just received F I a car each of 'Presl LIlipl Lll ANDE ilydrallic Portlafiri AND Roseildale CEMENT.) Get our Prices before C L buying. c 14 Newberrys Hardware Company. The NEWBERRY WAREHOUSE CO.... t same~(, whIich1? mo y canYl c t beC obtined{' on THE NEWBERRYI .WAREHOUSE CO.I :ates attanooga and id the West ntic R. R. :lefield Route. West and West. ouperior Service and xs, schedules, maps, call on or address TTERFIELD, Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga. Bell'Phone 169. 1I otisf ctiol )rk that you know is the latest styles in eyes open for any )ve our work in the lity of work equal to ;hirt and collar fac >u let us have a trial : you. Aull, treet. est in the World. THE WALTER A. WOOD lOWERS AND RAKES or sale by me at close figures. uaranteed to give atisfaction. Call on me at the ~onded Warehouse, or pon Win. T. Gaillard. 0. M. B,_ EPTING, Vedding Presents, ut Glass in the Newest Cuts, hina tea sets, Choco ate sets, after dinner ets, salad dishes, ake plates, berry sets, rnaments of all kinds, ardinine, fern dishes, nirrors and pictures, 11 of which make de irable Wedding Pres nts. We will be glad o have you call and ee our goods before uying. It will cost ou nothing to look at hem--and we think te can make it of in Drest to you to buy of Our goods- are first uality arnd our prices re Bed Rock, Vlayes' 3aok Store.