The times and democrat. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1881-current, December 14, 1911, Image 1

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PUBLISHED TRI-WEEKI HOLDS UP TRAIN Bobbers Seize Rfgislerd Hail ad Make Good Taeir Escape. TWO BANDITS DID JOB Second Section of,Robbed Coast Line Pursuing Detectives' Special Flyer Game Up as Robbers Fled? Wrecked Shortly Afterward by Southern Railway Freight. ?c The Atlantic Coast Line train which left Savannah for Charleston twenty minutes late Tuesday morning at about one o'clock was held up and robbed a short distance from Hardee ville just before day Tuesday morn ing. The train was running in two sections because ?nf the heavy pas senger traffic and the express car which the robbers were believed to he after was carried on the second section and escaped. The robbers, however, captured the mail car and secured several sacks of registered mail. D. H. McRoy, the night operator in the tower at Hardeeville, states that the train reached his station in good condition and he gave - it the signal to goahead. Shortly after the train got away from Hardeeville and before it had gotten out of s*ght, it stopped. He was. surprised to see this, as it had no signal to stop at that point. Just about that time the sec ond section of the train arrived from Savannah and McRoy advised the crew to go ahead and find out what tho trouble was with' the flfst section: Arriving at the spot -where'the first section had stopped, the train crew found the utmost confusion reigning. The robbers, two In number, had forced the engineer to stop his train, and, covering the flagman and the conductor with pistois.-they made the flagman open the mail car, alter it had been detached from the train .and run some distance.- Here two' mail clerks were found at work and they were mado to give up two bags of registered mail. The robbers then mflde^.xtkerr: escape. - As'quickly as poiisi^bier: -Savannah "was notified of th^.rpjb^b.ery, and ?-'Special- train, con sisting of an engine and two cars, with several Coast Line officials and detectives, was en:route to the scene ?mithin ? an hour. The Bpecial was in charge of Engi neer L. E. Rawls and' a conductor. The Coast Line and the Southern use the same-tracks out of Savannah to Hardeeville, and while en route io the scans of the robbery, the train with tha detectives on board ran into a freight, itrain of the Southern Rail way. The wreck delayed the arrival of the officials and the-detectives for some time and they did not reach the scene of the robbery until several hours after it had occurred. The rob bers, it is .believed, boarded the train at Hardeeville, as the dispatcher thinks he saw two suspicious looking characters get aboard at that point. He thinks they .got between the two front coaches and from there made their way to the tender and to the engine. The train that was held up was in charge of Engineer J. E. Far ri;3 of Charleston, Conductor Damon of Florence and Fireman Abe Wil liams, colored. Engineer Farris says, in his report to the officials of the Atlantic Coast Line, that as he was leaving Hardeeville he looked around and the two men had climbed into the cab and had him covered with revolvers. They ordered him to go alaead and after getting just north of the north switch ordered him to stop. They made him and his fireman get down on the ground on the left.side of. the engine. One of them stood guard over them while the other looked after the others. Conductor Damon went up to the engine on the right side and was shot at by one of the men and made to go. to the postal car and have the postal clerks come' out, the robbers threatening to blow up the car if they did not do so. Ed. Dozier, the colored porter, came up shortly after this and he was also held up by the robbers. The engineer and the postal clerks were put on the engine and Farris was made to pull ahead a short distance with the postal car. The clerks were then made to put all the registered mail into bags. A large, stout man appeared to be the leader. Bloodhounds were dis patched to the, scene from Beaufort and Hampton counties, with officers. Another special train, carrying the special agents of the Atlantic Coast Line, United States postal inspectors and railroad officials, has been sent from Savannah to the scene of the robbery. Orders were also issued by the railroad officials to prevent any one from going about the place, If possible, until after the bloodhounds have reached the scene. The robbers are supposed to have gotten fifty-five registered packages. The engineer and firemen of the first special train jumped when their train ran into the freight and the fire man was painfully hurt. .Another feature of the robbery was the scare the passengers on the local Coast Line train, leaving Savannah at 5:40 o'clock Tuesday morning, got just tb's side of Hardeeville. The train was going along at a good rate of speed, when suddenly there was a loud report and everybody jumped up, believing it was held up, too. Pis tols were drawn and the passengers determined to protect themselves at FIVE MEN ARE SAVED FROM THE BRICEVJJLLE MINES. .... Rescue of First Three and Then Two More Gives Added Vigor to Anns of Sturdy Toilers , A Briceville, Tenn., dispatch says five men have been removed alive from the Cross Mountain mine, where between 120 and 150 miners were en tombed by an explosion Saturday. The discovery that some of the men are alive has led to renewed vig or on the part of the men who are striving to fight /their way through masses of debris to the rescue of their imprisoned fellow men. Three men were brought out of the mine at 9 o'clock Tuesday night. They were: William Henderson, aged 55; iMilton Henderson, aged 22, his son; Irwin Smith, aged 35. All of the men are married. They were found in left cross entry No. 19, and had escaped death after the explosion of Saturday morning by erecting a brattice, cutting off the deadly after damp. All wer9 in good condition and will live. In fact, the elder Henderson was so string that he wished to walk to his home. The finding of these men alive has created new hope in the breasts of the rescuers. Two more men, making five in all, were brought out of the mine alive shortly after 11 o'clock Tuesday night. Rescue men are now digging for three more men who are reported to be alive. The two men are Artb lr Scott, aged 30, and Dore Irish, aged 30, who is alBO married. . Irisl is badly burned about the face and I ands, but probably will recover. Scott is prac tically unhurt. NEGRO LODGE MEN ARRESTED. They Are Charged With Burning a Farmer's Barn. A dispatch from Abbeville to the Greenville News says for a time Mon day morning there was considerable excitement in Abbeville and threats of lynching four negroes who had been put in jail, charged with burning a bam belonging to a farmer by the name of Bradbury, together with four fine mules and the contents of the barn. Incendiarism was suspect ed; and some of Mr. Bradbury'b sons stayed up to watch for developments. In a short while a negro boy came stealing up and when he saw the white boys he ran away, but he was followed and caught. He confessed that he was one of four negroes who set fire to the barn and that they were appointed by a lodge of which they were members to fire the barn and also the residence of Mr. Brad bury, and that he was returning to fire the house when he was captured. He said that he was compelled by the other three to go with them to fire the barn, and that he was threatened with death if he told on th&m. The whole trouble staifed about the removal of a lodge room off some land which Mr. Bradbury owned. The negroes did not want to move, and sought revenge in the torch. A mes sage was sent the governor Tuesday morning asking a speedy trial for the .four negroes, and it is probable that a number of other arrests will fol low. Feeling is intense against the negroes under arrest, and there might be an outbreak at any time unless there is a speedy trial. \ ENGINEER AND FIREMAN KILLED Crushed Under Engine Which Falls From Coal Shut^. At Anderson Engineer Lawrence Maddox and the colored fireman or a local freight train, on the Southern Railway, between Columbia and Greenville, were instantly killed at Pelzer, Tuesday afternoon, when their engine fell from a coal chute. The engine was placing several cars on the chute and the brakes, when ap plied, failed to work. Both men real ized their danger and leaped from the cab to save their lives. As the tender of the engine, filled with coal, turned over it fell upon the men, horribly mangling them. The section gang was called from the Pelzer yards, and within two hours the mangled bodies of the two men were extricated. GONE JUST ONE YEAR. Dorothy Arnold's Mysterious Disap pearance Unsolved. Miss Dorothy Arnold, whose mys terious disappearance from her home in New York puzzled the police of two continents, will have been missing just one year last Monday. The ab Jsoiice was first made public on Jan uary 26. and since then various con flicting reports concerning the search for her have kept the public in a state of wonderment. John S. Keith, the Arnold family's lawyer, says the family believes the girl is dead and no other explanation can bo con ceived, as absolutely no clue as to what became of her has ever been ! found. all hazards. There was almost a par.ic for a time, until it was found that the noise had been made by a torpedo, which had been placed on the track to warn the train of the delay to the second section of the heli-up train. Estkate Pots Yield of Cotton at Nearly Fifteen Million Bales. MORE THAN EVER KNOWN All But Four of the Cotton-Growing States Establish New Production Records?Figures for South Caro lina Indicate Crop of Nearly Mil lion and Half Bales. The total production of cotton in the Uaited States for the season of 1?11-'12 will amount to 7,121,713, 000 pounds (not including Unters), of 14,885,000 bales of 500 pounds, gross weight, according to the first official estimate of the size c|! the crop issued at 2 p. m. Tuesday by the crop reporting board of the United States department of agriculture and made up from reports of tlie corre spondents and agents of the Bureau of statistics throughout the cotton belt. Heretofore the record cotton crop was that of the year 1904, when 13, 438,012 bales, exclusive of Unters, were grown. Other large crops were those of 19?6, which was 13,273,809 bales, and 1908, when 13,241,799 bales were grown. In point of value, however, the crop of 1910, which was 11,608,616 bales, exclusive of linters, was the record one, the fibre being valued at $820,320,000 and the cotton seed at $142,860,000, a total of $963,180,000 as the aggregate val ue of the cotton crop of that year. (Conditions early in the growing season this year led to the belief that the crop would be one of record pro portions. First estimates or the yields, based on the condition figures, placed the probable production wen toward the figures of the biggest crop heretofore grown. The acreage on which cotton was planted this season was estimated by the department or agriculture to be 35,004,000 acres, a greater area than ever before planted to cotton in this country. This vast area exceeded the previous record of acreage by more than 2,500,000 acres, there having been planted 32, 444,000 acres In 1908 and 32,403,000 acres last year. In the record pro duction year of 1904 only 30,053,793 acres were planted. Scorching hot and excessively dry weather during the middle of the summer caused considerable damage to cotton in many parts of the cotton belt. Later in the season weather conditions were distinctly favorable i in most parts of the belt and the crop improved. The hot weather and drought, however, were responsible for a smaller yield this year than ex perts early in the season predicted as a result of the record acreage and splendid growing conditions than pre vailing. One result of the hot weath er was that the crop matured about two weeks earlier than usual. The estimated production by States, in 500-pound bales, exclusive of lin ters, with the acreage and yield com parisons for 1910, and tho record years of 1906 and 1904 follows: Bales Acreage. 1911.14,885,000 35,004,000 1910.11,608,616 32,403,000 1906. 13,273,809 31,374,0t)0 1904. 13,438^012 30,053,739 Virginia. 1911. 23,000 37,000 1910. 14,815 34,000 1906 . 16,195 47,199 1904.? 13,862 36,000 North Carolina. 1911.... 935,000 1,587,000 1910. 706,142 1,511,000 1906 .? 579,326 3,074,000 1904. 703,760 1,306,968 South Carolina. 1911. 1,480,000 2,705,000 1910_ .. 1,163,501 2,626,000 1906. 876,181 2,389,000 1904. 1,151,170 2,531,875 Georgia. 1911 .- 2,560,000 5;il9,000 1910. 1,767,202 4,970,000 1906. 1,553,638 4,610 000 1904. 1,887,853 4,227.188 Florida. 1911. 73,000 ' 284,000 1910. 5S,949 2G?,lH>0 1906. 55,945 283,000 1904 . 79,171 267,372 Alabama. 1911 . 1,600,000 3,81 5,000 1910. 1,194,250 3,633,000 1506. 1,261,522 3,658,000 1904 . 1.44S.157 3,611,731 Mississippi. 1911 . 1,195,000 3,454,000 1910. 1,262,680 3,420,000 1906. 1,530,7S4 3,408,000 1904 . 1.79S.917 3,632,45S Louisiana. 1911.1,195,000 3,454,000 1910.1,262,680 3,420,000 1906. 1,530,784 3.40S.000 I i 904 . 1.79S.917 3,032,458 Louisiana. 1911. 359.000 1,118,000 1910. 245,G48 1,075,000 1 906. 9S7.779 1,739,000 1 904 .,. 1.0S9.52G 1,745,S65 Texas. 1911.4.2SO.O0O 10.SfiS.000 191 0. 3,049,409 10,350,000 1906. 4.1 74.20G S,S94,000 1 904 . 3,145.372 8,355,491 Arkansas. 1911 . 915,000 2,440,000 1910. 821,233 2,375,000 190G. 941,1 77 2,097,000 1904. 930,6C5 2,051,1S5 Tennessee. 1911. . ?. 420,000 822,000 1910. 331,947 783,000 1906.. 306,037 814,000 1904.. .. .., 329,319 SSl,34l' ZG, S. C, THURSDAY, DECES TEDDY TO THE FORE WAR BREAKS OUT IX THE RE PUBLICAN COMMITTEE. Roosevelt's Friends Start the Trouble by Opposing Taft's Choice for Head of Campaign. A dispatch from Washington says hostilities of an- unexpected char acter and from an unlooked for quar ter developed Tuesday among mem bers of the Republican national com mittee and other prominent party leaders who are here in connection with the meeting to fix the time and place for the presidential nomination convention next summer. Opposition to Col. Harry S. New of Indiana, the administration's can didate for chairman of the subcom mittee on convention arrangements, was responsible for the ill feeling en gendered. No settlement was reach ed, but some of President Taft's clos est, friends announce that they not only would insist upon the election of Mr. New, but upon naming a ma jority of the committee. Only less interesting than the un looked for controversy over the con trol of the subcommittee in charge of the convention was the exploitation throughout the day of Col. Theodore Roosevelt as the possible candidate for the presidential nomination. The advocacy of Col. Roosevelt, but thin ly veiled Monday, wa3 open and pro miscuously' procleamed Tuesday. The advocates of Col. Roosevelt's nomination apparently based their arguments in his behalf upon the fact that at nq. time had the former pres ident announced that he would not accept the nomination if it were ten dered to him. lit was recognized that he would not openly become a candidate, they said,, but they were busy sounding members of the national committee and other prominent Republicans as to their sentiment in regard to "forc ing" the nomination upon the colonel. There were many who connected the open advocacy of Col. Roosevelt's nomination wkIth the opposition to naming a committee of arrange ments dominated by administration men. It was apparent throughout the day that friends of Col. Roosevelt were endeavoring in every way possible to postpone action by the national com mittee which would definitely com mit anybody to any man's candidacy. The Roosevelt enthusiastics frank ly stated, their hope lay in working up a demand for Col. Roosevelt to be expressed in the convention itself. > -? TWO MULES WERE DROWNED. Animals and Wugon Went Down Flat Chain Broke. A dispatch from Lexingto-i to The State says two mules were drowned in the Saluda river at Dreher's ferry late Saturday afternoon when an at tempt was made to cross on a flat operated by the county. The mules were hitched to a wagon loaded with brick, and as the driver started to enter the flat a link in the chain broke and the flat went out from under the team and all went down together. The wagon was later re covered. One of the mules belonged to John J. Dreher, the other to Thomas Shuler. Mr. Dreher's mule was valued at $250, and iMr. Shuler's at $150. No one seems to be directly responsible for the accident, the only reason assigned being the defective link in the chain. CONFESSES TO MURDER. An Old Man Admits Tliat He Killed His Wife When Drunk. At Macon, Ga., Roger L. iMcCall, aged 70 years, and one of the be;i knovn men In that section, pleaded g'.ilty in the superior court Tue?Jay to the murder of his wife and was sentenced to serve for the remainder of his life in the State penitentiary. He shot his wife in the back with a shotgun while she lay sick and asleep in .bed, the crime being com mitted while he was under the influ ence of liquor. When the old man's plea was entered, the scene was an affecting one, as the judge, prosecut ing attorney, jurors and spectators all burst into tears. CAUSED HER DEATH. Bride Was Lost in the Snow Eight Days and Died. IMYs. John L. ITadden, a hride of three weeks, died Tuesday on a train bound for Denver from Rifle, Col., as a result of a terrible experience she and her husband had while on their honeymoon. They were lost eight days in Iho mountains, losing their way in the snow while driving in an open buggy. 1 fail don is an attorney of Cambridge, Mass., and his bride's body will be taken to that city for burial. Missouri. 101 1 . 93,000 115.000 1 n I f?. 59.C33 103,000 1!10.|. 54,104 ?1.000 190-1. 51,570 79,403 Oklahoma. t 191 1 . 915,000 2,022,000 1910. 923,0G3 2,260,000 1906.? S97.826 1,981,000 1904. S04.318 1,315,663 California. 1911 . 11,000 12,000 1910. . . . 6,000 10,000 IBER 14, 1911. HE WIL GO i Poll Shows a Majority of Not Less Than Eight Against Larimer. SAYS A NEW YORE PAPER Which Claims that the Senator is | Sure to be Ousted From the Sen ate^?Many Former Supporters of the Illinois Man Said to Be Waver ing in Their Allegiance. A dispatch from Washington says William Lorimer, of Illinois, charged with holding his scat in tbe United States senate through the corruption of a legislature, will be expelled by a majority of not lees than eight. The majority vote may be as much as fourteen. A careful poll of the senate made by a New York paper justifies this statement. Just so sure as the day comes when j the vote is taken on the resolution) declaring Lorimer not entitled to his seat, that resolution will be adopted. Friends of Mr. Lorimer realize his j fight is hopeless. On the best infor mation the final roll will stand: Against Lorimer. Republicans?Borah, Bourne, Bris tow, Brown, 'Burton, Clapp, Craw ford-Cummins, Dixoa, Gronna, Jones, Kenyon, LaFollette, Lodge. Nelson, Page, PoIndexter.Root, Smith (Mich. Sutherland, Wonts. - Democrats?Bacon, Bryan, Cham berlain, Clarke, Culberson, Davis, Gore, Hitchcock, Kern, LefL Martin, Martine, Myers, Newlands, CrGorman, Overman, Owen, Percy, Pomerene, Rayne<\ Reed, Shlvely, Smith (Ga.) Smith (S. C.) Stone, Swanson, Tay lor, Williams. Total?49. 1-& For Lorimer. Republican?Bradley, Bandegee, Briggs, B?rnham, Clark, Crane, Cul lom, CuftTB, Dilllngham, Du Pont, Gallinger?Gam,ble, Guggenheim, Hey burn, Lippitt, McCumber, Nixon, Oli ver, Penrose, Perkins,' Richardson, Smoot, Stephenson, Warren, Wet more. 1- o Democrats ? Bailey, Bankhead, Fletcher, Foster, Johnston, Paynter, Simmons, Smith (Md.) Thornton, Tillman, Watson. Total?36. // Doubtful. Republican?Townsend, McLean. Democrats ? Chiltou, Cardner,] Johnson. Lorimer is not entitled to vote on his own case and a vacancy exists ir Colorado, thereby reducing the number of voters to 90, of which a quorum is 46. Giving Lorimer all the senators now held to be doubtful, tbe anti-Lorimer forces will have three more than a quorum and a ma jority of eight. It is generally believed by senators hat Mr. Gamble will change his views and join those ?vho believe Lorimer should he outside. This would make a clean-cut majority of ten against Lorimer on that ballot. In his own state 3fr. Gamble has been severely condemned for his vote on the Lorimer case, and it is believed he will not again call upon his head the wrath of his constitu ents. Senator Cullum also will think] very seriously over the situation be fore he again votes to sustain Lori mer. In talking privately to his colleagues he is quoted as expressing great dissatisfaction over his previous vote and many senators believe that unless strong political pressure from Illinois is brought to bear, he will be found in the other column. He un questionably wants to vote the other! way. The only question Is, "Will| he have the nerve to do it?" Even 'Bailey, chief defender of Lor imer, is studying present develop ments very closely. In a speech made when the question for a Becond Inquiry was pending he admitted that If the facts deduced justified a change of positions he would accept. Texas people have strong views on the Lorimer case, and although he is going out of public life Mr. Bailey still has his ear on the ground. COMES FROM CUBA TO JAIL. J. W. Harper Killed Sumtcr Hack man Last Christmas. A dispatch from Sumter to The State says it became known Tuesday that Friday J. W. Harper bad quietly surrendered himself to Jailer Owens and is now in jail. Harper killed Ed die Boss, a negro hackmun, last Christmas night. He made his es cape, his get-a-way occasioning a great deal of talk and a police in vestigation by a committee or coun cil. Harper subsequently wrote the sheriff, under a postmark in Cuba, that he would come to Sumter for trial, but nothing n ore was heard of I him until he secretly surrenilered j Friday. His attorneys have notified Solicitor Stoll that they will apply to Judge Gary Thursday for bail. Fearful Bond) Explosion. At Diggs, Bolhium, a bomb explo-1 sion during a cinoinatographlc ex-| bibition, Tuesday caused two deaths| and injured 03 persons. Eight of tin; victims had their logs amputated. Honors the Woman. Col. A. S. Home, a prominent res ident of Durham, N. C, has given ten thousand dollars for the erection of a monument to the women of the Confederacy at Raleigh, N. C. V CHASE OF BOLD THIEF ROBBED A STORE WHERE LITTLE GIRL WAS CLERK. After a Long Run, One Rascal Was Shot, Captured, But the Other Made His Escape. With a severe flesh wouud in the left leg, just below the knee, caused by a pistol ball from the weapon of one of his captora, Flux Suber, a negro, was lodged in the Lexington jail Friday night. According to the story told by the officers, Suber and Oscar Cook, another negro, entered the store of P. H. Stallings, tho well known dry goods merchant it Brook land, Friday afternoon about 2:3i' o'clock, and proceeded to take pos | session of the store, when they found that only one clerk was In the store at the time?a young girl. I While one of the negroes was pre tending to look ac some socks the other picked up a half dozen pahs of pants, the best quality that was in the shop. When the negro who was looking at the socks was told by the young lady clerk that she could not make the proper change to completo the purchase, he said that was all right he would take tao pair, i;hus saving her the trouble to secure the change. At one time the young woman, who was very much frightened, attempted to leave the store to report the oc currence to the next door, buc was met at the door by one of the ne groes who had a drawn knife. Fin ally, however, the negroes rushed out, one of them carrying the hunch of pants, and the clerk at once re ported v/hat had happened. In a very Bhort while, it is said, a large posse was in pursuit, and so hot became the chase that the pants were dropped by one of the culprits. Af ter a long chase across hill and dale the. men In pursuit came upon Suber, who was commanded to halt. Instead of stopping the fugitive is said to have gotten taster and faster, and it was necessary to shoot him in the leg to effect his capture. Cook loan aged to escape. Suber was carried back to Brook land, where his Injuries were looked after by Dr. Geiger. Suber had been off the gang only a short while, hav ing completed a sentence for larceny. For a while there was intense, excite ment in the little town, and it looked like the negroes, were in danger o$ being summarily dealt with for their dastardly attempts. WIFE'S DREAM SAVED HIM. True Story About the Briceville Mine Explosion. A Briceville, Tenn., dispatch says Hugh Larue, a miner employed in the Cross Mountain mine, In which there was an explosion Saturday, believes he owes his life to a dream his wife had Friday night. When he awoko Saturday morning, and prepared to go to his daily task in the mine, Mrs. Larue told him sho would not prepare dinner for him to carry to th emines, as she did not want him to work that day. She then recited a dream she had, giving this as her reason for asking that her husband stay out of the mine. Mrs. Larue said that Friday night she dreamed she saw scores of miners, with their heads blown off, being car ried out of the mine entrance; that she and her little children (and she has several) stood at the mine's mouth, watching the horrible Bight. Despite the fact that he. had nqt missed a day from his work for many months, he was prevailed upon Sat urday to remain ost of the mines. It was only a short time after Mrs. Larue told of her dream until the explosion was announced. With tears of joy streaming down her face, she embraced her husband and thanked Cod that she had had the dream Fri day night. AGED MAX KILLED BY TRAIN". John Ferguson Struck Lead by Sea board Passenger Engine. At Rock Hill John Ferguson, sixty nine years old, who lived near Ca:aw ba Junction, was killed Tuesday af-; ternoon by being run over by a Sea board passenger train. Mr. Fergu son lived near the Seaboard facks on the plantation of John T. Spencer, and for some reason or other was coining along the track, .lust where he was walking there is said to be a very sharp curve, and as the train, running at a good rate of speed, trrned this curve, it was close upon Mr. Ferguson. ? Being very deaf he did not hear the ivhistle and was struck and almost instantly killed. VETERANS OP LOST CAUSE. They Are Rapidly Passing Away in State of Texas. A Houston, Texas, dispatch says at the rate the Confederate veterans and pensioners are dying throughout the State, it will not be many years before there wiil be no more need for an appropriation for Confederate pensions. According to the manner of determining the deaths by the de partment, there has been an average of between 200 and .'500 deaths a?> ong the veterans during each three months. For the present quarter, however, the number of deaths has reached 700 or more. TWO CENTS PER COPY. THEY Will Wl Outlook Bright for Dei&ocrafs if T&ey Ad pt Progressi?e PJa?W, -?-. i WAICH THEY SHOULD DO -?- / This Is the Assurance Given the New York World by aPMajority of the Democratic Leaders in and Out of Congress, Who Are Divided on Wilson and Harmon. The New York World says many Democrats of high standing in po litical life all over the country have within the last few days answered for The World these questions: "What are the prospects of the success of your party candidate for, the presidency if existing conditions continue as at present? "Who in your estimation should [be the candidate of the national con vention of your party in order to en list the support of the majority of voters in your state. "What, in your judgment, should be the issues upon which your party should make its appeal to the voters of your state for their support? "Do you believe that a 'conserva tive'" or a 'progressive' policy would best contribute to the success of your party? "The answers show that Demo crats everywhere are eager lor the campaign, sure of their issues, and wholesomely confident of success. The World herewith presents them succinctly: "The tariff reform, said everyone, is the paramount issue. "Progressive, rather than a con servative policy was in the platform Of the majority. "Where choice of candidates was given it was singular to note that Governor Woodrow Wilson, of New Jersey, and Governor- Judspn Har mon, of Ohio, ran even, with Champ Clark a good second; Representative Oscar'W." Underwood and' Governor Thomas R. Marshall, of Indiana, next and scattering mention made of Sen ator John W. Kern, Governor Jos eph W. Folk, of Missouri; Governor John Burke, of, North. Dakota; Gov ernor Eugene N. Foss, of Massa chusetts.' "Any good progressive Democrat, was the answer of a surprisingly large number. Supporters of Woodrow Wilson. ''Woodrow Wilson was the first choice of these men among others: "Senator John Sharp Williams, of Missouri; Senator Chamberlain, of Oregon; Senator IMartine, of New Jersey; Senator L. Owen, of Okla homa; Congressman R. P. Hobson, ot Alabama; Congressman Claude V. Stone, of Illinois; Congressman Eu gene F. Klnkead, of New Jersey; Congressman Charles B. Smith, of New York; Congressman John H. Small, of North Carolina; Congress man C. D. Carter, of Oklahoma; Con gressman Rufus Hardy, of Texas; Congressman W. R. Smithy of Texas; State Chairman Alex Sweek, of Ore gon; State. Chairman J. B. Thomp son, of Oklahoma; Editor Josephus Daniels, of Raleigh, N. C.j State Chairman H. S. Martin, of Kansas. Some Harmon Supporters. "Judson Harmon was the first choice of these men: "Congressman J. D. Post, of Ohio; Congressman T. T. Ansberry, of Ohio; Congressman Isaac K. Sher wood, of Ohio; Congressman William A. Ashbrooke, of Ohio; Congressman Alfred G. Allen, of Ohio; Coagress- . man Steven B. Ayres, of New York; Congressman James P. Malier, of . Hew York; Congressman Francis Bur ton Harrison, of New York; Con gressman John Lamb, of Virginia: Congressman George F. Burgess, of Texas; Congressman Ben Cravens, of Arkansas; State Chairman William O. Ventiies, of Tennessee; State Chair man J. S. Williams, of Texas; Na tional Committeeman Edwin O. Wood, of Michigan; ex-Senator Henry D. Money, of Mississippi; ex-National Chairman William F. Harrity, of Pennsylvania. Champ Clark's Friends. "Among Champ Clark's "first and only choice" supporters are: "State Chairman N. F. Reed, of Iowa: Congressman Charles F. Book er, of Missouri; Congressman Wil liam P. Borland, uf Missouri; Con gressman James R. Ellerbe, of South Carolina; Congressman Ben Johnson, of Kentucky. "Congressman Oscar W. Under wood of Alabama, has the si'-ong sup port of Senator Joseph F. Johnson, of Alabama, the Alabama congress ional delegation and he is often men tioned as a 'dark horse' elsewhere. "Governor Marshall, of Indiana, has the strength of a "favorite son" and the hearty indorsement of Gov ernor Cruce, of Oklahoma, among others." Big Fellow Wriggles Out. A bar of soap aided James Howe, alleged bank robber, in escaping from jail at Xortonville, Kansas, Tuesday night. Howe weigh? 'iOO pounds. By removing his clothing and soaping his body he was able to wriggle through a hole only twelve inches square. Sixteen Person Killed. At Oporto, Portugal, sixteen per sons were killed arro thirty injured by the derailment of two cars which fell into the river Douro.