The times and democrat. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1881-current, September 28, 1911, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Mr. I, L. Showem He Sele r i Mi/57 .;>c "" )j [ IrYouCAtf SuR? That { j?RfeAK tue Sk If it's a surface to be painted, enameled, stained, varnished or fin ished in any way, there's an Acme Quality Kind to fit the purpose. m is 1 Ml. Fall Painting Means Winter Comfort Fall is the time to touch up shabby surfaces in the home, because winter is the time your home is used most. A little money spent now for paints and finishes will make the home brighter, cleaner, more attractive, more whole some* all winter long. PAINTS AND FINISHES refinish shabby surfaces at trifling cost. Expert advice at our store, by phone or mail. Let us tell you Five Strong Reasons for Fall House Painting. s. A. BLAC ORANGEBURG. S. C. There is no use in trying! You can't stop a man on his way to L. B. BOLIN'S To get some of those Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes, Harness, Bagging and Ties, Farm Produce and Fertilizers, Seal of Ohio flour and Improved Cotton Seed a Specialty "Neeses, S. C. H. W. STOUDENMiRE. Agent for Reading Standard and other good Bicycles. See me be-, fore you buy. First class repairing of Guns, Sew ing Machines, Bicycles, etc. to Loan j Iam prepared to negoti ate first mortgage loans on improved farm proper ties, at seven per cent in terest. These Ioan:< are repayable in instalments, no commissions being charged thereon. Call and let us explain their at tractive features. I J. Stokes Sailey ? Atty. at Law I NO. 7 LAW RANGE e Cotton Seed Wanted. If you have any cotton seed to sell or trade, see me before selling at Adden Bros. Warehouse, corner Railroad and E. Russell St. Car load lots solicited. Be fore buying your Fertilizer see me and get. prices. R. N. OWEN, Agent for Kershaw Oil Mill.. W'e challenge you to find clothing with more exclusive fabric designs, better fitting and more fashionable 'ban that we offer you HERE. The distinctive, smart cut of our clothing?its ALL WOOL splendid fabric?and its genuine shape-hold ing, perfect fit?will gratify and please the most exacting. $12.50 to $25.00 Retaneker & Riggs, The Fashion Shop. Notice of Discharge und Call To Cred itors. On October 16th, 1911, we will file our final account as Executors of the estate of Frank 13. Jones, deceased, with the Judge of Probate for Or angeburg County, and will thereupon ask for our discharge as such Execu tors. All persons having claims against the estate of Krank E. Jones, deceas ed, will present the same to the un ersigned, on or before October 14th, 1911, or be debarred payment. Isaac Rivers, Benjamin Washington. Executors of Frank E. Jones, deceas I ed. Sept. 11th, 1911. cts a Tender Chicke Circuit Court Sale. State of South Carolina, County of Orangeburg. In Common Pleas. Hattie E. Robinson, Plaintiff, against Thomms H. Shuler, et al., Defend ants. By virtue of a judgment of the Court of Common Pleas in the above entitled action, I will sell at Orange burg Court House on the first Mon day in October, next, during the leg al hours for sale, the following de scribed real estate: All that certain piece, parcel or tract, of land, situate, lying and being in Orange Township, Orangeburg County, State of South Carolina, con taining twenty acres, more or less, and bounded by lands of Mrs. Car rie Smith, James Robinson, Jeoffry Robinson and other lands of Elijah Robinson. Being same lands con veyed to the defendant Thomas H. Shuler, by Elijah Robinson, by his deed of conveyance dated February 26th, 1906, and duly recorded. All that certain other tract, or par cel of land, situate, lying and being in Orange Township, said County of Oranrgeburg, State of South Carolina, containing nine and one half acres, .more or less, and bounded on the North by lands of John Rickenbaker; on the East by lands of Willie Rob inson, on the South by lands of Wil liam Ilrey, and on the West by Tol son Rickenbaker. 'Being same lands conveyed to the defendant Thomas H. Shuler by' Elijah Robinson, by bis deed of conveyance, dated April 1st, 1910, and being a part of the lands conveyed to Elijah Robinson by James Keller. TERMS: Cash. Purchasers to pay for papers and all taxes payable after day of sale; and In case the pur chaser shall fail to comply with the terms of sale, then the said premises will be resold on the same or some subsequent salesday, on the same terms, and at the risk of the former purchaser. Andrew C. Dibble, Judge of Probate, as Special Referee. September 9th, 1911. 3t. Circuit Court Sale. State of South Carolina, County of Orangeburg. In Common Pleas. C. H. Willcox, A. J. Ives, C. L. Will cox and W. T. Hopkins, co-part ners trading under the firm name of Wilcox, Ives & Co., Plaintiffs, ?against Thomas M. Dukes, et al., Defendants. By virtue of a judgment of the Court of Common Pleas in the above entitled action, I will sell at Orange burg Court House on the first Mon day in October, next, during the leg al hours for sale, the following de scribed real estate: All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the Town of Rowesville, Orangeburg County, South Carolina, on the South east corner of Main street and Railroad Avenue, fronting and measuring North on Main Street one hundred and two feet (102), and on lots of Mrs. E. O. Coleman and W. M. Edgeman one hundred and forty feet (140), more or less; East on lot of W. C. Fairey three hi'.ndred and thirty feet (3I!0), more or less; South on . lot of Mrs. Julia E. Rowman two hundred and forty iwo feet (242), more or loss: and West on Railroad Avenue three hun dred and twenty-five feet (325), more or less; and being the two lots of land conveyed to the said T. M. nukes, by Robert E. Copes, .Tud^e of Probate as Special Referee, by deed (ip.tod November 2nd, 1909, and re corded in the office of the Clerk of Court for Orangeburg County, South Carolina, in Deed liook Xo. 44, at page 371. TERMS: Cash. Purchasers tn pay for papers and all taxes payable after day of sale; and in case the pur chaser shall f:iil tn compl.\ with the forms of sale, then the said premises will be resold on the same or some subsequent salesday, on the same terms, and at the risk of the former purchaser. Andrew C. Dibble. Judge of Probate, as Special Referee. September 0th, 1H 11. 3t For Sale. A very desirable farm of ?,i~> acres located one mile east of the city of Orangeburg. S. C. About 150 acres under cultivation, balance in wood land. Fine old settlement, with na tive grove of beautiful oaks; two sto ry S room dwelling, excellent well of water and location very healthy. Can be purchased at private sale untii November 1st., next, when if not sold at private sale the same will be sold at public auction at Orangeurg Court House, S. C. for division. For inform:ation apply to Dr. W. H. Lawton, Vance, S. C, or to A. M. Salley, Orangeburg, S. C, Execu tors. n by Ryan Walker at This i rut rr- TtST ^ ftUSWKS// Pfcrt HE Cor /So OLD D?Tt /?III LAY M'DDjN^t'V C'OLkf, I LCV? r(/M AS MlHt Ou/rv SlSTfcR. M SHOP v>u owr n;fe7. /(v^?7/P^S0NNAKt U "Be It Ever So Humble, There's No Place Like Home* Everybody's Coming Home From Everywhere from the lake, from the sea shore, from the dressy hotel, fiom the fishing camp, from the old farm, from a few days "off," and from all sorts of outings. "Nowhere to come but back," and mighty glad of it. No nicer town in the world to come back to, and we all help to make it so, if we do say it our selves. Now you're home again how about your clothes? Isnt your wardrobe a little de pleated after the hard racket you have given your clothing during your outing? If so, we just want to remit d you that our FALL and WIN TER SUITS are in and waiting for you. Prettier, sweller, or more desirable suits ycu never feasted ycur eyes upon. THs is the home of new ideas and we will wager anything that you will never complain of a single price we name. Come see. orge Orangeburg, South Carolina. Circuit Court Sale. State of South Carolina, County of Orangeburg. In Comon Pleas. The Farmers' and Merchants' Bank, of Orangeburg, S. C, Plaintiff, against James F. Felder, et al., de fendants. By virtue of a judgment of Court of common pleas in the above entit led action, I wil sell at Orangeburg Court House on the first Monday in October next, during the legal hours for sale, the following described real estate: All that certain lot or parcel of land, with the buildings and improve ments, thereon, situate, lying and being in Orange Township, said County and State aforesaid, fronting and measuring on the Five Chop road one hundred and eighty-lsix (ISO) feet, more or less, running from said road in a westerly direc tion and measuring three hundred and forty-five feet, more or less, to the rear or back line; measuring on said back or rear line one hundred and fifty eight feet, running thence in an easterly direction two hundred and four feet, more or less, thence Ln a North Easterly direction one hun dred and forty-six foot, more or less, thence in an easterly direction one hundred and fifty feet, more or less, to said Five Chop road. Bounded on the North by lands of Henry Von Ohsen; on the East by said Five Chop road; South by lands now or former ly of Abram Felder hereinafter de-! cribed; an?! by lands of now or form erly of the estate of John McKewn, and West now or formerly by lands of II. Von Ohsen. Ileing a part of the same tract of land conveyed to James F. Foldor by II. Von Ohsen by his deed o* conveyance datel Feb. 6, 1 901. All thai certain lot or parcel of land, with the buildings thereon, situate, lying and being in Orange Township, said County and State aforesaid, about one mile from the City of Orangebtirg, fronring and measuring on said Five Chop road seventy-four i 740 feet, more or loss, running from said road in a westerly direction on the northern boundary line one hundred and fifty feet, more or less; thence Southerly one hun dred and forty-six feet, more or less, to land now or formerly of John Mc Kewn; thence Easterly to the said Five Chop road one hundred and sev enty feet, more or less, bounded on the North and West by lands of James P. Folder: on the south by lands of John McKewn and the War ing Chapel Baptist Church and on the East by the Five Chop road. Being same land conveyed to Abram Felder by .tames F. Folder by his deed of conveyance dated Feb. 17, 1905, and recorded in the oflice of the Clerk of :f Court for Orangeburg' County in Book 46, page 3 8S. Terras?Cash. Purchasers to pay for papers and all taxes payable af ter the day of the sale; and in case the purchaser shall fail to comply with the terms of sale, then the said premises will be resmd on the same or some subsequent salesday, on the same terms and at the risk of the former pur. a? Andrew 0. Dibble, Judge of Probate, as Sep. 11, 1911. Special Referee. TEXAS WOMAN GETS RESULTS When the Doctor Failed to Help Mrs. Moncrief, She Helped Herself With Cardui. Belton, Tex.?In a letter written from this place, Mrs. Ethel Moncrief says: "I suffered with womanly troubles ever since I first entered wo manhood. The doctors failed to help, so I began with Cardui. From the first, I could see good results, and 1' kept on taking It. I was relieved of all my dreadful suffering. Cardui has built up my system, and my friends are all surprised to see the good results I obtained. Cardui Is as good a doctor as any woman needs. It can't be bear, I caunot praise Cardui too highly." For more than half a century, Cardui has been used successfully to prevent i unnecessary pains caused by womanly I troubles, such as headache, backache, I side ache, dragging sensations, etc. It also acts as a general tonic, for the weak, tired, worn-out womanly system. Whether seriously sick, or simply weak aud ailing, take Cardui. It helped a million others. ? It will help you, too. N. B.?Write to: Ladies" Ad vitory Dept.. Chatta. I nooc.i Medicine Co.. Chattanooga. TVnn., for Sprciiu j Instructions, and M-p.ige book, "Home Treatment I (or Women," Sent in plain wrapper, on request. Notice of Final Discharge and Cull to Creditors. On October the 20th, 191!, I will pie my final acottnt as Fxecufor of tho estate of Francis E. Brickie, de ceased, with the Judge of Probate for Orangeburg County: and will there upon ask for my discharge as such Executor. All persons having claims against ihe estate of Frances E. Brickie will present the asme duly verified, on or before October 20th, 1911, to the un dersigned, or to J. S. Salley, Attorney or be debarred payment. John V. Brickie, Executor of the estate of Frances E. Brickie, deceased.?9-19-4. E. N. Scoville If you want a Ladies' Tailor-Made Suit or Skirt, something with a stylo of It's own and different from the "Hand-me-downs" and regular store stocks you are respectfully invited to call and see the latest new styles and materials, from $15.00 to $30.00 a suit. These suits and skirts are made to your order and delivered promptly. Fit and satisfaction guar anteed. Toothache and La-Grippe don't cause half as much swearing as poor hose. Wear Holeproof Hose and avoid blashphemy. We carry a full line for men, women and children. Prices for plain and mercerized cot ton range from $1.50 up to $3.00 for six pairs, guaranteed for six months. Silks for men are $::.00 for three pairs, guaranteed for three mos. and for women, -S-'5.00 for three pairs, guaranteed for three months. Wall Paper and Decorations I have in display the largest sock of Wall Paper that has ever been shown in Orangeburg. Prices from Gc to 3 0c per roll. Bagging and Ties New Arrow Tires. New Jute Ragging. Second hand Ragging and Tires. Prices, the lowest. E. N. Scoville