The times and democrat. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1881-current, August 26, 1911, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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M r. I. L. Sho< "Tie Common Law" .By Pobert W. Chambers, Il lustrated by Gibson. Th s book, which has been runnin * in serial form in the Cosmopolitan Magazine, has just b :en published in book form. We have received cop ies of : t, and they are for aale, at $1.40 per copy. Don't wait another month or so o finish the story; buy a bock now and have your own c opy for future reading. Whei going over it in pieces by the month you couldn't en joy it. Buy one now, and read i from cover to cover. Prii;e $1.40 Per Copy. Sin is Book Store Orangeburg, S. C. WANNAMAKER'S THEtRjORUG STORE It isn'' everything in the merchan dise sold alter all?it is really the personal ty behind the store that brings you back again and again. You 1 eel satisfied when you get your dn g and household wants from this dm ; store that you are getting the best that human endeavor can put Into it. Why? T-he r.en here love their work. They are experienced?competent register >d. You ire treated as a friend, not just as an occasiona Icustomer. lAnd, ifter all, we do business only ?with ou' friends. This [rug sore does a careful busi ness. T does a considerate business. "We are here to make a legitimate are our friends and come to us with profit and we are happy when you your si' k room needs, perscriptions or toile articles. Why no always say "Wannamakers." J. 6. Wannamaker fiTg Co Orangeburg, S. C. THE SEWING MACH1NB OF QUALITY. WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. If you purchase the NEW HOME you wlU tiave a 1 fe usset nt the prl> c you pay, and tpM oot hav : an endless chain of Quality Considered it is the Cheapest m the end to buy. If you want a sewing machine, write for our lat? st catalogue before you purchase. Tiie M Home Sewing Machine Co.. Orange, Mass. Cok :sbury Conference Schcol Cokesbury, S. C. High ;rade prepatory school. Courses in col ege preparatory. Music. Ex pressi >n and business. Excellent en vlrotii ient. Health record unexcell ed. ?120 pays board and tuition. Sessic a opens Sept 21, 1911. Write: L E. HINKLE, B. A. Headmaster. irvem. CADIDATES CARDS. To the Voters of the City of Or angeburg.?I hereby respectfully an nounce myself a candidate for the office of Mayor of the city of Orange burg at the approaching municipal election, and will appreciate the en dorsement of my candidacy. Very truly yours, W. W. Wannamaker. To the Voters of the City of Orange burg: At the earnest solicitation of many friends I hereby announce my self a candidate for the office of May or Orangeburg in the approaching municipal election. I realize fully the importance and honor of the position I ask at your hands, and I believe I can fill the office to the complete satisfaction of the entire citizenship, and I respect fully request your favourable consid eration of my candidacy. If you elect me, I shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the office, determined to devote my best energies to the advancement of our city. Yours truly, O. K. Wilson. FOR ALDERMAN. I announce myself a candidate for Alderman for the City of Orange burg at the election to be held Sept. 12, 1911. Respectfully, D. H. Marchant. I hereby announce myself a candi date for alderman at the ensuing municipal election. T. A. FAIREY. I hereby announce myself a can didate for alderman in the coming election. Julian A. Salley. I hereby announce myself a cand idate for re-election as Alderman at the ensuing Municipal election. ABIAL LATHROP. I hereby announce myself a cand idate for re-elect.ion as Alderman, at the ensuing Municipal election. R. F. BRYANT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election as alderman in the ensuing election. J. X. Weeks. I announce myself a candidate for alderman, and will abide by the re sults of the election. W. G. SMITH. Municipal Tax Notice. Office of City Clevk and Treasurer, Orangebudg, S. C. Aug. 11, 1911. In pursuance of the provisions of the following ordinance and other or dinances of the City of Orangeburg, relating to the assessment and col lection of taxes therein, notice is hereby gjven that the City Treasur er's office will be open on the 15th day of September, 1911, and contin ue open every day until the 15th day of October 1911, (Sundays excepted) from 9 o'clock in the forenoon till 2 o'clock in the afternoon for the receiot of city taxes, without penalty, for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 191 and ending March 31, 1912. The total levy fixed by the attached ordinance is 17 mills on each and every dollar of the assessed value of all real and personal FELT BAD ALL THE TIME Shellhorn Lady Suffered a Great Deal, But Is A\\ Right Now. Bhellhorn, Ala.?In a letter from this place, Mrs. Carrie May says: "A short time ago, I commenced to have weak spells and headaches. I felt bad all the time, and soon grew so bad I couldn't stay up. I thought I would die. At last my hur .nd got me a bottle of Cardul, and it helped me; so he got some more. After I had taken the second bottle, I ??as entirely well. I wish every :ady, suffering from womanly trouble, would try Cardul. It Is the best medicine I know of. It did me more gooe than anything I ever used." Cardul is a woman's tonic?a strengthening medicino for women, made from ingredients that act spe cifically on the womanly organs, and thus help to build up the womanly con stitution to glowing good health. As a remedy for woman's ills, it has a successful record of over 50 years. Your druggist sells It. Please try iL N. B.? WriUto: IjJIw'Advljory Dept.. Chaty*. ijpox* Medicine Co.. Cl??tt?BOos?. Tenn..ior Special Inthueaoru, *>d (A--'tge book. Horn? Treatme* Mir Woman," sent 1c pWa wrapper, os request. Engrave visiting cards are neatest and best. Sims Book Store for them. He Spends property in the city of Orangeburg, Interest and sinking i\;nd R. R. honds .. 3-4 mills. Interest and Sinking fund W. and L. .bonds ... 1 1-2 mills Interest and Sinking fund Sewer bonds.2 1-4 mills. as follows: Ordinary expenses .. 12 1-2 mills. All persons interested will take no tice and govern themselves accord ingly. By order of City Council, L. H. Wannamaker, City Clerk and Treasurer. An Ordinance. To Raise Supplies and Make Appro priations to Meet the Liabilities of the City of Orangeburg for the Fiscal Year beginning April 1, 1911 and Ending March 31, 1912. 3e it ordained by the Mayor and Al dermen of the City of Orangeburg in City Council Assembled, and by Authority of Same. Section 1. That for the purpose of raising supplies and meeting the or | dinary expenses of" the City of Or angeburg for the fiscal year begin ning April 1, 1911 and ending March 31, 1912 a tax of twelve and one half (12 1-2) mills be and the same is hereby levied on each doller of the assessed value of the real and perso nal property in the said city of Or angeburg (except such property as is exempt by the laws and the constitu tion of the State from taxation.) Section 2. That for the purpose of paying the annual interest upon the Railroad bonds dssued by the said ci ty of. Orangeburg under and by the authority of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, approv ed the 22nd day of December, 1891, and for the purpose of creating a sinking fund for the redemption of said bonds a tax of three-fourths (3-4) of one mill be and the same is hereby levied upon each dollar of the assessed value of all real and perso nal property within the city of Or angeburgt not exempt from taxation. Section 3. That for the purpose of paying the semi-annual interest upon the Water and Electric bonds issued by the said City Council in accor dance with the act of the General Assembly of the State, approved the 2nd day of March, 1S96, and the acts amendatory, and for the pur pose of creating a sinking fund for the redemption of the said bonds, a ?tax of one and one-half (1 1-2) mills be and the same is hereby levied up on each dollar of the assessed val ue of all the real and personal prop erty within the said city of Orange burg, except such property as is ex empt from taxation. Section 4. That for the purpose of paying the semi-annual interest upon the Sewerage bonds, issued by the said city in accordance with law, and for purpose of creating a sink ing fund for the redemption of said sewerage bonds, a tax of two and one-fourth (2 1-4) mills be and the same i3 hereby levied upon dol lar of the assessed value of all real and persona, property within the Ci ty of Oranceburg except such prop erty as is exempt from taxation. Section 5. That the taxes levied by this ordinance shall become due and payable on the fifteenth day of September 1911, and the City Treas urer's office shall be open for the re ceipt and collection of said taxes from the fifteenth day of September, 1911, until the fifteenth day of Oct ober, 1911, Sundays excepted. Section G. That for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of the foregoing section of this Or dinance the City Clerk and Treasur er is hereby authorized, directed and empowered to take all such steps and do all such things as may be neces sary thereto as is provided by law and the ordinances of said city. Done and Ratified by City Council in City Council Assembled at the Ci ty of Orangeburg, S. C, this the 11 day of August, Anno Domini, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Elev en. J. W. H. Dukes, Mayor of the City of Orangeburg, South Carolina. Attest: L H. Wannamaker, City Clerk and Treasurer. Austrian Deterth'e Here. Joe i.Muller was equipped for daz 1 zling work in the service of the Im perial Austrian Police by a know ledge of crime and criminals gained through a slip-up of justice. Read the adventures of "Joe Muller: De tectivfll," by Grace Isabel Colbron and Augusta Groner. Formerly pub lished at .$1.50; now FIFTY CENTS at Sims' Book State. SrMS BOOK STORE. Has just received a shipment of Or angeburg, Orangeburg High School and Orangeburg College Penants. The Orangeburg pennants are jnst the tiling for your auto. See them in our window. Seventy-five cents. ? , the Week-end in th VERY LOW EXCURSION RATES. By Southern Railway Account Con federate Reunion. O acount of the Confederate reun union at Columbia the Souther Rail way will sell tickets at extremely low rates from all points in South Caro lina and Augusta, Ga., and between and including Asheville. 'Marion, lumbia, S. C. and return. Tickets Statesville and Salisbury, N C, to Co wlll be sold August 20, 21, 22 and 23 nal starting point not later than final limit returning to reach origi midnight of August 26. The follow ing are the round trip rates from the points named: \ Charleston.?. ...... .. $2:G0 Graniteville,.1.40 Orangeburg.1.00 Allendale.1.55 Bamberg.?.1.3 0 Blackville.1.00 Camden.65 Edgefield.? .. .. 1.25 Hardeeville.2.60 Sumter.85 'Barn well.1.25 Branchville.1.35 Denmark."...00 Special extra coaches will be pro vided on all Southern railway trains for the accomodation of the veterans and their friends attending the reun ion. FW further information apply to any tlcet agent on the Southern rail way or J. L, Meek, A. G. P. A., At lanta, Ga., or W. E. McGee, D. P. A., Charleston, S. C. Five or six doses "6 65" will cure any caBe of Chills and Fever. Price twenty-five cents. e Country By Ryan Walker. THE FAMOUS CULEBRA CUT. Tnis picture shows the famous Culebra cut-as seen from the north. Onthe left is Gold Hill w.ith an ele vation of 532 feet ove sea level; on the right Contractor Hill, 404 feet above sea level. The French, when attempting to cono^ruct the canal, only cut down to 160 feet through the hills. Tthe present depth of the* cut is 30 feet above sea level. The width of the canal at this-point was planned for 300 feet, but in view ct tMe land-slides hereabout that are of frequent occurrence it may have to be made double the width just named. ' BROOKS is located in extreme Southern Georgia, or what might be termed a little south west Georgia, and bounded on the south by the State line of Florida and it is true that there is a narrow strip of light gray, but very fertile soil extending partially across the south ern end of the county. With this one exception, almost the whole country is composed of a red pebbly rocky soil, with a stiff firm clay sub-soil, surface partially, level, but sufficiently undulated for perfect drainage. Brooks is a small county, contain 296,320 acres (of as fine farming lands as can be found in Georgia) or 463 square miles, with a population of 24,000 home loving and home build ing people, that raise from 12,000 to 15,000 bales of cotton annually, about one-fourth of this being the Sea Island variety. Furnishes the market with approximate ly one and a half million pounds of smoked dried pork or bacon, and about one million pounds of live pork (hogs on their feet), saying nothing of the vast quantity of bacon, pork, hams, sausage, lard, etc., used at home. In addition to the Pork and Cotton Industry of this county, our farmers ship from 500 to 600 car loads cf Watermelons to the Eastern and Northern Markets each season at an approximate net income to the coumv-seat from $40.000 to $50,000. Besides this, Brooks County soil as a whole, is especially adapted for the production cf corn, oats, peanuts, peavine Siay, sugar cane, sweet potatoes, etc. If you are interested in high class farm lands why not come down tins summtr and look over the territory and see for yourself just what our soil is doing? A large majority of our farmers have nice bank accounts, own beautiful homes and are enjoying prosperity. Why? because, Brooks County soil properly cultivated always guarantees successful crops. On investigation one would find this county a net work of rural telephone lines, twenty-two (22) R F. D. mail deliveries, carrying the mail to the farmers in every "nook and'' of the county, graded public roads in any direction one wishes to travel, and excllent public school system with Rural schools runnings from seven to nine months in tht year, with an appropriation from the state of $20.000 to $22.000 per annum. Our water is clear cool and pure. The general health conditions, are none better to be found in the state. Farm lands enhancing in value every day. Should you be interested or desire further information regarding Brooks county Farm Lands address Mathis and Company, QUITMAN, GEORGIA