The times and democrat. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1881-current, June 03, 1911, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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CLASSIFIED COLUMN 25 Beautiful Foreign Vie-7 postal cards, 20c. Ferguson, 1042 Lafay ette Ave., Kansas City, Kansas. t- ? fc'ur Sale?Wire Fish Baskets,, price $1.50 with order. Send for cir cular. W. A. Jester, Griffin, Ga. "Wanted?bookkeepers, stenographers and clerks for high-grade positions. Southern Business Bureau, Char lotte, N. C. Agents.?We save you 25 er cent, on your portrait work. Big job lot frames 10x20. Owens Portrait & Frame Woria, Hogansville. Ga. <Soose and Duells Feather Beds.?New clean and white, covered with high ; grade ticking, only $12.75 each. Dixie Feather Bed Co., Corbett, N. C. aiayberry's Chicken Remedy for Gaps, Roup and Cholera. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postpaid, 25c. Tells how to get future supply free. Guy Mayberry, Newberry, Ind. EEggs in Incubator lots or single sit tings from S. C. Reds, $1.50 per 15; $8.00 per hundred. Nice cock erels, $2.00 each. Eugenia Ham mond, North Augusta, S. C. 4,000 acres, 2 1-2 miles Ry., 1,000 acres in cultivation, 50 tenant, bouses, good barns, excellent fen ces; 3,000 acres timber; $20 per acre. Harris Realty Co., Claren don, Ark. Feather Beds?Mail us $10 and we will ship you a nice, new 36-pound feather bed and 6-pound pair pil lows, freight prepaid. Turner & Cornwell, Feather Dealers, Char lotte, N. C. Dcbbs' Single Comb Rhode Island Reds and "Crystal" White Orping tons win and lay when others fall, stock and eggs for sale. Send for mating list. G. A. Dobbs, Box B. 24, Gainesville, Ga. Wanted?Men and ladies to take three months practical course. Ex pert management. High salaried positions guaranteed. Write for catalogue new. Charlotte Tele graph School, Charlotte, N. C. Wanted?Men to take thirty day?' practical coarse In oar machine sbops and leum automobile busi . aens. Positions secarea gradu ates, $25 per week and up. Char ? lotte Auto School, Charlotte. N. C. Wanted?Bookkeepers, {Stenogra phers, clerks, write us I" desiring employment. We place competent business help and are not able to supply demand. Carolina Audit & 8ystem Co., Skyscraper, Columbia, S. C. When Medicines Fail, will take your! case. Diseases of Stomach, Bow els, Kidneys, Liver, Lungs and de bility (either sex) permanently eradicated by Natural Methods. Interesting literature tree. " C. Cul len Howerton, Durham, N. C. Wanted?Every man, woman and child in South Carolina to know that the "AIco" brand of Sash, Doors and Blinds are the best and are made only by the Augusta Lumber Company, who manufac ture everything . la Lumber and Mlllwork and whose v.atchword la "Quality." White Augusta Lum ber Company, Augm>*.a, Georgia, for prices ob any order, large or small. Sand H1U Land For Sale?This coun country is rapidly &ettling with people who are anxious to get away from unhealthy climates and high priced lands. The climate is excellent. No fever. No malaria. Land will raise as much cotton as lands selling for two hundred dol lars an acre, and yet you can buy this for the same amount you pay rent. People are coming here ev ery day, and you had better come while prices are still low. Some land as low as for..' dollars an acre. H. A. Page, Jr., Aberdeen, N. C. Don't Delay Longer?In providing your home with a good piano or or gan. Doubtless, you have promised your family an instrument. No home is complete without music, and nothing is 60 inspiring and cultivat ing. Music helps to drown sorrows, and gives entertainmet for the chll dre, and keeps them at home. This Ij our 27th year of uninterrupted success here, hence we are better pre pared than ever to supply the best pianos and organs and will save you money. Write us at once for catalogt and for our easy payment plan and prices. Malone's Musii- House, Co* Inmhla. 8. C. Free ] Round Trip to Charleston The Retail Merchants Pav Your Fare. Ont-of-town shoppers may come to Charleston, stay ?rom one to live days, attend the theatres, visit the Island resorts, etc., do baying and have their railroad fare paid for the round trip. The only conditions to be complied with are: First, that your combined purchases amount to $25 or more. Second, that you come from a point twenty-five miles or more distant. Third, that your fare must not exceed 5 per cent, of your total purchases. The merchants of Charleston carry large and well assorted stocks. The matter of selection is easy; you have a variety to choose from. Their stocks are kept fresh by being replerdshed of ten. Prices are very reasonable, considering quality. The following merchants are members of this refund plan and will be very glad to serve you. If you'cannot find what you want in your home town, remambsr you can always gat It In Charleston. ASK FOR REFUND BOOKS. Art Stores. Lanneur's Art Store.238 King st Antique Furniture. Morgenstern Furniture Company, .. ... ,.62 Reid st Bakers. Condon's Bakery. .153 Rutledge ave Book Stores. Walker, Evans & Cogswell .. '.. .?.3 Broad st C. L. Legerton.. ..263 King st Carets, Mattings, Etc. Mutual Carpet Company. .. '.247 King st China, Glass and Queensware. Charleston Crockery Company... .299 King st Cijrars and Tobacco. Follin Bros. Co.260 King st Clothing and Gents' Furnishing. Bentschner & Visanska. .252 King st Hirsch-Isreal Company. -..King and Wentworth 'Blueotleln Bros.. 494-496 King st W. S. Cook Company.332 King st S. Brown Sons. .354-356 King st Banov & Volaski. . .385 King st Department Stores. M. Furchgott & Sons. .240-242 King st Louis Cot en & Co. 232-234 King st and 203 Meeting J. R. Real Co.249 King st The Kern son Dry Goods Co. .. . .. ,.80-82 Hasel st Druggist. Parajon Drug Co. . .?.286-288 King st Fish and Oysters. Terry Fish Co.. . .133 'Market st Florists Connelley-McCarty Ct. .296 Kiug st Furniture. Phoenix Furniture Co. .1S7-191 King st Buell & Roberts......573 King st A. G. Rhodes & Son. . 359-361 King st Furniture and Dry Goods. Buell & Roberts_573 King Grocers. J. H. Hesse. .Montague Coming The John Hurkamp Co. .King and Broad sts Guns, Bicycles and Sporting Goodr,. The B. E a >ms Co.. .. .'SO King st Hardware. M. H. Lazarus.. .. . .King and Hasell sts A. McL .Martin. . . .363 King st Strochecker & McDerm'-l. .28 7 King st Ball Supply Co.. ..377 King st Jewelers. Jas. Allan & Co.. . .285 King st Carrington, Thomas & Co. .251 Kingst Optician and Optical Supplies. Parsons Optical Co. . 24 4 King st Plinos, Organs, Music and Mu sical Merchandise. SeigHng's Music Store. .,.243 King st Stoves, Cooking Utensils, Etc. Minnis Stove Co.,. .Kin* and Barns lane Shoe Stores. Robert E. Martin_256 Kingst H.J.Williams. . . .218 Kingst Robert Martin. . .139 Market st A. A. Hirsch.2S1 Kingst D. O'Brien & Sons. . .3?1 Kingst W. F Livingston. . . 3(i6 Kingst Jacob's Phoe Store. .."""O Kingst 1 nks and Bi><:s. Charleston Trunk Company. . . . .270 Kingst Typewriters and Office Supplies. Edward J. Murphy.. 157 Meeting LOYt RATES BEGINNING JUNE FIRST. Now is the time to begin to prepare for the fail and new year position. Lessons by mail if desired. Positions guaranteed. No vacation. ^outrjerr; Conjnjerclfcl School Calhoun & Meeting sts., Charleston, S. C; AVilmington, Winston-Salein, Salisbury, Durham, N. C. The highest endorsed Business CoMege In the South Atlantic Enter any time. Write for full Information. IE-STUDIES HEZEKIAH'S GREAT REFORM (I Chronicles 30?June 11 'lien looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart."?! Samuel Ufl. KING- HEZEKIAH of Judah has a wonderful record as a man of God, a reformer, a patriot, yet he was the son of a bad father, who In turn was the .son of a good father, who In turn was the son of a bad father. Th_ alterna tion between good and bad for four generations illustrates the fact that, although neredlty bas much to do with every member of our race, nev ertheless, there are counter-balances In nature. We are all members of Adam's fam :Uy, and as such we are all sharers in the general weakness, mental, moral :xud physical, which for six thousand years has descended upon us. St Paul refers to this, saying, "By one man's disobedience sin entered into the world, and death as the result of sin; and thus death passed upon all men, Decnuse all are sinners. ? Ro mans 5:12. The downward or sinful tenden cy inbred Id our very constitution 1s so strong that none is able fully to overcome It ? ~~T The best that any of us can do is to set our wills in opposition to our inherited weaknesses and to fight courageously against them. The Apostle assures us that if it were possible for humanity to fully gain such a victory over its fallen self sis to bring Itself back *o perfection, then doubtless God would have pro vided that wuy of salvation. Hezekiah the Reformer The King's father had introduced idolatrous worship?erecting altars and groves to the worship of Baal. God's temple was strewn with rubbish. Un der Ujte direction of the King, the Levnes began a cleansing work. It required eight days to carry out the rubbish from the court, etc. Then the priest?;, who alone were authorized to enter Into the Holy, or temple proper, were directed to cleanse the temple it self. But as a preliminary work, before the cleansing of the court or the tem ple began, 'the King directed that the priests and the Levites sanctify them selves afresh to the Lord and His service. How appropriate! How In harmony with the words of the Proph et Isaiah, who lived at that time and who was the King's counselor?"Be ye clean, that bear the vessels of the Lord's house!"?Isa. 52:11. But let us not forget the Instruction of St Peter upon this subject Com paring the priesthood of Israel with the Institutions of the Christian church, St Peter gives us the thought that the priests of olden times do not find their antitypes in the clergy of today, but in God's saintly or sanctified peo ple, whether in or out of the public ministry. < Thus St. Peter says to all of the con secrated Church of Christ, "Ye are a Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation, a peculiar people, that ye should show forth the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into Els marvel ous light" The Divine Blessing The conclusion of the least was a Divine blessing upon al! the people, through the Priests and Levites. So there goes oat a Divine blessing from the Lord's sanctified people ?from all the consecrated of the household of faith?to the peo ple in general? to their neigh bors, their friends and vis itors from afar. Btsekiah'i great Past- Let such be our over' influeaceamongst men. In this connection let us remem ber the power of the tongue, of which the Apostle said. "Therewith praise we God. and therewith curse (or injure) we men." Let our tongues and all our powers be used in blessing the people an well as in praising our God. The King wisely began his reforma tion at the temple and gave the priests and Levites the first share therein. It was later that the idols of the city of I Jerusalem were gathered and hurled Into the valley of Kedron. and it was alter the fervor of the Passover occa sion that the zeal of the people in gen eral rose high, and they went forth all over the land, destroying the Idols, the groves of Baal, and every symbol oi' disloyalty to God. And so today: Everywhere the light of our day is showing more and more of the meanness, selfishness, corrup tion?some of it centuries old, and some of It bred of special privilege and opportunity. The call for reform Is heard on every hand, although some times but feeble. The proper place for reform Is. as in Hezeklah's day, with the sanotlficatlon of the priests and the Levites themselves. If the Church of Christ could but faithfully perform her responsibility, under the direction of the King, It would mean a great revival of religion. Notice. All persons having: claims against the State Colored College at Orang? burg, are requested to present them for settlement on or before the 20 day of Jun/*, and all persons in. debted to the said college, are re quested to settle their accounts on or before the 20 day of June. Thos. E. Miller, President. It is said that Texas iB getting ready to repudiate Bailey. We hope Buch will be his fate. Notice of Appointment of Guardian The State of South Carolina, County of Orangeburg. To the Honorable Robert E. Copes, Judge of the First Judicial Circuit, in and for the said State: The Petition of Lula R. Livingston and Livy Livingston, of the County of Orangeburg, and State aforesaid, respectfully shows: That your Petitioner, Lula R. Liv ingston, is the mother of Livy Living teen at the age of sixteen (16) years, Henry B. Livingston of the age of thirteen (13) years, Lula M. Livingston of the age of ten (10) years, Lucy ? Livingston, of the age of eight (8) years, and Rachel M. Livingston, of the age of four (4) years; all of whom reside with their mother, your Petitioner, in the Coun ty and State aforesaid, and are child ren of your Petitioner, Lula R. Liv ingston, and the late W. M. J. Liv ingston, now deceased. That the said minor children, and each of them, is entitled to a sum of money amounting to One Hundred and Twenty-five ($125.00) Dollars, derived from the Masonic Mutual Life Association in which the said W. M. J Livingston was insured at the time of his death, which occurred on the twefaty-flfth day of December, A D. 1910. That said Minor Children have no General or Testamentary Guardian, and that no fit, competent or re sponsible person can be found who is willing to assume said trust. Wherefore your Petitioners pray that the Probate Judge in and for the County of Orangeburg, be appointed the Guardian of the estates of the said minor children, as provided by law. (Signed) Lula R. Livingston, (Signed) Livy Livingston. The State of South Carolina; County of Orangeburg. Mrs. Lula R. Livingston, one of the Petitioners above named, being duly sworn, says that the foregoing Petition is true of her own knowl edge. (Signed) Lula R. Livingston. Sworn to before me this the day of March, A. D., 1911. (L. S ) Wm. L. Glaze, Notary Public, S. C. Winthrop College SCHOLARSHIP and ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. The examinations for the award of vacant scholarships in Winthrop College, Rock Hill, and for the admis sion of new students, will be held at the County Court House on Fri day, July 7, at 9 A. M. Applicants must be not less than 15 years of age. When scholarships are vacant after July 7 they will be awarded to those making the highest average at this examination, provided they meet the conditions governing the award. Applicants for scholarships should write to President Johnson be fore the examination for scholarship examination blanks. The scholarships are worth $.100 and free tuition. The next session, will open September 20, 1911. For further information and catalogue address President D. B. Johnson, Rock Hill, S. C. Administrator's Notice to Creditors; and of Intention to Apply for Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate,, of the late Olivia L. McCoy, must present the same, properly proven, to tbe undersigned on or before Monday, June 5th, 1911, or be debarred payment; Notice is also given that the un dersigned, Administrator of the es tate of Olivia L. McCoy, deceased, will 6c Tuesday, the 6th day of June, 1911, file with the Probate Court his final account as such Administrator, and will thereupon apply to the said Court, in and for the County of Oraiugeburg, for his final discharge, and Letters Dismissary. A. E. McCoy, Administrator of estate of Olivia L. McCoy, deceased. 5-6-4. School Election. A petition having been filed with the County Board of Education, as required by law an election is hereb> ordered to be held at the school house in Eutawville district No. 6 Orangeburg County, South Carolina, on Thursday, June 15, 1911, for the purpose of voting on the question of a special tax of three (3) mills to be used for school purpose In said district. Said election to be con ducted according to section 1208 of the school law. M. B. Dantzler, T. S. Gelzer, T. L. Connor, Jr., Trustees. Notice. Under and by virtue of a resolu tion of the Board of Directors of the Rowesville Cotton Oil Company, a meeting of its stockholders will be held at its office, Rowesville, S. C, on the 19th day .of June, 1911, at 11 o'clock a. ra., for the purpose of go ing Into liquidation, dissolving and winding up the affairs of said cor poration, and also for the purpose of determining upon the sale and con veyance of all the property, rights and plant of the said Rowesville Cot ton Oil Company. E. X. Chisolm, President Rowesville Cotton Oil Co. Ndtice of Discharge. Notice is hereby given that I will file my final account as Guardian of J. A. Cop? with the Judge of Pro bate for the County of Orangeburg on the 30th day of June, 1911. and will on that day ask for letters of dis charge as the Guardian of my said ward. Vernon Brabham, Guardian of J. A. Cope. ENgraved Visiting Cards. Engraved visiting cards are near est and best. Let Sims Book Store take your order. j SORROW CHASERS. George O. Baker. CERTAINLY WOULD. tells Wlfey?This mornings paper about a man with 18 wives. Hobby?Well, ha could organize them Into two baseball teams and then. If they played games enough, they would bo able to support hin nicely. IMPOSSIBLE. First Chappie?I haw hawf a notion? aw?to dwown myself, old chap, doncher know. Second Chappie?Oh! deah boy, you musn't! You know how?aw?these beastly flannel suits shwlnk when wet OUTCLASSED. "I'm afraid you don't appreciate your wife's remarka.ble intellectuality." "I know I don't It makes no differ ence whether she Is explaining th? psychic energy of tne telepathic waveo* telling exactly what happened in m bridge whist ganv\ i go to sleep. BETWEEN FRIENDS. Evelyn?How does my new tailor-made costume fit, dear? Gwendolyn?Absolutely perfect Why, It fits every angle an If you had been molded In It. TOO EMINENT. "Why don't you ask your office boy to wash those windows?" "1 ain't got the nerve to do It old man. He was the valedictorian of bis class." HER SCORE. "What did you go around the llnka In?" "Oh; tust a plain blue skirt and whita shirtwaist" LOUIS COHEN & CO. 232 and 234 King, and 203 Meeting Streets, Charleston, S. C. THE ARCADE STORE. The largest Wholesale and Retail Mail Order house in the South. Write us. Try us on an order. Your near est mail box places our store right next door to you. of Spring and Summer Dress Goods, Silks, dainty white and coloren Wash Fabrics, Notions, Gents Furnishings, Shoes, Floor Coverings, Muslin Un derwear, Ladies and Children Dresses, Walking Skirts, Tailor Made Suits, Millinery, Etc : : : : : We Solicit Your Patronage, and Guarantee Sat isfaction or Your Money Back. 'm Every Horse Owner dreads that moat dangerous disease. Colic. Be prepared for an emorfrency by having a bottle of No .h'a Colic Remedy on hand. Moro animals die from Colic than all other non-contagious diseases combined. Nine out of every t.n cases would have been cured if Noan'. Colic Remedy had been given in time. It isn't a drench or dope, b>it is a remedy given on tho tongue, so simple that a woman or child can give It If it fails to cure, your money will be refunded. If your dealer cannot sspply you send 60c in stamps and wo will mail a bottle. Noah Remedy Co., Inc., Richmond, V?. Notice to Trespassers. All persons are hereby warned not to hunt, fish, or trespass in any way on my lands. J. D. Oliver. VALUABLE BOOK ON LOOSE LEAF BOOKKEEPING Explains how you can improve your office methods, save time and money by using MOORE'S MODERN METHODS CALL AT OUR STORE Let us explain how Moore's Ledger and Record Forms are used. SIMS' BOOK STORE _ Km 89 4? E. KOSEU. ST, OfLUtCZBURO, S. C