The times and democrat. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1881-current, April 06, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Established in 1869. Fabllshed Three Times Each Week. Ob Tuesday, Tht^sday and Saturday. Xdterec: as second-class matter en ffcauary 1), 1909, at the post office ?a Orange burg, S. C, under the Act 6f Congress of March, 1879. Uaa. L. Sims, Editor and Proprietor. Im. Mar Sims, - ? Publisher. Subscription Bates. D?e Tear.81.50 Six Months.75 throe Month- . ...... .40 Remittances should be made by reg tetered letter, check, money order or express order, payable to The Times cud Democrat, Orangeburg, S. C. j There is nothing to be gained in turning out good, faithful city of ficials just to put others in their places. The Times a ad Democrat has always opposed this policy, and does now. Justice O'Gorman gives up a job ?with a $17,500 salary to accept the position of United States senator from New York at salary of $7,500 a year. There is a patriotic Demo crat for you. A Brooklyn lawyer, suspended from practice, who disappeared sev en years ago and was thought to have committed suicide, reappears as tize leader of the minority in the Michi gan senate. That is decidedly better than being a suicide. The Anderson Mail says "what New York most needs right now is a great, big democrat?one big enough to send to the United Stares senate." We believe that the gen tleman has been found in the person of Senator O'Gorman. We agree with the Charleston Evening Post that "the new winding up commission, appointed to finish the winding started by the original winding up commission, can find leg al advice in this State just as sound as that dispensed from Atlanta." We most heartily endorse the ap poinmen. of Editor E. H. Aull by Gov. Blease on the Asylum Comniis sion. Bis varied political and busi ness experience makes him ? valued member of the commission that is really charged with rebuilding the hospital for the insane. William J. Bryan, three times Democratic candidate for President of the United States, was in the na tional'capital Monday rejoicing with the members of his party that next day, for the first time in sixteen years there would be called to order a Democratic national House of Rep resentatives. ? i Felder has been kicked out ny the winding up commission, and in vited to come before it and tell what he knows about Blease or any one else's connection with dispensary matters. It is now up to Felder to make good his insinuations against the governor, or confess that they are slanders. The Washington Post thinks Mr. Peary was entirely too modest. He should have had his admiral's rank dated from the time he began look ing for the pole. Yes, and all the peofile that Peary have fooled into believing that he really discovered the pole would be willing to give it to him, too. When city officials train themselves for the positions they hold, and be come thoroughly competent in their respective offices, it looks like child's play to turn them out to put in green men. Whoever is elected Mayor and Aldermen the present city offlciak; should not be disturbed. They sre all right. Tuesday marked the opening of the trial o! the Democratic party to dem onstrate its worthiness to receive "the wider confidences of the voters of the country." In his speech ac cepting the Speakership Representa tive Clark asked his colleagues to keep l.aat fact uppermost in their minds dflring the present session of congress. Let them do that and all will b ; well.. Senator O'Gorman, of New York, is a amily man. Strong in body, tough in frame, he has a wife who appears to be a fit companion fcr him. Then they have six stalw;-.rt daughters and one son, the latter be ing the youngest child. He stands with :he common people, and may be considered a fair, upright man, who will wisely discriminate between the laboring classes and capital. "Women shouldn't waste their time dressing," says some grouchy editor. We agree with the Wilming ton Star that time is not wasted when women take time to dress. It makes 'em pretty and that is exactly what catches the average man, one of whom an old anti-dress grouch is not. A woman can look prettier on $50 than a man can on what Col. Rockefeller is giving away so he can die poor. Intelligent revision of the tariff, elect.on of United States senators by' popular vote, changes in the house rules to permito proper consideration Of public measures, economy in hand ling the purse strings of the coun try, the publication of campaign contributions and the early admis sion of New Mexico and Arizona to Statehood were some of the things which Speaker Clark emphasized in the Democratic program as measures which would be undertaken by the majority party in the house. Are Young People Deteriorating? Whether the moral stamina ot young people is or is not declining is a question being freely discussed in some quarters. It is one of those questions upon which there may be a wide yet honest difference of opin ion. Many people enamored of the past and recalling the days o* thoir own childhood, will probably say that the children of a former genera tion led healthier lives and possessed a stronger moral liber th^n do the young people of today. In line with that they will glorify the virtues 01 their forefathers and laud the Spar tan simplicity of tiheir lives. On the other hard there ire those who are just as strongly convinced that in almost every way the young people of the present age are super ior to those of bygone generations, and that in moral standard and ca1 pacity, and in willingness to eudurt and work far better. They ground their argument on the belief that the young people of today lead more nat ural lives and are in closer and more intimate touch with actual conditions of life, and that those conditions de mand and produce greater moral sta mina. Probably the truth lies midway be tween the two extremes. Those who assert that the young people of today are deteriorating morally, that they are mentally flabby, and shirk hard things may point with much 3ffect to the young men sad women in so called society. And In truth it must be confessed that great material suc cess is sadly enerv Ulng to many peo ple. But it is alfco true that the in centive to work and that the capacity to withstand temptations and take unflinchingly the hard knocks of bus iness and other life was never great er than it is today. ? ? 0 Great Loss to the South. Dr. Seaman A. Knapp died at his home in Washington on last Satur day. Whi'ie his death is a great loss to the whole country, It is a greater loss to the South (.nan any other sec tion, and a greater loss to South Car olina than any other State. He did a great work for this State, and nis de&th will be regretted all over it. Long ago, as The State says, it was "discerned that the shortest route to the South's industrial independence and the permanent prosperity of its agricultural people lay in diversified farming, but the task of convincing them of that truth was far from easy. Dr. Knapp, as the officer in charge 01 the farm demonstration of the Na tional department of agriculture, came to their aid at the opportune moment. A man of wide information and a profound thinker, he believed in the South, saw plainly the richness of its unused resources and set to work with his whole heart to reveal them to the Southern people. North ern born, his s-vmpathles were as wide as humanity and his aim was co help the Southern farmers help themselves so that the country that he loved would be the stronger ana happier by reason of the lifting of the people of a great section to a higher and better plane. The work that he did will go on and the South will not forget how much he inspired it and cherished It and the affection of the South for the Republic is the deeper by reason of the disinterested efforts of this one of the Republic's faithful servants." Keep the Record Straight. Some newspaper attributes the loss of the power of the press to the editors' riding on tickets paid for in advertising instead of cash. We have seen it stated that the pulpit, too, is losing its power. Wonder if the riding of the preachers on clergy men's tickets have anything to do with the pulpit's losing power??Or aneburg Times ?nd Democrat. Not altogethe; correct; the "some newspaper" attributed the loss ot power of the press in some measure to editors' riding on "free passes." You have seea It stated no doubt that black is white, or something equally as absurd. But the pulpit Is not losing its power; and "clergy men's tickets" are not free passes.? Newberry Observer. We have seen it stated time ana again that the power of the pulpit has declined aar; that there has been a great falling- off of men In attend ance on the pleached word. We have sen both these statements made, and the fact deplored, In religious news papers. But we are glad to know that the pulpit :3 not losing its pow er, and hope that The Observer has sure ground for its statement to that effect. No Need For War. We believe the time is coming, and is not very far off, when the principle which applies in private life that the disputes between individuals must be legally settled and not by violence, will Le applied to nations in their disputes with each other. It is a large blot upon out civilization that nations a: e armed to the teeth to protect themselves against the en croachments of their neighbors, or to serve their own purpose in taking a favorable time to coerce weaker powers. Fortunately the signs are multiplying that the masses, who have to be:.r the great burden of taxation, are growing restless and that unless retrenchment of arma ments speedily comes, "internal revo lution," as Sir Edward Gray pre dicts, will be the order of the day and after muc): tribulation and blood shed settle the question for all time to come. There is no need for war and it should be banished from the face of the earth. Here it Goes Again. Some peopl i seem to take a sort of fiendish delight in trying to upset cherished ideals and in smashing historic beli yfs into smithereens. Quite recently a distinguished Frenchman sought to prove that Co lumbus was a fake of the worst kind and that the credit of being first to cross the Atlantic is wrongly accord ed him. And now an American is digging up at low tide the mud bot tom of the river Wye in England to find records to prove that Lord Bacon wrote the plays for which Shakes peare has the credit. Notwithstand ing the zeal and assertions of these men the world will continue to honor Columbus as the great discoverer, and sing the praise of the "Immor tal William." CLASSIFIED COLUMN One-half Cent a Word Found Notices Free. Wnnted?You to purchase your fav orite magazine from Sims Book Store. Call and look them over. For Rent?Cottage on Green Street. Apply to C. W. Prescott, Orange-' burg, S. C. 3-25-tf Money to Lend?We are In position j to negotiate loans on improved real estate in Orangeburg City and I County. Glaze & Herbert. t? For Rent?Six room house, reno vated throughout, on East Amelia Street. Apply at 15 East Amelia Street. 4-4-3* For Rent or Sale after May 31, 1911, house and lot, 110 feet fronting on Russell Street, No. 213. Depth 729 feet. Apply to Geo. V. Zeig ler. Notice?Anyone having clock repair ing to do will oblige me by giving me their patronage. I can now see well enough to do repairing. Parties can' find me at city hall. A. D. Powers. tf For Sale?Eggs for hatching. Mam moth Pekin Duck eggs. Price $1.25 per setting of. 11 eggs de livered at your house in city or express office, $1.00 ff you send to my residence lor them. J. L. Phillips, 85 Sellars Ave. 2-11-tf Wanted every man in the city of Or angfeburg to own his home. We have a nice cottage, No. 255 East Russell Street on lot 125x729 feet, just the right distance from the) city on Main street. Special prices for a quick sale. See me quick. I F. R. Simpson Real Estate Co., 33 West Russell St. Wanted to sell a nice nine room house No. 25 East Russel Street on lot 110 x 729 feet, known as the Or angeburg Hospital Property. High, dry and healthy and will not stay on the market long at the price we are now offering. See me quick. F. R. Simpson Real Estate Co., 33 West Russell St., Orangeburg, S. C. Notice. All persons having claims against the estate of the late Paul F. Gram ling will present the same duly veri fied and all persons owing said estate must make payment ao the under signed or either of them or to P. T. Hildebrand/ Attorney. Bertha A. Gramling, Willie P. Gramllng, A. M. Salley, 4-4-4. Qualified Executors. For Judge of Frobate and Special Referee. At the suggestion of several of my friends, I hereby announce that I am a candidate for Judge of Probate and Special Referee. Should you see fit to entrust this office to me I beg to assure you that I shall use my best efforts to discharge the duties of this important position carefully and ef ficiently. Yours very truly, L. K. Sturkie. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Judfe of Probate and Special Referee for Orangeburg County, made vacant by the election of Judge Robert S. Copes to the Cir cuit Bench. Andrew C. Dibble. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Judge of Probate and Special Referee of Orangeburg coun ty, and pledge my best services to the people if elected. Edward B. Friday. Good News!! At fiist we thought we wouldn't be able to meet the present rate of the critical public's buying? but we've been able to offset the heavy demand by wire orders to our manufacturers which are now arriving. We can, therefore, supply your ev ery want in the snappiest Spring Hats, Neckwear, Shirts, and ex cellent hosiery. Have you inspected those fancy waistaoats? The finest ever. $1.00 to $3.00. Renneker & Riggs THE FASHION SHOP. Plague Goes to Java. The presence of the plague in eas tern Java is officially confirmed. In the vicinity of Malang there were 46 cases, 26 being fatal. The total number of deaths in the neighbor hood of Batavla is 100. :: Tfaeato:: To-days Program His Trust Biograph?Drama -AND Coward or Hero Vitagraph?Drama HERBERT L. GAMBATI, Prop. A large stock of Wall Paper and Borders ? For Home Decoration. Season ? 1011. Prices from 6c per roll up. Holeproof Sox and Stockings the latest 1011 Spring Styles, All guaranteed for six months. Are Your Hose Insured? 6 pairs Sox for.$1.50 6 pairs Stockings for.$2.00 Lumber! Lumber! Lumber! All kinds and sizes of boards, and framing ready for delivery on tbe minute. Prices right. E. N. Scoville 44 W. Russell St. Phone 18 ""MOVED J. W. DANIELS THE TAILOR has moved to No. 10 West Amelia, St., where he is better prepared to handle your work. Suits made to order, fit guaranteed, cleaning, re pairing, altering, and pressing neatly done. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. YOU LIKE Music. Perhaps You Cannot Play any Instrument. Don't Deprive Yourself any Longer of that Pleasure. Get an Edison Phonograph The perfection of that class of Machine. Made by the INVENTOR, THOS, A. EDISON. All Talking Machines are simply adaptations of the great Inventor's idea. IT IS THE BEST. If there were a better one, WE would sell it. It has the LONGEST PLAYING RECORD in the World- The Edison AMBEROL playing 4 to 4 3-4 minutes. It hals the exclusive services of the World's GREATEST MUSICIANS and VOCALISTS. The Records include everything from GRAND OPERA to POPULAR SONGS and VAUDEVILLE SKETCHES. It is the ONLY MACHINE having a PERMANENT REPRODUCING POINT. This point does away with the constant changing of nee les incident to other types of Machines. The Records are the CLEAREST made. THERE H EDISON PHONOGRAPH ~ F=gg EVERY MAN'S POCKET. Gem $ 15.00 Standard $30.00 Triumph $60.00 Idelia $ 125 Fireside $22.00 Home $40.00 Alva $85.00 Amberola $200 Did You Ever Hear Yourself Talk, Sing or Play? The EDISON will record what you or your friends say, sing or play and clearly reproduce it. WE WILL SHOW YOU, if you call to see us. WE CARRY THE LARGEST SIOCK of RECORDS in SOUTH CAROLINA. EVERY RECORD EDISON MAKES is in our Stock. CALL or Write Us. C ?o. 53 East Russell St. ... . Orangeburg, S. C. ESTABLISHED 18S2. Don't Wait for next fall and higher prices. Or angeburg dirt is on the move. Bay now and reap the profit yourself. How many people can you count on your fingers that have lost their mon ey in buying Real Estate. Think of how Orangeburg County is increasing in population every year. And do you think they will ever Ieavo this grand old county of Orangeburg, thinking they can buy better farms that will produce bet ter cotton, corn, wheat or oats than this grand old county? ? How much Real Estate have you heard of being made in this county? Now I have one of the best farms for a quick sale there is in the coun ty. This farm is close up, propert) on one of the best country roads in the State, five miles south of Orange burg on the Charleston road. About one million feet of good pine lumber and one good saw mill and cotton gin in good repair, 603 acres, 100 acres in cultivation. Will make a bale 01 cotton to every acre if properly cul tivated, near a good school which runs nine months in the year, one mile of a good Methodist church, preaching every Sunday. Don't de lay if you want it. WU1 sell you part or all of this property. Special price if sold quick. F. R. Simpson Real Estate Co No. 33 West Russell St. When The Fire Bell Rings Fife) is no time to think of in surance. It is too late then. Don't wait tOjjee your home and the results of your labor go up in smoke. Get Insured Now while your home business is insurable. Have us'write you a policy today and protect yourself from the ruin thatjhas fallen upon so many others through their neglect to insure. ZEIGLER & DIBBL T\jt Insurance Men ORANGEBURG, S. C. Sims Book Store for the best Stationery The McKay Famous Steel Roller Bearing Sulky Stalk Cutter Acknowledged by the leading planters and dealers to be | the best by test. PLEASE READ EVERY WORD CAREFULLY Made entirely of teel and ron., except Tongue and Trees. Its design and me chanical construction is per fect No wabbling or "rattle fcrap trinkets'* to be getting out of order. It is .simple and condensed, being made of extra heavy bars has great strength and rigidity. Although this machine weighs more than 500 lbs., with our improved Cylinder Boxes and teel Roller Bearings, it draws T about 100 lbs., lighter than others, and is very easy to oper ate. Every machine is carefully impeded before leaving our factory at Dunn, N. C. _t THE McKAY STALK CUTTER has won highest prize at every Fair where we have exhibited it, in competition with all other well known Stalk Cutters. JNO. McNAMARA ORAN?EJI?S MACHINE SHOP. Steam anil Gnlosinc Engine repairs. Glenn & Whetstone. Day Phone 384. Night Phone 362L. A Man With a Past. A man with a haunting past ap peared in London social life. He re jected happiness because he dare not accept, it. But he was mistaken and William J. Locke tells why, and all about the man .n his engrossing nov el, "The Usurper," at; SlnuV Book Stora. Fifty cents.