The Pageland journal. [volume] (Pageland, S.C.) 1911-1978, November 29, 1922, Image 3

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h:. < ? ine SALt Y Good Qualify Apron j Ladle: High Ginghams Vici a Barga 9c PER YARD CLOTH! CLOT CURTAIN SCRIM CI IAMBRAY, ALL COLORS GOOD QUALITY APRON GINOi 1/ GOOD QUALITY MATURE \\(K QUILT CALICO. All Colors GOOD QUALITY DRESS GINGUA OUTINGS?All Colors _ . 8 Ounce ACA Fealher Tick . , Col 29c Per Yard J BOY S SUITS \ Children's Suits $! *' > Children's All wool Cash* mere 2''"> Children's All Wool Serae G > Boys' All Wool Cash em ere 1 *i) Bo>s' All Wool Cashemere 4 Bos' All Wool Cashemere . o .> Boys' All Wool Blue Suae "S Bovs* All Wool Worsteds ( '!.? We Give Nothing | FMEE! BUT GOOD Values For "four Money TO THE PUBLIC: M'tvingnuticipaturf a lut'hrr marl York City, IlKlVlarket of the W r!d, b porcine time, Anl our stocks bi in coi m- niioned on li s sheet and with bund I c an hoiVstly say that these prcc an opportunity fc Ibis is not a dailv < we do not offer ton Baits or Free Prizei I can truthfully this is an Hi>ne?t?T Tmi?^ ^ v TflPW?WW Bi i':, :" * - ' * -*" r *' V.' Jt*-" J ^? .? . ?*?; IM"c ou Have Been COME! As? OPPOF s' Solid Leather,! lien's Heav Keel Shoes; Tan,S c. . . . , ind Patent?A Big Shirts and 1 "98c | 45' 4 A t"A1K | IV AU H! r~ -7?7 I One Li ;;; ; ; ;;;;; I children's KMS oc All Leal ms.::" :::::: i% 79l ... lie . v _ 4 IS - ! 1 Lot Ladies' Di Boy's 1 Lot Old Ladle [l Lot Childrens' tton Sweaters \ 1 Lot Children's Men's Scou 44c s'jj SHOES?AH Leather ; (-children's Tan CnM But. Shoes $1 49 | children's Stitch Dow n Tan Shot s $1.49, $1.79, $1.95 I Genuine KC Skuffer $1 39, $1 59, $2.39 I Girls'G. M. Shoes $1 09 ; Girls' G. M. Shoes .. 1.89 : Little Gents' ran limli h Shoes 1 09 1 Misses' Pan English Si: res 1.89 ] ; rys* Pan EnglRh ami Bin. Shoes 1 89 Underwear ? \ L dies' Ribbed Shirts and Drtwers 39c | o\ s' Heavy Fleece Union Suits 59c. 09c, 79c. Mc r.'s Heavy Rihhed Union Suits 9*c Roys Heavy Fleece Drawers 19c >R n Heavy 1'leece SItirts ntid Drawers 45c SHOES--AU Leather Men's Tan English and Bin. Shoes $2.79 Men's G. M. Bin Shoes 2 89 MenVs V/lci Bin Shoes 7 ?n Men's Tan Pnglish ami Blu. Shoes 2.9") $(> Tan English am! Rlu Shoes 3.89 Youth's ^cont Shoes ,1.49 R??ys* Scout hoes 1(59 ket on merchandise,1 )UR 3UYERS. whc ought and bought lu vilv. Vhis sale cc mpl?.te in all dcpartr int.-, I advise that y reds of other Rargaii rot meiitioi.ed hei es quoted are .'ess th n; nuf ?ctu rs' pr jccurrence, I say Gro pit. Yon v.ill no b, hut what we do Gc 'antec it, Good Val o-Goodness-Sale. BEN HIRSCH, 1 I \ , w C Looking For>TIT1\JITV U/HDTU t A JL JL W ? V/ AX A A J y Fleece Heavy Quality Drawers Color Out! c 11c \ > ? H PER YARI at Ladies i ? Shoes, Bedroom Sli her All Colo B ^ 79c re?? Shjes s' Comforts ... Tan Shoes . - G. M. Shoes it Shoes pLadies' Bedroom lh< r Leather Soh 59 59c ; .. ; ' F> Ladies' and IV I Priced Excepl $3.98, $4.69, $7.48 a You Can Afford One At Thes SWEATERS Children's Sweaters 44c Boys' Grey H'vy Sweaters 89c Men's 44 44 Sweaters 95c Children's Fancy 44 $1 19 1 Children's Wool 44 1 39 Misses' Wool Sweaters 2 39 Lad. Jersey KibbCd " 2.69 MEN'S / i Thpep Ziffle arp maiip of all I '< , Sport Models, English and Const anteed, hnd priced to suit every $9,48, $10,88. $11.95 ' I > . re located in New P iming at n m??3t op on buy your wants ? rtin. ices of tod n* and as C le on this sheet that uei for your Money. M , ft Manager. ^ t -J < .. . 1 JL "rOl "1^1 No BAITS?j [WHILE GRASPI ' Solid Mc ji's Blue Clt nfl Work Shi 48c ) 9 HEAVY QUA I. ippers HEAVY QU A I irs GOOD QUALI GOOD OUALI 31 OUTING FLA] . GOOD QUALI HEAVY w EIG =L i = $1.69 1.79 Ladies' He 1.49 1.39 Dresse< Slippers lisses' Coats tionally Low $5.79, $6.89 md up. >e Prices; Look Them Oyer. SHOES--AI1 Leather Ladies* Shoes, Rub Heel $1 89 Ladies' Blk. Eng Shots 2.38 Ladies' Tan Eng. Shoes 2.69 Lad. Pan Calf Eng. Shoes 2 79 I rwl \Ttr*'i ir f?nr. 9 ftO 1>I1U. I 1(11 i v I iil ? u U / Lad. Vici plain toe Shoes 2 60 Lad. plain toe heavy " 1.89 SUITS wool material and comprise >rvatives; workmanship qnarbody's pocket. , $13.79, $14.95 UP. um I -KERSHAW'S FAS * ?f lirsch's r \ ' g On j 411 BARGAINS J ING ? ambray Good QuaI"y Dress I-is Ginghams 10c ' I PER YARD ___________ , CDRY GOODS .ITY CHECK SHEETING 12 l-2c ,1TY APRON GINGHAMS.... 12 12c TY BLEACHING, 36 in wide.. 13 l-2c TY PERCALE 33 in wide 14c N.N ELS, all colors, heavy weight 13 l-2c PY DRESS GING., Dark Patterns 14c HT MIDDY TWILL 13c T- .. .1 ? L.aaiassie Cloth ' >use Fast Colors1 s Checks and Stripes > 20c | | + Per Yard Boy's 2 Pants Suits All Wool Cashmere $5.69 | | All Wool Cashmere 5.89 | ? All ur_-i r? i ? i-in wuoi casnmere 6.19 AH Wool Cashmere 6.39 All Wool Cashmere 6.89 j You Can't Beat These Prices Ladles' Heavy Ribbed Shirts j and Pants 39c. Each Ki. rs a ivitii ? rciius Wonderful Values $1.39. $1.79, $1.98, $2.39 up 1 Lot Men's Hats 95c Men's Dress Sliirts 69c Men's Socks, all colors 09c Ladies' White Underskirts 4,1c Ladies' Waists 49c ICH'S ! ft TEST GROWING STORE." ? 14^14444444444444^ wmammmmmmmtmmmmmmrnmmmammmmmmnf. /