The Pageland journal. [volume] (Pageland, S.C.) 1911-1978, August 15, 1917, Image 1

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1 . T Tut PAGELAND JOURNAL y? ??? Vol.7 NO. 48 PAGELAND, S. C., WEDNESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 15. 1917 =""* ? ?~ ????-??-? $1.00 per year Second Call for Examination; i* Three Hundred More Called Below are the lists of three hundred men in the second call o for examination in Chesterfield al county. The first one hundred is called for next Tuesday* the second for Wednesday, and the ^ remainder for Thursday No- ^ tices will be mailed today or tc tomorrow: jj Tuesday, Aug. 2lst S Oscar Shaw, Fletcher Buclian- a an, Jabe^ L Brewer, Benj. Borner, b Carwell Brewer, Wilson Badge- P good, Joe Richard Johnson, Ed- tl ward S Graves, Thomas H Hun- c ter, C Spencer Sellers, Lewis A c Kirkley, Henry F Fisher, John Ford, Robert Brock, Samuel J s Smith, George Ratliff, Clyde Smith, Judge Leak, Waterman J f Davis, Luther H Turnage, T A a Arthur Farmer, J D Walker Ed- t dings, B Preston Burr, Alexand c er Miles, Alex Pegues, Charley - H Hopkins, Preston Adams, Eular Miller, Henry Powe, W Books Tolson, William T Gordon, Whiteford Thompson, Thomas Arthur Evans, Sheldon ' Huggins, W Welzie Harrell, Jonev McMillan, Henry Lewis, Walter L Caulder, Levander R Edwards, T Frank Lowry, Law rence O Warren, Egbert H Fun derburk, John A Barfield, Theo dore Weatherford, David lones, Joe S Tyson, John T Sanders, James B Redfearn, Daniel N Tiller, Eddie Dease, New James Holly, Olan M Middleton, James Ratliff, Girley L Leviner, Ed ward Fer, Julius Johnson. Bovd B Eubanks, Luther J Rollings, Richard W Brown, Clarence Pegues, Douglass Robinson. John A Mangum, Frank Streater, - Bundy C bmcher, Jackson <; r Smith, Oscar Paterson, Joe Wit iiams, Ervin E Miller, Arthur H Williams, Dosie Hammonds, Avender 1 Williams, Pierce Robinson, VV Edward Williams, Walter Shaw, Jessie Seegars, Robert Mosely, John M Murfl, Arthur Smith, Whiteford Threatt, John Hanna, Walter Clyburn, Lee Miller, George T Jewett. Robert P Marze, William Miller, Walter M Miller, Boston A Williams, Ernest W Moore, Isom Rogers, May D ' Rhines, li Lemboston Seegars, Emanuel A n Pnet r\ n \To?1 P/\pt/\n C TV A VOIV/A J) il^U X X UdlV/ii) ITX U A ?J I* Tolson, james Hicks, Luther C M Mills, Vonnie E Oliver, Walter C Pegues, John II Johnson, Ben- J jamin F Boone. ^ Wednesday, Aug. 22nd ^ Robert E Odom, fames Patter ' son, Joseph W Edgeworlh, Law- ^ rence M Stanley, Raymond W j( Jordan, JuleN Gulledge, James ^ K McDonald, James E Gaskins, n Robert E Shehane, Lee Shaw, Richard Melton, Gilbert E lohn j, son, lohn S Oliver, Ed Powe, R Tom Sellers, J Coit Chapman, ^ Joseph K Sowell, Dock Burch, y^ Roland D Povve, Julian Doug p la is, A Ma v Davis, J W Pusser, J Early Nicholson, Hade D Miller, ly Benjamin F Pigg, Edward Warr, Herbert W Wannamaker, Jeph ^ tha C Blackwell, David Love, 0, Charley Cassidy, Clarence A j Baker, Isaiah Gandy Jr.. E B Mc ^ Eachin, John P Gurganus, Rich ^ ard Miller, James Paul lones, hxlgar Watson, Henry Perry, y^ Henrv F Hancock, James Ratliff, Thomas J Rivers, J HarlevSpen jj cer, John Jefferson, Clenie Clark, q James R Outlaw, Albert Pegues, ^ Calvin McRae, Grover C Griggs, ^ R Steve Ratliff, John R Nichol son, Roland H Vaughn, Dock Sf Dixon, Newton Marsh, Ernest y^ Miller, Walter Weller, Silas Deas, jc Abe Cuftie, George L Byrd, p John Sullivan, Henry E Hilton, ? I>eander Singleton, A Ixrnie Pate, yc Samuel J Boan, Ernest Ham- u, monds, Joseph K Pegues, Ben C V) Johnson, Walter A Board, John tu sfcc ion Roster For Second Camp Ch arleston, Aug. 10.?The list f So uth Carolinians chosen to ttenc I the second Officers' Re>rve Corps training camp at ort C )g1ethorpe, Ga., beginning LUgu st 27, was announced here )nigtit by Lieut, Harry T. Pil an:5, C. A. C.; examining officer, lou/h Carolina's quota is 333, an ddiition of 30 percent, having ieen directed by the war de artn lent. Notices to report nl he c amp will be mailed to the ;arnp will be mailed io the men hosei 1. The camp, the second of the eries < Jesigned to supply officers or th e National Army and tn ill va.cancies in the regulni irmy and the National Guard roops. will last three months, ilosingr November 24. Walter McLean, Thompson W Williams, James Griffith, John Wvlie Atkinson, W Seah Davidoil. Abraham Powe, David N Tern', Walter Broaddie, Henry S Brock, Green Wall, M I^eo ohnson, Thomas Grooms, John iVilson, Eddie Malloy, Son ^lowers, Charlie Brock, W Ed yard GulledjJe, Anguish S John ort), James J Sikes. Sandy W Cirklev, Walker F Davis, Edw. lilinpr QnftAn XT T-T J..1 vjvj Iiv/Il, 1MCVVIVJU II null nam, Dock Pegues, Thomas Eu>anl's, William A Woodward. ,uke Blackwell, Daniel C Rob nson, Thomas Horn, James W J Campbell, James L Wright, lobert C Atkinson, Earnest .owerv Thursday, Aug. 23rd "fn grant, Clayton ackson, James F Sheheme. *aul H Coseman, William T Junt, Robert Gandv, Andrew or>l/cnn Por1o?? T T T 1 | I lumev, loyt H Grant, John Mon agrue, "Henry W Wbite, James I Davidson Whitt Miller. Jesse lellers, A T.erov Hensley, James I Oliver. Rundy Roberson, J Jreer Robeson, Walter E Fxlgevorth. Bogan Roscoe, James P Curtis. Newton Campbell, Mott llakeney, Anderson Burn, Wil iam R Eddins, Walter S Ham nond, Duncan L Crowlev, Ley \ Gregory. Will Blair, Sam 1 Vhite, Claud Thomas. Tames B Joodale. Horace Chapman, ames McCoy, Robert J Smith.! larvin Sales, Rustus McManus, ames Seegars, Frank Marshall, amuel 1 Rainwater, John Perv Evans, william Robinson, Villiam M Gathings, lames B nplin, Perrv Peavv, J Calvin TcFarlan.E Bogan Baker, Rown Dixon. Tames E Dixon, Carl lendrix, David J Johnson, lorace C Wilhelm. Thomas L .ivers, Roland M Gaidner, ,ndy N Kelly, George tl Keith, obert T Matheson, John H vans, W Redmond Johnin. Ben F McBride, Stephen W 'pnl Pliftnn Rlol/nnn,, T.#.!? Kinntucj', J Ul III ainey, Thomas II Douglass, rgen Camphell, Dave E Gainer, Henry Brown. John Hough, homas A S^ith, McKinley ewman, J Henry Streater, /cslev Bittle. Townsend C Casdv, J Lester Clan ton, John obinson. Winston D Roscoe, /illie G Seegars, Ear. Edwards, enry Wallace, David Hildreth, harlie W Byrd, William P ainev, Preston P Hurst, Eddie rawtord, Peter M Arant, Bax r L Gathings, Charlie D John >n, Earnest Rollings, James A ixon, Muldrow Steen, Thur?w C Watts, Harrie J Ragedale, avid I, White. Harvev Lear, harley Griggs, Walter Craw-; >rd, Charles F Stafford, Wilam T Crawford, J Walter Oli er, James '/< Oliver. W Augusv First 200,000 Men to Be i Training Camps Sept. 5. Washington, Aug. 9.?Regi lations under which men of th new national army will be cal ed to the colors, beginning Sep ember 1, were issued tonight b Provost Marshal General Crov der. Two hundred thousand of tb first 687,000 men will be calle September 1 and forwarded 1 their camps before September The whole business of asseml t ung the levies at entrainin ' points, providing them with she i ter, food and transportation an giving them their actual indu ' tion into military life is entrus ! ed to the civilian local boarc ? which selected them for servic ' Until the men reach the camp I they will not be in contact vvit , uniformed officers. The civi lan control is carried forwai - through every stage of the dra to the very gates of the miliiai camps where the making of so diers will begin, to be complete within sound of the guns i France. The actual call for men wi go in each case from the pr< vost marshal general to the stal adjutant general, stating th number of men to be supplied i a specitied time by the stat< Each local board will be promp ly informed of its proportion i the call, and the adjutant gene: al will fix the date when me from his state shall entrain fc the camps. Immediately the local boar will make out the list of men t fill the call, fix the place of ei trainment and time of departure Orders to tMte men will be pos ed and llsd be sent tHem b mail. They will be directed t report to the local headquartei not less than twelve hours c more than twenty four hours bi fore the time ot departure. Prior to the arrival of the me at the board hadquarters men bers are instructed to make ai rangements for their accommc dations, to find clean and san tnrv clooninnr n1n/?.o " ' ? j uivvpnitr ill llUlClb (J lodging houses, to arrange fo their meals and to provide lod^j ing and meal tickets to be takei in payment and redeemed fo cash later by a government dis bursing officer. In its discrc tion, the boards may grant pet mission for the men to remain a their homes. Arrived at the board In;id quarters at the Hour fixed, th? f ...Ill I -J -? I U1CU Will UC UlilWIl, U1U roil Cilll sed and agents of the board wil 'take them personally to the thei quarters, remaining with then until everv arrangement fo their comfort has been made Emphatic instructions are giver that the quality of food furnish ed shall be good and the boart is held liable for seeing tha meals are adequate. Retreat roll call at the boar headquarters, set for 5:30 p. m on the day of reporting to tin board, will be the first military ceremony the drafted men pass through. The board member: are directed to be present in person and to inlorm the men ot their military status, impress ing on them tlie fact that di-o bedience of orders is the gravest military crime. The light hami baggage, containing toilet arti cles and a change of undercloth ing, which the men are permit ted to take with them to camp, will be inspected by the board. For each district, five alter nates will be summoned to the hoard headquarters in addition to the men actually selected to fill the board quota. They will he held at the assembling point until train time, to fill in vacancies should any of the men fail n Hoover Prepared To Take Ove Entire Harvest of Wheat i- Washington, Aug. 12.?Th e food administration announce 1- tonight its plan for controllin t wheat, flour and bread, revea iv ing that the government is pr< v pared to take over the whol 1917 wheat harvest if necessar to conserve the supply, obtai [o just prices for America's fightin - forces and their allies and reduc b costs to the general public in th g United States. Establishing of buying agenc (j es at all the principal terminal c licensing of elevators and mill t fixing of a price to be conside js ed fair, regulation of the middl e men and of grain exchange s with the elimination of tradin h in futures, are the chief feature U of the plan. The licensing wi begin September 1. ft The minimum pi ice of $2 fc ~y vvneat nxed try Congress doc not become effective until ne: l(j year but the administration pre n poses to exercise a very tho ough control over this year II crop through power conferre j. under the food and export coi te trol bills. e "The disturbance to th jl world's commerce and supplic e has caused a greater disruptio of the normal markets for whei n than anv other cereal. rn "Bobby," said the minister t >r a little fellow, aged six, "I hes you are going to school now. d "Yes, sir,' was the reply. 0 "What part of it do you lik j. best?" "Comin' home," was th . prompt answer.? Ex. *>-ff - i 0 to report. s Except for retreat roll call, th >r men will be given town libert j- until fort> five minutes befor train time. The board will dui n ing this interval select one ma 1 from the levy who it deems bej r- qualified to command and plac >- him in charge of the party to i its trip. He will name a secon r in command to aid him and th ir other men will be told that th r orders of these two must b n obeyed under pain of militar r discipline. > The miin in rharnro _ ....... ... vi mi. pal ty will call the roll at the boan - headquarters just before trail t time. He will then line up th draft and, accompanied by flu [- board members, march them U q the station to entrain. I- There, final veritication of th< 1 list will be made, and if any mat i of the selected number is miss i ing, an alternate will be sent for r ward in his place. The tickets . with meal tickets, all papers re i latino to the partv, including th< copies of registration cards, wil 1 bo tlirrw>ft r?ir<?r tl>? vrvi IV Hit 111.111 II t command, and ihe parly wil start for its training camp. It will be the duty of the com . mander of each party to watcl ; over his men during the trip, tc r see that none are lelt behind ai ? any station, that all are fed reg? i ularly and that no liquor is furi nished to them en route. When i within six hours of the camp, he will file a telegram to the camp adjutant general notifying him of the time of arrival Immedi i ately upon the departure of the train, the local board will send a similar message. After the departure of the levy for, the local boards will ? ? r Policeman Gregory and Posse Capture Still and Two Prise oners. d A mid was made on a distil g lerv four miles southwest o I- Pageland last Friday evening by b Officer Gregory and bis posse le The still was found in operatior y and lour men were there. Tw< n of them were captured, and twc g escaped after several shots hac ;e been exchanged. W. C. Furr, s le white man, and Werry Uyburn a negro, were captured. Mr. Gregory deputized Messrs g R. K. Chistiolm, J. W. Elkins r Jr., J. D. Redfearn and Gu^ le Watts to go with him, and the} s, approached the swamp on Mr. W g J. Hicks* farm soon after sunset js There was a small path leadin* 11 through the dense growth o bushes, and as they went in the^ >r met Clyburn coming out with s js bucket of slop from the still ct He made as if to signal those be > hind but a pistol was promptl} r thrust into his face and he re o maiucu quiei. iviessrs. L/I11S id holm and Redfearn remainec l- with him, while Messrs. Greg orv and Elkins pushed on intc e the opening where the still wa; ?s in operation. There they founc n two men measuring liquor, anc it the third mending the fire. Twc dashed away, shooting as the\ did so. The third did not rur o but was thought to be in the aci ir of shooing as Mr. Gregory levelec " his pistol on him and forbade hiir. to stir. On him was found a fine S e & W. pistol and a full box of car tridges* Several shots were fired e at the two fleeing men, but it is not belieyed that cither was hit. ? The still was of about 30 galIon capacity. It was running e full blast, and the officers found y about sixteen and a half gallons e of liquor in iugs and fruit jars, . There were several barrels filled n with soured meal, about ready ;t for use. When things got quiet, e Mr. Gregory went for a wagon ,r to bring the still to town, and d the still continued to turn oul e the liquor. It ran until he ree turned, and then it was loadoH e and brought to town by Mr. y John Hicks. Here it was placed in the lockup, and many people _ were permitted to see it Saturd day. It was made of copper, n but the bottom was nearly out. e The entire outfit, including still, e cap, worm, barrel, lantern, etc., a was taken. The two prisoners were car P ried to jail at Chesterfield to t await trial. Deputy Grant came ; up Saturday, and the liquor was ? L : v mi ii %y> ^kuiii'i iiii4 up sini^y;itT8, If there is evidence of wilful violation of orders, the offender will be renorted to the ndiutnnt general of the army as a deserter and the local police will be :.s:*cd to arrest him on sight and turn him over to the nearest army post for trial. s Take Steps to Reduce Number of Exemptions Washington, Aug. 11.?Ro newed emphasis was laid l>v f Provost Marshall General Crow der today upon the fact th::t Congress framed the army draft law in the interest of the nation, 1 not of the individual. For that 5 reason the lines are being drawn > tight in the matter of exemptions. 1 The government has acted , slowly in bringing home to the people the rigid character of the draft act. There has been much discussion of the exemptions !* problem, based on an erroneous view of the law's purpose which r assumed that married men, for r instance, would be exempted without question and that the burden of military duty was to y be carried tully by the single f men among the ten million f registered. l General Crowder has taken the nositinn in rnront ?>!! ???* | . ? 1VVV1II l Ullli^O that married men will be exT empted only when it is to the . interest of the government that . thev should be excused from serl vice. If the removal of the draft* . ed man from his family circle ) probably would result in the 5 family becoming a public burl den, it is to the interest of the I government to leave him in his > civil occupation. An interpretation similarly , rigid has now been placed upon I exemptions for industrial rea* I sons. The government has , taken the lead in scrutinizing closelv individual cases among its employes before asking that [ thev be exempted. Bureau 5 chiefs, who must file affidavits with the proper board showing that a man is indispensable lm, fore he can be excused, have been instructed to exercise the . greatest care. Names of Those Who Did Not Claim Exemption , The following names have i been sent by the local exempI tion board to the district board for military service. These pass ed the physical examination, and did not claim exemption: Enoch Coachman, Benjamin McQueen, Preston D. Brewer, Freeman Jackson, lames Powe. John Ellis Graves, Sidney Tillman, Henry B. Hunt, John M. Bailey, Raymond H. Jenkins, Thomas G. Shaw, Vester miles, Frank II. Lee, James T. Burr, Willie R. Holly, 1. Ernest Burr, Lannie C. Myers, Walter Adams, Colon L. Williams, James Bittlc, Jefferson Love, Anguish Martin, Jasper Townsend, John R. Chapman, Frank M. Guy, Andrew J. Allen, Charley C. Nicholson, T. Baldon Smathers, Harry Lavine, John P. Hodges, Benjamin Tillman, Robert Lee Watts, Myron M. Funderburk, Cleveland R. Stover. John Gathings, John H. Rivers, Julius C. Fvans, Wesley B. Cato, Haywood Burch, Harry A. Board, Rarnn VTiifl* Carl B. Edgreworth, Allen C. Cassidy, Luther A. Munn. Edd M. Terry, Nathan Kelly. Zannte Williams . iuiucu uvci iu mm. if Mr. Lonnie Broom was ar . rested Saturday on a warrant a charging him with being; one of 1 the men who escaped. He gave i bond in the sum of five hun1 dred dollars and was released. Mr. Broom stated to the writer . that he is prepared to prove that ! he was not there; that he work, ed at Mclnnis' shingle milt near [ Crowbuik until six o'clock; that . he went from there to his board. ing place, Mr. McManus', and t he and Mr. Mclnnis and another ; man were in a buggy when thev > met the officers and their prisoni ers in the road near Mr. Bill . Arant's. Mr. Lee Hicks was also . placed under a three hundred | dollar bond as being the other one who ran. [ The old farmer and his son who had just returned from college were looking at the chickens, when the father saw one of the hens eating a tack. "What on earth's that air old hen eatin' tacks for?" he asked in amazement. "That's easy," answered the son, "she's going to lay a carpet."