The Pageland journal. [volume] (Pageland, S.C.) 1911-1978, November 01, 1916, Image 1

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" THE PAGELAND JOURNAL Vol.7 NO. 7 PAGELAND, S. C., WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1, 1916 $1,00 per year TOT] A splendid "gloom bug" t< hour of nleasm Chesterfi WE WANT YOU TO CC longer profits We want yo Cheste IF YOU ARE AFFLICT! cluster?the MOST and the Chester IT WILL PAY YOU in ac music galore. You can't bej r I I GET YOU R SHARE of tl I hibits?the marvels of machi YES, YOU ARE INVITE] fun is fast and fuiious?the e Cheste Chesterfield County Fair, Nov? A A ? A ? ? ? ember o-y-iu i l, i?io Next Wednesday the gates to the Chesterfield County Fair will swing open to the public for four days of fun and frolic* There is more interest being taken in the County Fair this vear than ever before and reports from all over the County are to the effect that record breaking crowds will attend the fourth annual Fair in Chesterfield next week. The force of carpenters are now busy at the Fair grounds putting everything into shipshape. The live stock and cattle buildings have been overhauled, The kitchen department has been enlarged. A i?ew pump has been put down to fur nish water, and all convenient accessories to the fair grounds have been put in place. The large brick cotton ware house of the Chesterfield ware house companv has been leased and the fair grounds fence has been extended to take in this building. While the Countv Fair is held primarily to exploit the agricultural resources of Chesterfield County, the management appreciates the fact that at this season of the year, the harvest time, the people are looking for recreat (An on/1 omttn/vMA/vMA. ? J -? iivy?i a 11 vi aiiiusvuiciii; miu, in response to this feeling, they have contracted with the Dorman and Krause Carnival Company to brine their solid train of four teen cars, fifteen shows and rid ing devices to the County Fair. The woman Aeronaut will make a balloon ascension each day at the Fair; one mile in the air she will make a parachute drop. This is a real "thriller" and is offered by the Fair associJ ICKLE array of attractioi ) the tall timber. :e. Every hour a ield County I >ME and visit this great exposition u to come and hear the band play rfield County iD with bonehead associates, the g BEST for your amusement money field County 1 dual dollars and cents to come anc jin to imagine the treat that's in st hesterfield Count le happv hilarity, cheerful chatter inery and mechanism. The welcc hesterfield Count D "Come on out" aru visit the xhibits clever and instructive. Y< rfield Cor ation at a heavv cost to themselves as a free attraction to the oublic. Another free nttrflrtinn will be Billy Klein, the champion High Diver of the world, who will each day dive from the top of a 96 ft. ladder into a tank only 54 inches deep in water. The officers and superintendents of the Fair will each wear a badge so the public will know who to ask for any information desired. The superintendents of the various departments are as follows: Household Art Department, Mrs. J. W. Hanna. Home Demonstration and Kitchen Department, Miss Stella Mims. General Farm Department, W. J. Odom. Boys' Corn Clubs, W. I. Tiller. Live Stock, Cattle and Swine, F. W. Rivers. Riding and Driving, P. A. Murray. E. J. Watson Will Speak at Chesterfield Nov. 9th Col. E. J. Watson, commissioner of agriculture for South Carolina, will speak to the farmers at the county *eat on Thursday, Movember 9th. He wants justj as manv fnrmors oq n^cciKin *%,! a w-W MV/ J 'V/^UI I/IC IV/ attend, for on that day he hopes to organize a Farm Loan Association. He will explain the recent law authorizing these farmers associations, and this will be a splendid opportunity for one and all to learn how this law will operate. Remember the date: Thursday, November 9th. : you ns and joy makii Top-notchers ( heap of happine 'air, Chester of local and foreign progress ai ?mix in the mirth and merrim< Fair, Chestei out or a grouch?take a hike toi r to be found anywhere. See 'ei Pair, Chester 1 view the many and varied exh ore for you?so come along wit! y Fair, Chester!! and up-to-snuff fun stuff we hav )me sign hanas everywhere. y Fair, Chester! : son* where you can quickly )u'll be sorroy if you don't conjj inty Fair. Chester!! County F< WEDNESDAY, 9:00 a. m. Fair Gates Open 10:00 a. m. Free Concert by 10:30 a. m. Carnival Shows < 3:30 p. m. Free balloon asc Woman. 4:00 p. m. Free High Dive I THURSDAY, 9:00 a. m. Fair Gates Open 10:00 a. m. Free Concert bv 10:30 a. m. Carnival Shows < 11:00 a. m. Best Single Ham 11:20 a. m. Best pair Mules i 11:40 a. m. Best single Harnt 12:00 m. Best single harne 12:20 p. m. Best pair horses 12:40 p. m. Best pair horses d 1 ,AA ? ? r?--. - ? ? i.w p. hi. iiesi cingie narnc 1:20 p. m. Best single harne 1:40 p.m. Free To All, besl 2.00 p. m. Free To All, besl 3:30 p. m. Free balloon asc Woman. 4:00 p. m. Free high dive b FRIDAY, NO 9.00 a. m. Fair Gates Open 10:00 a. m. Free concert by 1 10:30 a m Pnmiiml ^ ? - - - V/lll 111 V ill 0?1????0 VJ 1:00 a. m. Best saddle horse j 1:20 a. m. Best saddle horse 11:40 a. m. Best pair saddle 1 12:00 m. Best saddle pony, 12:20 p. m. Best saddle pony 12:40 p. m. Best pair saddle i 1:00 p. m. Best saddle horse 1:20 p. m. Best saddle horse 1:40 p m. Best pair saddle 1 2:00 p. m. Free for All, Besl man. 3:30 p. m. Free balloon asc woman. 4:00 Free high dive by Billj SATURDAY, > Negro Day. This day given up to the colo i RFUN ig stunts that will mly are found at i ss. f ield, S. C. No id products. You will learn a lot o ;nt?and you'll return home health1 rfield, S. C. No1 r the BIG FAIR. See and enjoy th m SURE! field, S. C. No\ ibits and learn of the progress and i h you friends. c 1 iciu, 3. niuveiiii e lined up for you. Come and se< leld, S. C. Novem ake the blues and see sorrow assass i Novemta eld, S.C. air Program NOVEMBER 8TH. Band. open on Joy Zone. ension, double parachute drop by by Billy Klein. NOVEMBER 9TH. Band. Dpen on Joy Zone, less Mule, n Double Harness, ess Horse, lady driver, ss horse, gentleman driver, in double harness, lady driver. IaiiKIo hurnooe .?wV.v nuiuvao, kc||"c|11<111 unver ss pony, girl driver. ;ss pony, boy driver. [ single harness horse, t pair horses in double harness, ension, double parachute drop by y Billy Klein. VEMBER 10TH. band pen on Joy Zone. (, lady rider. \ gentleman rider, lorses, lady and gentleman riders, girl rider. , bov rider. >onics, boy and girl riders. , girl rider, boy rider. ior-?es, boy and girl riders, horsemanship, boy or girl, lady or ension; double parachute drop by r Klein. JOVEMBER 11TH red folks. NYBI simply drive "du this gathering. I vember 8-9-1 ?f NEW wrinkles that will mean n v, hearty and happy. vember 8-9-10 e new and clever attractions?the member 8-9-10products of this great region. Be ber 8-9-10-11, 19 i the new, novel attractions?the i ber 8-9-10-11, 19 tinated. The many amusements >er 8-9 life < 11 Steamers Among Ships Torpedoed As Germans Stage Raid Berlin, Uct. 27.?Via London, Oct. 28.?At least 11 outpost steamers and two or three torpe do boat destroyers or torpedoboats were sunk or damaged by a German torpedo-boat squadron Thursday night in the English channel between Folkstone and Boulogne, according to an official communication issued here. The German torpedo boat flo tilla returned safely to its base without anv loss. The communication savs: "Parts of our torpedo forces moved from a German bay Thursday night, through the straits of Dover and Calais to the line of Folkstone-Boulogne, in the English channel. "According to the report of Commander Michaelsen at least 11 outpost steamers and two or three destroyers or torpedoboats were sunK, paniany or totally, near hostile ports. Some members of the crews who were saved were captured. "Several other guarding vessels and at least two destroyers were heavily damaged bv torpe does and artillery fire. Also the English post steamer Queen was sunk south of Folkstone, the crew having time to leave the ship. "In the channel near the Farnel Lightship there was a strikingly active traffic by hospital ships. "Our torpedo-boats safely returned to German waters without any loss." ( I ones! it - - ii Gare ana tne j very minute an I 0-11, 1916 j loney to you?short cuts to -U, 1916 I y'll all be here in one classy B 11, 1916 sides, this there's mirth and 16 nteresting and instructive ex16 are clean and thrilling? ======*1 Rev. "J. W." Went to the Carnival Rev. J. W. Little, the well , known evangelist who used to have a reputation for whipping Mormon elders and breaking up stills, had a bit of the old time enthusiasm for wielding the Strnnor orm r?f rinrti? A..-'-? ~ ?l". MW.I wi ngiii viumiK iiltJ recent fair at Marshville, his home. He had been avvav for some time, and when he returned and heard that a carnival had been allowed to come into the fair grounds to help bear expenses he forthwith determined that he would see for himself as to the alleged immoral features. When he marched up with the crowd to buy a ticket some one yelled, "Yonder comes the J preacher," and the ticket seller. who had been told about certain habits and inclinations of the preacher, vehemently refused to sell him a ticket or to admit him into the show. "I am going in if I have to take a stick and knock my way in," declared the preacher, "and I'll not pay you a cent now since you have acted such a fool I lltfO hnri* *wv4 * II TV 111*1 V) <11111 II II 3 HUI fit for me to see it's not fit for other people to see. I am going in." He then told the man he would get an officer to take him in, but if he couldn't he was go ing in by virtue of a strong arm and a heavy stick. The officer agreed to take him through, the showman submitted and showed the preacher through as an honored guest. No immoral features were noticed by the preacher, so he did not get to tear up the show as he had said he would do if he found immoral features.