The Pageland journal. [volume] (Pageland, S.C.) 1911-1978, March 17, 1915, Image 1

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'c - the PagelVd Journal Vol. 5 NO. 27 PAGELAND, S. C., WEDNEiS HONING, MARCH 17, 1915 $1.00 per year - __ ____ ____^_ ^ p ~ : * i 1 - ^ VSHE. MLLLU AINU HVt g WOUNDED C v r Pistol Battle Wagged on Streets of Psgeland Causes Death e . and Many Wounds. > t frobably tb%. most deplorable s tragedy in the annals of Chester- n field county o^cutred here last J Friday afternoon when a pistol }battle raged for several minutes * near the magistrate's Office on J McGregor street as a result of * trouble growing out of a trial of J minor importance which , hnd 1 just been dismissed in the Ma^is s trate's court, J. Wesley Aront r was instantly killed; J. D. Wal- * lace and Jesse Nfr. AVaot were J seriously wounded, in the abdo { men^Artbur West receiv^J four * bullets in his limbs; Sheppard ; West was shot through the thigh, ? and John E. Robertson was allot in the arm. c All of the participants in the s , ^jght were citizens of the Five ? Fork* ?ectioa of the countv and J they .had gathered, here to attend a tfbil in the magistrate's court v in which Frank West was accus- * ed of breaking a labor contract 3 with. Mrs. Wincey Threatt, sister of th^ Arant brothers. The trial c had been dismissed a short while ^ when a fisticuff arose near the office of the magistrate. A shot a was4 fired and instantly half a ^ dozen or more pistols were ^ . whipped out a id the firing began 1 ia earnest. J. Wesley Arant fell c deaiwith a bullet hole through 1 lite Umg? and "heart; J. I}. Wal-Js Jflrti ...I...- _1?* ^ en lit; -was isiioi domen; J. M. flesll wound in very, dangerous } run about 8:30 o'clock and coniluded about 4 o'clock Saturday norning. A number of witnessis were examined" and Drs. tfoore, Gantt'^ind I. S. Funder >u?k made a post mortem eximination ot the body to deternine the nature of the wound vnicn caused lus death. It w^s ound that a ball had shattered he 9th rib on the right side, massed through the lungs and leart and out between the 4th md 5th. ribs on the'left side: A >all was found just under the kin between the 6tii and 7ih ibs on the leftside and this gave ise to a diversify, of opinions. The doctors decided, however, hat two bullets were shot from he same gun and that tliey intered at "4he same place, but liverged near the tniddle-of the ?oiiy, one passing out and the >tiier lodging just under the kin. The jury returned a verdict that he came to his death >y a rifle shot wound in the lands of Sheppnrd West. West wis arrested Saturday morning ind lodged in the Chesterfield ail. The body of J. \V. Arant was arried home early Saturday norning and laid to rest in the rive Forks cemetery Saturday ifternoon about 4 o'clock, servi:es being conducted by Rev. dr. White, pastor at Five Forks, dr. Arant was about 28 years Id, and was the eldest son of A rc PVlOrlnftn Arnot IJ~ '*iui vuuiivyiit ilUllftlt I It* 19 urvived by his wife and 4 childen. The prelerainary hearing has >een s<*t for 10 vhen the n the Union County's Dog Law. Monroe. Enquirer. Union county has a dog: laufl 9 one with teeth, too?but the te^^BH have not been used. No, it \\H| not passed by the LegislattflBB which adjourned last TuesdflSB r f kn..r> . 1- ? -4-1.-1 xi una uucii Oil lilt: MUUIIf for two years, it being passed the Legislature of 1913. . Tfl B Union county dftg law wil^JBB found in chapter 646, Public I^HB cal Laws of North CafolinS, s^BBj sion of 1913. The law providjflBS for the annual?levy and cot^^^B lion of one dollar tax for mcjlo rlnnr ??nr1 /lrvllrt?n > ). tn>f, niiu inw UUIIUT* every female dog. It make$^^H| the duty of every list takef-fl^H enquire about the numbe^JH^H doirs the tax payer owns and? B ascertain the uumber and edHH^B them for taxation, and toexpl|^Hl to the tax paver how much will have fo~he paid on each and that, hay pers^ wishingeJjPlH be relieved of t\j>e?dog tax dHjfl be relieved or.&by killing dog within ten1fa?|^iter ih<? H ting of the list tatfefc v Fai 1 urejMjfiM list a dog for taxalilj^pr kiliin&B it, as the law provid?$?is' a lrfl H demeanor aqd the pU#ift)}.men^^^H at the discretion of tiki coi^^Bj The .sheriff is required to receipts for dog tax. The cld^^H to the board of county comnflRn sioners is required to enter up^^H the tax book the amount of tX&8| to be paid on dogs and there isJBlB be on the tax book ?T sepers|BK5| column for the dog tax. sheriff can collect the dog tax 0% distress, that is, he can sell eveflEfflS piece oi property me aog ow^njfl possesses to collect it, gvH can selljiMiMyor I't^$ford to Buy Feec lS<S%en-cent Cotton. pft?ase in acreage sowr \d wheat in the Cottor bxi-1 equalled about J( KV* * Jast year's cottor /XDwing to the unfavor litions for pro will Ins r r BftttE?teness of seeding anc ^^^K)i3d*(e or severe win considerable par flHwHs sown were winter RnpBphie of this winter kill BnK has been re seeded tc H&tbut we fear a con HflHloss in the acreage ir w8jBpxi$ts, compared witl Klld have been in oat; HHMpfrinter-kiiled. tlt'lt Q nor 14 sown to oats last fall, ere winter-killed, vvil i to cotton this spring I be a serious mistake if it leads to the grow 3 feedstuff in 1915 thai pmplnted last fall. [>uth cannot aftord t< |hel of oats or ec?;i, lav, with the monei ^from tiie 1915 cottoi his not onlv niptirtc llv.i I hern farmer shoulr V feeds needed for hi: ut that he should nls< gh oats, corn and ha: lie towns and cities o Every dollar sent on h next fall and winte and feedstuffs tha sbeen grown or pro Southern farms wil s .i. : 4u.. * 1 m uic juuui jusi uiui inuci B^vju^^^ce by just tha 1 More About Compulsory Education. Mr. Editor?As to compulsory 1 education in our school district 1 we desire to say that the require* meets are only 4 months in the 1 year. Then there is provision ' in the law for all cases where wvuiiui vii 1u(; ICclll\ I1CCUCU Ul ^Thome to help make support. " Theti, too, there are exceptions Lrnvjdce as to the child who is not ^Ln a resonable distance (a given . dis'nnce) to the school building. ^ The enforcement of this law is left with the trustees, men who kr ow all the circumstances in 1 each individual case, and in the 1 exercise of their duty they will 5 not be oppressive on any family. The law is for the parent who I won't and not for one who simply does not send to school, for i sometimes they possibly can't. If we do not put this law into effort Ki' luno or* ?.511 -w^? ./J JMHV uu Will ? . need to be ludd to have it voted j in. Now is the best time. Even if it is thought we do not need > i t no w, let's sign the petition, then r if ever we need the law in effect ; we will have it. Remember pa1 triotic citizens that the ones who t need it will not work it up. We I who don't need it must have s enough interest in the child -> whose misfortune it is not to be 1 sent to school to work for him. [ Let's everybody speak at once in t next issue, talk it up for the sake r of the litile boy who when grown t will have to make his mark instead of signing his name unless i we who don't need the law for 1 ourselves' tak<* the initiative in t this matter. Throughout Spar2 tanburg county mass njfifilinjg of nManHoo! pcMi Common Sense. Longfeller could take a worthless piece of paper and write a poem on it and make it worth $65,000?that's genius. There are some men who could write a few words on a piece of paper and make it worth $8,000,000? that's capital. The United Stales can take an ounce and a quarter of gold and make it worth $20? ^ v that's money. A mechanic can take material worth $5 and make it into watch springs worth $1, 000?that's skill. There is a man in Chicago who can take a fifty cents piece of canvas, paint a picture on it, and make it worth $1,000?that's art. A Greek can take an article worth 75c and sell it for $1?that's business. A woman could purchase a hat for 75c but Drefers one worth S77?that'c foolishness. A ditch digger handles several tons of earth for $1.50 a day?that's labor. The author of this can write a check for $9,000,000, but it wouldn't be worth a dime?that's rough. There are people who tell vou , that other papers are as good as this?that's nerve. Take $1.00 and get p year's subscription tc^ THE JOURNAL?that's com mon sense. Try it Yourself. 1 In Missouri, where they raise . more mules and children than ' in any other place in the world, a certain resident died possessed of seventeen mules and three sons. In his will hft rlisnnsoH of