The Pageland journal. [volume] (Pageland, S.C.) 1911-1978, April 08, 1914, Image 5

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How to Tell. "How's that budding genius son of yours?" "He's a blooming idiot now." ?Exchange. Photography T am n/vtir rnarl.. ? ? mam uv*? i vuujr iui aily kind of picture work. Come and have your * 'beauty*' struck. 24 penny pictures for 25c; 6 post cards 60c, 12 for $1.00; 1-2 cabinet $3.00 per dozen. Also do all kinds of amateur work. Will go to house and make your pet dog, cat, cow, horse, babies or anvthintr von want maHa J 0 , """* J. H. WHITMORE Studio up stairs over Page land Mercantile Company. Pollock & Pegues _ LAWYERS _ Club Building - - Cheraw, S. C. One member of firm will be in Pageland every Tuesday. //B I am looking'for WORK!! I am a Soap-Maker. I am a .Scrubber. I am a Cleaner. I am a Dirt Eater. I am a Disinfectant. I .will wash clothes whiter and leu robbing. It's the RU1) that rains. I am 'from Missouri' and wiil show you for five cents. I (am Red Devil Lye Half the usual price. | 1 SAVE MY LA BELT,. J; | Wood 's Maine-grown I need Potatoes are specially grown for seed purposes. We offer superior stocks of all the best and most productive varieties: Wood's Earliest, Irish Cobbler, Improved Early Ohio, Extra Early Sunlight, Bliss Triumph, and all other standard kinds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog for 1914, gives full descriptions and information, and also tells about all the best Farm and Garden Seeds. Catalog mailed free. Write for it. T. W. WOOD & SONS | Seedsmen, - Richmond/Va^l riiwimiiiimiiinimmnintimiilllffliintimiiuiinuiimininiimimimnini!n@ "Hereis the Answeivin 1 fi Webster^ | New International 1 the Merriam Webster Every day in your talk and reading, at ?? borne, on tbe street car, in the office, shop g and school you likely question the mean- = ing of some new word. A friend asks: = "What makes mortar harden?" Vou seek fe the location of LochKatrine or the pronun- jg elation of JuJuteu. What is ichile coal? 5 I This New Creation answers all kinds of g questions in Language. History, Biography, g Fiction, Foreign Words, Trades, Arts and H Sciences, with Anal authority. 400,000 Word*. OOO Illustrations. I Coat *400.000. 2700 Paso*. The only dictionary with = the new divided page.?char- "^1^ A g acterixed as "A Stroke of On thin, opaque, strong, India paper. What a satis- MMIraTff t 1 m\\11II. faction toown theMerriant M M/if H hi) .[(I Webster In a form so light tf / M ] and so convenient to use I cj lull I/Ij. One half the thickness and ?HHn HIMT/I////I w?gat of Regular Minciln ^^^^H^5S$wP^2waVjl> 11 Wolf Pits Jcffcrsonian. In many places in Chesterfield th county are found what appears m to have once been very large m wells. In some instances they It are only slight depressions in the w ground; in others they are still w several feet deep,despite the long et continued filling-up process, o Three generations ago when tr pigs, sheep and calves were the tli easy .and frequent prey of savage, n white-fanged wolves, and when li it was dangerous for children to d< venture far from home alone, p farmers dug under the low w overhanging branches of trees j\ pits much larger than present d day wells, and from ten to fifteen a: feet deep. Usually such a pit fi was slightly larger at the bottom than at the top. A piece of juicy bacon was swung from a limb directly over the mouth of the n pit, which was concealed by a jj light covering of canes, leaves or pine straw. When Mr. Wolf u came along, he scented the ba con, leaped for it, and whether r< he reached it or not, he naturally fell through the light covering t| into the pit, where he stayed 'till dispatched next morning by the * handy rifle. Another plan was when the hogs or beeves were v butchered to throw the refuse meat into the pit whose top was l( left uncovered. The strong odor of the fresh meat would y entice the wolf into jumping in- ^ to the pit, which was so deep that he eould not get out again. One of the early settlers on the p east side of Blaak creek one j morning found six wolves thus j entrapped. ^ Our University Letter By Robt.Turner The University of Soute Caro lina will have vacancies in the 1 Normal Scholarships in the fol- t lowing counties for the session p of 1914-15: Abbeville, Darling n ton, Dorchester, Florence, Georgetown, Greenwood, Jasper, Lexinton, Marlborv\ Newbeny, nuinitr, auu union. inese scholarships will be awarded 1 ujaon a competitive basis, the v VOlin? man from pfirh rnnnl? P who make the best marks on the n examinations receiving the . award. This presents a fine op 11 portunitv for some young man a in each of the open counties to 11 obtain a good education with e little cost. M The University baseball team b has been showing up in good form and has retrieved itself from the first defeats suffered by winning two straight victories over West Virginia Wesleyan. Prospects were never brighter for a winning team than at present. rj All students are planning for ; the greatest of Raster weeks j From present indications and o plans the coming Raster Week celebrationis going to be the i event of the session. Wednesday night in LeGonto I College Mr. Sullivan, who is in | charge of the Weather Bureau j at Columbia, spoke to the sfuj, j dents on the "Workings of the l Bureau." He emphasized the j | importance of securing the I cooperation of all the people; ' and the newspapers for most! effective work. "How can you tell when a' woman is only shopping?" "When they intend to buy j ! they ask to see something cheap i er. When they're shopping they ask if you haven't something more expensive in stock."? Ex. j Mr. Quick at His Old Home. i Senator John L. McLaurin, j Warren Moore, Tom C. Chavis, i and II. Iv. Teal attended services' at Prospect church, near McLaurin's mill Sunday morning, and heard a fine sermon by Rev. lohn Weslov Onir?Lr I _ . x^tuvrv v^I A Mr. Quick is a native of Marl- i boro, and was once a canidale for coroner. He is now post 1 master and pastor of a church at Pageland. He is making quite! a reputation as a preacher,? j Benncttsvillo Daily. 1 I Electric Scrubwoman. JH Machinery has now invadeelr e field of the poor scrubmOHpl an, for an electric scrubbinzil achine has just come into usdgJI is a little pushcart, supplied!! ith electric power through ire connected with a lamp socluH . The operator simply pushes iem ver the marble floor and con^l ols its operations by levers od If ic cart handle. A set of brushes f wolves on the lloor while ft t ttle stream of water trinkles * own through them from a tank.* j owdered soap is fed to the n rater in easily regulated amounts 1 >s the car is pushed ahead the 1 irty water is swept up to a pipe, nd a little pump sucks it up om the floor. In Out of the Wet. An Irishman was fishing in a J ivcr when it began to rain heav v. Pat not desiring to get ' oaked through, sought shelter nder a railway bridge spanning \ le river, and here he plied his 3d with true Waltonic zeal, 1 tterly regardless of the trains , lat incessantly thundered to \ nd fro over head. Presently . nother individual appeared on ] le scene and politely asked Pat /hat he was doing. 1 "Fishing," was the laconic re Drt. The stranger laughed. "Pray < /hat is the use of fishing under tie bridge while such an inferal noise continues?" "un, snut up, man," replied 'at, indignantly. "Sure, ve ! on't know tiiese fish. They'll \ ome under here to get out av 1 lie rain!"?Exchange. 1 Neighborly. A South Dakota senator recenly gave a new illustration of i hat fine saving of an ancient., hilosopher, "man was born for nutual assistance." A customer entered the small own barber shop. vl] UIJ o qo on oaa j-ou /MjhtjSJpBI air?\ he asked of the proprietor, 'j riio was seated in an easy chair, , erusing the pages of a dime j ovel. "Bill," said the baiber, addressig his errand bov, "run over nd tell the editor that I'd like . ly scisstrs, if he's got done J ditin' the paper. Gentleman .aitin'fora hair cut."?Everyody's Magazine. < aKBamBMaanr: iKmnam Dr. R. L. McManus DENTIST Pageland, S. C. ^ Will be at Jeffersson on Wed- \ esday and at Mt. Croghan Fri- ( ay of each week, remainder of ) me at Pageland. Office in rear f Mangnm's Drug Store. /Gfi^)Laii Strong and Dun Give steady, (1 Easy to ligni clean and rev smoke. Don'1 A 1 - * m tne wind. I At every* STANDARD OIL <t Waahlngton, D. C. (New Jertort 1 Richmond. Vau BALTIMORE 1 Norfolk. Va. g PfSlNESS LOCALS Minted ?to exchange Maxwell runabout for touring car, or to buy slightly *?<Vtouring car. R..A. Carpenter. Impairing?If vou want your sewing Machine repaired bring it to me. fork guaranteed. G. R.'Knight. Rfant?everybody to read our ad in ?|bis paper, every word of which is true Inr ad will be changed each week. Iolina Supply Co. B Me?before buying your seed potass, Nancy Hall A. Vineless. J D. jfearn. Vanted? a few boarders. I'rice lonablc. Mrs P. H. Arant. ItkVe?Your watch repair work done at KjEubanks'. < Colts?April is the best month for fjTmtuing colts. I am prepared for this vork and am booking them for the bright weather. <J. II Watts, Veterinary Surgeon, Pageland, S. C When?Y our watch goes wrong bring it to me and have itcorrecled. P. B. Ku?anks While?They 1 .ast sugar house molassas at 40c per gallon. 5 gallon keg or $2 00, 10 gallon kegs for $4.00. Cash Grocery Store. For Sale?Thoroughbred White Leghorn eggs at 75 cts. per setting of 15. L. L. Parker. For Rent.?6 room house, barn, garden, well of water and 2 or more acres jf land at edge of town J. A. Arant. For Sale?Saw mill, engine and boiler A hargin for $550. See C. M. Tucker. Sasb&doors; We have added to our line sash and doors, will be glad to serve you. Pagcland Hardware Co. For Sale?Cotton seed hulls on your wagon for 60c; 65c delivered in town. Phone Cash Grocery Store. WaitGregory For Sale or Rent?My eyes are [ailing, and for this reason I offer for ja.e or rent mv shoe and harness shop, j^luding 2 foot-power Singer stitchers, fe^ltools needed in general repair HHj^^yUeather goods. T. P. Smith. tqre placing an order for Monu menis, iieaastones, or anything in cemetery work. Material and Workmanship guaranteed, fohn W. Quick, Pageland, S. C M. M. JOHNSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Will be in Pageland Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of eacli w eek. Office in rear of Mangum's Drug Store Notice Of Court. The Court of Common Pleas, Spring term, will convene on Monday, April 13. Petit Jurors tnd witnesses take notice. The 3rand Jurors need not attend. I. P. Mangum, Clerk of Court. March 25, PM-J. I For Fishing, items Camping, and Hard Use under All ible Conditions. | | bright light t Easy to rick. Don't t blow out i Don't leak. vhere I ) '.OMPANY ' jgj Charlotte. N. C. vgQs!) r Charleston, W. Va. A Charleston. S. C. I f \ All kinds of seed Irish potatoes; 35c per t. neck at Pageland Mercantile Co. i Wc will grind your corn on Saturdays. Miller & Hinson, Plains. 20tf wood?When you want wood of any kind see or call. K. F. Smith. For Sale?or Kent. A good 5 room dwelling in western part of town, two lots, good barn and good well of water. Sec R. F. Smith. Send your kodak films and plates to J. 11. Whitemore's St jdio at Pageland to be finished up. Buy your doors and sash from Fox Lumber Co. irTfl it ri n Never Warp,Crack,! ] They can be laid right over 9 out dirt or bother, and they mal f 5 They're inexpensive. For par PAGELAND HARDWA geaeaoooeoai? | Goodby o Spring is here and i K prompts us to movt X Pageland Drug ston v is kept in the neate; b HI ui? i. ???1 -. V lie iiiivc a tdieiuiij skiw V Patent medicines, a complet Q to 75c. No order too large ft immediate attention. Phon v a drink you want we have i V sanitary torm. Just recei K Nunnallys candies. | Pageland Les9eeess?> Handing on On the first day ot the ? dignified way of payii ^ cut the money. ? J Much quicker, too, | and there is no pos-1 v | sibility of paying \ out too much, Moral J open an account at | this bank and reap \ Jail these and other DlliranlanAG w uai?u||V?7? The Bank < SPECIAL CI We have arranged to give Th State at the following ra1 The State, Daily and Sunday The Journal, Weekly - - Both The State Daily, Except Sund The Journal Both The State, Semi-weekly The Journal Both .... The Progressive Farmer, Wee The Journal Both No premiums will be give TheP Fox Lumber Company Manufacturers of rough and dressed lumber, columns, balusters, moulding and all kinds of turning. Give us a trial. No order to small. K. A. Carpenter, Manager. Hanna & Hunley Attorneys CHESTERFIELD, S. C. iaSa Rot,Curl or Burn- f d -Shingles yP^g||PSs an old wood-shingle roof with- 9 te it stormproof and fireproof. I ticulars address g RE CO., Pageland, S.C. Winter 1 with it a spirit that S Where? to the N >, Where everything X st form. 8 O *led line of fresh drugs and ? e line of stationery from 10 V or too small to receive our Q te us your wants. If it is ? t and serve it in the most V ived a fresh shipment of X tfrugiG.iM 8 800080000000^ "** it Checks month is a much more ng bills than counting 9f Pageland AJB OFFER e Journal and the Columbia :es: - - - S8.0U - . LOO $8.00 ay $6.00 1.00 $6.25 $1.00 . LOO $1.50 kly 1.00 1.00 ? $1^50 in with any of these clubs, 'ageland Journal.