The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1876-1881, May 11, 1881, Image 3

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Il [OWN AND COUNTY; sVE YmHyi!, t t 1881 'rKIC31. nt+i Ni:ws At) IIE.HAt.. ' ri-weely edlition, fotur dollarts p)i' *rnu,tt in advane; weekly edition,% to dollars and ti'ty eits )rN1.21ou"m, lin udvan+e; Liberal discount to clubs of five and upwards. R ATES ao ADvTIT181ue..---O1 dollar per inch for the first insertion, 9 ,d( fifty cents per. uch for each subscm int insertiol. T1'heee ratesuppiv to ail ad %'ortisemenits, of whatever natr "e, and aro payable strictly li advance. Coi' tracts for three, six or' twele-c months triule on very libe!l teis. Tri;in ient local notlt;es, flt'ten cents p6r line for the first insertion and seven ttnd onne-hal0fi cirnts pm' tHie lb1't lachi Subsecueitinsertion. Obitua"ies and tributes of respect chargeii l tlvr tiseinents. Simple I) nounceieits R01 marriages nnd (leatis published free or charge, and solicitrd. All comticnt ltions, of wlhatsot3ver mature, should be addressed to the Winnsboro Publishing Company V4.insboro, S.C. MAILROA'' &oitDUt.E.-The t"nius tiow pass Winnebor1 as follows; 'North-bound paaseiggr, 12.18 p. i. south-bound, 6.30 p. im.; northt-bound freight, 8.64 a. -mt.; soiltth-b ound, 1.15 ;p. n. These arrivails are oil the bisisl of Railroad time. sixteen minutes Master than Wiuttsbovo tinme. New Advertioenix. Notice to Creditors-F. Elder. As signiee. Tax Notice-I. N., County Auditor. Citat.ion-3. R. Boyles, J. P. F. C. Estate Jas. M. l;utland-A. S. Dowglass, Execuler. Clothing-B. Sugenheiner. Local Briers. -We need rain badly. -The T"iai .Justi:ces' courts were busy on Saturday. -A numismatist has been in town looking u) rare old coins. --'I'here was niot a single ease of in toXication at the _.pii on Friday. .- An6tlier case of concealed wea r-- pons has been brought before Trial Justice Nell. -Messrs. S. Catlcart and T. W, Riabb, Sr., registered at the Charleston hotels on Friday. -Bavarian export lager beer and f3elfast ginger ale, in pint bottles, just :received by F. W. Habenicht.* -The young people of Ridgeway are rejoicing in a dancing school, and the .glide and The racquet are all the go. -Mr. D. V. Walker has one of the Yinest fields of oats, just ott of town, ye have ever seei. Mr. Walker has always 'een successful in his planting. -The Gordon Lig ht Infitry were out on parade Tuesday afternoon. The new plunes are i great improve ment to the already handsome unl form. -The contract for working and keeping in repair the streets of the town for the current municipal year, has been awarded to Mr. Jnu. S. Cath cart, l1e will do the work well. -Mr. U.GC. Desportes host a very val unable mule on last Friday nuight. Th'le animal in atteminilg to jump~lthe fence groundil( his stable yard broke its neck, ''Bring iin aniotherl mue! * -Mr. WV. II. IdenCiniken's deer' are qulite ant attractlin. They ar'e five ini iiomber of' whlichi onet hias beeni raised b)y hiin. Thei first oiie wa~s pre seiited to him by Judge P'ressley. -T1c3he liu nipl election in Char lotte resulted inl the choice of' the "d(ry' canldidate for' mayor 'over' his opp)o. nent by a vote of 667 to 1142. The board of aldermen is equahlly di vided--six to six-bet,ween the "wet". and the "dry." -Mr' J. S. Gladney was lti town last week, anid on his retut-n to Colttm bia gave aL very flattering account of the cropis in this cotturty 'ie was especially struck with Mr. A, Willhi ford's crop, and1( )ponounces It we'll wor'thyV of emnulatioit. -Tile thanks of the pl'inters are. C. tenlded to the ladles for the delIcious dinnier sent to them on Friday. .Jn ex cellence anId abundance it rivaled King Ar'thit"'s fitmorts bag--pudding, of which It Is recorded, "what they did not onit that ag The Queen next mnorning ?llcr'i. DEATH OF Ma. ST.UmsE.-Mr. 1, WV. Starnes (lied last. Sutu'rday mnorflug at his residenice at T)oko. Mr. S. was at one0 time extensively engaged i mnerchaLndhise, but from the ravages of consumrption he w'as tforced to retire, and lhe has, after a long illness, ended a highly honor'able and useful career. Cr.o-rmi90.-Mr'. U. Stvgenheimer' advei'tises that ho has a splenidid stock of ready-mrade clothing1 which lhe ~de aires to reduce by olleittg the differ et articles at very low prices, T~his stock has been very caref'ully neleeced1 and will be founid to co'n ain ag var'iet5' sufficient toe>sttit every phase of' tatsto, 'When you tant a goodi suit of'clothes, be sure to look in at B. Srgenheimer's. Ciiunonm 14er'1ar.-T1he ladIe, of the Episcopal congregation will l'mve a Strawberry Festival In t.he lawn in frofft or'the reosidene of M r. Juno. S.. fteynol'ds on Tuesday evening next The purpose of the entertainment is to raise funds to make some mutch needed repairs on the church building. The object Is a wvotJhy one and theo cir L tertainnment sIoidd- be .liberally pat-. 'u' )onlized. There wvill be no0 admission fee. A coi'diu inmvltalorr! Is extended to everybody to be preserrt. F'R EsH GOODS A T I$O' .-Jtst olnYsi. ed, a large lot of picnIc and ann bats, also a heatitiful 1ot of'iisoan chipi anid straw bats and bonnets f'or ladies, misses and children, which 1s the four'th lot this seasoni. Yot can find) at Boag's tall yotr Want ini the line of fancy goods,. milllney% dress goods and trimmigs, as cheap' as the same goods can be bought . anywhere else, also as full air asortmentb as can he vIshed. ADv. LUCERNEe-COlm.eI Rion, tyho has aiven much attention to luce, 1Mn ia9 an 0stt1at0 of tt yield par ner fromRputcht*wich he sowed t_ thh 18th of Febilinry. The estimate it made f1om n squal'e, ten feet by ten, on which the g-owth is below, rathel than above, the average. The littenc from this squtare, beig cut un'.t weigh. ed, Was a fraction over nineteen pounds. Putting it at nineteo poundh the yield per acre* wold be 8,2? pounds. It is safe to say that the halt-acre patch ftoui which this wat taken wou'd yield 4500 poums-or nine thousand pounds to the acre. JENisvli,1,E NOTEs,--Mr. N. A. 1lolley of this neighborhood was uwr ried on the 5th, to Miss Sallio E. Ilun iel-, of Goslhen 11111, Union - county. Best wishes are extended. The new Iron Bridge of the Coium.. biii and Greenville Rtailroad over I1oi Rivet- ait AI:toii is Just tinished. It is a magnificent piece of work, and is said to have cost over thirty thou sand dollars. In making the chige from the old to the new structure not it train was delaye(t. It is cturrently reported that the colored population of this vicinity have had a meeting tnd decided not to work for less than Mifty cents per day and three meals. t'I'he planters about Jekidihsville had better int.troduce a few white in nigrants and they will hear no more about labot combinations.--Eis.] A VALUAn,E SPEl.1,tNG CHART. -We have received from L. II. Rogers, New York, a "Bird's Eve View of the English Language." a vegtulat' uotimuent Of patience. The .sheet is 22x88 inches, and contains more infbmrciation for 1)erson1s who writc letters than we ever saw or thought could be arranged on one sheet: The first part contains Rules for Spelling and PItmctuition, also lRules for Using Capital Letters and Letter writing. Next is a "Bird's Eve View of the Correct Spelling of 25, 000 Words." Every word is before you at. a single glance, nttd is easily tuind by Ia System of indexing, that is wondertul, thorouglh and complete. There is also at "Bird's Eve View of 20,000 Synonyms," which is of great assistanlce to writers. One of the most interesting features, which alone Is worth the stnall price of the sheet, is a list of two thousand words of similar pr"onmieintion. 'The sheet cln be used to good advantage by every one who writes the English lanugilage. The sheets are sent by mail, postage pro paid, by the Publisher, L. ii. Rogers, 75 Maiden Lane, New York. Price 25 cents each, or five sheets for one dollar. Postagn stamps received in payment. fit SV WJOLS (13' TItH STA TE. An Important Meeting of the Board of l-xamliners in Columbia on Wednesday. The Columbia correspondent of the News and Couridi says: "The State I3oard of Examhuers met to-day (Wed tesday) with a full attendance. A number of vacancies in the county boards were filled. The board was thoroughly imipressed with the imn portance of securing gretr efliciiency among the county school commission. ers, and with this object in viewv a commuittec was appointed to report, at the next mnectinig of the boatrd in Sep. tensber, wvhether it is competent for the Legislature to p)resdi-ibe by law the qualifientions for county school commissioners. The following resolu tions wer'e adopted 1. That, the attention of the county school IommIiissionlers be called to the iml)>ortanice of4 visiting and inspecting their schools-a duity which in some counties has not been faithfully dis charged. 2. T1hat in the opinionl of the board he counity school commniissioneru .lhoiild not he aillau ed compensat.ion for moure than one hundred days in eac.h year for the 0illee wvork , and that any additional comp enisation whlichi may he allowegi shotild be foi' services renider'ed In visiting schools, The board discussed the question of the apportionment ot' the school funds the present system of making the ap. portionment an the basis of the attend. anice during the current year not be. ing satisfaCtory. Ini acdordance with the views of the b~oard the superintrtid ent of edticationm will propose a bill embodying the niedeAtir? changes ini thue law. Thme bill will provide that tdie aVertige attendance for the last preceding school year shall be used as a basis in makhing the apportionmnent for any VOS96 It wvas dce'ded to hold the next Teachers' Institute in Greenville dur ing the month of August. As already stated in this corresp<n1Cdencet an taisti tute for colored teachers will be hel also, the tita*i and place of which will bo mades knoiyn as sooni as the leces sftry details sha.ll be arranged." .4 J?fMtI4)1L 1? TJTzt J'4t A Ftate bocWrent Js'ued ren years Akd,r The la'trrey afMl Hypocrisy of the Car pet-Bag (4everuor. Int e'eeari ng n'p the shet'itf's office few days ago, the following doeumnent las foutd ; EXECUTIVE DEPARITME,NT, COLUMBIA1 May 2, 1871. Ti'o the Shiertyi of Fiairfid< County : S1it-1 have beenm credibly informe( by a utnmber of citizens of Fairfiel(: county, as weil as fotr Own' ofical commtmicatIon, tha~t o'n the nvigrht oi the 29th ultlmo, a body otf arnTed 1e In disguise rode Into the towvn oi Winnsbo ro, and left at thxe housesa 01 sevetal Eanty officers a written paper, mn wvhch they were commanded to re mugn, aind threatened with v1olene-e ii they failed to obey. As you are the chief exeutive officer of' the county, It )s your duty to fak~e mteasures to ascor tai'n anid to bring toj usitice these mas5k ed vitolators oft the pabi hh~pace, anid for this purpose, you shiottu ptom nltly Iivoko all thle resources wvhichi the aw places at 'olur disposal. In the las resort, should t])e o;fdianay 8fe'vice of process prove linadegn~ate to'.pke the the nucessary arrests, by reawson of any armed combination, you wiHall I out the posse comnitatt,s--whichi call, I have no doubt, ill be roaponded to by aflcod-eitjgo, Iu a!! cases of this ctataoter whed'o cltizons ro u in tdrrOr b/ armled i bands' of: laWcbsa mob. it is exIected that thb lodal aii thdrities hai -"exhaust all legal re sources to give adequate protectioi tc IIb nid propo'ty before the State Ex. eentive canl properly intelrvenle, by ex. t'aordiinury O'Xhibit'iols offotce, iith. erto unknown to the administrationl 01 the laws in' civilized communities, The failure of the proper county otll. mers tQ exert their tutt)ost igjkoice to detect., and their most vigorous 'efl'ortt to bring to punishnwut alil disturberm of the peace, will be deemed conclu' sive evidence of their flagrant neglect of duty or gross ineiliciency.- It is a grave reproach to the people of Whilns. boro, that % band of fifty disguised horsemen should have been permitted, undisturbed, to enter their town, and occupy It forl several hours, with the declared purpose of putting in terror, or inflieting violence upon, the sworn public officers of the county. In this cotnnection, it is proper that I should call yotte attention to the reccitt Act of Congress, which makes all ciii zuns who ar-41 privy to any acts of or ganized violence, and fail to give any iltforinatlon in their po8sess"oi, that may lead to the arrest of the perpetra tors, parliceps criminis in their guilt. Very respcctfully, IRom:etr K. Scor,, Governor. This paper was issued when Scott utid his thievish crew were frightened out of their wits, and when the dli'ty carpet-bagger himlself'wats playing the role of refotnrme a1acd peace-maket'. floW thise was ill his t wathlle about exhau'ting the oi'dinlary civil reo1 (lies beore resorting to extraordinhatlv imeas.ulres is well known to everl' r( spectable man in the State. At the very time wlhenl this l'ttc' was written, Scott anl his riing were naking etlbrts to place certain portions of the Star under m'irtial law; and it. was very soon after this that he ttinde his tamout speech it Washington, in which he dea clared that the only law for the South was "Winchester-rifle law." 'IT pIper is int.ere,ting as a slight .enlin1d or of the degree of oppression and ln" snit. to which the white men of Soutl Carolina submitted, purely to keep the putbli( pece and to avoid bloodshed. By the way, We imagine that thi, State document reads as if it Caic from the pen of Judge Mackey. The Judge was at that time very thick will Scott, and he is sulpposed to have written the most. important of the car. pet-bagger's messages, etc. We thinli this letter tounds rema'kably like nomt that have appeared over the Judge'a own signature. TEACIIEf&& AtSOCIATOIP Tne Most Succesaful Meeting That I1as tol Occurred. The Association met on Sattidav Col. II. C. Davis in the chair. Aftet prayer by the Rev. W. Richardson the miltes of the last meeting wer( read by Mr. R. Means Davis, in the absence of the secretary. The follow, ing male teachers were preseut: Col H. C. Davis and Messrs. WI S. Dur, ham, B. H. Robertson, W. lichard" son, J. R. Sterling, R: 31. Davis. andc the following ladies: Mrs. Caldwell M rs. J. Ash ford, Mrs. Po well, Mrs Harrison, Miss Obear, Mliss Fi'ipp anco Miss Richar-dson, ~liiss Powell.' Dr' Boyd, Mr. W. A. Smith and M1r. J. R Ashfordl were also present, a was part of the day, thme Uet. 1Il' tarr, o the Benediet Ina.titutes Colimbia. Mir. Durham c.ompletedl his coursi on Analysis in Griammnar, first makin a stronig and1 eloqueint presenitation~ o the claims of analysis per so; anid theri of diagrams as a means of matking analysis a delight instead ol' a bol-e He then gave a lesson from ti series handsome colored charts representhny diagrains of different classes of en tences. As the subject of dliagramns 3: a novelty in this State, being used Ii veiry few schools, those teachet's wh< were' absent missed a great deal. At the comp)letion of thie gramma leson a discussion oni diff'erent pojint. in gr'ainmar ensued, participated in by sevet-al teachers. After this a recess of an hoitr M taken for lunch, and a' very pleasan little "picnic" followed, which was ai iportan t featpre in brinugi ig teadhere together in social nt ercou~rse. At' the seeond Session li' 1ickhardson by~ appointment, took ip the subjuct o p)h1onetida as taught in App)leton's Readers, and dwell upon the impor* tance of learning the sotnds of letteri instead of the names. le iliustf'htec the sysite t of spelling by sobnds; anc gave several cognate sounds showing what copstitutes the differe.nce betweei them. A resohttion d'aa adolited thiaC htii' Iafter the A eocfafion will resolve itsea4 into a claiss and go throttgh a drni '01 phionetics at every tneeting.. The sub jeLt of prontryelatlon was also broach ed, irtit for witnt f timd *as pcistpon e d to the next meetinjg; Mrti. Durhamn said that ondoe"t'60 two months was not enough, and he moved that the Assaciatiom meet agai, o'n teatt rday b'efiru the fitllfrmnoa solved that "inasmnch as the Assobia tion, if pro'perty attemnded, will inevi f,aty benefit the seh*)olW th6 Schoc Comissioner b)e i'eqtested to c'onf6 with the school trustees and get thmen to make the meeMng a school dlay, anm that he report the result at tihe nex meeting." It wtis stated thaft priv#td ly, all the truistees who had bwen ap pr'eachi63 had expressd Mpprov2l o this; but this resolut(6i %vas adopte( in order to seutr'e formal action. ThIe Association theti adlj6irned t< meet onSaturday,- 11 th of J mie. (Thi 'titt jmAk-iDa Oxttficnr.o?. Einaety and ChiValry 'Bright Eyes and Ifrsu DBtttons Wago MCtual VWrfre: Trhe .jont, pint of the young ladhici of the Cohumbia I'errrale Colle;g' ando the Goirdon Light Infantry last Frida3 'was a cotwplcte sucecess in elOmry pai, tieular. At an early hour' that morn. iung the streets of the town showed evi dence of an unusual stir, anid thw young people especially were bmy foy ',ou ar.!e t!onof he oe,tthat'~. etpected to. add s' much to theirpleasl uIre aidt eitrtaitlinent: The 'viather vas as. pro)litioul ts- could pos'iibl'. have been desirc.d The rich foliage o' the trees) the warbling of birds, and the balmy zephyrs that fhanned all na turo into activily, all e(ntribtuted to nake up at scene that might fiairly rial( the loveliless o' the fir finned Italian landscape, So exhilaratig and in spiriting was thb tout rsemble that otle felt hiimsolf iuvohtuta'ily exclatm ing, In the beautiful imagery of the lturnort al liiltott t "1f a1 bounteouts May, that dost Inspire , youth, tal tesut delreV; a and roves auc of thy dre4Iug, M1ll and dat ,doth boast thy blesslttg," gone dlsaifolntllt,nt was felt when intormlation was voccived that the 'Co. lulbia party would nut arrive midday, The Gordghs assembled promptly at 9.30 in the norning) and nitter 11 slort'delay mathited totheg rove in rear of the Presbyterian Chureh, the grotnds nelected for the festivities of the day. Target-shooting souti after cottt!nced, each nemhe' of the con paty being allowed three shots at, a Creednoor regulation target, one hun dred yards otV hand, filleen being the highest possible score that could bc made. At, the conclusion of the shoot ing it was foundl( thait dap1tall Jordani in twl uadta.Cltl OA11was entitledl to t he medal, havingr mnadle the best score (13) ; bitt inasmuch as lie had presented it to the coin patty origi nally, he (eclitned to receive it. The next highest. score being made by fouir metnbers ofthe corps, Sergt. T. R. lRobertson. Corp. 11B. MMaster, and Privates W. M. Propst tand W. A. Roie(Y, the tie was ;+hot oflby them, Private Propst finally witing, At 11. 30 a (letachinent" of the com pany, under the command of Set1gt t(bertcon, repaired to the freight (e pot to receive the young ladies from Columbia, nd escort theil to tle grounds. On the arrival of the triain the c.aches contaitinK (ho Columba:is were switched off, andl the whole party shortly after disetibarked. The pro cession Was forlI(. the (ordonis in frotnt, and "the litic of' marcb taken up for the grove. Arriving there further formalities were dispensed with, and the 'soldier boys" proceeded to look after their guests, and right. gallantly did they perform their duty, As soon as the regular target shooting was con cluded a contest was arranged amongst the ladies, both visitors and residents, with the results hereinafter given. At two o'clock tinner was announced, and, approaching the tables, a uost pleasing sight. greeted the eyes. Eata bles of all kinds covered the two long tables in great abundance, and the sptotd wtts Ittdeed Mnost telpting itind Inmviting,-such as is rarely eqnaed but never excelled. It is hardly naeces sary to add that this feature of the oc casion was one amongst the most at tractiie. After dinner Professoi' ;ones culled his school together and went through a drill in caliszhenlds, unde.r the lead of Miss Llewulen Klocklag- of Barn well county, who was aiu, at Despite the want of missic, and a good floor, the extreise5 wei'o very* creditar bly performed, and evinced thorough drill. the calisthenices wore'en r' eluded; the disti'ibutioni of prizes wah made. The young ladies of the college iwereo grottped togbther and the Gotr donis drawn up near at hand, wvhod 'Sergt. T. JF. IRobertson, in behalf 61f tll3 latter; mounted a templorary ros trumn and made at few happy roiniirks to l yohtng Iattiesa, exi>ressing at hope 'that they would remember the present occasion with pleasure, and not, fdrget the Gordons. The first pri2se; consisting of at beau, tiful silver andc glass vaise afd card re I divci', for' the hest marksmanship ivah Mivirded to N iis flmmna Moore, and the second, a j;air of vases, for the next hobst mtarkomianiship; to Miss Law t6ni. The. blushitng vrict.orh received the jTh'iAeR amid entlttiisic stfplaumse. Next, to the voun g ltadiLs at honie wore awarded the f1.iat pri-re for miarkahliishlp, (a afiver frimhit ki)lfc) tc; ,Miss Saf'ah WVolfe, and theo seconid, (a Ipounti of Ffentch (candy) to Miss Lilla leaity;, wifth a view to the cteietta iitnmess of' thit;p ania in token of apj>re ciatiotn of theo skili dlisplJayed in the arfio'us evolutionts of thle ialisthenic olAsa, ho would beg leavo to pr'e.6nt the claAs with a washboard thtdugh itfe graceful leader; atid he handed ft over to Mish Klbekley, del)id gfeat ldughxtif unmd j-pplatist. 1e i iii ordor *As f11 houwarding of pizes 1o the meombers of' thb Gordon bight Infantry. With the ex ception of the comnpany~ miedal these were made tzi cf ifalheotts drtlcleft con tribtd by the mebattw of the wnr. j1rofa#jh doneut of the Columb'la Ve male Collogc ptesided over this dere many, and beforA disti'ibuting the mpriies delirered a few eloquent re tiarAs ap' dtit to t:e o<da'i(mi. To at tenript an) extended reproductioni - of' his beautiful and ornat8 languaige would ho a great injitstice to the dis Itingnishe'd genttf6mnn; who Is known far And ido an a mrost AUecei u1ful ediu entor'; and( it Is suffleienit therefore to say that ho hold his auditory spell bound by his genine elognence ourafofy. Interspetrsing his remarks with wit and hftntor h'e pr'O'ceed I ed to hind to tho's6 entitled to thoem the sev'erar p)rit, in tl.e fol lo'ttg o*der: First, W. M.' Propst ; amoond, Capt. W. G. Joirdan;. tMird;i Private iV. A. Romedy ; fourth, op H. B.- McMas'ter; fift, Sergt.'.R. 11obertson; sixth, Private W. 3. El eight h, Private Rt. T1. Crew fofd ; nhftLh, Sergt. J. H. Cummings; t6Yath, Piiate J. W. S3egler t elevetnth, Private Louis' ILandeeker; tin sword, Lieut/ 1I. Rt. 'Flenniken ; tl-n cup', Privato J. 0.; Boag. These exercises bbing con cluded, thle compan8fy escorted the Co la mbta paty back to~ the freight, depot, and iyo'n the arrival of the hindshakings tnd good"byes,. alid bo fore It. could' be realed the streets olit haitl tohk One tlitl'" ttcttomecd athpeal'alico, altd till) Ilemora'tblo sixth of May was numbered amongst the thitga of t.e )as. I71:A'rI1 (H' Co.0 rt, R0s.1:t. -- Col. Jlohn Bo:.ser, born in Soithe Carolina in 1811, died at his resideit' ott the Ile 'nando road at 4 o'clock yestrrdat morning, aged sevent.v years.- Cot, Roaser moved to C:atme,h S. C., at tif early Et e-attd btcitnto onb of'ltq most 11alerotts itwrehaitts. In 1$60U, on the eve ot'the war, he moved to this city, in order to look alLIer his phiti1ng hiterests In Mississippi and with a view nt'going into the bahking business here. But the war pwevented lhin, and tultimately broken up by it, lie re mioved to tie count'y, an -ver since minly devoted h1i1seit' to agrictil (il-e. Ile leaves a Witlow anti 'tell children, all gt'own, ttiit ' a large nnmuber of grand and g reat-gf-andcliltlret. One of his sons t'tsIdt's in New Orleans ftur other of his children in ITexaq, antj lIVe in this State. tol. Rosser was it pi'e, go~od, hpright man. the record u( whose life is stainlcesq. lie leaves t. b'ight. exailplb of probity'atid hoior tible (1tIlils and stainless iitegrily. rin< dittl regr%tted by a wide circle of li'iends ho esteectld himl as his chil droli a(1 relatives loved him.-Memi pltis Appa(l, '--Ayer's Pills Contaii fto Croton oil. raloinel or inineral. '1'hev are con p)oundeld ot' pure vegetable extracts. Which hiSt 1.os1tive ilt'tites an atl *itys efire, whetrlt' etnres are possible.* Estate Jas. M. ut lani, 1)eceased. NOTICE is horchy ,iven that I will a1)ply to the Jtfil of I:febato of t"ait'field Cuttnty ol Tua-day, Juhie 7th, 11, for attillit1 discharge (ts Executor of the Will of Jas. M. Rttland. dlecetlstect. A. S. DOUGLASS, ma 's -t11&30' Ex'cult . NOTII1:E T1O CRWD)ITOltS. , R. ll31,1T 11 McfARLEv hnvitig, on I. the 4th itist.t fitie to ine fn as ignment for the benefit ot' the oredito1!? )f the stock in trade, assets, etc.. of the lbuin esR horetoforo <"ondticted by John fohnston, Agent. at Winnsboro, S. C.. nil eroditor< of the sail John Johnston, AgOnt. are hereby notiicd that a meeting of the sRid croditors will he held at Winnlsbo'o, 8. C., on the 17th day of isay, It1', at I1 o'clock. a. im , at the ofido of A. M. Mankey, Enci., Attorney at Law F. ELDER, nay 10-td Assigneoe. STATE OF SOUTH CA1fOLINA, COtJ#TY OF FAIRFIELD. BY J. R. N0 'LES, Esq . 'rob<de Judgc. STIHEREAS, John H. Neil hath made suit to nio tograbt him let. tors of administration of the' estate and effects of Vim. 8. .\Murphy, deceased: Those are, therefore, to cite anhd admon ish all and singular the kindred and cred itors of tiho aid V i. 8. Murphy, deceased, that they be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to ho hold at Fairfleld Court House, S. C., on the 21st, day of May, after publication her. of, a. 11 o'cloek in the forenoon, to shew eause, if any they have, why the said ad mihistrsion abould not be granted. Given under my hnd this 7th day of May, Anno Domini 1881. J, It. BOYLES, J. P. F. C. ma17 -titl TO T1IoS1 IiE8tfING TO BUILD. W- E hate just emip!nyod sctuo of the moit skillful and experieed wvofkxhen, uidc are now ready. to do all kinda of hiuse 64rponier's wivbk. Wle have also made aiTTangoments' with the leading saw mills to furnish us .vith lum her. 'S8o on an'l after this date we am'e pro pared to dd all kinds of .work.' Persons desif'ing to have old hotines rspaired, of contemiplate building, will do *ell to- get an estimate fruotna befoi ojgiving out con . a aspeoisity. Wo are v'ersed ih all the now styles and outs bf t.he cay. Contracta takent anywhero ill the South. All work wi'rdfitbd. -JOHN H. PUJRCELrL & BROS., 3Uilders and Contracotor4. Witinaboro, S. 0, fbb 17-tx8m TAX NOTICE. AUmton's OFFICE, -AY 0, 1881. rj- Hft hooks of this o cc will be open 1.from June 1st to Jutly 20, 1881, to receive retu rns of personal p~ropert,y own tmd by enoh' taxpa,yer on the 10 dlay of Jur.o. All malo persons bot w.con the agea of twenty- one and sixty years are liablo to poli-tax, mnd will report acop1rdingly. For the accom3modation 01 taxpaiyers I will be at . the following places on the d1ays spooffed fdr th' pt,rpeo of redciv ing returns, viz.: WVoodward's from the arrival of freight train, Juno 8th, to depart.ure of 68ih bound passenger train Juno 9th. - WVhito Onak. June 10.'s, Juno 11. Caldwola' Storo, Jurdo 13. Gladden's Grove, Juno 1.1. Rtidgeway, Jun l5 and 16. 1l.catr Creek, Juno 17.. Blythowood, June 18. Jenrnings' 8'ore, Jno 2VY. ,Ien ktlisvillo,.Jumne 21. MIofftIcello, Jun0 '22 arid 2M. Bucekhead, Juno 2'7. Peastorvihll, ,June 28 and 29. P'leano tako notice that the offico in Wnisboro will 1o e cJia4d during my absenoce af, the ai~Ovo app)oinitmonitu, and open on all other days during tho ap may 10- tfj A uditor F. 3. Hge ts ga MACHINE00O.. 4-W 6 NW CKAR.E8. 3AL.TlMORE7MDp. RI. WV PHILLIPS, Agent, Winns borb, 8. C. dXec iOE0 1'HAT $0RiARISE1 THll3 FA.RMEtS '"BONANBA." frm .a $new vrgtaal on fro A.,'ifr d r a t also ie i e . C uby tPi IAu 10 bestr o r I haia ee)aow. enver gtw to other crn its. U n s bt r eer tor ship, 7 et. npro ' Gee4b,16 etp sfo. 1. Vr sc rce. Iag tof. Wong, 4 . bill . l n reegn.1er ,a o~pr e aa for -n-aorshc.gucia-pr, 71 Atas'. oK l ri).t'2 M a CKA1.--1n ortiler o llsc a i"e11aLle L,iver 'ill withi.n tha rcul+n of ill.I1he price of Ay A pjde i'lir hl,i hen re'(ht ed to u. lr I;o . (ilrt by it!. Irl gts; 1: this Wh. t ,i'to Ok t!o!' ;;".-lt In ytrv; lion :ul. Ch,l:klen:;. 'i ol\ thebtu Slo u1I.h!'.: "1(v!; 1't-e . 11re-(,": tlw w ". 1 "-- -.i . et 1:4 i o1w 1, e1:tO t' it,: tt.b " !.,, (i il(. :+ vi V. (1t' ii tlt' nheIl I f the cin? er'fa crse-te ', n hl nt iS lit i!eCV nt. tIhen1 fr':,:I lak lit u it - di' : s. (Q1T1.1.N WA., Apri 'l !. )!-R. ror the benetlt or all those who, tie ttor. .e;ted in rtiping ton is I take pltaaure in recofin Inending 31oenteld' Medicated Utock feed. I bid several chikent wita chotern. ant by the u,:e of this woiderful alilch, Friver tlccortdin to lirectloun, al of them yp(1 w("t. atLd are no4 in a healthy condition. W.\t. 'TENNil.LL. I rutly concur in tue above. '. T. IRICE. .:oht by Ithe druyglst". (1011hcountr. I1A(-0N, Ol t. AMeisra. Luhl., ItahIkin ' itrti., Dear lrs I hatl been troubled lot' i lotli time before tti';Ig our Cl'tmultptl ,e prp,rtu lOu. ni I. 51t11'thinog ike A;tIiha. nial after tlsing onl: 117e w )Ottle3 of You IrewI' 1 unI timtrC1' I I,reath'Ot per rl'ctly free, and lln\o felt no sytnptoin of ith. ttiea s11ne. I aM conf(Itl-nt. Cour' tmleldleitte curr-t tte, and I cheerfltly re,:cotiantend It to all ho ate ltuflerting ftOut Asttlllr. Yours: tri-My, JOi4s D. H0!313. M,AVon, G,t., March I.M. 188k. Mica'ra. 1.nmar, ltnnkln & l.amar. 'enr (lr:i 111h(v.' uled .your llraew'a Iut.g R,tultoer for Vertigo, and hat'V never beeti Iioubl;id nlth It sit.ev usii itg he iudl itw'. I fntliOt ;11t" too iiith foi It, and CN.erriItily Itv"( iit)Vt.% it to ill tbI n 1'reltd relief ft'oUtl ',irtPnn. 1O11 tItly. .1. f. truTl.. \AAC(N. 0A., JMrch '.l, 1 fl0. Mcl;sr9,t 1nmar', Itanklln - 1.-itlalr, i r r. I stfer'd two year; witIt CotioatUlpti;n. and dUiln ti lt In1 tivf lient it" by D)';. iterut, 'i'hoii7is, (;haltoll and others of Ihi ity, an1 niso iby n jrotnlnittt physl'itn of -neon. (a.. (ileto tlti11lt'r fihy t-itef. My htusbaud bought ine M.Yx bot llhs of youl' r(1 ie'': 1.i1I4 ltest4Orur, Whil I U"yan to tile t. tiIC. anIut ftmll)nt( Il te<Hate rltie .I -loto tir( tihl si. bottI11 anm l Iavi t' lil'\1.' ft' l t :l i5nlil tt'i of Il. ie.(11=.:t since, ild ly IxI itn(ral healt h it iS Uetter thilan i IIs he'li in yva"r:a. I thttel h r '1'ntimlt 'nll II to all whoI h;11t'i' Constti)tln WS a l'':a Il 1 LIe-d I'rlet'. Very rIsp'ct fitI1. 11I IS. \I. (MIt)t-ci11. Sorl by the rt)Ylgjlsti of t)i .s Cnl(ity. 'il1Ct'!AN)iJg1?R ITl' W\I' l1'K VT.\t E1 .lo1" To Tii W %ont.u ! W1'il%' I i t!, "__w AtuoIg 1tU lini . discOvr.'ir'is 111k InI; to the happilless itu(t 1 1ti :o:t'lon II i hr . t i :1n l': e. none I 'ntitled 1) hig'her 'gniil-eratiot than Dr. 4. 13radflellt's re'Nllle ltc'gui:ttO. *\m tI': liHt Ftriend." By It, woman lo r cnmtn.t1pa1" from nnmberlestiIts p'%ullir to hi'r se'x. II' (ore its tiltl' power aill 11l'"'i r :l.1 i+ I"- of trhe womb111 \.inih. I1 1'1Ur:i "whit1 :. s." tillprti:!oil of tile.'InentIets," and rm o '1''-s 1n1!1l1:1 o.,+ uru - 1I4,n1. It Ci rtes r:'mtnt! "hi t iit ri'ngtins Ih(- 55y.11'1. ti ''es 1P:'" )IIve hli p rlil i the blood. It tneit'r fails, af iior:i:utI; of ' m a will tcstify. Prtl'tnriret by )r J. Brnilliii, A1:n11, G... pr'icte lu, ' er boll it :h.- I ' I a e! I. Io, T'l imi a l.t.t:. (;I.. .1m wt, ". 1, .F . I havee hl on seilfn; Ir.ut!"5: - 1'. -n +1 I, l n. ll,tor for . t rr., i S i t it 1i 1 (,ntiti pit " t.tinr an ev"ulidrnc' of its hIting Ill cl- imeri f'I '. i c:ln r intI inlsti11nrce., 11) 1% I. i It :?"in Ir el lt flrr ill the Uitl.l r-macdi(' hat i t.(:' . -:'- lS. J. (. g i t. M.trox. (IA.. Nov. 1, 1879. Dr. C. J. Motl-t- I)r:ir ;r"- Wt' hcF:ai h!eon bitndluing 'eetiI tilt for ::evcr:tl yon . nd it denl-a d ifn r(to'. i the tL rat! i.-? Lt'1' m:es I:t?re. dutet'd i111d is k lowil. O:1' l,i(., :ve Ig (o f twotothreag:o.petrtn',th. We bt'It 'e that y'Ourl' T otinl. (T 'thll,g I'~lo:' 11 .il tilt ally become it titan"hard Itt,i'JI( pt-ull.;h pru. cll, for in no $inq'.: in '.: it i to. r'. y o a rrtfaction. No icnmp:ii Lap ri r ri tn ii u to us, hence w ".nclriI,' G :Mt it i, aill t otl claimn for it. 'IiU ca n tn s: -cr". . IIUNT, I NKIN & LAMA t, I)crggtsts. 1v1." it r -_ lr:u-RY,.v ., April l1, 1,7t. I have watc"hed tI ( Ot e ir i c Ilcino i;Qv kno0 ti ns - 1wif'H y i ilitic i E'iice silnCe t" yeI'r 18--o'.ver 50 yelrl--and iv n(-vcr hecurI of-a fini"e tocunre when proplirly' ttken. II commenced the tie of it on my slavos, hotween 1650 ant 1815, and also '(1di a uibr of my neliglorst and tnt every cisEc that came within my Knlowledge it EfEClice a cure. Int 1885 my Ibtrother-ln-law., Georgt Wakr bought at atuc. tion a slauc noy twar'ran?. Alter the~ purchasn it welt discovereA that hd had hadt Syphilf* for twelve yeatr:' Is head wias without a hanr on it Hie tr-eated him with thlis remedy, anti in' four Weeks he was sound andi we mi andi in a short- time had as tntt t headt or -i r 'na win ever owned by a r.egro. Hie own this slave man yars andhe 'lever hadic any niettrxa of th d3 ine;Drlo ci day's wor-l. Trhis is onl9 Oneo amni biindtrella of Itdsttn tt of 'emarici hie cures madte by thits medicino. Ini all .r,uy latlife lb.avo never' knowni a remedcy that so fuilly acco'o9l16h what' it. in r'ecomn. monided to do. II. L. DENN.iD. THlE HWI FT SPECIFIC CO3IPANY, Proprio tors, A ttanta. Ott. Call tor' a copy (;i -Youngf Mien'i Fricudl.' MAKING WATCHES. Defectivo Watch Cates are one of the chief CcinSes of 'o mantiy watIches not he.'L'g good timo pieCes. The cases being t,hin nud not fIt ting wtell. admIt dut ztmd dirt to the i cvei. talent, which 111on1 interfeot with the rittining ptarts of thowaffli neidting' cleaning, re-. palming, &c., nn:i lthe amtotnt thus wildi cut if aippliedi to'.a'rd l>ttyinug a 70od crasli in I ito he ginning, wvould have.' ive.i all *.his traithle rind expentic. WSo have' recently POt-t ai caBO thtat meetsi all theo' rej;uIremien(d, it hating heerf ctirried for over twent y years ant(d Still remins l1effed. W.e refer to the JA H. BO,S' Paitedt Stiffented (old Case, wbl:th hats becomno one of tbo ttple articles of the0 Jewelry tradlo, possesing as it doena imany aiva',ntag~e o'ver all othtar. wn'tch~ efraen, lhelng madeo of t''6 heay latesi of scolId gold over a pinto of com pottItion. Anmi we advrisc. alt ourt r'ieder's to risk tbi'er Jewt'cr foir ii .'irdi or enitc,!bc'io t hat, tili e'xplait tihe miannertic in which thtey aire, made,ic It is the only StIffenedr Caini tmatdo with twvo plates of goldi, 1-eamiless petitnns, i nit cent,ro, Solid jointl, croIv/fI pteci, &., tilt of wvhich na covenrd11 hitters pait t t. I het r-foto abty ino cijeO. i1for~etconstilting~ ii JewtIliir whoi' keepsil the JM Uds' Pate ttfftrrd Golud Cato, that i'0 1113 ay lea thbe di ft'nrr 4 het wet-t it and all irmitat Iionst I hat cl,timi to ho0 eqully 13 good. For nalo 1)3 alil'respoam'bi' .Je'w-'ler4. Ark to Ite t ho witirrtant th:at iCaci pan cSch e ce,t attnd don't lie persualdedi thia any ot hit mcihi' of caho is as good. a p l's. M. L. KINARD'S COLENYIEUA, 8, (C. JUST rece'ivod tho lairgest and mont, comtet stook of' M'P I N(C CLOT' HI'Nf4 that Ihas overOt LeCon in the Stato, 1and a~ priceci to i-tiif. thec i imec, SUITS Oi. MlIDLE:NEX FlANHFl. * WitutedI, at $4[2.5O. MuEN' S A LL WO'O01 (C11 E ,OT SUITg 1W'aiuted, tat 10J.50j. YO'UTPH ' 6,t'fITS ?'OM 0.M:0 to $1.00. B3OYS' SUIr8 $1.50, $20 Pr.60, ANDY Upwrd:, -ALF0) a flne tock of Tiy lor'"f ,el bri:ted . Unitina#i Rtraiw ,Hats' and Mauullor., -n iltiC and White. 'I HAVE added to my' niogk fino r,boa~ t6r I ent1itinen, to comlplotO fli otltfit, gttarat-i tecd .Dot to ip-or breAk: if they do, d gieante p - SPRING~ W AGONS~ A .. N '' ' ti-t sith t n fuggv nd" $pring Vagoi-bneinosa, I havY fvt late thil kiu~ a he w"ell-"knowizt Fartm Wagon. My one horse wagons are ,oupled the nlhd tt i tw-hor' zo eagoni, tavt front hottuda and rncCin.g ,c,ltiter.. Warrted for tvolstf ttofiths.'. J. H. CU! xiNm .9., Opp. Dnnlevy & Fann CONFEC'i'IONERIES, tI nclr,ti hing pur:ht'e. th.i I swck in trad, rt.crntly oamn iI byv \. P. Miler. proposgea to st"lt 1.( san t fit atd e.Leow t.rigiial t)St. Ht otl'r, Fr"in :bt "uti'y att thtit"y-five ett per pt uin I. ndi': Itwkle. at ';rlt, Dolls aid Toy-t >. tow cost. d a:x:ytn n.'t In,1 . Fr-Oh I;ar .t, ,s-. (r - ki)j.v K 1Amin-iir. Apps)e1', t'ake-s' and I:t'--Ma,, 1t stlit it, ist"i kimh. - -.J W. AJJU*:N. .;r' II'Cread. gt'od t l IfI':.s, ilats ni tit 1',sT.\1; SHListF IRy. STRADE (V( UD ON WUITE SPOOLts.) GEORGJ A. CLAR1, SOLE AGENT, t4) BROADWAV, ' ' EW YORK; Siuca tho introdnettidn of. this Spon Cotto' into thu American mnarkt:t. its sun t'eC:s hit. hst en ulnrect!id, utoi. No other brand of threat han ever mot, with tho taitue aiount of publio Ia~.r in the tsuma pN1 o f t it is. The O. N 'T" manufacture,r uc re tho ftrrt to ttcognite thi fiu tit. s f the "o*. in; Mac.shinie atid (oa 'k(o a six rordl cotton, which lihats over been Iho recog. iizrtd r.tanda rd flri mahint es. All tho iiuprovnmetzts in idichiuerv t.att the inventivO genius of the ninei. teeth century han prodtoedc have bt"ot adaipted by the nanufaicturer of MO.N.T." At till the great Inlternaion0fll Pain~ (t' the warld, "0. N. T." hui been awarded the hsighoiit honors.. 'Iho -'0. N. T1." factories at Rowari:. N. J., and Pai.Aley. ScotlandJ, ('mploy 4,200 oporatives - ake sulicient thread1 daily to go around the wnrld fout ti.nein. Connumte 1.111 tons of cosi fluily; TJhe matn:tCaotures of "O. N. T." ato t.he largest mnanufacturers of Sip9cl Cot ton in the wvorlh'. A full atssortnie.nt of this Fipool Cot.tori, can be0 had at wholoslhnd retill at J1. M BL ATY & CO.'fi. fob 22. txshn 8 FedS 1 WINNBGR, S JLWilior RO wTO