The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1876-1881, November 23, 1876, Image 3

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*~ ~ ~~~7: -.1-i--**-- -Z UAILROAD SIIEiDULE.-Tho trainu, -m C. C. & A. R. R. now leave Winnsboro as follows - Going north -12.80 a. m. Going south, 1.35, a m Accommodation day trains: Going north, 11.33, a. m. Going south, 12.12. These trains meet at Winns boro. PosT OFFICE HoUi.-Tho post office will be open daily (Sundays excepted) from 8 A. M,, to 12 M. and from 2 to 5 1. M. Northern and Southern mail close at 8 P. M. precisely. W- Mail delivered on Sundays from 8 to 9 A. M. only. Sie Advertisers will please re member that advertiscinents, in order to secure insortion, must be handed in by nine o'clock on Tues day morning. Contract advertise inents must be handed in by the same hour on Monday morning. Religious Services. Associnto Lieforneid Church-Rov J. M L'Old, Il' A. it.. and R 1-. mt. Y. M. C. A ,---Meting at Mothodist Chucl at 5 r. At. MethOdistChuroh --Rev. 0. W. Wall er 11, A. Nt., 8 p. 3t. RundIIay School I10 A. At Prayer o -ting, Thur-day, 8 P. it. F0pascopl chureli-Rev. J. Ohear, er viceH every Munday except the 2nd Sunday of the month .at II o'clock A. NT Pro-ibyterian Church-- Rev. C. 'p. Chi chestr, II A. At.. and 71 P. '1. abbath Sch'ool 31 P. bt. Prayer Meeting, Wednes day,7 1-2 P. At. Subscribe for TiHE NEv AND HEn ALD, ani be sure to have the ready money10V. The jail is getting full again. Cotton thieves and store-breakers are coming forward in considerable * a'undance. .b We trust V irfiel 'will be well representod a.t the State Fair on the 5th prox., both in visitors and in I articles for exhibition. A&- Attention is directe(I to certain changes made in the appoint ment of school trustees, asi given in ii Iotler column. &-W Delinquent subscribero must expect their names to be at once dropped from our list. Our terms, it must be distinctly understood, are strietly Cash. in a7drance. You need not neglect your busi ess when troubled with a cough or cold, if you only use a reliable remedy at once. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is tile best remedy we know of. Price only 25 cents. * A series of neetings under the auspices of the Young Men's Ohris tian Association, condlucted by R1ev. C. E. Chichester, at Chmariotte, North Carolina, have just boon con 4cluidod. These meetings excited great interest. We are requested to state that there will be a grand( Hampton ball in Winntsboro onl next W~ednecsday (even~ing. Mtuisic will be0 furniished by thme Columbia Opera House band. Price of tickets, $2.00 each inlchuling Hsupper. Mr'. J. Talrner. Stew~art, whot has hadi frecluent talks with the colored J)O:)ple, says t-hat if the ele'ction were to take laceW next. Tu~esday,1 this coun~ ty wvould go over wime sing-i ly Demuocratic. Hind sight is miuchi bettor thanJ fore( night, to the RaIIdicauls. ~Johnl Dunb~ar, a negro on Mr. JaIS. M uckin's section, near Ridge way, when told of the corrup~t and - gnloranlt ticket put out byv tile Radli eal1 1 nominating conivenltion, said, "I dlon't care if dloy would p~ut a dog on (dat ticket, I would vote fe: him." His moral ideas will nowv undergo a radical cihlange. teral Subscribe for Tmi& News Ann) H~iu AwD, and be sure to havethred imon ey. L'sunon E ( The Morn ingq Light). '--T'is is the name of a French Pro testan t weekly ne wspapeor founidedl in 1866, and publllished~ in Montreal, Canada, at $1.50 (United States, $2.) per~ aunnl 'u. It contains articles on the important questions of the day ; a special correspondence from France on Europeanl political and religious matters, as wvell as general family reading andl news, etci. The action of Mr. John T. W~il son, in placing his commission in the hantids of those who conlferred( it -a pr1actical abandlonmient of the oflice of county commissioners to w hich he was recently elected-.does him credit, and must result in good. The reasons impelling him to the ltep) lie has1 taken, are well expressed ihis card, and they must impress thiem)selves favorably upjon) the minfld of every fair-thinking person. A Bio HIau,.-Mr. 1R. E. Quinn, acting as constable for Trial Justice Colen~an, at Feastervillo, brought to town on last Monday night, and delivered to the jailor, the following Dianed prisoners : Wmi. Stome. Jr. Jeff Stone, Sam Stone, Bart Sims, Emanuel Edrington, Sam Mabrey, Henry Davis, Bolton Tobias, and Ivoy Suber. These parties stand committed for trial at the next term of the court ofeessionson the charge of houso-breaking and larceny, they having boen apprehended as the per sons who broke into the store of Mf r. W. Mc, Blair on the the 18th inst., and stole therefrom a large quantity of merchandise. Subsoribe for TnE NEWS AND HER1 ALD, and be suro to have the ready money. The following touching lines have been sent to us. composed in view 3f the death of a certain Congress ional candidate, who was "sat upon" by six thousand independeat voters t the recent election: AN EPITAPH. By J---DOE M - cK -Y. Beneath these rude stones A. S. Wil- -'s bones In quietude aro laid; I fairly mot Dame Nature's debt The first he ever paid. To Heaven we know He did not go Too moun to pay the toll I And know full well He's not in H--l For W-ll-c- had no soul TonCH-LInT PinocEssIoN .oN FLAT BRANCHL-Tho excitement over the Democratic triumph has not been -onfined to the towns and cities. Pho rural districts have caught the .efrain, and only the lack of physi ,al strength ended the magnificent lisplay of 'Capt. Heins' Club, and the citizens generally of this neigh )orhood. Over one hundred mount d men, together with 200 man on oot aipmed with light-wood torches en feet high, marched for miles hrough the field, and forests and whenever a residence was reached, he crowd would halt and vocifer )usly cheer the proprietor until he amerged and addressed them. Subscribe for Tu Nzws AND I-TER LD. and be sure to have the ready noney. The latest accounts from Colnu )ia tgive but little information in Lddition to that contained in the etter of our correspondent. The Janvassers made their report, at the tame time excepting to the action of he court. They have completed he count for members of the Legis ature, and it shows the election of LII the Democratic claim. The real luestion before the court scomoed to >e whether it has power to go be ind the returns and correct errors trising from irregularities. This luention was decided1 on yesterdlay n favor of the Democrats, and a rigid exammination of the precinct nanagors' returns wvill now be hmad. X fair count will elect thme entire Democrat ic ticket. The Democrats in Da)lumb)lia are still buoyat~ and cone Hent. Subscribe for THmE Nnws AND HER u.D, and be sure to have the ready money. THEt STATE FAIR.-Thme annual Pair of the State Agricultural and MIechniical Society wvill open on riuesday, December 5, instead of November 28 as was previously Innouinced. Ever'y ef'ort has been nade b~y thme manngers to mahe the Fair of 1876 an1 entire suiccess, and woe doubt not it will provo so. yhere is every indication that thlousandls of strangoes v I I he in Columbia, representing every por tion of the State. In addition to the attractions alwvays incident to the Fair, the 1)eople will have an op portunity to witness the inaugura tion of Governor Hampton, which will take place while the exhibition is in progress. A better opp1ortuni has never been presented to ex hibitors to make a most ad1vantage mus display. Articles for exhibition should be forwvarded to rThos. W, Holloway, Secretary anid Treasurer, in time to reach Ci lumi I i by Satur day, December 2. In casos where arti. ales are shipped so as to roach Co. lumbia during Fair week, notice of such shipment for entry should be sent to Mr. Holloway (luring the week ending December 2. Subscribe for THEi Naws AND HFan ALP, and be sure to have the ready money, Tono u IonT PnmocEssxON AT RIDoE wAY.-Up)on the receipt of the glorious newvs of Hampton's election the citizens of this little burg "flew all to pieces," and hurrahs filled the air for hours, At night barrels of tar and resin wern burned, and turpentine-balls illuminated thme scene of wild enthusiasm for a mile around, while sky-rockets and ro, man candles told the strto en distant citizens. About 9 o'clock, p. in., the Doko and Long Town Clubs came charging in with a strange but not uncertain yell, and joined in the gonoral glee, The colored Democrats were in high spirits, and had a place in the front of the picture. When the voices had became hoarse from "hurrah ing" and the general din had subsid ed, from shcor exhaustion, speakers were called for, and the jnbilant and smoke-begrimod crowd were ad drssed by Col. H. C. Davis, Col. J. L. Black, Capt. R. S. Dei:portes, Cornelius Means, colorod, Julias Boulware, colored, and Jack Ed, munds, colored. After the addresses thoClubs filed offand the pedestrians quietly returned to their homes. Ridgeway fols justly proud of the share she took in the work of elect ing -Wade Hampton. Subscribe for Tim NEWs AND Hpai ALD, and be sure to have the ready money Tihe Circiit Ceurt. The following is a synopsis of the business transneted by the circuit court at its recent session, in ad dition to the cases already report ed: State vs. Robert Ellison, colored, indicted for assault and battery with a deadly weapon-A. S. Douglass for defendant. Verdict-Guilty of assault and battery. State vs. Archibald Jones, colored, indicted for malicious trospass Goillard & Reynolds for defendant. Verdict-Not Guilty. State vs. Baldwin Johnson, in dicted for pcrjury-H. A. Gaillard for defendant. Verdict-Guilty. State vs. F. H. DuBose, white, indicted for assault with intent to kill-James H. Rion for defendant. Nolle prosequi entered on payment of costs. State vs. Pierre Bacot, John D. McCarlev, Chas. Stewart, Thos. H. Ketchin, Thos. J. H. Murphy, Jno. Gadsden and J. T. Mothershied two eases-nolle prosegui as to Chas. Stewart, on payment of costs. The following sentences were )ronouncod: State vs. Jas. Pearson, colored, grand lareenny-one year at hard labor in the penitentiary. State vs. Richard Milligan, color ed. assault and b.ttery-to pay a fine of twenty dollars and costs, or be implrisoned three months in jail. State vs. Spencer Hughes and Perry Holly, colored, peotit larcony -to be imprisoned one (lay each in jail. S tate vs. Isaac Crawford, colored, mnalicious mischief-to pay a fine of ten dollars and costs, or be imn prisoned three months in jail. Statec vs. L. A. Wa~lker, white, malicious mischief-to pay tihe aum of one hundred dollars, in lieu of fine, into the hands of the clerk of the court, to be paid1 over by him to the owner of the mule destroyed, and to pay all thme costs; or to be imprisoned six months in jail. Stato vs. David Jonos, George Jal((On anid James Jackson, colored, grand larcen y.-David Jones, two years at hard labor in the poniten tiary ; George Jackson, to pay a fine of twvo hundred and fifty dollars and costs, or to be imnprisonied one year at har d labor~ ini the p~enitentia. ry ; James Jackson, to pay a fine of one hundred dolhilrs and costs, or to be imprisoned five months in the peniitenltiary'. State vs. Richard Porter, colored, grand larceny--to pay~ a fine of one dollar and costs, or to be implrisoned thirty days in jail. State vs. Henry Johnston and Calvin Stewart, colored, grand Ilar ccny-three mon this at hdmrd labor inl tihe pen)litentiar~y. State vs. Nathan Singleton, alias Nathan Hingleton, colored, grand larceny-six months at hard labor in the penitentiary. State vs. Baldwin Johnson, color. ed1, perjury-six months in the penitentiary. State vs. Robert Ellison, colored, assault and battery-to pay a fine of tw~enty-five dollars and costs, or be imprisoned three months in jail. State vs. Baldwin Johnson, color ed, grand larceny-one year at hard labor in the penitentiary, to comn mence at thle expiration of the term of the imprisonment of the same convict for perjury. State vs. SquireoWilliams, colored, forgery-,.-one year at hard Jlabor in the peOnitentiary, After some routine civil and criminal business, th~e couri adjourned from day to day, subjeci to the call of the presiding judge. Subscribe for THE NEWS ANI H~rAn, and 'be sure to have the ready money. In L4abo Again. There are some peopl in this world seemingly doomed to oon, tinued trouble. Once they get out of one scrape, they are into another, and once they recover from the effecti of one misfortune, aother and a greater ovoi takes them, Of this piitble class of human beings would seem to be Spencer Hughes, an individual not without some re. nown in these parts. LaAt siumer lie got involved in a little conpl o tun about a hog belonging to Mr. John Wylio. Somo pople were ungoner. ous enough to intimate that Sponcer had actually stolen this valuable animal, and a relentloss trial justice coumlitted him to jail to await his trial on the charge of grand larceny. The weary months rolled by, and the lonely (1) eaptive looked wistfully through barred and bolted windows down upon the busy throng that Came and wont, altogether hoodless alike of his wrongs and of his in noconco. But November came, and with it the court before which the accused froodman was to appear for trial. Ho was well prepared. No less than three distinguished men learned in the law had been retained in his defence, and this fact, in con nection with the high charactor of the accused, was considered sure to secure a full vindication of that charaoter. Yet there was some thing wrong. The defendant, with a degree of candor that does him honor, stopped boldly forward and pleaded guilty of petit larceny. Fortunately for his charactr, the stolen hog was not worth twenty dollars. Sentence day came and Spencer was doomed to confinement for one day in the county jail-a place from which his sensitive nature caused him to shrink with a strange feeling closely akin to horror. But h' endured, in the hope of an early release. What his thoughts were in the drear hours of his imprisonment, we leave the sympathetic reader to imagine. He went to his home, but not to that peace which innocence should bring. It was not very long cre he was in the hands of a law-officer again. In a fit of temper-he is a very high strung man-ho used threatening language to his wife, whereat the said wife was greatly alarmed, and she hied forthwith to the office of Trial Justice Rober'tson and sued out a warrant for tihe arrest of her irate spouse, praying that lie should bo required to give surety for tile peace, else he might do her great bodily harm. But where was a stranger to find szreties ill a selfish communnity like this? There wie none. And the umfoitunate man wa. commlifitted again to the con siderte keeping of the sheriff, till apeo hond should be excnted according to law. The c'hIauces :<ieme ini favor of Spencer's reumaning in the county jail for the period oif a year and ai daly. But she relenited, and1( consentedl to at diicharge of the unfortunate man, and, after paying costs he was set free again. Such is life. Such is wedlock. Such is woman. tSuch is law. Such is justice. Presentment. The following prlesenltmont was made by the grand jury at the re 'cnt term of the circuit court, for Fairfield county : STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIA, CoUNT'Y 01F FAIVELD511.5 Tob the Hfonora(doh Th'/omas Jf. Miackey, F'res lding Jfudgec: The Grand Jury for Fairfield counity, at this~ the November term of the Court of General Sessions, A. D. 1876, beg leave most resp~ect, fully to make the following Presente ment : We have examinecd the county jail, and find it in goodl condition, securoii, and the prisonersF prorly cared for, as weclh as supplied with wholesome food and sufficient bedding. The public roads of the county are generally reported to be good and the br1id ges in fair condition. The offies of the Sheriff, Ulerk of Court, Probate Judge, County Traurer, County Auditor and School Comumissionmer have been ex amined by a committee of tiho Grand Jury, and found in proper condition, andl tile records and Ibooks .neatly kept. The County Commissioners' oflico has also bee~n examined, and its affairs found to he in a healthy eon dition, and the duties incident to its administration properly dis elharged. The short time allotted to thle examination did not admit of a critical investigation, bult the Grand Jury believe that the books are kept, and the accounts filed1, in accordance with law. A committee of the Grand Jury visited the County Poor -House, and reported the inmatos well eared for. No complaint whatever was made in this quarter. On the contrary, tile Inmate seemed contented and satisfted with their surroundings. They are well fed, corofortably cinthnd. and kindly trated by Ms Smart, the Matron. The Gran( Jury very earnestly recounend tho Mrs. Smart be retained as UIatro by the newly elected Board c County Commissioners. From a statement of the count3 fnances, exhibited by the Count, Conllmissioners, the entire past in) debtedness of the county, contracte< prior to the 31st October, 1874, ha been paid, and there remain no uin paid accounts for tle fiseal yeai eidiing 31st October, 1875. Thi C(ommissioners state also that ther< are inflicient funds in the hainds o tihe oity Treasmuir, uibje t. t their order, to py aill aulditet claimiIs for the fiscal year onding 31st October, 1876 For the pres CIt t8cal yoar there has been loviet a tax of three (3) mills on the taxablb property of the counity, to mmecc current expenses. This levy wvil raise $10565.97, but this amount iN doemed to be insufficient, in th< the light of past expenditures. Th< Grand Jury reconnnend the re duction of the salaries now paid t public officeor, and also the abolish iment of such ofilos a" are useles: and unnecessary. The imnpoverish eId condition of the people imnperla tively donands the strictesteconoin in the administration of publi( affairs, and this Grand Jury especial iy enjoin ulpon the newly electo(5 General Assembly such legislatior as will tend to lift from the peoph the heavy burdons that retard thei advancement to prosperity. We feel it our duty as public ser vants, with a due appreob 'tion of om responsibilities, to resent, in th< name of the whole po p e, the im. putation that certain p .rsns, high in authority, sought very m ecently to put upon this county, in comimmon with other sections of the State. With reference to the proclamation of h's Excellen, y tihe Gavern r, issued on the 7th October last, wherein it was charged that anm armed insurrection existed in this State, and that unlawful commbina tions had been entered into with a view of obstructing the execution of the laws in this State, we declare distinctly an1d unequivocally that, fao far as said proclamation was in tended to refer to the citizens of Fairfield county, the charge therein conitined was wholly false. and we brand the same as a malicious libel upon a people whose reputation for law and order has remnainod un sullied since the establishment of the Republic. We proclaimi that peace prevails within the limits of this county, and that the civil au thorities are all-powerful to enforce the laws. We believe, and so as sert, that there is no class of our people aniamated by a desire to resist tihe regularly constituted authorities within this county, and we havt entire confidenco in the ability of the a1forvaid authorities to Vxecutj all legal processes. In taking leave of your Honor, the Grand JJury cordially thank yNou for thme pautienlt and1 abIle mmanner ii wiclh they have been i nstructed bym you in the dischmarge of thmeim oneroflus dulties, and also for th<( uniform kindness and courtesy thn have chriac terizeid your initercours<i with themi. All of whiichi is agr'tood to iumanim miouislv. Resp)ectfully Subumitted: A. 1F. R UFF, TI IPL.N~iUrr.-lt. is es5tifmatee thaut of thme mnbr who launch thmei: barquos8 on thme stormym Fsea of com merce, n ine out of ten hmonme bank ruplt, Alany thuings conspire I< (effec(t this reul t. 1Prominen among them is living beyond you. Ime(anls, exhmaustinag youri 1naciah(' strength. So it is in' thme physica mart, p~ossessedl of streungth and anm ticipations of a long life, wVo launcl out in the quinest of pleasure, Wie live beyond our mueans ; un dlermnininig our consitituitions~ by C) travagance in eating and drinking by disregardling the natural laws a health, and ore wo anro aware of i we are bankrupts inl body-D1yspei sia, and R~heumatism, or liver con p~lainlt, or shattered nerves, or* kik noy disease or diropsy exhausts on physical Capital and we an unmable to meet the hmeav drafts upon our constitution. Ihi you may resume. Check your ey travaganmce and by the aid of To'u' PIs, your b)roken constitution wi] be restored and the drafts on tb exchequer of health will never b dishonored.* To the Public. I have never been averse to home rul and honest govermnenit, but up1) 'the contrary have alwvays intendle to advocate it, when in myjudgmen the proper time for so (oing ha arrived. The recent election ha developed the fact that theo tim look~ed for has come, and I herob demonstrate the truth of whmat have said above, by placing my con mission ats coummnty commissioneri the hands of thmose whmo conferred ii inteniding thereby to show that mn sympathies are with thme good peop1 o.' my native Sta~t4and ooumnty. Wit many thanks to) the friends of bot parties who have stood by me in th past, I am very respectfully, J, TV. WILSON. I'r DoN'T AL.WAYs.--A very precim person, remarking upon Shmake speare's lineo: "The good men do, is oft intoerd wit their tons," carefully observes thit this inti ment can generally take place with out erowdung the h)Onaam ,A. O.A..E . Mossrs. B. Sugenheimer & Co. t have opened a now Store, with a now Stock of Goods, and we rocom mond the colored peopl to make their purchases of this House, which has always treated thM fairly and liborally. MANY COLORIED FRIENs. Charlotte, Coluumbin and Augusta itIlroadI r Fli next annual meeting of the Stock . IoldelrSof tlis ('omipany will lie 1101 at ('ablialaj oi Fridiay the 24th inst. at eleven o'clock, A. M. C. BOUKNIGHT, nov 23--xl Secretary. Shei's Sales. John C. Robinson, by his Guardian ad litem. vs. Elizabeth J. Iobinson, Wil liain 1. Itobinson, Sr., and others. Po. tition For Partition. N obedience to an order fromu the . Court of Probate, limiade in the abCvo stated case, I will offer for sale on tha first Monday in Dccember next, before the Court House door in Winnsboro, S. C., within the legal hours of sio. tho follow. ilg (dtcre. 10al1 estite, to wit: All that tract of land known as the Home place, containing one hundred and ninety-four acros, more or less, and situat* on the waters of Mill Creek in the 'ounty and State aforesnid, and boundod by lands of Jus. P. Mactie, Thonnas Anderson, Silas V. Rluff and Thiomnan Sloan. A LSO, All that tract of land known as the Smith place, containing two hundred nores, more or less, lying and situate on the watera of Jackson's Creek in the County and State aforesaid, and bounded by lands of John M. Lemon, Jonaita Gladnoy, P. Uastinga, Martka Rabb and others. TEIIMS O SALE: One half cash, balance on a credit of one and two years, in (il annual in Htalnients, with interest froin tile ay of sale, payaleo annually - purchaser to give bon(d aiti ilortgage of the prenisn sold. and11 to pay for papers. Sherifrl Ofilce, S. W. ItUFF, Winnsboro, H. C.. S. F. C. Noyotaiber 1(1, 1870. nov 23 x3 811 ER IFF'S SALE& J3 Y virtio of executions to me drect, . ed, I wi'l offer for salle before the Court Houso door in Winnsboro, on the first Moniday in December poxt, and the satleday following,within the legal honrs ot sulo, for cash, the following described property, to wit: Two gray imlus, one hay, apd ono b.e.k mule'; onet hundrod anmd fifty hush ,ls of corn, more or less; two tliousail pounds of focItler, tuore or less; two huiidred 1nn1 fifty hushals of cotton needl-lovied upon as the property of Thonmas G. Itohertson, at the stit of T. R. ItobQrt A 1'O, rhe interest of L. W. Duvall in fifteen hundred pounds, more or less, of lint cotton; three hundredl bushels ot corn; five thousund pounds of foder and hay, miore or less: ande a lot of ct toni-seed - --at the suit of llenruy CIlrke as adininistra.-i (of Jet atc of .Johno W. Clarke. ALSO, One balo of cotton; three thousand po(t1 tats of seed aoltton maore' or less; one hiund red ani.1 lift y hushel(ls of corn, liloro ori tess :a, on thousianld pound ias oif fodder, moe ar less: andl a lot oft ent1toni -aed, the' propercty oif II 1. J. Hemnphill alt the Suit, of J. A. Brice & Co. Ona.'bl of ctto ihe property of Shaon0 S-obi- a'. the suit of J1'. A. Salh wairtz. A LSO, Oin thiandlia ~ 1 poun or send~c cotton, moiidre or la'ss; tweit Iv-fi ve bushels of corn hnd a siniill laot of' ?atler; the proport~y of J1. Wesle~y Watt -at the suit of J eaty, IBro. & Ston. ALSO, (Ouo halo of cottoin, the pro perty 01 IRohert (Grahatm - at theo uit of P. M. ALSO, Two bales of cotton, theo prorerty of William T1ree-n stthe suit oif W. M. Mayes, ALSO, T1hree thousand 1pounids of seedl notton fifty bushe1i4ls of corn1; thlree' thohutand poundiias (of todader, mlore or less--the prol ferty aot C arleos ioer at the suit of it. ~J M~cCarley. - ALSO, - Three hales of cotton; fiftnen hundred poun11 IS of Steal cotton! and fifty bushels o1 - (orn), miore air lass the property of F~Iljat andi Jesi McVen, at the suit, of U, E. ALSO, One balo of linit cotton; fifteen hundrea poun ist of seedl cotton; lifty bus~hela o1 - corn, mnora' or less-the property of W. 11h , It. I). anal (. .J. Jones, at the suit o1 W. ,J. DaIvis. ALSO, One bale of cotton, the property e Monroo hiailor--at, tho stilt of Arthu: Williamns, ALSO, One thousand p~oundls of sned cotton moore or less, the pfroperty of Jullu: D lurham - at thec suit of Gigdde1 a (Irigshy'. Sh eriti's 0)f1hc0, S. W. R UFF, W iinnsboro, S. U., 8. F. C. Nov. 18, 157t). nov 23 -x3 Ini the Ilstrict fiourt of' the Uniteid States for' the Districi of' Sollth C;arolina. IN BA NKRUT'CY. In thie matter of .John 0. DavIs and W. L,. Davis, Hiankrupts. r 11515 is to give notice that a warrant, in 1 bahinkrnptcy has been isslied out of the District Court of thin Uniited .States fo; thme lDistrict of Slouthi (arolinla, against the e~(stato of John 0, Davis and W. L. Davia, of Fairfiold County, of the Htatq of mitlh C(arolinaa, whol have been adijudged~ bank, j -pts upon01 their own petition; thab the p~3'aymnt of any debts, andi thme delivery of any property 1be01n in g to nild bana. rup~ta, to them or for t1heir usio, and fhe trnIsfer1 of any property by theoi, are for biddon by law; that a meeting of the ored, Itors of aid bankrupta, to provo thon 0 d1 ibits, nnj I to Qchoose one or more assigneci of their estate, will be held at 'i Court of Blinkruptcoy, to be holdlen on the 30th day of Novemb er. A, D. '870, at, 12 o'clock M, bi at Yorkvile, 8. C., before WV. I. Ollawson Wa. n fthe Reitra of said Court, U, S. Marshal, nat Messen er, P~y T, W, (CLAW ,~ apv2344PDpoty Mea.e COUNTY OF FUFIMLD. By JOHN J. N4., 44, Jybte Judge. W HEREAB, R. 0. Arnett, bath mada .uit to mo to gratit hi . ltters of administration of the estate "nd effects ot Mrs. S. A. Caneron, dreceased: ''hese are therefore to cite and dm -nish all and singular the k indred niI cr.dolitors of the said Mrs. S. A. Cleax rou, dee'd. dimt they be and all ar bfore me, in te ourt o1 Probate, to be beid: at Fa1irxkld Court llousIe. S. C.. on tho 91h1 day ol 1.), eui., ber next, aftor Iblieation Iereof, at i I o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause. j( any they have, wvhy the said administra, tion should not be granted. Given und 'r ny hand, this twenty. ijecond day of Novenuber, Anno Domini 1876. JNO. J. NI'[L. nov2.t J. V. P. C. AT THE O:0M 3; 3 J5 S W .-A ' 1r 3 OF J, II. CATICART, I-AVE opened, and yilY keep cox, stantly.on band, \ ap1lendid stock o GROCERIES, DRY GOODS,ET% If our store is not exactly tin the centro of town, it is not far away. Come anyhw and find the pricos a6 which we sell, and we promiso you that it shall pay you. Ask for geodo and Cur their price -- You'll fitqd them very cheap and nice. We guarantee that anybody whoA examines our goods and prices shall rIo% leave qgr aogo wi hnut SATISFACTION. B. Sugenheimer & Co. NOTICE. CoUmery AxniTni's OPpinV, Witxnnsboro, 8. C., Nov. 2, 187l. OTICE is boreby givenx t1hirt the fol ANlowinig lanldS, forloited to the Stato for the non -paymienlt of taxes for' fiscal 1875, wxli be utrted for sale, to tlho hxighost bidd.or at, pubiliei auictioth on the 3I0th ay 0' November, 1876, at Fairnield Court House, by the, Counaty TIrexaurer oL Fairiluid CXannrt , at I 2 o'clock, xxn. Said lanxds will noat he iibi forIt lessa tan lihe aiounxt. of taxesz, jienaltie1 anxd cot~s th u, thercon. -- Lucy A. Crosby --213 acre~s, Ih i I blig, Townxsipl No. f, 1 Ounde~d bay landstl of M. 0. htinne, R1. S. Cxroxsby, (et ad. Nancy J1. lDovo -1 i51 awrois, 'Townsh.lip No. 2, baouded by haxa't, (of Vv. S. Weir!, TI. P Mitoll,. etaul. Johnx W. Easier- :302 nees S Ihuia Iiiga, Toewnship No. 6. houndedt~i by lanxisi ot IHenry Hinsxi, Edward Keannea1,v, etial. Louisa M. Flannigana -73) ace's, I Bu uiinxg. Townsi i No. c,, boundedi'i by lhnds of Ed ward Kenx1tdy, Johna, et ad. Johna J. Nelson -T1ownsxhip No. 6', 350 aitres. Susaxn Hood(- -160 ascros, Te'Qwnshxip No, 1)stauto Elias lioed *9fl aos, Tlowniship1 No. 8, bioundeld by lands oif W. J. iRichx burg, Hluuphroy Glibsop, et al, Dr. Ira~ T. Smith-1l5 acres, 1 IBuilding, Townxship No. 1t0--h-ounded0( by lands. of James RxI. Sloan, Wylie Yarbor'ough et ali. Johnx C. Colo-120 acres, Tfowniship No, 11, bounded bylands ot N. 11. Holly, W, 8. Alixtonx, et a. nov 10--x3 Auditor Fairfield County. EESconsanly or, hxand a full suip. ply of Choice FAMILY OIROCERIES and PL ANTA TWIN SUPPLIE, lijs stock haq recently boen rephoniithed, and he is new ready to suxpply the wanix of all. N~O TIO BJ. IN punanonof ain order of the Court orPoate for Fairfield (ounty, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder, on the 30th dlay of November inst~ant, at the late residenceoof A. Y. Turner, deceosed the{ personal estate of said 4. Y. Txjrner, con. elating of Hiors, Mules, Cattle, Hogs, Wagons, H~ousohold and Kiteheon Furni. turo, Plantation T' ols, Corn, Fodder eta, JA51ES T URNEJI, nov 16--12 Administrator, JNOTIOE1. HE11 undorai ned would informx hls numenronsh (UIOenI' sird p14foss that ho ogg s41l1 be fopnd at the~ old staand wit)h pjp llnusually lsige ajook of Gnsids, oct6 - P-L~k