The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1876-1881, October 19, 1876, Image 1

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VOL. I---NO. 2.1 WINNSBORO, S. C.. THURSDAY MORNING, OC TOBE R 19, 1876. WHO FREED THE BLAVES I A Trenchant Letter from Ex-Govornor Perry to Gov. Chamberlain. To Ifs kxcelency (x. Chanm'er&laia: Siit:-With all duo defereie to the high oflice which you till in South Carolina, I shl reply to some of your statemxents in your camnpalign speeches a reportod inl the nowspapors. Tho colored poo ylo have boon told over and again their uup)inciplit 000lors that if they voted for the )emoeratic parby, they would be thrown back into slavery again and all their political rights taken from thom. do not charge you, sir, with hav ing uttered so flagrant a filsehood. but you did say at Lanuiitor, Marlboro' and other places that tihe Republican party set tihe negroes free, and thiat they ought to, in gratitude for thoir froodom, stand by and support that party. Now, sir, this assertion, in point of fert, is not true. and, as a lawyer, you know it is not true '.'lo State Contvention of South Carolini. rep jvesenting all the slaveholders of thie Htate, did almost unanimously, in 1865, abolish slavory, and doehlre in their co1stitition that it should never exist again in the State. The Legislature of South Carolina ,oon afterwards adopted the amnendment to the Federal Constitution declar ing that slavery should never again exist in the United States. In this way, and ill no other, was slaivery abolished in South Carolina. You know very well, sir, is a con stititional lawyer. that neither the President by a proclamation nor Congress legi slation had any right or authority under the Federal Con stitution to abolish slavery in the States. No one would have dared to assume such a' proposition before the Supreme Court of the United States. Hence it was ur'ged by the authoritios at. Washington, knowing that President Lincoln's proclam:, tion emancipating the slaves was mere brutum fulmen, that the States .themselves inl conventions should abolish slavery, and accept the .anmenmbnnt to the Federal Consti tution deelaring that it should n'ver exist again in tihe Unitd States. Now let us analyze this great' in torest and tender rogaril waiieh you say the Republicda party havO had apd will have for the colored peopAle. We will find that it exist solol 111 ad vcr ias in the advancement of their own interest and0 t1heir nloted joalousy of the 8mi.Ib in people. The ALian slave t.ade WAS il by them solely for gain, 1and tholusn'd3 of thenillmkl fue tunes by it. Vessels were fitted1 out in all their ports mid sent to Africa to kidnap the poor negro and sell hii ats i altye to t.' Smthorn (planters. Wasi thero m'ny k ndnmes ml tis to thel cmored pueaidef ? Talvv owne l vei th. mselv:amid kept thmem till the popultaion of t0h Northen S1-trtes imeenmite So densek that slave Labor aI 1.) in Lii;er prof11 iale. T'hen they senit ;es miiny of their slaves souitlhHa t:1(v could and sold them. ltimai~ter, their own l interesh p)romplted tho-ai to: 3 :ibolish slavery in thmeir sevrali 3gamrd for the colored rae in all thji' onidluct ! They saw that by the. ( ultivt ion of rice and cott:m ini the S Pouthiern1 States with slave lahot Sthese States suirpa:ssed them in pr ospor ity and wealth aind had con. trol of the Federal G~overnment'il. T his excited their jealousy an .1 hatred, and under the pretence o. philanthropy and hmiuity thiey .omnmneCd their ab)olitionl move wa~t for the purpose of c onisohlat a the non-slavehiolding Stattes and( wresting' the Federal GIovernmnent rn their handsii1. Was13 this kind. lesto the negro or solfish amubitiota iid hiatred on the part of the Rek ra411ts had no sympathy in this miove 'pu~ient, and deflnuced it as fierceiy ias weC id at the Souith. The colored people have been told thousand tinies, arnd peorhaup$ b Son, that the civil wvar wasl ca~rried i oLhalir emacipation ! that al] hoi fratornal blood1 shed in thin con. est, and all the lives that v'ec -''acrihiced, and all the1( thmousan'ds o. Sillions of (dollars .xpendied wvere tc ot thoem free! When history in ormse us that after the war had~ boor aged for a length of time, CJongre' ec)ayed alimoest unia nmously thai )3is bloody war wats onily to restore im Union as it wvas hofore the war, ithm slavery a1$ a nesayconse. .enco!I D)id thlis show anly rogard y the poor slave ? Were Is in rests or binl rightsi at all coider-l~ ? They did nothing~ for them, I they wanted, all they wor~o fight gfor, wasH tile restoration of the 4on I Wheni the slavos of Mary, d fiqd from their maisters andi ~nt ite don. Butler's camp foi otectiqn, ho sent thenm back t; ojr owflers. How much regard a there in this for the froeoom 01 o slavo? It was thought at that o tlm~t any in torfeorenic with very wyould deofeat the res toration the Union for which alone they re fighting. They eared nlothini5 omancipation. It was not then their wyi programme, Again, whoir al Iarcel of colored2 government, President Lincoln ro fused to receive them I Ho told them that they belonged to a differ ent racO, and could not with pro p1ity be incorporated into the army! This was showing groat re poect for the colored people ! The hope lad not then been given up of restoring the Unlion, ats it was be0 fore the war, with lIvery in fil blast. Inl thie course of time, as the civil war progressed, the Republi Can party maw that there was no hope of bringing the Southern states back into the Union Oxecpt I by Conquest aind sul)jugiation. Thon, for the first timo, their kind iies and consideration for the n gro began to show itself President Linlcoh'i isisled a piroclaition, .!e elaring the slaves free in all the States that did not lay down their arius and com back into the Union. This proelanrttion showed that they eared nothing for the slavo or his interost, bit only as a power to preserve the Union, for which alone the war commenced. They were willing for him to continue a slave it this would end the war. Giving upl) all hope of restoring the Union by consent of the Southern States, they bogan to think how best they could conquer and destroy the South. Then the idea came into their minds of enisting the ii( gr(O in their army, and by that meman incireae their furects and gretly weaken the defence of the Southern States. Vasn there any love for the colored people in put tiug them as they did, in the front of the battle ! They thought only of their owni interest and their own SUCICSs thnrough the slaughter of the colored troops! When the war was over and the conquest of the Southern States waN accomil)ishied, they did not think of giving$ the right of suffrage to the Colored people ! Governor Morton eXpressed the views of the Republi can party when he declared hims:elf 01)1) to this (cyvtnsion of the righit of suffrage. Pr',ident John-. son, vhenI he gave Iml" mly instrue tion as Provisionl Governor of South Carolina, direted me to con fine the( iigrht of sulfrag to vhuite )erson who had taken the oath of allegihmce. He did not include a single colored mnaln inl South Caro ina! An I. o it was in all the S. uthe in States. I myself Iuutgh1t that colored men who Cu0111.1 r:l and write., ind paid at t::x ol five hundred dollars' Worth of property, !s-hould. te allowed to Vote. Ti Reopiblican authorities a.t W~ashig!!/m thought differently at iat i~uu Bu a 1 ud e cange~ came odver hem when they found tIAt all the'" Southe n States had g Me Demeenttio and elected Demao cratio Go'.vnors. mom0il 'e-rs of Con giress and 1 e iators. They then determnined to enfranchise the no nroes anl t disfranchise the white 1)e loe iin order to give all the SouIthO:ni S'ates to the R6ipublicanl p -., y. Was there any regard for tui (. Al., .1 people in all this ? Was it not t ir own interest and their Own) !.11 iy purposes whicl proml)t (,.I tLhemli to bestow this boon on the ngro? TIhey required fivo year's ree before a foreigner wais allhoweu.1 to v'ote. Tis was to enatble himu to becoime acquintod wvith our *, our cons~tituitiou and form of go-einrnment. Hie had likewise to prodnwe in court a certificato of good moral character. How differ ont was their conduct all at onco t.owards the coloi edl people1( when ltey adopted the~ idlea of controlling the ouhern States by mea~ns of the 'freeten. Withouit any prepara'lt 1 ion r ducation 01' certili eat o of moral charaer, the wVho'e of the freedmni were dclured citizons5, with the iuht of suffrage! This is t&O pretenided symlpathiy of the Riepublienn party for the nuegro. It is falso iln overy parmticuu Ilar, The(y nOeer had any) sympllathy for himii except wher'e thir. initerest pr omipte d them'i to leive. Th21ey Iwert in the 11(1ir st laco(~, - actuitod b~y a base and sordid inltenlt ini send, ing their v'osels to Africa and kid naipping~ the poor niegr~o andt selling him is a slve. TJhe(y wore acetua~ted by the(ir own interost when, linding thait his4 lab~or wyas no longer proftia ble,the y Sot himu free, ~they con su ted 'their own interest and not the linest of the negro whien they declariod that the Southern States sho(ni~i niot~ e restored to the Union t 11 he w an set free. They wo actuaite~d by the anme motive when they gayo him the right of sulfrage, And they are now actuated by the samo priniles anld the samno feel. ings wh'len they tell the colored poo pio to vote for thie carpet-bamggers and scitaawags who represent the Republican parLty ini the Southern Stator, Your ]Excelney knows fulhl well the corruption of your Ropublican parity ini South Carolina, You yourself have denuouncled it andl tried to reform it. Tfhe Loigislafturo han elected meon so infaiuous to seats on the bench that you have refused to commisini them I Time and again you havo ve(toed their fraudu. lent b)lhla, and tried to stop their rognecry anid p)lund~er 1 Why, then, do you ask the ignorant and credu Ions negro to sustain thoso rognen and pluinderors whom you have thusn boldly denounced? They, such men as Moses and Whipper, Bowen and Nowlo. and LIeshio and WVhittomorn and their sitellites, are the Repub Lean party of South ,Carolina I The great massos of the colored people are too ignorant to understand the politcal principles of atiny party, and they have boon led astray and turn ed against their Domocratic friends, with whom they woro boin and raised, by just such speechos as you made to them at Lancastor, MA:rl boro and other places. I am sure, sir, you havo too much regard for your reputation to toll the colored people, ats your Republican under ttrappors do all over the State, that if the Democratic party got into power in South Carolina they will be thrown iback into slavery 0r de privo.1 of their pollah rights and privileges. You kn1o .,ir, that the DImocratic party now has the con trol of Georgia, Alabama, Missis sippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Mis soiri, Texas and Arkansas. And in il these States the colored peoplo are better o, more secure in all their rights, mlore3 prosperous and more of freemon thah they are in South Carolina under Republican or Radical rule. It has been said that all mankind are governed by love or fear.' You seem disposed to govern by the former principle and your understrappers by the latter. I am, sir, most respectfully yours, B. F. PERRY. South Carolina Politios. From the New York Herald. If the republican loaders havo not lost their senses they will malke hasto to warn Governor Chamber lain of South Carolina. He is play ing with fire. He is evidently stirring up trouble in order'that lie may have an excuso for calling on the federal government to interfero in the election. Fortunately this is a trick which has 1)011 plA)yedl so often in L:>uisiana, in Mississippi, in Alabama and elsewhere in the South, that it is now understood in the North, and if the Northern re publican leaders are baso enough to play into Chamberlain's hinds, to allow him to use them for his pur po;es, in the hope that his victory will help them.-if they do this, they will between now and November Cause i revulsion in public sonti mont ig:iinst them all through the Northern States. This is not MexAivo. The war ceised eleven V01 ago : ld ill Soll ible men in t~be mih believe that it is now time to let Southern States manage their own alTirs, and believe this be:-aure they see that wherever federal in torfereniev lhas ceiasel peace has 0011cm it (onice. Glovernor Chamniberlain is:,ues at proclanionli ordering arme I bands to dispoi se. 'I'le correspondent of a republicamn newspaper i elates thit he l-s mafle his prociallama tioI on the report of United States m:arshals, whom, it soems, lie sent to ilake investigations for him ; and the samelO correspomident, evidently in Cintmiljerlain's confidence, adds tint the Governor means, if his proclmilla tion bo not obeyed, to call _on Presi dent Grant for troops. Why? Suppose for a momeit that thero are armi10e ombinaitions in the Stalte actually resisting~ and defying the laws-though this is dlonied by three Judges of the Supreme Coui t, all repulicani. But suppose it line: Hazs Governor' Chambeuhrlain used his powers to dhiperse 14uch1 comibinai.. tions ? Eviudently lie has not Ap parently Ihe does inot meanim to. He has issued0( his priclamai~tion, we are( told on repub~hlicani authiority, fr'omi his hoatchparters, Columbia, "wvit~h the inte~ntion, if thto orizali'.tion1s do not disban-il at on(ce, of p~roclaiim ing the St ate to be ini 21 conditionl of domestic violene, and in formning President Grant of that faLct and Icalling up on hmim for military aid." WVe warn'f the republicran loaders that Mr. Chambesrlain is (rawing them toward a pitfall which may pr1ove( faital to them. H~e is evidently ani unfl"erupu'ous mni ; all his recent actions have showni that he does niot wimt to keep the State in peace, but thalt lie means to have t41rmtoil. Whien the exiciomont iniden1Oit to the o!cotion had1( gone to at (Ortain~ pitch po~rtalnt diuty as5 coimservator of the pea~cii was to remain in the State, coolly left it fo r ab tour ini New Englanid. On his return ho stopped in1 Wvashinmgtoin, and11 fromt there issued~t reports, since proved failso, of violence 'tono to ne'groos ill South Carolina and of a dreadful condition of Iawlossnivsa, Meantime thouro is (ovidenice that negroes in different parts of the State have banded to gether for lawless purposos50; but the Governor takes no notice of thin. And now his assertion that thore are (in some parnts oif the State armiedl organizations dlefying anmd ob~struct ing the lawvs is at once and flatly contradicted by a number of repubhi. canms, among thiemr two Judges of the Supreme Court of the State. One of these reimarks:-".1I have seen no violenco. On the contrary, so far as I have had intereourse wi th gentlemen of yfour party, I have 01), served loss disposition to oxcitod statement and peorsonal~ bittmrness than during any of the previous political campaignls of thin Stat o. I sincerely hope that tho fears of many, that the lawless portion of the community will be perittod io distur~b the peaco and injure the 'ood iname of/the State, are ground.. fess. T am unsannao tha. it s thm intention of the lewing mo bars of your party to provent such a state of things, and I believe thoy have the ability to do so." - Another, Judge liackey, also well known as a republican, rolates soino facts which should show Northern re publicans what is the aiimus of Chamberlain, and how ho is con idueting the election. He shows that the Governor, himiself a candi date for re-election, 118 Ilnaged to obtain "a board of State canvassers of election, a returning board, the majority of whose members are Canidi(ates on Chabr111)Oain'si ticket, and ninety-six commimsioners of election in the several ?.oun ties, oventy of whom are Chainborliin's declared partisanc, whilo of the last number some forty aro- county treasurers and auditors or trial justices, holding lucrative offices by his appointluent and removable from office at his pleasuro, or aro known to him as declared candidates for oflice, indorsing his tickct, who unseat themselves if they make a declaration of the election which seats the candidates opposed to Chamnberlain and his ticket." Here is evidence enough to justify the assertion of Judge Mackey that Chamberlain is really engagod in a conspiracy against the State. Is it not a monstrous and dangerous stretch of power to so constituto the electoral returning board and the body of commissioners of elec tion that the majority of thise per sons are in fact to decide npon their own caises? But, in addition to all this, the Governor, candidate for re-election, now propoese to call on the federal power for t.roops to help him carry out his scheme. It is very dilicult for any one to believe thaint he is not an unscrupulous and very dangerous demagoguo. If lie mnealis honestly why does he not call upon Genoral Hampton and the other Democratic loaders through out the State to assist him in re storing and maintainitng the peace, which he says is not only mnellAced, but broken ? These gentlemen li:ve ple.lged themsolves in the most soleiun antd public manner to see fair play between the two races. Governor Chamberlain his on a munbor of occasions publicly ad mitted that they have given him valuable and unpartisan holp in managing the affairs and , iintain ing the poace of tie State 7'' They would not dare refuse him now, even if they wished to, which we do not believo. If thero are such disorders as lie pretends, but as other reputa ble and equally cminennt republican citizenms dtony-if there are such disorders, why do he not call on the domi wratic leade, s to help him in putting them down ? It would bo his first act if lie were sinceroly desirous of an orderly community and a fair election. The real c ndition of Sout'i Caro lin, politics we perceive -t b this : The dcm >--r.0t1 Are 1it it, 1 :ml I tV1 0 relpublican are di vidod ; M. Chain berlaii has not, evidently, the conlfi deuce or support of a good many prom iln m'l t-o pa'>l*)i -m1. T als proba bly endangers his success, and ho seoms to i ..giuo ti'it in t i mnr goncy he may resort to theo sanme meanis which (*vernor Amoes so ef fectively used~ ill Mississippi, whiich Governor lKellogg has useIt and Mr. Pakard thireatenis to use in Louei-i. anai, andi which have been used unitil they f:iiled in other Sum~orn States. One of Senator Speucer's deputy muars4hls, Perrin, Idhot a hole through hims ownI liat, cried out "K I.lux !" anid slummloned U~nited Sta:tes' troops8; and wh'len he hadl thuis obtaiined theiri aid h~e poccoded to maike arrest4 of the democratic voters of two large counilties. In whaiit way (does G.>v diferfro Prri'sshout oif --Ku Klu !". oopt thiat Ci Go 11 unarin's cry is exposed at once, and by muem bemrs of his ownpat We have several tunenu urged the colored voters of )outhi Caro.ini t) support General Hlampljtonm and the (demllocratic State and local ticket.. We cannot SOC how they canil do othiorwise, They lare citizenls of the Stato : heir welfare is involved withi that of their wvldte neighbors. Cor. tainly, if they reflect, they wiill seo that Mr. (Chambherlain has utterly fa~hild to give the State pieace, pro~ parity or good government. Gfin. Hamiiipton, a man of in1l'ihen, and ch aracter, sol omnly promises himself and his associates on the democlraitic ticket to give the State honest gov ernment and to soecure to the color (ed people evory right. Whyi3 should t'miy not take him at hisi wordl ? We sus0peIct that miany of them intend to do so, and1 that this accounts for the last anmd <lesperto expedient of Chamlberlin's whlic~h 11as been so promflptly exposotd by mnembelrs of is own p~arty,. Woe warn the repu~lblicanu le niors that they had better very quickly set such men as Chamberlain arnd Packard adrift. They cannot aflordl to ipport them. In Ljouisjina, the d (omocratsl have alread~y app)leal to Attorney Generau Taft against Pa~tckard's system of illegal and ar bivrary arrests. TJhey do ot ask to be excised from arrest; they nly ask for speedy trial, Mr, Patton, chairman of the 'Conservative State Comimitteo, writes to Mtr, Taft: "I am directed to request that, for the better protection of the citizens i their rirht~ tQ annneiy oaain and hail, the United StltC Marshals In(d deplty- -lmarsha li insHtrlcIted by your dopartnent to take tho aoclsed porsons, when arreated, before the neaztresu or most (oi venioelf United Stato. Con misionier for proliminlary examination. Tie practice has beon to bring itch pOr Sons to tihis city from ruloto p:rts of the StAte, often hsverd hutirI'ed mi ; distalit, le:tvilg tho parties, when bailed, to de fray their expenIsH hIomIo. This, coulpld wKtthe eon sV(euent proloIged absence from h nuile at at cl i tietd m19oent to the crops 1111. bulsiness, inflicts anl II u neecessary hardshipj upon thle acensow1 which will be obviated by recourse to the United States Conunlliionor at Nachitoches, Shreveport aid else. where. We doom the req(iest, under the circunsitanees, a reasonable 0o, an d inl the interest of the oxcutioil of the law, aceordilg to your in strutctions. We ask of you a favora-' blo consiidorition of this application." e hi.tve not board wh-it reply .Judgo Taft has tmido to this e iso:i ble re. qiest; but i)w% (10om1es4 G-wernor ChamberlLail In I stirs up1) strife ill the hope that he0 will bW able to Coaillnlliid fedoral troops. These things will not d1. They lutionary, and if the nation il ropib - lican part,y Colltenanles themli, i great multitido of voters, who ire! now slowly mil tking up their muinids, will be rightly imipelled to vote the deniocratite ticket ill November. Moultria's "Magic Pageant"--Govornor Chamberlain and the Mile Clubs. At the first gmlice the iloniMiS. teoey and tho uIIu)lldnlleo of the order for the dish:iling of the Rifle Clubs are not fully alpp-trent. Only whll the previou1s coulidilet of Ghovernor Chamberlain is recall ed. does the abstirdity (if hlis pIesrilt course becoio evident. S(tionl 14, Chapter 15, of the Revised Statutos of Soluth Carolina, after direeting that the organlized militia shall be divided ill division, &c., conitainis at proviso ill thiese " dWords : "Provided, that there shall be no Illitlly otrganiz:itions, or fomi.. tions for the pirpose of arminfg, drilling, exereising the manualulmtl o aris, Or ilitary mian1ivres, hol auitho-iied ituder Lliiil ptor, ant by the (ononanlder-in1-(.hibj," &-v. (Iovernor Chaiimiberlain, ill his proclamiation, says: "And wihero: si las boell made known t-> 10 is, Governor that ewrtain org.tniz sios and, comll bitliColis of mon ex:st inll 11 the Coulitios of the St ate, commonl(111 ly known as Rile Clhibs ; and vhenmus i suich organlizations anid comlbinlltions, of 11e1n Ire illeg.d and strictly for biddon by the laws of this StA." On We lnesdlty. 28thi Jp, 18i , a parad occurred in Charleston, t, whieh all the Rifle Clubs of the city Were preselt., an(d m11arhd101 through. the stret4 Tie newspapers of ite ioxt (daly, inl speaking of tho paLraoe, Ileltioln the fact thitt ill the in Of the parado wore c:-rri:ages with G n. 1 J. 1. KershIIAw, G >vornar (hiunbe lain, &r-. 'Tlhey allso Imention the fact that, on pairade ill rea2r Of Fort.MutiSlia' Ishlnd, motto) Gualrd, 1.hon1 iltroduie'd (Gov 01rno1 D). H. Clurimblerlalin, who, inl bhalh1if oIf tie St ibo, eIX ~OI led a we1 comilo to (lie visit' rs," & -, It Iiur (Gayoi ' residence, t.fteor G(viner11 (Ch:ihmberlatin's adI iro:2. be2fore thie Rifle Clubs, "Aumong the distinguish od gnos~t5 prueen was Gc ovai 11or of thme Chairlstn Oillementui, who1( had( been1 dlinling iln the( piI zz. , n1etrehed upl to the dloor of te doin-room"101 an1. crgave( three chieIer l and aIigor for (Governlor Chiamberlmin. The (Gov ornor11 nekn~1owedged the ('om plient," &0 "Tis coImpl~iient, from the Oiti;;cIn)>(i'.< .>f' Uharh ton to) a man11 who) was not ai South w-nidd p'ledfc /h1 i.'w/ft> 1.up11port thiat wvhoe should carrIP| the' batnne'r of' re fornm" And finall~y the~ fact is stalt d thant, on1 that niight ait Ihi berian H ill, wheire the Paihnoltto R fle Clu'> La. Jniust priesided. Oni hin right onl htis left wasn Gov)1Cer D. Hl. annllonneeCd'the second11 toas~t, 'The St-sto of South OCarolia,' and1( enlled upo G1)1 -ovoirnor Chlaunberlainl to re0 upond, (G.vevrnor Chinnbnerlai n w is warly3 greato(d, ie snid : 'He4 wv >ld notaddl to thme swelimng words of patr'miisml which "stirr1ed the0 hoart's of ptrio~t8 toda1ty, or to thec umel/a with huonor' a.s the:, witnes. it thiS mornuinf/. Thel ~inIflee hear(Its to lui/ht." A large uimb~er of Rifle Clhab, Giovernlor Chamberlacin pariticipatedl in1 theoir public parade~l, with armts in theirlhands, drlillin~g, exer oising thle manufl~al of arms anid per forming m'itary maouvres ; 110 publicly addremsed them, not on1cC, btsovoral Limos, and as citizen aoldieea of Oliarloston. It inscrc 1y pomssiblei to IConceiyO a miore pub-h h~e and1 avoede rocognition of their lglyor more plaily~ to Ovinc( that th0 worp performina (1h0ose various acts with his knowledge, assanCt and cono'ont, and cons,c~ qanntly wore authrmed, bm h1, It would be diflioilt for Governol Chamberlain to porsuad the com. pin1ies from Bostou and Now Yorl who, npon that occasion, visitot Charleiton an1(d saw him taking a prominent part in the nugie pa gerint ichich made his heart sm-elh leith hono-, that thle ifle (1ubs with which they werO thOn aRSOCilteda wero illegal organizations ain. coiim hiiationis. It would be difficult for (ov eInor Clalnberlain to porsuado th1e poplo of th United Status who on the 4th of July, 1876, saw at least one of these Riflo CIluh paradinlg before Independence Hall, in Phila dolphia, amhidst the )laldits of tie spectat.-ora, and with arms of the United States, placed inl its hands by the Goverinment of the United States, aid on motion of a reproen tativo of South Carolina, that such Riflo Club was ai illegal organiza tion Or oombiiation. And as that Ono in, so are the others. And it will be diflimlt for Governor Chamber lain to persuaildo hliielCf that the Ritle Clubs which, for so long a time, aad mo openly anud publicly, and unchallengd by aly Exeeitive, havo exiSto(, are illegal orgamizationsi and (combina1tio1s. Or, if h. does so polruadilio himself, ho uamist publicly conoifess tiat ho vil fully neglected his duties, while Attorniey General of the State, in not tCakiig the proper steips tosippress siclhd illegal organIti zations aid conbinations. Andl he mist as publiely confess that, for the many mont hs during which he has been Governor of the State, lhe has wilfully refiso-1 to do his dluty in requiring the laws of the State to be elfoprced. Any of' thoso difleultios Is as grot as that of recniling (lovern or Chmbl'erlain's public participa tiol inl the iiagic pa-getlit of tie Rille C(libs, on the 28th of Jimn last, with the annoiucemiient low inade, as of a rocentli ascertained fact., "anI Whereas it ha beeln 1mal0 known to me as Governor," &c., Xe (Ind (ourier. Two Governors. Last April t)hre was trouble in the iron district. of Ohio. A riot arose, which the sheriff;a Democrat, found it, dlifawult ti master. He ealled upon the Governor in the fol lowing despattch:, A pi il 15, 1876. To 'rm:' Govi-.nsonc or. 1Om~o : From reliable information I have no doubt, of the immIninent1. dangor of n1' hp and riots of a dangorois char acter inl thle neighborhood of Mlas. silion, and.f Iam satislied that nto posse which T could secure would ho Ile i aIihrl tn'ttorion ~gClist tho san1o to loorotiis and property. I reSpctAfully iivoke tie aid of the Govollor to prevont the threatened m110' a and iP s, and to enforce the laws. J P. Rtwucma Sheriff of Stark county. Govenor I layos re-ipolnded promptly ; cal1o0 out the militia, isue4 d a proclammation ordering the rioters to disperse, and <piiet was restored without dificilty or delay. ( mapare this with tho colllt of venar Chamerlain, of outh Car-olinia, in the Elaenton alfiair. He hears~ of a ioat inl which him ownI po liticiialhiern't s woroe clearly at fault, and insHteaal of atidjing the shoeril, a '*~lored mn, lhe calls for Un'itead Staites tropo, puits the blamme on thae whites, who worec at the time all through acling as a shmerifls posse an I had the coloi od shiff ll actually withi themli, atnd issues a) ins oclamali tian whfoe only (co1ms(leue minat hea to stir upi Imoreiistri fe anda bitter Ig' H, aand with I the di elarodl purposo oft alllingt for moro Unlitedl States tro'ops. Wi clh of thoso two is the Amnericau wvay ?-New'v .York // redd. ?uMa. NoimoarF ON 'TH E CoNNroN or vusa SoIITI.--"he mon01 who have miis: ule1 dolawn there, who hmave suiC e1ed;l ini bnding thei co' oral vo'ters$ t >got; h ', an 1 11hus ini umisinsg hisuin on10 Hide ignoanfce, Untinift anl 1 pos 'litLica.l superst itilon, hae eoeen frI tho most partI Federal oflice hlerso. It is 1not onily thme higher ofhi'eais, sneh asi United St iles M~ar .sha's1 and~ thme Pa)st1 istors oIf the largeor citiesa, w~hao thus.' interfo ini th!e local politics (of Lthesa Statos. Every paid( Feoloral oflico-holdo", if lhe is only a Deaputy Ujnited Statis M irshl'ls depu)ty, is a p'olitic'ianl. T1he poe of the Fedoral Glo on moent in the South is somuothaing wymhih we (d0 not realize hbo at the North at a'll. Nobody pretends to roi1 ist a Uniitedl Stattes oileer, no) mattfer howv low the grado of that olicodr mnay be. A deputy IJnitei States Mamrshmal could go into at Souithern town to-d ty', and1( drag the Imost prsomiinenit (citizenl of the towan o t o' his hed im~to the street, ard if it woero known that lie was a Fiedleral oflcor hlodly would pro tendio to resist him, Tlhis great aui thorilty 1118 b)oon shamelossly mis used throughouslt the South by a set of political gamblers, who call thenm.. selves Rolpiblicans, ad miost of whom would njor~o p)ropcrly hayo boonl(3Inlod robbors." Judge E. f, Hoar has consented to runi asl an inldcoondent emindidiato for Coungrets in the isivonthi distri( t of Mi r wohusetts, against Ger, B. F. Butler. The Boston papers express great pleasure at the prospect 'of Rutlnr's noanihle defenn. The Party that is Coming to the Fronit, ul South Caromia, H. V. nxD.wL,. In Tilnessco the whites aro largely in the n ajority and tho blacks take no part in the govern moient except to, vote, and it mi:kea n1o differen how they vote, as be tweenl the r'acs, as the whites aro two to one inl the majoritY. In Sohitii Carolina the blacks ael ]arge ly inl tio ma11jority . thel'y uro the goverumg1( power and thus it hap plens that one Southern stato is very (Imet, alld all IIoves along well, wido the other is ill it condition, bor1-i'lri on anarchy, an( will bo nItil the whites como to thotop. The blacks submit to the itmajoity ; tho whitos do not. And itJi orror to slipposo that the risi6 ort - tion inl tle south will 1 Lo ruled by the blacks, b6 1ck majority wvhat it may. ' black majority inl South Carolisia, Missis sippi mnd Louisiuna will bo overoomo -if not in (o way. thein inl antlier, Nothiig canl keep thei wite under except ia aIrL eC(h generatioi. Tihe generation that is thtorou'ily whippod oult will sublnit, buit thlo text and the next will revolt, and so on forever. Revolt, I mlean, against local black gove1nen t, just Its they did ill Mississippi last fall, anid jui't as they are doing tow in South Carolina, Suppose they shoukt sucocod in ovorthl rowilig the local government iero, aml t federal autithi-ity should set it l) again, how long would it stayI? Until Uncle Sam got his back turned. Nothing less than a st:ning arai _Conttinued aipplienltion (if force. can1 sustaini tlhl govelrnImen t of 01is republicall party in aniy I* flh) cottol states. Vell, suppose the . (emo1ents should elect a president, whtat then! Thie black gopvermililts in tlim CotFtostatus wouald full liko blovks of cards1. You mu111st rcollect, that the: 0 :H nmvW a generation in the sou1 th whll took Io pith iin th, wathy ( in 41111 111111 the l i d : - i nil i!, i's tist gell'ration f' ym Ammil. steps towatrds -tliin u Scrolinflit. Iletij gain ll vis. t Democratsld~ Certainly1 will-.i' n10I. ILL this (lect ion, hen at. t I . .t i merecly a qulestfionl (f illm. 'TihIelen's (11nd (C!ourie- gives the following extiaet from a lot.ter writ tot by Wade HItimpton just after the war. It speaiks for itself : I"As it its of the last consequnence to innilain thi,1 Clo fati amicable reIl I tions wh11ith havey 1 heretofore existed betweeni thio whites and the lacks, I caiot too strongly reiterlato lly counsel, that all classes 811uld eniti vato harniloy and exervise forbi ear ane!o, 2liet. oilm peo)le reiemInhei- that the iegroes allYo IN it generil 1111( behaved a dniraily, gnd that tley arm il no mintior cysponsible for 01 " present conlition of affaii s. Should they, in the future, 10 mnisl(Jd by wicked or d esi.g --n. ltuts consider ow igniorat they3 ntecesiarily are, and1( let us, olhy the nIlore, try to coni vmece them that we are tiheir best friends. Deal with d~em with pterfect justice, and thus show thalt yonli wish to Pr~~joto tflitjS adyantceuauiil and I nilightenitett Do thiis. alid the ntegrores will not only learn to1 trust y'ou, btt they will apprel(c(into the fact, 5so EidiEnlt to uis, t~hat wo canl do without thcm far btetter than they cani (10 wjtihout usi. "OnL late pulblici Ooension, where maniiy of y'ou woro presetn~t, Ie(xpre(ss-5 ed my pertfect willingness to see im palrtili suf'rage estdiblished at tho South, andi I believe that this opinion is (Intertalined, not only3 by a largo majority of1 thle intelligent and re flecting whitos, but also of this sam1e1 class among the blacks. The Su prOmol (ourt has d~cidedo that a neogro is not a citizen of the United Stts, and Congress cannlot roVorse that decision by an Act. The S/at is, however, are c'nnpetent to confer citizennhpl;J on the' negJro, and1( 1 th'inik it is the part of'wIsdhnn thiat un/h an. tioni .shiould bet t(aen h.y thit 'ouithtern Stat(es. W~e havel' recogn/ized~ the( .freedlnn of the lacks, andi have pl1ico 1 this facot beyondl all possibili ty of dloubt, daetiail or recall!. Lettus reognito in the samo frank manner, andl as fully, thiri politua righ/ts 1'Te Sp)artI'iurg 11/crald has seen 1a privato lotter from NewV York which Says: "T[he pr1 ospect looks( (1o:idedly beotter: thanL whlenf I wiS here hist mo11nth. I think now thatt '.1ildeni will catty this Stato b~y be tween 50,000 and1( 75,009. I was at l:in review en yesterday, and1( I never saw a moroV ethIusiastic rocoptionL t'ian thalt old1 Su-d J,. reco:ved as lie rode along in front of the Fifth Avenue Hotel, He was dIrossed in a black suit of citir~ons' clothtes, rodo ani ologanr,( horse, andt as gra(cfuhlly ats our Gontoral Leio dlid ini hiS pa - mtiost days. Tidon is the beswt rider .[ ever saw, and the 0old followv looks gamo, Thei LroopsI cheered him heartily. lRight brass bandis, with sixty~foutr men in eh lytind, w ore in fI)O prtocession." Theo Marion Demnocrats o pett to make the Ropublicani moting1 on t~o - 1 24th instant, lively with their oflnch ing refutat ions of Radical falso hoods.