The telescope. (Columbia, S.C.) 1815-1818, December 19, 1815, Image 2

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MJUI1 1-^ . ' <>mwitiicu(l6n,- I ought opot io ywfwj iv> ; a Hci'ii-IbilUvi in which you will uml?, to1 Wr flic h;iri?y lo'. of our c >unlrv,n?id to the good nest* ?J'ft K(i|>vM'hilPitiliit^ Providencc to which wo nrc rf indebted lor it. W hilnt other |>orliim?oftuttukind arc laboring niftier the ofwar,orbtrU($ .'kliiig with adversity in other forinti, the United _ , btate:i mi< in the trtirif|ti|! enjoyment of prosper iiUh and honorable pi'nco. In reviewing the rtrenes through which it hu* been a Unhid, we can rejoice the proof* given; our ()o!iticaliiiHtitiiii(?iit?r tbuiu. " .1 in htimnu rights, nml framed i*?r their y. jireservauou, .vv eijnfd t-i.the lU'vererft trial* of ^ Jvor, as well adapted t-? i!io ordinary period* of repute. As fruit* of ihit? experience* and of the reputation acquired l>y American nrins? on tin* land and on the w i'eri (lie nation (hid* it<clf po* MesHcd of x?ov. iiit respect abroad, and of n |iist confidence in it.*elf, which are anonr. I he l>e-l . * |>lodg<& for it* peaceful career, l.'ndcr other n *? ' pect.H of our country, the *tronj;e>>t feature# of i I. < ilouri*hioKr<irdiiiou arc Keen, in a imputation rap iilly i nrreasiu^, on a territory as productive n*it in cxioii'ive : in a general industry, ami fertile ingcnujiv, v.iiich find their ample. reward* ; and in mi affluent revenue* which admit* a reduction of the public burthens, without withdraw in-; the menu* o!" .<?? Jiiini'iu t l*o iml 'He ctcriit.uf vjrn'hm'ly di *?! i;? t'Lci 11 '? flu* public debt. i?l providing lor I'm* ueet?> ?:sr v defensive and precautionary establish ment and of pal roni/.iii". iinnn v authorised mode, und> iii^.H coitiliiri ve t?> lite ajrcre^atc 4? ? - ?? I * I. ... .^1 ' , *1 ? ? ' ?1 ?? I I* * r \ | f ? ? '??lK it I ei.iaiu.s !'???? lie (;ii.iv!i,uih ??t* public wel fare, to jhm: eve. e in tiial justice and good will t r.vurcli- other r* ;? lion.-, wlurli iiivitt* n return ?!' tlte>e m iliireM* toe. i?i'l ? the I nited .Slates; to ?!>et i.-:i i..-lil'i*io;,< v. Ii:c!i guarantee their sal'it v, ntnl t!uir li'.! -i i.c.? i i \ i I and roli'xioUH ; ni:?l to c wi?h a lituvu! sv-tem of foreign coin iiiftTv. ?: :i i emest nfthe iuiiiirahi'1 vtintajrt's ar.J a prutertinn ami extension of ihe indrpen ?!.*?! m> .? of mir hitjldv favored and lu?ppe . in all measures ha\ i mx ^urli object*, mjr !?< !'.iul v meiation will lie aflbn'ed. JA.MKS .MADISON. W a !i - ? , I). 5. IIOI/SK OK IIK!?IIKSFNTAT!VH8. ? /> ?' fill ft *)' (? On-. witioti ol Mr. Tavlo-. (of Nvu* Vmk) the hot. ?e ":a\in^ revil\ed i ? -??{ !" into n co-'iiniltee ??l ? ivI'iim'1 it; tin- slate oi the Union. Mr. Condit i.s t-ie the nie*>n?e of the President was ? r-ad. \\ I.::, on motion of Mr. Ta> lor, the follow* u. v; ivx.Intinns wore a loplcd, n'i'a. I. /'?'it.W, T. t wi if: i?-!i oi '.lit* M of the I' < .- mi ??: .'.i I ,1 n'.S'.,T.'- . at rrlr.'.cK \? l-V.ciiru XH'.wr*, !.? ? ; ???"?I '?! .? ? -r? i- >Hii. i. tv??. ? T'i ;* ???> . t . r 'la'c s '.!? ">l til.) r. lV..rc tv*t;ititXli? i i -mi (i- ,i >? ir-? . -,\\ t>> !?>?*. fl ' 1 <?!!?, Ii> l' ?? ('t'r' .nil n! .Ill* llll .* <1 I'Vlllt i f, Ml'! ll'? M I, ..IV \< . \ II. I'.'iTf t III .. ' 'ri" .iv "I I > ???!!. '? . .1 it i III l.'li!- S'? Au.'..l't !:?? vfvl - I . ?? '? i-'. i ? .11/ ? ?}. T . ?'i i! ?h,Ji i r!;,'r( let .it* r.iifi>rt:i I t.'i'.r tvivj , ' r ?!">.? 'v ? . -ol''!-' eoiijn *'( o. 5. i..'v i. i?i . ami, l;c refer J'C.l li- ? mv.v' CO: :( ?*> <? (). TSiat ? ; . i-i a Nntirtnl ""in.niry of If ii*?: i "C ' ' i :i 'l.t-4) ? . i,! i ilnnili.:', U referral to it ??? T' <? Kli'i ' 'I':. .. ??? i m ": :r. ?< >???< l i ???<? ' ;o?t an/? or ;r:. fn ! ? , !.?? i > r. . ;<;? 1 lo n wclcci coin ?:>. *11, .V. *-i r.iMr1: v. :il'"s trt tlic allev at ion c>T the lau" " 1 -? ;i . .li- ? ? isi- ! \ i ?.?? i.i,u'.vi,i% o' tlic\Y.,r, i.tul tlie goo ?f' sot jee t ol .in- Itovenue, li? referred to a lelcct cunim.t tec. i'. T!?a' so irei*1! .??? nMnle? to M;iniif.?rturc?, 1k? referral to vl-.c nitiu'tiiuc fil e .n>me.irr ami !ii;.mifaeUire*. 10. Tliut ?!.e cji;?iniUecs lia\ u leave to report liv Mil of otherwiw, . 'i'lmso roxnlutioiiH having heci? reported by the ^commit tee In tl?o houso, were nil concurrcil' in. Ml*. Wiijrltt, after pome t oinark?, Httl>mit(bil n motion, that ho mucli of tin? I'rofiiilcnt's Mesw^e, ax i elato.4 to an arrangement of the militia rxj.o ti ers, incurred by tlio soveral utate unvertini^ntii, tvit'tmlt the previnus hanction or authority of the government of tlio United State*, be referred to it Helect committee. P. Harbour of Va.. tiHerotl the following; Resolution, which wan however withdrawn on the vn<^e*tion, that the Committee of Way* and .MehiiH would Itave it in their |?owcr to act on the smhj.-ct pronofied, until the report of the Hecretury of t'le Treosttrv Hhould he received " That the eonuuiltee of w ayw and Menui? lie inBtruclfV'. to enfjuire whether the ajipropriationof ntotiey made at the last hokh'iou of ( oUKremt, for ibtfravim.r t'ne e\}iCM:ces ef the Militia called into tin- service of the United HSaten. under authority of the .-overal he Milficiettt t and if not, what i.s the a ir. . tint i>f the deficiency." ' )n motion of Mr. U.vttimore, !'.?? memorial here tofnre presented from the Minnie -ipjii terri . .??v. prayiiiv, t'lat uwamireH may l?e nutJiori ed t!t(. :"lti,i)-i'?n of Haul territory as a Ktate i??t.i i1 1 ni'iii, w as ordered to he rrl'rrred to a Kei^ct ? ' . I' -Ull'V. \ mi' - *11150 riT.Vivcil fn?m fit* e,?,nati,? |>n? j>< i i ? t: i!i" I'.vim! nnjmiutiwiif oftwo ( 'lia|>lains of tliP<Mvit( <l?Mioniinutio;i*, 1 ? in??'iTM;mae M .?l.i V tl'?? f\V?l f.i" ? v.a* coururivil in, v illi <!i- -rtitiii^ ;m<' I <? mor-ov, an ?>i'.:IM'?l l'iv flit; election ?>1 :i ? !..i|)laiu ?ti 1 l! r j?rtr' ???* I* i< t I t <? name* i?I (t|" ' iiiOyni'ii :i'? the '1m- 'lilp'. '?"< ri?<ini?il?nM ?* liicli huvi* bwii u|>p'iiiiti tl, v a 1 anpeur hcronl'tiT. J h'r*hhigton, Ifrcrmbn' R. A Mil vr^tMhv jux-pd I ? n 1 1 ? lloilM'S of (on* ?:n ?. tii< ohjiH't of which ih to rcmovc-tlic niHiii*; of ( n'U(r?"- ?* in ?'?(? new hnihlini;, which hn* l?'ei> \olmiiarily prepared by the riti'/.en* for their re tention mi ( a; itol Hill. The house of Hrprexric ' IaI'iv v ? u'!| ovrr till Monday, with ji view 'to teivw tiroc t?? tl?v oflV'f'ra of t!?p Mouko to pre Jjfti ?? lur tluir itrrmnmodntion in tin: new building. The Ann ?tl H<?|ort of tin* KecrHary of the Tie.Wiry vc.'Ii'hIhv recoivcil in the House of KpMrexe.ntaiivc. The HejiiM't wan anxiously iot-ked for* le-rauHP the ??uhferl of one liritioiud ??nrr'Miev is i/Mterally e.-leen?wl one of primary iinjM ?(U?ce, probably will be the Hrnl topic <>f .'i general nainro dine *?<*d in ('oti^rctiH. Lin ?!*e Me'utie. venteidnv, lUiinfy resolution* wre laid on tin* table, by Sir. Ililib, for the np ^(*pi ?'?nont of (uuiui'ff ?t>4 on the l*r??sitlci?t*? mes? ^,1- i- : and the tiev. .??Ir. (ilendy waHcho*cu clnip Juin on the Jiarl of the *enat?'. I HKKTCI1 OF UBltATK, ,ln ttallouwof lk'prc?enUt?vci....Thur*Uy, 1X-c.14....od (lie Uiinl rc.ultitjc ??f tli'? M UiU to unxrivd the Milltu. St.itc." Tin* Mill \vns fond, nut to vote, find I lie Speaker declared it luid passed. Bonn members culled for the ayes and noes, and sonic others asked that tin1 v?to just taken night Uv reconsidered as they wished to <\) -jtk on tin* merits of the Bill. The upeak T mid several members said it was ultogct li t uiiuh .al to disi'iiKH a Kill at the .Id road inft. It was however voted to recur again i i I lie ((iti'HiioiK Col. Ifw.NK objected strongly to the course which gentlemen opposed to the llill liad lliongjif proper to pr.rsiie. It had been the invariable custom to discuss tho meiil> uf a Hill upuii its second muling and never ? {t in the third. The is now taken bv surprise. Mwi y of Hie friends of this bill, believing its principles settled, are now ah s ill, uinl Uh fate mi^lil thereby hi* jcopu-. ilixcil. I to kIio tld the more strongly obju t ?in tin* present occasion to purKi . H. not only an it regarded tiiiH bill, hut ?y ollici- that niif? t conic In-fore the lloidc. iI.'.m \\ny. tl?i? niunibiii'M may ha mlh'r/ to vote at a moment nut nnticipittc<l axf tlir Jatc or a liill oT the {?TcnloHt imporUtAcc to ' 1??% community, put to hn/.ariL II' the present o|?nortuitit v lor iinnrovtnir r r ? r? jtlie condition of our Militia is suffered to pass hy, another never may ollVr. WIich shall we have another war to lest thedefccts of our sy stem, ft w lien Khali we have, another (iovcruour win will lie so eminently ijiialili ril to hriii# (hem to the consiilerutii n ?>f th?* Lcft-ititatntv ? The Uovej ii dir, with a de. <ree4il' zeal amUndiiNtry hitherto unparal leled, has made himself acquainted with the condition of our milithi, and he has shewn in the clearest and most forcible wimt'-r, the means to he adopted fir itsim urnvem'-nt. If this golden opportunity is I .st, w '? shall !'? e| indiflferenl and secure as ve heroine fainiliari'/.ed to peaceful pursuits ,iud the manifold evils and imperfections of >iir present m stem will nht present thein ?e.'lves with snlllcient force, until war a overtakes us, ami it licconics tou Jute tn seel; and apply a remedy. ! Ill litis sta^e unite biiHincHH* Col. II. Raid, lie did not intend to tfo into detnilK to defend !t lie principles ol'tlic Bill. For the present he would ( (intent tiiniself with looking only L'? the ( halite proposed hi Court Mai'tlata. Liylerthe present system, delinquents art tried hy the company olllcein. ' He showed in how many ways convictions might bo a voidrd here. Hut if convicted* tlio delin juriit n|ip< nln. In utrfitgle court (hew ltftV?i [been two hundred uyiieitU, Officers urt promoted or resign, and new one* come In. T?io business In arduous from itn dbumluure. The cases In come old, tlio circumstances arc forgotten, and in most instances* from multiplied causes, (lie appeals arc never ta ken up. All your laws, then, to enforce duty arc inoperative and perfectly useless. Hut in the proposed inodo tlio process in simple, energetic, and sure to fio carried into effect. Tim court is composed of ofll rei H beyond the reach of tlio improper infln cure which company court martlais are to often under f and their judgments, wfno approved hy tlm commanding officer, ore immediately carried ititoeflVct. This sin gle improvement la worth the whole of tl? ? old code, ami the good- it is calculated t?. produce must he evident to all who will giw it due consideration. Perhaps'. h:u<I Col. II. tho bill linft <!?? fret* ? Out* member may liave objections to uiie elituse, autl another to another } hiit because we do not think the hill perfect, it is no ;c>o?l reavm for njertin# it. li would iiMjxissililf In frame a hill that in e\er? pirt shall In* agreeable to every member. \'tiu h im ' ' s' i nn<*ede something to Shu opi tti ii?s of otUerH. Hut let e.H consider the win. h-, with ;ill its faults and all Ms e\cvl h*n i<*s : ami let each member ask himself whether !'??? |iro|i.'?H<*il system in not, on the \htile, better than the <>bl om*. It' it in, let m adopt it. hi't us juivr a fair trial to the nioile ??f risin.'v hy seniority. and of remov in'f iii tin* way proposal, oilier rs who may ??e loitnil incompetent* Me have little- to -Miuftt of t !??? e!IV? in of our prescnl system, and v? ry stron/; inducements are Inld out ?o try the effects of the proposed one. Mil. M on if \ I.I. ms* ill, im lie \\:ik of the hmmiIi' i* licit lulled ??? a division ami invi ?m| a liiscio.sioii Hull kcciiumI to hoiiii- to In irregular mill unpleasant. lie fell thai In* wed it to tin* Ii'hiki' to state tilt? lliotivcH ' Iticli diet at?'il thin* oi.rir. anil to offer an a xy to tin* lioti??'. if In* hail violated any mIc of propriety. TIi'ih lie did not orlgin illv intend anil wa? not even now convinced in* had (low. lie wmh not present at the second reading of 1'"' Mil. ami lie thought it his riftlit, ''inl li" fVIt it to lie IiIm duty t'> ?if ate his opiiiidtiM rcHpvrtftift it wheiiftVer the o<rn*ion prrMented ilsclf, Opportunity had olh-ivd ? I'll* why was a hill ivnd the third time in the earn of (In; liniffte* if (he lips ol the iiicnilioi's were to lie Mealed, and thej allowed (hefkxerriiw <d* no discretion upon if. lie believed now, h? he had idway? he. lievcd, (hat (lie coiii-ho lie had ptirnucd wan proper and rorreet, Mtt. M. Haiti, he would not ftrcspnw on Die patience df tlio fciuw, but would verj bi'lcilv state tlio objections lio luuftfto principles of this bill f the chief of which was the morto of Advancing ofUccrs by se niority, without regard to merit* This mode lie believed repugnant to tlio feeling*. of the people, inimical to thoin habits und Institu tions, and calculated to repress merit, unit put tulenis and ignorance on the sumo level, if a mun is made un ensign (und he may be iimdc ono because ho is thought quulitled Cm (hat and nothing else) if iio holds on pcrtc. nucioiisly to oflicc, ho ut lengdi becomes a iniyor-gcneral if he lives to a good old age. You will then have a corps of old oiUccrs. iuid all experience has shewn thai they are unequal to voting men, whose bodies are ac tive, ami whose minds arc elastic, and heat ed with cuter prize. Besides, will vour some, time ensign no a man who will be obeyed ? You may produco insubordination by the very means you take to guard against it. 1 am willing your ensign should become a ma jor-general if he gives evidence of other merit than that of never Idling his hoUL Another and no inconsiderable objection vliicli Me. M. said lit* hud to the bill* was. llie exclusion of the right of appeal. lit* considered il an innliciiaolo right <?l* our cl iizens, that if they were dissatisfied with the judgment of one tribunal, they might throw themselves upon the j^itice of another. We were not to presume any court perfect ; but the higher courts are sum>oscd inure out of the reach of improper inllueiices, and a step nearer perfection, lie. would not consent to abrogate any right which the people had en joyed and valued, and which hu believed be longed to theiii. With these reasons lie would content himself with the opposition lie hud to make to the bill, and though lie could urg ?it hers, he thought these suttlcicnt to show that it ought not to become a law. M It. (iLASHCOLU. Hllill, llO I'OSO IIO( to It) Ilk I converts to hi*. opinions ; but to -defend the course lie had fell it IiIh duty to pursue, and wlticli ho should do by replying to (he rc marks which had been made by (ho gentle tiinn (Voiu Charleston. He whh one who hud railed for tliiH discussion, and he felt it his duty and .believed it tils right to oppose ibis liill whenever it showod Knell'. Why read it a third time if we arfc not allowed to con sider and pass upon its merits ? Shall wo no! Iiava the benefit of rellcc(ion and informa (ion ? If n member Iiuh committed an erroi at one reading shall he nut be allowed to cor rect it at another ? must ho make lii.s error per petual ? I can see no one reason for (his kind iif legislation* that neither permits usto speak ??r think ? for I humbly conceive wo are end* tied to the full and Dree cxorciso of both. fitit thisJtJUi said &fr. G. did not pass a( (ho scwn&rauUnjr by a majority of the bouse. Oniy&7 members Voted on that occasion, or >viium 54 wcr? in favour ?>f (lie bill* Now till* House consists of 124 members making 69 ? -?nro majority ; untl yet wo are told that the voices of 54, 011 a funner reading, must nut to Bile ii< c 124 at this! monstrous absurdity. Mi*. O. had objections to the bill* from the tyranny which characterised it. The right of appeal is inherent in every citizen ; to ile Erive him of it yon wrest from him a valua ? privilege. lint worse, than this, if worth vvhilo to distinguish cither by their ??had ?mliicuce," is tlio clause which provides for the advancement of ofllcers se niority. Thb is utterly repugnant to our ivpnblican spirit, and altogether at variance vitli those habitM and customs which time tins fomlliarid&d and endeared to us. This principle in shutting the doors " of honor ami "onftdence0 upon merit. It Is crcctinsc a imrrier to Htop tlic march of geuitiH mid on I c rpri/c. Out* count t-y now abounds with disbanded oflleern of (lie Into United States army* who have gained dictinction by mid night studies, toilsome marches and lined fought llelds. They have talents to he use ful, mid arc fired with the ardour ho essen* rial to military renown. They would accept olllces in the Militia. Hut bv this hill* you say to them, their xer.l and their talents shall In'* buried and remain useless. l'onsilily m I uitrd States major might make interest to 'iccoiih* an Kusigtif (for hero lie must begin it' stf ail) if lie would consent to be command ed by the launched Ensigns who have got ten the hi art of him in ibis scryb race for ho* nor and renown, Hilt will his pride stoup to diiH ? Will he th utt degrade talents that na ture and edueattort have fitted for an exalted sphere of action? No J yoil will effectually exclude men oftiistillirtliflhed inpritrmm vnm militia. To kWo authority, maIiI Mr. O., to tlic* iroviHioiitt f>f thin ISilt? wc are told they have iccti emphatically reCoinfficridcd by lii't Kv rclleney the Governor. I know they have. No man revercH tho talent* or honor*: tin* pa Holism of oni' (Hitcf Magistrate niorr tlian I do. ? Hnt li(? 1h man and therefore fallible. ?ieeauHC he entertaina a particular opinion. I am not to violate the dictatea of lay under standing nud atlllo the monition*) of my con *eiew? to conform to it. I would adopt his ?pinion* if I needed a guide ; but when my convlctiomt are. clear, I must obey them, and u t and vofe accordingly. Mr. Kknnkpy Hrtld' tho flame latitude of? liberty could nut bo permitted to Indl-j virtual in conducting military affairs that! ? -"? cfwentlally neceiwary In our civil trans action* to prcHcrve and rive life and energy, w our Institution#. -Woro It allowed, there would bo tui end of atibordlnfttloa and dlncip mK.nathaip^oor,,.^, wiui do vitally importuntin mUlUrjr alii would bo destroyed. , All experience, U ountrk'H, has given abundant proof of ti facta. But tills temporary military rust tlon* wlillo acting In the character of a dicr? does not at all jeopardize thuso < rights which belong to every eiiueu, which arc themselves a safeguard of the dier's justice amNionor. iSoi' is it true, Mr. K,. that the decision of a court hi: to final At conclusive. There in what is < to the benefits of a direct appeal. 'i'hoj nu'iit of^tlio court martial hiis uo etfoct the proceeding are laid befire luucotiii dant of the rl'jrimcnt and he has givcu i approbation. Thin secures justice to public and the individual, wliilo it guar? gainst the etfiM ts of those appeals wtucl pericnco has shewn have been used to uc the delinquent from all punisfiuicnl whati The cviIh wliiclt we are told will i from promotion by seniority* <h:uu Mr exist only in imagination, it &i v c.s to tli Heel's the benciU of o.ipertem e, of kilo ti?e duties of every depart m vnt below t appei tuluing to their cuntumud. '1'iiih most important ad vantage. Tnls pra obtains in t hnaruiy of ^ United btau every olMce below tiie grade of colonel were oflkoi-o promoted in thl.^ , way that gained immortal renotyji ioi* Aufei arms, and made thc'ji^esibl' Chippewa ilridgewatw famous oiji 4ot{i <? Atlantic. This prnctiQOtosU^ssury t< cure the benelits of experience* to m*? veteran army, or give yOu A discipline" litia. Elections, which tftace. juntoi* i ho heads or their seniors, produces mtri rcNignatioos, incessant changes of olt mid every tiling that is destructive to a ry cUicicncy. it in said this practice of risin seniority will foisi ignorance aud inu Henry into elevated Aitmuious. This true; In every sHmitloii an oOUntih , to he removed (or these and nine K-ci_i in every change of olllce, his merits m merits run the gauntlet, aud uolhinj worth anil talents can bring him throw There is, therefore, every security lor prtency in ollii c. On the whole view < subject, hucIi is our mditin uiitler the sent h) stem, untl sucli we may reaso exji 'rt it to he. under the proposed oik we have every inducement jmiriouso lay upon uy to give tho principles con in this bill a full ami fair trial. Mil. IIlack made some observntii gainst the bill, but standing at a Uu from the Jteporte*' and the gallery not perfectly silent, he was not distinctly I IfoAiild tho return of peace had pre (lie resignation of otllcers fitted for \ Cumiieieiit men louio iiih i>< i**v?ailui All otllres and mci-RSity had cmapcl to take A* II. and C. ami tlieae he d think <|tialiflcd for high oIHcch daring ttr olttceit of any kind during war. Tl plan, lid Naid( had a machine i'ui' < down officer** who were mere camber their place. He apprehended if tlii c hine wns once 'net agoing it would ci vvayH find lay prostrate bad and g? they were standing in the way of sui iVictuta. [The bill pasucd by a* conniderab! jority.] j HUM M All Y Of the *'lein passed by the fagiHlntnre, at tl xrttxloti. ?rr r? Of ? (IMimil. ! 1. Ail Act lop Uio or|(4>l.*v??.on of tln-MalTo ?? tin* mate, anil lor othiT pni pi)?>. ('I tant Department Mull c<ji)?st of one und ln>;Kcto<* (ienctal, umIi tho r.iiik <i|' Mr i;< i'ivc Division or Ik'pmy Adjutant* Cciwndij, wm! til' lieutenant Colonel. The Qiurur^lci ?K:j);irtm<'in, ?!iiill coniiat of oneQii?ru',v\lu*:e w.Ui the rank rtft'ololul ? ttMlnjf.c'.cor D-j tcr Mmtcr General*, wait th4 rank of CapUitl. D.vnion one A^utant fiupoetor General, of. f.;ctuc?.int Colonel i und to each ltriifadc one Deputy ln>|?cctor General, with the nnk of M the8taic otic Judge Advocate General, w.tli i Oolonel | to each llriffiulo one Il/iiptde or IV.-m Advocate Uenend, with the r .nk of M .jor. 'I - of*? CortuniKMry General of l*?ircliuw?t imc O General of If HUM, <*aeli Willi thii rank of ('.> Phy^.yfan und Huigcou General, w?tli tin- r .uk < onio Anotheeary Gliver.l, with Ui?- i nk ??' M to each lli'iK-nlc, otu' Chu|>1-?in. Tl.? ?? entitled to ten Atdn-dr-C'aUip, villi tU i n I. Colonel. 'I'he M.ij ?r?(icticrrd's ihr <? \ : , w.i of .Major i and the Itrj^d.rrs tv i N v..i of Captain. The Adjutant .1 - I.-. Mi \< frtipcotor General.? All |* - v>?. . tmw IhiUI i>k (ilnrt'f olll v* ronliri i ie. I ?The * i- < vi ? m !ir >i? ,.)?[> alntvc uMcerv ?*eept tin* a iU !<? lh ?.< , HeritM* tin* du'.cA ? >l the >t.,ir 'I lif ?iii I r ? 1 1 ol loU'tln' ??.!.?? it..! -I ?? w com n|l??i"l 12 iiKMt'li't |i i!i",ins''t* ? ?, uf.rr ii|t|Ki.incl toupt |> uiitiK'! :it?i. i l? i:\ I |?aii4-< .in- not to Ix- ;iflV.-utl l.v .!i . i ??rn! ??>' > "J. Ail net tn (irt'vc.'it n v'mUm that in |f taM-i ol :.;>[??? I, i..c Who trit l tlic i . t. ? < <|ii:?l tiled u .tli that of mi> inct?' ??!* "? ' ihI l>>?irt, |iruV|(|i'i| tlto court ?t?ill coims' ? [live- | ji'i l thai .vi.cnevcr on -.y niijjr li? V' iikuIc (Yotn tin' ilrcMn?!i ii .ti\ i ifi r 'ris.'in ??hall tK* ajpnmt tin* ?(?,> > ?nt, m-.' ? 7 |? ?<tni on the amount r? < <*- ????'. 'i.liU-i tilt' day ttic vi'filwt or >kcnr t \ ?-n, in * (I.MII.svlljf till" ,i|i|H'.'il 1 i?'wl till' iiin .Mill 111 II loWv?l lit to In' cml'ifsC'l osi tin l>.uk ?>' .lii ami roliectrd i?y tli** *licrift* with the or j; ? 3. Ail .'ict to' bnthori/c ernlitoi* Irilil.n/ tlifir debtors in cxccttt on, tn *li*-**Ji.?rtc" th* iintiairintf the hinihnir I'lrwuft oi' tlu-.r iinf.oi ?V An ht.i <o alur ?ihI nit.rml the Charter lf.<iik. I'l'lvc but ct:?<ii'c of llic net of -.nrotpoi certain rc*ir?Ct .?h <m the IJficlof of the Hank, .it here tt jK\ile?l, tojjclhcr wit! of iai<l art, At rclatfl to the nnioti of tto Hi H'titk, exempt vi f?r ut ri?:ml>i ttic liability for the siharct utill hehl l?y ?he StMc.l 5. An act to r**t in the State, thelamton ficntiotw are erfcle?t for Ow ?tdVn{e of ? 149,150 dollvj >pproprnUU fvf rtmunvrfttii