The telescope. (Columbia, S.C.) 1815-1818, December 19, 1815, Image 1

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It ID.^BlV " Ia* ? v.. *?*?*??; feY THQMA8 W. tOjil *W* 0#?*M or nirium.Mir ANt? u?r ['.?in. 'W1 X TV, nribifX?b,crlMro,t.--Th\xc 1 Ml Urn per annum, pAynt tomlvMce....NupAper ioU^iscoiUimicd, buvilibcc. tion of the Kditor, until all ?rrcan.Rvi nm paid, Atker(ittmc*f not ?*c??Jmg fourteen lim*#, imertedthe firm tinve for seventy -five ctnu. fml forty c*n\*for each ?ulweoticnt uWrtlon i nnd In tho unto proportion for i. iqaffla wrvs THE TBi/i^SCpt TJIR growing ta?tc fof literature in 8outh Cnioiin'aj <fu> liberal rticouragemoiit riven to the ineqna for it* improvement anil tllttualont? the importance t?f Oolumbirtb (ho Mate ju the sent of it* legislature, of It* hj*heit Judicial -tri bunals, and of it* groat ?em1nftry of learning i Ktan^ing alone i with feeling harmonized to tJA enjoyments of aftctal life f unsupported IhiI by tliegiKH) wishes of the benevolent and libera!: unconnected \vltli political ment pledged to no pirticular measures) having nothing t?? obtain or loose. and l?o feeliugs to be gratified or bumbled by the dutuuiMtoo.or fitll; of m?jr jurt v or set of men, the Kditor feela free in toe exercise ??f bin vocation to pursue that course which his heart nud bif onderstandingshall instruct him is the corrert un> proper one. Towards the constituted nu tln ities of the country he will observe the justice and liberality due. from a faithful citi/.en to the government of his choice and affection, neither permitting them to be wantonly attacked, nor veiling their measures altogether from public scru tiny. Truth hid guide auu the nublic good bis ob ject) he will pursue M the even tenor of his wav," ambitious of no hiuher or other honor than 0m( of being useful, ror the animated, if you wilt, irritatiiiir discussion of party |N?litics he is totally disf|ualined bv their discordance to his feeling and repugnance to Ida principles. If oolitics ore ??ver seen In The Telescope* it shall be when deem ed necessary to explain principles and events; to remove prcjudice'aml ralm irritation, enlighten public oninion and add to the \ ermancnt stock of general knowledge t but never to gratify' the illi heral or malittnantpassions of any. The Kditor believes, and lie has great pleasure iti the belief. w red the re ? and Meet* tlal'to sdetermin . great" political parties aaitlte aociety* thu HCalea of jus held with even and impartial band ; i ruled political subjects shall always irate to those of higher interest 6j)(1 more agreeable di&cussion, and be very seldom brought into view* unless when necessary to iujiii:tolil. tlie purity, and defend the existence of ?mr ?Vee repo'dUW iustifutious. having (Hsclatmod life trammels of political pasty and declared what this paper ahull not be, it remains for the iKditbr to sov what it shall be, :c i. i- i? - - ? more tlie ed whi tire vet it oe subn la* steady and uniform In; to promote the literature, to ter? and advance, the interest# South'Cniolinn. V Wm The. he?.t modi' pnper fthal! contain iplect upccimohs of th$ ...odern litcrntilre in proaonnd vtratf iwrtl ami rcHgimm apotheami and o?*ayM | ?!cfailc<l nc <'?>urttA<?l (lio mriomt improvement* and dlKCOVO i io.4 innkiiiic In agriculture and thu uuefid artM I'.nl# of new publications, with Home conitfctted sketch of (In* pi'iign'HH of ncientiflc nml literary oti<|U|ry | selection* of the limit interesting fo Vigil and Americ an rcviewH of recent worka j a Mtn?pi?rv, find when interesting, a detail of fo rei{(it and d-mieKtic new* ? MketeheH of I lie |>ro > ee<ltny,K ? Ji?l debute* of tin* National and South Cafrilira Statu fauUlaturcrf* and occftidonallv "."rerlH'M <>f uii'inOaf interest in each will he gl MMiat lent" ? important opinions ami decision* >! the < '?#!??' t ittiii?*inl Court, and Court of Aj?? peals j price- current mid rated of exchange in dilterenl * ? mercinl plac-;?, find various inlsccl l.vwi* piii lcnliio nut reducible Indistinct head*, or not i"?i*.i tin.; t: e notice t'f individual mention, fur tbe-e t\e Kditor ?? ?? | .??? to he indebted chiefly to icl?Miiiti:;* ft.iiu tl.e new "papers, the mainr/incs and the review* of this conntrv a'id of Kmope: hut lie hope* for mud- and eflirienj nid from the nian\ ahle pen* which the lilienl and enlighten* ed haunt)- of the stnte lm enabled her noil* to wield in tliti cause of science, of virtue and ofj country. Augugt a, tni/t, v T' ^v* ? ?*- 1 Urn Sr *"' ' . t, CONGRESS. T"* . The Congress of the United States convened on Monday, Dec. 4th, when a quorum appeared in both House*. Hon. Jon* Gaillarp, Presi dent pro tempore, took the Chair of the Senate. 411U lion. Hcnhy Clay waachosen Speaker of the House of ItepresentJ^Uve a. Thomas Dougherty. Km|. was dec toil Clerk of the House of Represent tentative#. *? 'I'Mb No other bu?i?cfil wis (lotto in either House but that incidental to its oripinlwitlon. -U PHKRIDENT'8 MKH8AGE. ' i; Tuffrf any** Dec. ff. ? day, nt H o'clock, tho Pre<?i dent of the Untied Stolen transmitted to both Houses (lfCoi)grcM, tlio following Mq??age, bjr Mr.'Todd, lift Secretary j < hcttow Vititrti* qf tmS-'iiaiet I th? f/autif JlojHrtcntnthe* t ?' I !mve the u atisfaction, on bus* prenent meeting, of being able' to communicate to jroa the success ful termination of tlio war which hdt| been, cum* menred nraiu&4ne United 8tate?,by<She Hegen cv of*. Algiers.- 'i'hd squadron In advance, on that teeVlce, tinier comninlore Vacatur, hutt not a momeut aft<Orita,arnv|ii in the ?fe<litcrranenij, in Making tlio imval forcc of tho ? enemy, then cruising in t|?4t Keat nnd^uc^cwdcd in capturing1 two op bin shMkt'.ohe or thorn the principal commanded by tlio AljtcHne<*dmuul. The character of t^ie Anxyicuii commander won bril liantly aiiKtnined on the occasion, which brought his own ship into clouts action With that of his ud vernnrv, nn wan tlic ftccuntonicd gallantry of 'nil the ofllcers and men actually engaged. I laying prepared tho way by (his uciuomd ration of A mericAii skill- oiid prowess, lie hastened to the port of Algiers, whew pcaco m o* promptly yield ed to his victorious force; 111 tho terms stipulat ed, the rights and honor of tho United Htates were particularly .consulted, by a peruetunl, rc liuquislimeiit, on the part of tlie l)ey, fftoll pre tension* to tribute from them. The impressum* which have thuHbccn made, strengthened as they will have, been, by subsequent transactions with the regency of 'I unisnnd Tripoli, bv the ap pearance i?f the Inrucr.^brce which followed un der commodore Ilainvr idge, the chief in command of the expedition, and by the judicious precau tionary arrangements left by him in Hint quar ter, alVonl a reasonably prospect of future secu rity, for the valuable portion of our commercc wliicb poR?es within reach of tHeir cruisers. It is another source of Satisfaction that tit? treaty of peace with Gre&i Britain Jtas been suc ceeded Uy a convention $y|w merce, concluded by the twpwuntries.:^^s on lu y_T"w ffiil W fllllipvvvw^ Rfgttilft oir other hulijvci^ wc iromulual Interests, or WW -rn endanger their future harmony. Congress will decide on the expediency of promoting such sequel, by giving effect to the measure of ,c< ' fining tho, American navigation to American w men j a measure which, at the same timo that! might have that conciliatory tendency; wou, have tho further advantage of increasing tho il dependence of our navigation and the resource for our maritime.defence, ? .v Iii conformity uitli the articles of (he treaty of tiheht, relating to tlioi Indians* an well as with a view to the tranquility of our western and northwestern frontiers* measures were taken to establish, an Immediate peace with tho several tribes who liotl been engaged in hostilities against the United States. Such of thertfn* were inVi* ted to Detroit acceded readily to a renewal 0/ tho former treaties of friendship. Of tho other [tribes who were invited to a station on the Mis* isissippi* tho greater number have also accepted (lid pence uttered to them. The residue* consist* Trig of the more distant tribes or parts of tribes, ?/eninin to Iks brought over. by further explanation** or by such other means as'msvbe adapted to the disposition they may finally discloso. ^ The tribes within* and borderiMonour southern frontier* whom a cruel war ouxheii'pnrt had compelled us to chastise into peace* lir.r latterly shewn a restlesuess* whim has callni for preparatory mca wres for repassing it, and a i en nttcmleil with only bo ovcr |*?y pface WMRBmiirli iv?n no ment, b.Kja ... #n ;li kimthY IcglKlfttivc nl<l. The selection of ofli com Old payment and the dueling of distant ?ta<ioni j the tytyi (lie jmbliu'p on/wary, in conntant in 3 i?wmi "nliirt* " ~ rcfaiii Jfont ilefnchoil am! ,ftlld Kocurily of tor-manter, com rtment# j And the BBy*3^^^7j'rTflffiTTlT ^w!!Vw *" ? ?" f fiiiw im wmmmjc?\ i?HMHtonc? required in honnlfAlHj mill gnrrisonH, rendered n complete excaitio the art impracticable on the (Irit of May, riinl more immediately contemplated. \\n, Anim, however, an rircumatanceii would tmrmU. execution of] fur it h it lui<* been practicable, con*i?U'ntly will# I lie public intercut^ tho reduction of (lie at my lute Ik'Cii nccnmpllftlied } but the aj?i?r<?|>i iiitioiin for it* pay, ami for other branche* or llio milita ry nemos having pi oved inadequate, the earll* c*t attention to tnnt niibject will be decennary i SihI the expediency of continuing upon the peace onttiblinhmcnt, the ntnfV officer* u no nave hitherto l)ron provisionally retained, in also recommend* fd tn the consideration of CongreM* In the performance of the executive duty upon llti* occasion. thor4h?* n?* )-?"?? ?r? .fvvi* minting H'JUIt *cnnihillty to the merit of tho American artny. during tho late war I but tho obvUm* policy and tleaigm in fltlng an efficient military peaco KtabliMhtnent, uld not aflbrd an o(?p?rC?i?itv to di?tinguiah the a^ed and infirm, on account of their |?aM aervicea ; nor tho wounded and disa bled, on account of their present ? - ' V"*# ?f> i-'i ?*??' -V? ' The extent of the reduction indeed unavoidably involved the exclusion of msriy meritoHous ofll of every ra.:k? from thu service of their country j and so eijusl, as well ns 90 numerous, vxerctne clniinxto Attention, thot a decision by the Standard of comparative merit, coilld Holdom W" attained. Judged, however, in candor, by a ufencral standard of poiitivo merit, tho Annv lie Lister will, it is believed, do honor to (he eutaul i a! - nrtentj while tho enso of thoso ofTicert*, whofle liismcH are not included in it, devolves* with thel itrongcht intercity upon tli? Icpinlcilivo Authority J for melt provision an xtiall bo deemed the best col -i culoted to gne support nntl aolace to the veteran ntul ih valid ; to dinplny the lx>iieflceiice? rh well a* llo jiiKtico of the government j nml to inspire u mtniul *vnl for the public am ice, upon every future emergency. AlUinu^i tho onilwjrr.ifftincntrt arising from the wait of uniform national currency have not been ilimniHheil, t?ir?ce tho adjournment of Congress, grert Mitihfurtioii ImH been derived in contemplat iiim In* revival of public credit, ami the efficiency of tie public reMiurcen. The receipt* into the rJV'toMjrv, (rain the % ai imi? dining <ve nine months ending on the 30th of Sep tember )&tt, have V^?n estimated at twelve inO IllonH ami j half of dollars; the Iwuen of Trea sury Nptcs of every denomination, during the latlllio IWV<I<I<1- miimiifclitil ?/? #1u% aitm iif iiMii'lftnn mtliioiiNuf dollar* t and there wni also obtahifcd ujion luni. dntinif the Hume period, a buin oi' million* >f dollar*, of which the Mint of t*ix mil lion* of do) hint was subscribed hi cntth,*nml the t urn nl milting* of.doflarn in Treasury Note*. AVitli thews im-niiH, milled t?> the uum of one milling and n half dntlnrg. beiu^ tho balance of money hi the Treaiury off tho Mof January, there Kan been paid, Iwtween tho tut of Jnnuary utul the tut of October, on account of* the ttypro' priations' of Uie preceding and of the ptesent ivear, (c\c)ii?iV?lv of the amount of tho TronMirv "S'utOH Kiibncribccf to the loan, nml the nmmui) ie dccined ill the payment of duties and taxe*) the njluii'^ateHumof thirty three million# ami a half of dollar*, leaving n balance then in the TrcuHU ry estimated at the kiiiu of three millions of do1> Urn. Independent) however, of the arrearages! due for militar? fMtrvUfe.and supplies, it is pre sumed, that a farther isuip of five millions of dol lira, including the interest on the public debt pay able on the lutof January next, will be demand ed at the Treasury to complete the expenditures of tho present year, and ror which the existing way J anil means, will sufficiently provide. llio national debt, an it wan usccrtniucd, on tho 1st of October iMt. amounted in the whole to the turn of one hundred ami twenty mill inn* I ' of th e unredeemed balance Hli tlie latewftr, (tmr the urnount or the jfi' eontenuonce or the jof dotlam and the a and Abating debt (In i?f Treasury Notes) re, which U in aura ^mjjroei'o will, probaoly, public debtt upon the Ii? mil which are depending j imposition on the part of Con Ojfably and advantageously to anient of tlie railltiaexpencea, eral states, without the pre* of the government of t? considered rtion of the rtion of the | ? and when .it expenditures) net ffcrrij it- -? J> <4* ? ? ? - 4i.a* debt haa%e4trt con national Hghta aft is recollected, that being exclusively transient nature#'^ - her and equipment* .. .. the inilitaryvifrorkaTor th bom and- out- frontiers, and in the nt-Hcnida anil ritagaainea ; the amou a gratifying comiMirisou with the have bee tin ttaii of JJtc country. {The arrangement of the finances, \v itli a view to the receipts and expenditure)* of a perinaiieiit peace establishment, will necessarily cuter into the deliberations of Congress during the present session. It is true jtljat tlie impro\ed condition of the revenue will ilot only afford the means of niaintuininu the faith of the government, with it" creditors inviolate, and of prnHOcntim;, su<ress-| fully, the measures of the most libeml uolirv tl nbjecta ^Mch] attained, as well a? with the resource* iMlt will. ulnn. justify an immediate alleviation of th? burlliiMiH imposed by tbc iicceH?ilien of tlie war. It i<i, hnwovpri CMt'iiliiil lo ewry modifi cation of i lit* fiiiancoM, tlmi tlx* bcnclit?of a:i uni form national on-rency hIiouM be featured to the routinunitv. The alnencft of flic precious metal* will, it m a temporary evil | but, mi til tliey ca.i bo auain rendered tlio i^eiicral medi inn of cxchiui^i*. it devolve* on the wisdom of (.'oiiKrcMf, to provide a substitute wltirli shall e oually cuj^ajje tin* confidence, and nrcommodn'e the want* of the citizens tin ouulioiit the union, if the operation of tin* State Hank* cannot pro. tluce thin result, the probable operation of a Na tional Dank will merit comiiriciatioti \ ami, if neither of the#c expedients lie deemed eHectnaS, it may become ncccusary to niM-cilain ti e terms upon tvhicli the notes of the government, (no louver required an an instrument of credit) l? fanned, upon niof I ve? of general policy, as :t common medium of circulation Notwithstanding th?*rr.urltv for r'itnie repo-e which tlio U. State* ought to itnd in their love ??f pence ami their constant reaped f<?r thy light* if other nation** the character of the tinifn pm-tico. Inr1(v inculcate* the Icakoii, flint, whether to | re vctif or reticl il?iiuor? we ought not to Ik* unpre pared for it. Tina consideration will ?uf!u-ientU recommend totlotogrcM a liberal provision for the immediate extension ami gradual completion of die work* of defence, hhth fixed and llontin^. on mir maritime frontier \ and un adequate provision for guarding our inland frontier againa!> | towhich certain portion# of it mav remain expe Ad. .... Aran imnrtveriient on incflt? it will detcrvo the'tfaderation of C(mT? ?rewr, whether o corf>!? of invalid* mi^ht % , *:o tn> aigt Hired aud employed, aft nt once (o trta \n tho > ?tupportof meritorious iiuih iduftlx, excluded Uv auc or Infirmities froiu tin* existing C9trtbliHhmdnf> ? and to preserve to the public the benefit of their r; stationary Hcrvlccs and of their exemplary dlhtflh*^ tine. I recommend, almo, an enlargement of thqfr military academy already established, and tho es tablishment of others in* other sections of tho t> nion. And 1 cannot prc*s too much on thi$ji tion of Congveiix, such a cluHnrttf.t'mn and organ* v i/Ation of the militia. as will eftectuully ron^ < dor it the safeguard of a frcctdute. Ifexpfcrleuw < )<at? shown in the late Hpleudid achievements or: our gallant militia* tho value of this resource for the public defence, it hn? shewn, also, tho imi nortnnco of that Hkili in the u>>e of arms, uiid thAfc Familiarity with the essentia) ruies of discipline i which cannot lie expected front tlie icgnhitioni^l now in force. With thi* subject is intimately con* netted the necessity ofi.ccnmiuodnliiigtho luvnin every respect to tho preat object of enabling th<v .iwISA..Ihu(I. |""i t" , KVY ' |y and oflVctunHv the physical power of jho union, i'nthe case* designated by the constitution. ' ^ Tfio fignal nervices which have boon rendered, > jby.our navy, and the enput iticn it has develoneil for Micce*sfu] co-operation in the national ttafouce, will yive to that portion of (lie public force it* full jvuluo in tin- ??>??? of (.'onpre**, n? an epnqh wMcU o?|ft^for the. constant vigilance of at I govcrnmenta. To- preserve the ehiji* now in xouinl ?tatej complete thune already contemplated 5 to pro vide mnplv the unpetivhnble muter ioln for prompt - augmentations and to improve tho oNihtiiijr av rAnftemont* into more advan^agcou* establish ment*, for tit? conMruclion. the tepuirp. and the sectfUty of ve?>t;U of war, i? dictated by tho? soundest policv. In niljtiHtii'.p; (lie duties on import*, to (lie ob ject of revenue, flu* in lUtenco <if the tarilV on manufacture!*, will necciwarily prcHcnt itself iur consideration. llo\v?'\cr wise the ' theory miy he, which leaves to the Migacitv and interest of individual)* the application of their industry and rcrfource?f there are in titi*, an . in other 1(Ihcs<? exceptions to the general rule. Jk'sidoa tliq con dition which the theory itself implies, of a rc.c$v procal adoption by other nations, e^porien^ > teaches that *o tnniiy circumslunccs mmt occur in introducing and' maturing manufacturing*-4 htablirtlunent>,es?pecinHy of the fnore complicated kind*, tluit a country may remain long "wi jthcm, although sufficiently ml vanccd, and in respect* oven pccvdiajrly fitted for cajrryj * on with success. Under cii cuni&tnnces H>wcrfuU?pptfl*o to maftuluctujnig 11} d ins made among uk a progress, rinu <txtmg*ri|is , efficiency* which iuotit'v tin* belief* that with a. protection not more, than in duo to the cutcrprif?>! ug citizen* whose Interests ore now nt ?take, it will become, at an cariy day, not ol>ly gainst occasional competitions from abro a source of domestic wealthy and even ( not commerce. I n selecting the branch especially entitled to Hid public patron ferenco is obviously clwimod by suclt t licve the United Htatcs from n dependent leign supplier, ever subject to causital for articles necessary for tho public <!j connected with the primary wants < It will lie an additional recommenj ticulur manufactures, where " them are cxtensivelytlfaWliirt: and consequently impart and fund of national prosperity an encouragement wfdeh ci warded* Among the meana of atfoancty tereat, the occaeion is a ) ""^tionof congrejw Mug Moughout circle of political economy so richly repay thfli ??\ucnse bestowed irti them ; there are noije tbo utility of which in more universally ascertained & acknowledged j ihuip that do more honor to tho "ovcriuiuMii, who*e wise and enlarged patriotism duly appreciate* tliem. .*\0r is there any coun try which present** a field, where Mature i'tvitcs more the art of man* to complete her own work lor liiri 'iccommoda i inn and benefit. These con Meration* are stieii'-.tliened, moreover, by the po litical e fleet of theM' facilities for iiitercomiiuitii. ration. in bri'i-jtinzJinil bi'.ulini; nmn? closely to ?Hh??r the vai ion ^ parl.> of our cxtcmlnl coiife<l?~ ???itcv. W liil *> t llic wtjtli'H, in<li\ iiluallv. yith a latnlablc fiifi'i'i'ii/f anil c'utilatin:i. avail tj'.cni * ?.rive* of tin-it- I. ca! ?/<>.?. by iiciv wn<l*?bv m?\ i:;nhl<> rniiaU. (iimI liv improving flic stream* ?.n-rcptiblc ??t* mi vfcnfiiiti* ? !><? ucncral govern* nu'iit i< t1i?* "iihh o uracil t ? ximiliir nmlci Inking? ? a national jurinliction, ami i.atinnul jiiu-nrtf, l?v I lie prospect of tlm* Kyu'emnticnlly r<?iti|>l?>t?aMiir ho in<-?tiimible a work. Ami it Ih a l?iw?|?y reflection, i'mi! any defect of o'lnntitution nl aiitl'ority. which innv he encountered, can b? sm| plied in a mode which the coiiiititutiott itself '?an providently pointed out. Tim preneiit Ih a favoinable ?en*on also for lirifttiii'*tf ftRiiu into vieu ?!;? cptahlMuncut of a ?iitioniil ncniinarv of leamiii/ within the District >tf Columbia, ami with wean* drawn (Void tiic pro* 'itM-tv therein subject to tin* piif oritv ofllm ?'? luvriil icmoriHHPiit. Sttcli an iii?Mn?iofl dalnMtho pnironnuo ol ( n?* n iii'iinimcnt of tlioir lotiritnnc for tV mUnticonuon of know ? ;?li>.?t ? s ? 4 ?if vouth t'Wiiu.H from frvorv p:?i < of fhch' ifoun tr\* d?fliif?Inic or? tli*ir return cxki iples of (li0*0 '?intiunnl fcoliiiKM (Hos^ lihcrnl Konfimoits, a ?j>' foof - fftiiMniM iiiit>itioi ?, which contribute *'??. omit >'<? <tWH* ui'i'iii '?ini -tivnplh to the Oaf jv> f itlcal ffcMtektf Vit ic'i that i a lli* >'? vmUiI