The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, May 23, 1855, Image 7

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H1YMENEAL. O InT Tsday evenitig tihe 121h1 inist., by the Rev. Neal McDoindd, - 3r . F. MICLxiiD of, 81m11er ihstriet, S., C;. -and Bliss MA iY 13. MCRAE. of li.Obilill Co., N. C. On Sunday the 1Mih in.,t by T Ios. H. ()Steeni, Esijr., AJr. E. 11. Noiro , to Mtiss MAiA (AVIETT, 111 U n i i f uter DiS I rict. OJBT U. A IR Y. Dl.WA'i'IE'D this lifu tor the 21st. day of A pritj!55,Iat his resideice iii 8ititer District &.C - FRANCIS L.ONDON, agdl 7.. 011C tleecase'id Wias a native of Franice, amid a soldier in the Ctvalry service nuider lionaparte, and took part in several ,f his maost tlesperalt haittlte. The Inouinds (nit his persin, lit- recei ved in sistaininig tltI hlior 0 Fraice a t le Ilag of is couIntI y. lie never recnred to them without dieep emiitio.-dl.-is aflection fitr tlie land of the ine ani thle olive," the frost of uge never chilled-i lie uaime of iiiiacparte , or k ranice, III ways brought a Ite:r to his eye. Do emigrated It thiscoutitry in 1-'1. lie deserved a tribite to his iiienory fir ihe great integrity of his eirater in every rila. I n oflife. Ic w .Is a man of'ti iring inlust r, sincere piety, uiipretendiiig iiodesty, anid ill. w avering bene vOlece. If the turf which wraps his earthly firm ir.av have neither " storied irnt or sculpit tu huit,' to rescue his ieaniry from olith. ion, it is he cause his spirit tieeed nione.--lie feard not the desulation of the grave.-ilhe lived as Ill. died, inl the Iope, that at tIe 6at day lie would rise to a llessed ilal la I ity. III early litl! a soldier ut arm. in hitter days, a soldier of the cross. H is eui ion was I1.x promises ofI ihe G 1sl. 1. 'I ie tihice of his hit er days-whe:i di i1'Sea had inade sad havoc upon, his frame--was the -ieering recollvetion, t iu, lie ltl heii iliAly instrumental inl erecting a fliatist Ctirh, w here his whole iteighbliorhilood mi:.l;t w orship, [nd where lie hoped they Ti ght receive tile ICneit of hat I Gospel whiei le had eojiyed I, und which was to leiu hinm to "lill ev rlast 'ing." While living, Fit.%els oNloNos waN re spseied and ei.steied Air his many virtie,now de: d, the recollectioni of them % will make :a crud his memory. 1). J. 1, DIED:-Itt this T owi, On the nihit of the 11th inst., Mrs. SAiAIn ANN, cutsrt ofh Dr. W. W. iliuinsoni, alnl daiiliter ol the late Ileiry rnton, fair., it this District, aged 24 years aid it 1 imothis. iUT A 8ECRl-'T FOR T1l 1], ,.\%Iss. --HOW l'o 111 'R 1-SE R 1 \'E Al TN*.-_' Iiin't use Chalk, Li'y White, or any ofi tle so.called cosmetics, to cuiceal a flled otr sallowe coml)plexionl. If you woul I have the rosis brouoht back ito your cheek, a clear, hea Iliv :anmii transpat ent skin, anii life anl vigor* inf:u''sed .throigh I he systemt. get a bot thie of Carter's Spanish Mxture, .i take it )ncor to directions. It dol s not. taste quite as well as your sweet .mti s; but, if after a Iew doses you d not find your h(eath a:! beauty reviving, your step elasti' andmili'. trous, the while systim re ithcd and in. vi'gorated liken Spring morinir, then yoiiir :e is hopeles ;1tand all the valiable eir. lificates we possess. go f.r nnI-htit.'. It is the greatest purier of the hiloid kiwit; is perlctly virmi!eus, and a'. the same Lae pow'rhfully. clicitions. Sold by RICE & TIO.lSON. vole ;eimts for the Proprietor,. .T elenwnviiq of thet!bilte anid the loo'd; and ifl it does the work w .feiely aid imp--rfi-etly, liver disease is the i'ertain resih. As -ttn, therv for', as itny-a ffeetiOhn of the liver is perceived , we may lie sure that the dligestive oirgasi are nt of ordIer. The first thin., to Iw tonet:, is i,, ilnlitiister a specific w% hi-hi will act directly 11)(oi the stotmacL-te matinsprini. of th - ani* pa~redlbytDr. I'. .11. .Ne iksoni, Il'htil.-hlpia.. idlood, andi thereiby gi ves reguityni tothbs For sale bty MlJLA~ .-3& hilt lTTO' N. of Yellow Doick andt Sarsapil lia is a suire r *etd fotr htereditarq ti. Tlhttttsand~s of itidividuails art' eirs'id wvith trrievoius c'ominiits, which'l thi'!v inhleri t frtiom their piarenits. Th'fe use iof thet e llotw Dor an. Xarsaparilla will prevent ahf this, amid s':3. a vast amiountt of' mtisery, andI manyo~ Ivu~~lahh. * ivyes. fotr it thoroughlymb erpe.: frm t/m sqsftem the latent taint, which is ihe :setd iof idi'ese. *andI to taikes oiff thle lmr.-e hiv whiith the ,sin tor ri.isf'ortunei of the piarenuts' are .it teniiti i-ied - Upion the innicenii 0. tpiringt. Parents owe it to thei r chtildrent iio gu:trd themii igauinst the elleots oit mahnhie~is i lir, may~ he: -c'oittiuieni'ted by ideceint, aind chiirenaii ofpt rensts that have at anty ctie beent afiectedh u i th Consuimipitn, 8erofiula itr Nyjpillis, owe ii to ilihemselves to take pirecatnitioni taainsi the i - ease beitig revived ini t hiem, Gu~stt's X'eilow Dock andit Sarsii aarila is a sure' anttidote ini suc'h causes. fi~j?' See A dvertisemet. Law Noti~e. JOM S. It1011llD 80, JR., SUM.\T.EIl~l bI , S. C. fiLpac tice-in the coutrts for the, IDis. nrets of $cumter, Kershtaw, Dacrliingion A pril 25 15. 253 y W E re utoriedto antntunce Ca t"I. LAW ENC ii. iilLSEli, as ai Canididate for Colonel of' the lmht Reg'i imenut, South Carolitia ib lihtia. May, 23, 1855. 20 tf' BOOK IBBNDIN(1! f'UithllNDER'1Y is nov' in foil iiperaioni -~jwithu xsw .st.LrEatA t.s of i'very kinil. All ilookts. I'iampihilets, Music, &ke.,i'ain he botiud iii ANY' sT' LE, friit the Pdiiiinesi to timi Rnost ornmtitntaL-l itn moderatec terims ami wvit h punctuality ntd despatch. For Istrict Oflieces, Shierifis, (lerke, Tlar('ol hec'tori, &c., &c., as well its for Cioutiniou~bses auid every othier f'ormi, wt ill be snaiiiht einredh to .order withiout delay. Tlerims moderatm andi promtneitttss obsecrvedt. May, 23, 1855 29 2t. Auction, 'r jillE SU IISCIIER~l hiatt itpenteda house ini t h.: 'Townt of Sumtuervillhe, fur the trait staetiotn of' a general itnc tiotn andi i'onsaiiss ion b iusiness, and offeirs bia services to the citi'zens in the above capacity, will sell merchiatndize of all kinds, real estate car personald propesrl y, andt will cry stilts for aniy onec hazving prouperty tio -dispoase of. Sales ont Iloniday atid Nautorda~cy stights of catch w~eek, and oni sale or muitster datys. -Smale room in the i'ear uf Watsona's & G3ardnaer's st~ore, fl. D). OW E NS. Mlay 23, 18i5. 291 him. Lemon Syrup. pREPARE and~ tt siodhv by ~ in.t~:: nIthtoN,-is goodi and( i.I chieap ats cani go madte . Tlhe fotlowing aire the i al-h prices: 37 1.:3 cts pet hatte, 83 2h s'ents per- d6oen bottles , *'6. -2 25 pe gialitn. ~Anty q uanutity futrnishced. J c O rer fwc'imoh c'otsntry will hseer wIith pr:m'mim 'mhnticit. AlM I FJt ' R t'IT)N SH ERIFF'S SALES. Y virtue ot' iundry Executiois to ne direted, w ill lie sold, at Sumter Court I lou-se, on tle Ist Aloday anod day fl low. ing In Juone next, within legal hours oft saie, to illt highest hidder, for cash, the it fllowing,- proliery--purchasers to pay fot titles: Def'endant's Interest in One tract of 1i4 ares of lnd in Salen adjoining lanls of Estate of' Jared I,av, et al. levied up. op as the propertly of Chaw~rles AleCoy at ithe sit of 1). It. Peeles. (hne tract of1*-55.) nieo; of* land in So Iciti noljoiniing lians tit Jas. Lowry et al., tiptli (1 (t s the Iroery if IbL ht, ,uw ry at tile suijt. Ill I-,. Tollilusoll. OWe tirac of 1:3 acres of land, atiire or lss, in Clarendon, adjoitnitg lands uf I I. I !oiladay et a I., hvied upon as tie proper. Y of A. Al. ltichboulrgpt, it tie i-W.t IA \V. F. . Il:iyiiswirtl, t'oin'r. Deendant's inlterest. 01 ote t1ractof 0o 0 ares of land in Sil:n. adjoning l:i-ls il Kat., of 1* It.ib levied uponl as fthe I:opertyv ot E. .1. Donald, at the btits of J. A. Cirtos nd J:is. I larron. To lie iolhl it the .71Ik t' lie fomil er pitrella'Ser. One tract of 10(10 acres of lanid In S;. lentu. :ljoininr lands ft in Sale I,, Sttni ter I.trict, the unilenolied ri-jhb ti'le andl inter-st. itf IL J. W. English il otte ract oif'1 01a rs iie to himl tunder fihe will off is G ,rauil iather, lilb- late lRobt. E'- glit, !evited onti as the poilpI'tty o IR. J. V. Eng-lish, at the sii its or .ohni IviIi, W. :Snehonm, liobt. Conmin~der, :ndl Jamesc. A. ( Carntes. DIeeli t-I. il r.:st i olte tract. of 1'200 aCitS If hi ml oinre or less, in GCirnitn t, aiillining lainls of esuat ite' W. J1. Itcues of al., levied itpon;I ai the prliprtiputy i. . Myranit, at. the sintt i .1 II an!is and D. 11.Po. .\W", Deleninnt's interrst in one t raet f11M actes of iaind, ionr, or less int tCh mn t, :aljoininlg lamds o-f .\.M . .\l1ore. et a:l. levidl upI as the p nrouirty of 1'. K. .\I y.. *rant, at the sits o 1,. >. liiti anl, ). 11 lotd ii A Isu, Doikedall's inivered i ua' W rc of ;51 acres tor b"O in ('larealenb 1'".u ilg lattis of I liary A. .\lb ti lelo , ivi.ttu - (:n as the properI:yl oIF.k\y:wlt, at tIe sttits Q! 1) 11. l' Il anal 1. 11. l n . D It'len-lant's it re t it oe s ti iht.I aervs (I I;I I ii.r it i T r iy I Ii, j i - n~i Unnis tol T. J. LATKph;. andl ut nr, icv -i 'on itn the prp ci -* of i N. iraial., re ttriy, at the :--at. ul M..lwtn. ruws -ia le ,-1 case. ( )ne bit1 atnl 81nh!iln- 1tr inl Slin terV:lle, adj,Wning itt lads pit I'. Sulul!ir (. al., leviedI upon as The propery o: Q, IL. nI kins, ait 1t 'nit of Ithe, llank oi ti. State of Stnb Carointa. hut aitd 1itiilints t wroi ill Lnjttr v h a adjoining hl~d, liC g ..l- . r t ver. !t thle -!nit tol Jas. .11. Nio One lrw se O! 0 aerre 4,: hn vro less inl ('l iiinilii, adjem:ni bo'. il J 11. 1 Itrti et ln!. ly ij p n ast. i l- t 1 Piy. erly (, 11. Sh t ler itl th -i'. ; . - r For llor-es !*vi ip a th rs ty of 1. l W . AIra l t t sait 4, , ;n niel ra e . (itt)e PNe Cro lvied upn aw .' . p oilper:y of .1. . 1trry, t t e u - til p N. itran .('". Wilaana and~ T, R. liwrry. 0..m livgio lo.e c 1 '11a: i. prolperty3 ol J. J. \LSa r, at he ..-- s Qf , G . iIP e ;ni1ll i . i. Tu v .i g-rmI l i-- d up as the rop er'y o t I , . ;- t h liier : nJ C. B.ossard. I u g lio 10\'.1.! till ;;s i t A it r. i, ivc a - t p t t Ot a ti y' lei'i .1 nY ot . . - :b .i" i .\l1 r . .1. h .i iS t i l i ;. ; Pa 1. i I .f !. I,. 1 -ri . a t b:su ;J \lip llit *. '; . i talje .t . tab -i p -lt Iy ) 1 .'. t ntp w , a ii n ~ .-a, . I ih at:. I ) .i & ('p', . J o s.; . o.Ino. I. tirtdu:, LCtuty at titst i: 8.-.1:,tt. n asthr ier ty ov .-l. Ilpit ltp ; .r.,t'r. oP he Gn. Ipt i it of J. Gii ho a.ta et On'tre it. P to levi. d o a in-' t:' er yi J.' Jl. D i. at lthe t . :s at . ..:t tmd J S.e S r I'. u:;es I .ItI \ littr, lie troli -:d itiht l at'P Pit : ht rea l rtyt tf i .et' lledge; a1 thti:iics I-.. tSea;1t. v:!. . (d100 lt .'i d Io st~ ntry O eliye gi en~ i- :a ti prili .:r:: 'o OnPe Ipgr eC~ pion aI dhi e t yi cnrro |e~duon ae! th .p t Lii' ofT.ic 11. O'103.:' ait ohe .- StT. i i.' FSlower. l.hSltiIUC oft \V.y pit Snner at't th sit of ''. itsjr ai r n e roes tit iti- Op'pt i a ite proptltr ~t oi Jthn Al.i Copitipupit ila~ the . uttio / .\). .erriot One' b.u-y eve uponas : prpet of 1.. G l'tteat he s it : J~. 1. t.h m dier. Provision for 'the Widow and Orphan. I lon. W. F. UESAIUSSU REM, Pres't. I'rof. C. F. AcCAY, Actuary. Dr. JOHN FI$IlIKt, Treasurer. lDr. Al. LABOt.), Mldicl Ad. Dr. J. Mf. GASTON, Svise rs. TIllS Company has becii org-inized at Columbia to enable its ietnibers by :intiIl payinents to acellillaie a ldil lor the sulport of it ir silrvivin;; failIIies. it-, pinglx froi $It) (t) c$*.i per yeatr $101) w% be ceinreid to their wives an[il The Conayis muntual ail( alI prolits r.7 aUltuaIlly divbded aion lihe mcinhurs. The lives of slaves are also nistired at modIrate rates. .or I'uit her par ictilars or for circulars ('Xpla ining te planis o' the C omnpany, ;ap ply it) \V. F'. II. IIAYNs\Olf~l[ Agent Ior Siinter i mict. .1hay 9t, 1855 '.7 Gul CHOICE PERFULIERY. . ii M. 111cOtlient (of ir-rioll's 4 Iebrae . l-\tract for ti l adkerchie, A . consi i ngil. I-'S. I110TQ1', 31 U ,'1P ' IA T IN. .1 -. 3I I N . .i KE1 N Iit 31 )Y \Vtll ,WAO N I IA Y, \VET.:N D I-ATII, - l'I ( N1., C A 31111 E- . N I ' 31, SWFIGT( !O'i.:l& 'Ist11-M 'lt)N . \V" [I 11A)l, E 'R iN. c-' rl)W1\*8 .\ l ill:'L-ll, V IM LET, Ax. M IGNOINl'l': .tet recivod 6,r sale by 1)oalers Inl choice 1111r. ('henlicalk &S"c. e tia Sarispir ,Y Ochre, Spanish W l'utiy. unl l'apar, L ueed 0 1, &Ic., coil uimttly for :Ae- at RICE: &Tl1.O' I~it'iuNTiltli Superior Lemion Syrup, 5~~~~IE J \11:nih i0 bs lruhe 0ga---3 .) untaed:otil b Georgia Sarsaparilla, A lure : i unadultraiti d articl, inl iiirt fr liea,,-s f the livrai l it) i N l--t j G s. '-,ul i l vi i . 1),hility , 4*'on.-t1ip tion of th l wl, 1. I'I S .. S cai--I by1 '.t: iven I, l'ai in I th Iones or Rh noit-1i :nusedi by tint- I-- ft 31ereutry, Cm It It i tt Fair .sale he RICE', T1~ h.01S(i\N, .9 CE ! ' CE ! IC E IA.. pt r.t n ii bit.z It ' will ddress iheir r t MjN~ii Ti .N 1('-' 11 () I .' ' Il w ' 11 (-Im ; pet er lwutril at ifh, houst-. irr..!s iennadii1!1_) 11011' p i ts' Ifl'* w ill bet qiohtered, ,it anyt ot lthe st.a1-InS oil the. Wif I lill :111 . :it ll I Itl r litil l ' lif). ll i;. 1, i ._- I - r ;t !" 0 fa I.. 11"" n '. Iom er a ric : . nu8t.11 1bkhl AI b s I'--- l . 1 ! A ,b I I . , ra-r riC h ome:8 On:e Coe. ll .\ i .1 11 l. orderin L:-e inu I rt lr 111nd 4the W.arney it) insu re lihe fill- of' their pr-vr: - 1-it UMIn tw 1n3d in el atwev. -tilar ar ite thir ae coln.i : l.:l t pro rid tw9 aret punctul. . . VAN L.iKK.I.l-N. 'ropit r. W V i n.:I'_1t . N. C., 3[ay 9 i u .,; NoticeI seniw-rmin l ofsmw,-r% ilh-, -sitre-heecp:--r.j l~or by ivenn-' i le th ! :it th- exp1iratii it itf "11v nh rn h- aie:d no ti~h r In Equity--Sumter Dist. Mtry (aroom tie eOdr, 1 Mary (rumtts tho youtinger, aul Andrew J. Mose, 114l li. 'Williant1 I 'owis, . fior Jatme Brow, .i. 11lartha I-Aie ro s ) atto hligbrilah Grooits.iand Auolinie hill wife, alad at narin i 'll .ilan, Jhin 1 reu, . AGruti. Alphens- Groom, unl .Alevint Groonis. It appari~tr g lily satisfitionu that.laane liromn.oi- of the iell-ii lits iS f'a t mi lnad reside' il-Vowl ti Hari. i of tite Sutat of Souaitha taolin ont ato ioii tot Spiit & itii-iirdsi. q:i'll SArs, iluat the saila n lirown da )1a1taI' pli'ut, nin'wear (or denotir, to th saaid Bill witi thre'a lianath1s fi)rnt te daite of Iho firt puiblie-ntai (if this order or nti rler'pro coni.t- uli 1 ot. tertd taittl haiSL Itr. Alio prl id lltat this order liie pitilisheid for thri e na' i iths ill ule of tI' G1Zaet tea t f this )istrilt W. F. Hi. 11A6VN'NWORl.T ii. Cant'r lEg'y S. 1). 31azri-h 7, 1855. Is :n1 State of South Carolina, Sv-WiT:t I)s'Tiit:.-In Equitp. Nel~sonl Kerby, aii IMIlhi lilrhv, I'. ' /ui! faor Mat ililla it Siaiao Wi ':ir 1 , Inljuni on~ia .agl I /i,/I. &r he'r husmthe wta It tipplla:tringa ta any. a-aliit inij l that thae saidu ?jilaazn Wa li~i atilhIa ita lenand helir hua h:Ind :artic dh a tIi lants to. -a. ra-iah haa:d thi lau ti Ow Sat. It is ordered tt O ;t i i-i S iion W;ard. 3;ailai t Ia-a ant her li: andl al o ia paar und ph-:t, nn:.'..'r aa alaiair ti itl- t aii hill withini thret ii nib-. afroil th at oif alw lir-t Intablientian aif ibi irah-r, aar inordehrpjro c-aian./ a. nil ha.- enitereda :a.:ainst .-i ar-read that thi order Ih-! tih -hid faar three anitili in ii a of t Gaz t of this iii-trict. W. F. . I I..NSIolT'I), . 0. . D. M1irch i . 1a .-w . I'a :lnt Clarendon Iron Works, WILMINGTON. N. C. T HI) c 1 11 '\ N Vw*0R\\OlKSi .r aw t' -r ii ta t) rci .vi orda-rz f',r l ie, n, 'ertiid hl oi tai ar I .railaltino al a -a at., t ao:n p., -.: I a'ir ~- '.'-: . ' I i ala l'I t a.1 bb. 1 w 31ih.. aompl.e:latmpa. Mininlu. .\Iuchin -rv. i-rist i l F alir .i mill, a- plaa..aa '; I'arwr. Tarbin in iOwr Wa.:itaer \hel-, thilipping. a i.:in. t'*r Wihin h-la Axle : .lir l'. -r-of \at ri ous a iterins; lia' F ia Ied ' ii' in-; a I R ic Thia ters: Shin-eI. anall ; uAir .11!11 W-rk Iri :idd', C in a d! v r in inaIlinin! tarnain ntal I ra I lilin-. I'ijp , Ib-idLt- (-ain . r., a... TIp. c- npaaI y n .. 1 e ielltily inv' t a ttenh-ia I t oaI th e i-tyh- '' a il 'Itt i--r ato liilin:a, '.hia b a l ' e . dewa h ir oflicl-"M. ' t a-iail it il-jr ii? l llF -s Tbihani'ar. F iad tC6 litrical lailar. W a1r Tu i: I 'hinn ,y :nvt all oth hilh O' ikoil.-r Work. , V A slrmil! a h-lurt:nent an I f-rc, wll bI,- keplt far rpaOi. wrl- wark %A ill be doai Lahoran;h v a I 4 n il i deSa I til. %!I work Iin-- inl the aiilhtlihm -t!! lie':vA vithe r n -ia - i ::rs of thre W lii t niii ii t-- lania. ch.--tr I:il ' r a-i or the W iltnill-ilai V. Wovei. a i I-R li al~n, air ill t!:ts tl .ila: C ai] , ay's lalai a in 1. r fit-iliti . te- ai .ai i rk will bIto n onli' aI. st reaisonabtlei Iteris nm "le h re. North Ir ':.lha. ;a - Ui ta rnitaa :nd aa! ati IaC tor . tiia r. I - by la.tter r w th rnia-.. .in rega rd to p1lan. ai.l a-l i. for i-ill or th.-ir alirit re. ani h i ar -. r Uaaal y. illii..iv :iu.,wer ied. .\i 1 r h - or ennina icattions, ito b): a, dra--L-i t ' i 't ri-. --!. Il . I I Z' VM . I I i A N ,E n. 3.rch .1 5 :lf >IJ/u1, \ ,a 1 \-.'suI \>--a s ii I ia a I 1..., I'1'i- . '1 al'\1 al.aft / l aIl ia- n .:1i.o! il ar a-i a R o a lii ' . . a -. aw :a : aa e aanl \'.. a--a..r i lin., la -na.-.I o iorach .-' 'i;- i. hla~a l p-. The l-ir wa-rd 'ii .\ 'aaill . 1. .a at'h i -ia. in a i -- / :- a u :: ahto ro a oa hunail lf. la n e .\ - ic l i i--- ar is. t a l p r ona byalaatta'. i pa ' ait-il . iih I a - - i ion eli ah ir I a : h . a -aa -at--- Ie itaalia. btha i a oaa i la. a a. a . a an . - t . -i' :-raya rn-a-h a lii. an -a :sa ' . r i--ear a.- al a 'ia 'l I- i an -ad l.\a o ia -li. i-- at i b -v a t aIa:- ai-:t:i i- eta : ~ d. h-,;il --Ia b a .4-a ..t. I a t l!eiiunh- \ 'I i-t al Itt - - i i -Ia - IIt h a I n aailaa'm'i a -.arh -t.amn IIn I h.- a rl-et -i h 'ii -I -I a h -rI - h ~ v o Jin-. aa a .- ia- an at-ia.1 hi h- . .\-I .aa . I - .';ia . r t l,( . i . \ taiaa, '"ol. i pht ia - I '. i - al !' r I-rn /llt A .-Ill a-aa-n--aaWa .l.,- aare--a',--. ia-i444- . a' Ii 'titit a > i- i. 'aj-iy. l.! -iv ti tat thaalya 1talt eaa d. teaia . :riai a-- al. W .al la-n Il-, u:' a-I ---- lriaen. l o h 3 ah - \ a h-rvla' -w l h a .- : -.- n uh p rin a. If th.l .l l th i i eaail-.-pirme, Ira te Ia'ep.r-n ni s e e tat h.ta ::lth:t-' tar r.l:lebr,-.' ti. r,.e i uFirkmte iPatr~enht~ in tailes lly. 'The 'term-. n'a~ i(af 'aia aiiln -a-atl: a all it a l -r - I aa -'ait -r~I taaI ha ilta I 'tri heIa hl;n-. Stt'.a.::lijlhavon r i, lI er a y.irter . .aaaI'' l~a.-t tat ittala tail ala e . - - i-( alaan. a la, lii. I f is' a ateahM eali Saddhle c:-- o i CoalinT lla-,..n E'aalil. \ra.' a a:.aa l,'tra'.il aS.- lat. Whoia aal-oey h:-ao anda:.:ntailatlil i-alo r <h-r~all kindlaofit't..i ar Furnitur . '/ ira'. '. IId a.' laae a lea l it' hea:al n~ :41e-a. Ch r. Febt. 2uh - E d a rUltilii'.te o h ghen :\n. also; r a er-fra- i fricnh, hat e--ill onti ues to c m e o th SQJGaubitates. For the. Banner. 81U1TIt'My .i: S. C.. Dec. 18, 185 1. Sentlemie,' nf Cla remont C(unty:-1 comuc (nt inl this wnillner to inform yon that cir cuinstancCs of a private nature will not al low ne to be beloe you two years hence as a candidate for a seat in I he State Leg islaturo, and laving" a willingness to serve yOU in' suinie way, I ollr yon tmy services as a caindidate for Tax-Collector at tihe n1ext el'ctionl, aid if elected do ipromise to dischlarge iy duty to the hest of my aliliiy. I am yours, itiost respectfully, 0. P. MckR0Y. U" Watchimnn please copy tf. lhc. 20. 1854 8 tr We the friends of A. R. UllA l)11 A E'sqr.. take pleasire in an noun cinhill tn:m a canl idate for Sherilf' of Suitter Distrie, at (lie ncxt fIection 31ANY FRIEDS. Ma r. '_.0, 1951. 22 tf. A Number of Voters tlik le!asrtir in aintnncing Cof. Wfl .IA M A. CI JA 0 ALU I I as a caIdidate for Sher ill'of Si:tfr J)istrict, at the iext election. March 15, 1H5 1. 20 tr. Mr. Editor: Please announce Capt T. I). FlI nsioN is a (nn adilate tor Slicrifl' of S uitter District. at the entutling election. Aung. '21, 1853. W' The friends of Capt P1. M. (if 111 INS annun ice hiln a canldi duO e for th e office o' Tax-Collector for ;Salem Couity, at the ensnting electioi and ob1liec M1A- Vo-rr-ns. (mletber I "~ 1. 9t-' We are authorized to ;11t1 '1n A. I. OC ) ), as a camlidate fuor Sherill'oli Soni t.,r District. it tie ensn. It t i g e len c t i im: . i)cee mbe r :21, 1. 528 E are authorizel to antmnce Wat th L IS a candidate for Ordinary at thle ensuin election:. .1on1 -l 51 :- tf ror Tax Collector. The Frintds 4tt .1. V. Il linsont, ann::oince hhi i a e llldtefr Tax Collector ofClare uut i. Coinity, at tile ittin Elet-tini, maany Voters. Oct. 11, 1851 51) tf. Wle Messrs. Editors: lease an l. .\IS 3eCL 'Mr. L.UN.\ as a c:ninidatlo f. Tax Collector for Sttc::, icir t'e next terin. Maity Voters. Oct 11, 1951 50 tf 11 SPEL1AL NOTICE. rlni i Fl V ' WINN & CLAtRKsON, hore .1. t mforet ixistiljg, i. this day idi-solved b:y rWt rtun onur th:niks to our friends and Cistomers for tihe tvery liberal palr.troinage .iX t-trited tot uis :r1i h4ope th sl I aine will be con tinwned t) the new firim of CI4AI It . & BR UNSON. We illout respectfidlly th,r all n\ Io are in. it.-itcl ite to1u. 1t com4111 fijrwatrd and mak' iimnie dijate p:Iyinll.t I I i) either2 : of ill' t yjgtid as n %t are compeled to have tuntney. 1). .. \\T\ IN, J'. P. \V. CI.1RKSON. Uo pau' u tn r whIa p. ed a tparhi-rhipm nudFer ithe niame ai t iyl of* I .\ ttran:,m n, anmd will cotmimne tt ini dl itt lbranmcs. at. the mil stmnd of W inn *t. ( nrmaon, whlire we n ilIlm~ bepleasedti t hve outr iriendl. i: t tin, m inubli genmier:dliy, tt call awil \iiaminte or sztock, andl hospe tiy strimt at iienito tm hit-inemn .tme'ri: a conmiItnnunce, omf the Iatli pitrmmn:1:.d so libe.railly e.xtendmei, to S. L. WV. Cl2A IINSON, W\. I I. lIhTmUNSON. \ewil sel el')1 i a otioni oft the ire-ent .stuck of'Cmltig. :t, lirst, cost. lir cab ('bC [A Il'St IN & lilllNSCN. New Goods A.I T. N M\Ilt\ E iWe n'oc tote es .n o inter anmd Ihtriingion Di),trict, ' lt hei tione. reen'.vott iid opeinting tt h s .N \V lT.) lEt, a ( titice :nnt well so hmected istmmk ofi Dry (italts, l lats, Caps, I .,.1*. Sh:oti. (Crmckery , ( I;:a swaire, Grit. C 'hi:. & c. To' allif in hiteh he. invites thec attentiomi omf the puiblic, especially Iii th ithubos. .\Tl l-'tRiS( )N'S ST.\NI)) ()i''F1-'llS l'Ult ,\ lM, a large, n:sort ntmet ofI C1m ( lotitttm l)rv (m'mimlt. Per. fami-rv, C 'rmm.ri-, C :'andles. FritsN, Xiimoked' ileing im, l~trimd .\pplte. Tioyms ainim Fantcy Ar N. it. a large 8tock of rmme.,trv, ~meers, To.ien uI Siml, Fo:r .&Ie, and Low f(ml C, T. MASON. WVATCII.MAIK Ell & JEW ELEft. .\unoni! mris that tie is ptreparmd Ito dio all mm:: tier oft wo rk in ii linlue, with nteaitnte~ andi dli.-mpmtch. )mr ce.!h. I Ilemutnhlihe mhnfl!o p tronaige bit detsires nonemi In \s vpm'aotjtllabiE trit I st l ' ea.tI:. 'I'lis thme monlyV uirmiin uponti which lhe asks for Ile i- still at hus ohd stan~d jlsi, al~m. the town iiIll. - 1 .lrch, '21 h5- 2() if DeLorme's Baum de Vie, Olt, BALSAM OF LIFE, ) )l II '.\ll I D friun. the. omriinal rmeiip: of D)r.. I 'pla, I.iver C ' to mlit , Jal iti ce~'~ , Ind.1iges. tion. Neri mius I mladache, tDbitilitln all iis en;ms tirism~ie frm a disormdere.d I.ivier, Stomn anth, or ttinies, atumi externaltly fmmr line ns, Seals, lrniss an Cuts, Erysitmelas, and tmmr -ale~ tiy M 1It tl.t '5 IIR ITTO N. WVti hlesal~e .genms, Sumntrville, S. C. JAMVES BARRETT Oi li '-epet iiilly ainnonnee. to tht mi'n of Snterv.iilile, mand the puli .eneraill y Itiat hem is carryinig mmm thme Me-i Sothl ofi the Towimn I tail, whemro lie wil he hI inml m rmce ive caelm tnmi all whoi mdesire tin pmmr iunnmmient tf Dy (G~ods, lmors tad Shoes, Iliii i andm t api. lirdwarme, trckeryware, &'e. &r.. A I-mm, A t Ihoicme lot ot Fad mity G rmicries of every deurimt ion, n' ilh F'rnit of varions kinds, such :. mranigem, Apple., antd t.emnii. A/ lintl mttmu I.'- I i mde il ChwieI. .7 GREAT SALE OF I FOGARTIE & 0HARLEi Gentlenien 1llnek Drap lei Ete fo' Coats and Padht's; Italia White, iluck ,d colored Silk Vestih ; Black C aingle Mill Cassimeir ; Black Carntet la* Doy,j liag ;- Plain lIrown, anad Plaid itten li CotUg'j. Ready Ma Jiyron and Standing Collars, Blook add ec& penders, (loves aind Half Ilove in all their *i Silinner (hanzea Merino and Tiread Under Vests Linien and Uilk Ildkis; Silk and Gingham Uimbi India SiO Green India Silk Gamze for ,Mdijditd' Ndte, 'lain white barred 'avivsllon Ga'ze, best rnadd, W hite und colored flobint Pavilioni Nettir I, ex1 White and Color HExtraWilie and Checked6damh~ic, it 12c., ,c ter, Swiss, Paid and Striped Cambrism, at 6 Y Laites' ready made Linen, rosh importation, w ter Cambric. genuine not embossed, at 12 1-2U. Jacotnet 5mulin at o; 1.4 cts; Swiss and -ook 3 e t m., o half the value. Linen Ge Hutitclher't Lineen for Apronta, titrit whie it 8.1. 112, 14, and1 164 Damask Clthl, Ilichk'rdhs Pt'r dozen ;'a bargain, at bargam ; Extra Damsa thu, nanal; Frenci bordered ToWels, large lot diazen red bordered Ilinekahack Napkins, 6 1 blealecled 'abling, at 25s. per rd ; Linen D1 um ke, 12 1.,2 emins per yard ; We und fine Il Irish Linen Shir Irisht Linen by jieces.,17 1-2e., peryard , them of iaimortntion. ; 7-8 wilde Iillow Cae Linen, Go Iey aIld I trisha hinenH ShIetings ; Brown 5-4 ieU tut1ms ; -1-1 IBurlaps, or Flax Usnadburgs. Linen Tick 4-1 Linen rio-tigs at, 50., worth, andl usualli Sujer Fezalther Ticking at 12 1-.1 ; Extra Super eajunat to .inena. Grass Cloth ft [a-s India, Grast Cloth, for Skirting, at 75 cc White Colored Luppeit luilin Skirts at 75e.; th Furniture, Chir Good mide Furnitusre t'hitz; One case chol fur beauly, style and durability of Color; Also, Lubin's Pel Lubin's Extract for Ike llandk,:rchief; Ge Combs and Brushev uf all hinde; PWr mry at FOGi Ma2, 5 Corner King z New 4 And Great Bargains to OLD S. .VID? OPPOS) TI'l subscriber having jnt reithbdI fr f.ARGE AN) WELL ilNAlECTED S1O1 Io the people of Sumter District. They co Calicoe and Ginghais, Muslins, white and colored ; Brown ad Bleached Homespuns, Striped I losinepatnna; Alpa'easaL aald olretd Worsitngs ; 1'anit Stufi, Liaen Mii CoU0on; lwo.iery ani Faaury ouds ; Ready-made Citathing ; Irish Linens, &c. Together w ith a great many other article price., my only teiis of doi nr business. 1arch 1, 1935 Law Card, ATT'ORUNEY AT LAW, A ND Solictor in Equity. W1 I1,1, practice in heCourts for Stin to.-, Rticlaind, Keraiw, Dartlington anld Will idashdrgf DistrictIs. -M/" (Ificei on Court 11ouse Squtare Snmastervalte, 8. C. Jan. 1(0, 1%55 10 t f Coghlan & Gay. BLIAC KSM ll'ilS, E'ngineers, Machin ~iztst tan- Gaenera Machv.Janice, oto, ti'eir services to their friends and theo pub. hec. Te'rs Cavsh,-Or, wheni it is convenient antd safe to openiu 'accounts for pairtiesa they must settle tup at the end of eacti quarter of the year, e ither by cash,, disconuat or note. Our busivess will be strictly con dtucted ont this sysitm during the presenit year. REDl)3iN GAY. Jaznnary 17, 1%F5 Ii tf SUMTER.tVIL LE, b (i, E. ~Ntuuusace's OlThrs for sate at thme store formnerty occu paied by It. Greenvanld, next door to tthe otlictof taCapt. F. Sinnater, a LA RGE and well .pelected stock of F~A GL~ AND WI1N 'TERlt eady MuId Clothinu of all quali t ies andl, which lhe witl dispose of at least Irenfy/ire~ per cendtlower than any oither houtse~ in tow. 'iThe public are re pouitanlly invited to call and examtine for 1S'IisC-. Superintendant, Ocet. ttth, 1851 49) tf Land for Sale. Thela atbsriber will sell hvis platatlion on wich.] he resiades, in Sialeim, on the Fast side of lacka lIiver, lahnaded by lands of II. G. With ersepoon, M1. E. Mulaldroaw, and It. E. Plowdten, anua tan the WVest lay inack ltiver. The tract coantainas one thouaisandl aores, having thereon a caomifortall d welling house with all necessary ontbnuitalinags, ajial negro houses suflictent for 25 handtas, all in good repair, with a new Gin liouse anal iew. Foar terms apptly to the subscriber on the paremaise or by letter diarectedl to hlyeville. WAltiIEN A. MUtL tOW. Mtach I1, 1853 19 if NO T I0E! late of Calaumbia prol~ers her services, to the peoplaea fSiamtervihle as Teachler. of Vocal ad lusatramentat Masic , aso Freinch. Shze piropose~s to form cases in vocal music and embaresidery. Will give lessons, either at her own ltetidence or that af her Pupils. Enuirent Mrs. Hlutlhrts flouse. rc ,1855. I8 if FISK'S ME.TALI1C COFFINS.dr, sizes, constantly on hand and for sale by lIUI SON & BROTHER, 0.1?. Tleamperanc'e 1 l31 Snitterville. - June 1lh, 165 34 DELANiY rON, s. C. s Wear. n Cloth and Cushomeett, black anil 6olred oating alld Vestir lmbathes ; Eittalack rackts ;- Whie and eoloked Marseilles Vest ide GOcdge ired travsts g 5rarf i'ep fobr Sniikndi;t Jdig ietis; White Jean Drawers, French make j Gent's white and colored Widerd-Caftbilbs, alias.' i Gane. ib dibt diesuabl' 4'tft e-fdf comfort ii Uss 75 etsa; Green aid BuWr Pavilion- (hyse i ina'.dide. ed Dress Goo. pe half thetr valtte; Small It white' ch c, slightly ddjled, tortl'12T -2ctk.- tdoaer ill be sold at greai bargains; White Aanches superior for morning dreeses; Plain white usliu- at 121- 2- cgs; Colored Muslin-at 1 ods, &C L irpr at 18 84e, ryafif. s01 all Linda n's make, ;6 doen Damask Napkins at 01.2. ok 'ray Cloths, estra, la alse, and lower linen Towels at 6 1-4., a- eat'achfic ;..O le.; Tabling Damask, all widths ;: 1 ease 8 igm at 12 I-2c.; All! Liner HUMtNlbLik, best icheil Dowbas. ting, Sheetings. Sgoods are md at a great reduction on the dcos 1-2c., i or*h 50c.; 8, 10, 11, and 12-4 Barn sii Sheetings for heavy Aprons and Cot boV ings, && mold at 75n.; Extra heavy Tickin at 10 etA Doubled Tw ill Feather Ticking at . nearly r Skirting, &d, nts ; Mohair Skirts, Corded Cardbrib kiSr 2 above goods ar lower thaffa dadl. tz and Fria .e tidreased Furnitore C 'nt!; unsurpassed Eo Whike Furituit Diadty and Fringes. umery & rman Cologne; Hai- Oil,- fair Invigorato >f all kinds ; Aleo, a vanety of mdalf arctic LRI'IE & DELAND'S, and Wentworth-Streetv. Uoodg be had at Friersons TB CfINA'S HO TBIF1 rm Ihias'lphia,- wt~e fae harfaid in a 'K OF GOODs; b9kbave tooff-r theUr isi-t prmcipaHy ih Bloots aul'Sliobs, dIats an'd Caps H1andkerclitsfb, of all kind . Factory Yarn.i Large'stock of Grocerle* A Toys and Confectiouary Perfumery ; Tin and C rockery Ware;, Carpet Bgo, &c. s, which %vilt be surd at tie- firdes &4 MOBE9S LEVL Look Up Street WVsnn CLanK's IIOTEL is atili ins 6~ eration--(thmanks to the kindness of gooc rriends)-ready to receive castbiofs, and entertain thiem, to their entire sa-tiafaction, ailr. C. is resorved that his Hf6tel stellt be excelled by any houser ity~ t'he countryE lEverythaing the market dein furnish shall be spread upon his table, w6ll cooked and aleanly. The beds are all in good order, and shall be kept so. Give him a trial uand Mr, Clark pledges satisfaction. Jan. 11, 18M 11 if SUCCESSORS TO G, LITTLE &(ds No. 191) KING STR EET, Next door to ViujaHotel. ' CHRESTON S.C. - Always on hand--A large aid Fashionabhi Stock of Read v-IYade Clothing, A'it~ ciwV~ Fe loIssrr mawegs,,1 SilIWTS, H1OsEl1iLt, UMBRE LL AS,&c. &e WHlOlRSALE AND RFTAIL. g. JOHN T. DARBY can be found izd ths -tablishment. Feb. 14 Ap. 12, 185. ' 51y Choice Groceriese FAMILY 8UP PLIEE4 Kendrick & Jenkin~ WOULD) announce toetheir friends and the community at large, that they have opened -in Sumtervlle opposite to. Webb's Storea largel. and varied stock of 9 FAMILY GROCERIES. Such as have never before been exhibited A~f sale in this market. It comprises in part as follows: BACON--Prime Sides, Shouldere,ad Hams' BSUGAR--Brown, Crushed, Powdered aJ COFFEE--Rio. Java, anid Laguira, Lard, Cuner, Moiaases, Cheese, Crackers, Mackerel. Smoked Beef and tonguess, Pickle., Prunes, Brandled fruits, Lolheis, Sardinesg 8almond, Bologna Sausage,- Vermicq~i, Macl. ronila, &c. &c. Eino Tobacco and Segara, Irish Potatoes, Onions lies Smoked Je4 ings, Fruits, Nuts,aaCoufectioary df a kiuds. Wheat, Buckwheat, and Iflee.f~ - In short they pledge themotir$j'k tention to business, Eeeping oni 4 -sr of A LL goods in their line, asi4 )I*HXA? for CASH or produce, to merli asra 6!publia patronage.. i. R. K ENDRICO, W. W. Jg~4KW Nov. 15, 185.3.t B00T8, 8HOE8 ,.TRUJNK8, GAITEflS &o,, &c. THE.Ersporlttid of Fab~sandQuMy where ty lie fotd .a qialw Ladies Men.' Doys' Mies hoots, $hoes,Galterbs,&e.,ofa 'W i and quality. They are fur rke6 warranted togivesatsfaction. J. T. BRUN~dIL Next door to R'.CWebb,& Co. Mar. 22 3854- . S1 Noties, Dr. WV. 1A4.. DAR(AN. takesi i motlod of. informing Ihoe peris w9 Inmay seek liis profestonal sofiOefan -- Inightfall, that he may b. f upon tli premises recentt#im'u1 Mv,3 . jLogan, near thT Iof- his othice.