The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, May 23, 1855, Image 6

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THE BANNER. WV. F. B. 11AYNSWVOlt"Ili. WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, I855. Ageats for the iakaer'. Thu following perjuns have beenapl pointed Agents and- are authorized to re tceive, and receipt for, all sunis (e the Sutnter Banner. Any person wislhing to * eice a subscriber to the Baimer, byv randing thm their nane n nd add ress will have the paper forwarded promptlv. They will..also see to orwarding . all ad vertisi.g business connected with the paper. V. W. VA 1cIt JI.,..Clumbia S. C V. F. 13. HIAV-NSwonTH, St'rville, S. C R. C. Locvan,. i WV. S. LA w-rN & Ch. Charleston, S, C. J. RUSSELL Baxtn, B AKR S. V' VnrTAKEI1,.. Wilmington, N. C. WuLIAM HIYDE................. .* No other person is authorized to receipt. for the Banner. ' Persons wishinwg to see us upomi business connected with the eaper or maw can find us at any hour inring the day at our ofie, just back of Soz.onoss' Nmw Store. - All letters uildressed to the Banner must be pre..paid to insure atten tion'. To Jeffersolt. 'Your aitiele has been received, and although we doubt the expediency of inserting it, yet we shall do so next week. An unavoidable press of' mat. ter prevents our in this isue. One of the1 People. Tis Communication, which our friends of the Wachmioan were reques ted to copy, was left out of that paper by some oversight. It will appear there this week. New Mode of Femncing. Upon our fourth page will be found an article upon this subject, to which we invite the attention of our flirniiers. We should be happy for some of them to. take the matter up and discuss the propriety of the change reconinended. It. is a subject upon which our people have no doubt thought but little and upon which all. would like: to hear something. Let us hear the'views of some of your members of the Agricul. tural Society. Tinc Latest Ne'ws. The steamer 13altic has arrived with Livarpool dates orMay 5th. At Sebastopol the Allies, after the mostsanguinary fighting, had gained conir.'b~c ground laving taken nearly all. the Russian outworks. Not= :withstanlding these successes, however, their position was more critical than ever.. 6'iThey were obliged to slacked the bombardment after the 28th, without having produced suflicient effect to justify an assault. A vast force of' Russians, said to exceed one hundred thousand men, were concentrating about the place. There was 'daily telegr'aphic comn. munication between London and the Crimea, but the GJovernmnent, is vet y cautious with the news. The Etmperor Napoleon narrowly escaped assassination on the eve ni ng of the 28th. - An [talian firecd two pis. tol shots at him while riding on horse. back. Personal revenge was his only motive.c A despatch from Chicago says: Atchison and Stringfellow have o:-gan. ized a secret society, pledged by force of arims to expell all freesoilers fr'otm Missouri and Kan1sas, even at the risk of disunion. All the Whig and Ben ton presses are to be0 destroyed, and cannon were being conveyed to destr'oy the H-otel at Ka sas, and the' prsses at Lawirence. Great Temupermce lMeeting. The National Division of the Sons of Temnperance, at the last Jmeceting in the Br itish Provinces, resol ved to hold their next meeting in Charleston, Ott the 6ith of June. The Standard says a Jarge assemblage is expected, and ex tensive preparations aire in progr'ess fue their reception. Delegates are expeeted-from all the Grand Divisions in the UnJtiled States, Novia Scotia and New Br'unswick, England, Ireland and Scotland, and last though not .least from some of the Iimdian tiribes in the West. The occasion will he a .very interest~Ing one and the opportunity of' visitig such a body not soon again presented ir. South - Corolina. The friends If' the clinargud the public will bear it in mind. RIev. C, J. Warren, of' the N. Y. Alli atnce, has with munlh care, analyzed a p~ortiuon of tihe rotu rn 'r onm P' ' so urey t I the Spleci:al f. * * li which 4i.:0 have reliulted frumi J/1 . leic statistieal repiorts are l'roin less than one- third f ti State. It tit sille ploportieln prevails in othe.r c''oun ties, atil the city of New York be dde, i:, iwouhl show about 100,000 cronin0'/ (arra/s( in tlwt StateC duirg the hist Vear, ai 87,000 of' theml ju stly ebhirged t('Iatemperance. Nine c0tantics nd tlree vilhtes pay taxy to the :iiount of' 423,879 'ut' whi-h amount ;178,100 have been e'ended upon tihe eli'cts and results III inteligeranie and these tinie Cout. Lies, anid three villags, comprise not MOre th111ntc- neight of' the Jopuiltltion (f the Slate. The entire aU1tount of dirctl /.rati'n. iinposed by inteinper -trice must be very niear if nut qiite tico nifillions of <dol'ar. __ _- - W - d, ..b-*-Dn - WO tilt Peit'.osa iL 4 Sigith 1iis5a SO f " Sn1Illn11a11n." Permnit Tie, sir, in tle outset to say that you have bein extremely3 unfortuinte in tle sigwitire you have adopted. Your first article wic hore h s signat ure. was genierally.etribtd to I rry dear friend, and near rebi ve of the aut hor of th ar ie signced "WVesleyv." Thle proof of this, was upon the v i face of yorr article, ani all Ilie praise a::d aduilation you SO unbe1cm ingly' SpUiied, fet Il upt the , aicle of voi r ve ry dea r fri end. did not ad the iaa i to, the atteipted i i e. Ill ft it ; :.4 one of* the ulPni:(Akah!e ebarteriistics hv whirl it wa 'o generai liy recpiz-dd, aml vou- last articvl, wlien it is read, will but add confirmation to4 this bilif. I i any thing were walited lo rnder ths douly stle it would bL obtainA by an il.pectiom of theit manlseript setit to us. For apart froiin the uidisgtis.d fact thait the styvie is an assiume style, it must le plain to ev. er- one a lt the hoW./, t ho' illiterate nm, m ho you have m:8le a toul of, and whose nam1e1 ICCOmIpanies tihe-- artic!e., is not the auzit hor of Ohw piece. PInI , heati.e i is not able to write stith a pico, disgruised id botched as it is: plain Ieraute he w-ould nit conce much iiles (ntcrtain such setiments. I I- has no :"e for themo. And plain becanse ht n-ver winl .howi so plainly ani1 aitt;:11pt to diirtSg c Ihis. own production, %%hen hi-: n1ame acctopaniild the article. For instance, Ie wmid nit write the wor! "?: 'j"properly ami t1he erase tih l- h" and tiake it '1noe" or the name "1 June " and then eleige it to Gune " or yet Il"he 'Itylio*, " him where it is proper to pmt - 14n; " and then change it to I it ", to make it sound a iralPe. it) Srr, tie- mannoerj' is even ste-ger testiionv thati tihe! articles tem. solves, and vty in al! consmience, are strong enioghtp to fix Ilp n the right. t lithor. Ywi are thel, e d ikwln, and we are relievei trom the unIp!asant nIecesjiy of writinig ng;!;qt a concecaled foe--[Iv ing lutforme. Io -.or et it:, let uts icol; at. youir article. Youe say in the -otu'-* of y~lr'artirei: SI -iees yout goes a;;ini larimnioni." nu~ are as widiely' iiedken hiere as V vot 're int supping~it: that you! are cncevaed tul. der the. namre you have iorrowv ed. 11 we coul hie mtade to hlneivye thant C/lIrenden ' desired r.divisioni of the D -t ric, or thi zt a dhivisiont wouihl he bene-licial to :hie pro pie of Cirendon1, we wol~l d :d licate your cautse wvithi 18ii cur in:.t ;md line, -but w~heni we ietlctt that tfin desire for a division has sprungi initi 'xistaine with int thei latst.i r yeais, ian! his triginaed i, noit in thze discontceit ami ehsatim'act ionl ofi t p/de~ of you0r (Clmiey, but ini ymcir owin prejudiecd moil,!, and in 11,he inds ol a few d fisconitemlie ;n:-!l tia idd,if thw~%:t ted C'ounsii~t Ir, and! cluljutors, we canl see( no ju-I rea-o: citr hd-n f-!iio to a pestiftOis flame wincah !ni, been tauned into existatee icy die ebi liiiag throbi: of a diseased ieal.:inl kept a'ie andi isse. inated byv the raincr anid itetred of1 a re venigeliii fewv. (Ccnv ice us, Sir, the~ a diivikion woulId be for tihe good otf Clrenne' or tint the desire for a dihiye-n is the potan.:oous aned generalI wishi of~ the ;-mple of t .-ren dho neiha you .shedi haedV as warim ani advo-. cate f'or yoter ct use us invoi you..ha and a naucarr' "p :e und diSuun- .:<di one. \Ve have nto doubit of* the I rn-h of h aussertion tht:it "you w-:nt for twhelion'.-r last springi b'eas- youci thiough~it it. wenit fori Wes1 and' mi yilr Cou:rt bonil.'. for a higher sentimen~it thani this scred frid-. ship is niot compiatile wsthe yoir in Ii re ,' hut you gro.sly, it not wdfuly m lisrepre senit U,. when~t you ad~d a fu oi w yiil En. tu rnied yo(ur vote aui chanuigeud vi-r brichi es."' Th'isi, Sir, isf/d' iind you kniow it -.-We intserted thle Iir. v c sgiid \iis ley','' andi maiy haI'io ucalled attenition ti it ini seinue Iiitering' rennrki!s-the) rcord14 we oppoindl.I l!wn anid -vein e,.oI~e'd cin. troversary upo it.- It wasM beyondi dis. gtuise then t and is perfect ly aipp trent ni ,w,' tthat the I whle of i tiat part of Wev!ey's article ini reference to " 1' a new Ce urit I louse" and "'exorbitant fes. " wVas a e thii District , aund we1 stewed ou r dihssnt. andi even oppsfitionl to Su~h ii j tetinent then int a plint and0 nuvarniiishicd meanner, and we d..asien ti dc no~thling nc-re uow. We euni h - juidiedi inc i.' stroe!r 1:idgmee ima uel ci di , m um .. . r .aa , n . - II there \was iuch in the article as veil as out Pf it, which jusatieid such ar opin ion1--It i.4 100, in ,efc epn with thel, abuse, the arrtcasm, the epitthMas and the sInaler of this your heit artieti. Read your owi artcle sir, nud is it not perfectly plain to eveti your disleripered lind that you have noit been engaged in writing upon the necessity, the expediency or thle propriety of having a new court house in Clareudon, but in abusinig ail vilifying the iar, and([ inl saking inifound ed and ungeitleinaniy charges. "You hu lieve that none but our Lawyers go agin your court house." Who taught you that lesson I wl-en heard you any (if them speak .upon that subject ? Alhm ave you not betrayed yourself here ! D> you suppose Ihat Imanty will believe thit to bc the sentiment of the in whose ne you have obtauied to acciriptny your article ! I assure you, noL many. And youi believe the " Lmryers gos agin it because it makes big fees." Is thai too any iore likely to be Mr. 1 's opiiniont * 1low inalny Jecs, mnuch less /,ig f es, lis he ever paid to our Blar ? And why would the "ien of " exorbitant fees arise in his mit ! No sir, it did nut orig ut thi ere, n1 it. contains a charge for which we demaund proof. LeI the cuwes be ellael and let the comnnunity be lie jnilge. W e chalb-:ng ir-esti atin. T hUre have been io cxrobit'ant fees and if Ii !rC have been -rp onzt, it will be foutid upon investiation that they h'tre been descredi, and that wlien they hIve beeti elnargeI it has beett in return for lifr a ind hontr acd. Now Sir, ldlow us to say yolu have Imiade this isu yourselfV Yon can not, bbune Its fot it. We wou'd have glio!y kept ;:ut of it, but you forced its into it, and you ituust abidC tihe ConsqC( ticItves. You have tnle a clitrge upoi the 1itr at' up oin the E d:tur of the Ihuntr, who you kIle tU'e a 9 Izuyer although you insin. unte that you do no t. amd we call upo n you to sustain y'our.-ef. :igaiist Claren. don we s;,%y nthiniig--we can say ;dnog. Onl tho contrary wo go fr't Clailudonl and :ie true interest of tie people of Clarendon; aLnd we ilshow ibis by goiiig against your de.s;ign and your ziichinations. And we sliall iiver h heve until we see it, tha Chremit will ever fall so lIow Is to cI. -CIt to be titole a Cat's paw of with whit h1 you inay wreak your vengetnice, or suhmit to be a ball wlt which you may play your own g:moe. \We have dotne with you, sir, for thi.-, tiime,and hope yot are satisld with the appierance you iut beore- lite co:ntnIu. nitv. Next week we ity favor you whit soie views uiponi the article sigied." Wes. lev." li conclusioti we would saye. in justice to onrzelves, that your last article shoultl not have appeared but that you ordered it in as air alvertiseinet. This coinpelled us to iCseii it ittd therefore to notict: it. Tile citrge is Furken Dolars, which you % ] ple;se forward. News Items, en, fth 19ya cusaI the' heade.d viSitantt ha~s iin:ile uits appaance mthe ut1j1r part of tis cty*, oni lie er'cout ies. A\ hog said tot weighi thirteen huinlredi '1Toledo in l ridiiv list ont his warv for eox anainal is de'scribted as hiree yeirs obl!, thtret It \w rais:ed ntear .\lunroe, . hc higi Th'e riebiest re!;gr ons dlenonunitationt, we sue byv tht. cen:sus tables, is tm he .\li'hod. Th~e niext ar'e thie Piresbyter'iant, whieb is titted at l.h.:HW.e9h. 'IThe lM ir-cop wh Iichi mi inber of chiurchies s:i:~ds tith, raniks tirdi for its chutrch prtopert , beid g I bere'" -old ini New York Ilately at '69ti to i00 p-.)er 1iead-veragintg 510?pe h,-aud. tachied to each and every u'linee uof retiil ing- spirituouils Uiirs, ott ,oaty, ini the in Newi Irb-anis, whirbh has bieen gin g ont fo ionle daiy.s before the Uited Sttes C omiiner h'its beeni icone~ude , andt .ilri. Kendall has bieen hiebt to hail to app-atr and t:doe his trial ini the UJ. S. lirrct Smr, K~y., in a letter to ithe hlou iivdile Conit..r, ntitcois a smz~gular lact. lit that sectiont thrrhout every petebi tire irard theore h as been a greeiiter blooni t-m bor many3 yi..irs piSt, atnd up~on ex itn nin th*osm iiulir ptheni~nnaon iiiob-ervablie. Ia suome orchartds ior Lee itd ! theC Cupe Itrom oneO to as manity as seven we!l-forttu I pe &-he-i, and! a har. e mtajority iof the losstoms hive threeu or tonrt n in thtemi. 'iThis has nevier beeni observedl in that part oh ,Kintiiclry belb re. Th'le Irockport Cou'rier if the 81h insrt. :,:y.-: "We.'i were' visited list ight wit 4t a Ihte:iiy failh of snotw, which this moiwihu dlspite of the conitttuedl ihiawing, covered th, rundI to the depth of six itches. T . ,~,' -.,n roVced-ii~~ with~ e an enL wmd by, alny formeex ii~C~Ihi ne' Thi price f corn i 1 . I,0 p'r Unshel: -0 yet suIsafor ' cO//n, Says c Agricultur' Alkr, t hat ln ist of Itie arler-I lAvc onlY yJanted: etouigh cori lir theit o% - and a baro suilici cy for th . 'I'le 31 of FCity of Co lnmtibia has recptest ed tiL he *. ns" Cotlumbia to be a8 cOn1Orni.n , I itn their use of the water sn;t t . frmn Sidney Park. 1Te.. which pre vailed lfr se- ., S having very per.eptibly d: 411 the flow of Water frot the sprin ' suipply the Water t Worlas. The i : rIv stillicient. A telegrap) y I * tit , t c lated May 17th qs: The Trial of Jmie s Sitalrpli a id Dr. C.Sharpe, for tie iurder of thv'ir brother, ohn 8harpe, on the I iith Noveiber last, ..mnenced to day by try ing them 1 nperaely. Jamnes lharpe was fWiul goiy o& ianisiughter, a- d is to be br:ndt'liin thie hal. The trih e 'r )r. C. Sharpe e oines otn to-morrloW mor0-1'1g. A la:r ,s Spat.l from Chirlotte dated May It\ says: TnTie c:so of Dr. C. Sh argii, t113eMtier of .Las. Slharpe, for the nuirder of bi brou her, John Sharwp, caine on tmny, al he was a Iso declared guihy of m ,anla or. lothI have just been b:aaldel wilP the letter M. on thw thumbi aid puI o! heir left ha, ndl7, and senteti red to IwIcre uinwths imprisointent. Col. liimey has boen agmin arrested' and beld t( bail in tie sum of $ 1,00. It is said tiin his exmedit ion of 30)0 imen was ready ti A.I, wel stpplied with arnis and The s!;1:4: s uit of Dirtci ngainst T. II. Ienton, w: doecided in the Henry coint . Circuit Con I F<niday last after a trial of four daysshy th-e rendition of a verdi.:t of $ 1,000 diagesfor I lie plaintill'. ThIe case wll be iarried to the Supreme Court. At a tiieuti. of tie Board of Directors of the Grentil!e and Cohininbia Railroanl Coani':olY j:4t held inl ('o!nmbia, the sur veys of Ih! Oi e of the promsed branch roai froiii Ni ty-Sx or Greeinood to A ikin. :iul of t he r oijt d extention of the Gre'n vi1e aw'! Cohnnbt a alil road from Greenvill ti Amhvi Ie North Caro lint, wee onlered to be tnide. AL a tneting of the Trustes of the South Cirohtit (oge held on the 4it itnst., the fo:lowing etti'tlemen wore :i. poin'-ed a'" I3ard of V isitor.-" to auend the inai ex &avnialil of the Senior (Aiss in Colle::c, in Nonvember next: F. ii. Wardlaw, W. F. DeSanissure, J.nnes (lesmat, Jr., W. F. Pinley, Rev. Dona:d 3hle ea.Il, lev. W. Ilemliphill, 're . ! wanis, Dr. Win. 31. \Vight. inutn, J. W. I1lu.dnoji, W. ('itnere Sims. A telegm: hlix dis--patch from New York tited 10 M ay, says; the Grapesh4w has re'urned bring og R iker, tie unitirderor of 'nole. 'Thi -r.hnht arie a t a. l;m' 17 day,~ befour: the~ ari)ali nof tiL ce>. Theii C T1:me olS f F'rsday rnys; A proitrai-',l :nN:L ac, her!-I at th:e Manrinn .street 3i.\leii~t tC~anrel (of whaich the IRev. 311.r.inti is thne stated Mini oter.) has jn:-t letn bon'!.iht ton a closes. \Ve are I le.i5Ced tin lear tn Ihalt . eralI iivei cnner. hae I inm:lvets with the Sie~ity, andlt that at hiea&tby state nt niety p-.rvaJ-:sa then entire thle Stttui~k \nGrs :nli extra~liord!lnry inl.i pro vemnint in :-rulleryv, wIch ii ca enl tery,' :nil I Iwelin nnf 'I Is -railuiis N. Shaw tuli lanenni A.\ueS, bonthi cit'.iens of l1l :irir. it ri:.>iS:s inn a bnras. t:yhmiter,* reviing Ii)r.n:n.n y, aFuLL eunt.iing anyl hnnrrne, I hnn ii onid, piriilned, lired hui swabbnad, all w::hl onne shileli movent~ii nit a breank, wich m we saw1 repatIed eight, t li n 1 0 n: n 1 'nt. ' iv Iiisho;:, inf thi:s .':ti, is the weal Iniest l-it in the St at.l. I 5li es'.tt, conl 0:-tin of:ith i !r 1l, tehuri'he:, muilnster tCs. nnonerie~i, lgn: i-n- uitanls, &., is wonrthn ino ie.-.- than friom~ "'tw mi ilhnts to hiv man ; " ot dollars. Sinie thei. semt btlid in Rnlinnore' i" L1 promitlga. toil henir decnrei, : uir all indtividuanls atnd1 t rustees heLluhng jroperty for thne uses of lthe chtuch 1o coinvey thne itame to the0 linos a:l thne chtrbl piroiperty i the S ate, a13 weL are initillnmet1 has bee~n conl veved to in nip Spmantldnng. \'is~onisin is the ny) S;ate in th InUCn jin thnat cntainls miore foreIinion thant natti citF.zenS. IlI ln. I ila II. lnh wit itnI W S liini!lit. td asn a canitet fitr the' Pretsidency'I, lry a leitilnit of is friend'k in St. .Lntiis, on the e:venming of thne Iih instat. II in 1-idwardl int is, nil .\ issionri, is nom. tnuted for thle next P resideintcy by the (Ga.lena Adi-r/ie. The in ieg (Cil.) I lorald hats stuctk n 'e tname of 11 L-nintstonn ats a canih. dtlet for P'residlent. Inforumotio;n, it. is saint, hn is beun received at Wasihiungton, tnint amnmoher lilbutering' expmed tin is nnn foo t in Newv Ynork city the pre!nnovrn'mm not 'ern, andu thne i.:abh a I thu heml inf mas all'airs of - n 5n mrlone Court ofn .1 -miii, in 'linnday, that the iNew 'ti,. I N.\ i Ilanvnn W ritaila c'ompanIy r - a ho hol stock- without a i 1ti0Wm4d of* it:, iaudutolent l5s Ue. A letter, diated April 27th, has been re- c vived in Boston by the Asia, from London, t 'hich announces, that on the 10th, yet t p~thor, or the 35th asteroid, was discover- l d by Dr. Luther, at Bilk, in Prussia, or . t 1:1 days after the i4th was first seen i t Paris by 31, Chacornac. A correspondent writing from 11 avana lys the Sugar erop of Cuba, from all ppeirances, may be short from 300,000 2400,000 boxe.s of last year's crop. It is aid by intelligent planters that it will be I least one fifth oil. The Winnsboro Register understands hat the loard of Otlicers ordered by eneral Aiken to try tho validity of the mitested elect.ion for Blrigadier Generel >f the 5th Brigade, South Carolina Militia, vill meet on the 7th day of Jume next, at L0 o'clock a. in. One of the largest distilleries in Scot and, the Leith distillery, where 1,200,000 SAlions of whiskey tied an~iumly to be 1n.dc, has just beeti converted itto a. Iour mill. The reappearance of the cholera in St. Petersburg, and other parts of Northern Europe, letters from shipping merchants in Liverpool say, will check iminigration to the United States this conirL' summer -.hipowners refusing to crowd their ves .els shuiild the disease nake its appear. ance in England. Mr. Suile in one of his letters to the State departmicit males singu lar disc.os res. Ile says that Louis Napoleon, be, fore his eeb6rated coup d'etat, which placed hin at the head of 'an empire, had voncoted with Gencral Narvez, the Spanish 31inisttr, the plan of a mission to the Unitud States, to sotid how far this countrv was vulnerable in-a military point of view. A secret agent was to be sent with instructiis prepared by the Depart ment of Foreign Alliirs. These instrue I1ons dtly signed-, were preseitted to Na. poleon lt' najparte, the son of Jerome, with a tender of what aimiount of money le might require to carry them out. The latter reutised telling Louis Napoeon Iht he was nti the man for such a work; that lie was a democrat, andl would rather be wtht the Uiii;c State's tha ii it hi m iii n. The inatter was dropped, and has not beien resumied si:ice, at least to the knowledge of .\1r. Soule's informint. M r. Soule hii se!f appears to have to! faith in the state Ve leri from the Aniderson Gatelle, that upon thlie formation of a " Lbrary So ciety" in that place, on the 13th inst. tile (lintg address was delivered bv ibzan J. Rie I'1. The address is spoken of as cha:te, clegant and instructive, and at the conclusion, the l'resident announced that the muetiig was open for further re mawrk . Some of the fair oiies present sit a requeet to Col. Ashmore to and dress the mec'titig. TAken by - surprise, the Colonite! after ecdorsing' the views ad vanced bly M. Iice, aniid expressingr his symopathiy in the objects of the society, delin edl min g ai speech, but ac kntowl edged thl e oplemenut paid him by the ladies, in an aippropriate antd galant mn ner. So ended n !e'asai.nitd entertant. in. mCti :g. .Mc. -lI Is' of the Mlussachon.ettes Know Not hinig legislatuore. tried twice oni Mont. daly to occutpv hi s seat, niotw ithbstandinug his ex ptilhion. It was reportcd that lie lct el thits ait the .dv ice of 1,is counisel, .\lr. hliutier, wh.'o dentounced thle vote of expui oni as illegal aiid tunjuist. lIeI was ealch timeo reimoved, hi.wever, by the Ser geanit at -An rms, who ac-ted tiidemr tan order of thle 11 'iie passe'd aIniost untanin:onisly. The~ prec~iltiiumber f exhihliiors for the Pa'.ris Kxhiibition is not at present known, btt it is ca leohated it will be be twwein 17,t00t anid I S,000-rather imore thant at lamndoni. O f thm'itn, not. iewer than fromi 7,0t00 to 8,tX are French' I; fromi Ml'~mdt ihere wV hl be fromt 3,thYK) to 3,6010. At C'itcinn uati they' are mlainufacturing large tnmbers of pourtabl~e clitages for Kin sas, whiich can be put toge:ter without inails, antd by~ a few lionurs habor. T'le .\linie Ir'gishiture passed a law at ~is hate sessioni that ito perisont of fioreign buirthI shall vote utiless he shows ntaturali zit ion papers to "1 lie atut hotritie's" at le-ast thiree iionthts before ani electioni. T1hie act took etI'eet March 1'7thi. It is tatel, aind we believe ciorirectly, that Iiabrador with a populationt of t wenty thiousanid inhlabitant-, has necithier (nver nor, Matgistrate, Conisttable or Lawyer; yet violence antd disorder are untcononlt mut oing themt-a fact highly creditable to heir tiorals. Their chief occupiati~on is hutnting andl tisingii, the prodiluce of' which is .si ld to the traders froit the United States fromt whlo:n ti .y receive the motst. of their suptplies. .Ioth Kmder, who emtigrited from lAw reuce countty idiatmt, to T1exas ; was burnt at thte stake liy a party of In li'ans. Mr. Kt.. gut ito ta diliculty withi one of the ind ans and shot limn downt, atnd then fled to a foirt for protection, but the Indians emnec ini such nutibers as to compel the tort togive thinm up to the stake. Our President gets .9 d5,000 a year. Th'le JEnglish Queen $3,000),000. The few old revohlitionatry pensioners yet remiainin~ amongst us, get from eight to thirty dol, Itirs a imonth, because they fought for and woni our liberty and intdependenice. Iler lloyal Ilighness, the Duchess of Ket gets one hiudred anid fifty thlousanod dol hlirs becausec she is the mother of tht Queetn; atnd the llutchess ,of Gloucester gets sixty thioustand ai year for being thc Q~tueii's aunit. A few days since, while Mrs Danfori: oif WVarron, 'ennsylvania, was engaged it hme iisfd datie a heav thutnds-' stortm ane up, and in the midst of its fury a light. ming stroko descended' upon her, burning lie hair from the crown of-the head to- the rack of the neck, melting Her hair-pine, nd proceeding down- her body-leaving. ts mark as it wer.t-untill it passed lirough the floor. Strange to say, the Ia ly lived, and is rapidly recovering. The house in whici Charles Carroll of Carrolton, the lhst survivor of those who signed tihe inmmortal Declaration.of Inde wndence. lived and-died,. on the corner of Lombard and Front streets, Baltimore, is 3mibelislhed in front with the words, 'Turn !faIle and Bier Brewery," and open at- all imes, the Sabbath not excepted,, for. the sale of intoxicating drinks. In return for tho splendid tiara,. valued it abott. 2,000,000 reals, recently present. ad to the Pope by tihe Queen of Spain, his Uoliness has seti her Majesty the body- of. St. Felix tihe Martyr. Notices have been given in the British Parl iamenut of a inotioi for a decirmal coimr ag", aid to unite in a congress to establish a uuiforin decimal system throughout the wctId--a most iniportati and desirable ob ject, worthy ot anid due to the spirit and intelligence of time age. O Saturday,.the 12th ins't., an election was held at Louisville (Ky.). for Magis trates and constables,resulting in the sie. cess of time Know-Nothings without seri. ous opposition. The election,. however was characterized by some disgiraceful scenes. A mai nained Wim. Gray fired twice at amnother person, but missed his aim. A mob then pursned Gray, who re. ceived two balls in his body, and it. is said several passed through his hat. A German seeinr some of his friends attacked with brick.batsjited a revolver twice am woun. ded two persons. lie was pursued to his cofree bomse, severely beaten, anid every thing inl his establishment, demolished. The Louisville Journal, from which we gather these particulars, does not charge any particular pnrty with being in the wrimg, but very correctly calls upor the authorities to punish them no matter to what piarty they may be attached. Time Lohlanoi Whig has an account of a riot at Ilanover, between the 'students at DarthmouIt. h College and the cadets of the Norwh-ich Military School. It seemst hat some ditliilty had occurred, where in time cidets felt themselves insulted, and cross ed tie river in skilTs to seek redress. The college studemits met them promptly, aid quit# a battle emisued, in which time cudets were vaminlisled by the superior numbers of the students. Findinmg themselves wors ted, time cadets drew their kinives and pis tols, and were about to wage deliberate war, when the olficers of the college inter fered. Meanwhile the colle.e boys set time boat adrift, and thus cut olf a retreat to-the cadets, who.were ubliged to travel a 1ong distance to regiin time western shoro of the rih er. The mmatter is to be investigat ed. Thme price of meat has risemn 15 per cent ini Paris n~ ithini th'e last two mmonths. It is niow cmntirely beyonmd time imeanms of' the poor. The~ chtilera comntiues its ravages among time em grants otn the Upper Misss bippi. Thme bomats are gemnera:ly crowded beyond t hcir capaJucily. Unmusual fatality .seems to attcmnd the~ disease. IHall, uthe negro barberr who was arres ted in New Orleans for robbing a mani of 81-i00, by admninist-ering chuloroform to hmiim while shaving hirm at Diunkirk, has beein tried, conivucted, amid sentenced to fifteen years immor isonmemnt, A~ corresponid'ent writes to us that bihe lias beemn throumgh Georgia, T1ennessee amid North Alabami rL'eendy amid the wheat, crops were very fimne. PRacEs cCU~RRENT oF TnKm Chxarletonm Market, Corrected weekly by WV. 8. Lawton & Co. YAeT Ois ANDi COMMisSiON MEilet(ANTs, Chuarteston, 8. C. Chiarleston, May 19th, 1855. .UP-i.AND (ruvroN.-Th'le saces of this arti cle the past week amosiuntd to 16,56 bales, at from 8 to 1lle. per lb. Tme mma rket is im, and prices iooking~ up. lice.-Thmis article is still hmigherm price, 5 to 6 1.2. GUmam.--Corn, 81,I5, to $1 18c per b. Scarce. Peas 1,00 to $1,fJ5 ner b. Outs 75c. to 80e per bush. Scared amnd rising. Flonr.-$10,25 to) -11 50 per bl.r fo r Sonmthern. .$t0 75 to $15 for good North ein. Salt -Sacks $1,151o $I,35. WVe have Whiskey,-45 to 50e per gallon. 3000) samcks for saie. Butowx's Gis~s.-,This newlv iniventedl Gin will got out Lo-ng Cotton clean-of tmotes, amt time shorter Sea Island Cotton better tihan the common 'kit. .s. We are A -emits for these gins. Baco.-110g rounmd,1l wn 121.2c per lb. accordinug to quality mand quanitity. Ilm-res.-Cowhides 10) to 10 1-2 per lb. Deer Skinis 20 to 22c per ib.-Coon amndother smll skimns 10k. each. CoFFEE.-(IO 10) 3-d, to 12 1-2e, aCCer ding to qualimy. Suuan.-Brown, 41 1.2 to Oc accord mng to quality. MlOLAsshs.-Cuba 22 to 25, N. O. 331 3& 8c. per gal. Wax.-22 to 25c. per lb, T1obacco.-V irgintiia amnd North Carolina 15 to 50c. per lb. \Ve are agentas for the factories of those States,. amid for Long Bemntet & Co's. bramnd received a premumm at our Fair. WVines.-Longworth's wines of Ohio, $10) to $15& per doz. We are agents for these wvines, for which we have-received a prenmium at our Fair recently. WooL.-.Washmed, 19 to 22e. per lb. Trashy, 6-to 154, per lb. BEEF VAT'rLE.---ar leads .9c. to 10c, per lb., nett. Getting, sea'tco. HloGs.- Car loads 8 1-2 to 90L. perfi lb. nett. NAVAL. STOREe.-Spis. Turpontimne 311 to 41c per al. Rosin 81,25, - to 82,50 lier barreL l'ar, $1,87c. to 92,50c. Foir the Banner. W moITs BLUFr P. 0. Jeer Mister Banner: In your last oaper I sees you goes agin Clarindon. Nfhen I. went for the Banner' !ast. pring, it was because I thought, you. vent fbr Wesley and our Court House.. Jut now you. has turned your outo mnd- changed your briches, and it takes v smart feller like myself to no you is the same Nister- Banner. All you iUs sed agin our Court Mouse is trash md as I hearn one ot your Bl Law 'ers in Sumterville say, is nothing but yInmposity in the ingus, and thunder n the throte. I is it is true Mister Uanner a No Nothin and I does go igin furriners and abolitioners and all .hat sort of nonsense ; but I does no. 3. ugh to bleve that nun but the Law., ers goes agin our Curt House, and th: t-. jecause it makes big fees and ceeps the peo)le a watin on ea to git a chance to. pay em muny. But what rite have you. Aister 11anner to say a word agin Clar indon'? I. thought yore paper. was for Carindon. as well as for Clairmont. But if you gus to treat us like furriners in that way, why we will soon have a Banner as well as a Court House to oursells in Claringdon, Why don't you now .Aister anner that all the peple in Claringdon is for the Court House; and what does you want. em to go to yore furrin Cort House fur ? Why there are my frend Capten Mosos Benbow, and all the Benbows, and the Brocks, and the 'lagins, and the Stukes', and Ducter. Briggs, and Squire Reynolds, and the KeFlys, and the Weeks', and Doctor Rich, and Docter McCaully, and tho Rhames', and the Butlers, and the lBrogdons, and the Gunes', and the Blackwells, and the Nelsons, and'the F rk Black River, and Captin Ganca,. and the Harvins, and Docter Ingram,. and the Richardsuns, and the Burgess' and the Tindals, anr.d the Connors, and the Mannings, and the Varshums, and. the Gibbons', in Lower Salem, aud alt. the peple, and all the no nothins, and' the rich and the poor this side and tother side Black River and Puddini. Swamp, spiciely, our reprasentativo little Docter Som, who you no is a. trump and a legunary. Now Mister Banner I want to no if the peple of Clarendon want to cetch a line trout in Cudo Lake or tickel fish in Brtuiuton or Pudden Swamp, why you shuud force em to go all the way to Claremount to dip for small kats in the mud puddles ot Pocotalliger. 0 Mister banner you. is certainly rong in this rispect, and if I owe you any thing, send down your nccount to rights P. 0.and lIwill pay it, but dont pretend to coine over me with sich contrap-hions as these. Well but you Pa-y you luva us Mister Banner, is the reason you cant part with us. Well I cant say -that I luIvs so hard or so much as all that comes to, but may be I would,'if I got. all the fees and-the proftits and y o had to pay em. B ut turn it this way Midter Banner, and I ami feared you wud not have sich a muonstrus liuv 1114r us. WVeil after all, it ant sich a mighty partin M3~itr Banner as you wud make out. Wes wud hav so much to due at our owin Court Hlouse, that your Lawers wud come down to help us; and if therse any of you we cant git down, why we wud send a Branch ofE the Nourth En. turn Rale Rode to fech em. But dont talk yore blarney to us Mister Bianner about Juvin us too much to let us go. Faro sed the sanu,e thing to Moses, but he want fled by it and I want nether. King Gorg~e sed the same thing to G inerel W ashinton, but he -didlent bleve him. No my dear Mister Blan ner if we was both put in the same krib when. we was little boys, and we growe'd tu. hlarge for it to hold us to. gether, I think I wud show not only my luv but my purli-teness, by getin. up an levein it all to yourself. If you luv us then .Mister Banner let us stay in our own County where we'want ~to stay ; and if' you luv the peple of Clare mu ut cloere away the rubish of Claren don Lawsui's, and let them have a qui et time and a short turn to themselfs. T1hat is the genuin way to lav us ; and to luy them, Mister Banner. .But if' you luv the Lawyers, and I hope AMis. ter Bauner you. is not one of em, or if' you is, that you is .not much of a one,. mor they aint no waysato my likens, theni try to keep. us together in strife and confusion, where tis all pay and nto prolhits, all eckspense and no gane,. all time and nothin saved, and the Buzzards is the furst. and the last at. the feste. Now I hope Mster Bahnner you wvilL publish this as you done my letter of last, yere ; for if' it is true, why the truth ort, to be spuken ; and if it is not true, then it t6rt to be conradicted ; and if it be tu eckspensive to you to piniit it, sentd down your Bill to Wrights Bluff P. 0, to my signitter and it will be paid for as anbadvartise. BY SA1NTANNA. CONTROVE~ss.-A newspaper warfare is ga ng on in New York, between Arch, bishop Hughes,.head of the Roman Catho. lic Church in this country, and Erastosa Brooks of the Express. 'ro the present.: time the Express man-has rather got hi. Iloliness. Tiheo following is the conclud. ing sentence of his last article:. "Let the Archbishop possess his soul in patience: before the end he shall hear. not only of his dealings with the livings. but with the dead, in whose disease and4 burtal he profite."-Dandridge Herald. Special Notice, 'THERE WILL BE~ A MEF/ING-Og" the Mechanics Association, at the -Towns Hall on Saturday nuight next, at 8 o'clock P. M. The members of the ;Aesociation. will, we hope, all be presept; as this . considered a good time tgjevite andibring into lire this most usefd~Iigawell as. efli. :cienmt society.. A NUBIa d MEC[HANICS. May 21i 18W 29 1t Watbhmian copy one timeo -