The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, April 18, 1855, Image 1

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DEVOTED TO SOUTHERN RIGHTS, DEMOCRACY, NEWS, LITE ATTJRE, LT CE AND JOHN S. RICHARDSON, Juit. otav O .r IatteASHIINGTON LOGAN , VOL. IX. suMTIERVILLE, S. Co., MAY 2, 1855* NO. 2 THE SUMTER BANNER 1s PUBLISHED Every Wedmecaday M11orailiag BY John S. Richardson, Jr, TWO DOLLARS in adivance, Two Dollars aud Fifty Cents at theexpiration of six months -r Three Dollars at the enl of tle year. No paper discontimued until all arrearages are rat p, InieM at the option of the l'roprietior. All subscriptions are ex pected to be paitt for is Advance. Advnrtisements inserted at time rate of 75 cents per square for the first ; Fifty cents for the second, and Tirty-feven and a half cents for each subsequent insertion uitler three smanths. Olicial adlvertisements inerted at -seventy five cents fur each insertion. Single insertions One IDollar per squ are, Semi Momthly, Monthly anti Quarterly ad vertistiemnents charged the aine as single inser tions. Rusiness caris of five lines and under insert .ed at Five-lDollars a yenr. Three Months aivertisemen a.-One square $4 00, two sqtares $7 00I, three squares S1t '00, four squitres $12 00. Sit Months ailvertisements.-One square $7 00, two squares $12 (M, three squares $16 00, and folur squares 920 00. Yearly advertisenenat with the privilege of -ohanging three times, one square $10 M, two squares $18 00 three squates 025 0M, four -quares $30 00, aud ive equar-.s $34 (NJ. A square tooned ist of tlie space occupied by 19 lines of ni..inn type. Alljoh work. camh, and transient ativertising ;paid for in advance, Obituary notices and tributes of respect over 12 lines charged a. advertioements. All advertiewments not marked with tite .number of insertions will lie pitblished until borid and charged accorlingly. CoMnmuicatiWn cILculate.1 to proinote pri vate interest, or recommendations of m-ainlilaten .fur offices of honor, prolit or trust will he char ged for asadvertisements Annuonciig a candidate Five Doilarm a year. Fur alt marriages the printers fee is expected. ir the Surnter mimier. Ie Peti4o01 for a New Co usa House Jsa Clareaudoms. The State of South CUrulna, Sumter -Jistrict, Clarendon Counitay. Your petitioneis Wouid rempeetully represetit to yutir " iholinorable i.udv " %hat as citizens ol' the Erectuon Dis trict of Clarendon County, hey are .cusirair.ed froum the imany itinonCe nienices of the connection, U ask a .separatiton u.s rnt te J uild scil District of Sumer, ot whieb it. inomw -constitutes a partL. N .xt to tliat ot Charlestmi, your peLitioners believe that, the Jistrict or .Smumnter is ote of the laruest In territom r), the most nmero it pIopmulaion, 4nd decidedly tlie Most enteumbered with litigation. Its division ittu " election " and " tax-paying coumtie-' .kas king since severed Itmany of Loise ties of citizenship, which usually eoan. .nect the etumbers ot a comiiunit) wilh each other. There is, pierhaps, .no Judicial Divisioti of Lthe Stale, in which .he interests of the people are more diversified, their chlaraetvr less lhomogenous, :Iald the comupositioUn o a Jury so Jittle calenlated t.) producte a fair, impartial, a-I untifoitm admminis tratimn of justice. Cmfidenace cannot exist, where -sectional jeiloisies at e so easily pto 'vfpked, and the eitorcement tof law, antid 'its belhests " loses half its etlic. acy and influetnce, when it is supposed ,to be administered with mittives ei ithor of' prejuidice or pred letioi. The eitizeis of Oine CI..ty are nmit oreally tried by ti.eir "Peers" when rthe Jury is cimposed of tie - Part -anus " of another. Tle relations betwctn them are 'often those, nieithier of stramngers nor of iieighbors ; but of a character wl hch the distance isi not stullicieintuy remlote 'to protect from prejuidice ; nomr ttiw proximity close enugit to remiove by .intercoiurse. It' is nomt sturprisitng, the.refore that, to be the inhtabitamnt mf -one county or the other, it is iuore or less to ininenice Ihe litigimt. 'These are somie of the objections incident as ydur pettoners believe, to the union of -aty two election Djis. tricts 1Guder simui-Jar ci rcumstances) Jinto tone Jtud icial Dist-rict. 'Were the Distriicts of' Che-terfie-ld and Darlington, of Lanctater atndm Kersrhaw, of Richianid .mid Lexingmn severally united unider the sam. "Judiicial Jurisdiction " thmey w..old scarcely present boundaries more ex tensivye, inte'rests itore opposed, ptur. suits rtmre diversified, jealusies nmit e easily provoked, and cotdidence more sensitive and difficult to attract, theun the inomolous combinattion which Sunmter District presents of three tax paying, and] too Election unt~e organized into one Jludiil District. With the Cousrt House in eithier of thlesDisti-icts-with its usuaml appen, dages of Lawyers, Sherdis, Clerks. Commissioners, Magistrates, and vil. lagn influence, could the "iexcluidedn" ecounty be .otherwise related to thc 'e favored"* than as the ab,.orbed to the absorbent-the Province to the -Empire-anid the South (as she now is In all her Federal itnterests) to the c&ntralizing attractions of the North. 'Uut werte this all, your petitioners wonhid n ot have appealed to your " Ilonorable ikedy ' on this om(casion, Iiperativv., s they believe, are the reasons -already git-en for L~egislative iiterterence. But they are inspelled by other, aid ihr more urgent csisid. eratiotis. They plead, that tle delay, is to them too often, the denial of justice. They have experienaced that. the expense and burdetf9 of a far removed Court. Ionse-an expensie tavern bill, anid a two weeks docket, (coistadtly increasing and constantly trainsired) acnoot, compensate then even fhr siceu..-s4ul litigat,.sn. orrHi among them have been kiowv to thrego their rights rither tian contest thetn, nuder tile doublit ul circumstani. ees of tardy justice, exirbitmW ex pense, and a J ury often, putrge. 1. kas it' is) of its intelligeniee and its disitetr esteiness. It Inustl he an extraoirdi. nary case in deei (" for Suniter Cpemrt at lersi ") w here tie o costs " do it. exceed the gains uf a successfid liti. gat ion. IIany of your petitioners aire ill humnble circu.nlstalees, and to them a distance of intlre than forty miles, ofien t ravetsed on fioat, with a week spelt as jurymnen--a fortnight, as client, or as witniesses ; their nights i. .eless, anid their bod il the resources fof their own donestic store, brinig but. few ceinpensating ad vanatages fur so tedious, expensive and exacting a sys tIlm of jS ice. Your peti t.iners believe that the anonit saved to Clareiedon of one siengle terin onily in Siiterville, b tle eOStablihninL of a separate ju1is doctition ihr this copunty would amply stillicet for the eri'vti'on of an adequa;e Co'urt louse, aid all its ieCessar'v appediiages. I have we Dieeds, oyr M t..nges. Coiniveylanes or locatinn to aLlalitntiCate, we have to reeumd or search 1ihr them in - llices as reiote, and scarceiy less ioet'ignt fir' stra tige from u.. than thsase of' Williiiibslurg or of Darligisi. Whilst enduii ring these ae rifices ol' inater -4t tor :.hia -,).4 tern of judicial cuisolilatim. C15rcin dloss ha1, actually 1*1 finnihed the greater ainount of' litigation to tile Sumter Har. 11Cr 'ealdi, her eiiierprise, ld' her linisperit lia hilerto sipplicl the larger propoirstii of a dwcket. which Ihe (tou t, the jit s andi the legal pro Iessic o e'tanuother Ctounty have arrang ed, decided, and oft en prejudIged, to the c''st and in-jui-v 41f, her citizeni I. With a1 Couti. I louse in lareown limits. -With the inmcreased thseilitie's, ansd diin ished expecies of' liiigat ion, hw imiuch imore woutcld nit the s fpirit 4f legal iantelligence aus- ill vest igat io i ad Vallce with that lirogiesive pspieri. ti of her pe'ph-, ' which it is bh1(111 the indoiicatiln anid Il- a aaspanient. In the earlier as. gatilzait ion cat' our .1ildicial Dist rict, t he sparso.ness tf tihe then pipulationt, iaay- have rendtlerel such an arraigtnent, a, la1w exists, indispeisable, to an en ighitene(l ad ininistrationt of justice. Neither dd A the character ior amount of thee htiga' tioni of that dlay. miake it either ic21s. venieit or objetifonsable to a people -alrost primitive inl their habits and requirement--andsl ciiteit with the enjo mntat (f the Natiaonal Right. which their vaahmcr had rectily ac. quired. Bait. inl t he present conflicting caosnidit i.n If s'eiety, with all the expedients' wien wealth, erime atid cupidity, can andal does apply to) sti:anu. late, as well as csrrupt the suirces of to uis, one of coiapara. :ive extortiofn to th,' rich,. oppi essionii eo the pror, ex--!5iioni to the' litigant, e -in-Iemiton t'c the innoiccentL, and Sxeipaltion toi thei giucilty. There were cdoubalt ess reascn~ s oe.' existinig, for extenadingi cour Juad icial limits eve-. to th~e bouncadalr 'es of jLn. casteor, but we're Kershaw aac w he'ld in legal boniidage to 8imter Couri t Iila4', as Clar'endo'n still is, she wouaiha estceem it. iaerhap~s as a grevance(', searce less tolerable, thani thIat ct whlich here Revoluct ionaary here-es coinphlained~, in beinig transported to an lintgl ish Court And yet, thecre is no more renson for t his Jutdicialt unaion bcetwceen Clar. enadon and Claremn, thaii there is far cane bectweaen Clarernsant anid Kershiaw, The caiisiderationas, in thect all are ini t'avor of t ha latter. Climcate. itew est. poplationi, 'iantercoaarse anid puarsuits. are all in thier casue moire ebharaeteri. tie, hlomcogenus, ad ass'rnila s ed. Like Kershanw, oir like Richelandc. Clarendon has no tother c anaechiodn whatever with Clar'emaont, than that ocf her judicial ties. In seveing them. sche asks nlo political advantages car acqmiiremaents, nor aniy remnecaitiams for the past, she wooald noat, itf shte could, distiurb any of the comnproiises oft the Ciat tutioni. She seeks only a Judicial as we'll us thlat " Electoral " independece which she ncaw enajoye. Your petitioncers theoref ore paraey your Tioniorable Body to take such aaneas. acres, as In y-aar wisdoumi. you may deem necessary for estaeblishaing coir County ineti. a separate Jet:iehal Dis. trict, and yocur petitioners, as in ut bound wIll ever pray. SUWSCR IBE~TS. G. W. Brmaday,- C4re n....... - A biijnh lichbourg, Tho'. G. Doerily. W. Ithame, J. If. Dlinnill,,? D. W. Witherspoon, D.' Itgin, John Grillin, Jits. R. Brock, A. A. Rthatne, A. P. Irock, Melton A. Stuke, If. W. Maithony, John M. Stikes, J. S Itich. Jaq. W. Stukes, J. N. Munricq, Samujel lHichhourg, R. H1. Rich bourg,, Jas. L. Jonites, J. E. Grahamn, Jonatbhan Edoli, ,:as. T. Thigpen. J. II. M nih, A. W. Thames, I1. F. Mills. Eli Wea'k., J otin U. Himck. 1'. J. Tuchlberry. .John Jlamies. Frdrn Artlitur's 1ome Magazine. HOME SCENES. DY 7. R. AitrHUR. No. 1 -.GOVElRNING CHILDREN. " I'll not live in this wny!" exclaim Ld Mrs. Lyon, passion ately. "Such disorder, w1ang ling and](] irre.tu'arit y, ro file of' all peace; aid mffake tihe hu-oe a liedluan, in-tead of it et home. Tom!"-she spike sharply to i bright litth- fellow, who was pInid inig awity %@ ith a woolen hantner on a chair, and inaking a must ittaictable din;---sto, that, nise, this ii.statt! Atl % -it, Em'. not a word untmre frnm ' li ps. I vol cant hve il ipteace wJi hi ur sister. I'll stepraite you. D'ye hear! I4lush, this ilnst..'!" -T'heun laake Jule give eit- my pih eushiion. . e's gzot, it in her pociiket." "W.s 1 Slh thing; I havn't," ret.rt. ed Julia. "You have, I say." "I tell ypu I havn't!" ,V.ii; you hush?" ie face of at Mi-. Lytn wis firery red; and she statajped uipan the floor, as bhe spke. -'l wa'-t my piushion. Make Jile give ie nay piticushionl." Irritated, boeyonad ctntrol, Mrs. Ly. m, caugnt, Jula 6y the arm; antd thrusting her hantd ito her pocket, drew tout, a thiinile, a piece of lace. ad a peitkiuf'e." "I UId you i. wasn'tt there! attiltbit't y-flu believe ite?" This iiiupea tinei.gee was moaare thanl he im' cuHtilI endrte; and. actin t'-om tier indigtantt iopulles, she tox d the ears of, .1 uiini, sttnl l': citn seittts, at the sbaeu tme, thtt Emily %.8 as cliely to bla e fair all this tron It C, ty a wroig a1cetionaifita I& Itet ,.isierq she tuiiled oipie her, alist#, ad inmoii.,terthig an eqlital punittilitimet. 'i'right.enled lv iall this, the younw1get chi.drei, whose incessant no1ie, to the last hiotir. had contaributed tos the overthrow of their miother's temper, became suddeily quiet, aid skitike.i twaya.' into Corniters-anid tihe lbalpy. that was seated (all the fl.or, b twei two pillows, ciiived her qiverit.r lips, aid giainced ihearttilly tilt at Lite di- tart. L-t1 1tce in which t.he had been used to see tle lovelight that made her liea v. .-n. A deep tquiet fallowed this burst of paIsioini; like tho hush whichi sticceds the starmi. Alaw, i.r the evil traces that were letf, behind! Alas tir ihl - reptisive iitage of hit mither, da. gue rreotyped iml tin ilstantt, oil tie miiemtoa'r) tat her child ren, ad never to be eitaced. oi Mew mniy, ianya.' i tits, mi after yeairs, will ntitt a sigh hetave' lte'ir boasomigs, as thati painiful ref'leun I.otks tout. upotan themt t'r iim amii.t te demier remembrancesiil'.2 of clild. hat d. A woanvati tat goatd imubllti.-a, buit with searcely any~ si1elfuitira l, as anad teir ed thiir gaoodi. 'IThat them shewedt so little titrbarance', on'te witih th ot' ~her, mi arife'st ed so little fraitern ail a.lect iton, grieved her deeply . "'My wt''Ile le is mtaide i.iihappjy by it.!'' 'she would tatten say. "W hiat is to be done? It is tdreadf'ul tto think o! a t'innily grtowing tup ir. disctrd and dlisunionat. Sistetr at. vairiatnce withI sishter; anid brot hen' liftintg his hand against barother." Aswas usinal afler at. ehnllitiaon oaf pa~ssi. ii, MIrs IA tar, deepaly depriessedl spirits. as w~.ell a<i disoturuiaed, ire. Lfredata'ri her iimily to grieve andt weep. Lit tig lie t'-igl i('ed lat'y l'ruaii the floo r, she drnew its head ten. dierly agauiinst her las'-ai; andl, leavinig Lte, nursery, stought rthe quiiet ttf her otwn roaomi. 1 htere.. ini repleitace iad lean ihnuato, site recalled te stati im scente thronsgh w hichl slit hisad just pass Led; aiid bslameitd hersel I tor yieli'g blmrdly to Icassitai, inustead tat metet ing the traoubale aunoang he'r chiildren'r with a quit discrirmiiniation. T' weeping, calmneuss suitcceded StillI she watt perplexed in miindt, as well as grieved at her' own want tof ~elt conttroil. WVhat was tir lhe dotne with her childlren? il a.were they Lti be goavernaed aright? Painifutlly :lid she feel her own uiitniess tor the ittks By thia t'ime t be baby wats ~seep, arnd the mnother t'elt stusnethling Laf that tranqtuil p~endet that every true mother knoww u an~ a vntnur babea is -lutibering on her b1ssrn. A book lay tilt t slhtif, near where she iva sitting, and Mrs. Lyon, scarcely con. scious of the :act, reached out her naai -liar the voluni. She opened, t ithour einirag any interpst in its conteits; baut, she had read only a few seutittr ces, when this remark arrested her at. tetil oin. "All right gnvernment of chillren leginas with self government." .The words seemed written for her; aniid the Irtth expressed, was cleorated instantly into perception. She wiw it tn the clearest light; and(] closed the boak, and bowed her head in sid ac knoswledgmient of her own errors. Thu's, fIor some time, she had ben sit. ting, when the murmur if voicew frorsn below grew more and more distinct, and1 she was soon arotsed to thepain fel fact, that, as usual, when left alone. the childreni were wratgling aumonr tlhemselves. Various noises, as 4af1 poundinag on, aid throwing about ebanirs, anid other pieces of furniture. were heard; and, at length, a loud scream, ruinagled with angry vot ifera tions, smote upon her eats. ltalil..ation swelled instantly in the heart ,f* Mrs. Loin; hurridly placing the sleeping babe in its crib, she startel for the scene of disorder, ioved by an inmpulse to punish se. vl'r(ly the young rebels against all athority; and wams hal way down the -!airs, when lier feevt were checked bv a rvisbriu no ' the -;. ... .... q 'All right governitlent t' children be. gins with sellfgovertineit." "Vill anger sibdje anger? When .torin tieels storin, is the tetinpst stilled?" The.e wete the qtuestions asked f, herself, a :aanost invamolunitaa ily. - This is no spirit in which to meet mv children. It never has never wall elnftorce order and obedietnce," she adid. Pd, as she stood tipont the stairs, struy. gli:ng wit'l herself,'t and striving for th victory. Fromn the mursery came Ilsudler souids of disorder. Hsoiwwiok the mtother felt! Yet, in thit veav weakness was strength. "I must not stand idly here," she said. as a shairper cry of anger 1hanote heir ears; faed so she moved ont qdlekly, nand ospentinag the nirsory. .dooretuoud revealed to her children. Julia had jist raised her hated to strike Emil v, wIsa stsl confr1ting he with a lie. rv lace. Both were a little s-artled at iteir tnather's siiden appearatce; and btl, expecting the storlm that usually vatie at stich tisiaes, began to t it aunme the defiant, stubbort atira wih whick 11wr i..teinperate relruIS wete always tuiet.. A few inotnents did ' Mrs. Lyti -,taid Ioaking at herl- chi Id rei0-aief mit anger, uptin her pal. counatermuru1sa C. ll-w still all .seearne. .What at I..ok saf wonetlr (a.le gradually ii!sa the clhidren's fiaevs, as they glat'u'sl ie at. tle other. Sit etlaimn I-f shatme was tae'xt vi.ible. And tuw, ti ansth. er was csici-suas of a new paower ove fle vssing rebels sf' lier hutsitt-rhold. "Ertnilt ," 3said sit; spe'akinag aaili ly. t with a touich oaf srrow ian her vlice that, she Could ntt suibdet; --I wi-l (Du whill go tilt into ial; rosin, and sit, with Mary while she sls." W it hstt a sigi I tippositiat, tar ev. en reluetanace, Em1ily wenit qluie! t Iraim tie tursery, ill obedicire to iter mavoaher's desire. "t his nom is very much in disor. sder, JualIias." Many timeas hash Mrs. Ly at sa-d, untder lake circzanatane -s. "Whay doni't sou putt thaiag- toa rights..' or, ' nes'veri .saw such giral s! It all ina lhe roomai was tvopsy turvey, amtl thae floour ana inach thick with it Irt. you'd ntever urat over a handv toa p..t thaings ina ordera;"1 or, "G., anid get thIe brotm, this tmitnulte, nad .sweep atp the roomttt. Youit're the haziest garl that e'ver lived." Many, manty timtes. ats we have said, hasd suach lan-'.:ae beetn addtesse'd by Mirs. Lyti nder like circumvastane. s, to Jutl ia anad her sisters, withosutt, pro. din c any vthaing better thta a grpmau. b'ivng. paartial exeecution oft hier wishes. hitt ntow, the tatilId intiation st that, the raosm was itt disorder, prod(uced'( all the elf'cts desired. Jutlia wenat qtaickly ab, u tt lie wssak of' revstoring~ tmas to thir r'ight places, and in a little wtsile, otrder' was atpparenat w hero conftusison reignaed betiare. Lit the Tommtny, whoase Isove stt isntuaueting was at intcessanut :aunoyance to hais mtothter, had ceased hsis dl~ illo hiet stdent apaa nce, anad, fsr a t'ew momaaentts, stsaatd ill expecta. tiona oa a bosxed e'ar; thr aa'a timelt ne wvas' puozzh-dJ to uandesrst andl the new aspieet sit atliia. F~inadinag thiat Ihe was anat uianerl Ith an, as tustul, Ite comt mt.-nceed slapinastg a stick over the topj ofl tat oldJ tabale, takintg a mitst eatr. piercinag ntoise. Inastanttly J ulia said, ita a law tsaice, to hima "Doan't. Tiammuy,--duan't dli thatt. You know it mtakes moithter's head utelie." "Does it mnako- yotur head ache, mothe~r?" asked the child, eCiosily, and with a pityinag tonett ini his voicej, as he camne creepinig iup to his tmosther's side. and hookina at her a. if in tonut shether h would be repuilsed or not. "Sometimes it does, lily s:1n," re. died Mrs. Lyon, kindly; "and it is always usnplea~anit. W40n1't y-1u try too plity without making mo> much Mtistel" "Yes, mother, I'll try;" answered lie little fellow, cheerfully. "But I'll f)rset. soretimes." Ile laooked earnestly at isis moth -r as if something nore was in his Shoights. "Well, dear, what else?" said she ceinuragingly. "When I forget, you'll tell me; Won't you?" "Yes, love." "And then I'll stop. But din't scild mile muther; fur then I cm't stt p." Mrs. Lyon's heart. was tonched. She caught her breath, and bent her thep dawnl, too conceal its expression, uitil it rested oin the silkena hair of the child. "Be it good boy, Tommy, aid mither will never scald yis, any moire;" she murmured gently, in his ears. ills arms stole upwards, and as thev were twined closely albut. her neelk, he iressel his lips tightly against her cheek-thus sealing his part of the contract with a kiss. Ilow sweet to the mnoher'.s taste were. these first fruits tof self control. Il the eil-art to govern herself, what S juiwer had slat ',etpired. in stilling tihe tempest of passiin in her own t. som, she had poared the oil of peace over the stirm.fretted hearts of her chd Id ren. Only first fruits were these. In all her after dass did that mnot hier trive with herself, ere she entered in. to a contest wilt the inheriied evils 'N her children ; aid just so fiMt as shp was able to overcome evil ins herself, was she able to savercosne evil in themn. Ofrten, very tolten, did she 6ell back in. to ti;d st ates ; md tpfie.a, very soien was si.It-resist~tace *,nly v lih ..ibr:. hut the feelble iniluence for good that. flowed frasm her words and aetitis, whenever this was so, warned hear of error. and prrompted a snore vigmrous had an aiinndit reward ? Patrick Caliosat, Father of Johan C. Calhoun. Tihe na se Calho.m wa- osriginallY written Udglqshon, (parohioced Co., htMn,) and emanated from the Celt-ie I lighlands of Sotlaid. There is sme thiiig isnore thai a tradittins that tse Clas, livinsg fill a dang-rerosns coiast of that. se:s girt land, were .kilful wreek tr-, and received their iame fromt a French termn f;r a peculiar foat in tue amseonlg themis. C4alhie1s111 wass th.- mians nie'r off writmsig the samisse, sasans after t ie appearance of the family isi America. ta wa goradealihly chaiged Lp Calhiui, big sa o jronoieed geierlly, even early ,tn the bilioo cof th ri-natoir. Fhee are ,ime old mnil amnsiasg us, ho awever, who still speak of Ci.olim. The lIighasd Clin seems to have been very respectable, bth in 1)(is hiers and military charseter; accorinilig to the lbeoaoaks 4At I eraldry, the liear berry (Aa!autus uva ursi, or iii Gael ic, leItfileug i con,) vias hseeaored as their device air badge oif ditinction. l'heir tartans, as we lesar . from the sameis saonree, svens to haive been sulli ciesntly saiagnsi ienti; thIe halI awinsg were it, coltsors inU the oradei oft Ihei rarransge mienit; lue i. b lack, blute bhswk, wht ite, gseels, red, green, white, black, lue, black, blue. A lisha ha~s also beent ehaimied by eeistains knotwmgs? ones oaf the liunaily, as a piart, af its anlcie'nt coat, sof atsiis, ill ciinnlectioan with whie!s (quite a1 ebarneteristic ansecdot its told aoi the Sensatotr --illulst rati ' e of his re 1p.1 iei~ csnltempjt, 1 ar all such silly sebies oif a dlarier sage. A femuale sel ativye talce aisked him ill hitw it was the tsnmily gait this device sof the fish T' "h it is very eausi ly asccosunted th,"' herepilietd; "'in their tild hiss they fell intao the veary hal habit of' steuling, fish, ands hasve jusd icisously pacted a miemsento oif it tin I tir t.stentehe al."' P atrick Calhauni, the tithier of the Senair, emigriated at the age of 12, somlseti me between t he ye'ars 1735 and 1740, frossn Dotnegal cosiuty, Irelasnd, to Amnerica, aeccimpatsied lby his mno thser Casherinse Calhottn, and several bitothers. Ilis father had died prev'iouis to this event. TIhey settlied first in Penn~syl vaisia; but hearing taf better latnds in Virgitaia, the who le fainti ly asotly alter remsoved thither, and fornied a settlemenit isn Elizabieth cousnty,~ ern Virginia. Here, Ilatri -k' havittg becaime tat' age, nularrited his irst wife?, aind lost hser sooni alterwards lby deth. Ovesrwhe~Ilmed with grief sat. his unex peeted msisftunetai, he re-olvted to seek relief ns exile fraomi a sene in which he caouild land ht hapy; yttsd ,mt. ting a ut alaonre threadedl his wity tom the wilds ot Sainth Cals tlinia. Thie Wax' haw suett leaent, oni a creek of the sassw niamie, iln the siorthearni part, (if thet joriseaaL kasaum. .a.:...t. h.a .t. bIeen e-talfished, and he ibund in it, a coivenient resting --lave. AL tie same peri..d, the portion of counitry nlow known as Abbeville, was an unbroken wilderness. except the single settle ment of Old Ninety-six, wih >se village stood on lie hill now crowned with lihe ititeresting remahis of the aold Star firt. of' Rioltitiohar memory. It laed been mor Iges the huminlg gronhid of the Inrdians. and wis reeln itiv be e'omne fiinons ami ng the atdventu r ni bters of the nearest white set tIe ine'nts. Calhouf met with a party of these, and received from them so glowing an atectunt ofr thet Flatwoods or the exceeding -'rtility of the sail and abuudaice of game, that he deler mined t) vi Ilt it himself.' Tle hun ters had scacely exagpgerated their des~cription: lie found it the most de sirable spo't1 had seen in America, aid being an eicellent practical sur vcyor, laid ofT a large body lit land, arnd hastened biack to Virgirtia to per suna2de, if possible, the rest. of the fiam ily to return, iad oceipy it with him. lie was successfid; all (if them joine1 himlf, and they iaunded there, 1756, the present Calhiait settlemett, j ast eight, years before the arrival inl the sate neighbothood of the Freniclh Refiges fiom Abbeville (ni the Sum tme. For some time after fixing himself thus permanently, it s-ens that he was mneh oftener employed with hi compass aid stall' in tihe surrounding aountry, than in the miore quiet work ofr a fitmer; and it was in one of t lest' expeditions, that lie first inet, tnder somewhat romantic circutmstances, the .mouig lady wha after wards became his second wife, and the mother of his illisirious stl. J'hn Caldwell, a citizen of Chiaotte c11an:1ty, Virginia, and whose family tarigi aid exodus 1had, we believe, bieen similar to those tf the Caloniiins, fannd, about :he same time with them, a new htime inl South Carolina. E x posrinig- ti ctountry first in search of an agreeable situation, he had settled with hi-, wife on Mill croek, iin New Ierry District. Miss M-artha Cald we!!, h: 4tewrias a fsi n inate f -ihiomiyde4Ntplasait reAidentce.: in Viriei to clieet her sister-in IW in the wild or Carclina, the business of tir. Caldwell (lie too being a pro fessed surveyr) detaining him fre' quently, several days together, from nis fire~si le, The excelleti family were livin hapjaily ont Mill creek, when Patrick Calliton, survey ing on a certain occas ian, in the f'orest of Newberry, met John Caldwell engaged in the same isinesc. They were strantgers, but coingaenial in spirit aId blood, a short Aceliaiance ceniented it friendship hat lasted through life. Caldwell invited him to his h-mse, and intro dcied him to his wifle atid sister, a eireditf1stance quite common in the free, tirestrited hospitality of the coamiry, but which led in this Instance t a great resuiilts. I Ie became enamor ed with Mis4s Clidwell,. perhaps on first t-ight; adJ.ressin-r her soon after, they were married, and settled on Caithout creek in Abbeville District lhere, hajppy and respected, they lived through the succeedig hidian Wars, iaid the dark years of the Rev olution, he surviving till 1796, and she ta, l80. Th'le father of Martha t 'aldwell was a sold1ier in Uasadadoek's war, and had ,e'en ft ang de..d; uafter hi. ai they niamed their first sun, W~2liiam. ,Jiames, the second son, was named lfor a venerabale tuile', the Rev. Jamiies Cal well1, a Chapauini in the army o WVashingiton. and who fell at F'lizaethtow~n, in New Jer-ey, a tinartyr, basely murdlered lby he cenmies of' his country. A thrill og1. laount taf this distaidly act, ap-' paraed ini the lianner some)0six mohnt hs ago, unider the heazd of "Rev'oIintaonary Martyrs." It seems that he was sin' gled out by the R >yalists as a special vietiiin, tou Itaout of his talents, iiiince and devoationi to the cause oaf liber-ty. The brutal soldier suborined to dispaatch him, sufTered capitally foar the ohk'ee, (See Dr. Murray's his. toary atf the Presbytecrian Chureb, El itabethitown.) Besides John Cafd. wells thtere we're three tather brothers oft Mars. Calhaoun, v'iz: Will iam, Juimess and David .-Abbevil/e Bonner. DhnnoverIes Isa CalIf~organc On the 17th of October last; au par. ty of' twelve Mormons and one Indian, headed by 0. 1). Iuntington, left Maitti, tone taf the most southern si'ttlemients in iUtah Tlerritaary, by retjtiest tat Goav. Yaamtg. tdf Cejtloe the soniihomrin part ot' the T1era itory, of which inothing is known, aind if possi ble tapent a trade with the Navajties, whao d well in that quarter, f ar sheep, gaaats antd hor-ses, of wh-t.h i, is known theuy have abunance. 'They have, be~sidesz, coinsideramale skill in umanufac' iinra; anad taake all their blankets, :catfher, bridle bits, &c., tmanya'fwhiich are executed with most eurious work unn~ship. Tihey also work iron, gold anuid i.ilver insto a inuititude ot fornis, and articles for the warrior, hTband. men and tradesaian. The party te. turned to the Mmmorr settlements orr the 1st. of i)ecember last, having 4. their rip made somre most. remarkabilo disicoveries. They f'oundi itt fact, t be ruins ofr citV built inl the rocks, very similar to the .far- famed Petra irr t i. Eastern Desert. in.] even sit. passing it in etent. Yrmn Mr. Iifuntington's accoitit. furni-bed the Deseret News,. we take the following highly interest ing palrtien lars: Uii th.- 17th, we. left Manti with our ftfil oit titof menief and animals, and with five wagons.- We never felt imiore gloonTy itd doubtful, or under took what nppeared to Us a more hazirdius woik, duirina an experience of twenty yerns In this church. A wild, mtolinrons and dreary desert, hitherto almost entirely unknown, lay beijore frs, and what was still iord ftormidable, Indian Walker and hids allies had decre, d that we nevef should pass, and with tenty Span. iards had posted themselves on ouf r iutei and their rallying smoke was in Full view. Still we unanimously resolved to go ahead, and our enemies fled before we redehled their prsition the Spnifards their way and Walket his, leaving our path per fectly open. We fillowed Gunnison's trail to - within 52 miles of G#and liver, which. according to oner enIhh Or-; miles frmi Greitt Salt Lake City - Ihis road, so fare Was a toileralbly good one, but the country has little or no wood, grass Or water. There is a be-ttiful valley on Grand- River lwenty miles bong, and from five to ten Wid. It has good soil and graz ig rantte, is very well timbered and watered, and is about fifty miles from the Elk Mountain. From here wo. travelled 110 miles to St. John's Riv er, over a very fough and mountain ous region, difficult tu pass over even wvith packed animals, being covered with dense forests of cedar. ~It is for. my miles fromi St. John's River to the near. st Navajo town. NIzbEiTIoN fl TiRE NAvAJE8S-CA inALsMr.-The Navajoesmet us -iith - very eea d we arrived, hid killed, bole ria en a white man, so great was theif ex.isperation. By the persuation . two friendly Indians with us-our guide and iterpreter-they listine( Sanl explanation of our businessqZ We were fially enabled to form treaty and did s--me trading with thlen;i whih they were doing some tall.stetdi ing from- us. They were highly excl ed, but tile ehiefs were maore cool, Ippeared quite friendly, and wished, us to comie again and trade. Tradet. is the best letter of introduntion a white man can take anong the lddi ans. 'I heir great Captain wished its not to go among their towns and vill ages, its there were sOme that could. iit be controlled, and he did not itanb to light s. lie said we had come a very great way, and he wished us well, and *ent to his town and broughb outai a itbudance of corn, meai flour, bread, boans. dried pumpkin, dried squash, pinenuts, with sheep and. guab meat of the flnimst quality, to fit us oub lhr our jotirney home. i-iaer Discoviny or RTiLis.-On the North side of S'. John's River, antd about five hundred miles soutiheast fiom thle Great Salt Lake City; we trat'elieul o. er a secttioi of countr9 mostly among the mountains, and abdiji, forty miles int length, ump anid downt thme'lver, by twiehtyh~e miles itt width, covered wvith the ruins of larmter towns and villages. The wailla of many builIdings are still1 staundit entire, some oft them three or 'font' stories hight, with thte ends of the red cednr joists y et ill the walls, some pIrojecting eight or ten iniches, bub worn to a point at their extremities. Ev'ery building was a furtification ini thle strongest, manner imaginable, and in a style that the present age knew nothini: olf; mim ofthem still plainly showv the wholdt mtatinetr of structutre and~ evenl the mi irks of the workmen's tdals. Thme first ruins we discovered. w--re three butildintg,. ombled to mere heaps. Onit appeared to have been a poittery, for in and around it were loads of fragnments of erntekery of line gntality ottamesnted with a~ dreaL variety of figures, painted wIth va~rious tolobrS AR bright as if lput on yesterday1 A 16-a-rlFIED Crrv,-From here iy travelled ten miles, with Ioeessionnt ruins by the way, and entered a deep canon wvith projecting shelves of rock, tamd under these shelves avere nlumer' (coNTINUED ON FOURITH PAGE.) *St. John's Riecalled by the. 8juilt andknon o te mps s an .31an5 Ui....a It takes its rise in the inountai on we side ofuhe Rio Orands, neuly opposite Tani, Iand raninning almost due west, empties into, . Grand Rset jbst abow' the point where Grand and Green ivers unite to forns lhe Coiorado.-. 'ATe San Juan psem thronglh a eouintryWhich has been rarely trodden byslhe whiew -mal d of whiceh nothmig is known. Ita 'Jusoito 1thrnd-River ti in abou 'th lalMEq.