The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, February 28, 1855, Image 1

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E VOTED TO SOUTHERN. RIGHTS, DEMOCRACY, NEWS, LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS JOl1grt0'RICHARDSON, JR., " - ' t L WASHINGTON LOGAN, PROPRIETOR. l OurPUBLISItER. VxL IX* S.UT Ei'ERVILLE, S. Co., MAR'CI 149 1S5. NO. 19. THE SUMTER BANNER Is PUTLISHED Every Wedaenday Mornhag BY JohnS, Richardson, Jr, -lk TW0 DOLLA RS In advance, Two Dtllars ud FiyCents at theexpiration of six months -o Thiee DollaissAt the end of the year.. yo paper disiontihued until all arrearages Te ?A11 D, unless atthe option ofthe Proprietor. All subscriptions are expected to be paid for In Advance. Adveirtisements inserted at the rate of 75 -cents per square for the first; Fifty cents tor the second, and Thi rty-seven ant a half cents -for each subsequent insertion under three qn..nths. Official advertiseients inserted at se venty five cents for each inserlion. Single insertions One I iollar per square, - Senmi Monthly, lonthly and Quarterly ad 'vertisenents charged the same as single inner itions. Business 'ards of five lines and tinder insert. -ed at Five- lIoinrs a yenr. Three Months advertisements.-One square 34 00. two squares 87 00, three squares $10. 00, four squires $12 00. Six 3Mouths adtvertisemntts.-One square $7 w, tw squares S12 00, three squares $16 00, and four squares $20 00. Yearly advertisenents with the privilege of chinging three times, one square $1 00, two squares $18 00 three squares 925 00, four squares $30 00, aud five squar- s, .S31 00. -.A square to consist of the space occuipied by 12 lines of mi.ion type. All-job work cash, and transient advertising paid for in advance, Obituary notices anti tributes of respect over 13 -nes charged as advertisements. AlI advertisements not marked with the number of insertions will he published until forbidand'charged accordingly. Communi-atitons calculatel to proinote pri vate interest, or recommend ations of catdid ates for offices of honor, profit or trust will be char gealOfur as advertisements _r Announcing a canditlate Five Dollars a year. i roetall marriages tle printer, fee is expected. -Original Poetry. Sonnet To S. L. 1. By o. S. B. Love' gentLic tingr on thy dimplo cheek, lilt stairped wiltd beauty, on thy snowy brow Woven:rich tresses! J thy .:..uri eyes With spiritual ep'endor! I would scl Thy sove, could I but hope ''.e.u truly nine, Payin. thee with the patsin of a heart. Whose deep devotion never.can depart; Anti owning the I would not o'er repine, Tho' I t'wuid ;lmose tmy very soul for thee! thee net as thou last e'er been loved, But with a purity that stands approved .Jetore ogh he'velven! 'ouldst thoa girl, but see .ly love with eves like minie, then wouldst thou trust The lart which o'er it leaves thec-nusit bo dust! Sumnt-rvilIle, March 401h, 185.);) S- -. Address ?o the Sceases of Boy hood lOh thou SC-eet wood ! my boyhood's grove! 'l'ho' Mttin's spot of ialde-er years! Oece mteore I'm it, thy shads of love, But. she:1ding tears. Tall oak! beneath thy wr-intg bough, Thi.' heart was once, a light as .ir, Iut [ine h--th adden'd down my brow, And all is drear. Por te uo bright star sweettv hea ns, Whdlot I atm in you, lovelv grove! MIy soul grows sick in darkest 'reams, Of buried love. I've wonder'd far on life's rotugh coast, a'.Jos.' sea of ills mny heart did~ share; But all its blaste, till now. ne'er iorc'd A sitngle tear. My eves dried fronm excess of friel, 3" em' spoi! till I. to thee, drew near: iit no0w they're damtp, and sweet relief Comes with the tear. Oh let me meet the maidl ugain, Whose chiarmns first broke this heart of saudnesst; Ahd let tmy tears, then, flow like ra in, *.. . . To soothe nmy madness. Yet 1 would gaze'on her again, A ie though it fatal prove, i e1 e t to feel the pain, Of bl;ghted ho'-e. JAQUES. AaTIFICIAL FItiI flaEEDING.-The Freneh Minister of Agrictulture, Corn. merkeand Publlc Works, hately paid a visit to thj!E Cdlege of Fritnce to examine . tie'rapparatus for hat chitng fish e iIhAd 'by M. Coste. He fiued Ob.~ O recently hatched fish, 150;OO00't which had just been 1brn ip1fromn the est ablishment of II guen., All this large number ptnveyed to Paris at the samte 1', an'd (with a searcely perceptible *loss..Ylet crolsists of comttmon trout frSThib latkes, salmon frotm the Rhine. a nd trout froihi~win lakes. ,TulcS IN, THlE UNITED STATE. 'Seeare' about 17,000 Jews itt the Witte&tates. Otf the entire number, Advice to CoammIumaptivem. In some good advice to consump. tives, Dr. Hall says: "Eat all you can digest, and exer vise a great deal in the open air, to convert what you eat into pure health l 6 blood. Do not be 'afraid f 'ut door hii inay or night. Do not be airaid of sudden changes of weather; let no change, hot or cold, keep yoa in doors. If it ir ainy weather, the more need for your going out, because you cat as much on i rainy day as up oni a clear day, and if you exercise less hat much mure remains in the system of what ought to be thro - n oIl' by ex ercise, and .-ome ill result, some con. sequent symptom or ill feeling is the certa i issue. I it is cold out of doors, do not muflie your eyes, mouth and nose in frli-s, veils, woolen cm Il)f'orters, and the like; trature has sui.plied you with the best, Muller, with fhe best inhaling regiilattor, that is two lips; shuit them net' Ire you steil out of a warm room in ill tie cold air, anid keep) themi shut until you have walked briskvly a tw rods and quicken d tle circulation a little; waik fast en~ough to keep off a teelinig of chill ness, antd taking cold will be imupossible. What are the facts a atthe case; I. ok at railroad conductors, rojinl o'it of a hat asir inltap the piereiig cold of winter a- d in again every five or ten inuinttes, and yet they do not take cold a Itener than ohers; you wi.1 scarcely find a consumptive man in a thousand of' them. It is wonderful how afraid consump. tive people are of f'resh air, the very thing- that, wold cure them, the only obstacle to a ctire being th.t they do nlot gut eInoigli of it; and % et what in. inite pains they take to avoid breath. .ig it, especially f it is colb; when it is kniwn the colder the air the purer it. mu ast, be; yet if peaph- cannot get to a hot climate, they %%ill make antt arti licial ole. anl imprisonl themselves for a whole winter inl a warm rnomr with a teimiperatti N tint v-: vitng! taia 'egrees .n six .oth; a!- pI.- i !e 'lie, and Yet we fil..%w il theiir l'jat steps. It' I wer*e seriously ill colsuimption, I wo1ld live aut aof doors day and night. -x:elpt it was raining ior midwinter. then I wauld sleepa inl .ant unpirlat.aered Itg lheuse. .My coisutiptive irinds, yoi want air, not physic; yau want. pure air, it riedicatel air, you want nurtritiona, --uch as plenr ty of ineint anld bread will .ive, and they alhmne; ahysic Ias ita ii at ir)It, gaspmIgs foran air e'inra at enre'~ var; oanikey calaers m I a gy a~nmasomilar -annot cure you, anal stiuiilants Cll. s11t, caire you a. I' you wan Wait to eel wVelI, go a in 1'1ar laef aill aaant fi air. 11 not le deldead intaa tire girave b iaewsp . pa-r ad vertisements, arnd nfii. dable certifiers. BIsHnOP U GHnES CASTilN; OUT DJV LS.--Te fillowinr is frar tire Air. -ricanr Pi(Itestaint, whieh vouches for a~s r'eliailiry: "Being discharged from the United States frigate Macedia, ina May, 1845, from rlirokI) rn Navy Yard, aid haviig a iaamoc.('k, matress, and ne. eCs5,ary bed-c0athes, I coneluded rath. or than se.1 them for a marere trifle, I would give hmicii to some of any Caoair. 1rym raen which I knew needad suchl. I iima ii red thrirbe after ia certain I clraet Sulivan, with whoase wife anrd hiiimsll I trail beeni very irntimaate firrm hancray unitil they left, Irelanrd. SullIi vair theni Iiv~ed on Water street, anrd worked in the Screw Duck, it con rlcetiaan with rather trials he hrad to cineounter in past life', he reterred tia his wife's initemplerarnce. I asked himii if he had not enade'avaeed- to reclanimn her through thre muediurm oif a p K. he. "Oh, sir, alt thre pledges hr Ne .v York wo~uld hiave ni eflhet onr hecr "lowv do youal k..ow,"' said I, if I you have not, triedI?' ':1 know it well, sir, for I haive tried somethinag of greaiter value, andl a if you will saiy nrotthing to hrer,li .will tetl yoau all abut it. Last year rmy life was a btrthen witth this wvomran. She drank alt I saved 'romt' my earnings bef'ore I knew it, and, to Crowni thet whole, she pawned nay Sunday clothes. I felt convineed she must be possessed of an unnatural spirit. So I tooak hier to the Bishop "To Bishop Hu~ghes-anld told him my woful tale, and alsia what I thought was the cause of' it. The Bishop as sured me she not only had one, but shte actually had seven devits. I became Irightenied alnost to death. I firrmly believed that there was niot thenl o~n tbe earth a man more sorrowful, terri lied, and perplexed than I. My three little children were helpless arid des stitute, arnd if I had the benefit (at iry clergy (extreme utnctioni,) I would have preferred deatht to lilu, thrat 1 might not, behold t~herr miseranle con. dition.' I told his reverencee so. le told me I mnust take courage. In the langtrage ot despair I asked himn what couild be done. He told me Ihe did not see that an) thing could possi. bly be done at present. I asked him in the name of Almighty God and the blessed Virgin, to do something for her. He made no answer, which still increased my alarm. In the perlexi. ty of. niy"inin.a I had forgotten to make an offering. i.o I saw at once the reason he did nothing for her. lie did not wish to ask me, I suppose; and knowing it would have no ef1ect if not paid for, I ofTered hin one doliar lie asked me if I could give no more. I told him I had to borrow even that from one of the men that worked with me. le told me it was not enough, but seeing I had no more, and was poor, he would accept it and cure her. lie put oin his stole, got his book and heoly water, got her to kneel down, made tle sign of the cross on her fo rehead, motihit, breast and back. Ie read a wile I-, then spoke some words to himself, with his eyes lifted upwards. Ine. then breathed into her mouth, nos. trils aid ears. She instantly turned pale, and seemed for a moment insen sible. In a lw mmintients the recov. ered. lie asked her to show tier tongue. Sho did. lie pulled it, amid commanded the lying spirit to coine out, of' lier. -Afier this she looked more like an angel thun a human be. ing. She then asked leave of his rev. ence to iake an open confe'ssion be. tore hi:,i and eic. lie told tier to go (on. She did, and toild some things which astonished me, and she atsured ine that nothing short o the Spirit or* God could compIel or induce her to tell them.-lie also got her to sign the pledge (if total abstinenice, iti-d gave me a medal; he told me I might. neew take her lomine, assitig me, in the iciial tiLie, she would tronbe me no longer. I brought. her home, and though I had to go to bed without. sup per, I never exeniea edi a happier night. What was more strange, not Ole (if the cmui1rep seemed to want a bit. to e 't, though they were lasting itleetiins :. rr e s metinig iiom ,Mr. iris, oWs wile, that would get. 11S .one idinier. anl went, to wiirk, without amy breaktfist. with guy 'art at ease. I catot h1o1tie at ne1on, ex. peCing NIhe haid som1S1ethinig preavidt'd tot te to eatL. in, Its I jtcy Niii ly opeied the doior, beloid, the lfist thing that ciaglt .) e e was may wire lying 1ull lIngth on the a...,s drunk as eCver, anl her m11 eidal shiniing aLi .m1g the asheis ill the fire.pace. I have I'ln. lV tio 'ay thia. it she % as belori pos.' sed of' seven devils, she is now posses. s -of sevent v." lisraosstso AFrAi.-Three Persons F'ro:e.-W e lein frim a source ien til led h? credit, that. hiring tho recent -evere weather i, Illihnis, a mother and two chilren were frozen ti death under the most distressingcireimstan. CeS. A man wa- - living between Chic:igo and Galena with an ox teai, in which were hi. wifle and two small children. At night. the s'orm came upon) tlim with its snow, winad a(nd cild. Ihiey cieoaild n1e1t Iuild a1 1he beanselm tle greln,dI tiig CeOvered wi' l sino1w. there Wits ito woOd to be seen. mid their distice from any liabitata tion preven t he m I fliei rom reabing a hoispitable shelder. Belbore ntortnig the wife was frozen still; and. a a desparat e expedient in save the live of his childirent, the manai k-lIed both hxis iexen, eot them open, to~ok iouat the vi i'era, and placed his freezinng chii reni in the cavities. But. thei r deauth wats ionly delayed by this, ats thiey froeze dead al sio. The mian, lea vinag the deiad boe ls o f his wvife anid chilIdren on lie Ii ne priai ri ,.ucc~eede d in reachint a St. Lmnti's K NoTnmt~i PEoi'i.E wnio iiMDI u~a. Iso 1854.-On the first day of 1854 iied Silvio Pellico, who-e Piems have been read everyv where, iand hiave perhapst cont rihbutedi in no slight. dlegree' to the dislike ocf Austria. TIhe tnnlor. tinnate draimattist dlied, we believe,a devout slave ofC thne Austriain Govern mnt. Literature hats sufferned severe ly doming the past year. Thc names of W ilseon ando Lockhartt have been anming the inmber. The English Monitgiomiery and Mirs. Souathey, and thme Irish Crofton Crocker, all awakeii a hotst of assoceiatiions. Sting miourned a Robini: anid a Sontag. The Uiiver. sity of' Ediiibirgh saw its chair of' natural htistorny ritbbed of a Jlatmesen. andi still lameints lhr a Forb~es. St. Andrew's lost its lHal bane. andl Ox. ford its centenariaii Rituth. Britis.h art loest a Martin. Scottish denc aind literature regrets a Coek. burn, a Cunniingham, aiid ca Rutherford. England deplores a lTlfbiurd and a D~enmutan. Irnelandc a Plnketi. Two English Bishops, Bagot and Den-son, have been remiived f'romn their iappres. sive duties. Theli veterans of war haive bmeeni worthily repr'esented ini the long triumph of death by the twie Field Marshals, the Viscount IHeres. ford anid the Maranis of Analesey. SUFFERINo AND DEATH ON THE PAAJ niEs. -An aceaunt reached Lalayette, (Indi.) during the last week, of .the sufferings of two eiigrant tamilies on thu prairies, a desription'of hich is really heart sickeni Ug. It seems that on the 21t''January last, a violent, storm happeied, and that on the Saturday preceding two fanmibles, consistinig of ten persons, were inl the act, of maoving from South ern lidiana to N. rthern Illinois. They arrived at Oxtard, the county seat of BeiLtol county, (tid.) about forty miles i.orthwest tol Lafayette, with two ox teanins, and well provided with necessaries fIor the roaid. They remained there through the storm, aid on Monday morning resuimed their journey. Last Tuesday morning a man passitig over a prairie, only about live miles from Oxford, camie upon a sight which filled him with horror. The carcases of two oxen, Iromn which the visceral had been removed, lay upon the ground. Itside of oa.e of thi-mi were the I'rozen bt dies of lo..r children, and in the other the frozeni coipse of tle nauther, with a fiur.-ig inlant at her breast. Under the snow was a heap of ashes, inl which the iron of'the w;agonas showe i that the party had brokei thent up, and bulned ev er) thing they had in thei, in the elfoirt to save their lives. Nut Jar fromn this spot, was Iound the body of the oitlier womaain ou the part), partly concealed iII a sow drilt, aid ioear her uie uf'Ltue Itaein. The two other ineii had nut been louid. It is probable that the party became illextoicably inivolveu in the snow drilts om the prairie, and lost their prezsence of in:id. After bu riming up their wagtm..s it would st-ein that, the mnen had killed two of the oxen for a shler to those iound in tlem. an Llen, accomipanied by one woman, vainly Cideavered to reach the town they had left, and procure aid to res. eue their comipanions. The two other cxeii land waai,.ered I oif. Ther . nlothiag al but the periIons to iriflica who the) were, and anothinag more: is kiown abuitt them tWait was aceciden. tally con ain uliented iy thiem d lfing I .lheir brie' :,av at Oxiord. ---. .-- - 41. I....-- -- lINeEHTAINlTES OF A iinasiiip. The fo llown11mg cnrins Iteana inl the his tory of the Wide, Wide World," at book which has secured for it-elf a ioild wide fa lie-is givei by One Ol o a r 3stl cmi ote praes. It shfa s th it 1.01 iilaers alre 11o. al way A it etat jsi geb of minanulseriptf, aid that Itn ap ParenMtl cual ci reminstaice w1ay at onice e-st.abahml the a eputatiomi of I a book amnd im aaitimr. 't ii a curi,>us fact, that, the popu. la i Ly of that bomk begat with an up preciantgii i'nauce ill It daIpt ' review. Not unly was the maiiuscripj. reli.m b seveia pubibslers, but ui hari puam. lashed, the taiok fell dead-- amid woumid niot sell at all, fb week aod even mon41iItlhs. It is said on good aith iL)ty. that whC at lCigth M%1 r. l'utniamaaa received one day, by telegaph. al m der lr lify copies, lie refiisev to an Swer it at lrst, s sore waccs ihe tmat thI-re Wis a in istake soqeewhetre. I lie imoble inlfluenlee td thle b) >k tn,, lite over-stated; iaid the critic 01 tile *itii uaIl wlacll gave it it., inotot i V, t Illa) tiake credit for doiig so.-Pr'r Paopsw~raEs (IF G L.w. -.--Olass . .' armopeartes peclIiarly its me whiiebi is that it. is of nja g peater bulk when boats mr ini the amieted state, thani when coldl. ~Somae wite mrs state thaat it is (conatrary to lae analogy oaf atjher imitat) ofl greater bulk whent cold thani whenca haat. It is translparent in itself; bait thle *wtmJaials cif whaieb comlpaosead are op~mplme. It, is no' t miileabile butit duaity ranks naext, to gold Is flexalbilily uasa ii so gra~ that when. hat at cami be drawn out liI an e~alastai thae ad mi les ina length, in a Imimnent, and to a amiutene~s, equtal to that tf t he silk wornma. Briftle, aiTso; to ipmuvearb, it, is so elaiic thaat it cani lbe lomwal ti a gamaze like thinmnea, s1 as easily to laat uponi thle aiar. lt. last city is alsou shoaw> Ly I uie faut ihetI a glmobe, hermeictically seahl-. I im re. peu . alpona a poElishled iavil, tulI' to) thlirds thle distan, - of its I. ll, :ai will renmaistire unitil the seconld or thaiad r, bounid. (I le force with whaieb solid balls strike eatch other may lbea estimiateid at, ten, andm thea resetimmnby . reason~a if thei elasti- [proprty ait amine. j Ve-sels, cal led biarsling gis. SI'S, a~re madme ofl sullicientm st'eeng th Imo F lie dlrawns abaout, a tlaor ; a liullet miay be drocppaed intoc onme without hmr.eture of the glass; even the striake of a mainllet sollicienatly haeavy t L il ive a nail has hailed to baecaI suchm glansses. ha a word, ordinar-y lomWi fail to pro dmuce ali imp hressamon uipon em tiedes of this kinad. If', haoweveri. ai Wice mmf flint, corneatliain, diam id, in m tlber hard stone. laclI inti lne ofC theset g las. ses, or bea shaken thiereint a few mao. nients, the vessel will fly initv i my ri. 4d of' nieces. Oflce W & AR. R. Co. WILiINOT6X, N. C. Jan. 15, 1855. The following schedule will go into operation this day: , TRAINS. Night Train. Day Train. Leave W. & I. R. R. 8,00 p. m. 7.00 a. n. " Station Wilt'n 8.30 7.30 " Ilrinkley's 9.2 8.20 "d Aiaxwell1, " Flemington, 10.21 9.21 " Whitesville, 10.57 9.63 " Grists, 11.30 10.21 " Fair Bluf, 12.03 a. i. 11.00 " Nichols, 12.04 11.28 " Alullins, " laion, 1.24 12.13 P. M. Great Pee Dee 1.52 12.81 Mfar's liluf, 2.41 1.14 " Florence, 3.14 1.40 " Timmonsville, 3.45 2.06 " Lynchburg. 4.20 2.9 Alayesville, 4.52 3.06 " Sumterville, 5.20 3.35 " Manchester, 6.04 4.0 " Wateree, 6.32 4:*5 Arrive at Kingaville, 7.30 5.00 DOWN TRAINS. Night Taain. Day Train. Leave lngi1ville. 3.00 p. . 5.00 a. M. dWaree, 3.46 5.44 oM ndiester, 4.0 6.02 timler il5e, 4.41 6.35 layesville, 5.07 7.01 Lynchburg, 5.35 7.26 Tiimonsvile, 6.09 7.57 " Florence, 6.43 8.44 Afar'. Bluff. 7.10 8.49 Great Pee Dee, 7 51 9.27 " arion, 8.20 9.52 " ullens, " Niaysil, 9.02 10.321 'Fair BlioT 9.50 11.05 Gri"ns, 10.25 11.37 Wlmnsville, 10.59 12.05 P. Fleningen, 11.45 12.40 " rinkley's 12.4Bfa. n. 1.30 Arrive Wilmington, 1.40 2.20 SW.& .R.R. 2.30 2.55 flay Trains will-stup at alithe regular St "ioq and at Nioni's Creek, Maxwell. White "arsh, Peacorks, Cerra Gordo, .ullen, Car. eville, ard Cane Savannah wien signaled to ake up and pgtt down passengers. L. J. FLEMING, General Su'2rinten4a5 W . 3 . January 17. 1855 17 Sm Ar Watchmen copy m4 A. ANDERSON lesytfaillynf wlsopc aople oreSura ir District that he has Ctit relel at ow ohersa for sale the Grdt , selected and r most choice stock of F le lid Wa ter Goods, 'hat cannot we surpassed by anything In gers iarket. lie has received many new styles ilticla puirchatters wuld do %yell to e:xamino be. ore buiying eltiewhere. ILL(W)DULT1IS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS. -ALO A full and large supply of Hosierym Shirts, )1rawers, Gloves, Sumpenders, Cravats, Hand. erchiefa, &c. y., A ALSOON -lare assortment of READY S ADE CLO ReNG, which nwill be pople low. rTr Garments hnannjactured by the suari. or, and warranted to give satisfaction. Or era from a distance promptly attendd to. A. ANDERSON. Sept. 4th. 1854. if Fouth-Carolina-Sumter Dist. ts.,. Ca. Sao A. G. Murphy. A. G. airliy, rh is in the custoly f the Sherilrcae wutdr Dietrict, by virue ifae writ, of Capia. adi SalisIfaciendum, at 'e suit oe . wV. Kiliausiu, having hiled ii iv office togethier with, at Selietlole, On flh, ol his etate and eofn his pe tso o the Court of Coo upien leas, Prayng hat lie tiy be mdilzited to the' henetiit of he Acts tit the (icncral Assemubly, made or the relief of liiolvent De1r, It is ir, ady ordered, that the said aT. V. Sal. 11r11 fr all iler th rom latterde tool. A.e Gad. 0Murphy i nayws n . G. Murphy, hour lose in the utol f ltycn h the Sherdr of umrDsti t he vite 'i io wr toaisoad Satisfaiedm.a he ui of. W.N WImoNd, ha.n fileS.d. Ote Cot eofCi mon leas, raingc ha'u heous e. adutiited imnthedieneeiy of hect ilio Genahestermbail Rmade wrlibyodered, tharesaid T.CW. al. ~nidt and. ais tile i r the tre tioo he .actni .G.Murph is thn tavyllisg pun. ceband, beornd they tired heilre ynumoed orthave ,'c to appoer befghtoe the sie -an. ourn Se ICour oueen the soe. crs euposet and hpring itourrew thue rrs a hey caj'niwhya thisraye ofroadP'. raion ltrealid, sould o byte gantied.a es.l.hinGl L TO N cu . a. C.nti D. Onli of ommonrs plteoag bumerstrict.o Feb.ordte a.,85 tes 14nte le oul oleraates-vude tr.u the North I outh, Tis a ote imsitl on i h.~e, hnintn fr Macser's ivn hia Rad erda vriesit acnra.oitbewe V.lmnt.. Cha Prso rio. n tu)t A., is s Mlopnagoe r pto c. andars h ired aele an p .oui to Iay er anight lon ah tire-. atmeb jolneo ete 4thegomnt aboe lludte to The Propritocasfio~ed u or the comlfltot and t .o hehp',b2he8nine n mI irin zealon he a o the Maa r New Goods. THE subscriber has just returned from The North, and is now opening a splendid stock of Ladles' Drets Goods, of all kmde,,vix: A beautiful It of Rich Plaid andttriped Silks I Plain Colbred do. Ilack Striped and Plain do. Cashmeres, Merinot, Persian Cloths; Ladies' Corsets, Mletalic Corset Boards, Laces, &c. Rigulets, assorted colors, French work ed Collnrs. Bandn, &c. Ladies' Kiid Gloves, Ladies' Gauntlets; Long Black Mitts for .adies and Misses. Shoes of all Descriptions, Traveling Trunks, Carpet Bags, Ladies' Work Boxes, &c. &c. For Planters. A full tock of Negro Keraeys, Blankets, Negro Shoes, Grocerien, of all kinds. Ready made Clothing, Saddlery, larn are, Cooking Stoves, Air-tight Parlor Stoves. Farmers Boilers, &c., at lower prices than usual. Call and get bargains. L. B. HANKS. Oct. 25. 1854 52 if EDUCATIONAL NOTICE. The Trustees of the Sumtervillie Academy give notice that they have engated th,. servics of Mr. W. B. L.ARv a~ Principal of the Male Academy. fie will have associated with him Mr. D. D. ROSA, who will take charge particularly of the Mathematical Department. From the past experience and success of these gentlemen, an teachers, the Trustes feei warranted in recommending in the highest terms. the Institution to the support and pa tronage of the community, and the public Ken erally. The terms will be as iollows: For the primary English course, per iarter, - - 6 00 For the advanced English course, per quarter, - - 10 00 For the latter, with the classics, per quarter, - - 12 00 Estra charge for repair, fuel, &c. no Jan. 10, 1855 10 tf SPECIAL NOTIcE T HE FIRM of WrNN & CLARKsON, here tofore existing, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. We return ossr thanks tIur friends tind n.imtomers for the very lii tal ;atronage ex. - it) Ila 3!a hope the sait will !) On Jthe 0tgvjo most rerpeefuty- beg all who ie' debted to us, to omes forward and-make ! diate paymerit to either of the undersigned, as we are camp-ilied to hae money. D. J. WINN, S. E. W. CLARKSON. Jan. 1sat, 1855. Copartnership. tVPTIIE undersigned have this day form ed a Copartnership under thd name and style of Clai kon & Brunmou, and will continue to carry on the Clothing and Tailoring business, in all its branches, at the old stand of Winn & Ciarkson, where we will be pleased to have our friends, and the public generally, to call and examine our stock, and hope by strict at tention to assiness, to merit a contintance of the same patronage so liberally extendeu to Winn & Clarkson. S. E. W. CLARKSON, W. H. BRUNSON. We will sell off a portion of the present stock of Clothing, at first cost for cash. CLARKSON & BRUNSCN. Jan. 25th. * 18tf Notice. H E UNDERSIGNED offers for Isale his Plantation, krnwn as Taw Cav, situated on the Santee River, about five miles below Vance's Ferry, and coctaining a bout Two Thousand Two Hundred (2,20u)a cres ofprime Oak, Ilickory, Pine and Swamp und. On the place are gin house, barns, Ne. gro houeN, and all necessary buildli gs in thu. rough repair. To an approved purchaser the terms will be acconodating. Apply to J. N. FRIEltSON, Statebirg. 14 lamsn3n Notice.t T lE SUBSCRIBER o~fferse for sale his I panaionon the Saintee River, ahout midway between Vance's and Murray's Fer. ry, nearly toptizie the Santee Cannt. This pilanitlcomiatizn about Fivo 'Thousand Five Ilund, jd acres, ".500,) of Oak and flickory, P'rsine nd Swamnp land, well adapted to Corn, and long and shurt Cottn. Otn the place is a good t wo story d welling, and all necessary out buildings, in complete repair ; also one of lie best Mill Seats in the country,with it la rge and substantial dam. If desired, the place could be divided to suit purchasers. The terms will be liberal and accommodating. For particulars, inquire of the overseer on thse premtises, or address J. J1. FRIEtRSON, Statesburg. 14 lawam Notice. There is no uase in talking. the subscrl. ber has closedl his businente for the pur pose of settling. arid nmust have tmoney to meet pressing denmanda, and hopes that those who are in his debt will appreciate Isis necessities, come forward atid settle immiediately. T1. D. FRIE&RSON. Jain. 17, 1855 11 if Adminiqtrator's Notice, All persons having demands against the Estate of R. M. Sanders, are requested to hand them in to the subscriber duly at. ed according to law ; atnd all those that ~i have notes or bonds due the first of November, are requested to be punctual in the payments, as the business of the Es tate is such that inidulgence cannot be given. War. M. SANDERS. Oct. 25, 1854 5 tf Notice. Ali persont having any demands against Capt. James R. Brock Deceased late of Sum ter Diriot, will please present their demands to the subscriber for payment, and those in debted will meaks payment to the ate. L. F. RU AME, Ez'r. Nov. 29, 1854. 5 tf. Caubibatts. For the Banner. -SUMTaRIMtLE S. C.4 Dec. 18 1&&i. Genlemen qf ClaremoM Oaunty:.-I cone out in thismanner to inform you that cir. cumutance of a privateonature will-not al. low me to be beford oti Wb ydas hence as a candidate for a seat in the State Leg islatute, and having a willingness to sezvd you in some way, I offer you my serviced as agandidate for Tax-Collector at the ne Sion, and if elctecd do promise'to di 'my duty to the beat of my ability, am yours, most respectfully, 0. P. McROY, EF"'atchman please copy tf. Dec. 20, 1854 8 tf We the friends of A, R. BRADAM Esqr., take pleasure in an nouncing him as a candidate for Sheriff of Sumter District, at the next Election 31ANY FRIEDS. Mar. 29. 1834. 22 tf. A Number of Voters take pleasure in announcing Col. WIt.LIAM A. COLCLOUGH1 as a candidate for Sher itT of Sumter District, at the next election. Marci 15, 1854. 20 tf. Mr. Editor: Please announce Capt. T. 1). FRitason as a Candidato for Sheriff of Sumter District at the ensuing election. Aug. 24, 1853. 1i The fiends of Capt, P. M. GIBBONS announce him a candi date for the offce of Tax-Collector for Salem County, at the ensuing election and oblige Many VoTEs. October 1 51. YOR O DINA 11,Y. rTiir, Editor:-You will please announce WILLIAM H. BRUN NON an a candidate for the Ofice of Ordli nai'y of Sumter District4 at the .enauing election. MANY VoTERS. to announce A. E. POOL" a. ojdidag fot' Sheriff of Sumt6rDistridt ai une sna, tn electio. - becember 21, 1852 8--tf W E are authorized to announce Wx LEWIS a candidate for Ordinary at the ensuing election. Jne 28, 1854 35 tf For Tax Collector. The Friends of J. Y. Brunson, annouce him a candidate for Tax Collector of Clare mont County, at the ensuing Election, Many Voters. Oct. 11. 1854 50 tf. The Friends of R. G, Potts annouce hin a Candidate for Tax-Collector for Saleni, for the next term.-MaNy VOTRaS. Oct. 18, 1854. fil. tf. *Gii Messrs. Editors: Please announce Mr. JAMES McCUL. LUM as a candidate for Tax Collector for Salem, for the next term. Many Voters. Oct 11. 1854 50 tf PALMETTO SUMTERVILLE, S. C. E. Sonmmers Offers for sale at the store formerly occu pied by B. Greenvauld, next door to the office of Capt. F. Sumter, a LARGE and welt selected stock of FA LL A ND WIN TER Ready Made Clothing of all quali ties and sizes, which he will dispose of at least twenty/Ire per cent lower than any other house in town. The publie are e pectfifirnvlted to -cair afd einmino tor 'iemnselves. .T. SCIIE WRIN, Superintendant. Oct. 4th, 18.54 49 tt Dissolution, The Caipartnership. heretofore existing under the firma of BUTLEa & Neasr i this day dissolved by litnitation and litn at consent. All the Notes'tud Accounts-of the firm have been placed in the hands' o( Y. N. BU-rJ.ER for collection, who is ,the only authorized agent to liquidlate 'the debtsof the concern. All persons indebted by note or account, will please come for ward and make immediate settlements. Y. N. BUTLJER. A. McCAIN NEWBE.RY. Having sold my interest in the Stack'r trade to Mr. A. M. NEWBERY, I would recommend him to the customora who s liberally patronized the late firm. Y N. 'BUTLER. Hlaving Dought the interest. in the Stock tn trade from Mr. Y. N. BUnnaR o the late firm of BLER & - N~aw'Et. will from this .date carry on the mnercan~iie hnenpeass uporn my own responisibility~ Jlir turn fny thainks to theocustomera of the late fir'mn, and- arneitly solltil a continu' ance of their paronage. A. McCAIN NEWBERYW Oct.26, 1854. 1 - t. Fresh Garden Seeds, 20b0 papers, Wardmnted? T H kLA RG ET attd bes' asuo& Iment ever brotught to -thistmawllt&. M. Wholesale and Rtetai, b~y. Jan. 21if PRRY MQtds