The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, February 21, 1855, Image 1

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DENOTED TO SOUTHERN RIGHTS, DEMOCRACY, NEWS, 1TERATURE, AGRICULTUE'CEC N H RS JOH N S. R ICIA R DSON, Jt., - PUBLISHER VOL.~~~~ I. IUMT Et R VII- it. .O. AROR7 8 - -----.m.NO.- -I gd -F. - - - - - - - - - -- - --- --- _ _ _ _ _ VOL. iX. IsuM T 4,4 t 11LLE9 s.oC., M1ARCU 7,1) IS0NO.5I TUE SUMTER BANNER is PUIIIU.tStIED Every WednesMday Moraing BY John 3. Richardson, Jr. T EK1 R., TWO DOLLARS in advaice, Two Dollars und Fifty Cents a tiheexpiration oftlix motis or Three Dollars at tie end of tie year. No paper discontinucd unti nil all arrearages are rA I t, u1niess0 at the option of the Proprietor. All mscriptions are expctedl to be paid for in Adivtuiee. Ailvmtrtisicnents insertel at the rate of 75 reents per smqutre for the first ; Fifty ceiti mfrr tihe seconel, and Thirty-seven and a half cenits for each Piubseq uentt imsertiont umiler three #mn.nth. Ollicia acivertisenments inserted at -seventiy five cents for each insertion. Sin1gle insertions Onle )mOllar per smitiare, Semi Mionthly, Alonthliy aili Qnarterly ail vertiseients charged the saie as single inser -tionms. -Butsiness cards of five lines and nder insert vil at. Five-lollars a year. Three Months aivert iscemnts.-Onte tstiire $1 00. two siquares $7 00, three imquares $10 00, fiotr squ tres $12 00. Six lonthms ativertistements.-One sipItare $7 00, two msinari!, $12 001, three squares $1G 00, anil four squares 420 00. Yearly adivertisements with ;he privilege of changing three times, one siuare $10 00, two siqnm-sL. $18 00 thret squa:res $25 00, lour squares ,330 00, ani live sluar-s $:3I M. A square to consist of tlie space occupied ly 12 lines of 1ii- ion type. All j 1h work cash. real tranmieitna-lverising paid for in alvmtice, ObituarV notices and tributes of resipect oiver 12 lines charged as advertisements. All ativertitemints mnt tm:irki-I with tle number of insertioms will lie pubilishei until forhid and charged accordingly. Communintions calculamlel to promote pri vat, intes ent, or rroumei.dmtiionm of enntillillates ftor illices of homor, profittur trust will lie char gei for as adver1iseint-iiL Airmnimeing a canmti.late Five Dollars a year. For tmll nmarriaged time primterd fee is exipectel. [Sele'ctei.d -ing to 19e of IIen.116a1. I've heard ymim sing oftenribly Ioniours All overnmig w'ithl failing flowers, Nmiw Sinig to im i of heaven ! Thiough eartl ':-: ymmnmi lio!s may open fair riert is i pooi.n inl time am ir, A blight on every blowmin themre, 0! suing mo nie m f i :-.t!. ! I'n fiainiing with tie aimmst ani strife 'Ilhat fills the hat tle fie-l: of li'e O ! sing tll me of h.- avenm ! The n% bite robed angels genmly inlove A mionig mlm happy fiehiinhove, Atid all theiir worlst are breathim imm love, O ! singi to ime of' heave !I I sir h for renf-e ; earth k ionm it Inot, Wa iit 'er i.qjh wirites, n% ill surrow blot 0 ! -inlg to lit'. of hI e:l -1 ! Antial mhle mimuie of hlt sphere Wim,- lreakis ni, liisc'moml, falls ium t.-ar, Iin cimtunes- rolls ite eitrial year, 0 ! sim.: to ile of lieaven ! Ave, sing ! for I ani longing so ''o that ieliglfill re t Ill gm, Tiel holy rest of ieavenm ! Your notes will mike imy spirit strong To ri-e 'er miortal grief ani wrong, Andmi listenI 1) time ange's s-mg; 0 ! Sinmg mo ime of' heavell J.%%iiSua~t t~b11%--- 4a,11Mmnlm ple. 'Tie iiollowingm Ileutteri, thoug we ~ ~ h.vei reasmmn tim lbilieve its dwails per perl'ittly trie, reads like a lIat' laken frui ihe I'A mlmabia Nigh'ts" of %41111ur reaidters %%ill do uess r em-m i ber that tills calital has for1- sIm-ttw lemigili of' imie ime the Scnlje oint 1111. ity tiys temriouslv y pel'rpetrated iiobbeiri.; f 'uses, ald th'. eially tloysteiriouis antd suddeiii di.alpearatne ('om manym11v in Fuglish pirivale or A. B. This "killli w rk reachled its elimax al).m May orI Jimie last, am the tiimie wmhm'nm 2.1 11111ny Lioopms were quatered .it mm garded Lthee amcts mi'of im blod 'hied ats Inothling imure thmani tihe resuti ofi siomie tmiimghtt. braiw, I. thermnms consimidered'm them thme wo rks ofl Ml.m ii anattti iism . Bumt, time thet wats never' saiti i~letori Iy atccuted~mi finrg, nmor didi time noinly inives. tsigatlions minf thme rimlice everi snmeeed im ombtaiinimg any einte as tn the c rpetra1m. toris utii veriy Imtely, wvheni themmm my s. teryV m of these deedi'(s was' i cmlere mmi. Andmi it is a greamt, blessmin1g t hamt lie vilans haive been'i ait last seenmtred, mis thme cases fminm der1 lims were amgainm lie. cominin1g very frequen'imt. Oni time 2ml oi mfluanuay ma gipjsy caimme tom thie ief camvass, imr super~msitmled~itmnt ofplie andli offereid toi dl~iciou tie ha-:nt of am gatng oft nandermlmers, on pay~lmentL of' m rewvardlmit of 1,000 'iamstre. Th'lm ghm iiimmediteyi Vseenredm , hie refu'sed ti di. vnm!mi a sinigli fmet wiihioumt lime prommliie of1 time above sumi. Thie thrimeat f ti-. mtediatien execui tioni wats nex t ome m on imm, whlen im gipmjsy. in ode m toiii 1)salVe hmimisel f, declarued time whoutle mas a g' t~mny stoiry. Iiereupon hlie wats sentL in c'hmaige ofn a cavamss fmmo,:. pisonm', bht iteitiher van, norii handnirstiF areiS ni a.ti iim herie, andmm the ripsy~ mmmmiimgedi t imuake his e'scapje neinil. Ne.t imomr iiin e was 1'ound 'deadm ini thie openi sit reet., witl)htiu dleep gahe inhis t breast. It. is stuppose~id itmt. the gangm gotm winmd oft I lin gilpsy's initeion toii bm. Ii'amy thmett, nimd, accourdiinmgly , qutiet. iy dis~pamtchd itom t renderm imn .hairmiless~ fnr .hetmti iutur. it ithe evenimng of th iiu I, as somet envaissetm were't iimakiing tmheimr run~iids ini 4inmt of the~ strt'm s min' Galta~tm the'y iob se.rvedlI i liwem, caryintg am bmirge bag hmet weenm temii, ai-itientlyv wit h iimieh <jjinmity. I hie ppj9p.eemen1 auLspe'cted theini, by their Iuilaliner have Clio. iitid sire mei, ad accordigly, ti escal observatiln, gilt inito the shauie ol a deaai wall, to allow the others to aIpprach'ali. Bat this plain fiiled for this 11io that, iminlent re.appearing" lront behiid a ebc.ud, thnl-w her light Iuli Upli the dead wall, wheretuponi tie two luen let fiall heiir baig and took to their heels. The bag was liaund to contiai n the bady of' anl English solid. ier, with ai bulevt through his liCad. (In the night, of. the 6t;ih, three French so:diers, walkhiag through nie(! of tile st eels at Pera, suddenly caine 11pon two G3reeks, carrying the Ibody of an English sailor. Sulspecting tie COiissionl of a t an i deed, the Freclinchi unsinig their riflas, which lillg at their sides, andot gave C31e to the Greeks, who instanitly dropped their lu rden and rant all. The chase citititled, ilj) nlle lime anad down at. aliter, far1 salait tiane, whien the pur. sued1 sandden ly halted aind gv a lod, shrill whistle. Sihuleily the previils. ila mpty lane was crowded w iii da rk hires, whlao rushed on the iinafolrtiini. ate Frenehma, en, who had thus noblv endeavored to avenge the death ofl the Einglish ailr. Thytired, anad azIado a1 galanit stand 1. r soe tile untl il Ihe h vrl-whel-iailng li inInbers boore them downi, .-tabbling :nal einbbaiiangI ai.ema, I,, witliit inercy. S41aa11 aller. sonle ca. pa1Silag by, the nifliais disap. jaearel .arainl as qulickly as ihey had. caarnea to tih, a.,ei e of theiir ldl.,w iiiiraevre r, ba it nit, . aithlilt lea v inII Iwo fit' [lie Fn1-ihmeni d1.-:. T.l third livedl jn-t, lng einoa:gl to-) tnake' his stateiniet to the ipodlice. wh-Io. ill. stantily sa1ched all l1 neighbarinvg iaass, courts an i ale a , blit. m ithotag lindiig an:ything suispiacilus whae. A nier aeltoernber IIf tile ibde' Vo1dillitaaer( Caarps who has lieen obtainl. ing a icnt!y bieliliad here by excea. tilg :Ill s t-Is Wr coln 11isiaais, where. ly lie noat ulivpaietly ecaa iln cI n. I aet with s(ala:e* 41* tha ealt Io' all 11,1. n-, voliainevr.- . 1i lo fi thle h la t, a.1 tik Imoysteri.-us ?.. a-i. o l lii -il * Irl ;:l~ Isa ;& .~ lit Cai ld iv g.l.nenily delaeaaaid 11y., 11, Lis Iten. dera. was acaepld, and 1 dagger and aI n-v. ker t give bhIl*ia lar paaa.-eionl.--.. ()I 1lit- ait iliila tit' lihe (.),I lie was I- d ..ead alit:ide (fI i'era. A (-:I. %ass, wh- h 111 a bi' a . oIp voI aIll i d lt oh et heni~ st ryliw i.,v fi-Il a1 v ie. rim, :m id wa., pickedi fil ru1ori-1ing elivea . i:h agger waund-; wani pe,. ()I e1 d tila l il %%:Is S.hed. It ha p m- is I'l w. A P'ele 11 theV 11.111t of GlaI.b:Iez and11 an lt!aliean. l'isato.' a na , hIlapenedg toa a aven~ p ii th-1 aC Ier..a I. The lIit3ian ied a very tee I a ei 14all lii-, was 3el. . 14,11 at h i ai-, and4 ala lia, n1't ap I la l have. been-1 a nov-e. sit g4nbl~lineu ciitnr. Alier havinsp I iag ' ae a alt -al i ili. l'i-ai k ii I I b1 . aa eIl al ( iaa I if I iet IIlla#Iita a I II I Ia 1 I a f. i, jIlIIa ajv.'.1 &-d a if ak, wainch (;ia-sed h1., I a c t I t j 1 i . 11- dleaa* aa a aI ia llaIk I3.1 ii i li bla :d in31. I'i-alai ans,%% aea-d, that he hlI:I lIt.all his cash that night at phlY. .n3d h.l evae Ia laae hii gaha wt a-h as -eenri ity th aa h araiwed .-l ann. ;lhii., 'lsh:1go.1111 redevil ilny wat1-h di 1e tl o air the 1,,-etalh hltui I11c it -;nn(1 I woiahl Iat. lase tLat walch ir IIe u%-..ill. I lanIg, Ilese 1iaIin aig , srI evis indai llIlll sI s h -li - I h-Il l l e -3,pair of finldiaag lihe -Ielarel again buit flr a1 elever trick af-iinilaa-: as5 I left the I h~mse~ I elt. a1 large ero--.s on te hous~~-e dleaor ithl inv ',if1-timt11 i-i ray onily gilud , but? ii i.-, 3 ala m k whbichl the~aaa hilaln-.e c:anot easily af lce."' lIhe taaak al1l his maaanea oaaa and11 dearalated determlinetd toaI lasa all1 or win his monaley bacik. ('hlaez had go wrlongI~, and. de-terinead to gi ill search ofl his frienda I if e didla nat makea~ his apniaan~~ace by naext lonar3imea Ghibua~ez hearalbmra saet aont In e:ia ry l., rasoluiito ala t * ete. 11ll ad wanI. hloar. wiha-n he enatera-d a1 saiil elihm~eI to1 ile-eh hoaMelf with a glass oaf rum11. n..- galve theI host a1 p3.I re, and1 dhe -f t he-e parlas hle had aonly the day blbreaa serl~at hais lnIne withi a 113il, and11 ieeaa:.:nised it 31 as blonginlg toi Pi. para1. 1lae thlereibro entleredI into0 coa. veI *l'- iin w-th ithe gina.shopa~ 1aeper, askeLd ito ub lethar an haa liani131 had ein hecre latel~.y, and(1 thether he 13( h aplay. tel at1 his house-g. The1 1nan11 evadedea the <111a-1111, and1 his all~aner appeedala 131. taagethaer sag 1d1d that1 G;3lhm z. siniietll t.,ak hit- dleparture1l~ iln ardear to havae a laok at th- Ie street dooral. Soure~II eniugh, I here was1 thle c-ross baurrie-dly scratc head gai the auitsidle. Turin~ilg intoa the net street, hea mtet a file oaf plicLe.mlen attembn IIlg oni some~i a11abas3, wajhih cln. ltlined thle bogdies of thoase uh1o1 h11( al -n1 i vietimIlsl inte past naight. TIhere welre 14 caorpjse: aif thea(se 7 werel Kn. gilish, 4 Frenicha; Pisani lay li feless Itheral too. Na, doaublt couaild nocw exist 1las toiwho the pe'rpedtrato~rs ofI all these crimnes were and whle tbirl deo was. :nld on ttimia1n diIy the wlole pi vIll. ises were suriouided by enilitary, whI il'eeted li capture of' 15 men 'and 8 .vo)tienl, all of Whorn will no doht meet the puiishment they so richly deserve. A visit to WalVkuuila SpMiing in Florida. Afier many a month of weary wan deling, niy friend and I found our selves , Ol a1 pleasant lorninlg in Narch in the litt.le capital of Flo ridl, While We were elnjoyil our c41 e with a in an ber ofr gen-1*tili, oike o' them asked, " I1 ave y oll been to W a. kaula." We were obligred to confeoss that we had never even leard (if snieh a place. Withi a looki of' astoilh-l Illent, he proceedel to nceilt, its woliders. We list ened ats incredulonms ly as you, dear readr, are abilut ti listen to tiv deseliptiona. We re. solved, however, to visit. (lhe spot ; aid presuiring with all dole respec. flilt your I xateisive gev grajphicai knol-4'.v udge, that .iu kiw lno miore of thtin ihhll we did, I irunke no-1 aplo)lgy 1'r ri vilg )oil till a ccount, of our vibit, to) Ihe woinderfid timntain. WVith a ine legged negro as guide, ompagnon de voy(re, and driver tot' a pair ot'hoiirses, w hose legs c(Olectively had no"t nua ich 111ire elisticity 1 than1 hi:, we started n (ur jou rney%. ()ur 14oId. which pre-sened the utsual variet v Ill' 111s alld St1 onps, lay tied rethugh anl ab1114st tl nbro4keni -pine Ihr-est.* All akjlng .IIr way we noaticed great imn hiers to thoise depressioin, or' "sinks," as they are called, which are soi com Iroon ill lilt estine regiins. Siubterra neIn: streamns filoceed t heir wav throug hel lite fiure of this siit roi, aind rapid. Iv wear away the sides f' o their ebwn iels. Thus as :na.niy suIpS(e, Were 1 d1need 1' thle c1rnlt linieto4 ine caves, whaich are 6hund inl the Southern midi est et in Siat es. SoSIle tiii.i's the v'lalliel is worn so) IeI ll. to tli S irl flm.e I& thle e1-: rth 'M ' their thinl ernst boreaks a uh nl t hias a valley tor sinik "is fotneIstd. "'We !.aIw searcely a bro -k r.. :. atig it the road it to i n I & atillah l:. ;\t ht'Iggti all ier diivil., :1hb' 1t li4lite Li) iiil's, ve t .Ie t i hei grilt inlds l4'tt t a t.:1 A.1 13. a lecic' teirea-ell- u t f : IIa t :Iur t' aJinile, we rehed~ :ia i1A'hie:i flall?:)'e Ia l\% IItl 11 w he ili 1 vin it. ,,\; 1:4 a 11vi 1 I' e S i f .:I I I a . 1 1 11- aL cl4tsIl I I - h \e knIvw a I \;. Wk: wI. a lI % I i re , Vt - , uill l yti it , I I If 41 leo i4.-e C I 'IL I ha 1n1id r h s i i . litI I_ . 1 1 i W I a1i0: ,1 itwd j al w ! :10 11ve pa i ' .';it :.I 1:a Ih- tl . 01111 wti -. i lI N 4. 14141 30 W1i 11 ' it) I Iet. alt''p, fill 1 11- 1 ' fa'hu-Ill wv weiev staldigtIll I tw he (!1 sita aitnl:1I4 4 ofl* wal r, ab ll#- n1111r41.1id t .' r i gs bl i1 t -e soi iti. li i.-s ahln t ', vi:114 ar T hI Ihit44ck ) t lhe cIe. g-owingi : v th (le's (!, ge1 , tallh g t h4I 4 I r ,1 - I4 aI I ct- \V -di int .a s ill, ;.111 'ul, hed ;i l' f Itr- -I it 1fe tll 'e. ' SolI e i iltl'vil . fi t.11 t L. !, Iraiett'd Illy atIt-illimli, al i IScizvil a '1 ar to) s iik - thtinii . T he b -ati..nl4 hi i',aacs t ll iaki'lt $l wI4 :11( si i lc'iihy he ilt-% 1\% ' e. e- l lh te I l lI'. V I :11SIitwe Ill, " ab t l g tfour h1e4." li e a1 mre ine tII tiie wire at h-al tw iLl t I'v t litl I ng.. all d it, was 1,1 . The ni'eo'r is d the illist, Iitrvib41en I llI'arehy. I dro-ppedl allrinr lil) Ili wa ler -10 -e. IIdI I Saw\V itS p.'irCedIIle wt hale ;ttherg redtthee Aopenig we sigt' nte t~ loint, Wer actuialized. A imore lfiiry like scene I ennl searcely conevive. The water, whichl is here ponred f111h, f'o.lim , Iby itselif, a i e.. tThi planter, who lives on tle banici, brings his Cottol to tle spring, pits it on rafts, and this transports it to 'St. Alarks. We sia~v what were said to be the relmaiins of a Msto-'l, which had been taken from the fountain. The triangilar bone below the knee menasured six inches on each side. Ihow the :nimal nine to perish there. is a qliest iin openi to diseission. The ndin 'name fIa r this spring is heanitifiully siglificant. \Vakulia nans "The AIlstery." It is said that tle Spanish discverers of this I"tulnain plunget iln it wil th alinlst frantie joy. 'Tliey sipposed that Ihey had fubimd ti lnilig sought "osii .111ventlitis," or V4nitainl of' Younth, whiih sihiuld rejuvenate them after [licir exhau.',ting miarebies al battles. Provridenice Jopurnlal. Speech of ZaItiia Spicer. Oil tle questi'l. \\' hieb einjopys tilie griilteat a amoimt I hapupinss, the bach eIEor E r tie narried nin V Mr. President ail gentlenen-I risk, t advocateat the eaiise f tho mar ried mann. Anid \% by. -, bould I not ?_ I elailn to knoEw soiEt about the ie'stil l t 'll. I dIo(. \\ill anly grentle. in:m1i pretnid t - say that. I do Inot ? Let hiin accompay tine h2 me. Let. i(! enfro..t him with iy Vfc and Sevenlteenl childrven, anld th idei. Iigh as tile Rocky , it ainls tow er abmve the Mississippi valley, does the Character Ef the in arried Inan low. er a bive that. of the bachelar. V iait is a iaelori \\'hiit W as A daim be. 14tre het &.'t.t netpainted with' jEve 1 \\lhat. li1t a piloo, shiftless, helphsss, insigniiiiiat int rtie ? No incire to le cta11ld with his aftur self than a itiill 41:1i to the great, rarilng cataract. of Niaiana. [A phlise.I t sen11ile e, there was a timei I bilulh t :., *\ ii. wlw% I t- unis a bachi: or ; e d1r1 .ile creatu.'u. y1u \% I! I : i. , L too litol. E very day I ltoiled hiand. 3.nld at n-i--ht I cattle hontle to) liy co'l, 1'-r.h.1 barret-no thing xa in a clitter, n:.t tit wolds El i 4 I' ll-vt : "ll i'u iiin was mionareb all I urveed.l . i t. v i;% a air. 11 lit pa t-, t h e 1 tin I v lair of* in"s l; thevse a dil ; play-bilI1, n d iv va pi-. f l iry cht b <. lit,-:. 1i4t W22f t'' ' 111.1 sek I vtlgv, :11. 1ile ':ning a id harliuitto. I imna 'ilmi tlt, htl th iii nem'ti-.e I pa *..* m hai 4. li vl ea! le i'tIl illv l ip ti, a.' lo -r \%as. 1 lri :% 'I it! 'r In%\ 41,11%y e at~ AlI. -Il-e a \S, 'l've 1 itsit. LEi h-1' 1"4t4 1s ; 144 1 111! .11! 1 h v'i 111 set'n ll e l irst l'edl ccIll. ::; th! \%:Iv I)f pa Vne14 . N i w I'd lii k e n1 what \ ill art ( L 1 .I aI 1ts i uti it, 1 Il m11 y i k t o k. There uns n thin in t, .. I kn t it w lt I - I 3 1- L ti h '' . a i ,1 li' Ir , w Vie el\ ! II I ;1v11 - , r t 1 1 h, g\t w il:10 ie 4. 1 w il\ till, lrti I Ic tidl . t.lw In (m ai :, ei f1la1'.;L ' ar \ i jile r gi. b1n4 I ilite ; hQ t if miy hWat tn aid ai d o, the, are1 atur 1 ter ;*iW li. I Ig n (eck 'i a i 'l1:iit .; u :an fiti IoI cbigv a lily 141 supt1'iou lEls.IC fil e'Ii 'r i f le t t, 5t f''Li (eii. l tz' fiuhe tt |cogitt of etinl. MANIS 'ro GuanD A YoUsu MAN. Keep gcid comirapany or none. Never be idle. If your lanmds canr niot lie tsefilly employed, attend to the cimtivation of' your mind. Always speak [lhe trthl. M\ake few iapromises. Live up lto your engageneits. IHave no very intimate friends. Keep your own secrets if you have an v. -When you speak to a person, look him in the fitce. (ood coimpany and goo d converFa tion are the very 4Wi-a f virtue. (3od Character is abo re all things else. Never listen to loose or idle conver s.'ition. Youia had better be p''isoned in your bloid tha in yoir principles. Y'ar ca, raeier cnaot lie essentially iijiired exceptL a by you r own acts. ii' any (ne speaks evil of' you let your life lie so virtuous that none will believe him. Always speak and net as in the presence of God. Drinik no int.xicating liqnuors, Whenl.iyi retire to led thini k over wlhat youa have ditring the day. Never speak lightly af religion. Alake ni haste to be rich if you W011it141 )' fIt* Small and steaily gains give com petency with tranquil li:y of mind. Never play at aany kind of game. Avoid temptatioin throui fear that yoa tIany tt withs.tanld it. Earn your inoney befire you spend a'. Never run in debt uiless you see a wav toL get outa tagain. NVer borrow if voni enn possibly avi'id it. He just before you are generous. Keep oirself itiLocent, if you would Save when yuIat are younag to spend whent yilu are old. "Never thinik that whiil von do Cor religion is time or miney ii ei' A iwnvs g.,.to ameeting wheni 3 o Iead soine porticon at the Bile eviry av Oitei taink of' death and youri iecoutailijty toi God. 141 over tdhe abvei iv Iuataxims at !east I'ce a week, Saitu rday niaght. FAMI.v GOvEN:n.I..-It is ntt1t to watch childreii with a suaspiciIs eye ; to friwn it their merry wit, bursts of licnt i aritiy ; t suppress theii .1".s mus aughit *, and11 to mmuld te iinto mehmehlitly little models of oetci genaM6o1 glavily. A i;d n hi la-v have lien iin fhult. it is 111t. to) puinish them oimil account or h esnl injury. * v I .t yill 1 1y hav chiIvv an'r'ced tui Stlder ill colse tiiceo the11ir falmit ; while distobedli eneet', iltIattcelded bIy incon veiieice to cyIur >eif, r es witit aebike. Nur is it. to maer'whelm tiae littic c'titrit it a flo fd , aay wcrds to silil him wilIt i deaft'cni-r Iise; to, call hlim by hard niameis, which d" not, c''tess lisi imtisdeed; to loiad him wN%'th pi thets. which wild be ex ravaant i~t applied ti aI fim t oft tell fold normiy(;to to declare with passinailite vcllehiteeee, that it is tie child inl the vilhiiget, aid destined to the gallows. Blt it is to vatch anoxioutaslv for the first ri'ilg (if Sill, anld to reriless them; to cun tteratct thte cearilest, work ingst cof se.lishntiess tc to suippress the firist be iningtius ofi rebellin aainst ighf :thtriity ; tco teach tan implilicit aand inijletioinionaingi aind ce'erfuil obledi eniee ti the wvili of tihe par~ient, as the best'. pre'pmaaticont f'cri a to i ire allegzi aneeUu to the riremeniIO ts of'the civil mcag~.iztac, at i to th I laws of' the grat. I RI'uler m i iaher itt haavena. it, is citttpuisha a flimit. bceacause it is a findait ; be'Lcue it is sitiial antd ccli. ta it'y tci the contiaitnids<- God(i ; with-' 'iuitc' ref ece tci wv ethei..r itit may not. htim'r beena !urcad.aetive oif iniaiaeduiate injury tio he paret'vt hr to other's. It. is to revi'e wiitha enhiaiaess awlc tc!cial it e, andhIii t wi ith llgt'y irriita ticon ; int a fe'w worads itly chi seni, and not, withi ai trren tofi ause ; to punIIish caliy whenac yuth both ianteial, andi cian rettemberl~'i tcoi('f pert ; to saty wh'lat yoiui meana and inaliibiy Lo do as yoca It is toI govern y'cur faminly as in thae sight of ii l ilwho gaie yout ycour fauthocri ty ; whoii will ri'warId ycoura straict liclity I witLii schl bl'ssinhg as he lie' stoiwedr ontA bahilam, or' pianih youcr niigl'ct, wvithi s .eht ct'uss as lhe visited ont Eli.-Religious IHerald. Valuab leeceiIptS. Ani ox's gall waaill set any coor ,I Ilk ccottcn or wiollen. I have seeni lie cialoar aof' calieci, which faded at oneC washiing, fixed by it. A war'miang pan full of' coals, or a shtavel of' coals held. over v'arnzished fuarnituare, waill take out white spcotsa. Th'le pilace shonuid be rubbed wa~itha flannel waahile waaarma. To I:Mov. IRN o 1 SeO-rS5 ON .NtMAHj. -Mix equtal quantities of'spirits 01 vitriot and lemon juice, shake it well wet the spots With the mixture, anid in a t1w minites rip with i soft lilt -m1 until they aire Cormpletely elliced. A vEnY UsnEpt, ]CFiWtT.-iat dishes sometimes leave whitish marks on varlished taules when *et, as they should not be, carlessly upon them. T'o remove it,, pour some lamp oil on the spat and rub it hard with a soft eloth, then pour on a little spirits and rutb it dry with arsother cloth, and the white mark will disappear, leaving the table as bright. as before. Gut AnAnMC STAnjn.-Get two ounces of fine wvhite gum arlabic, and p'iand it to powder. Next put it into a pitcher. and pour oin it a pint or :1ore (if boiling water, (according to the degree of strength von desire.) and Ihen, liiving covered it, let it set all :ight. In the morning, pour it care filly from the dregs into a clean bottle, cark it, nid keep it for use. A table spmotful of gum water, stirred into a 'int ofstarch that has been made inl the suiali manner, will give to lawns (either white or pritited,) a look of newness, to which nothing else Caln reStore them, nfiier washing. It is Als. good (imich dilited,). for thin white muslin and bobibinet. To PRESERVE A BOQUET.--A florist of tuaay years experience gives the f;llowintg, recipe for preserving bo (utets for a universal period, which may be useful to our lady readers: "W hen you receive a boquet, sprink le it lightly with ti-esl water. Then put it ilto a ve-sl containing soap-suds. wh1,1-li will nutasfy the raots, and keep the fluers us bright as new. Taka the boquet out of the suds every 1t4 arning aid lay it sidewa) s, the talk en tering ii rst, in the water. Keep it there a niwte or two, thea ,ake it out, and sprinkle the flowers by the band with water. Replace it im the soap-suds, anda it will blooimi as fresh as when first gathert d. The ."a.p-suds need ebating:miI every three L-ur days. By obs rving thle.-i rules,. I blinpet cant be kepat bight, and~ au Atil~d for at least. a iioaith, and siil laist. still Ionger ini a very pasa5LIlbe -tate; but the attention to the fit r bti creatires, as directed above, rirs >a st ric tly a Alh-erved, Ori the last raise of iammer will not be left faded alone, but all will perish." Gn.sE M Ai. Ai'aaoe-os -A millin er's apprentice, about to wait up. or. a Du chess, was flearfiul in com miiittingar some error in her deport. maent. She. therefiore, cosilulted a f6 iend as to the manner in whih she shOlauild adadre.s. this great personage; mtild was told that, onl gaoing before the l)uteles, site istist say her Grace, ail SO fill. Aceordingly away went the .ir., and, on bleing introduiced, after a very low curtesy, she said, " For what I tim going to receive, the Lord make tme truly thaikful." To which the Dutche'ss answered, '-A men!" CAUSK or TE' \VAn.-A correspon. i dent says lie has written to several editors inquiring the cause of the pre sent war in Europe, bait that they all have fitiled to enlighten him. Ile now applics to us. It is a long story, if told inl the style of British Iecvice er's and Jonaists; bitt told in Yan kee style, it is at very short one. Nicholas aotflatsaiat coveted his neigh. baor's Tuirkey, and coinsidecritng himlself thle he-*tkifeI a. d Ib rk'' ill Ear pe p ropased to himuuselfI the ngreeabtle ta-k ofat raaast ing' and ca rvinga his niei:'hboar's fiat ibawl. But he kniew that .Jo hna lullI was t riubled withI an excellent appe ite, and was at faimous~ carvcer, ad. that, to seecure his gooad wvill, an in vi. tatiaon to share ini the feast. woulId be ncessary. So N ichalas gauve brother Johiln aL very polite and special invita. Johno, howvever, haud a very sensitive andl~ jaualouis nieighbIor, tntaed Louis, anld ha' knei~w that traoub hle would colme oat'it if Lou ais was niot also inivited and tie hinted as iinumch to N icha "Puaoh, poaa h!" said Nick, flatte0ima Joahni's vaunit1 , "I tad yoau,"' (Nichialas lty nam5 il ies him iselt i st ) "ca man. aage thle Turkey fltunausly (aturslves. Neighbaor Jioseph(he isn't, inith at any rate2) wvil be satisfiedl with a 'wing'i an d youa shahll hatve at '10oot' anid at pie0c aaf thle 'neek'. Na w, how will that sulit yaou?" It (ldin't sit Joahin at aill, hIe, saw that Nichoilas was bent o.. hi vinug the' "lion's share,'" aind he re saaud tao be a "'ha n" in the way. 8o Nichis milIdly on the sin of stealing his nleighbtr's TlS urkey-just at that ime -and hiastetned to inform Louis of what wals"p. Lounis was throuwn inito a to-.ering pauasion lay the slight attempted to be put, upotn him, atid immediately wrute a letter ini which he protested against, the proposed disposition of* the Tur key. So, as certain chroniclers are ini the habit, of. saying,'4One wqrd brought untiher," until the disputants, ame to blows; but why they pati ,ed their passions to carry them - .ar is, we think, fit present, not Very clear to their own minds. At any rate, ihe real cuse of the quarrel wan She Ti urkey. I lad there been no Tur' key to be coveled ofr quarrelled about, there would. ofeourse, have been no quarrel. We hope our correspoideit is enlightened.-N. 1. &,i TiE BURNE'TT TEATJEs.~-The dcci. sion of the great leterary prizes-one of 19000, and another or $3000-to the authors of the two hest treaties on 'lThe Being and Attributes of God," has just been announced. The sue. cessfual competitors were found to be f;or the first prize, the Rev. Robert Anchor Titipson, A. M., Louth, Lin cohshire, and for the second, the llev. John Tulloch, manse of Kettins, Copair Angus, Principal of St. Mary's College, St. Andrew's. Scotland. There were 20S treaties lodged. The judges were Professors Baden 1 14well, Henry Rodgers, and Mr. Isaac i yltir. They were unanimous in their judgment. The saeled envelopes were opened in tile Town Hall, Aber. deen, by Mr. John Webster, advocate in the presence of the other trusteegu> aind a large assetmiblage of the princi pal ehizens The essays varied in length, fromn a fiew Sheets to six vol, imes, and several of them were writ ten i female hand. Several other Canididates, iand one in particular, were declared to have attained high excel lence. It may be recollected that the first competion took place in 1814, at which time the amount of money neenniuilated was $8000, and as the testator in his will had appointed that liree 'florths of the sum should be griveni to the author of the essav de elared to he of the most nerit, and the remainin, g part to the next, best, the anmu nt4 ito be awarded were res. iectively $0000 and $2000. Fifty Ui essays were on that occasion sent, in ; and the judges decided that PrSn Lispal 3rown of Marischal College, A berdeen, was the gainer of ti 6r prize, and the Rev. John Bird- Sui nier, now ArehibisNhop of Canterbury, ih!ertit gainr t he second.-Presbyterian. GUANO FOR INSECTS.--A correspondent rof the Horticulturist says: "Some tinle last summer while budding some peaches, found that ants had taken possession-of nme len feet in one row. They very -arnestly resisted my attempts to innocu. te therces.inflicting mnany unpleasant wounds on any hands and arms. In or ler to d-sperse the warlike little nation, I prinkled near a pint of fine guano along lie little ridge.. This threw them into mmeinalite consternation. I noticed little 1o~llections of winged ants, huddled cl'se ogetlhir, and seeming to be quiet, while ho'se without wings ran about in great agitation. The following day not a single tsect could be found where the day pro. itlus they appeared to be innumerable." 'o wh'h we add (he following from an inknown source: "We had a very fine nelon patch, which was wel nigh de, itroyed by the striped bug. The vines I'd coninnenced ruaning, and in two or hiee days the bugs had stripped nearly 3very le:if. As a desperate remedy we ipplied a handfin of guano on tle top of ie hill as far as the vines had run, taking' !are that it did not fall on the leaf. In wenly-fouir hours not a bug was to be ;.-en; the vines had assumed a healthy niid rvtoorhis growlhi, and are now loaded a ith fruit. '(hle e'xperimnent was not one dune only, but haundre.--Country Gen, MAUCII OF lNIKLLIct.-A poor wvonaan said 'to be 90 years of aige, was -:,aitmig outside3 the doors of the Chelteunhami Theatre two hou bethre their opening, having walked. Loght, nuies to see "Jane Shore." Mrs. McGibbon, who was to br,.a Lnacted the liei ine, deeming such de~ votiont to the drama madndss, asked her dresser, who narrated the circun. stance, if the poor creature had h~r. miellects. "I don't knowr mta'r.! said the girl; "she's gotten summn~t tied up ini heri pocket-hiandlerchien" A cot respi uident in Ottowa coumt Michigan, fromt whom we are as why ghatl to hear, gives us the followln --seene in the Mayor's Cotirt, at Grap. ipiis," aayr Church presidin. Witness called up to be sworn b clerk: Clerk. "Youi do solemnlysw~ar Mayor, (with dignity.) "step! The witness will holid up his r ht hand Clerk. "The man has no right hanue -. your I llnor.". Mafyor, (wvith some asert him hold tip his left hand, .heit.' 6lcrk. "lIe has haf thejnW6 tulne to lose his left hanid als0 as your Honor will perceive." ~v Mayor, (sayagely,) "Tak1L bW ate hold tip his right ,leg, Zhen; angi calnnot besworl' .in th1 y ai~ wIt ta holdingup semet~ung 8hse~gb tlemenel, our diga it a served." (Witness swoas1o