The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, January 31, 1855, Image 1

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DEVOTED TO SOUTHERN RIGHTS, DEMOCRACY, NEWS, LITERATURE, AGRICULTURESCIENE ADH. ARTS JOHN S. RICHRDON JRt., C"ou-all Our~ uatibir ?Ian-fj. ROPRIETOR. TERMS-2 N ADVANCTOM VOL. IX- SUMRTERVILLE, S. C., 1EBRUARY 149 1855 THE SUMTER BANNEH IS PUnLISnED Every W1ednesday M1lornuiuig BY John S. Richardson, Jr. T EIC RS I rWo DOLLAItS in advance, Two Dollari and IFifty Cents at the expiration of tix mntli or 'lhree Dollars at the end of the year. No paper discontinued tmtil all arrenragep hrePA ID, tnnless at the option ofthe Proprietors, 2, Advertiseinentst inserieul at SEV ;N''Y FIVL Cents por sqnare, (1*2 hines orless,) foi the first, and hal fithat suin for each subsequen1 Insertioi, (Ollicial advertisements the sann leach ti e). tw l 'lie tnhmber of insertions to ie marked 6n all A-ivertisements or they will be pnlhiished Mntil orderctt to be uiscontiniued,ad w mcharged tccordtingly. EV' ON E DOLLAR per square for a sin !gle insertion. Quarterly anil Monthly Adver timetfnts wijl lie charge I the satne as asiigle \nsertion, and semni-muunthly the sane as new 011133. E"P Obi narys and Tributes of Respect, over twelve line, chargedaus asdvertisemnents. Poetry fOriginal.] Mzssns. Enron'S: The following is a b~ma. fi,le corre spon dence which oceurre:l a short time since, w ill you please give it a place in your excellent pa .per for the edification and atusement of your patrons et. ai. To Mt1iss J. \Velcome welcome lovely maid Welcome thou to this heart of mine ]low oft indeed haro I said Thou art the finest oh the ite Welcome welcome lovely miid For indeed yo' cant io how be excelled Therefore never be disin iye.1 For to love you I ai conpelled Welcome welcome lovely maid To please your afyiect ions upon me And if I could I would lond yon aid For I am daily inclined to thee Welcome welcome lovely maid AVelcomte are you to be imy bride 'The visits I owe -you, shall he paid And to love you, shal I be mly pride D. M. E. To D. Mi. E. Yes sir ! Yes sir ! I). .\. E. I received those verses you sent to mne I care nothing for tit hemt of thintie .For you have no part of mine Listen! Listen ! D. -1. E. J care not for thy flattery -And to love you I dont inclinte So you may cease your foolis~a whine. Lackey ! Lickey ! Oh may Oh From ih'se verses you will kinow That all yonr woomg i in v.itin &.) do not trouble mi .in Goodbye ! Goodhye ! D. .. E. Sir your bride I'll lever he 'ie visits yil rowe need not he paid 3I e'er I ilay-. ou, I' n2ot ced J. IOriginal.j Liaes to N -. 'The vernant primrose spreads her sweets, ler pallied blossoms charnm the eye, -Such roftness rare with beauty meets But none, fair N -, can thee but vie. .In vain thme ionet strives t'excel 'The primurose faiir in dainty hneat; F'or N--, let te hillocks tell, Displays superior charmns ho y'ou. - liharme so henlignant ats t imtpart Th'ie ratph'routs bliss of ntrdent !ove ~Thtat bliss whaich vivilles the heart, And makes the mxind obedient prove. F. WVili.& ianu. Rail Rtondq. We~ i~ hve made11 a .buttL extract, front the r'epor)t of L.. J. F'LEMItNo E-tq., chtief -Sttperiuntendatt of the- X Wii ngton and Manichester Rail Road, for our ilast 'issue our space did not alloiw tus to dli 'mote at that time. We are inidebtedI to the samte souirce for the follIowin linteresting descripition of what we 't~hitnk, witht Mr. Flmu1to, a new and -useful discovery. Ini speaking oft the passafge ovetr the Pee Dee River, Mr. A LEMINo says : "Among the many plans suggested, may a~tttntion was directed to the pnteailtie pratcess of diving piles, in F~ebrutary, 1850," and a correspond. t-he pre'sent ablIe Chief' Enaginteer of' the -ldiatiore Water \Vo~r.ks, who wa.ts then intere'tcd in te piateng right, attd N to wlhm, in Oetloher, .185Q J express -ed te opaiinion thaut i; wonu '~Ynot hesi. tatu to recommi'ieitl this pruocess, if, ptJm an tl e'xamuihntion of the lbed of' tha qi ver, '" the suind shold'n~ exteni to a deth~ oft twenty or thirty .feet." itn .iJtlv, o-,il, --.h na sod auger, i icunber of hodles were hored into the bed of the river to a depth of nine fleet, within which distance sand only was enicintered. In conmunii eating to aij. Gwyan a copy of the profile, with the result of these exam. inations, I expressed the opinion thict " the best plan for putting in the foundations of the ' Piers' will he by the use of Dr. Potts' Pneumatic cast.iron Piles, filled with concrete." ThoI plan was subsequ~ently adoppted by the mad3 , iuipon the recomnenda. tion of Maj. Gwynn ; and it is my purpose now to explain some of the results which were obtained, md to desec ihe part icularly the improvement and discoveries, which, I conceive, were made dulring the progress of the work. In the I'eport of Maj. Gwynn, imlade at the last annual meeting, the motdus operandi is very accurately de. seribed, but the dilTerence between tle plan a d principle upon which it was commecnCed, and upon which it was fini-hed, was not clearly delined. The Pneumati Process," upon which the work was conn.cnced, consists in cre. atiig a vacutim within the cylinder, which causes the water, sand, &c., to rush ip, and. inl its course, carry with it the rtiaterial from the bot tom of the tube, causing it to de-cend by its own weight. lhe vacuum ii first created inl at cliamber, Which is placed in com. munication with the cylinder by ordi. nary suction hose, and closed or open. ed by a valve on a projection attached to the vacuum chamber. Tle power, therefore, which can be used by this plan is governed by the relative ci. bill conitenits (f the vacuum chamber aid that portiun of the cylinder above tle snurface of the water, and the per. fectioni of the vacuum. In the opera tions at the Pee Dee, the vacuum hiaichmber consisted of two sections of eyinder, 18 fect, in letgLth and, gene. raly, the cylinder pile was 10 fect above the water line, therefore the power (hydrostatic and pneumat'c) was only 8. IS of the vacuumen, obtained it, the chamber, which was usually abllut equivalent to 2u iienes or iner enCry, a perfect vacuium being 32 inch. 41s. The efeetive power, therefore, was that due to 11 10 18 inchesi of mnerclly, or Ibott 8 2-10 lbs. per sqliare inch. fin sinking the first cylinder it en. coinitered, at a depth of about 8 feet below the bed of twoe river, a tree aboit 5 feet in diameter. This, for a little, arrested the progress of the work. ar.d until the Air Lock (which had arrived inl an imperfect statc) could ie completed. The A ir Lock, as it is usialy call ed, is not, strictly a part of the Pnieu mIatic plrocess, hut was first used in France Icy M. Triger ini sinking a shaft through i bed of quicksand to a coal muine, and is nccuratcly decrib -d in the supplemetit. to Ure's Diction. a ry of A rts and Sciences-A rt Venti. lation. 'lhe plan of Air Loick, simi lar to that. used at the I'ee Dee river is well described ill a paper read be. crc the cstituitini oft Ci-. il Engiineers in Loindo-n ,n May lath 18.51, "on the Plic-lniatie mow h"d adopted in conlistruicti ng tihe fodainel1ils of the new brid.e across the Medway, at R ochester," anid froni which the t.1l4ow ing, is extracted: Afler de.,crioing the hstrucctiolns encoillitered in sinking the cylinder<c, the pape, states. "4i was, thcerefore, decidced that the Paeo cmatic process shiuild he reversed, so as to give each P'ile the character cof a diving hll , for whcich puros on of' the cy liinders 7 fe'et in diameter, and 9) fee~ t in lengi hi had-a wrought iron (*over securely bolted to it thuro ugh which tw cast. Ircen chambers, D)-shap. eel in plan, with a sectiont era of abcout. 6 sqicare feet, apprpriately called "Air Loceks," projecting 2 f'ect 6 inches above the tocp of the cylin der and 3 f'et 9 iniches below the cov, er. T1hie teop of' eaLch Air Liek wats prcv dcd with a circular opencing 2 feet. mi dmmcneter, wiahI a Flap wvorkincg on ai lhorizointal hinage, and( an iron do~or 2 feet, by 3 feet 4 inches, with vertical hinges below the cover; each Air Lock wvas also furnished wvithc two sets of' coceks, the one for fourcming a comui. cnication between the cyliicders anud the chaber, arid the other between the chainbe'r and atmiospchere." Early ini July, the Air Lock wvas comrpleted and1( every thling in readi. nes-, to excavate the sand above the tree and cuct it away. At first it was extremely diflicult to induce the ope. ratives employed on the work to enter the Locck, while the coindensed air was escapiing from impefe.ct joints, very mcuch like the escape of steamt fr'om a leak in a Boiler. Ini addition to this, dutrinig the process of equalizing, the ebnec of pressure onl the tyimpjatln of the ear wias for some titme exceed. ingly painful; and in sonie instances pro duced hemilorrhiage frocm the Lungs. Owners of hands, and indeed somne of lie principal operativyes, believed that the .constant inhaling oh' the saecc air deived it of the Oxygen ntecessary te einnortL li fe mnn genneaned, Crb.L ic Acid Gas, which is exceedingly deliterious to animal life, and would eventually produce serious c-musequen ces. Although it was well aseertain. ed that this gas which is thrown from the lungs at each respiration is much heavier tihan common air, yet the law which governs its elasticity under vat. rious pressures was not so well defin. ed, while present, I therefore closely observed the appearance of the light. which by a halo around its top always indicates the presence of this Gas, when in sufficiei.t qu-ntity to injure aidmal life. No serious difficulty was encoun. 'tered in removing the sand or in cut.. ting away the tree which arrested the decent of the Cylinder, and which proved to be a large Cypress perfect ly sound.-As soon as the tree was cut away and the compressed air dis. charged the Cylinder settled down about 4 feet-and a freshet coming about the same time. operations were suspended. Tue second Cylinder was lowered to its place as soon as the freshet subsided, and by the Pucumat. ic process it was driven to a depth of about six feet. At this depth, the friction counterbalanced the power ex. erted by the vacuum and it therefure became necessary to remove the inte. rior column of sand. Efforts were made to pump out the water and re. move the sand, but it was found that the waiter could not be reduced by Pumps more than six feet below the level on the outside, and the Air Loek was again used and at the expiration of the first day's work (when about .1 feet of the sand had been removed) and after the operations were suspend. ed, the Cylinder was observed to set. te several inches. On the succeed. ing day, the removal of the sand to the bottom of the Cylinder was con. pleted, and, with a view of observing the effect, a man was stationed at cach valve with directions at a given signal to open it that the compressed air might be suddenly discharged. The result was that the Cylinder was driv. en six feet, which exceeded the great. est efTeet. produced by the exhaust or vacuum.-In reflecting upon the cnnse which produced this effect, I discov. ered that it was the hydrostatic action (of the water which scoured out the naterial beneath the bottom of the cylinder, which partially relieved t-he friction and caused it to descend lby its own gravity. In adition to this, after the air in the cylinder had been compressed until it was equal to the force exerted by the water in the out. side, the interior pressure could not be increased, and the air which was pumped in by the continued action of the pumps. escaped under the bot. tom of the cylinder and become ineos. porated with the sand,-sonie of il rising to the surfhce. When the com. pressed air was discharged the equili. brium was destroyed aid the air in ri1ing to the surface on the outside and armind the cylinder, still farther relieved its friction. (This, the second cylinder. also encountered in its de .cent anl oak tree, about 4 feet in di. ameter, but, unlike the first, i. was so soflt that the weight, of the cylinder easily cut through it. (On exposure to the atmosphere it became hard, and iii every respect was perfect li.nite. This is ntentioned to show the differ. ent results producdf on the two quali. ties of htimber by the acm ion oh the w'a ter, as t hey were hn the same stratum i. andl evidently deposited at and belong to the samea period of time.) It. was app~arentt that the hydrostatic action of the water w~as molre effe.ctivye than the pneumatic process, and it was subseqjauntly used parincipally in drii vimg the remainingr cylinders, and towards the close of the wvork, the pneumatic process was entirely abanti doned and tihe hydrostatic principle alone used. This I consider a discovery of the operation of a known principle. giving greater ponwer than that by the pnlell. mnatic process, and applicable to the sinking of hollow piles. As before stated, the power of the pnuatic process is limited by the relative proportions of the vacuun chamber anmd that portion of the pile above the surface of' thme water, and the perfection of the enceuumn. In prac tice, the exhaust cannot be applied unless the top of the pile is at least six feet abiove the surface (of the wvater, because the pile might be driven below~ the waiter line, wvhen another section cannot be added. The poweor is uni form and cannot, uinder any circum. stances, exceed 14 34 lbs. per square inch, and, in practice, rarely exceeds S lbs per square inch, while the friction with a column of six f'eet of sand on the interior of the cylinder is equal to this power. The deeper the pile is driven the greater is the friction, while the power remains uniform. With the use of the hydrostatic principle, the power increases with the distance from the surf ace of the water to the bottom of the pile. This power is ennal to 14 3 4 ;(Iuiare inch for each 32 feet of the dis tance from the sirfiace ot the water to the bottom of the cylinder. I'he hydrostatic process is more yimple, requires less machinery, and is more ellective than the pneumatic process. It can be used at any stage lofthe river, beeause thepower increa ses with the depth; * r it iay be comn hined with the pneumatic process, and the whole power (hydrostatie and pneunatic) can be used in driving the cylinders. If the operation of this principle was known to either the French or English Engineers, it does not appear, in their memoirs, descriptive of the plans used in sinking cylinders in Great Britain, France or Egypt. My connection with the Pee Dee Brite terminated in Janunry last, at which time the cylinders for the Wes. tern pier were partially driven, and th se for the Eastern pier had passed throuuh the sand to a stratum of ma. terial which was considered suflicient. ly tenacious to resist the iction of the water. My confidence in the success of the work wias unshaken during its progress, and its suce"ssI.' comple. tion fully vindicates tht. value of the discoveries used in its construction." From reports of the Superintendent and President of the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad, we gather the total receipts for the last fiscal year ending Dee- 1st, 1854, was $330,399. 30. To this should be added *3,182. 56. from freight on the Western and for the month of December, the ao counts of which could not be adjusted fhor% cI-!ing otheboks f.r the year, and the further amount for mail trans. portation for the months of October' November, above October and No. vember, 1853, of about $6,2418, which will swell the aggregate receipts of the year to $339,800.92. The total re. ceipts for the same period, deducting $168,225. 89-leaving a net balance from the op.!rations of the road of* 171 565.03, ~- more than fifty per ceit. of the gross receipts for the year. The attal debt of' tihe oimpany dot~elussed' .s funded, amn: unt s t'> *421,788.68. The total avscts (t the CoIlpaniy amount to *593,596.44.-leavin "a balance of assets5 of $131 ,807.78. "The fuinded or nortgage debt of the col Janly, including the incomeno bonds sold and yet to be sold, will be $ 1,000,000, the annual interest on which is $70,000 ,vhichi will first lie deducted fron the Iett rece:pts of lthe company. Assuim ing them to be this year $200,000, and deducting the interest, 20,000, there would renan -1k30,000, which, n upayment, of the floating debt for which assets are held, would leave over 10 per cent. on the capital stuck of the company. SxncerMoN nv A CLsu:aUn.NA.-The particulars ol the seduction of a young temialo by a niethoadist, clergyman, re siding in Alleghany county, were made known yesterday at dhe oflice of t.l:e Mayor, the victim having been sent. to this city to avoid the disgrace which an eXposure would entail upon the clergymn:m, had she reiained longer at his house. The facts appear to be as hal lows: The girl who is about twenty years of age, was employed in the liunily of the clergy man, as a seamustress, about teii mnmthis ago, and remained there until Nov'~embaer last, when, having effected her ruin, he, to avoid exposure, induced her to accompany him to this city, where lie placed her nder the chiarge of' twoa p~hysicianis of doubtful reputation, who,:, lie employed to produce an ab artion, and to whom it is said he paid $500. They had her removed from one hotel or boarding house to another, until th I*y finally got. her to a house of ill-fiame in WVest Broadway, where they eachb o .traged her and "plied her with uiostrumis until she was very mouch reducedl in healtha and strength. A bout three weeks ago shue gave birth to at child, which lived about. tena days. Since0 the unftortunate girl was first brought. to the city she has writ ten sev ec al timies to her frienids, stating th at, she was ill, but not mentioning under what circumstances. A day or two since one of her brothers arrived, anid yesterda:y Li the matter before the Maiyor, wh~o inmmediately dispatched an officer to the house in WVest Biroad way, to ascertain if thbe girl was sufli ciently recovered to appear befbre him, amif' If so, to bring her. She camne with the officer and made a lengthy affidavit, of which the foregoing is the substance. A warrant was issued for the arrest of the two physicians, and one of them was captured. The aihair is beitig thoroughly investigated by the Mayor.-NT. Y Sun Dr. Birighiam, senior Secretary of the Americani iiphe Society, has come to Sonth Carolina for his health. 1le has been: connected with the Bible So. ciet~y more than twonty eight years Vdidalte iiic Ceipts. Washfor Trees.-Ileat one pound of sil soda to redness in an iron pot, and desolve it iii at giilon of water. This wash will take off the moss and dead bark, and kill the insects on a i fruit trees ot grape vines, and make them as smooth as though polished, and make old trees bear anew. Never whitewash a tree. Li'me Dust of Plants.-An English orchardist protects his trscs from cat. epillers and other insects by shaking over the young foliage quick limie pul verized and sifted through a fine sieve. The timu for using it is in the dew of the morning, or whenever the leaves are damp. le has found it very effectual. Aitnure for Flowers.-It has been discovered that for the generality of flowers, and more especially for gera. nuimns and the most delicate specimens of the lily tribe, common glue, diluted with a suflicient portion of water, forms at richer manure than guano or any other yet discovered. Tanner's bark is no* understood to be capitally adupted to the straw berry. Spread it completely on the soil ; it w ill keep the fruit, clean, and the soil moist. This is the true mulching fur the strawberry. There is no doubt of this. Farmer's Make your owni Candles. -Take twio pounds of alum, for every 10 pounds of tallow, dissolve it in water before the alum is put in, and then melt the tallow in the alum water with frequent stiring. and it will clar. ify and harden the tallow so as -to niake a most beautiful article for eith er winter or summer use, almost as good as sperm. Hens.-It is a fact not commonly known, that the reason why hens do not lay eggs in winter, is the want of line to form the shell. Let them have access to wheat which contains lime, or to lime itself, and they will lay in winter as at any other time. len's Eg.-Those that approach nearest to roundness produce Ibemales. whi!l those that are inure pointed produce males. To presere Egs.-Rub them with butter or varnish. They will keep many maonths and produce chickens. When varnished, the varnish should be r, iamoved belbre setting. Another mode is to pack then in salt, the point always downward. To Judge Egs.-Put your tongue to the large end. If it feels warmi the egg is fresh. Or pit the egg in a pan of cold water-if perfectly fresh, it will sink iminedi itely, and so i i proportion to its frcshness. A rotten egg will float on top of the water. Cheap Soap.-A correspondent of the Southern Banner. gives the follow. ing receipt for soap imaking, and adds, that it would be worth one thousand dollars in the hands of a selfish per. son and the world would have to tin. tic the purse string to get it, but here it is free gratis: Take six pounds of Potash - 75 Four pounds of Lard - 50 One fourth pound of Rosin - 2.5 All amounting to - 50 Beat uip thec rosin, mix all together well, mind set aside for five daiys, then put the whole into a ten gallon cask of warm water and stir twice a day for ten days. at thec expiration of wvhich time, or sooner, you will have one hundred pounids of excellent soap for *1 50. Forest Culture,--Those that want young forest trees to grow well, must. not pierimit cattle nor sheep, in any coinsiderable numbers, to run among them and feed upon their leaves and young twigs. Nor should the leaves that fall in the autuimn be removed from forests which one wishes to culi. tivate. The delay of their annual foliage is a necessary provision of nature to supply mould and nutriment to the longlived produects of thec earth. Putting forest leaves about apple and peach trees is a good way to manure thme ground ini which thtey grow. Lime imixed witha forest leaves improves their fertilizing power very mtich, whether they are designed by the agriculturist to enricha the soil for the benefit, of fruit, forest, or ornamental trees. In Europe, forests are limed not less than meadows, pastures, and tilled land. Vilch Cow.-lf you desire your cows to yield liberally to thte pail, you maust feedl thema with something better suited to thae seem etion of rich milk than dry provender. Chopped ro~ots or mecal s10ops of some kind, 'should bo given thenm twice a day at least, say morning amnd even ing. T1hey should also be provided with littered beds, dry lodgidgs--moderately warmi, be regularly watered thrice each day, just before being fed, be curried or combed once a dav- and salt, witk wounds of the living. of'buth his friends and enemies. Parties who had observed thes4, proceedimgs from a distance, and wer& nowJ"st able to come up, were sur prised. to find bodies of twelve persons stretched upon the ground, eleven o( whom were already dead Or soon afte died of their wounds. But although tweit y-eight bullet holes were counted im Capt. Davis' hat and clothes (seven. teen through his hat -and eleVdi through his coat and shirt,) he receiv. ed but two very slight flesh wounds. This bond of villians was a newly or ganized one, and had just commence(d operations, having a day or two pieti: Otis committed several murders and robberies. Lest the above should seem to par take too strongly of the chtthcter of romance, it may lie stated that thd account is subscribed to by seventeeti persons, who say in refierence to it; that "no officer having been within i convenient distance to attend to a case of emergency that has just happened near our isolated camp herei the utn. dersigned constituted themselves a1 coroner's jury, and held an inquest over the deceased bodies of twelve men, that were killed within a mile of. our camp, on the 19th inst., a full afl count of which we deem it ourd duty to publish. Three of the undersigned were eye-witnesses of the whole scene though too far off to give aid in any way, and the rest-of us can readily> vouch for their veracity." It is also corroborated by a.letter from another I witness of the fight,.and by an expresa - mal who had jubt arrived at PJa0e'. - ville when the mail left thiat [nf Another letter, dated Rocky .C December 20th, to Win. ejdersib Esq., Placerville, is as follo Three of the woduded robbel's ing died last night, \we. had them to bury. One survivos,_ J4 . > will probably recover; he is however, for life, having 1s. H in toto, and shot thiough ho 6ger of his right hand. Seven of th 2 were Anot through the head." vimg one, wh eI tic furt,.saya liatt I'e ih.b, posed .1i two Amere , men, live Sydneymen and fou cans, and they had just commenced op. erations, having killed six Chinamen three days ago, and four Americans the day before yesterday. Altho.ugh we counted 28 bullet holes in Captuin Da. vis' hat and clothes, 19 through his fiat and 11 through his coat and shirt, lie received but two very slight flesh wounds. Yours truly, JOHN WEBSTER. To Wim. Henderson, Esq., County Surveyor, Placerville. Jonathan R. Davis is brother to Dr. Davis, of foreign stock notoriety. residing near Columbia, in this State. He graduated in the South Carolina College in 1838, and afterwards went to Mexico with the Palmetto Regi. ment, where lie saw sone hard fight. ing. At the close of the war he went to California, and was already distin. guished in the annals of that State, by a fight with a grizzly bear, in whicl he lost fo.:r of* his teeth, and had .his face frightftilly mangled.-Charlesto& Standard. Tus~ SEcoND 0OF Dgca~insa.--On the 2d of December 1804, Napoleon the First wvas crowned; on the 2d of December 1805, he won the-battle 'nf trhe three Emperors at Austerlitz; 2d of December 1823, accession of Ni cholats of Russia; 2d of Decembe'r 1848, ac ession of Francis -Joseph of A ustria: 2d of December l1i1,, coup d' etat by Louis Napoleon; 2d Pe coimber 185~2, his proclamationa Emperor of the French; 2d of Ifeem. her 1854, alliance of England2anTleof the two Emperors of France andAns tria, against tho Emperor-of lis.ju There has been a riew gold minft. discovered near the line of Warren and Columbia, Ga. which now yielda fromn two and a half to fi ur and a'half pennywveights to the hand per t.c T1he deposiL for no vein has been ~t discovered-is supposed to covera area of one mile ini length-by forty to lifiy yards in width. It is stated that a Com pany,.is short ly to be formed in New York .4 ty for the nmanufacture ofpaper-fror~gw dust anid shavings. Experiznents have been gone into, and somber te most beautiful paper mnade from- those mater.als. It is estimnated *th isw dust can lie purchased fbr *5 bh~t~ , and that the process throtighhIr h It wvill go in. the produeten uriw -ilt bring the price of the l4tto:r aQ t t 30 per cent. - SThe Norfolk kaot had been s gt at at that rea', that It wan~t o -~9p a~y4 occasionally a little 1ashes or fine bone dust nwixed, two or three times a week. They also like a variety of food. Roots cut or rasped, and mixed with cut hay or straw, then stired and left, for an hour or two, make it mess which they will eat, very greedily. We think that hardly attention enough is given to the beding of cows, as the more quiet and conifortable they are, the less food will be required to sus. tain the system, and may therefore go to produce flesh or milk. A gentle man who has constantly employed several pairs of workiiig oxen for many years, states that oxen will travel lifteen miles a day, being well "litt.-. ed down " at night, as easy as twelve miles and lie upon the bare floor. If this statement be correct-and it seems to us consistent-it is a pretty important matter that our cattle are well provided for in this respect. New England Farmer. Manure for Strawberries.--Tlhe fl lowing is from a communication to the Friend's Review, and may be very useful to many of our readers: " The writer had a very productive bed, 30 by 40 feet. I applied, says he, about once per week, for three times, commencing when the green leaves first begin to start, and made the lIst application just before the plants were in full bloom, the follow. ing prellaration :--Nitrate of potash (saltpetre,) glauber salts, and sal soda (carbonate of soda,) each one pound; nitrate of amonlia one quarter of a pound, dissolving them in thirty gal. lons or river or rain water. One third of this was applied at a time ; and when the weather was dry I ap. plied clear soft water between the times of using the. preparation, as the growth of the young leaves is so rap. id, that, unless supplied with water, the sun will scorch them. I used a common., watering pot, making the application towards evening. Man. aged in this way, and the weeds kept out, there is never any necessity of digging over the bed, or - settinr oU now. Beds of ton years. is nut only aspond, but better than those two or, tirce years old." .ppias without Seeds or Cores.--A correspo:dent of the Memphis Whig gives the following recipe for obtaining apples without seeds or cores : Take the ends of the limbs of an apple tree where they hang low, so as to reach the ground, dig a small hole for each end under the tree, bend it down and bury it in the hole, confin. ing it down so that it will remain. Do this in the winter or beginning of spring. The end of the limbs thus buried will take root and put up sprouts or scions, which, when they become sufficiently large to set out, dig up at the proper season, and trans. plant them in the orchard where you' wish themin to remain. When they get large enough to bear, they will bear apples as above. A SAoUINAPsr EscoUNrRIX iS CALL. FORNiA.--By the late advices from California, we find the following ac. count of a most sanguinary contest, described by a South Carolinian. Since Crocket's death at the Alamo, there is hardly any record of such desperate fighting. WVe learn that on the 190*h instant, three men, wvho after. wards proved to be0 a Mr. James C. McI Donald, of Alabama, now deceased, Dr. [Bolivar A. Sparks, of Mississippi, and Capt, Jonathan RI. Davis, of South Carolina, were travelling on foot on a trail in a deej', almost inac. cessible and uninhabited canon, abont forty miles north of Placerville. As they were passing the base of a moun. tain, a party of men who wvere con. cealed in the bushes near the trail, sprung up and commenced firing at them. Mr. McDonald fell dead. Hie was shot before lhe was even aware of his danger. le and his party had nothing but their revolvers. Dr. Sparks shot twice at the banditti. and then fell severely wounded. hI the meantime, Capt. D~avis, wvho wvas the first to commnience shooting in defence of himself and party, in an instant after thme first volley of tho robbers, being still under, kept up an incessant fire upon them with his revolver, every ball forcing its victim to bite the dust, until all the loads of both parties seemed to have been discharged. The surviving robbers made a charge upon Capt. Davis with bowie knives, and one with a short swvord or sabre. Captain Davis stood his ground firmly until they rushed up abreast of him within about four steps. Hie then made a spring upon them Writh a large bowie knife. and gave three of thema wounds that proved fatal. Having wounded the other one very slightly, and disarmed him by throwing his knife in the air in warding off a blow, as this last man expressed in a tone of' gratitude before his death, Capt. D. went to wourk at onoe, tearing gp. his own shirt and binding up all etb