The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, January 17, 1855, Image 1

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DEVOTED TORIGHTS, DEMOCRACY, NEWS, LITERATURE, AGRICU JOHN S. R ICHIARtDSON, Jnt., PROPRIETOR. ML SUMT'ERVILLE, S. C., JANUARY 31, - NO. 13 THE SUMTER BANNER IS PtJHLIsnED Every Wedatemday -Moriaiang BY John S. Richardson, Jr, T E Et RIS, TWO DOLLA RS in atilvance, Two Dolars and Fifty Cents at the expiraitn of taix mon0ths or Three Dnaltars at the end of tife year. No paper discontinued unatil all arrearage.m are FA I D, nltes at the option tafthe Proprietor.. )'' Ad vertisementri inserted at S iV KNTY FIVE Cents per maguare, (12 lines (ar lesae,) for the firat, and half that Htin for each subseteqtisn Insertion, (Olicial advertisementsi the itite euch tine). -'r Tihe namber of insertions to be markedl '6n al I A-i vertisements (or they will lie publishedl butil ordered to be discontinuuied, auh ehargedl 'accordingly. " ONE DOLLAR per Psquare fair a sin ,le insertion. Quarterly and MoAnithly Adver taonments wiJil he elarge I tie sane as a single insertidn, and semi-monthly the sane as new ,one". Z:7' Obittiarys and rribntes of Respect, 'over twelve lines, claurged us advertisinents. Fur the Bunner. Improaptst -By a gentleman at the regiest of Masses A. F. and E. L. of Sumnter to make them the subject of sone verses. I know two pretty little sprites And they are Wondrous fair, Eyes blue and bright, That fasten quite, The raptured sight, Of all who look upon the fair. Both have inerry, smiling faces, Where thitaght and feeling have their traces And after seeing one, It is time beat of futn, To turn and look upon, The other'sl heart. captivating graces. One has a warm anIsmanny hae, The other as'laar as ti ehi g li; . - To see them apart, Is eenotgh for the heart To feel 'ove'oi a:uart. But to see theam together is killing. What's better than all-they're both willing, Without over-much cooing or billing, Duckng, hydeingor pilug, To lie ;yed. And like silver tried, Anti purified, In the Fornace of ma rimmial dril'inre R OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS LEswx of Sout Is Cn rolieast, passed at time Sesslitbst of time Geacrail Aswasabily of 1854. AN ACT to inke aloplriatiois Co the year coint)iia:inag in Octobeatr. onte thousanid eight, hundred iad lit ty four. Sic. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate -nd House of Representatives ww mel -and iuting in Ueueral .sxembly and by the authority of the sanne, That tiae following stis lie and thev are here 'by appropriated for the 'ai cmet, Ia the various oflicers and expen-es f the S!ate (overnrnatent, that, is tio s: IN THE EXECUTIVR I.EPAItTt.ENT-1--" the salary of tile Goernor, thiree thousand live hundred dellars; 1 hr IhIa Private Secretary if that Goavernair, five hunitdred daillars; liar the Messetn ger of thea Governor, twots htundredl uet fifty doallars; iar the conttingent fond ot the .xectttive Depaataeaat, twenty thousand doallars; to be suatject to the draft ofC the Goavernaor, and to be ne counted foar atanually hvy himt to thae Legishature; foir the retat at lhe Gaov. 'ertnor's houtie ini Colutaibia, three lhun. <lred dollars. Satc. 2. IN Thue LCOJSATIVyt Dii. PAarTMEN'-Foir thea. pay of the memct bers of thes Legislatuire, and the A t torney General and Stalicitors duarinag t~he p. esa'nt session, twentt. -ane thotu. sand dollars, it so mmneh be necessary; foar the salaries ofC the Clerks oif the Senate and If ltuse of Reresetntatives, one thotsandl dollars eachi, ad to the said clerks foir the services of two as sistant clerks, two hundagredl and fifty dollars for the Clerk oif the Ilase, and twoa huandredl and fifty adollars ia. the Cle'ak of the Senate. to be panid .at the adijoulrament of the Legislatare for the salaries ofl two Alesengers and two Doaorkeiepers, each two hunit d red and fifty diallars, to be aaid~ att the ndy-turnmaaent of the Legislauire; fair the salary tif the Keepert of lie taatt Hotuse and Libhrariztn, seven hiunared dolimnrs; fir t he salaries aof the Ueadinig Clerks aif the Senate and~ I liatse tat Re'presenatativyes, each t wo hutindred and fifty dollars, ta lbe pasid at, the end aof the sessiona; fair thie services ofC Eta. grossing~ Clerks, toa be piid tinder the diretioni of the Spenaker ofC tihe iloatse uad Presaidentt of then Seate, foaurt haindlread dosllars; fair the printers gifthea $eniate and Ilaatte ot ieparesentatives. ni puirsiance of ;thae cot rets made bay the ,..a. ...:,,-s of bo 1er. iilie tosaild dolhars, if So Imuhli be "ilee I'lSlry for the priiting executed b3 lhe 'aid printers durling the pres'rit t.'ssion o. the Legislature, the sanie ti be paid to themi as soon a-; tile ainoulliit of tile said eiltrauts siall be :I4eestained by the Treasriier of the Jpper Division; 1hr the printer for printimg in pain plilet fornra the acts :id jiurna tit' both 11luses. reports and resol$,1tionls agreed t , thle Gov erior's A11ess 111, repors of he Prlesi dent. of the Wilk, and Comitriller (Gneral. with the accinpan) ing docu :nents, three thousand sevenl Imn1dred and flfty d--llars. if' -) much hie neces -:ary; Proei Id, That the numiber of copies ipt'ecilied iii the priposals of tile printirs as accepted by tihe Ltgi. latLIre, shall be prinited and depousited in, tile onitL of the Trieasirer of tle Uyper )ivision betere tie twentieth day of April next,7 and tle niinun11t to bei paid accordin~g tit thle proposals, which 'hall bI e li lsetaine'd Iv thei Treasirri afi'resaid; Anud firther pro ided, That. thw printer o tie iacts and journals do publish ill his newspapetr at Coliibilia all thie puiliciC aCts whichi May be passed at tilthe pleselit, session within :ixy days tter tile adjoui inlent, of thle Leg..islatulre; (;Ir W illiamn F. Arthur, fihr cn :11itigeint e'xpilnsee du. ing the preseit suessieon of the Legis. lature, twe lve hitidred dollars, if so snueh be necessary, to be accounted fir by him lit the Treasuiry, and re. ported by the Treasurer to the Gener. al Assembly; for stationrarv. Ituel. di, tibutlig aets, exIises (Itlie eiection returs, ttarteet, ll11idre.'d d-r1,1i'.41 if so inieh be nee'ssary; tar the purciase tif' books for the libiary of the Letgis. lattire, six hundred d&llars. Sil-e. 3. IV JUDICIARY i:PAuR.AMN-1r -F' the salaries of the Jildges, three thoiusatid d-dihrs cach: f ir tile salary of tile Atir..y Geniral, elev. enl inun'dred dollals; f0r the salaries of ive Soiicitors, i tine hinidred dollar. e1aCh; ltr tile Clerk of the C(ourt it Appeals in Columaibia, six hundred dtl iars; to' the .salary of tl, Me'sseiger if the s:d c'out at Ciluimbia, two hundred and tilty dollars; 'P-ovided. Ih 'a'ai ib w he iluty of the said mewsli-ng. to sliu ni all mt'mbers (if tile bii who are mnember., 4;f Ote L.. g-i,b .. whell their Cases may lie Called fiJr tli a!; O: he sa!...ry of' the Lilbrari.n, (it the Citut of Aljig'als in ColLilinbia. two hundred dollars, tile sant.e to ill e nile the expenses of ftie; liltr tilt purchase of ioks fi r the library otit :he Court il Appeals at Oloibia. live luin1dred d140lar-1,; 1;1r fire wood anld fuiel Imr thle Court -,f A pi-teal at UP lunIhii, fifty (lic1s, it Sip niiich h14. necLs-sa w; ir lh- salary (.f tile Clerik f he Court of Appelals inl Charh..-,ton, six huiilirtd dltlars; forl tlie salary lit the M estiegr of he samoe (l, il Chfla lest, Il, two hun11dredl :1111 fift) y del. Iar.; fthr Ili.- saiary ofi lie Lihr.rian oi thle Cout. of Apliwals in Charleston, tw hunoadrled doiii'ls, ill icllide tilt expeilse of fiel; theu lire wlod a1141 111i el fr the C(oilrt lit' A !ipeais at Clarles t..I r, fifty d i llar1, if s'l l at uch he ne-1 f esry;th (te inirchase of' hoc-k4 for. the library of the Court of A' ppeal a char-les'ln; live h11nnire4d dollars; 1;hl the salary f tih State flieoter, lit ten hanb1ed dollars. Alid the sever al appropriationsl11 at*ibre-aidi i' ti Clrks, iwirarianl, Mssi'ngers, Re pirter. anld I'M 1the inCidental expeN-r., lof the Courcttts lit A\ pls1, sh-dil bet ranrts t. hb' drawii by the I l'siing -1 udiges lit thle C2our~ts of' A ppieals, at such t ifines taii' such'i p8 rtin aulS11 the1y riiny deemii just andit proper('l. Aiid it 81ha11li e tih' duty lof the said lie ty the sittinigs oft the Couri ts ofiA ppa~l::1 and84 l1idrrrs inu Ciohnniaind8( Chlarl'es tii, andii tO repor't. such argiilens Iandii stalteiiieits ot tiiets as Inay' lie ii- )t'ssa ry to ai coirr.cL itindesta1d inig of' thi decisionls iof the said Cour1ts1 ; for' thi pa1y of juror81s anid contstabIles, f'ort ih lusanid dliars, if so imuche be neces Stc. 4. In Tius TaslAsiuly Dei'Aar )ZiCr: Four the sailariy ofit'he.. CompitrioI. ier' Genczeral, two thousandi8( dollarts; fiji thle salariiy oIf tile c'i k oft the4 Comlp. tiiller' Gener'al seve'n hunid red anld fit' 13 dadllar's, thle Saidl iclt'ik toi be apfpoint ed anid r'eiimoenble at tihe pleca-tme of the Compnitroltler' Gen'eratl; tfor the saila. ry of' thle TIreasurero lthe lie ower hi VS. 1i1n, anid forii trlasact ing thle bus~iiness of' the I-naniii Ofhice, 18811 f'o clerk hire, twoIii ihuslandt dllarls; fori the salar'y oft the lTreasIurer' of the Uppfijer I )ivI'llin and 'ir eleik ire, sixl een diallar's; forl the uis~essor' oi St. Phiilby's iande St. Michaedil' ithking out anid aflixmig alsse'ssmients of' returnt, Cou~sos:at' the salary oif tuhe P'res. idlet of the College, t hree-ttisnd dollars ; fo' the saries oif seveni Pr',f'essairs of the Colile'ge. two thou' sand( five hunirdred dillar's echl ; for the~ salary of the f'rea"ue oi'f'lt the College, five hunidred dlolliars; fhr the' salar'y cit the Librarian of the College, six hunndred dollars; fr the salary of flt Secretary of the Bpard of Tiristees. I weI hundred d-dirs ; for the salary of ile Marshal four hund red deallars; the sahiries (of the President., Profess ors, Treasurer auid Librarian to) be paid by the Treasirer of the Upper )ivision, quarterly, inl advance, theia draft being coeuntersigned by the Treasurer ol the Col leg. ; ihr the pur. chase oft' books fir the College Li brary. two thou4isanl doilars, to be paid tea the draft, of thte iresident.of the C4 lege, countersigied by the Treasuirer of he saI li ; lr I Ihe expenlse of )i student at the South Carolina Colleg. sent, by lite Orphain (a Hose in Charles lon, limtr liuidred dollar", too be paid ti, the order of the Chairmian IIf* the Bard 4I1 ('ruiillnssioniers of the Orphaa Hlouse. SEC. t'. FoR TiE ORDINARY Civil Exr-ENSss: For the payineit of the cotirelit accounts of the upper l)ivision, tweinty-live thousand dollars. it' so iuch be necessary ; iar ti pay I of0111 4 t ie colitinigelit, accut., l1 tle Lower I)ivisioln, twenty lbu thi a Sand11 doillars, it's i iieh he neces-ary for the Cor n issioner to) be appil tied ly lite Governor'I to superintend 1th4 Pubilie Works, ene huidred and fifty dillars ; li the paymen 'of pen sn, and atnnuiti.:s, three thousand dollars, if' so iuch be necesarv : for the piylientt of such clairnis as slall Ibe adnitted by tile Legislature at it piesent session, twelve thousand dill hirs, i' so ro11u!gh Iiie ,,vetss:arv '.* s sippert of Free Selu ols, sever.ty t"i hoiisand t'hur lindred deillars, it' se much he niecessary, to le distributed aollalg the several distriets in tht Stat e, inl the proportion o 'six hiindred iil.ilars to each Rlepresentative inl tle i-appular braneh of the L'gislature lI' the education of the dealand dui., (I1 thll b1ihid, firthouan dollarsw if sqa Iiell be necessai, to be paid lo tle C-IIIIllintuisiners ill tile salllL nail lier as the aipI ropriatioall lrenficir. Illade ; foar refailin Iaxes a-; directd by the repforts I' tle 46a;oitteel Ways a id Meati, aid -a* Fiitinee amil Banks, agreed te- by the Leushl:oi 3n141 uiIidred'J iollars, if So uitIi l. 3 ec('essLIy : ll. I he paymnent at' slit "l3terl lrls or delnatindls oi tile Stall is neav be alloawed ly the General Assembly upan the reports of othei Vealutauiattees, two t.houaund live hiindred 1lilars, if' so tiiuch be necessary ; I c apenesation, necordintg t ile act ol iighte. n1 huni'dred aid folrty-three, to laves exe uted, two thiusand dillarn-, iftsea much hloe lecessarv. Si.:. 7. Fmn Miurr-mnv Ex.:o reln:s :For the salaries f' tihe 1;bl lowIting ollicers viz: Ad jiltallt 1ad l1spetfor Genieral, two th-isaid live hunidred dll'ars ; Ar-enal Keeper ill CJharlesin, ioe thuisand dhollais; Ar seriai Keelier and Powder Receiver at Celuibia, at tie rate of* -tiur itiundre. dial ars per aii ; lhysician Af tlt Jail aii Mlagazimne Giard at Charles. tiuI, five hundrld I'( dillars. anal lIar tIh 'uiportl oIf the Military AcAden es alt Chadleston :1nd4 Cohnn1bia, thirty tho. .11and dollars, it .o [Ihll be lecetssar atnd the said Military AeademiAs sial be inder the directiin of tle Iuira o:l Vi,itors of said Ac.denies, so tl . liri i' sopp 4orI. sihal1l1 n1t, exceed the Suit sim, to bae drawn and a'aoited ibi to the Le-gislatu re by the Said Biunn ofVisitors:- Provided. Tha' ear-L e'lectiona dis'trict. shall be enit led te sendl Io said Academaieiis ai numblleri i baeneiiariies eqal to 1 its r'epresenitatii a ini th* 114 ause of! liep resenttiivies, oi in that pra~Oprtiion as liar as the appajr priiafian ihr' the si'hoaols may alow thri Ilhe AlilIi tary acicaunt, as agreed ti by bo, th baraincheLs of' thle ILegislaturie. mole hund11reed di'!lars, it' sea much be nicC e'ssary v'orii t he M ilitairy conltingenies live thuisanld dellars, tea be Ldra1wnl an< accountied fihr as directed bay tin .Le'gislatu re; lfar defraying the ex - penlses of' A rti llery Cornt anies thrio ugt (aut the State, fifteen huund'ed dllars if' so uch lbe necessai'y ; to be dr'aw: and aplied in the rniannier prescribeai by tile act in relationi to that subajeci iar the Quarterimaster Geneoral, livt huniadrefd (d1lar's ; for1 the ser'vices 4a thle Secietfary oif State, during t hi enlsing year, for 1a11 services iii isinl all Mitiitary Conuisio' ns, iand in lbm oifanay charEge agiainlst t he St ate l'ai C nuiaisionis of' Civil Ollicers, eigh~ hiund red doell ars, toi be paid as (athii saharies are directed teo bue paid by law liar repiinuig armls and14 ars~enIiali r poeses inl Clharilestan an Lid Coalumin a twoa thoulsanld dollars. Sz':c. 8. Fon Onmeasatr LOCAl. Ex. ry.surrtenS.-Foar the suippaort of' thei tr'anlsienit poari of Cairlesito n, seven Ibmouisanld dlllars, to beo paid tei Ih' City Coun I (if' Charlestonl, andt. alccounlted tear biy them~t toi tile Legisia ture foar the salary oft the Port Phiysi ciani in Charlestoni, including boat hire anld EotherI incidental expenses, eight thunldre~d dollars ; forthexcino tteiaraniniie laws~" at Charlestan, omi thouesaiad dollars, it so muach be neOces sary ; to bei paid tea the City Council of' ChaceIamnton. n ez nd~ undet hlia direct iona ; lior t le salary of the ipeaintende(t of tle Fire Proat Blnilding in Charleston during the preient, year, one hiunadred dollars ; far a he support of the t.raisient. poor of' Georgetown, live hund red doillars, to Ie expended b'y the Cotn miissi'ters ta lie Pour of' Winiyah. to be accomited fir by them to the Legislature; I'mr I he support a f the trai-ntt, poor of Beaaufor, two hunadred dollars, to be expenided by the TOwn Cnneil of' the said to awn, an1d to ie accoited for by thema as heretotor' .'er the' salary f Ilie Pi lot of' the I I ar. . and Bml of' GeoIge Lowin, three hiidred anid twenty dol. lars; Ifr aiding the siappoLt of a fe''y fil l'lliott's Gut, two hundred diolars, sibjected t, tht- order of the Cinais sin aiers of lIoads for St. Atadrew's Parish. Shc. 9. For the support of the Catalba idians, twelve hiuindred dol. lars, i tso ttuch he necessary, to be jaid to the arder of the luIdiai Agent. and to be expended under t lie direction of' the Givernor. SEc. 10. Foa PenIL( BUI.iNGs. Ta corm plete the C n a t, alinse 1ar Chester Dist'iet, two thousand one hiundred dollars; to etimplete the Coirt louse for the District of W illi hiIauasburg, ntie thausantid Iur hundred aid lifty dialars ; the above attionits to be drawn and expended b)) the lkards tf' Cntissioners ol he reslective districts, aid accomined foaur by then ait the treastiry ; ti conplete aerlield, ole hundred and forty fair diallaits and twenity-eaght ceits; fr. CIalestaoatn Jail, tel ,botnsaid diollars. iad n Inlore, Lt be drawin Itand expetd. ed ider the direction tthe Cunais. siaaers of* Piblic 13uildings of the said district. Foat EXtrAO INAiaR EXPENDITURES to eatable the Trustees .f the Col lege t, Charlestn to iapive and extend their di dings, hunr thousand atllars ; t hr' tihe atot11411la1, of' a bulianee ,fle the C. iiissi-nes of the Por ih N rgtonDistrict; oin their accouint oifa tle expeml ttijere (if the ranisfe-at leor Fun ena htanred 1i1d eaihy twoa dlhiar.s :ani titue ts, ;ia lie drawn i sai.' ( ..aissiai-s. And the dividtinds that iay lie received fin all such railway shares as the 6tate aay on at, the time of ,eelatilg soeh divideids, are hereby irpraptiated ta tle purpose tat' aidintg .t the litieing aid cleatring aout o' tle Suhllivait's iland cbainel <1 the piort .Ib Ch:jrle tan ; atd all saiis arising 'rtai said divid lids shall be beldi In the Treasur% , liable to the hal aft tof' the :etaaitsiln ota the Survey of' Charle'us. IhEPL OF lox. L. Al. KETr.-The ba ml hllwinag reply was recently elicited from1 the Hian. L. M. KTrr by a reiark tiade by Alr. SL.LEIs of \larylaind against, unlifieation aid Mr. Keitt-The geintlenaii from .\fary laud (.\tr. Saibiers) has introutheed iea what, he is paleased to call the irtheni extreIe aitm the Soauthein a-xt rtec inl conjiaetian. This, sir is 3 tiniter' of taslte anal wheli nat Cata. atected witlh anytll ig Ipersnattil and affensive, may tie alloawed Lit pas. I Ie spoke oin nilieic a nid secession, ald said the Kaaw N.thiiags wre appeoseal to athemn as vioaletly as taa A balitmiiismt. Sir, I acepjt theaa ad tailsiaon. As myi fraienid fromaia Viriia (Mtr. Let.ehe'r has iel .ed~ ta) lame thle Ileamr fiar a momttenit, I shall tiakabe a few reariks. "'Sir, the pr'inciplies oft nulilienitiaan hav e been illhistraated by the nobhlest initel leet of tiy State. It has beent ill usitratled2 anid expaoundieed by CAdahot., IlJayne, %II)al I'nill, anid Prestont, anad thlat. host, of'greatat ittnds, whicht pouiredl spaelendr up) nt lie aninals oft Carolinta ini l83. Sir, it was a party' tat brave oen andi' frtee tmen. itnL tmes oif tronbhle atid dang~er, Sothil Caroliina mlade hieavy snetrifict tif blood0( ant. treasurte Cir athe Unionl ; bit whleni inantler'ale wroig was iniflited uponat her, she took her safety itto her o)wn hiands, :andi gathiered hter childriena aroauitnd te t redress hier wrontgs, andat mlainitain her tights atad stover'eignty . Yes, sitr, she gaitheredl tiagethetr siats tia dlefecnd her rights. Thlis, sir, shte did a phenily, in a th eye of lie suna. She diid niot gather' themi at mtidntight houaar, andit int suthataraneana caves ta ennieeal her puirpo~se. Nio Catiline wias thiere, wiath bandl anda daigger, f'esterinag in ittidntigt conispi raey, ar d ini seniate hall ntext day, w hent disloasures were madetlt, paroafessing to be a -'Kitow Not hintg."' Sir, she r'alhlied hter sonts unrdea her owna savereignl flag, jiand whaoever was the foe af' that flag, wats their Caie. htt this struigge, sir, Soautha Cartalina yielded not her righats anid sovereinty. T1haus mauch for nulificai. " Now, sir, for secessioni. I wats a mnembelr of that paarty. In 1850, I advoaentued the poalicy of' Souath Carali. na5 int~rnoeing haw navarohi......' Ahield between hier cit.zens and the ouitrages of this gvernmetnt. Thle spirit of resistance to Federal aggress ion was universal throughut the State, but we dii-redi as to the " mide and loneasure " of redress. Sir, I advocated the policy of secession, and tile princi ple lyiing at its foutndatio n--the pri iiciple (' State sovereiglnty, ti retire Irom the fiederal compact, and if you dared to as-ail us, to Imleet you Opni the open field; to mect youi with blow and braldl, and fight out the q arrel. Sir, I owe allegiance te my State and only through her to the Fetderal Government. V henever she recalls that allegiaincc. I haive I firth. or oenliection with lie Federal Governient, and I scf rn yiour claimtors, and14 trample iuon your hozyanlas to thle Ulni.n. " Sir, I regret that the gentleman from Maryland has initroduced the nliientiou und seeessions party in jsxtaposition with the A boliuitin party; but, as lie has inequivocally disclaimed any thing personal or ol'einsive. I ,b1all muiake no persinal reply to him. I illy desire to say to the Il itse that i was a member of the secession party of South Carolitia, and whoever says aught, against the honor or cbaracter of Ihat. party I will answer them with a loUnos hulble. THE SoUTJEaN MuruA. LIFE IN. s AaNrse Comi-t.-At the last ses. sionj of our Legislature this comnanv was Chartered and has commenced its opleirations. The following are - its "llicers lio. W. F. DeSimsuksre, President, Prof. C. F. McCay Actuary, Dr. John Fisher, Trea.urer. .ImeTos:-11fon. W. F. DeSi sure, ion. Jo i S. Prestoii. Dr. MN1. Laborde, C. F'. McCay. Dr. J. McF. Gastoi, Jhn1 Bryce, 1Richard Sondley, Dr-. John Fisher, Edwin J. Scott. James V. Lyles, Dr. J W. Parker. J. MH. Allen,'? 116n. J. B. O'Neall. Thollas C. Percii, J. P. Reed, I. Win'd, John A. Biiahiv, T. Dublin. E. Al tin, .1. Wollbrd Tiucker,' Rev. .... ... M..... lea,, Wm .. The rates ad--pted for- Insurance are lower than Illse cl aged by goodI Noirthertn Cosipanies iher resideiiti of the Smith, thigh higher than they charge fosir persons re:,iding in tI No.r.t hern States. Thus for insiiniug $1,000 for one year at the age of 30, the prrnium reqluired by the Mutual Lif'e of New Yi k is $16.33 ; by the Mutual Bene lit, ofl New Jerses it i' $18 10 ; by the New Eiglansd M1a101:1l 41f IsPton it i. A14.20; by tile Kenctucky Mutual it is $17.60 ; while by this Company it is :;.3.30. For insurance for $5.000 for the whIle lif :t the age 4f' 30, the premi um ill tile Mutual Lifl- oil New s Ymk is $1.10.10; in the Msitusial Benefit of New Jersey it is *1-10.30; in the New Iseglandl M tiaal of Bost, an it is $126. 50; in the Kenasticky Mustuasl it is 1319.00 ; while ill the Sith Carolina Ciisiaiy it i. only x12->.00. From these rates this Company dediets one lurth ir thlie first year, rnp[rimi 14)g 11 note for the reduction, hut. remit tinig it entirely. The first payimlenit hr $1,000 at. the age of 30 sir sine year' is onlyv $t9.7. zad for a whle life poliicy ony *18.75. Fios sub~essunt pa:1 msents a5fterl tihe iirst, a reductionua will also be amad in i propo~ rtio~n to thea success aind profits of the Cssnspany'. Thle~ oblject of' Lih'e Insurance Comn. eaiiies is tos inake provision fir (lie widsows ~ssan orhans of' lheui' mnembers. paiys mi a simalI 51tl an lount, ansd these preioniis ansd thiir acemi nurle. tiuons att e'ompounsihd interest, formii a f'uiid out of whlich pay'imeiits are mlade to thle survi ving iiiies of 'the insured. No mlore benevoslent, prusden~it anld wise ( disositioni cain he made ofn his hinds lby aniy husband or fit her, whole has not. aceuiiihl~ted a comnpetenlce fssr his wife and clild ren, than ani in vest. imient of' par't of his annutal incoine in a Lii'e iisiirance Policy. ~The unsifrm'i secess of' Life linsu. rance Csompanies, sheows t hast lie true v'alhue of' thle risk insu11red aigain%t is well asertaiined. I1t exaiin ig the bills of miorality alt sevenal phlaces, it is hound that. the risk of death amiong a lairge number' of' per'sons is almnost in variably the same. This risk beingr kiiownii, .he pro per premniumn for each inss'uance is readily atscertaiin. d. If' I le pre~nsiumu is suflicieant aand safely investetd, the security an.I stasbilIi ty of' a Lif'e Cornpany13 is uniques. Stinale. As iour funds cannot, by the ebaeracber, be mnvestead exqept iin State Stocks ori ini Bonds or Mos (gages oni unenenmihllbered read estate worth three times the aunit of loan, a loss of'the funds is imporssible. No risks taken but u personis in h'oiund health and of'gsod hsabits. The amount to be insured oin any e ife is nbd to exceed $10,000. Thie aiiiofut inured inay be made payable to the wife or the children of the insured free from any clainis of the heirq o' creditors. lierniu may be made payable annually, semi.annially or quarterly. The l'rimes and Casuafires of the Past Ycar.-We fiid in bur exchanges tabular statements of [lhe crimes and enasialties i3- the United StatLs duming the year which has just closed. The footiigs.up are as follows: The t-,tatl aimount of pr~operty de. stroyevd by fire is estiniated, in ro-nd iuJibers, ut twenty.five umillions of dotltars. The numtber of persons whose lives have been iacrificed by burning buid inrs, is put down at 110 hundred and There have been one hundred and niiinl.three railroad accidents, killing 01n4e hundred aid eighty six persons, and wounding five hundred and eighty 1lilie. There have also been forty.eight steamboaLt accidents, killing five hun dred and persons, and WOUnding two hundred and twenty five. During the year six hundred and cighty.two iurders were conmitted, and eighty.four persons were executed in the State of New Yorik alone there were seventy.four nturders and fifteen executions. a. - ar., nL1u C3rar-rU-rs.- IV 0 give sote iinteresting extracts frotm the re cently published Appendix to the Cen. sus Report, prepared by Ptofessor De How. IL seems, from that portion of these statements which relates to the ,ativity ofouir poputation, that the for. eign born nutmber only about one. eighth of tile iatives,-much the larg Ist, p-ropirtion being in the Middle States. The largest, imnber of -imm i. g:alits to this country il any. one year, was 439,437 in lo,52,-liougtih. this -tatement is scarcely accurate, as is ore than a \ ear is coipri.ed in the returns. The mlost valiable crop in the Uni. tel State" is thutjflhJdiaa 0iW-U. 9.0L mated in 1850 at two iundred and nnety.six Millions of Dollars.-sind being nearly three times as valuable as Wheat, and more than three tines as valuable as ( oftn. Six times as many acres of land are devoted to In. dian Corn as are given to Cotton and ihree times as much as- to Wheat. The value of Butter made annually in She United States exceedsfifty millions of dollars. There are only 347,525 slavehold. e'S in the United States, of w1h1m only two own iover (one thopusand negroes, 0n.y nine own over live hundred, only ilty.six own over thr e h1undred, one lndred and own o'.er two hlundred, and fourteen hundred and seventv.nitne own over one hundred. The greatest nuinher of slaveliolders oswn more than one and less thain five; the number of this class is 105,683. The statement of the vie upations of the people shows that the Farmers out. niuiber 1) far any other prifssion. Their iuniber is 2,363,950,-while the class which approaches nearezt to them is that ol' Laborers, who numaler 909,786. The Carpenters stand next, countting 164,671, atd then coie Col d. wainers, 130,473, etc.-- . 0 -.4.00'. 9.0 Rev. D~r. Baker, the wvell known P resby teriani ninister at t he Sut h, has now been1 preaching nearnly forty years, dur ing which heo ha~s been en gagedI in about three hundred revivals Iof religion. and has been inst rumtental in the profess~ed conver~sion of seen or eigat t housanid souls, fifty of' whiieb tiumaber are mninisters. At a revival mneeting which he attended lately, he is said to haive preached four serinons a day for eight consecutive days. E.rch ange. A RDExv Si'Ian as.-Jn twvo years ar dent spirits have cost the nation a di. reet expense (of *600,000,000; an indi reet expense of* $600,000.000; destroy. ed1 300,000 lives; sent 100,000 chit. dret to the poor house5; consigned 150,000 persons to the jails anud peni teintiaries; umade 1,000 mniiacs; insli gaited to the COliun~ission of 1 000 rmuirderst caused 2.000 to commit suicide; buirnt or otherwise caused to be destroyed, property to the atmount, of 10.000,000; miade 200,000 widows anud 1,000,000 orphan child ren. A Wu.LD MAN CAtonT 1.N MAIE. A. .Air. J. WV. McHengri, who lives near WValdoboro., Maine, has actually captured a wild man. On lirst seein~g himi, Mr. H. says: "The little fllowv tnrned a most imn ploring loo1k upon0 mea, and then tutter. ed a sharp, shrill shriek, resemblir.g thte whistle of an engine. I took hitm to my house and tried to itnduce hiin to eat somie meat, but failed in the at. temupt; 1 then offered him somfe water, of which he dranik a smnall quantity. I next gave himi some dried beach nuts, which heata rediy nie i. or .he height, anid his limbs are in perfect proportion. With the exception of his fitee, hands, and feet, he is cmQrcd with hair of a jet black hue. Whoev. er may wish to see this strange spec. Men] (of human nature, can gratify their enfrior-ity by calling at m y ho.use, in the Eastern parf of Vt!dbbr', ihedr the Trowbridge Tavern. 1 give these fitets to the public to see if there is any one who can account for this won derful phnme iicton."- Chas. Mercurgh REAnI2N.-Make it a rPle fd rtd a little every dAy, even if it be but a* single sentence. A short parnpaph will often fierd you a profitable source or reflection for a whole day. For this purpems6 keep some valuable book or paper always within your reach, so that you may lay your hand on it at any moment when you are about the house. We know a large family tft has made itself intimately acquainted with history, probably more so than any other family in the United States, by the practice .f having one of the children, each one taking a week by turns, read every morning while tho rest were at br. kfast. ECLIPSES IN TuE YEAR- 1855. There will be this year four Eclipses, two of the Sun atnd tw', of the Moon. The First-A total Eclipse of the Moon, May 1st, at 10 o'clock, fifty. eight minutes in the evening. visible. The Second-A partial Eclipse of tihe Sun, May 19th. at .9 o'clock. 9 minut. s in the evening-invisilie hei-e -only visible towards the North'Pold, Greenland., and the North part of North Anerica, latitude 60 and-OL The Third-A total Eclipse of the Moon, Oct. 25th, at 2 o'clock, 35 minutes in the morning, visible. The Fourth-A paotial Eclipse of the Sin, Novemaber '9, dt 72- o'clock, 39 nminutes ip the afternooil, invisible here, and only visille at theSouth Pole. The Mammoth Lump Gold Quartz recently found in'q vera county, Califorpia, has been receP.t0 it weighs one hundred and sixty ad a half pounde avoirdupois, fifteen pounds only of which is quartz - and the rest the virgin gold; and its vu1110 is estimated at thirty-eight thousand nine hundred and sixteen dollars. It was brought, to New Orleans by -a' gentleman who, having given the five men who found it the round. surn , of forty thousand dollars for it,, intends takinig it to Paris next year, to be hibited at the great exposition to be held there. It having been -viewed with no little curiosity by a great number of persons at the St. Louis.* Hotel, has been placed by its propie tor for safe keeping in the Bank o Louisiana. A Roa'a s CAvE.-The Court of Assize at Munich was lately occupied with the trial of a band of robbers, who had for some time back been coiii. mitting a great number of robberies und several murders. What, distija. guished these men was that they hae 'o lived altogether in the Gil Blas style. They ithiabited a vast cavern in the Sclillbinger Forest, the entranace to which wascoicealed by old trunal of trees. stops led to the chambers below, five in numnber,. two, of which were twenty feet long by niine~ wide, in the kitchen wvas pilaced a vast, the chimney of whtich issued in t he n.idst of a thaick clumap of' trees, and through precaution, fire was only lighted thaere by ntighat. TIeo rob. bers land ailso their stables and 'sto're, houses all underground, and at the end of a long corridor there wvas even thund a sort of', whlere they killed the aanimaals which they re, quired for food. The court condemn. ed five of the accused to death, and the others, either to imprisonment wit h haard labour, or to simnple imfpris. :Dent. The last nmntber of the London Globe contains the following important an. nouncemnent, which shows that thae 96ea-, tion with regard to thae " Jm'naculate Con. ception " has been settled by the Bishops of the Churchof Romne in favor of the ntew. dogmna : A despatch has ileen received in Paris, the result of the delaberations - of the Baahiops assenabledl at Rome to cn .ider tho eaumaaculate Conception..A'he inumber of votes " was 576, incluiaa proxies, and about 120 Bishops actually: present. Ofthlese. 540 pronouncdhby ao. clamnation for the newv dogmai-3 voies. questioaned thte appropriteneaof en~~t discussion just now; whilalo'f 4irta protested both against the 9d6gnia iu' against ithe right oft'e-oly See to dec e a question of that. importance- withaout, a regular council. .* Of these 4 votes, 2iy is rumnaredl, ale'contributed by F're epchs.r Ilates-namiely, M1. Olivier, 'Biso Bureux, and .tho other the Arebh Paris himnself. OLeE BULL, offers "a prize-of 1,000 for the best originaal grand.ggier b at 'A merican con nar aa ~ stviotiy Amen