The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, September 20, 1854, Image 1

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DEVOTED TO SOUTHERN RIGHTS, DEMOCRACY, NEWS, LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS. WILLIAM L1EWIS, - JOHN S. RICHAR DSON, JR., ROt(PRETORS. e TERMS-02 IN ADVANCE VOtL. VIII. SUITERVILLE, S. C., SEPT., 20 S54.N -NO. 47 THE SUMTER BANNER * Every W edte3day Yorsaiang lix Lewis & Richardson, TWO I)OT.I.AltS iii atdvance, Two Dollars and Fifty Cents at the expiration of six muntlh or Three Dollars at the end of the year. No ltper disonttimiatee until all arrearages ore PA re, 1inlets at the Option of thi 'ropretor. f Aivertisemnents insertedl at SlVI-:NT'V FIVr. Cents per qeitre, (12 lines or less,) for the first, and half tihat sum for each subsequent Insertion, (Ollicial advertisements the same caelt time). gI T he nuitnher of insertions to he marked on all Ad vertisernents or they wilt he published lentil ordered to be discontinued, anti charged 'accordinigly. t ' ONEI DOL.T.AR per square for a single ins-:rtion. Qinurterly and lontlaly Advertise ments twill be chargeel the maine as a single in sertion. and semi-monthly the Sune as new o:es Ori!i nal Poetry. For the iB.iner. Lmiacs out the Deathi of :m. Mothuer. They tell tle niother thou art gone 1 no more on earth to dwell t That I lutist not iourn thly-loss-for what Gl decrees " is well," Tiat the I luy Work of his dothi say, what lie dogs ,s for t he best ; That I must not moturn dear tuother ? for they know you're Jlome at rest. But there's painlu aeiollecions neot her i left of you behinci, And when reciinit iCK the past, and its ever in ily tini l 1 think of your kind-greeti'g voice, in union %t L yota sitile!, Oh hlow it grieves te mother ? to think of that the while. In chiiliod's lialpiest hour, and in sor row and despmir, You were always by rie outler ! you were always-ever near: And it' I chanced to do things wrong, or saulul, ill your sight You were ready-ever-to check toe, and to guide tme in the riht. Ever-lways tty 'tr motu-r ?' I y're! jrepts 1 will obey, And follow in your foustps, isnti that finial clay, Wheo Goil decrees it 1.: st. to remove me tniit this World ; Oh yes, tay dear, good tother ! to do so, I shall toil. And now you're gono my mother ! I can hear votr voice no mor:', I feel so sutl ani miui ; I would I too could go ; Anl when I'm ta'ien from this Earth, oh nty I niert ytou there ? Where ang:ls sliout their praises ? up in t. . leavenly spi.:ree S. A. S. Astrology. A celebrated witer. alhiling to this subject, says it is remarkable that of the roiiy predictions whieh have been made by astrologers from time to tittle, so few of them have beet veri lied. 1Iistury, however, records many instautces where the predictionas of as. trologers have been fulfilled. In the present ge, when such events occur, they are merely considered remarka. lie coincidettces. The Duket' ouf Athol, uncle of James J. of Set lud, had been assured by it pretender to the ocenlt sciences, that ie would live to be a King, and would be crowned publicly in presence of a large astseltthy of the people. lie put faith in this prediction, and to hasten the fuilliihntent of the prophecy, citused his nephew to be as-asinated. But he paid the penalty of his name crime, and was led to excution in one of the Spublic sctnares of Edinbturgh. 11e was5 tatet~d and reviled~ hay the pou-tt Ja.ce, whto p~hiced on his heatd an iron crown, oii which was inscribed "LfThe King of Traitors." ''Te fte of Esch~ylus, the Greek tratgcdiani, is wvellI known. It has buen pred icd thtat he would be killed by thie failing of a house. One day, while he was walking in the fieids, at a distance from any hiumiatn htbtation, tin eagle which had carr'ied off a tor toise in his talonts, but could not dis engage the meat front the shell, p~er ceiv'ed the ball , head of the poet, atnd probably taking it for a rock, let the tortoise fhil upon it from a great height. But iEschyluis h'atd the worst of' it-for his skull was fratctutred, and hie died on the sp~ot. An aistrologer at the Court of Lewis Xl. of France, predicted an afflietitng evenit, which camte to pass. The kit-r sent for thle saige, haingii previousl ordered his satellites to be prepared at giensignial to seize him and thrw hm utofthe window.Th kitng said to him, ont his etance, "You who pretend to lift the veil of futuri ty, cano you foretell the exact htour oif y our own death ?"' "No, sirec," said thei wary astrologer, with admairauble presence of mnindu, suspecting the de signl of the tyranat, "I only know t hat I uhall die exactly three (days belore your Majesty !"' The kiatg wais thaua deratruck at tlhis atswer, anid refrained tromt giving the sigial. Sir Watlter Scott hais yury iiigenuotusIy interwoven this ta.cdute into the tale of' Quenatian ])urward. Cardoan. a soot hsaye'r, who dealt ex fc.esvev ia n wasceLs. wats ntot particularly fortunatc in his predic tions. Inl one instance, however, he made use of a very eflectual means to guard against any mistake. le pre dieted the day of his death, and when the time drew near, and his health, much to his mortification, contimued u1ninpaired, he absolutely abstained from food, and died of hutnger, on the day predicted, that. he might ta.t fll sify his prediction. That oracle of moral and political wisdom, Lord Bacon, in his chapter upon Prophecies, speaking of modern predictions and prophecies, says. "My judgment. is, that they ought all to be dispised, and ought to serve for winter talk by the fireside. Though when I say dispised, I mean it as fur belief; for in otherwise the spreading or publishing of them is in no sort to be dispised ; fir they have done much mischiet. I see l:tany severe laws made to suppress thei som grace and some credit, consisteth in three things. First, that men mark when they hit, but never mark when they miss, as they do generally. The second is, that probably col.jectures or obscure traditions many timies turn themselves out prophecies. The third and last (which is the great one) is, that all most all of them, being infinite in nublier, have been imp st.'rs ; and by idle and crafty brains merely contri ved aid fcigned after the event pass The R$eforumationa of tVii liam W .ir. A T'ul I1eNr t is ins Irs-roav. The distinguished William Wirt withia six or seven months after his rmarriage, beenmte addicted to inten anice, the elluet of which operated strongly on the mind and health of his wile, and in a few tu.mths more she wats numbered araung the dead. Her death led him to leave the country in which he resided, and he mo, ved to .1L'Ilm,,d, w he re lie soo11 4c t ,s tinctioni. Blut, his habits hung about hin, and occasionally he was found with jolly and fro'bieMlaoe spirits ill hiacchanali:ti revelrv. Hlis practice begana to fill] oif, anad many loo ked up on13hun :s on the sure road to ruin. lie was advised to get married, with a view of correct in-, his habits. Thais he consented to do if the right person offered. Ile accordingly pail his ad dresses to Miss (armble. After some month's attentions le asked her hand in marriage. Sit, replied " Mr. Wirt, I have been well aware of your nitetnsions some time back, and should have given you to under stand that your visits maud attentions were not acceptablc, had I not recip rocated the aflect ion which you evinced for Ime. Bit I cannot yield assert until you make te a pledge never to touch, taste, or handle any intoxica ting drink." This reply, to Wirt, was unexpected as it was novel. H is reply was, that lie regarded tihe proposition as a bar to further consideratioin on the subject, and lie left her. Her course toward him was the same-his, Iesentmient and negh-et.. Ihi the course of a few weeks he went again and solicited her hand. lIe became sindig.ant and regarded the terms she proposed, as au insult to his honor, and vowed it should be the last meeting they should ever have. lIeI took to drlinkinig worse and14 worse, and seemaed to run headlong to ruin. QO day), whii Ce lig iln the city', near a little grog shaop or grocery dead drunk, a yo:ung lady whaom it, is not iecessary to name, w~as piassinig that, way to her home, not, fiar oil; and be held him with his thee turned up to the rays of the scorching sill. She tookc her hiandkei'chief, with heri own~ namlie mairked upon it, aind placed it, over his fhee. After lie had remiained in that posi t'on for somei houars, lhe wuas awakenaed, ad his thirst, being~ so great, lhe wenut into the grog shop or grocery to get a drink, when lie dis covered tihe handkehief at, which lie looked, Iad the nane wais (on it.. At' ter pausing a few inlutes, he exclaim ed, " Great God ! who has left, this with meI'? Who placed this over my thee?' No one knew. H~e di'opped the ghlass exelal iing "Enough ! eniough !"' lie retired instantly from the store, forgetting his thirst but not his de b~auch, tho hand kerchief' or the lady - v'owing, it God gave lhim str'etngth, never to touich taiste or handle11 in1t4xi cating driinks. To meet, Miss amblie wvas one of the hardest efforts of' his lif'e. If' he fiet, her in her carriiage or~ on foot, he popped roundi the neai'est eonfer. She lat, Iast addressed hiim a note under her own'l han~d, in vitinig himii to her houase, which lhe finally gatheredl coulrage t~o accept.. .1 Ie told( her if she still bore affection for him lae would agree to lieu' owni terms. 11er answer was " My conditionis are now what they everl hazve been." "Then," said Wirt, "I accept them.' They were soon married, and fron that day he kept his word, and his af fairs brightened, while honor and glorj gathered around his brow. His nam has been enrolled high in the templh o(f fame ; while patriotism and renowi live after him with imperishable lus tre. How many noble minds might the young ladies save, if they would foi low the example of the heroine heartei Miss Gamble, the relation of Lafiy ette ! A Yankee Stratagemii. The " General Monk," about the beginning of the year 1782, was r terror to all merchant vessels whic navigated the Deleware Bay. hay ing a regular corn aission, she wa: justified in making captures, an< played havoc with the commerce o the bay and river. The vessel car red eighteen nine pounders. and was manied by one hundred and fifty rmen The news of her continued capture: was anything but pleasing to the Phil adulphians, and mch conversation took place upon the subject among thi Citizens. At a casual meeting of nerehant and others, at Crawtbrd & Donald son's insurance oflice, in Market street (insurance companies were not corn aon then,) the conversation turned upon the damrage which this vessel was cornmitting, with entire impunit. It was thought proper to do somethinr to remove the pest; and the geratlemet present agreed to raise a loan for the purpose of fitting out a vessel t( attack the Englishmen. The Unnk of North America loaned the money on the responsibility of the subserib ers, and w ith it the '- Ilyder Ali" was purchased of John V. Stantley, and placed in connand of Commodore Barney. A commnission as a " letter of i arque" was procured, and the crew was composed of volunteers. The vessel was fitted out with four nine pounders and twelve sixes, The crew numbered one hundred and twenty, mostly landsmen. There was conseluently a great inferiority on the piart of the AmlCrican vessel in point of meta! and men. Nevertheless, Barney sailed in a week, having disguised his vessel as a merchantman. lie commantded the crew that, when he should order theni to board, they should not board but lit e; and when he directed them to fire, they should board. They soon espied the " General Monk," which proved to be not so fasti a sailor as the " IIv. der Ali " Barney t herefore, hung over a drag anchor to impede his way; and deceived by the slowness, and expect trg an easy prey, the English vessel ranged up to them. When they got near enough to the American, Barney cried out to the men: " l'repare to board !" The Englishmen, interpreting hbp comancld literally, lined the sides of his vessel to resist the boarding. Tih Amnericans took their statiorns at the gun-. Once there, Barney cried out.: " Hoard." Instantly a flash broke out fromi the broadside of the I Hyder Ali, and the iron missives produced a terrible efTeet upon the thick ranks which lined the decks of the opposing vessel. The captain of the Monk ordered his men to fire, burt it wars too late. Onte hun. dred men had beeni stricken dlowm: killed antd wounded by the first broad. side; among the latter were the En glish captain and maruny oflicers. TJh( tire w~as but feebly returnted, antd Bar nev, ordering his men to fire, boarded the vessel, arnd took possession wvithoul a bilow. Th'ley brought their prize up~ to P hi ladelirbia, and1( great was the rejoicing thereat. Barnev's loss war hut four killed atnd fifteen wtountdcd. A Ouurious~ story of a YMa Nonic Bible. A correspiondenrt thus writes to us: "It may not be known to you thlat tih< F'reemnasons of the dItithI regimnent nrot stationed in WVinidso~r, have iln their pvssessio'n tile originral bible beilng ing to lodge 227 of tihe Irish Constitu tionl, once iln existence in that corps utpon whii ch George Washringtonr aIfterwt ard(s comtmrandrin-chief of' th~ armay of tile Unlited States, was initia ted inito tire rites of freemnasonry. T1his book was taken ill battle; onet( iln 1777, during the American war on1ce by thne Frelnchr, at Domninica, it 1805i, and each time honlorably re stor'ed to the lodge of' tile 4fith, with mlilitary escort as a guard of honor. Each case of restoration was a secene o. mloral beauty-au triumptlhanlt vinidica tioni of' the pulrity of mnasonie principles T1hie surprise atnd feielinrgs of~ both olli cers and mlenl may be irmagined whtel they percei ved the flag of truce thai anrnouncedJ this eleganit comimrent frorm their gallatnt opponents but stil nroblier brethren, who ofTe red, by thnt act, the acknowledgrment and homnag; of an enlightened nation of the purity Vaue. an~d titility of mnsonry. I a sure Brother TyiTe (Major, to whose charge this "jewel " is entrusted, will allow his fellow craft to view this, te them, most interesting: relic of days gone by, especially a- it is again about to brave the dangers of active war. May God speed these gallant, follows - wherever they gt ! llindsoir anl Eton E.rpress. A i'cut man. Capt. Stone, of the steamer Canada, now in this port, is probably the most silent nan afloat. Sailors who have been with him many months say they never heard him speak. le writes his orders to his oflicers, and if the-v fitil in carrying the~n out, he repri mands their in writting. Yet he has the reputation of being one of the most skillful and prudent captains of the Cunard line, and remark:blo for r his powers of personal endurance. Vhen at sea he rarely leaves the deck, night or day, more thain an hour at a timne, and nothing appears to escape his notie. Still he does not speak, either to his offieers or passen gers. On a recent passage two wags, who were passengers in his ship, no ticed this peculiarity, and at dinner one day were quite eloquent, upon the blessings of speech, and by way of rontrast, expressed their deep coumnis ceation for dummies. One of the wags was so overcome by his feelings that he deliberately took ar onion from his pocket and applied it to his right eye, while he gazed at Capt. Stone with the left. " Pour, dear gentleman," he sobbed, as the tears fillowed the onion, " I wonder if he is deaf as well as dumb." This was too much for the passen gnrs, who burst into a roar of laughter, in which Capt. Stone joined as heartily as the rest. When order was restored he said - " Gentlern., ladies, or ladies and gentleme., acknowe.odge that I ap. pear t, d..1:.;,1.1"-u ,tage' by not speak ing more than I dot; !n:,-what would you have rme to say? It is mny con ;tant care to see that you are properly -attend' d to in every particular. What more can you desire?" After this eflort he resumed silence, and has not been known to speak since.--Bston, Atlas. Extreme Modesty. I heard ofa ease of extreme modes tv the other day; so extreme that it could not be understood. A lady went into ''hornley's India rubber store, and inquired of the fascinating Mr. T. Ilave you any India.rubbor elegy encirclers?" " What did you say, ma'am?" said the store-keeper, slightly confounded. Elegy encirclers," repeated the lady, with a blush. Thornley looked round the store, first at the groat, piles of India-rubber, then at gutta percha, then at India-rub. her cloth, and so on, but without see ing anything corresponding to the name. " You're sure i's made of India. rubber?" said Mr. T., inwardly de. claring that there was nothing mode of that article that he had not, seen. Oh, yes," replied the lady. " Do you see anything like it?" at length returned the bewildered fellow. The lady looked round the well filled store, and at length her ey e rested upon a hox, which she blushingly pointed to. What do you suppose it, contamied? Garters! She was soon helped to a pair, and as she took her leave, it, all at once occurred to Mr. Thornley that garters wero l,-e-g encirclers. Advllanltage of planiting F'ruit Trees on D~eelieitie.-Dodart, first obser v-ed that trees putihecd their branches in a direction par-ahlel teo the surfihee of the earth. I a tree stanids on a steep it pushes both towards the hill and towaurds the declivity; but on both sides it still preserves its branches paralleled to the sutfee. As there is ian attraction between the uipper suir laee of leaves and light, I amt also persuaded, thbough not egually certain of'it from ex periment that there is an attractio~n of thle samte natur-e between the undeer suirfae of the ear-th. This I coiisider the true cause of the phe nomoinous, I had long observed that. the most fruitful orchards and the most fertile trees are those planted oun a declivity, anid the steeper it is, thiough not gnuite a precipice, the more feritile they prove. lt is well knsowni that the spreadinmg (if trees always renders -themt trnitfiz. Onm a plain they inicline to shoot, upwards; aid therefore vari-. ous ways, to check thieir perpendicular, anid to promote their lateral growth. llut, this point is obtained on a decliv ity by nat'ire. T1here a tree loses its tenmdency to shout, upwards and in order to preserve its brianches parallel with the surface, is constrained to p~ut them in a lateral diretion. Hence an important rule ill the chuoice of orchards and frutit gardens--.1,nnr' Jmurnal The Destiny of oii Couun try The following statistics, extracted from the Boston Post, present, in a compact and compendious form, the astonishing extent of our country, its boundless resources, and its wonderful development. In view of our recent origin and unparalleled advancement in all that constitutes national great ness, it is not wonderful that the na tions of Europe, that for a long time looked upon us with indifference or disdain, should now regard us as the great and growing Power of the World. Who, save omnipotence, can limit us, and who, save omniscience, can tell the surpassing grandeur of our destiny-of the A merican Republic? Let it guard against assaults from within, and it can easily shield itself from all external enemies. " The thirty-one States, nine Terri. tories, and District of Columbia, coin prising the United States of America, are situated within the parallels of 10 deg., east longitude and 48 min., west of the meridian of Washington, and extending on the Atlantic coast from 25 deg., and on the Pacific coast from 32 deg., to 40 dug., of north latitude, and contains a geographical area of :3,306,9(5 square niles, being one tenth less than the entire continent of Europe. They contain a population at the present time of 25,000,000,'of whom 21,000,000 are whites. The extent of its sea-coast, exclusive of is. land.s to the head of tide-water, is 12, 660 miles. The length of ten of its principal rivers is 20,000 miles. The surtitee of its live great lakes is 90,000 miles. The number of miles of rail. ways in operation its limits is 20,000, constructed at a cost of $600,. 000,000. The length of its canals is 5,000 miles. It contains within its Jim its the longest railway upon the surface of the globe-the Ilinois Central which is 73"iuiles. " The annual valve of its agricultur al productions is $2,0)0,000,000. Its most valuable product is Indian corn, which yields annually 400,000,000; and in surveying the agricultural pro ductions of our country, we are not only struck with their abundance, but with their great variety. Our territo ry extends fron the frigid region of the north to the genial climate of the tropics, afli rding almost every variety of temperature and every kind of grain and vegetables. Her productions range from the cold ice and hard granite of the North, the golden corn of the West, to the cotton and sugar of the South; and nearly all in suflicient quan. tities to supply our domestic consumnp. tion, and furnish large supplies for exportation, thus furnishing nearly all the value as well as the bulk of our foreign commerce; suggesting thereby the irresistable conclusion that agri culture is the great transcendant inter est of our country, and upon which all other interests depend. "'The amount of registered and en. rolled tonnage is 4,407,010 tons. The amount of capital invested in manu factures is $600,009,000. The amount of its foreign imports in 1853 was $266,978,647, and the exports $230, 976,57. The annual amoant of its internal trade is $6,000,000,000. The annual value of the products of labor (other than agricultural) is $1,500,000. The annual value 0' the incomes of its inhabit ants is $1 ,000,000,000. The value of' its farms and live stock i-> $5,000,000,000. Its mni es of gold, copper, lead, and iron are among the richest in the world. TIhe value of the gold produced itn California is *$10,000, 000 pr- anntum. Th'le surface of its corn fields is 132,132 square miles. Its receipts from customs, lands, &c., it. 1853. was $61,327,274, and its expen ditures $43,543,'263. ltsi national do. nmain consists of' 2,174,I88 sqtnare miles of' land. Its national debt is but *50,000,000. The number of its banks at the present time is about 1,100, with a capital of $3,000,000,000. Within her borders are 81,000 schools, 6,060 academies, 2:14 colleges, and 3,800 churchtes. Only one in twenty two of' its white itnhabitats is unable to read atnd write, and nineteen of its twenty-one maillion of its white inhabi tants are native horn." Caors ai IELNt.-- We have the following by the last steamer itn rela. tion to the crops in Ireland: " The weather during the last week has beeni rather unsettled; but, al though a good deal of' rain hams fallen, the grain crops do not appear to have beeni at all injured. T1hie wheat looks well, and is now ripening fast: and I do n~ot observe that it has in any place b'een beaten down. It is remarkably free from blight or smut, while the ear is conasidered utnusually large sand fl. The oat crop has sull'ered more from ~the rain and weather thtan the wheat; nor is it altogether eo free from blight, although upon this head there is cer tainly little to complain of. "Upon the whole, there is still every reason to thin~k that the grain crops will be the most abundant that have been gathered for many years. With regard to potatoes, there can be no doubt the disease is now spreading, but not to such an alarming extent as some people represent. The new potatoes are generally in use through out the country; and although the leaves, and in some cases the stalks, are blighted, yet the tubers are scarce. ly touched, while, for the most part the quality is excellent. The quanity sown this year is unprecedentedly large, even compared with the very best of times, .so that. it is hoped that after all casualties and losses, there will be a full average supply." Early Court'laip in Ohio. IJ you can't git them that you want. you must take them you can git, and that is how I camc marry Patsy. Love will go where 'tis sent anyhow, and the harder a chap loves a gal, the poorer chance he stands of gitten her ; the thing is just here; the more he loves her, the more shy and trembling he is, and he can't tell his feelinugs to her if he tries-while the careless and unfeeling chap, that's got no more love in him than a boss, can have a dozen gals after him at once. I have thought the heart is like mud turtles' eggs, you dent the shell on one side-a dent on the othsr side, made in the same manner, will bring all smooth again. So with the heart ; one gal makes a dent-it remains bruised, till some other gal presses it, pushing out the old bruila3 and c.ving a ;ev one. Wellaccidents will happen, folks will laugh-the world is more fend of fun than logic-and they might as well laugh at me as any body. So I agreed to tell you about my courtship. It was't Patsy, but my first sweet-heart was a proper han'. some gal. I worked for her father. Ohio was all in the wood-s then, and every body lived in log houses. Down in Cleveland there was a store or two. And my three hundred acres that is worth now one hundred and lifty dol. lars an acre, wasn't worth when I bought it only three dollars. Pshaw I pesaw ! how times is changed. Glad to get corn bread and common gravy then-had to go thirty miles down to chagin to mill. I always used to go up for boss instead of himself, for I only "hefted" ninety pounds in weight and made a lighter load over a bag of corn on horseback. Let me see I weigh one hundred and eghty now. Well, I was twenty-five years old just about, and in love with boss's daughter but always thought she felt a leetle above me, for I was not quite as tall as she was anyhow, and work ing at eight dollars a month and had to dress in tow linen at that. You never see one of them logging frocks made like a. shirt, out of flax tow, did yer l Well, 1 bought this blue coat when t married Patsy, thirty and five years ago. I never wore any but that, and it it was Sunday, to-day, I should have it o01, for 1 dispise extravagance and new fangled fluinmories and thingum bob noodles' 'round y'r houses. I was in love thirty five years ago, head over heels, and never dared to say a word about it. flen name was Jenusha. I longed to tell her how my heart swelled and burnt for her as it it thumped agin my chest; but I could never screw my courage up to the pint--but thought I would some day ; I'd beeni alone with her many times and had resolved and resolved on popping it right eout, but the stillness was as awful on themi 'ca sions as the roar of the Niagara. and my heart would feel all over uike your little linger when you hit your elbow 'gin a thing accidental, a tarnal ting ling fullness. Cuss my luck, said I to myself. One Sunday night I cum hum from mill alter a ride of three day's and Jerusha had a beau ; dressed as sniart as a dancing master. My heartjnmp ed into my gullet the very minute I see hinm. I-flt down in the mouth for I knew I was a gonme fellow. lie had on broadcloth. Talk of your new langled Gossop and Greshon houses now, but flks in them days didn't have but one room down etairs, and a ladder to go up stairs; a puncheon floor was good enough below, and oak shanker split out by hand, kivered the chamber floor. It wa-s in boss's house and I slept up chamber. I want to remnem ber mny torn shirt and I want you to imagine my feelings that inight after I want to bed fo'r Jerusha and the dandy chap had the hull room below to themnselves with a rousing bright lire to spark. I couldn't stand the temptation to hear what they had to say for themselves. WVhiaiper I whis per 1 whisper! .! You may laugh at it, but it is the naked truth I am going' to tell. I have laughed myself at the same 'thing. WVhen I heard samnithing pop like a kiss, by ginger I could s.and ma y heart thumps no longer. Curiosity and jealousy got the upper hand of ne; I wanted to see fir nysell, so I slid out of bed setting flat like a tailor on th.* floor, determined to hitch up just as I sot, inch at a time, to the opening over the hearth where the beams and gun hooks was. A cat couldn't been no stiller arter a mouse, but my heart thump="d lurd, er every hitch, just as it will when a man goes to do what aint right, Well, just as I had gained the right. pint to look over at'em just tilted the floor-down I went, tow shirt to gun hook-and there I hung blindti~ld, like a squirrel half skinne t, right over my rival and sweet 'alt--ready fhe bathing. I couldn't see 'em at all arter that and it was more than ten minutes before the told boss awoke to tare me loose; dangling found the lire. What, what, said he, got a spire rib? Ila I let me down, said I. I got pretty well bako, any how, and haint been quite so raw in love mat ters. I never looked Jerusha in the face from that day, nor a girl in the neighborhood, for I could swear she. told 'ot all. That accident got Aty grit up to make a fortin. I went off few rile's and married the first chance I got, just out of pite-and Patsy is worth all on 'em arter all -and mar. ryilg is a lottery business. Then don't hang yourself as I did be. case you can't get a particul .r girl but remember that, your heart is like ' rubber, it will stretci a good ways and not breaIk. Suibsttigtu for Guano, Messrs. Editors-" What shall we use as a substitute for guano?" This question was considered in the Coun. iry Gentlemen of July 20. [ see no diffieulty in finding a substitute fur guano, or rather finding the principal for which guano is now used is a sub. s'titte. Whatever contains .the ele. -nwnts of guano, musL be equally vai l i ale as a f'ertilizer, It. th. I. rmer wi-l compare the analysis of guano with that of urine, he will find urine as rich in every element of fertility as guano, with the exception perhaps of the phosphate of lime. But this de filciency could easily be supplied by the application of common lime with animal manures. No farmer should ever purchase guano or any foreign manures, while he wastes all the urine of his animals and of his family. Urine could be used with good effect as guano, and at an expense compara. tively trifling. No farmer need go off from his own farm for the means to enrich it, for he has only to return to each field but a small part of what grows upon it to keep it in a high state of fertility. But Nature has no substitute for urine or the elements of urine. The urine must either be returned to the soil, or something ,containing the same ele ments. For these elements, guano is now used as a substitute. There should be then but one question with the farmer. That is how shall I save with the least expense, and use to the best advantage the time of mv animal, and family ? I am acquainted with scores of farmers that purchase annu ally various quantities of poudrotte, phosphate of lime and guano, that have never saved the first pouind of the excrement of their family, the urine of their animals, or the droppings of their hen-roost. Any farmer should be ashamed, either to raise small crops, or to purchase foreign manures when, any of the above elementsm are allowed to go to waste. A RUsE.--One om our SecretarIes of State for the United State" struck out a good mode 'if ectting rid tftan intru der in a particuih~r case. It, appears that the door aceper of the Secretary's office was remarkably obliging, which proved quite the thing for a rabid office seeker, who managed to get in every day and bother the Secretary. When the anknoyancee continued three or four days, the Secretary stepped up one moirning to the dooer xeeper, and asked what 'bat, man came after daily. "Yes," replied the functionary, "ani office, I suppose?" "True; but do you know what office?" " WVell, then. I'll tell you, he wants your place." The next morning the scene between~ officeseeker and the polite door keeper is said to have been rich, f'romn the peculiar manner in which the intruder was informed-" The Secretar) is nt at home I" A NovaIT.:-'s CoNPE88Io.--Bulwae the novelist, in a letter to a gentleman in Boston said "I have closed my ca reer as writer of fiction. I ;nm gloomg' and unhappy. I have exausted' the powers of life, chashig pleasure where at is not be found." The Printers know what these lineq are for. -