The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, May 31, 1854, Image 1

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I)EYOTED TO SOUTHERN RIGHTS, DEMOCIACY, NEWS, LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE SCIENCEA J- - -- --L- - JOH-N S. RICIIARD)SON, J1a. ROREOS.6 TR S$1 ADVANCE THE SUMTER BANNER is Pa:Uf.silEi) Every Wednesday iorninxg fly Lewis & Richardson; ' E RRIIS, TWO DOLL A HS in advance, Two Dollars and Fifty ( .nts at. tia' expiration of six nonths or Three n)o rs at lie end of the year. No paper srontinnteel until all arrearaes are PA In, sntinis at. the <option of Lhle I'risprietor. J'.7 Ati^ertiees insterted at SFV iEN I' FIVE Cents per suiare, (13 linen or le.) for the first, and half that sua t'or *ncli susb qiaent insertion, (O licial adxertisenns Lihtnme each iime). S' Tle number a eta ions to be narked on allt Adlvertiseinent they will be p ublishetd until ordered to h continued, at. chargel accordtlsv. .r- UN10 IEOLLA t per square for a single insertion. Quarterly raii Mot ithly Advertise ments will he chargte'l the sam as a :iIngle in sertion,. and senmi-tontlily t he samte as ninw o:es My First Steeple Chase. By TiL. AUTIIOtt OPF " w1!. Sr'oRTS O F T II E wV E s T. . * Yea rs-thee, fpaces !-have passed, and yet how vivid is the 10th ofOt Ober 181 -, in my neinwiry. The large port ii of ray' web of lifWe is spun, a..d Imile is onie of mlsimisgied yarns. Well, it matters little now. I can remena her cainly the sunshine and the shadotdsw, and the gilom iest ret ro:1 eet has miaty a lightsome day and many a merry night associated with its ruollectin . Mine was indeed a carelessa ca r fanyt led all throtigh, and prudi was doubly dis:tatced. Like \ omen, many a wrong cast I made; " sltabbed with a w liute werclh's hi: eye !" consorted with " .Ephlteiani of tie old el arch,'' :ntid listened toe often to the chimes at midnight. lint, like old Jack. I leave the blame upon the vilhianus Company. anl I say with himat, I was as virtuously given as a gentle man need be." It was the first week in .uly, when having :akent tle honors of a graduate, alter a five years sojourn within the classic courts of Ahna as ia .tr, I sI.roll ed into the lRepository ins Step hten's green, to bid adieu to the old I s,. who ti thirty years had lhsrsed ,its t. r[I5in1i,.y'. It, was sale day,:nuln a ilank (pne too; thet w5o id w\a, out it towna.--t 'here were fe"w to .ell fewer .'et to )i \y. A hack not, wirth a ha y-bidTs! was knck!<ed downa to :I as airing .'e; d raper, who wanted asmeiljg -sr.iart*,'. whereupun to dtisi lim.wl ..inaa:l ly. I 'saw him ~at j uage (d with infinite .sati-ctisa, as ' lie had once Iuaned ine, evei to lay aaei:t, lor "a blieggr ly accutt'' of ulv.4A a- a pocket hadkereiets Althhao b he did not venture to alvite tine teP i of the multittide of hi: e-mso'alis, I had broken his wimdow:, ups tle evta. iag I psai<.l his hill, that dlid i ot lre. vent ie I ruin jiiatinag uat, ceatasin beauties in the gnadruped then he neath the bananer, which even had escaped the atuetioa r himanself. In deed, acscordsoag to I y shouw ing. the cardinal virtues of ;harse! flesh wre concettratecd in that matchless ani matl. Yet human judgaent is fIa!bbaIle, and the steed didl not realize the qtaalificn tion ascribed to himt by the puller and lhunself: for as the J,'veaing eost' soon after anmounced, JA r. Lutestring was rtun away with Ituosn the Rock Il oad, anil the excited cour ser, not content with dernolishit; sun. dry ribs of the unfortunate cavalier, had, from an infiiriity of visionl, comle in conatact wVith a loaded jasuntitng ear, and the coaicussion waLs so awful thtta the coampany were deposited itn a wet ditch, and the vehaicle rensdered horse de combat. I w'as about to leave the yard. when old Phil, primen insister to tihe reasos itory, ja gged tme ona the elbo hw. "St'sj a mtinute-its worth youtr whtile, Sirs. LTere's at queeri one comsin outt-hle's the devil, to) he surae. Ochl, if' haid bt tenber; and~ faere it. is.''" While hie spoke, a rattling haight-bred das k bay' horse issed froma the stables. lle 'was in the lowest. conaditiona imnagiaable; but notwithslandinig hsis pouverly, he was the ruin of' a noble animiial-hte was far f'rm heing haandsonse-thse head was coarse, the shoulders thiek; but he embodied some good points, and, thouagh cross made, toa an expeiri. enced eye, hais " eansamrnple" was excel lent-Archy, smy best man--as haoniet a grooma as ever won a liviasg-whis. pered " if' lhe had not thae go ina him s he wats the biggest villain tusder' the cano. py"-and bef'orc the animal had ma~de the third turn dowvn the run, I had -cm to at similar coniclusions. - T he groom stopped when hie had gained the vatatge grounsd. " There, gent leamen," said the auctiotneer, " there's what I call youth anad beatuty. Theure's thle amakisng of' a fortunec, aand ao mistake. TIhae lady who~ could re fuse any thing to a an witht suchl a dai sy cutter under him, would lbe hm-d~ to please indeed-runu hims down,, Lant that's action sand elegatnco-come sir'," --to a tall raw-boaned yousng grocer " I hat horse was f'oaled for' you-a gen tiemstan of your figure wotuld never .:pross anythaing but blood-this hero horse is y'otig Selt -he's o.wii Ibroth er to mi ouseCteher--cousin to A.'r giana, and tip to f;ouiteen stone with aniy tbx iounds in tke kingdon"-b t elirt seemed likely to profit little rom1 his respectable r'elationship; he had a free look. a blenisled knee, was fired behind, and had killed a iian into a the bargain-fbir' he had run off with it drunken helper, and broke the rider's neck against, the stable door--nw, in a company of sober cits, re(inirini " steady roadsters," and (( useful fini. ly horses," Selimi found little lavor; and the young grocer, even to becoie a lady-killer would not bid a sixpence. Gcntlemen, I put himt u p at fitiy," said he of' the haiinicr--"No reserve in this case-none upon honor-owner gone to the l'en insula, and orders fl'r sale absolute---Selin is a beautiliil ehairger-steady with aris"---and here he addressed a corpilent personage. wlo', as it appeared, was in yeomanry le wo uld carry you lpon p'arade, delighitfully-his courage is only equal Oed by his training--his late iaster wIuld ride hilt to a batterv"-a battery -inay heaven forgive himin !--Selii had never seen a corporal's guard relieved in his life--a cracker would raise himt sky-high, and a squilb send hint across the roade-t part of Sack ville Strcet-st , nit a whisper from the 001omp):.aiiV, and the au nti'nee'r pro cetced r: --- ienit 'men. we inu ,t sacri liee htii.--cide prernptory-sa for y.for the beutiflndoni:'s1 !i'oi' " tl ejacubated tie( grocer, "and aiter killing a grome-i -this was iI ied aL luInne hit-the auctioneci v ugliel-" hem11, hern, ratller unforita inate, but meitcm accident afttr al I--say -thirty. gentleinen -t wenit 1, teini give ie a lid"-' five." roared a jiii owner--ten, said A rely-fifteen, snout el the puller-twenty, Cried I--tlie hamnier i'I-the brother of Mouse. catcher was mine. Now, I verily believe that the whole history of SeIm a was apocryphal, ex ecpt tfae soltary t ot hi., h.ving fl ished a table-boy\. I one tili!ng. however, A rehy, :md I anan imi ons ly that to a hi'rriiig eadger lie was Worthi the iioine', ' providei lie would carry ilie basket:. WV e brought hi iii to the cunttitrv --::!gcd, ft d, ihisttud and Iphvsieked L m11, a c:u'l eim ar/Cm, t aied him (Aut upon a line sIlt iarsi, :2nt left hut to tlfil his destiuii. At this meumuorable period of it'v lif-, the Noirth of Irclaial was celebri l for its spit2 tng a-'i''ations. The l3iiynue, the l)augh. the NEwtwnbeirda halts. were all ini lill forte: and h'w 'f'th' larger towns wiimtel their own farticuitr club. Manv private gentle tici w'ere also iasters of lituidt, :imd kept their establishments ioby' Ihen tihe glo'rv of '- The Io aers'" was in its zenith, their courit rv and mmciiibei1 were alike exteisive; aintl i'geintlemtiiai attached to liebl spits within thirty Miles, whose rank and flrtune % t.ild atuthonrize his admiission, but was In rl led in this celebrated c'ub. The nIemilbers niet ann:ally in the ctintrn towns, attemtted by a p:ack of' f'.'x. hounds alll a galamt fibm2 h'wing. Theyv lived like ' ' l l King " -; playedhi drank deepl, seldm went to bed, I e Ia-;hing balls, aol set the c'u' v in a blaze for weeks betiore and iitolh-, aftlerwoids. Alas! all this is ovur 'lie el1b i- i iaoie : the [:a-k is seit tiredh; the kennel a ruin:; ' The lIan ge'rs fill thle iiarrow house-i,"' a-il where ini beian~d could rank andl wealth, and inf ltiuee, lbe ciingiega:d now iit!. Itito " The flaiig rs " I had beeni ite cintly admiui tted ; lhir ro iiet ina hadl b'een fixed fori t lie imiddlec of O:-to bei' and the Ciup. with otheri valiuable pilaltes, w'ere then to be eontecstesd. Th'en Cup' had excite~d uniusual initerest , and been ebal enged by a dozen mninbi ers,'good mieii and ti'ue, each hav'inig or believed lie had. an excellent, ebanice of wiinnhiit it. The race was three iniles over Hi/>crnice a sporting .inglicr, a break neck country ; thle weights thirteeni stonte. T1hiere was air dy e'ight, candidates in full I prepai'ation. Six decpeiided on theiir own horses, gotd, faist, hionest weighlt ca rrier's-biit two hadl gonde to, considerable expeiise, andl had secenred, "at, a bLrge figure-,'' eelebr'ated racing hunters "thra the nonce."' " What wilh not yong ambition do? In spite of' this iinighity ari'ay, I boldly added my name to the list. of ebal len ger-s, I had a slashing f'oui-year-old miar'e, whose stride aiid action are ex. ti'aordiiiary. As thiere was noe allow ance fihr age or sex the weights were certainly against hetr ; but I was not the one to despair, and even to namne her in the matceh was an honti' more thtan whorthy the entrance money. August. camie: Miranda was in bean tiiful condition, anid Arebty exhausted upon her training all the i'eeinding-sta ble and the experience of' a life, while I dreamed of' niothing but cups anid coniquest. Alas! these youthftul vis ions were suddenly dispelled, for oneo morning Miranda was found halter cast in thte stable. Shte was dead lame and lame shme cotntinued for many mtontls afterwards. I beto k miysel: to grouse shot ing, and A rehy to whii key ant rteiginl. Pounr A bchy. hi th hours of business, was an indilferent 1.thli, as the priest declared, bmt fri-tm the notnlt, a 4iorse was hurt in t raining, he never "dai l cited a entapel door." ** Augustpassed, and I would litve contitued absent. ~Lo wit ness the downIlidI of my tttbit ion was paiiful, as AIirlatda was intnuly holne. Other feelin werte arattiuunit I was deep in love, at aid 21 tit is i debecate concern. os.a lived near te; I wou'd have lorgotiten her, but that was iipiossibile. Sih was ai heiress, gentle and timid to a degree, and flul of hearing site wa-s beloved. Yet. there were tites whetn my advaflees were encur;iged, and at, least, Iiy suit was listened to, and an ill Lcncealed satislaction told that she was io'. in. different, to inmy suit.. Iler coldlness piqued me for the itornlent, and yet I .eft her persuae.1d that, of all tier sex she was best worthy of being wooed antid wo. I arrived horne for a late dinner, diseis-ed some old' port, listenecd to a l tug story, and was riusing';u ver the iitasttitune if ity Immitie, wheti.Arch popped in his head to ask " if I t*.ill take a I.ok into the stable ;" I follow cc him, and one glanice told Inc that Miranda not to figutire in the fiehl. My eyes passied rtap:dty over the stall :tid rested on a stnu'r in the u.rnei.. shetel with hImy own covers. Arcliv wit hi a knowitg look, stripped the new cnter, and the brother ii Mt i nuseeatch. er was before nie. Atid e tild this stbe he ?-the raki.,h. taitered, rijecred man i kiler of the repositor , ehit:ged into ias tine a ht se as e. er folluwed a f'-x hound ! The mystery was sitn so lveil. Arety had visited tit ait. itarsh, (wind Selimi so alteid as sea rc ly to he recogniz, took himt, and gut hiu thrugth physic, aid realy titr trainin~g. Fo''r this, indleed, the re wa~s but little time, bitl Areby <i:re "-dirltL training was best for a h:it brecd." and A rehy was right. For tny part, I could searcel' be. lieve myv es es, and enauninied Selm ctaull' to a urst iie s il iii his ileti tiy Evrrcac pl his legs hla, disaipcadc ; the biet i-It on b;s laie. ,as ha cdly "i.: bILe ; het w 1, now a :.,rt. i olang hirs .. at.J .\; eht swore Sue tter tIuti lie l iaked. I fje t J , and tvey litig itcireased co'nfidence- in th;:nn in (Af \[.,rg ina. Ills seed wVas ea ii. a-erLainied. but l hti Iticinig qjuanlt C6 wt Iknw tti south mtt. A n) th ingI :t . at, i hi-:, a se we st eluted w. II, and infl ie.nte leans wtere" fil-ur 'bvious 1' rasons avi dell d.' I lid ,ceeured', a gentleanitl to r'ide" forl Inet, Who ml ,tt'eeple enlasi.;g h:ll cos,edt htiiiselit uth gloiry, and with a rcai.. abhl:, hope ot suice~,., I a'.,aited the resit. And yet I ieve;r eau zed rI'v comn it.titors a thoutigli. W1' ith tho loie lneSS of Mlirandhi. It had plea:seJ Ih, mn to conclude t::.y raciiig Ihi-;to y. ''hey htetrd t-cettntally IInit I had piatclaiuc a ill town, tui all tIliei knew abotut himt wa. that he] had iLille 1 .1 W li this il 'traii i Iher resated .:: istied, and decided that my-elf anl mant kii-ir were e in (tnsdeintiLn:1. I kept iyS Owni cttnsel, mtid wiiL i; ut niete--tsy to r" tuvuto th.i.lie .ni ly of the ratce.grn litii. I in icuired ave .an Oulei fiarm.t,,,ite, and m,;r ie iiito waVs at porkt.tas if' we b ad necier tlf iour .tales. lnut thier'e wias one tu wher 'n :my pr ec ditngs wiete nit, itiliieetL mid thtaL oneC ws my ientl Ic I:,a. \Vitli all a thised in mliy d~5ispinLtmt; shte kne'w mty s(,eret, tot miurs were iouitg heart, atnd what aigitat cid one breaut coulId not1 bt,. interest th to ,ther, i lhe evin itg belb re t lie event fit! day, I stoile fuotw ihe einb r*oomt Lo exiIl-ag thie jairgont of the' field hitr a te te a-te wvithi myu pretty mi Lress. " hao with T iseant grapi~e," A irgedl tmy passioins lRosa Ilistenied. ,Juist theni hei tmid disturb'Ied us, and brought mec a letter lint. had b en fo rwvarded by express. I broke thle seal -dueathI to m y Ihopes! My rider hadl beeni town ii rm a coachi-box, antd lay, w ith a b-o uken, armt, ut a counitry innt some ten miiles dis Ro~isai remtarked tmy agitationt; "Is Lher e tany thintg wrontg, Atthnr ?" " Yes, deniest., I ant indeed a luck less caval icr, K(-- hats miet withI an accident, and Selimii is eonisequtenitly withont a rider." " An td he w Il niot rutn thlen, ?" laf ta mtilnite deterintes, frequent. yas well as Ltecotnsidleration of halfC ia yeair, and in that brief space I had formnedh my recsolution. " lIe will rtitn, Roa ; bunt, wvith me upon, his back what chanice can he have wvith Lhe best riders of the kingdom opposed ?" " Bit the danger, dlear Arthur." "It is not greate~r thanm fox-hunters lictilii tcr iti ~ea' I iisrla heirr "t ti v "as toto, and "I,(,, t; v :ar erv.:;i*d i .le her good niight.J I hi, triflin tg oceti rirhe el icited ri oire tVt'hat I lvli. lie i*, tilt thle firsit tin.: I [lre..cti lli~lr tu l11" 1casad er her iiil'lr lli- : ' ;r 11 s tty W ehrit, ',1W that llif11 (-S'enr evenits. ('all forth I ilgttiit Ctenius of' the indi, (1r tile: :,:k~il:;ri ! :a. I .:IlifiLcc a \Vt"I* j 't '11,4i tie aidtit. ofC rlls sp ii~t, I t, but I ente-red lit. chili iuoii hIstly;ilit andi x citeLd teehlings. !rite:accikent, to lit), rider hiadi I iniiio:'d,.iiit (1(111 SI~iii I b hoi'. not wit hiandina,. that the hiohni-li.t twill ruin,"' -,id tile ['residlent. 'l aitiu are iuicised to terns hlt:ii, wrill 1111 ; .11111 (r Wanit ,'' butter hiti~5tc iiaii, ii:; 1ii e wil r ide .1t will- if hl: ("1i1."' ae:idI:il, trcntn I weas Citli %. hingiii ei.avy odds1, anod "11 C iii! ilinie:l, nt:1il t.'-iiV genlt heilani inch i(I I') hlet thIlrill l iiltelin Iii':Ltil V saitihie-d-thi! ii Iijg at. III) expenlse 'iabtit21tlti~- alt.Iea: began~ to loo lucid'i his lri:x:. ni'Zlitfl that tile o ri hl i(r14.'tl ih i t' b t i.1", 411 thi: 1.111 n !iil i l l , * i a e I Iin a l hi lrac',tVr :Ie: ..ttniid iiahu it St1O) , j'iI on' I [a; Ilg tialani ' Vhok I iar l(J\1l21 iii itli ii likit )irunt t1he htliiali. ]e1" 014' (:1)I) visitedh the s1L~ 1,1.", :nrh- 1\ti't '1'Iic'I" t"1 rei'st t') be rrnitinig camie ::11i1 I tit I'Ithe le 1 InegLani Iu 1istt'cr that it is no Jr~ fl~i~til genlitertl it 1411 stcej'il (iiast$ fun'" 1111: first tline, under tilK (:titi tattxI 'i1(111 'i'! 80,0110 spetc? a. iii":. Buit ailiciale' t .restored'( ill). I:'r. x~ a"; (lc t r1itkn~'t' a seauk'd pack ct wvas fi:ini1. urn b ;h' T W"-uitr---lit Sont:aiIncd a . *eautif'al \"t_ I it] (p /kirt no "1' rt'htt~t :ilrl t P4 1%t~ 1:1: 1;1(1 Ii.aI al:I. e ~hi'ilth i i::a-i t ri 1 11140) *.I f(/.lilt Ibisz 1 liii. 1. Mil I 0.'., le i, II t ;;11;1'1i;. I i " .og lt l I 'ii t'.1 't' ' to 1" I2,i : ( 1.1(': 5it1 '; ' it 'll \1'i h 'ii ! l 1''i t" i14'':i t an lie I;I i i} I1 '4' 1 . I 11lt hi I, ll :1:~ j 1 l a;llt 'Ii ' : I 1,5' t~ (!! o It' ' I..,-w in "its t it a cIt'ui 14.1g .: t ii i iwi. :intI: 1 ti~to Sil \::. t't -II; I et lttei lt~i! it:11 e .L iilt'-l tilt: C;'ie _'tl 1 111:1.a It I t:.ta : ' iC- li I I jlt e"uI-. .t i. f :l I At(, flae ,': ;i-hii \\ ;. t lan'erI I fe11. il't,1 a hihaloihi 0$I t X"1ilijh, 1t 1.ii1i " le wasiii. (14711eu IL'iie lie it ; t fic hi ha '111'1'1! i nlrl th ioLtin w4.1; to ilt,! himl 11:11)0 wo I',1' a II't l; 4 11 '0: ao a; f: ahI i e h11i r gel' wet11si at'lni was 1,1 1i1'etd ^''([1ile pAli' 5\t, n 1 lie '.s'i li i :1 LJrht'ss tit ' he, had. it14,if' he hid 1"i'vei eal c he a1111 11 11)1 . t *heii I"I l .'i iC h 11,5h4 511 Ic root I r the F Iate i~'O1111 hec oai e ihig,%t atI I{ 1- II iiy WoyeSoewihI tI't I ti aio ti ; gl lop''1d a p li'te :1:11 !u PcI0 I 11n J 'i:' l,t' si yd heiri yothe-ilv.11i~l _i'e thatL ras iei of, 11103 ny haid'one ,jacket. W heu it mtet. ier eyes her cheeks were dyed wilh ilumbes, and left me at nie) loss to con ectoire whence my fancy favor came. A gain I he bugle sounded ; Comet Old F'ir-brand occupied the attention ,f the crowd, while Selim was stripped i.hiud a large marquee. To assume ny gay cap and loll'i my coat was the ,usinu:5 (it ae min ute ; mlly competitors' .ere already mioiunted,-aid I was in. >atienitly called fIor, when, f-om behind be tent, a dashing horse and gal lant iider issuCd ; our appearance elicited a 0 urornir of ap ;itause ; the owners of :omuet and Firebrand looked blank !lioiugl, and fiaitli they had good rca 'Ot. As we drew up in line, I thought lhe E glish racer appeared not to be n f.dl force. but. the determined coun e.ance of lie inimitable jockey, dress 'd in black and bulf' stripes, looked darmuing. Nor was Firebral without is friends; and the green Cap was >l.-re 1 freely against everything but me't. As to ie. people seemed to back or bet against ile, and hose who had laid the odds last night ret y heavily were hedgings now, as liut s they (onld meet with customers. Off we went in a bunch ; the bays. brown and grey, making the ruming; I saw at sionce that the pice, though se yore for them. was nothing to Comet, 1Firebranil, and miy friend the mu) ler. After a mile we tailed them off, and had the race to oursel ves. n.)eio moiety of tie ground was bro ken into tilhlat' fields and enclosu"es, the other was open meadw, allerding exclle'it ga loping, and iiterpersed uih stil' ieces. llere, having clear tie paddoeks, we increased the spec , :nd c.ame out at a killing pace. On en tering the grass lands, I found ily rivals couId not convenir'ntly gel faster. and that I was up to it well; the race was indeed beautiful. For the ncxtt mile a sheet would cover un; the fences were taken in line, and none could tell whether bl +1e, yelIojv, or gremov'amfotreml'ot, ll.df a mile from hone there' was a fenhe of tremendous size ; it was a ditch with a drain at either side, and' the fie ti hat we approached was st',c taiend?. ithi stumped thorns. It was in truti " a regulair rasper," and was :idag:ished by the country people a; - par e:xcellence"-thie big leap. A, we neared it my comp:muions gath ere:d the energies of their horses for the trial, and Solhoi lookt i as if lie wvere half i.elineitd to decline it: . fr the wiirst dine h felt. the steel, an with a ,Ilorio a: ell',rt, eare-d the furmnidable h irier in a style that drew from the ultit ile a than :ir of apphtise. Not so with my rivals; Lirebiraid i id sta k::d h:msel.! Bhe! Co~met, by his ri der's hlorsean:ilsip was iiliflerently irengi!hit aero'!-m, but st g "ering lie carle dwni oi landing, rind, in th3 mistake, lost grouu.l ie couil not recover dur ing : the ril iiola' though he did make a otniertfuil ;. ru;.gic to pull up ; but it a ai inl vain, In- ut hen I crossed the bre':.h -ck ti-:u I had the race hollow. A-.idIL dela't'iiiii cheers I was ear ried tro tne sea'es in triumphi ; I was dieclairea d even i by J uglily .Joyce, a loit ii prmi. :d my Mun-k'illc, the bst w eight carrier in the kinrglim. -a'ry t:alt haus its moral, aid so has ine:C ; never condemii a hoise untried; ti r mainiiy aL gooid ot i hats thus been sr: rit'ed. I saved Sel im l'frm slaverz y iad a jiile. n imhe wion mec four cup's and cariedi men (itur 5(iseason as1 1 was nlevet carried ail terwar ds. Nay, mnore, I (Iwe imy connub11 dial ha ppiness to miy "'I~ bonny bay."' losa was an heirtess, and I a you nger' son ; a rich r'ival was t'ecouraged by her' gardian, and in a few dayts he wlas expected to make his iiddres'ses in formz. I was flushed with vieto~iy, and she' was flattered to see hier rry favor "foremost"' in the frield. A t. the biallI that night my eloquentce was irre.d-table ; sihe smiled upaon my suil, and, to end uncertainty, and save heri guiardiant fuiture trouble, e oped with tie niext mtoring to Giretna. Years of' happiness have proved howv fortuinate our umion was, anid. if some remiinisccnes of of early indiscretion will somtimies intruide uiprn rny memory, ont two er'as I can look back witht itnalllo)ed deliht--the mo' nling whieni I rode myt) first steeple chiase, and the eveniing that I riaude Ihisa mtine. MiAuias.--The estimated value of' on ea' amiire int Enigland amounts tthree hunidred millions of' dolars wor'th miore thani the enitire foreigvn commtlerce oif the Kingdom. The to tail value of a year's crop, including reported to Par' iamennt some time ago, ats bem ug abut three thouisanid mi lliotg tof dollars ; anud that (in 1848) theitur nips)1 of Englanid, takeni ini the vhole of' their' utility, were valued ai one half of' that great sum, viz: fifteen hundr~ed millions oif dollars. Blessings on the man who owned the land, that raised the corn, that fed the goose, that bore the quill, that made the pen, that wrote the Declara-, From the Southern Cultivator. T eac Sw#eet 'otatoe---its Culture and Preserva tiiin. Aessr: Editor ving it to be a duty we all our another to re late our experience in the cultivation. successfilly, of any oir all plants, and having been a reader of your paper now for several years, thereby giving us much valued instruction, for which we are truly gratfful, and desiring to atford our inite in the productiont of a valuable root which has been very successful in our hands, and may induce others to follow the example, to their benefit ; and not to be tedious, we will state that our object in this article, is tho prodruction, cultivation and safe keeping of Sweet Potatoes of the vam variety, both yellow and red, heing Ihe c.erienee of nearly twenty years. (having at all times an abundance lor my own tmily and seed to sell;) my potatoes never rot. In the first place. as early as Febru ary as the season will admit, or by the first of March at furthe-t, spade out a trench, say four feet wide, 25 feet lung and twelve inches deep, then fill the trench with good, sound cotton seed, which I prefer,'or fresh stable manure. well forked, so that the long may he equally distributed with the short, wet it very freely wit h water, or let it re main a few days if:there be prospect of rain ; when the ground becones sulli ciently dry to be worked, cover the cotton seed or rnanure with well pul. verized e.ui to the depth of 5 or 6 inches, rake nothly and evenly, and hen earef ill ly lay down4your seed ,o not to touch each other ; when the bed isu!! (thl l size will bed ten hush els) cover th ies to the depth of Inches, ra W oth and cover the on seed al 3 inches deep. hoe e earth'all round the bed and pack he spate, (this keeps in the heat.) te ,e weather gets warm and set. tled, remove. he co'.on seed frno- the. top orthe bed and rala slightly; this giver { fine;-smooth rsurfa:-e ;or-the sprouts to come throngh. Your bed will soon be covered with sprouts growing very luxuriantly. You ean hasten and greatly improve the pro dueLiveness of the bed if'you will keep it wet with soap-suds., (the refuse of the washtnb) always purug it on tlm hed at sundown, (no other time.) This mrakes the best hot bed for po tatoes I have ever used. As early as the ground will admit. plow the piece you des' f.or potatoes very close a:l deep, ep it regn larly plowed, alterna every two weeks. When your slips in the bed are well grown, lay ofTthe ground with a turning plow, ridge over the furrows, as high as the plow will throw; then pull your slips from the bed and set them out on the top of the ridge very deep, and press on each side of the plant, always premising that your ground is broken up very deep and free from clod and in good tilth before ridging up to plant., and not ridging up the ground in dry weather, but when the earth is moist. I prefer setting, plants out in the evening late, when the earth is moist, than after a rain, and watering a few evenings a half tea cup of water will be sufl cient for a plant. Set your plants out 18 inreies apart in the ridge, Always mrake yotr ridges so that thie'y will hold tire water, arid trot run off. Now for rhe cultivation-jo abourt twvo weeks you must p1(ow down your rtdges, leaving only a sufliciencv of dirt to support the plant. Plow d'eep arnd thorourghly wvith a bull tongue, then follow im mediately iih your Carrey ot trurg plowv and throw the diir. up to the plantt arid fihl your ridge as a first- -thiis must be d'une ever week as king as the vines wi.'l amt--and( very frequettly I broak tire vinres, in order thr..t a dleep. loose soil my be ad for tire for miation of roos. hisis llthe cultivationn cessary-a hoe is rnot needed. When tire frost kills the leaves, I proceedl to dig, usinmg the plow, thie bull-tongue, breaking down tire ridge on each sid e, and then, with one deep furrow, plowttrg out the ro)ots. I gath-. er in baskets, say a bushel at a time, rand carry to a open shed--being carej ful not to bruise or break the ro* first, tire largest and soundest, en tire smallest for seed, autly, the broken ones ; pour do ~on thre tire ground, under the. si'fd, in separate piles of aboutp& bushels; whretn your are dono, epe with straw, each pile separ'at~gby, and then cover, comnplet e. lywit1hdry dirt a foot thiek, and all is Sver. Your potato's will keep as long ats yout want themr, perfectly souund. U~se the broken potatoes first, com-. mnenemig at the top of the pile. By p)uttmng onrly 30 bushels in a heap you will be better enabled to consumie themn before injury cnn take place from exposure to air arid light. You musti have a good shed open to the south and inclined 0to tbe north. This is mny.nmethod aftpr,20 years experience ; I always have on pmitmatos.U-at have to supply seed every yeatr tao nay neighbors at ote do'llar per h-,ael. I do not claim any thing fir this pia exclsinly, for thore may he athe, oqually as good; :all I ama -.f. id of': that two little attention is paid to Ith it proiluction and cultivatiosn and pre'" votion. The great major itv Of roots would weigh from A to 5 poisi The bed before described woulI out two acres at two settings. (; your sprouts as soon as possible a set (liat. I prefer the red San or Afri in:, which will produce twice as nuoav as any other, and will keep longer aas.d is of much larger growth. I only enil. tivate the two varieties of vam-ahe red and yellow. Four hindred lbse-h els to the cre can be easily rti.-el I have thought that the red or A' can yam woul be an excellent r,)! hogs. Plant about five acres ; hay pie groumnd as for cotton, then :1 and between the furrows coverinoj ridge, drop a potatoe and cover the hoe ; cultivate, and when g l'ence an acre to itself and let in hogs ; when they have used u, acre, t'enco in another, and so on, 1. they use up the patch.1 Very respectfully - Your uhda't ser v' Gi:o. D'. NonY" .New Market Ala. A Tale ofa Dinner. A certain -oun'g nian with a u, p of valuable icisure tonu', on his ha who is always enweavoring to a. time fly," whenever an .ojmpirti. is presented, overdid thi thing int since. IIc strolled out into the try" and a bright th*.nght .track' I he had not early da. would save a rn'al and'kill tiue; at.. adding t., his income and spendim that wh ch he had most of; hig will. his purpose lae sought a cottage hard by and called for dinner. The worif. dame-ikei tiaue fitrn r's'wife. tOlou our hero that she was tot preparedt. wait on, travellers,uutif.lg would ' "'i - till 12, dinner would be reai N.iW here was a favorite project hairspoitaed; .but no alternative was left: film-yet, another bright thought sprat g fro', ami empty stomach, there s ci d the clock-the dame vas tone-stealthilv hI.- crept to it and around went the hand at. hour and five ninhtes, precise ly-that unlucky five m nutes, else all had been well ; the dame had just reac'.ed her kitehen when the elmok whose infalibi ity .he had often tested. ehimned forth the imi -day, in ainaaz' 'ament she returned to the "house." " You've bin' mtedlin' with th. clock," said she to our h ro. No man,ama upon miny honor," naii Ae laid his hand wherd 'te suppoes: that article ought to lay. " You lie! that clock has stonod for 20 years and never gone o t before, the sun might be fast orA9- , but my clock never !" " I pledge you my ho"'. " Get out, you lying, mdlg insao>1 for nothing, crook'd nose, a,;. knock kneed, huanp'd shu a .'$t head, slab sided, ti ed ow l eyed, lazy. rascal ; edins- e1w to injure amy clock's reputation," atnd jzig i a chair' she mnade at him : i harm',expressed in her emi ten i ''ur hero, like Fafstaff;Aoul diaec Lion the better part of e lr, ana exhibited some spdeirrrety 4 wa - aing, seldotm seen by ou e tizens these parts. He ywhe tft thtis occurrence, " if you'w Wtdrta fur a dinner, don't taoublo thuuoick. AN Enasuossci MaBT sia-e who led the psalm tane at a meetieg a short time sinace fbdintg that the cona eluding word Jacob, baud riot M inblie enmough to fill up the music adoqgnatel v,. ended thus:-. T hat rerpind a us, say ai. of ayoung [1ss who-w np.mee c tiog and came back fuall oft th revival which thej ~ , atnd whu' die nothing for tho. lowing week b sing 4 Shoul dout, we'er gaining arou s She had the tune so pat. that alJl . jua was bait a continuntion .of ii. song, and not uanfrequently the rhyn. was two long fort the tuane. Old Jotn slipped' hn and took a bone of he tabhl. and just as he was makinmg his way ti the decor, she sung out:.. " If you donu't go' out PIti lii yb down, Youi nasty stinkin' flop enuref hruna, 0, glory hallelahab! Two Irishme'n .worogoi'ngto're of. a cannao:Jjuast fort fun ; buut. h'eing of ata econoamacal'turn of .ngin'dtheyc dno wash to lose'the ball. So oane of them took an iro'A .kettl In' his hands to catch ttiip, and'.ttionini himsejf In front orth'e ldadd pie, he exclitmed to the othier, who stood behind it hold. tng atoroh, .".TXouellttf soI y,geng